English-Ido Dictionary: A
a: (the indefinite article is not
ordinarily translated, if a certain but only partially defined
person or thing is to be indicated ula may be used).
A: (mus.) Ab: aes; A#
aback: dope; to be taken a.:
esar subite surpriz-ita o konfuz-ita o konstern-ita.
abacus: abako.
abaft: (prep.) dop; (adv.)
abandon: abandonar; -ed: (morally)
sen-etika, des-honor-inda, des-pudor-oza, deboch-anta, -ema; -ment
abandon-o, -eso
abase: (to lower, also fig.) abasar (cf.
humil-igar, koruptar); -ment: (act)
abaso, humil-igo; (state) abas-eso, humil-igo.
abashed: sham-ig-ita; konfuz(-ig)ita;
abate: (tr., intr.) diminutar; (fin.)
rabatar; (cf. reduktar; febl-igar, -eskar).
abatis: (milit.) abat-aj-aro.
abattoir: buch-eyo, -erio.
abbatial: (of persons) abad-ala; (of
place) -ey-ala.
abbess: abad-ino.
abbey: abad-eyo.
abbot: abad-(ul)o; -ship: -eso.
abbreviate: abrevi-ar (cf. kurt-igar) ;
-tion: -o, -uro.
abdicate: abdikar (cf. renuncar).
abdomen: abdomin-o; -minal:
abduct: (a woman, etc.) for-raptar; (anat.)
abed: en (od, sur) lito; (restar)
aberrant: (gen.) divag-anta, anomala; to
be a.: (astron., opt.) (intr.)
abet: incitar, helpar, sustenar; kuraj-igar;
esar komplic-(ul)o.
abeyance: (temp-ala) suspens-eso; ajorn-eso; to
fall into a.: obsolet-eskar; cesar od uzar o facar
abhor: abomin-ar (cf. hororar,
odi-egar; des-priz(eg)ar); -rence: -o, -eso; -rent:
-inda, odi-inda.
abide: (intr.) restar (en); lojar
(che); rezidar; (tolerate) tolerar; to a. by (a
decision): tenar ad, restar fidela ad; to a. by
(the laws): konform-igar su ad.
abiding: konstanta, perman-anta.
abigail: (theat.) subreto.
ability: (skill) habil-eso, talento; (power)
kapabl-eso, povo.
abject: (mean) abjekta (cf.
abjure: abjurar.
ablacate: ablaktar.
ablate: (surg.) ablacionar.
ablative: ablativ-o; a. absolute:
ablativo absoluta.
ablaze: fair-oza, flam-oza, ardor-oza.
able: kapabla; (skillful) habila; to
be a. to: povar; a. bodied: robusta,
korpo-kapabla; as one is a.: segun sua o lua
povo o moyeni; a. to hold, contain: kapac-a,
-eso (de); (cf. suffix -ebla).
ablegate: ablegato.
ablet: ableto.
abloom: flor-oza.
ablution: (relig., med.) abluciono (tr.
v.: -ar); (washing) lavo.
abnegate: (deny oneself) abnegar.
abnormal: anomala, ne-norm-ala; -ality :
-eso, -ajo.
aboard: en (o, sur) la navo, la treno ;
to go a. or alongside: abordar.
abode: loj-eyo, rezid-eyo; (permanent)
habit-eyo; (jur.) domicilo.
abolish: abolisar.
abolition: abolis-o; -ism:
-ismo; -ist: -ism-ano.
abominate: abominar.
aboriginal: (original inhabitant)
aborijen-a, -(ul)o; (native of a country) indijena,
abort: abortar.
abound: (intr.) abund-ar; -ing
: -anta.
about: (place, time, quantity)
cirkum(e); (space, time) proxim(e); (close by)
apud; (concerning) pri; to turn a.:
jirar; rotacar; to come a.: eventar; to
go a.: (begin) komencar (cf. suffix
above: (over but not in contact) super,
-e, -a (prep., adv., adj.); (top) supr-e, -a; (over
and in contact) sur-a; (further up on same level)
ad-monte; (cf. alta); to be a.:
super-esar; to rise a.: super-irar, -pasar; conduct
a. reproach: konduto ne-reproch-ebla; a. a
hundred: plu multo kam cento; a. all:
precipue; over and a. : ultre, pluse; (to
appeal) to the court a.: . . . a la plu
alta korto; a. quoted: pre-cit-ita; a.
named: supere nom-ita; a. said: supere
dic-ita; a. board: aperte, ne-cel-ata; kandida; a.
ground : sur la tero; he is a. doing that:
il esas ne-kapabla agar tale.
abrade: exkoriar; (with instr.)
abreast: flanke, flanko an flanko; sam-fronte ;
sur lineo front-ala.
abridge: abreviar, kurt-igar.
abroad: exter-lande; to walk a.:
promenar exter (la loj-eyo, e.c.); ek-irar; to live a. :
(in another country) vivar exter-lande o altra-lande; he
blazed it a.: il publik-igis la fakto omna-loke; this
tree speads its branches a.: ca arboro extensas fore sua
abrogate: abrogar.
abrotanum: abrotano.
abrupt: abrupta (cf. eskarpa, bruska).
abscess: abces-o; (v.) -eskar.
abscind: (de-)tranchar.
abscissa: abciso.
abscond: (tr., intr.) fugar (subite e
sekrete); celar su; des-aparar; -er: fug-anto;
kontumac-(ul)o; (thief) (fug-anta) sustrakt-ero, -into
absence: (opp. of present) absent-eso ;
(lack, destitution) manko, indijo; (of mind)
(ment-ala) distrakt-(ad)o, -eso; mente distrakt-ita; ne-atenc-o,
-eso; abstrakt-em-eso.
absent: absenta, ne-asist-anta; mank-anta; to
a. oneself: absent-eskar; -ee:
absent-(ul)o; a. on leave: absenta per konjedo.
absinth(e): (plant) absint-o; (liqueur)
absolute: absoluta; (fig.) vera,
perfekta, kompleta, pozitiva.
absolut-ism, -ist: absolut-ismo; -ist-a, -o.
absolution: absolv-o.
absolve: absolv-ar.
absorb: (also fig.) absorbar.
abstain: abstenar (cf. karear,
absterge: abstersar.
abstract: (in thought) abstraktar; (remove,
purloin) sustraktar, furtar; (epitomize)
epitom-igar; (adj.) abstrakt-ita, -ala (science,
question, etc.)
abstruse: abstruza (cf. profunda).
absurd: absurda.
abulia: abulio.
abuse: (misuse) mis-uzar, male
trakt-ar; (insult) insultar; (use to excess)
tro-uzar; (tr., intr.) ecesar.
abut: (intr.) abutar (ad); -ment: (as
of bridge) abutmento.
abyss: abismo.
acacia: akacio; false a., locust:
academy: (society) akademio; (school) alta
skolo (privata); liceo.
acanthus: akanto.
acarida: akaro.
accede (to): asentar; (intr.)
konsentar; (position) en-ofic-eskar.
accelerate: acelerar.
accent: (voice) acento; (written)
super-signo (por acento); -uate (emphasize) emfazar; (place
accents over) super-sign-izar.
accept: aceptar.
acceptation: (understanding) kompreno ;
(meaning) signifiko; (accepting) acepto.
access: aceso, admiso, libera en-iro; (med.)
aceso, morb-ala atako; to have a. to: (darfar)
accesion: (addition) ad-junto,
augmento; (assent) asento, konsento; (to a position)
en-ofic-esko; en-tron-esko; (access) aceso.
accessit: (honorable mention) acesito.
accesory: (aiding) help-anta, -anto;
-iva, -ivo; (subsidiary) acesor-a, -o, -ajo; a.
to: (jur.) komplic-a, -(ul)o.
accident: (mishap) acidento (mala); to
cause an a. to: acidentar; (chance occurrence)
hazardo, incindento; (bad luck) mal-chanco, des-fortuno.
accidental: (by chance) acident-ala,
hazard-ala, kazuala; kontingenta; (non-essential)
ne-esenc-a, -ala; (unintentional) ne-intenc-ita,
acclaim: aklamar.
acclimat-e, -ize: aklimatar.
accommodate: (favor) komplezar, helpar
; (adapt) akomodar, adaptar su (ad), aranjar; (provide)
donar, provizar; gast-igar, lojar; (agree) konkord-ar,
accommodating: (obliging) komplez-ema (cf.
polita, afabla).
accompany: akompanar (also mus.).
accomplice: komplic-(ul)o, kun-kulp-into.
accomplish: (perform) facar,
efekt-igar, exekutar, real-igar; (finish) (par-)finar;
komplet-igar; -ed: (expert) experta,
habila; (having many accomplishments) talent-oza,
mult-arta; (finished) tote o par-fin-ita; -ment
: (execution) efekt-igo; (fulfilment)
plenigo, real-igo; (exploit) prod-ajo; (excellence
of manners, mind) soci-et-ala arti; talento.
accord: (of sounds) akordar (cf.
konsonancar); (agree) (intr.) konkordar; of
one's own a.: spontane, vole; with one a.:
un-voce, unanime, kun (o en) una konkordo komuna; inter-konsente
; to be in a.: inter-konkordar; inter-akordar; -ing
to: segun (ke); konforme ad; -ingly :
konseque, do, tale, konforme.
accordion: akodeono.
accost: parolar (ad ulu); (fig.)
accouchment: akusho.
account: (reckon) kalkular; (count)
kontar; (estimate) evaluar, judikar; a. for:
explikar; justifikar; (be responsible for) responsar
account: (bill, bookkeeping, banking)
konto; (invoice) fakturo; (statement of receipts and
expenditures) etato; (computation) kalkul-(ur)o; (counting)
kont-(ad)o, enumero; (narrative) naraco, historio;
rakonto; asert-o, -ajo; deskripto; (explanation)
expliko; (importance) grav-eso, importo; a.
book: konto-libro, registro; old a.:
anciena konto; current a.: konto kur-anta; to
pay on a.: konte pagar; to make up an a. :
kalkular konto; outstanding a.: konto
ne-sald-ita; overdrawn a.: konto des-kovr-ita; bank
a.: bank-konto; statement of an a.:
etato di konto; in a. with: en konto kun; on
a. of: pro (ke); on no a.: tote ne; to
call to a.: demandar o postular expliko; to take
into a.: en-kalkular, konsiderar anke; to turn
to a.: profitar (per), avantaj-izar (ulu); joint
a.: reciproka konto; to open an a.:
komencar konto (kun, ye, che); on your a.: pro
egardo od estimo por vu; by all accounts: segun
omna naraci (deskripti, e.c.).
accountable: (explicable) explik-ebla ;
(responsible) respons-anta, -iva.
accountant: kont-isto, registr-isto.
accountancy: konto-cienco, -arto.
accoutre: equipar; vest-izar; arm-izar.
accoutrements: milit-ala vest-aro, soldat-ala
acesor-aji (ledra, e.c.).
accredit: akreditar.
accretion: augment-o, -uro; kresk-o; akumul-o,
accrue: augmentar; rezultar (de); konsequar
(de); amas-eskar.
accumulate: akumular.
accumulator: (elec.) akumulatoro.
accurate: korekta; (not used of person)
exakta; (precise) preciza.
accursed: damn-ita, maledik-ita; odi-inda,
abomi-inda, mal-ega.
accusative: akuzativo.
accuse: akuzar.
accustom: kustum-igar.; to be a.-ed:
kustumar (cf. aklimatar).
ace: (cards, dice) aso; a. of
hearts: kordi-aso.
acephalous: sen-kapa.
acerb: acerba.
acetic acid: acet-acido.
acetimeter: acetometro.
acetylene: acetileno.
ache: (intr.) dolorar; head a.:
achieve: plen-igar, atingar, ganar, obtenar (see
accomplish); -ment: prod-ajo ;
plen-igo; suceso, vinko; fac-ajo.
achromatic: akromata.
acid: acid-a, -o, -ajo.
acidimeter: acidometro.
