English-Ido Dictionary : H
ha: ha !; he !
haberdasher: mercer-isto; h. trade: -o; -y: (place)
-eyo, -erio; (article) -ajo.
habiliments: vest-aro (cf. equip-uro).
habilitate: habilitar.
habit: (costume) kostumo (cf. moro; rutino); to
be in the h. of: (intr.) kustumar; to break the h. (of):
des-kustum-eskar, -igar; contract the h.: aquirar kustumo;
become a h.: divenar kustumo; to have a bad h.: (esp.
a convulsive movement of muscles) (intr.) tikar; take
the h.: (friars, monks) vesto-dono regul-ier-ala.
habitable: habit-ebla.
habitat: habit-eyo; kresk-eyo, -o-loko.
habitation: (act) habit-(ad)o, (place) -eyo;
domicilo; hemo; loj-eyo.
habitual: kustum-a, -ala, -ata.
habituate: kustum-igar, -eskar; (cf. aklimatar); b.
h.d: kustum-ar.
habitue: kustum-anta o kustum-ala gasto, frequent-ero.
hack: (chop) hak-(ach)ar (cf. fushar); (horse)
kaval-acho; (carriage) fiakro; lokaco-veturo.
hacking-cough: tuso intermit-anta.
hackney-coach, -carriage: fiakro; lokaco-veturo.
hackneyed: (trivial) vulgara, triviala; (common)
haddock: eglefino.
haemoptysis: hemoptizio.
had: (with past participle) esis -inta, -abis; h.
to: devis; mustis.
haematite, hematite: hematito.
haemoglobin: see hemoglobin.
haft: mancho.
hag: olda hom-in-acho.
haggard: (worn out) magra e fatig-ita.
haggle about: marchand-ar, -achar.
hagiograph-er, -y: hagiograf-o, -io.
hail: (of weather) (impers.) grelar; (acclaim)
aklamar; (call to)ad-vok-ar; (interj.) saluto!; h.
from: venar de; h. of stones: stono-grelo; h.stone:
grel-uno; to devastate by h.: grel-frapar, -agar. -agar; protection
against h.: para-grelo; it h.s: grelas.
hair: (of head) har-o, -uno; (collect.) -aro; (of
persons, except top of head; also of animals and bot.) pil-o,
-uno; (collect) -aro; (of animals mane or tail)
krino; (short hair for stuffing, mortar, etc.) buro; (down)
lanugo; -y: (of head) har-oza; (of animals)
pil-oza; long h.ed: longa-pila; long-hara; short h.ed:
reza-pila, -hara; red h.ed person: ruf-(ul)o; to
remove, cut the h. from: sen-pil-igar; sen-har-igar; (to
lose the h.) sen-pil-(od, -har-)eskar; to undress
the h. of: des-kuafar; h.dresser: kuaf-isto; horse-h.:
kaval-krino; h. shirt: cilico-kamizo, krino-kamiz-eto; h.
splitting: minuci-ema, (person) -emo; mop, shock of
h.: har-ar-ego, -acho; h.s breadth: har-dik-eso;
h. curler: (instr.) friz-fero, -papero; h.less:
sen-hara, sen-pila.
haircloth: cilico.
hake: (European) merlucho.
halbard: halbardo.
halcyon: (myth) alciono; (kingfisher)
hale: (well) sana (e forte); to h. before a court:
asignar (ulu) avan tribunalo.
half: du-ima, -imo; (as prefix) mi-; in h.:
du-ime; h.-foolish: du-ime fola; mi-fola; he came on
the h.-hour: il arivis ye la du-ime kloko; at h.-way:
ye mi-voyo; to go halves: dividar du-ime (kun ulu) od,
du-im-igar (ulo); h. a litre: du-ima litro; h. water,
h. wine: du-ime aquo, du-ime vino; more than h.: plu
kam du-ime; h.-witted: idiot-atra; h.-breed:
mestic-a, -o; h.-closed: mi-kloz-ita; h.-hour:
mi-horo; h.-brother: mi-frat-ulo; h.-light:
hall: (vestibule) vestibulo; (large drawing-room)
salon-ego; (public h.) halo.
hall-mark: kontrol-marko.
hullo: hola !
hallow: sant-igar; -ed: santa.
hallucination: halucin-(ad)o; to have h.s: (intr.)
ar, (tr.) -igar.
hallux: haluxo.
halo: halono, aureolo.
halogen: halogeno.
halophyte: halofito.
halt: (limp) klaudikar; (stop) halt-ar (intr.)