acknowledge: konfesar; (admit)
agnoskar; (attest) atestar; a.ment of debt:
deb-atesto; a. the receipt of: (letters,
etc.) quit-igar la recevo, avizar (ulu) pri la recevo,
atestar la recevo di.
acme: apogeo, kolmo, somito; perfekt-eso; maxim
alta punto.
acne: akneo.
acolyte: akoluto.
aconite: akonito.
acorn: glano.
acoustic-s, -al: akustik-o, -ala.
acquaint: konoc-igar, informar, avizar; to
be a.ed with: konocar (ulu, ulo); to become a.ed
with: konoc-eskar; a.ance: (act)
konoc-o, (person) -ato.
acquiesce: konsentar (pri); asentar; submisar
acquire: aquirar.
acquit: sen-kulp-igar, absolvar, pardonar;
des-charjar (sua koncienco); pagar, quit-igar (deb-ajo); kondutar
su (bone, male); exekutar (sua komisiono), satisfacar (sua devo).
acre: 0,405 hektaro.
acrid: (all senses) akra.
acrimonious: akr-ega, bitra, des-dolca.
acrobat: akrobato; -ic: -ala.
acromion: akromio.
acropolis: akropolo.
across: (through with motion) tra, -e ;
(on the other side) trans, -e, -a; (crosswise)
transvers-a, -e; to go a.: trans-irar; tra-irar.
acrostic: akrostiko.
acroterium: akroterio.
act: (intr.) agar; efikar; efekt-igar,
produktar; (perform functions) (intr.)
funcionar; (conduct) kondutar; (play the part of)
plear (rolo di); (feign) fingar, simular; -ing :
(theat.) ple-ado; (shamming) fing-ado; (substitute)
suple-anta, -anto; -ion : (battle)
batalio, kombato; (deed) ago, faco; (effect) efekt-o,
-igo; (lawsuit) proceso; (of a machine)
funcion-ado; to bring action: (intr.)
procesar; act as noun see v. and action;
(theat., legal) akto; (cf. stroko); actionable:
pri qua on povas procesar; punis-ebla.
actinia: aktinio.
active: ag-iva, -ema; ajila; alerta; (opposed
to passive) aktiva (also used in com., gram., milit.
senses); a. voice: aktivo.
actor: (theat.) aktoro; (gen.)
actual: aktuala, reala, fakta, nuna; -ity
: (quality) aktual-eso, (thing) -ajo,
real-ajo; -ize: aktual-igar; -ly:
fakte, aktuale, reale, vere, ya.
actuary: akt-isto; (com.) experta
actuate: (instigate) impulsar, movar,
acumen: saj-eso, (ment-ala) akut-eso,
subtil-eso, dicern-iv-eso.
acute: (gen.) akuta; sagaca; intensa,
violent-oza, penetr-anta, -ema.
adage: proverbo, sentenco.
adamant: hard-ega, ne-penetr-ebla; stal-atra,
ad infinitum: sen-limite, sen-fine.
ad libitum: segun-vole, arbitrie, segun
ad nauseam: til nauzeo.
ad valorem: segun-valor-a, -e.
adapt: (gen.) adaptar; (tech.)
ajustar, ad-just-igar, akomodar; -ed: adapt-esar
(ad); konven-anta, apta.
add: (arith.) adicionar; (sum up)
sum-igar; (phys. sense) ad-juntar; (in speaking)
dicar anke.
addendum: ad-junt-ajo.
adder: vipero.
addicted to: konsakr-ita (ad), okup-ata (pri),
fevor-anta (por); suff. -em-.
addition: (math.) adiciono; (thing
added) ad-junt-ajo; in a.: pluse,
suplemente, ultre; -al: ad-junt-ita, suplement-a, -ala; plusa;
extra-; plu-mult-a, -o.
addled: (as eggs) putr-inta.
addle-pated: stulta, kapo vakuo.
address: (discourse) (intr.)
diskursar; (speak to) parolar (ad ulu); (a letter)
adres-izar; (apply oneself) aplikar su, devot-igar su; (woo)
kurtezar; (make ready) preparar (su).
address: (skill) habil-eso; (abode)
resid-eyo; (on a letter) adreso.
adduce: atenc-igar (ulo da ulu); ofrar por
konsidero; alegar; citar.
adducent: ad-dukt-anta, -iva.
adduction: ad-dukto.
adept: adepto, habil-(ul)o; (fig.)
adequate: adequata, sufic-anta, sat multa.
adhere: (also fig.) (intr.)
adher-ar, (tr.) -igar; (cf. gluntinar).
adiabatic: adiabata.
adieu: adio; to bid a.: adiar
(ulu); a. for the present: til la ri-vido.
adipose: gras-a, -oza, -atra.
adjacent: ad-jac-anta , apuda, kontingua; to
be a.: ad-jacar.
adjective: adjektiv-o; -al: -a,
adjoin: ad-juntar; (intr.) apud-esar,
esar kontingua.
adjourn: ajornar.
adjudge: adjudikar.
adjudicate: adjudikar.
adjunct: ad-junt-ajo, -uro; acesor-o, -ajo; (professor,
etc.) adyunt-a, -(ul)o.
adjure: adjurar.
adjust: ad-just-igar, koordinar; (tech.)
ajustar, akomodar; (by compromise) transaktar.
adjutant: adjutanto.
administer: (by government or owner)
administrar; (for an owner) jerar; (justice)
facar judici-(ad)o; (give) donar.
administration: (act) administr-(ad)o ;
jer-(ad)o; (as an establ.) administr-erio, guvern-erio;
(managing staff) administrant-aro; (cabinet)
ministre-erio; (executive department) ministr-erio; (administrator
of some public business) intendanto; (of a business)
jer-anto, -isto.
admirable: admir-inda; -bly:
admiral: admiral-o; -ty: -erio.
admire: admirar.
admit: (let in) admisar, en-ir-igar
(ulu, ulo); (into a society) agregar; (receive as
guest) aceptar, gast-igar; (own as right, wrong, false,
etc.) agnoskar; (permit) permisar; (confess)
admix: inter-, en-mixar.
admonish: (reprove) reprimandar; (caution)
avertar; konsilar; exhortar.
ado: bruis-ego, agit-eso, ecit-eso.
adolescence: adolec-o, -tempo, -evo; -scent:
adolec-anta, -anto; to be a.: adolecar.
adopt: adoptar.
adore: adorar, am-egar; (between sexes)
adorn: ornar, (plu-)beligar, garnisar.
adraganth: (gum) adranganto.
adrift: drift-anta; to set a. abandonar (sen
proviz-uri); to be a.: driftar.
adroit: habila; ruz-oza; experta.
adsorb: adsorbar.
adulate: flat-ar, -egar, -achar.
adult: adult-a, -(ul)o; (state) -eso ;
(fig.) viro (of men only).
adulterate: fals-igar, des-pur-igar; alterar.
adultery, to commit: (intr.) adulterar.
adumbrate: skisar, esbosar.
advance: (in space, time) (tr.,
intr.) avancar; (go before) avan-irar; (in rank)
promocar; (an argument) alegar; to pay in a.:
anticipe pagar; in a.: (space) avan-e;
(time) ante-e; avance; (progress) (intr.)
progresar; to cause to a.: avanc-igar (ulo).
advantage: avantajo; to a.:
avantaj-izar, profitar; to take a.: (bad
sense) male traktar, mis-uzar, explot-achar; (in a good
sense) profitar (de); -ous: avantaj-oza,
profit-ig-iva, -anta, -oza, -ebla; oportuna; interest-oza.
advent: (arrival) arivo, ad-veno; (season)
adventure: (to go on a.s) (intr.)
aventurar; (risk) riskar; -ous: (persons)
risk-ema, aventur-ema; (life) risk-oza, aventur-oza.
adverb: adverb-o; -ial: -a,
adversary: advers-(ul)o; (cf. enemiko,
opoz-anto, antagonisto).
adverse: adversa, kontrea , des-favor-oza.
adversity: des-fortuno, des-felic-eso.
advert (to): aludar (ulo).
advertise: (puff) (tr., intr.)
reklamar; (announce) anuncar; publik-igar; (by
posters) afish-igar; -ment: (as found
in newspapers) anunco.
advisable: (expedient) prudenta; (recommendable)
advise: (give a.) konsilar (ulo ad
ulu); (caution) avizar; (inform) informar,
notifikar; ill a.d: des-prudenta; -ability
: saj-eso, util-eso, konveno.
advocacy: defenso, interceso, rekomendo.
advocate: (barrister) advokato; (v.)
remomendar; (tr., intr.) pledar; defensar.
advowee: patrono.
adz(e): duv-hak-ilo.
aegis: edigo.
aerate: aer-izar.
aerial: aer-ala; (wireless) ateno; a.
navigation: aero-navig-ado.
aerie: aglo-nesto.
aerobia: aerobi-i.
aerodrome: avacio-hangaro.
aerolite: aerolito.
aerometer: aerometro.
aerometry: aerometrio.
aeronaut: (of a dirigible, gas)
aero-nav-isto; (aeroplanes) aeroplan-isto.
aeronautics: aero-navigado.
aerophobia: aero-timo.
aeroplane: aeroplano.
aeroscope: aeroskopo.
aerostat: (balloon without motive power)
aerostatics: aerostatiko.
aesthetics: estetik-o; -ic(al):
afar: (de) fore.
affable: afabla.
affair: afero, koncerno; foreign a.s. :
extera aferi; love a.: amor-ala afero; -s:
(business) aferi.
affect: (move emotionally, med.)
afektar, emoc-igar; (mentally) influar, impresar; (have
an effect on) efekt-igar; (tr., intr.) afektacar;
simular; (unnerve) komocionar; -ation: (mannerism)
affection: (feeling) afeciono;
inklin-o, -eso; (sickness) morbo; afekto; malad-eso; (fondess)
afeciono, amo; (between sexes) amoro; to have an
a. for: afecionar (ulu, ulo); -ation: (mannerism)
afferent: ad-dukt-anta, -iva.
affiance: fianc-ar, (act) -o; the
a.ed: finac-ita, ge- -iti.
affidavit: jur-deklaro, atesto (skrib-ita ed
affiliate: fili-al-igar; (adopt)
adoptar; (receive) admisar; agregar; (consort with)
affinity: afin-eso; to have an a. to:
afin-esar (ad).
affirm: afirmar.
affix: sur-pozar, ad-pozar, ad-juntar; (gram.)
afflatus: inspir-eso (de-ala).
afflict: afliktar, tribular; (tr., intr.)
sufrar; (intr.) dolorar.
affluence: rich-(eg)eso, abundo, lux-ego.
affluent: rich-ega, lux-oza; abund-anta; (tributary)
afflux: ad-flu-(ad)o.
afford: (furnish) furnisar, produktar;
donar; I cannot a. the time: me ne povas trovar
la tempo (libera); I cannot a. it : mea moyeni
ne permisas, me ne povas sustenar o suportar la spensi di, me ne
esas sat richa.
afforest: (plant trees) arbor-izar.
affray: meleo; (publika) tumulto, kombat-o,
-acho; disput-bat-(ad)o.
affright: pavor-igar; teror-igar.
affront: (face) afrontar; (insult)
affuse: afuzionar.
afield, to go far: irar tre fore.
afire: flam-if-anta, brul-anta.
aflame: flam-oza, fair-oza, flam-anta; (also
fig.) ardor-anta, -oza.
afloat: flotac-anta, drift-anta (sur l'aquo); (rumors,
etc.) cirkul-anta; to get a.: (refloat)
afoot: pede; (astir) mov-anta; to
go a.: ped-irar.
aforegoing: antea, pre-ir-anta.
aforehand: antee, anticipe.
aforesaid: ante-, supra-dic-ita (-mencion-ita,
-nom-iz-ita); pre-cit-ita.
aforethought: pre-intenc-ita, pre-medit-ita.
aforetime: olim, -a.
a fortiori: pro plu forta motivo.
afoul: inter-tord-ita, -ite; inter-shok-ita,
afraid, to be: (fear) pavorar; (be
apprehensive) timar (ke).
afresh: (anew) nove; (again)
aft: (ad-)dop-e, -a.
after: (in time) (prep., adj.,
adv., conj.) pos, -a, -e, (de-)pos ke; (in space)
dop, -a, -e; (concerning) pri, relate; (according to)
segun; to go or come a.: sequar; dop-irar; to
be a.: (seek) serchar (cf. querar); (pursue)
persequar; to look a.: (superintend)
surveyar; a. ages: posa yar-centi, futura
yar-centi; a. all: fine, laste, konkluze; sume;
funde; a. birth: placento; (fig.)
stroko ne-expekt-ata; kontre-stroko; a. days:
dii ven-ata, -onta; a. dinner : pos-dine-o, -e,
-a; a. growth: ri-kresk-ajo; a. most:
maxim dopa; a.noon : (in the) pos-di-mez-o, -e; a.
pains: koloki; a.taste: posa saporo; a.thought
: posa penso; a.ward(s): pose, de-pos
(ke); seque; plu tarde.
again: itere; (furthermore) plus-e; once
a.: ankore un-foye; as much a.:
du-opla; a. and a.: plur-foye, mult-foye; as
large a.: du-ople granda kam (to); never a.:
nul-tempe; now and a.: okazione. Note: cf.
suffix ri- for this meaning: ri-venez morge: come
again to-morrow: ri-naskar: to be born again, etc.
against: (opposition) kontre; (position)
an, apud, opoz-ite, -ita; a. my return: por la
tempo di mea retro-veno.
agamic: agama.
agape: (mouth) be-ante; (love
feast) agapo.
agaric: agariko.
agate: agato.
agave: agavo.
age: (v.) old-eskar; (make look old)
old-igar; (to be so many years old) (tr., intr.)
age: (n.) evo; (historical sense)
yar-cento, epoko; antiqu-eso; middle a.s:
mez-epoko; middle aged woman: hom-ino (od
muliero) mez-eva; a. of reason: racion-evo; evo
di dicerno; dicern-ala evo; to be of a.: esar
majora; under a.: minora; to come of a.:
major-eskar, atingar major-eso; aged : ev-anta,
-oza; des-yuna, grand-eva; aged forty years:
ev-anta 40 yari; aged: (collect.)
old-aro; to be of an a. to: sat evar por; to
bear one's a. well: portar bone sua evo.
agency: (establ.) agent-erio; (function)
-eso; (office) -eyo (cf. ofic-eyo, kontoro;
faktorio); (operation) agent-eso, efekt-igo;
mediac-(ad)o, influ-(ad)o.
agenda: agendo.
agent: (all senses) agent-o, -(ul)o; (com.
only) komision-isto; reprezent-anto, -ero.
agglomerate: aglomerar.
agglutinate: aglutinar; (tr., intr.)
aggrandize: (plu-)grand-igar, -eskar.
aggravate: (irritate) iritar, vex-etar,
provokar; agacar; (render more serious) plu-grav-igar,
-eskar; (augment) augmentar, intens-igar.
aggregate: (admit into a society)
aggression: atako.
aggrieve: chagren-igar; afliktar; ofensar.
aghast: horor-ar (pro ulu, ulo); aston-eg-ata ;
konstern-ata, -ita.
agile: ajila.
agio: ajio.
agiotage: (stock-jobbing) ajiot-(ad)o.
agitate: (phys., mental) agitar; (intr.)
emocar; ecitar; (a question) diskutar; (fig.)
agitar; -or: (person) agit-anto, -ero ;
(instr.) agit-ilo.
aglossity: (tongueless state) aglosi-o.
aglow: varm-ega, ardor-anta, -oza; lum-anta,
-oza; bril-anta.
ago: ante; ten years a.: dek
yari ante nun; not long a.: ne-longe antee,
ne-longa tempo antee; some time a.: ante kelka
agonize: (be in anguish) angorar; (be
in death agony) agoniar; (torture) tormentar; -ing
: angor-ig-anta.
agony: see agonize.
agoraphobia: agorafobio.
agraffe: agrafo.
agrarian: agr-ala; (person) agr-ano,
agree: (harmonize) (intr.)
konkordar; (gram., music) akordar (pri); (consent)
(inter-)konsentar (pri), asentar, adoptar, exaucar, (intr.)
konvencionar; a. with: (suit) (intr.)
agreeable: agreabla, plez-anta; a.bly
to: konforme ad, segun.
agriculture: agro-kultiv-(ad)o; -al:
-a, -ala; -ist: -isto.
agrimony: agrimonio.
agronomics: (theory of agriculture)
agronomist: (scientific agriculturist)
aground, to run: (intr.) strand-ar, (tr.)
-igar; (adj.) -ig-ita.
ague: intermit-anta febro (malari-ala).
ah: ha!; ho ve!
aha: aha!
ahead: (time) ante; (space)
avan, -e; avance; to get a. of: (outstrip)
devancar (ulu); ahead (in motion)
ad-avane; to go on a.: irar avane; pre-irar; to
have a wind a.: havar vento kontrea; go a.:
avanc-e, -ez.
ahoy: ho!; ship ahoy: navo ho!
aid: helpar (cf. sokursar).
aide-de-camp: adjuntanto (di generalo).
aigrette: (plum-)penach-eto.
aigulet: tago-kordono.
ail: (mental suffering) (intr.)
chagrenar; (physical) (intr.) dolorar; what
ails you?: quo chagren-igas o dolor-igars vu?
ailanthus: ailanto.
aileron: alo.
ailment: malad-eso, dolor(et)eso; (disease)
aim: (tr., intr.) vizar (a
projectile); apuntar (a gun); lansar, direktar (a
blow); (fig.) aspirar, ambicionar.
aim: (n.) vizo, apunto; skop-o, -punto,
-plako; intenco, projeto; line of a.: viz-lineo;
to miss one's a.: faliar la skopo; aimless:
air: (ventilate) aer-izar, ventilar;
pozar en aero; (one's views) expozar.
air: (n.) aero; (tune)
melodio, ario; (appearance) aspeketo, mieno, maniero; to
put on a.s: afektacar la gracii; facar mieni o
mien-achi; in the open a.: en la libera aero; to
take the a.: promenar; downcast a. :
depres-ita mieno; a. balloon: balon(eg)o
(aerostata); a. brake: aero-freno; a.
bubble: aero-bul(et)-o; a. castle:
kastelo en aero, kimera kastelo; a. blast nozzle:
tuyero; a. cane: (gun) serbatano; aired
: aer-iz-ita, ventil-ita; draught of a.:
aer-flu-ato; airily: lejere, frivole,
des-serioze; a. hole: aer-fenestr-(et)o,
-tru(et)o; a. thread: (gossamer) filandro; a.ship
: aer-navo direkt-ebla; a. therapeutics:
aero-terapio; a.tight: aer-espruva.
aisle: pas-voy-eto; (side wing)
later-ala navo.
ajar: mi-, parte apertita.
ajour: (open work) ajuro.
ajutage: (nozzle, spout) ajuto.
akimbo, with arms: kun la pugni sur la hanchi.
akin: (persons) parenta (ad); (things)
simila (ad), afina.
alabaster: alabastro.
alack: ho ve!
alacrity: vivac-eso, alert-eso; (eagerness)
a la mode: segun la modo, segun-moda.
alarm: (frighten) pavor-igar; (apprehension)
tim-ar, -igar; sound the a.: alarmar, son-igar
l'alarmo; a. clock: vek-horlojo; -ist :
alarm-ema; -emo, -isto; shout of a.:
alarm-klamo; false alarm: mis-alarmo; a.
signal: alarm-signalo; a. bell:
alas: ho ve!
alb: albo.
albatross: albatroso.
albeit: quankam.
albescence: blank-eso, -esko; -cent:
albino: albin-a, -(ul)o; -ism:
album: albumo (fotograph-ala, e.c.).
albumen: (white of egg) albumeno.
albumin: (chem.) albumino.
albuminoid: albuminoid-a, -o.
albuminous: albumin-oza.
albuminuria: albuminurio.
alburnum: alburno.
alcade: alkado.
alchemy: alkemi-o; -ist: -isto.
alcidae: alcedo.
alcohol: alkoholo.
alcove: alkovo.
aldehyde: aldehido.
alder: alno; black a.:
frangulo; a.berry: frangulo-bero.
alderman: komon-ala konsil-ero; (French
echevin) skabino; board of a.: komon-ala
ale: biro, blonda biro Angla; a.house :
aleak: lik-e, -anta.
alembic: alambiko.
alert: alerta; (vigilant) vigil-ema.
aleurone: aleurono.
alexandrine (verse): alexandrin-a, -e.
alfalfa: luzerno.
alfenid: alfendio.
al-fresco: en libera aero.
alga: algo.
algebra: algebro.
algorism: algoritmo.
alias: (noun) pseudonimo; (adv.)
alibi: alibio.
alidade: alidado.
alien: stranjer-a, -(ul)o; (fig.) fora.
alienate: (property, rights, etc.)
alienar; (friends) enemik-igar; -tion: to be in a state
of mental a.: (intr.) alienacar.
alienist: mento-mediko.
aliform: alo-forma.
alight: decensar (ad); pazar de; perch-igar; (adj.)
acend-ita; lum-oza, fair-oza, brul-anta.
align: rekt-igar; en-line-igar.
alike: (adj.) simila (ad), egala; (adv.)
same; egale, simile; to be a.: simil-esar.
aliment: nutr-ivo; (sustenance in a wide
sense, fuel, provisions, etc.) aliment-ivo; a.
canal: nutr-ala kanalo.
alimony: pensiono aliment-ala, -anta.
aliquot: quant-ima. (?)
alive: (in state of action) agiva; (full
of) plena de; (living, not dead) viv-anta,
ne-mort-inta, konoci-oza; (sensitive) sent-ema, -iva; to
be a.: (tr., intr.) vivar; look a.:
mov-ez vu, mov-eskar, agitar su; the best man a.:
la maxim bon-ulo en la mondo; to be a. to (the gravity
of): (tote) komprenar; to keep a. (support):
alizerin(e): alizarino.
alkali: alkalio.
alkaloid: alkaloid-a, -o.
all: (adj.) (collectively)
omna; (each: every single one) singla; all the:
(meaning the whole) la tot-a, la ensembl-a, -o; (everything)
omno; (everyone) omni; all three: omna
tri (or, omni tri); a. the world: la
tota mondo; a. the family: la tota familio (Note:
tot-a refers to the whole of one thing); after
a.: sume, definitive, fine, funde, en tote; in
a.: en-tote; a. at once: (suddenly)
subite; instante; a. but: preske, presk-eg-e; not
at a.: tote ne; a. right: bone; a.
sorts: omna-speca; to be a. right (in health):
san-esar; a. alone: tote sola; a. along:
dum la tota tempo; a. the better: tante plu
bone; a. in a.: en-tote, tal(a) quala (lo esas);
a. the same: egala; (conj.) malgre ke; a.
told: sume, en-tote; once for a.:
unfoye por sempre; a. one: tote la sama,
indiferanta; a. the more so as: tante plu . . .
ke; a. the better because: tale plu bone ke.
allantois: alantoido.
allay: alej-ar; kalm-igar, -eskar; temperar,
moderar; pac-igar, -eskar.
allege: alegar; -ation: aleg-ajo, (act)
-o; (pretend) pretextar.
allegiance: fidel-eso, loyal-eso, devot-eso;
obedi-em-eso; (feudal) vasal-eso; oath
of a.: fidel-eso-juro.
allegor-y, -ical: alegori-o, -ala.
alleviate: alejar, moderar, paliatar.
alley: (small street) strad-eto; (lane,
as in a garden) aleo; blind a.:
alliance (to make an): (tr., intr.)
federar; (ally families by marriage) aliancar; (noun)
feder(ur)o, ligo, uniono, kun-federo, asocio; alianco,
intermariajo, parent-eso; an offensive a.:
atak-iva federo; allied: (by marriage)
parenta (di, ad).
alligator: aligatoro.
alliterate: (tr., intr.) aliteracar.
allocate: atribuar, asignar.
allocution: (pap-ala, form-ala) diskurs(et)o.