(interj.) haltez !; (to halt at a stage in travel)
(intr.) etapar; h.ing place: etap-eyo; to halt a
person: halt-igar (ulu).
halve: du-im-igar; see half.
ham: (anat.) poplito; (for food) shinko.
hamadryad: hamadriado.
hamlet: vilaj-eto, dom-grupo.
hammer: martel-o, -agar; -ing: -ag-ado; (of a gun)
hammock: hamako.
hamper: embarasar, jenar; (n.) korbo-kesto, -kofro.
hamster: hamstro.
hamstring: poplito-tranchar.
hand, to give, proffer the: donar, ofrar la manuo; h.
over: trans-donar, (lead) duktar; h. down:
transmisar, (by tradition) tradicionar; h. around:
pas-igar (de manuo a manuo) ulo de ulo ad altri.
hand: (anat.) manuo; (writing) skrib-ado,-uro;
(at cards) kart-i, -aro; (of a clock) agulo,
montr-ilo, (horloj-) indico; (sailor) mar-isto; (person)
homo; (worker) labor-isto; make by h.:
manu-fabrikar; h. pressure, h. shake: manu-preso; h.
rest: manu-apog-ilo; h.bag: manu-sako; back of h.:
manu-dorso; h. written: manu-skrib-ita; sleight-of-h.:
jongl-(ad)o; to read the h. of: kiromanciar (ulu); h.
labour: manu-labor-ado, -uro; h.book: manu-libro; h.ful:
manu-edo; by h.fuls: manu-ed-ope; take a h. in an
affair: parto-prenar afero, okupar su pri afero; at h.,
under the h. of: (fig.) pronta; apude; under-h.: sekrete,
cel-ate; take a high h.: dominacar; force the h. of:
koaktar (ulu facar ulo); at first h.: de un-esma fonto, de
loriginalo; at second h.: de du-esma fonto, mediate;
with a masterly h.: per maestr-ala manuo, maestr-ale; to
write a fine h.: skribar bele; give a h. to: (fig.)
helpar; ask for the h. of a woman: demandar muliero kom
spoz-ino; on h.: (com.) en butiko, en magazino; live
from h. to mouth: vivar de una dio ad ultra; to change
h.s: chanjar la mastro, la propriet-anto; have on
ones h.s: entratenar o suportar ulu; he is an
old h.: il esas des-novico; to lay violent h.s on:
violentar, male traktar; he is not much of a h. at cards:
il ne esas tre habila (od, bona) te karto-ludo; h.s
off: abasez la manui ! to give a free h.: donar
plenipotenco ad ulu; donar plena povo (facar); to come
to h.: recev-esar; on the one h.: un-latere; on the
other h.: altra-latere.
hand-barrow, -cart: remork-veturo; manu-, hom-veturo; (stretcher)
handbell: (manu-) klosh-eto.
handbill: aviz-folio.
handbook: manu-libro, lerno-libro.
handbreadth: palm-larj-eso.
handcuff: manot-o; -izar, -ligar.
handed, right-h. person: dextr-uz-ero; empty h.: kun
manui vakua; open h.: (fig.) jeneroza.
handful: manu-edo; (fig.) poka.
hand-grenade: grenado.
handicap: handikap-ar; -o.
handicraft: mestier-o; -sman: -isto, fabrik-ero,
handily: habile; komfort-oze, facile.
handywork: (product) (manu-)labor-uro.
handkerchief: naz-tuko (batista, dentela, e.c.; cf.
handle: (with hands) manu-agar, manipular; (a
subject, person) traktar; (affairs) direktar; (touch)
tushar; (goods) komercar (pri).
handle: (long) mancho; (crooked h., crank)
manivelo; (arc-shaped of cup, bucket) anso; (for
holding) manu-ten-ilo; (for turning) turn-ilo; (h.bar)
guid-stango; (of a drill) drilo; pump h.:
pump-il-levero; (of a door, etc.) maneto; manch-eto; which
can be h.ed: manu-ag-ebla.
handmaid: serv-ant-ino, -ist-ino.
hand-organ: turn-orgeno.
hand-railing: pasamano.
handscrew: (lifting jack) kriko (cf. maneto).
handshake: manu-preso.
handsome: bel-a, -(ul)o; (generous) jeneroza.
handspike: (ligno-, fera-) levero.
handwriting: skrib-o, -ado, -uro, -formo, -maniero (cf.
handy: (adroit) (manu-) habila; (at hand)
pronta; apuda; (convenient) oportuna.
hang: (h. up and down) pend-ar, (cause to h.)