allodium: (freehold estate) alodio.
allonge: (legal; bills of exchange)
allopathy: alopatio.
allot: distributar, donar, asignar; -ment: (assigned)
parcelo, loto, porciono, parto.
allotropic: alotrop-a.
allow: (permit) permisar, yur-izar,
lasar; (tolerate) tolerar; (admit) agnoskar,
koncesar; (allocate) donar (cf. allot); (give
a discount to) rabatar; a. me: permisez a
me; to a. one's self to: lasar su (facar); a.
for: sustracionar; egardar; provizar; -able :
permis-ebla, ad-las-ebla, admis-ebla, legitima, yur-iz-ita,
allowance: permiso, autoritato; admiso;
grant-ajo, porciono; redukt-o; (ration) porciono; to
put on (short) a.: porcion-izar (ulu); to make
a. for: (indulge) indulgar.
alloy: (lit. and fig.) aloyar.
allspice: pimento.
allude to: aludar.
allure: lurar.
alluvion: aluviono.
ally: see alliance; (noun)
(kun-)feder-ito; alianc-ito; help-anto, -ero; asoci-ito.
almanac: (table of days) kalendrio; (yearly,
with variety of information) almanako; (astronomical)
alme(h): almeo.
almighty: omno-pov-ant-a, -o.
almond: mandel-o, (tree) -iero; milk
of a.s : mandel-lakto; burnt a.:
pralino; a. eyes : mandel-atra okuli; a.
sweetcake: marcipano.
almoner: almon-anto, -ero, -isto.
almost: preske; (cf. promixe, ne-tote,
alms : almon-o, -ajo; to give a. :
(intr.) almonar; a.giving: almono,
karitato; a.house : hospico por la povri.
aloe: aloo.
aloft: supre; en l'aero; (nav.) en la
top-o, -i; to go a.: acensar la masto, irar a la
alone: (without company) sol-a, -e; (aside)
apart-a, -e; (living a.) solitara; (unique)
unika; let me a.: livez me! ne ted-ez me! lasez
me repozar; permisez a me facar; to do a.: facar
sen helpo, per ipsa povo.
along: (at the side of) along-e; apud,
flanke; (onward) ad-avane; (together) kune; to
go a. : along-irar; come a.: venez kun
me; all a.: dum la tota tempo; apud la voyo; -side:
(prep.) apud; flanke; bordo an bordo; to go
a.side : abordar.
aloof: eskarte, aparte.
alopecia: alopecio.
alose: (shad) aloso.
aloud: laute; aud-eble, klare.
alp: (alpine pasture) alpo.
alpaca: (animal) alpako; (cloth)
alpenstock: monto-bastono, alp-bastono.
alphabet: alfabeto.
alpine: alp-ala.
already: ja.
also: anke; but a.: ma anke.
altar: altaro; (chancel) santuario; high
a. : chefa altaro; a. cloth:
altaro-tuko; a. piece: altaro-tabelo; a.
screen: retablo.
alter: chanjar; altr-igar; (for the worse)
alterar; modifikar; -able: chanj-iva, -ema;
vari-iva, -ebla, -ema; -ation: chanj-(ad)o, (state)
-eso; (partial) modifik-o, -uro, -eso.
altercation: disput(ad)o, -acho.
alternate: (intr.) alternar, (tr.)
-igar; (adj.) -anta; (substitute, person)
substituc-ato, (thing) surogato; -tion:
altern(ad)o; -tive: (choice, option)
althaea: alteo.
although: quankam.
altitude: (geog.) altitudo; at
an a. of: ye altitudo de.
alto: alt-a, -o; a. violin:
alto, alto-violino.
altogether: en-tote, tote, ensemble, komplete.
alto-relievo: alta reliefo.
altru-ism, -ist: altru-ismo, -isto.
alum: aluno.
alumina: (chem.) alumino; -ous
: -oza, -atra.
aluminum: (metal) aluminio.
alumnus: grad-iz-ito, ex-studento.
alveolus: alveolo.
always: sempre.
a.m.: (ante meridiem) matine.
amadou : tindro.
amalgam: amalgamo; -ate: (metals
and fig.) amalgam-igar; kun-fuzar; mixar, unionar; -ation
: amalgam-igo, -ig-uro.
amaneunsis: kopi-isto, skri-help-isto,
amaranth: amaranto.
amass: amas-igar, akumular.
amateur: amoro, dilet-anto; to be a a.
in: diletar.
amatory: amator-ala, -oza, -ema, -atra.
amaurosis: amauroso.
amaze: aston-egar; stupor-igar; -ing :
aston-eg-anta, extraordinara.
amazon: amazono.
ambage(s): ambaj-o, -i.
ambassador: ambasad-isto.
amber: sucino.
ambergris: ambro.
ambidextrous: ambidextra.
ambient: cirkond-anta, media.
ambiguous: ambigua.
ambition: ambicio; to have an a. of:
ambicionar (ulo).
amble: (intr.) amblar.
amblyopic: ambliop-a.
ambo: ambono.
ambrosia: ambrozio.
ambulance: (field hospital) ambulanco ;
(vehicle) furgon-ambulanco; a. attendant:
ambulant: migr-anta, voyaj-anta, march-anta,
promenanta; mov-anta.
ambuscade: embusk-ar, -o, -eyo.
ambush: embuskar, -o, -eyo.
ameer, amir: emiro.
ameliorate: (plu-)bon-igar, -eskar.
amen: "amen".
amenable: (liable) respons-anta, -iva ;
judici-ebla, judik-ebla; (tractable) obedi-ema,
submis-ema; (under jurisdiction of) resortis-anta.
amend: (rectify a defect; a. a law)
emendar; (correct) korekt-igar; (better)
(plu-)bon-igar; a.ment to an a.ment :
sub-emendo; to make a.s: kompensar, indemn-izar;
amende honourable: publika penitenco;
amenity: afabl-eso, -ajo; agreabl-ajo, -eso.
ament: amento.
amethyst: ametisto.
amiable: afabla.
amianthus: amianto.
amicable: amik-ala; kordi-ala; pac-ema.
amid(st): (space) meze (di); (persons,
things) inter.
amide: amido.
amidol: amidolo.
amidships: mez-nav-e, -o.
amiss: des-justa, -e; eror-e, male; to
take a.: ofens-esar da; mis-.
amity: amik-eso; paco.
ammonia: (chem.) amoniako.
ammoniacal gas: amon-o, -gaso.
ammonite: (fossil) amonito.
ammonium: amonio.
ammuntion: municion-o, -i; a. wagon:
amnesia: (to have) (intr.)
amnesty: (to grant a. to) amnestiar.
amnion: amniono.
amoeba: amebo.
among(st): (persons, things) inter; (in
middle) meze (di).
amorous: amor-anta, -oza, -ema.
amorphous: amorfa.
amortize: amortisar.
amount: (quantity) quanto; (sum
total) sumo; a. to: (be equivalent)
egal-esar (ulo); to reckon the a. of: (value)
amour: amor(et)o; amor-ala relato, intrigo.
amour-propre: propr-amo.
amphibi-ous, -an: amfibi-a, -o.
amphibole: hornblendo.
amphioxus: amfioxo.
amphitheatre: amfiteatro.
amphora: amforo.
ample: ampla; granda; abund-anta; sata.
amplify: ampl-igar, developar, plu-grand-igar,
exajerar; detal-igar; parafrazar; par-laborar.
amplitude: ampl-eso, vast-eso; (space)
extens-eso; (astron., physics) amplitudo.
ampulla: ampulo.
amputate: amputar; de-, ek-tranchar; (a
joint) des-artik-izar.
amulet: amuleto.
amuse: amuzar; (divert) distraktar.
amylaceous: amila.
anabaptism: anabapstism-o.
anabaptist: anabaptist-o.
anachronism: anakronismo.
anacoluthon: anakoluto.
anaemia, anemia: anemio.
anaerobic: anaerobia.
anagallis: anagalo.
anagram: anagramo.
anal: anus-ala; a. fin:
anus-ala floso.
analgesia: analgezio.
analag-ous, -y: analog-a; (quality)
-eso; (something a.) -ajo.
analyze: analizar.
analytic-s, -al: analitik-o, -ala.
anamorphosis: anamorfoso.
anapest: anapesto.
anarch-ism, -ist, -y: anarki-ismo, -isto, -o.
anastigmatic: anastigmata.
anastomosis: anastomoso.
anathema: anatemo; -tize:
anatemar; -ized person: anatem-ito.
anatomy: anatomio.
ancestor: ancestro.
anchor: ank-o, (verb) -agar.
anchorite: anakoreto.
anchovy: (fish) anchovo.
anchylose: ankilosar.
ancient: (opp. of new) anciena; (opp.
of young) olda; (antique) antiqua; (former)
and: (before consonant) e; (before
vowel) ed; a. so on: e tale pluse; a.
so forth: (etc.) e.c. = et cetera.
andrion: morilio.
andrinople: (fabric) andrinoplo.
androecium: androceo.
androgynous: androgina.
anecdote: anekdoto.
anemometer: anemometro.
anemone: (bot.) anemono; sea
a.: aktinio.
anemophilous: anemofila.
aneroid (barometer): aneroida barometro.
anesthetize: anesteziar.
anet: aneto.
aneurism: anevrismo.
anew: itere.
angel: anjelo.
angelica: angeliko.
angelus: "angelus".
angry: (to be) irac-ar, (tr.)
-igar; (to be furious) furi-ar, -eskar; (tr.)
angina: angino.
angiosperm: anginospermo.
angle: angulo; (verb) (intr.)
Anglican, -ism: Anglikan-a, -o; -ismo.
Anglicize: Angl-(atr)igar.
Anglomani-a, -ac: Anglo-mani-o; -ika, -iko.
Anglophobia: Angl-odio; -phobe:
Angl-odiant-a, -o.
angora: (cat, goat) "angora"
(kato, kapro).
anguish: angoro, tormento, dolor-ego; to
be in a.: angorar; to cause a. to:
anhelation: anhelo.
anhydrous: anhidra.
aniline: anilino.
animadversion: (generala) blamo,
(kontre-)kritik-o, -acho.
animal: animalo (cf. bestio, bruto); rearing
of a.s: bestio-edukado; draught a.s:
tir-bestii; a. kingdom: animal-aro; a.
worship: animal-kulto.
animalcule: (mikroskop-ala) animal-eto.
animate: (put soul, life into)
anm-izar, viv-igar; (also fig.) animar; (fig.)
inspirar, ecitar; -tion: anim-o, -eso;
viv-oz-eso; vervo; suspended a.tion: asfixio,
animism: animismo.
animosity: odio, rankoro, iraco, des-amik-eso,
animus: see animosity.
anion: aniono.
anise: anizo; a. seed:
anizo-semini; star or Chinese a.: badiono.
anisette: anizo-liquoro.
ankle: pedo-kolo; (bone) maleolo.
anklet: pedo-kolala braceleto.
ankylose: ankilosar.
annal(s): anal-o, -i; kronik-o, -i.
anneal: hard-igar (per kalor-izado);
annex: anexar.
annihilate: nihil-igar, exterminar.
anniversary: aniversario, yar-ala festo; 50th
a.: jubileo.
A.D.: (anno Domini) pos K.
annotate: (a book, etc.) not-izar; (make
a memo of) notar.
announce: anuncar, proklamar.
annoy: (incommode) jenar; (bore)
(intr.) enoyar; (tr.) tedar; (vex, irritate)
iritar, molestar, tormentar; (grieve) chargrenar, -etar.
annual: yar-ala; (which takes place a.ly)
omna-yara; (which lasts but a year) un-yara; (year-book)
annul: nihil-igar, -eskar; abrograr, kasacar.
annular: ring-a, -atra, -o-forma.
annum: yaro; per a.: yare.
Annunciation, the: anunco-festo.
anode: anodo.
anodyne: kalm-ig-iva, -ivo.
annoint: uncionar (ulu per ulo).
anomalous: anomala, ne-regul-oza; -ly :
(quality) ne-regul-oz-eso, (thing)
ne-regul-oz-ajo; anomal-eso, -ajo.
anon: (soon) balde, poka-tempe; (again)
itere; (later on) pose; ever and a.:
temp-ope, de tempo a tempo, ye omna instanto.
anonymous: anomim-a; (person) -(ul)o; -ity:
another: (person) altru; (thing)
altr-o, -ajo; (adj.) altra (cf. ne-sama,
difer-anta); a. time: (counting)
altra-foye; (at) altra-tempe; in a. way:
altra-maniere; love one a.: (sing.)
amez l'una l'altra; (pl. form as in the sing. or) amez
l'uni l'altri.
answer: respond-izar; (reply) respondar
(ulo); (reply to someone) respondar (ad ulu); (rejoin,
retort, reply to a reply) replikar; (fulfill)
satisfacar; (intr.) suficar; (succeed) (tr.,
intr.) sucesar (en, pri); (a door) apertar; to
a. several purposes: util-esar a (por) plura skopi; in
a. to your letter: respond-ante a vua letro; awaiting
an a.: vart-ante (la plezuro di) vua respondo; (solution)
solvo; the a. of the defendant: la repliko di la
akuz-ato; a. for: (be responsible for)
(intr.) responsar pri; (pay the penalty for)
punis-enda, punis-esar (pro); a. to: (correspond
to) konform-esar ad; a.able : respons-anta,
-iva (pri); refut-ebla; konforma ad; (to be) (intr.)
ant: formiko; white a.:
termito; a. hill, nest: formik-eyo; to
swarm with (or like) ants: formik-umar.
antagonism: agtagonism-o.
antagonist: antagonist-o; -ic:
antagonize: opozar, kontre-agar; (to cause
to a.) opoz-igar; igar (ulu) opozar od esar opozanto.
antarctic: antarktik-a, o; sud-pola.
ante: (prefix) ante- (= before in
time or order); avan- (= before in position); pre-
(replaces ante and avan in composed words).
ant-eater: (ant-bear) mirmekofago.
antecedent: (gram., log., math.)
antecedento; (adj.) ante-a, preced-anta; olima; (pl.
referring to history, conduct) antecedenti.
ante-chamber: avan-chambro.
antedate: (book, paper) pre-dat-izar; (occur
earlier) eventar ante-e, anticipar.
antediluvian: ante-diluvia.
antelope: antilopo (cf. bubalo).
antemeridian: matin-ala.
antenna: (zool., elec.) anteno.
antenuptial: ante-, pre-mariaja.
antepenult, -imate: triesme lasta, ante-prelasta
anterior: (time) ante-a (ad), plu frue
(kam); (space) avan-a; -ity: ante-eso.
ante-room: avan-chambro, vestibulo.
anthem: (liturgic) antifono; (national)
himno, kanto.
anther: antero.
anthology: antologio.
anthracite: antracito.
anthrax: antraxo.
anthropoid: antropoid-a, -o.
anthropolog-y, -ist: antropologi-o, -isto.
anthropomorph-ic, -ism: antropomorf-a, -ism.
anthropophagy: kanibal-eso.
anti-: (prefix) kontre-; (in a few
scientific words) anti-.
antics: movi groteska, bufon-atra, drola.
antichrist: anti-kristo; -ian:
anticlerical: kontre-klerika.
anticipate: (act beforehand, forestall)
anticipar; (forsee) pre-vidar, pre-egardar,
pre-konisderar; pre-sentar; pre-savar; esperar; expektar; in
a.tion: anticipe; pre-vid-ante; vart-ante, expekt-ante;
anticlimax: des-kulmino.
antidote: (also fig.) antidoto;
anti-febrile: kontre-febra.
antilogy: antilogio.
antimilitar-ism, -ist: antimilitar-ismo; -isto,
(adj.) -a.
antimonarchic(al): kontre-monarkia.
antimony: antimonio.
antinomy: antinomio.
antipathy: (to have an a. to, against)
anti-patriotic: kontre-patriot-a.
anti-phologistic: kontre-inflam-iva, -ivo.
antiphon: antifono; -ary: -aro.
antiphrasis: antifrazo.
antipodes: antipod-i.
anti-pope: kontre-papo.
antipyrin: antipirino.
antiquarian: antiqu-aj-isto; (adj.)
antiqu-aj-a, -ala; -ista.
antiquated: antiqua, anciena, obsoleta,
des-moderna; (out of fashion) ek-moda; (person)
old-eta, -acha.
antique: antiqu-a, -ajo.
antiquity: (quality, epoch) antiqu-eso.
anti-religious: kontre-religia.
anti-scorbutic: kontre-skorbuta.
anti-Semit-ic, -e: kontre-jud-a, -i; -semid-a,
-(ul)o; -ism: -ismo.
antiseptic: antisepsi-iva, -ivo; (state)
-eso; to be a.: antisepsi-esar; -cize :
antisepsi-ar (ulo).
anti-social: kontre-socia.
anti-spasmodic: kontre-spasma.
antithesis: antitezo; -ethical:
-a, -ala, -atra.
antitoxin: antitoxino.
antler: korno-brancho; -ed:
ant-lion: mirmekoleono.
antonomasia: antonomazio.
antonym: antonimo, kontre-senca vorto.
anus: anuso.
anvil: amboso.
anxious: (be disquieted) anxiar (pri);
(be earnestly desirous) dezir-egar (ulu, ulo); (care
about, be solicitous of) suciar.
any: (indeterminate) ula; (some)
kelka; (any whatever) irga; (Note: When the
indefinite adjectives some, any, are used with words of quantity
in place of a, an, they are not to be translated: The children
have some bread: La infanti havas pano. Did he get any
money? Ka il recevis pekunio? He wrote without any ink:
Il skribas sen inko.) any-body: ulu, irgu (pl.)
uli, irgi; anything : ulo, irgo; anyhow,
anyway: irge, irga-maniere, irga-quale; anytime
: irge-kande, irga-tempe; anywhere:
irga-lok, irg-ube; of any sort: irge-quala. Have
you any more?: Kad vu havas plu multo? I cannot
stay here any longer: Me ne povas restar hike
plu-longatempe. Whether he got any or not, I don't know.
Kad il recevis kelka o ne, me ne savas.
aorist: aoristo.
aorta: aorto.
aortitis: aortit-o.
apace: rapide.
apart: (separately, aside, in space or
company) apart-e, -a; (aloof) eskart-ite, exter; a.
from that: ecepte ta, exter to; (asunder)
separ-ita; dis-; to break a.: dis-ruptar; to
put, go a.: (tr., intr.) eskartar.
apartment: (room) chambro; (suite)
apathy: apatio.
ape: (gen. term) simio;
ape: (to) imit-achar, simul-achar.
apeak: vertikale.
aperient: lax-ig-iva, -ivo; apert-iva, -ivo.
aperture: apert-uro.
apetalous: sen-petala.
apex: (sharp point) pinto; kresto; (top)
somito, supr-ajo; (fig. and lit.) kolmo.
apahsia: afazi-o; (person suffering)
-ika, iko.
aphelion: afelio.
aphid, aphis: afidio.
aphonia: sen-voc-eso.
aphorism: aforismo.
aphthae: aft-o, -i.
apiary: abel-eyo; -rist:
abel-eduk-isto; -culture: abel-edukado.
apiece: single.
apish: simi-atra; a. trick:
aplantic: aplanata.
aplomb: (lit. and fig.) aplombo.
Apocalypse: apokalipso.
apocryphal: apokrif-a (libri); ne-autentika.
apodal: sen-peda.
apogee: apogeo.
apodictic: apodiktika.
Apollo: "Apollon".
apologue: apologo.
apologetic: (excusatory, regretful)
exkuz-ema; (defensive) apologi-ala, -atra.
apologist: apologi-isto.
apologise: exkuzar su; (vindicate)
apology: (excuse) exkuzo; (vindication)
aponeurosis: aponevroso.
apophysis : apofizo.
apoplexy: apoplexio.
aport: sinistre.
apostate: apostat-a, -(ul)o.
a posteriori: aposteriori-e, -ala.
apostil(le): apostilo.
apostle: apostol-o; -lic: -ala;
-ship: -eso.
apostrophy: (gram.) apostrofo; (rhet.)
interpelo; to mark with an a.: apostrof-izar
apothecary: apotek-isto; a. shop:
apothem: apotemo.
apotheosis: apoteoso; de-igo; -size:
apoteoso-ar, de-igar.
appal: konsternar, teror-igar.
appanage: (royal grant) apanajo; (privilege)
apparatus: aparato.
apparel: vest-aro, -izar.
apparent: (visible) apar-anta,
vid-ebla; (seeming) sembl-anta, ver-sembl-anta; (clear)
klara, manifest-ita; -ly: evidente; semblante ;
kred-eble; probable.
apparition: (act) aparo; (object)
(fantom-)aparo; viziono; fantomo.
apparitor: bedelo.
appeal: (intr.) (legal and fig.)
apelar; (to have resource to) rekursar; (refer to)
turnar su (ad); (attract) semblar atrakt-iva; (beseech)
suplikar, implorar; invokar; court of a.: korto
di apelo, di acepto, di kasaco.
appear: (intr.) aparar (ad, avan ulu) ;
(seem) semblar; (look like) aspketar; to
cause to a.: apar-igar (ulu, ulo); -ance:
(act) arivo; aparo; (what is seen) apar-ajo,
form-o, figuro; (semblance) semblo; (ghost)
fantom-aparo; (aspect) aspekto, mieno, su-teno; to
put in an a. : (fig.) aparar por la formo; first
a.: debuto.
appease: (pacify) pac-igar, kalm-igar ;
(put a stop to) ces-igar; (content)
appellant: apel-anto.
appellation: nomo, titulo; (naming)
nom-iz-o, -uro.
append: ad-, sur-pozar; -ligar; ad-juntar; -age
: ad-junt-ajo, acesor-ajo, apendico, aparten-ajo.
appendicitis: apendicito.
appendix: (lit., anat., zool., bot.)
apendico; ad-junt-ajo, suplemento; vermiform a.:
apendico verm-atra, -o-forma.
appertain: (belong) (intr.)
apartenar; (relating) (tr., intr.) relatar;
-ing to: (jur.) koncern-ant-a, -e; relat-anta, -iva.
appetite: (lit. and fig.) apetito; to
give or cause an a.: apetit-igar (ulu); -tizer :
apetit-ig-ivo; -tizing: apetit-ig-anta,
applaud: aplaudar.
applause: (clap) (manu-)aplaudar; (acclaim)
aklamar; a round of a.: aplaudo-salveo.
apple: pomo; crab a.: pomo
sovaja; pine a.: ananaso; oak a.:
galo; a. of discord: pomo di des-konkordo; Adam's
apple: "pomo di Adam"; a. core:
pomo-stumpo; a. fritter: pom-frit-ajo; a.
jelly: pomo-jeleo; a. peel: pomo-shelo;
a. pie: (U.S.) pom-tarto; a.
sauce: pom-kompoto; a. tree: pom-iero; a.
orchard: pom-ier-eyo.
appliance: (tool) utensilo,
instrumento, aparato; (means) moyeno.
applicable: aplik-ebla, konven-anta; fit-anta,
applicant: solicit-anto, -ero; kandidato;
peticion-anto, -ero; (jur.) pled-anto.
application: (act, thing) aplik-o,
-ajo; ad-, sur-poz(ad)o; (use) uzo; (industry)
diligent-eso, zelo; (relevancy) aplik-ebleso; (request)
solicito, demando, peticiono.
applied science: cienco aplik-ata (or,
apply: aplikar (cf. application)
; a. the brake: fren-agar; a. for a
situation: solicitar employ-eso, ofico.
appoint: (for a position) nominar,
institucar, selektar; (to a task) komisar; (prescribe)
impozar, imperar; fix-igar; (assign) asignar; (equip)
equipar, furnisar; -ment: (with somebody)
rendevuo; -ee: nomin-ato.
apportion: repartisar, part-igar, porcion-igar.
appose: (apply) ad, sur-pozar; (place
opposite) opozar.
apposite: apta, konven-anta, aplik-ebla.
apposition: (gram.) apoziciono.
appraise: (value) evaluar; (tax)
taxar; (survey) expertizar.
appreciable: percept-ebla, evalu-ebla,
appreciate: (like) prizar; (increase
in value) augmentar (en valoro); (value) evaluar;
-tion: (praise) laudo.
apprehend: (arrest) arestar, kaptar; (suppose)
supozar, imaginar; (fear) timar; (understand)
komprenar; -hensive: tim-ema, ne-tranquila
apprentice: aprentiso.
apprize: informar, notifikar, avizar, avertar.
approach: ad-irar, proxim-igar, -eskar,
ad-venar; -e(s): (milit. trenches, etc.)
aprocho, -i; -able: aces-ebla, abord-ebla.
approbate: aprobar; sancionar; (fig.)
appropriate: (verb) (for one's own)
propr-igar (ulo, ad su, ad ulu); (purloin) sustraktar; (money)
grantar, asignar.
appropriate: (adj.) konven-anta, apta.
approve: aprobar; sancionar; to shout
a.: aklamar.
approximate: proxim-igar, -eskar; (adj.)
proxim-a, -ig-ala.
appurtenance: aparten-o, -ajo, ad-junt-ajo.
apricot: abrikoto.