-igar; h. up: suspendar (ulo), pendar (ulu); (with
wallpaper, etc.) tapet-(paper)izar; h. something on
something: akrochar; h. over: super-pendar; something
h.: pend-ajo, -peco; h.man: pend-anto, -ero; -ings:
tapet-o, -aji; pend-aji; h.-fire: lente-pafar, ne-pafar; (fig.)
indijar anim-eso; h. about: frequentar; h. back:
tard-igar; regresar; hezitar; h. down: infre-pendar; h.
loose or swinging: pendar ocil-(et)anta; (a rudder, etc.)
montar; h.-dog look: mieno pend-ind-ala; h.ing matter:
afero o kazo pend-inda.
hangar: (aviation) hangaro.
hank: skeno, fil-fasko.
hanker for: dezirar (ardor-oze); sospirar.
hanse: hans-o; -atic: -ala.
hansom-cab: kabrioleto.
haphazard, by: hazard-e; acidente.
hapless: mizer-oza; kompat-inda; des-fortun-oza.
haply: forsan
happen: (intr.) eventar; he h.ed to come: il
ad-venis hazarde; whatever h.s: irgo quo eventos: h.
during or in between: inter-eventar.
happily: fortun-oze.
happiness: felic-eso (cf. fortuno; joyo; beat-eso).
happy: felic-a, (person) -(ul)o; to look h.:
aspektar, -a.
harangue: deklam-(ach)ar.
harass: molestar, persekutar, tormentar; (annoy)
vexar; (inconvenience) jenar.
harbinger: pre-kur-anto, prekursoro.
harbour: loj-igar, gast-igar; (conceal) celar; (support)
harbour: (n.) portuo; (fig.) refuj-eyo; inner
h.: dopa portuo; outer h.: avan(a)-portuo; h. dues:
portuo-pago, -taxo; h.master: (civil)
portuo-ofic-isto, (naval) -oficiro; h. defence: (by
boom, etc.) estakado.
hard: (opp. of soft) harda; (difficult)
des-facila, pen-ig-iva; ardua; (firm) ferma; (severe)
severa; (strong, forcible) forta; (unfeeling)
sen-senta, (fig.) harda; h. of belief: ne-kred-ema;
h. of hearing: havar orelo mala, audar male; esar
surd-eta; h. to deal with: des-facile traktebla;
ne-ced-ema; ne koncili-ebla; h. to please: ne-facile
kontent-ig-ebla; h. by: proxim(e); he looked h. at:
il regardis (ulu, ulo) fixe, (od, atenc-oze).
harden: hard-igar, ferm-igar, -eskar.
harder, to make: plu-hard-igar (ulo).
hardihood: audaco; vigoro.
hardly: (scarcely) (adv.) apene; (conj.)
quik pos ke, quik kande.
hardness: hard-eso; see hard.
hardship: privaco, sufro, mal-ajo.
hardtack: nav-ala bisquito.
hardware: metal-vaz-aro, metal-aj-aro.
hardworking: labor-ema, -oza.
hardy: robusta; audac-oza; (plants) planti qui
suportas bone la kold-eso.
hare: lepor-o; jugged h.: -o-raguto; h. lip:
harem: harem-o, woman of h.: -an-ino.
haricot: (bean) fazeolo.
harken to: askoltar.
harl: (of flax) filaso.
harlequin: arlekin-o; h. dress: -vest-(ar)o.
harlot: deboch-ist-ino.
harm: (tr., intr.) (gen.) nocar; (physically)
domajar; (be a detriment to) detrimentar; out of
h.s way: en-sekur-eso; do bodily h. to:
violentar; there is no h. in that: ne esas malico (od,
mal-ajo) en to; h.ful: noc-iva; h.less: ne-noc-iva;
sen-danjera; ne-ofens-iva.
harmonic(al): (math.) harmonik-a;
(mus.) harmoni-ala.
harmonica: harmoniko.
harmonious: harmoni-oza, melodio-oza.
harmonium: harmoniumo.
harmonize: (lit. and fig.) (intr.) harmoni-ar,
(tr.) -igar (cf. akordar, konkordar; kadencar;
harmony: harmonio.