April: aprilo; A. fool:
a priori: apriori-e, -ala.
apron: (gen.) avantalo (cf.
apropos: oportun-a, -e; konven-anta, apta; a.
of: okazione (di); pri, relate ad, koncern(ant)e.
apse: (arch.) apsido.
apsis: (astron.) apsido.
apt: (fit, good for, suitable) apta; to
be a.: (tendency) (tr., intr.)
inklinar, (intr.) tendencar; (cf. suffix -em-)
; (clever, skilful) habila.
aquafortis: aquafort-o; (etching) -ajo.
aquamarine: (min.) aquamarino.
aqua-regia: (chem.) rej-ala aquo.
aquarelle: aquarelo.
aquarium: aquario.
Aquarius: vars-ero.
aquatic: aqu-ala.
aquatint: aquatinto.
aqueduct: aquedukto.
aqueous: aqu-a, -ala, -oza, -atra.
aquiline: agl-atra.
Aquillo(n): (north wind) aquilono.
aquosity: aqu-oz-eso.
Arab: Arab-o; -ia: Arab-ia; -ic,
-ian: Arab-a, -ala; street a.:
arabesque: arabesko.
arable: plug-ebla, kultiv-ebla.
arachnoid: araknoido.
araneous: arane-a, -oza, -atra.
arbalist: arbalesto.
arbitrage: (com.) (to carry on)
(tr.) arbitrajar.
arbitrary: arbitri-ala; (despotic)
tiran-ala, despot-ala; a. act: arbitri-alajo.
arbitrate: arbitrar.
arbor: arboro; (bower) laubo; a.
vitae: tuyo.
arboreal: arbor-ala.
arborescent: arbor-atra.
arboreteum: arbor-eduk-eyo.
arboriculture: arbor-kultivado.
arbutus: (tree) arbut-iero, (berry)
arc: (geom., arch., elec.) arko; a.
lamp: ark-lampo.
arcade: arkado; klostro.
arcane: arkan-a; arcanum:
arc-boutant: apog-arko.
arch: (noun) (geom., arch.)
ark-o; (verb) -igar; (rougish) petul-et-anta,
-atra; malic-atra, gaya.
arch-: (see prefix arki-).
archaic: arkaik-a, arkaism-ala; (object)
-ajo; (of speech) arkaism-ema.
archaism: (speech) arkaism-o.
archangel: arki-anjelo.
archbishop: arki-episkopo.
archchancellor: arki-kanceloro.
archdeachon: arki-diakono.
archduke: arki-duko.
archduchy: (estate) arki-dukio; (office)
archeologist: arkeolog-o.
archeology: arkeologio.
archer: (arm-)ark-isto, -ero; -y:
archetype: prim-tipo.
archil: orselo.
archimandrate: arkimandrito.
archipelago: arkipelago.
architect: arkitekt-o.
architecture: arkitektur-o; -al:
architrave: arkitravo.
archives: arkiv-i.
archivolt: arkivolto.
archon: arkonto.
archpriest: arki-sacerdoto.
archway: ark-iz-ita o vult-iz-ita en-ir-eyo;
Arctic: arktik-a, -o.
ardent: ardor-anta, -oza; brul-anta; to
be a.: (intr.) ardor-ar; to make a.:
ardor-igar (ulu, ulo); a. spirits: alkohol-aji.
ardor: ardoro, fevoro.
arduous: ardua.
are: (metric) aro = 0,0247 acre.
area: (surface measurment) areo; (tract)
areo, ter-spaco, regiono; (fore-court) basament-o, -ala
areca: (nut) arek-o, (palm)
arena: areno.
arenaceous: sabl-oza, -atra.
areola: areolo.
areometer: aerometro.
areometry: aerometrio.
areopagus: aeropago.
Argand-lamp, -burner: Argand-lampo, -brul-ilo,
argent: arjent-o, -ala, -atra; -iferous
: -oza, -atra, -ea.
argentan: (German silver) arjentano.
argillaceous: argil-a, -oza, -atra.
argol, argal: kruda tartaro.
argon: argono.
Argonaut: argonauto.
argot: slango.
argue: (intr.) argumentar; (gen.
and jur.) pledar; arguable: -ebla.
argument: argument(ad)o.
Argus: "argus".
aria: kansono; melodio; ario.
arid: arid-a; -ity: -eso.
aright: juste; sen eroro.
arise: (ascend) (tr., intr.)
acensar; alt-eskar, (get up) levar su, stac-eskar; (originate)
(intr.) naskar; (tr., intr.) komencar; (tr.,
intr.) rezultar; (happen) (intr.) eventar
; (emerge) (intr.) emersar; (intr.)
aristocrat(ic): aristokrat-a, -(ul)o.
aristolochia: aristolokio.
Aristotelian: Aristotel-ana, -ala.
arithmetic: aritmetiko.
arithmomancy: aritmomancio.
arithmometer: aritmografo.
ark: archo (Noah's); a. of the
covenant: archo di kontrato.
arm: (part of body and fig.) brakio; (weapon)
armo; (fire-arm) paf-ilo, -armo; (branch of the army)
arm-speco; with a.s folded: kun brakii
kruc-um-ita; with open a.s: kun brakii
apert-ita; a. in a.: brakii inter-plekt-ita; at
a.'s length: ye brakio-disto; to manufacture
a.s: arm-ifar; under a.s: arm-iz-ita;
esar pronta por kombato; small a.s:
(kun-)port-ebla armi; side a.s: flanka armi (cf.
sword); by force of a.s: per
koakto di armi; to take up a.s: prenar armi; to
lay down a.s: depozar la armi; down a.s!, ground
a.s!: abasez la armi! shoulder a.s!:
portez armi! in a.s: armi en manui; fore
a.: avan-brakio.
arm, to: arm-izar; a.ed from head to
foot: arm-iz-ita de kapo a pedi; a.ed force:
arm-izita trupo.
armada: (milit-ala) nav-aro, floto.
armadillo: armadilo.
armament: arm-iz-o, -uro; arm-equip-o, -uro.
armature: armaturo.
arm-chair: stul-ego; (rocking) stul-ego
ocil-anta; (cushioned) berjero.
armful: braki-edo.
arm-hole: brakio-truo.
amistice: armistico.
armless: sen-brakia; sen-arma.
armlet: (brassard) braki-umo.
armor: (for persons: coat of mail)
hom-arm-aro; (a plate, for ships, etc.) kuraso; to a. :
(persons) hom-arm-izar; (ships, etc.)
armorial bearings: blazono.
armorer: arm-ifisto, -vend-isto.
amory: arm-if-eyo, arsenalo.
arm-pit: axelo.
arms: (weapons) arm-aro; coat
of a.s: blazono; brother in a.s: armo-frato
; (cf. arm).
army: armeo; a. corps:
armeo-korpo; a. of 30,000 men: armeo de triadek
mil soldati; celestial a.: ciel-ala armeo.
arnica: arniko.
aroma: (flavor, smell) aromo.
aromatic: arom-ala, -oza; (substance)
aromat-o; -a, -atra, -oza.
around: (prep., adv.) cirkum, -e; to
go a.: cirkum-irar; (to surround) cirkondar; to
turn a.: (gen.) (tr., intr.) turnar; (on
its own axis) (intr.) rotacar; (on a point
outside of its own body) jirar.
arouse: (awake) vek-igar; (stir up)
arpeggio: arpejo; to play a.s:
(intr.) arpejar.
arquebus: arkabuzo.
arrak: arako.
arraign: akuzar; sumnar od asignar (ulu) avan
tribunalo; (prosecute) persequar.
arrange: aranjar, dispozar, (ri-)ordinar; a.
to meet me: aranjez vu por renkontrar me; -ment
: (gen.) aranj-o, -eso, -uro.
arrant: extraordinara, infama, vera, perfekta,
array: (order) ordinar, dispozar,
aranjar; (dress) vest-izar; (exhibit) expozar,
(tr., intr.) paradar.
arrears: tarda o ne-pagita deb-ajo; in
a.: tard-esk-inta (pri, por ulo); (become in)
arrest: (legal) arestar; kaptar; (stop)
halt-igar; fix-igar (the attention); to be a.ed,
be under a.: arest-esar; (noun) aresto, -eso; warrant
for an a.: aresto-impero; a.ed person:
arest-ato, -ito.
arris: aristo.
arrive: (intr.) arivar, (intr.)
par-venar (ad); (attain) atingar.
arrogance: arog-o, -emeso; superb-eso; -gant
: arog-anta, -ema; superba.
arrogate: arogar (ulo ad su).
arrondissement: distrikto.
arrow: flecho; a.head:
flecho-pinto; (bot.) sagitario.
arrowroot: aroruto.
arse: kulo.
arsenal: arsenalo.
arsenic: arseno.
arson: incendio pre-medit-ita.
art: arto; fine a.s: bela arti;
object of a.: arto-verko, art-ajo; liberal
a.s: libera arti; useful a.s: utila
arti; a. of writing: skrib-arto; master
of a.s: (M.A. degree) licenc-iero.
arterial: ateri-ala.
arteriology: arteriologio.
arteriotomy: arteriotomio.
arteritis: arteriito.
artery: arterio.
artesian (well): arteza (puteo).
artful: ruz-oza, artific-oza; (skilful)
art-a, -oza.
arthritis: artrit-o; -ic: (of
disease) -ala; (persons) -ika, iko.
arthrodia: artrodio.
arthropod: artropodo.
artichoke: artichoko; Jerusalem a.:
article (to): obligar ulu, kontratar pri ulu kom
aprentiso; to be a.ed: aprentis-esar.
article: (newspaper, grammar) artiklo ;
(object, thing) objekto, kozo; (of commerce)
varo, komerc-ajo; (of faith) kred-ajo, -artiklo; newspaper
a.: jurnal-ala artiklo; definite a.:
defin-ita artiklo; la; (in a will, contract) klauzo; (by-law)
statuto; (of clothing) vesto; (of food)
nutr-ivo, manj-ajo; (indenture) aprentis-kontrato.
articular: artik-ala.
articulata: (arthropod) artopodo.
articulate: (pronounce) artikular; (join
together) artik-izar; -ed: artikul-ita;
artik-oza, -iz-ita; -tion: (joint)
artiko; (movable segment) artro; (in speaking)
artikul(ad)o, pronunc(ad)o.
artifice: (artful, expedient) artifico
; ruzo.
artificer: mestier-isto.
artificial: artific-ala.
artillery: (body of troops) artilerio ;
(cannons collect.) kanon-aro; -man:
artileri-ano; foot-a.: pedo-artilerio.
artisan: mestier-isto.
artist: art-isto; -ic: (relating
to art) art-ala; (relating to the artist)
art-ist-ala; (highly) virtuoza; -ic perfection :
art-al-eso; -ic person: art-emo.
artless: naiva, kandida, inocenta, sen-artifica.
arum: arumo.
aruspex: aruspico.
as: (because) pro ke; as
(=because) he looked like an intelligent boy, I took him
as an assistant: pro ke la puero aspektis inteligenta,
me engajis il kom (od, esar) helpanto; (likeness)
quale; il agis quale experto (i.e., like an expert, which he
was not); (identity) kom; il agis kom experto (i.e.,
he was an expert); (Note: Kom is used also for
the role: He appeared as Hamlet: il aparis
kom Hamlet; similarly with all verbs signifying to do, to
speak, to write: kom prezidanto, kom sekretario; (similarity)
tam . . . kam: Li esas tam simila kam du pizi: they are
as alike as two peas; (comparison, degree) tam
. . . kam: tam richa kam: as rich as; tam longe
kam: as long as (followed by verb); (in
accordance) segun: il agis segun vua demando: he
acted as you requested; (while) dum: he
died as a prisoner: (il mortis dum des-libereso); as
big again: du-ople granda kam; as early as:
tam frue kam posible; as a whole: generale; as
far as: (place) ad hike, ad ibe; (quantity)
segun quante; (time) til nun; as for me:
por me, pri me; as fast as possible: tam rapida
kam posible; as far as possible: segun
posibl-eso; as they were: tala quala li esis; as
for: pri, relate; as for example:
exemple; as for the rest: pri la ceteri; as
good as: tam bona kam; la sama; equivalar; as
if: quale (se); as it were: quaze (=as
though); (like) quale; as is well known:
quale on bone savas; as long as: (dimension,
time) tam longa kam; (while) dum (ke); as
much as: tam multa (granda) kam, tante quante; (however
much) irge quante; as many as: tam multa
kam; as often as: tam ofte kam; rich as
she is: irge quante richa el esas; as soon as:
quik kande, tam balde kam; as though: quale se; as
to, as regards: relate ad, pri; as yet:
til nun, ankore; as you know: quale vu savas; as
you will: segun vua plezuro; he is always as he
always was: il esas tala, quala il esis olim; such
as: tala quala; I thought as much: ton
me anke pensis; I took such as pleased me: me
prenis ti qui plezis (a) me; as well as: (besides)
ultre (ke).
asafetida: asafetido.
asbestos: asbesto.
ascarid: askarido.
ascend: (tr., intr.) acensar.
ascendent (to be): (intr.) dominacar; (intr.)
ascendency: dominaco, autoritato, povo, influo.
ascension: acenso; a. day:
acenso-festo; right a.: rekta acenso.
ascent: acens-o, -eyo.
ascertain: cert-igar (su pri); (by
observation, experiment) konstatar; -able:
konstat-ebla, verifik-ebla.
ascetic: asket-o, -ala; a. act:
-ajo; -ism: -eso, -ismo.
ascribe: imputar, atribuar.
asceptic: asept-a.
asexual: (biol.) agama; (bot.)
kripto-gama; sen-sexua.
ash(es): cindr-o, -i; (live embers)
brez-o, -i; Ash Wednesday: cindro-merkurdio.
ash-tree: fraxino.
ashamed: sham-anta, -oza (pri); (from sex
motives) pudor-oza, -ema; to be a.ed: (intr.)
sham-ar; to make feel a.ed: sham-igar;
ashiar: krude tali-ita petro; quadro.
ashore: (to go a.) irar a la tero; (to
put a.) (tr., intr.) des-embarkar; (of ships,
to run a.) (intr.) strand-ar, (tr.) -igar.
Asiatic: (of persons) Azi-ana, -ano.
aside: flanke, later-e, -ale; (along)
alonge; (away) for, aparte; to lay, set, put a.:
pozar aparte; for-pozar; for-jetar; eskartar; words
spoken a.: (theat., etc.) aparta vorti; to
go a.: flank-irar; apart-irar; irar ad-latere;
preter-irar; to turn a.: (for protective
purposes) garar; a. from that: exter to,
exter la temo; being a.: eskarte.
asinine: asn-atra, -acha; -inity:
(act) asn-al-ajo, (quality) -al-eso.
ask: (a. for, request) demandar (ulo) ;
(interrogate) (tr., intr.) questionar; (beg)
pregar; (invite) invitar; (stipulate) stipular;
askance at, to look: regardar oblique, (fig.)
des-favor-oze, des-priz-ante.
askew: des-, ne-rekte; obliqu-e, -a.
aslant: oblique, inklin-ite.
asleep: dorm-anta; to be a.:
dormar; to fall a.: dorm-eskar.
asp: (zool.) kolubro.
asparagine: asparagino.
asparagus: asparago; a. tip:
-pinto; a. bed: -eyo.
aspect: aspekto; to have a south a.:
expoz-esar a sudo.
aspen: tremulo.
aspergillum: aspers-ilo.
asperity: asper-eso, akr-eso; (thing)
asperse: (rel.) aspersar; (defame)
difamar, kalumniar.
asperula: asperulo.
asphalt: asfalt-o, -izar; a.ed road:
asfalt-a, -izita choseo, voyo.
asphodel: asfodelo.
asphyxiate: asfixiar.
aspirant: aspir-anto; kandidato (pri).
aspirate: aspir-ar; an a.: (gen.)
-ajo; the letter H; a. sign: -signo.
aspiration: (breathing, gram. and pho.;
ardent desire) aspir(ad)o; (desire, ambition)
deziro, ambiciono.
aspire: aspirar, ambicionar, dezirar.
asquint: strab-a, -atra; to look a.:
ass: asno.
assagal: zagayo.
assail: asaltar, atakar; a. the honour
of: atentar la honoro (di ulu).
assassinate: asasinar.
assault: (an enemy) asaltar, atakar; (criminal)
atentar, violentar; to carry by a.: asalte
kaptar, konquestar; criminal a. on a woman:
atento kontre la pudoro; (rape) violacar hom-ino,
assay: probar (cf. analizar); (with
a crucible) kruzel-agar.
assemble: (persons, things) asemblar; (persons)
(intr.) kun-venar; (things) kolektar; (machine)
muntar; (cf. konvento).
assent: (give a. to) asentar.
assess: (value) taxar, valorar,
expert-izar; (to collect the tax) impostar; to
wrongfully a.: mis-taxar; -ment:
imposto, tax-uro; -or: tax-isto, -ero; (assistant
judge) asesoro; (marine insurance) dispach-isto.
assets: aktiv-i, -a deb-aji; (property)
asseverate: asertar, afirmar (solene o
assiduous: asidua; diligenta.
assign: (allot, appoint) asignar; (invest
with, bestow) atribuar; (law) transferar, cedar; -ee
: ced-ario; (of an insolvent's estate)
sindinko; -or: ced-anto.
assignation: (sekreta) rendevuo (amor-ala).
assimilate: (physiol. and fig.)
asimilar; (to make like) simil-igar.
assist: helpar.
assizes: (court) krimin-ala tribunalo
associate: asociar; (frequent)
assonant: (to be) asonancar.
assort: asortar.
assuage: kalm-igar; alejar; diminutar.
assume: (debts, responsibilities, etc.)
asumar; (suppose, presume) supozar; (contract for)
entraprezar; a. an obligation: obligar su facar
ulo; -tion: (presumptuousness)
prezunto, arogo.
assurance: (certification) cert-igo; (certainty)
cert-eso; (self-confidence) aplombo, su-fido; (insurance)
asekuro; (arrogance) prezunto, arog-em-eso.
assure: (render certain) cert-igar; (render
secure) sekur-igar; ferm-igar; (quiet) quiet-igar,
kalm-igar; (insure) askurar.
assuredly: sen-dube, certe.
astatic: astatik-a.
aster: aster-o; China a.:
asterid: (star-fish) asterio.
asteroid: asteroido.
asterisk: stel-eto.
asterism: asterismo.
astern: dope.
asthenopic: astenopa.
asthenia: gener-ala debil-eso, des-fort-eso.
asthma: astm-o; -ic: (of
disease) -ala; (persons) -ika, -iko.
astigmatic: astigmat-a; -tism:
astir: mov-(esk)anta, ag-anta, -iva.
astonish: astonar.
astound: aston-egar.
astragal: astragalo.
astrakhan: (pelt) astrakano.
astral: astr-a, -ala, -atra.
astray: ek la vera (od, justa) voyo; en
eroro; perd-ita; to go a.: divagar; to
lead a.: eror-igar, mis-duktar; (to mislay)
astrict: (astringe) astrikar; (compress)
kompresar; klemar.
astride: kavalke (sur); (kun) gambi fork-atra,
astringe: astrikt-ar; -gent:
astrikt-iva, -ivo.
astrolabe: astrolabo.
astrologer: astrologo.
astrology: astrologio.
astronomer : astronomo.
astronomy: astronomi-o; -mical:
astrophysics: astro-fiziko.
astute: sagaca; ruz-oza.
asunder: prefix dis-, as:
dis-ruptar: to break asunder; aparte; part-ig-ita;
separ-ita; en du parti, du-ime.
asylum: (lit. and fig.) azilo; (fig.)
santuario; (for insane) dement-erio, (for the aged,
poor, infirm) hospico; (for infants) infant-azilo ;
(for the blind) blind-azilo.
asymptote: asimptoto.
at: (about) pri; (because)
pro; (duration) dum; en; (near) apud; (contiguity)
an; (price) po; (at a certain time) ye; (indefinite)
ye; (at someone's house or place) che; (towards)
ad, vers; at a blow: subite, unfoye, per un
stroko; at all: irga-maniere; irga-kaze; not
at all: tote ne; at all events:
omna-kaze, ad-minime, ye irga evento; at a loss:
perplex-igita, en dubo konfuz-igita; at any rate:
omna-kaze, ad-minime; at a pinch: en kazo di
neces-eso; at a stand: halt-igita,
inter-rupt-ita; konfuz-igita; at dawn: ye
l'auroro, aurore; at discretion: segun vua
judiko, sen kondiciono; at ease: tranquila;
ne-jen-ata, komfort-oza; (mil.) (stacar) segun (ye)
volo; at fault: faliar, erorar; at
first: komence; at hand: proxim, apud; at
heart: en mea kordio, reale, intime; at
intervals: inter-space, inter-tempe, ye inter-spaci; at
it: tre okupata; at large: libere; at
last: fine, pos longa tempo; at least:
ad-minime; at once: quik, sam-tempe,
sam-instante; at . . . o'clock: ye . . .; at
present: nun, prezente; at sight: ye
unesma vido; (to sit) at a table: an tablo; at
the end: fine; at the time: lor(e); at
the moment: ta-instante, ta-tempe; at will:
segun volo (od, plezuro); at work:
ataraxy: ataraxio.
atavism: atavismo.
ataxia: ataxio; locomotor a.:
ataxio lokomac-ala; -ic: (disease)
-ala, (person) -ika, iko.
atelier: (workshop) labor-eyo; (of
an artist) studi-eyo.
atheism: ateismo; -ist:
ateist-o; (collect.) -aro; -istic: (doctrine)
ateism-ala, -ema, -oza; (person) ateist-ala, -ema.
athen(a)eum: ateneo.
atheroma: ateromo.
athirst: durst-anta, -oza.
athlete: atleto.
athwart: transvers-a, -e; (prep.) tra.
Atlantic: Atlantik-a, -o; transa.:
trans- -a.
atlas: (geog., anat.) atlaso; (arch.)
atmosphere: atmosfero.
atom: atomo; -ize: atom-igar,
atone: expiacar (ulo, per); reparar; kompensar
(kulpo); day of a.ment: (Jewish)
atony: atonio; -ic: -oza.
atrabilious: melankoli-oza, hipokondri-ema,
atrocious: kruel-ega, abomin-inda.
atrocity: kruel-eg-ajo; (quality) -eso.
atrophy: atrofi-ar, -o; to be a.ed:
atropine: atropino.
attach: (fasten) ligar, ad-juntar;
unionar (kun); (attribute) atribuar; (legal)
embargar; sizar; (for duty, etc.) servar; (to have
an affection for) afecionar (ulu), fervorar pri, por ulo;
attaché: atasheo.
attack: atak-ar, -o; (of fever, etc.)
acesar, atako.
attain: atingar; (come through to)
ad-par-venar, arivar (intr.).
attainment: (reaching) atingo; (acquirements)
konoc-aji, (mentala) ating-aji, experienco.
attaint: (jur.) deklarar ulu kulpinta
di stato-trahizo; des-honor-izar; infektar; koruptar.
attar of roses: roz-esenco.
attempt: (make trial of) probar; (endeavour)
esforcar (intr.); (criminally) atentar; to
make an a. on the life of someone: atentar la vivo di
ulu; a. suicide: atentar su ipsa, su-ocido.
attend: (be present) asistar (ulo); (school,
etc.) frequentar; (pay attention) (tr., intr.)
atencar; (accompany) akompanar, esar eskorto di; -ance
: (being present) asist(ad)o; (service)
serv(ad)o; (people present) asist-ant-aro; (being
present regularly at) frequent(ad)o; to be in a.:
(on duty) dejurar (intr.); -ant:
(companion) kompan-ulo, -ino; akompan-anto, -ero;
eskorto; (servant) serv-isto; help-anto, -ero; (adj.)
akompan-anta, sequ-anta, konsequ-anta.
attention: (heed, attentiveness)
atenco; to call a. to: atenc-igar ulo da ulu; to
pay a. (to): (tr., intr.) atencar; (humor,
gratify) (tr., intr.) komplezar; (court)
kurtezar; (pay assidious a. to) kultivar; -ive :
(heed) atenc-ema, -oza; (careful of) sorg-ema;
(gallant) galanta, polita.
attenuate: tenu-igar; febl-igar, diminutar;
des-dens-igar, des-dik-igar.
attest: (bear witness) atestar; (after
investigation) konstatar; -ation: atesto,
cert-igo; properly a.ed: autentika.
attic: (low storey at top of house)
atiko; (under a sloping roof) mansardo; (for hay,
etc.) granario.
Attic-ism: atik-ismo; -ist:
attire: vest-izar; -aro, kostumo.
attitude: posturo; to assume an a.: (intr.)
attorney: (who pleads in court)
advokato; (French) "avoué"; (learned in
the law) yur-isto, leg-isto; (agent) agento; prosecuting
a.: stat-ala advokato; a. general:
supera statala advokato; power of a.:
prokurac-o, (to give) -izar.
attract: (also fig.) atraktar; (entice)
lurar; (be a.ed) gravitar (intr.); -tion
: (act, state) atrakt-(ad)o, -eso; (which
draws) atrakt-ivo, -ilo; charmo; -ive:
atrakt-iva, lur-iva, charm-anta, -iva.
attribute: atribuar, imputar; (gram., logic)
atributo; (quality) qual-eso; -ive: (jur.)
atribu-anta; (gram.) atribut-ala.
attrition: frot-ado, exkori-ado; (theol.,
imperfect degree of repentence) atric-(ad)o, (verb,
intr., theol.) atricar.
attune: (intr.) akord-ar, (tr.)
aubergine: berenjeno.
auburn: klar-, red-bruna; kastan-ea.
auction: (sale) aucion-o, -vendo; to
a. off, sell at a.: aucione vendar; to knock
down at a.: adjudikar (ulo ad ulu); -eer:
audacious: audac-oza, -anta; (person)
-anto, -ozo.
audacity: audaco.
audible: aud-ebla; (fig.) kompren-ebla.
audience: (people present)
asist-ant-aro; (official hearing) audienco.
audit: (kont-) kontrol-ar, -o; verifikar,
expertizar la kont-i, -ado.
audition: aud-o, -ado, -eso.
auditor: (com.) kont-kontrol-isto,
-ero; (hearer) aud-anto; (judicial-assessor, -hearer)
auditorium: aud-(eg)-eyo, -chambro, -domo,
auditory: aud-ala, -iva.
auger: ligno-trepano.
aught: (anything) ulo.
augment: (tr., intr.) augment-ar.
augur: augurar.
august: augusta.
August: agosto.
auk: pinguino; great a.: granda
pinguino (exting-ita).
aula: (hall in universities, etc.)
aulic: kort-ala.
aunt: onkl-ino; great a.:
aural: (of ear) orel-ala; (of
hearing) aud-ala;
aureola: aureolo.
au revoir: til ri-vido.
auricle: (anat.) aurikulo; (gen.)
auricular: (of ear) orel-ala; (of
hearing) aud-ala; a. confession: konfeso
auriferous: or-oza.
aurist: orel-kurac-isto.
aurochs: uroxo.
aurora: auroro; a. borealis:
auroro bore-ala.
auscultate: auskultar.
auspice(s): auspic-o, -i; under
favourable a.: kun auspici favor-oza.
auspicious: bon-augura, bon-auspic-a.
austere: austera, severa; -ity:
(severity) auster-eso, rigor-ismo; (ascetic act)
austral: austr-o, -ala.
authentic: autentika; certa; vera; yur-iz-ita; -ate:
(verb) autentik-igar, garantiar l'autentik-eso (di,
pri); konstatar; -ticity : autentik-eso.
author: (also fig.) autor-o; -ess
: -ino.
authoritative: autoritat-oza, -ema.
authority: (power) autoritat-o, (person)
-oz(ul)o; (to have) from good a.: de bona fonto
od origino; with full a.: kun plena autoritato o
povo o yuro (cf. povo, permiso, atesto, experto,
guvern-anto, preced-ant-ajo, erudito).
authorize: permisar (ulo, ad ulu), yur-izar
(ulu); -ization: permiso, yur-izo, (leg-ala)
sanciono; (written) permis-atesto.
auto-: (for scientific and technical terms)
auto-; (gen.) su-.
autobiography: autobiografio.
auto-boat: auto-batelo.
auto-bus: automobil-omnibuso.
auto-car: automobilo; (gen.)
autoclave: autoklavo.
autochthon: aborijen-a, -o.
autocracy: (quality) autokrat-eso, (regime)
-ismo; (collect.) -aro.
autocrat: autokrato; -ic: -a,
autocycle: motor-biciklo, -ciklo.
auto-da-fe: "autodafe".
autodidact: (self-taught person)
auto-didakt-a, -(ul)o.
autograph: autograf-o; -ic: -a.
automatic: (self-acting) automat-a; (relating
to an automaton) -ala; -tism: -eso; -ton
: -o.
automobile: automobilo; (electric)
elektromobilo; a. horn: automobil-korno; -list
: automobil-eor, -isto.
automorphic: automorfa.
autonomous: autonom-a; -my:
autopsy: autopsi-o; to hold a. on:
-ar (ulu).
auto-suggestion: su-hipnot-izo, su-sugest-(ad)o,
-ivo, -iveso.
autumn: autuno.
auxiliary: help-anta, -iva; acesora; (noun)
help-anto, -ero; (things) -ivo, -ilo; a. verb :
avail: (verb) util-esar (ad); valorar,
helpar, profitar; of no a.: ne-utila; to
a. oneself of: uzar, profitar, util-igar.
available: (at disposal) dispon-ebla; (usable)
utila; -ability: dispon-ebl-eso; util-eso;
efik-emeso, -iveso.
aval: (guarantee) avalo.
avant-courier: pre-kur-anto, anunc-anto.
avant-garde: avan-guardo.
avalanche: avalanch-o; to fall in an a.:
(intr.) -ar.
avarice: avar-eso; -cious:
avar-a, -acha.
avast: haltez! sat!
avaunt: for-irez! for hike!
avenaceous: aven-ala, -atra.
avenge: venjar; (get even) revanchar.
avenue: avenuo.
aver: afirmar, asertar, cert-igar.
average: (verb; intr.) mez-valor-ar; (tr.)
mez-valor-igar, mez-kalkular; (noun) mez-valoro; (damage)
avario; adjustment of a.s : (marine
insurance) dispacho; (adj.) mez-valora, mez-grada; on
the a.: mez-valore, mez-nombre.
averse: des-, ne-inklin-ata, -ita; ne-favor-oza
(ad); rezist-ema.
aversion: des-, ne-inklin-o, -eso; antipatio;
repugno; odio; to have an a. to: antipati-ar
(ulu, ulo); to cause an a. to: antipati-igar,
avert: eskartar; for-igar; preventar; gardar
kontre; de-turnar.
aviary: ucel-eyo; ucel-chambro, -dom-eto.
aviation: aviac-(ad)o; to practise a. :
(to fly) (intr.) aviacar; -tor :
aviac-isto, -ero.
avid: avid-a; -ity: -eso; with
a.ity: avide.
avocation: (casual occupation) acesora
(od, kazuala) okup(ad)o, mestiero, profesiono.
avoid: (shun) evitar; (escape)
eskapar, eludar.
avoué: (French attorney)
avow: konfesar; agnoskar (kom); deklarar,
asertar; -edly: per (od, segun) lua
konfeso ipsa; aperte, publike.
avuncular: onkl-ul-ala.
await: vartar; (expect) expektar.
awake: (to wake up) (intr.)
vekar; (awaken) (tr.) vek-igar (ulu); (fig.)
ri-ecitar, ri-vivac-igar; ri-konci-igar, -eskar; (to watch,
sit up) (intr.) vigilar; (adj.) vek-anta,
vigil-anta, -ema; to keep a. until daylight:
vigilar til jorno(-lumo).
award: grantar, adjudikar (ulo ad ulu); (noun)
adjudik-ajo; premio; (judgment) judicio, judiko;
aware: (to know by learning) savar; (by
the senses) konocar; (to be conscious) konciar; (to
make a.) informar; (to notice) remarkar.
awash: lav-ita da la ond(eg)i.
away: for-e, -a; absent-e, -a; ne-asist-anta,
-ante; ne-ad-heme; to be a.: for-esar; to
put, send a.: for-igar; a. with !:
for-jet-ez, eskart-ez; carry a.: for-portar; cast
a.: for-jetar; crawl a.: for-reptar; drag
a.: for-trenar; fly a.: for-flugar; to
go a.: (to a distance) for-irar; (go out)
ek-irar; to run a.: for-kurar, (run out)
ek-irar; to send a.: for-sendar, expediar; to
slip a.: departar sen-remarke, eskapar; to turn
a.: de-turnar (su); turnar la dorso; ne-aceptar; to
walk a.: for-marchar; to throw a.:
for-jetar; to put a.: (a wife, etc.)
repudiar; to do a. with: supresar.
awe: timo (solena); respekt-ego, veneraco; to
fill with a.: plen-igar (su) per timo, teroro,
respekt-ego; to strike with a.: frapar per; to
stand in a. of: timar; a.struck: tim-frap-ita.
aweigh: (anchor) pend-anta.
awful: teror-ig-anta, -ig-iva; solen-ega;
tim-enda; impoz-anta, -iva; horor-inda; -ly: (extremely)
tre-ege, extreme, ecese.
awhile, to wait: vartar kelke.
awkward: (clumsy) ne-habila,
ne-experta, ne-graci-oza; (embarassing) konfuz-ig-anta,
perturb-anta; (inopportune) in-opurtuna.
awl: aleno.
awn: aristo.
awning: tego-telo, vel-ego, storo-telo,
awry: des-, ne-rekta; des-, ne-justa;
ax(e): hak-ilo; to cut with an a.:
hak-ar.; a.man: hak-isto; stroke of a.:
axial: ax-ala.
axil: (bot.) axelo.
axilla: (anat.) axelo.
axiom: axiom-o; -atic: -atra,
axis: (all senses) axo; (second
vertebra of neck) axoido; a. of rotation:
rotac-axo; to turn on an a.: rotacar.
axonometry: axonometrio.
axle: axo; a. tree: ax-arboro; a.
pin: axo-stifto; a. case: axo-buxo.
aye: (affirmation) yes; (time)
sempre, eterne; aye-aye: (naut.) tre bona, sioro; the
ayes and the noes: le yes e le no.
azalea: azaleo.
azimuth: azimuto.
azote: nitro.
azure: (the colour) azur-o; (adj.)
-a, -oza, -atra.
azyme: azimo.