harness: harnes-o, -izar (cf. jungar); to unh.:
sen-harnes-igar, des-harnes-izar.
harp: harp-o, -plear; h. on: repet-achar.
harpoon: harpun-o, -agar.
harpsichord: klavikordo.
harpy: harpio.
harridan: (shrew) megero.
harrier: (dog) lepor-hundo.
harrow: hers-o, -agar; (fig.) torment-ar; -ing:
kordio lacer-anta.
harsh: (in sound) akra; rauka; (severe) severa;
(taste) acerba; to treat h.ly: traktar rude.
hart: (stag) cerv-ulo.
harts tongue: skolopendro.
harum-scarum: sen-reflekta, ne-pens-ema.
harvest: rekolt-ar; -(ad)o, -uro, -ajo.
hash: (mince) hachar; (bungle) fushar; (food)
hach-ita karno e ter-pomi; (mess) fush-uro, -ajo.
hashish: hashisho.
hasp: (kloz-)agraf-o, -o-buklo, -hoko.
hassock: genu-kaseno.
haste: hast-o; in h.: -e, -oze, rapide.
hasten: (intr.) hast-ar, (tr.) -igar, acelerar,
hasty: (rapid) hast-oza, rapida; (unconsidered)
ne-konsider-ita; sen-pensa; (quick-tempered) irac-ema.
hat: chapel-o; h. band: -o-bendo, -o-rubando; (for
chin) -o-kordono; h. box: -uyo, -buxo; a lift of
the h.: chapel-levo; chapel-saluto; chapel-depreno.
hatch: (with lines) hachar; (incubate) kovar; (come
out) ek-irar (lovo), (of a ship) luko.
hatchet: hak-il-eto.
hatchway: (ferdeko-) luko.
hate: odi-ar (cf. abominar, des-prizar; hororar); to
be h.ed: odi-esar (da); -ful: -inda: full of h.:
-oza; -fulness: -oz-eso.
haul: (tug on a rope; nav.) haular; (pull)
tirar; (drag along) tranar; (tow a movable object)
remorkar (cf. tuvar); h. up: hisar; h. in: (nav.)
haular (kordo, e.c.) en (od, sur) la navo; (a catch)
lapt-ajo; h. over the coals: reprimandar (ulu).
haunch: hancho.
haunt: (frequent) (fantom-) frequentar; (obsess)
obsedar; (of animals) habit-eyo; frequent-eyo.
hautboy: hoboyo.
have: (possess) havar (ulo); h. to: (must)
mustar, (ought to) devar; (as an auxilliary, not
translated, see grammar).
haven: (port) portuo; (fig.) refuj-eyo.
haversack: dorso-sako.
havoc: domaj-(eg)o, devast-(ad)o, -uro.
hawk: (chasar per) falkono; sparrow-h.: sparviero; to
h. about: (peddle) kolportar.
hawse-hole: kluzo.
hawser: amaro, kablo.
hawthorn: kratego (cf. espino).
hay: fen-o; to grow h.: -ifar; h.making:
fen-rekolt-ado; h.fork: (fen-)forko; h.stack:
hazard: riskar, -o; (luck) hazardo; chanco; -ous:
risk-oza, danjer-oza.
haze: nebul-eto; -zy: nebul-(et)oza, -atra; (ideas)
ne-klara, konfuza.
hazel: (coloured) avelan-ea; h. nut: -o; h.
bush: -iero.
he: il(u); (common gender form) lu; (suffix)
-ulo; (masculine) maskul-a, -ala, -atra.
head: (of body) kapo; (chief) chefo, mastro; (cf.
suffix -estro); (of a ship) avan-parto, pruo; (direction
of a ship) sinso; (of hair) har-aro; (geographical)
kabo; (of a river) fonto; (of an arrow) pinto; so
much per h.: tanto per persono; march at the h. of his
troops: marchar avan sua trupi; to be h. of a firm:
direktar firmo; (to go) h. foremost: kapo avane; to
go h. over heels: (intr.) kulbutar; h.s or tails:
facio o reverso; to h. for: direktar su ad; to give the
h. to: lasar ulu tota libera; to come to a h.: (med.)
pus-ifar; abutar; (fig.) matur-eskar; to knock on the
h.: (fell) abatar; to lay h.s together:
inter-konsentar, konvencionar (kun ulu); to trouble ones
h. about: des-quiet-eskar, -esar (pri, pro); from h. to
foot: del kapo a pedo; to be hot-h.ed: esar-irac-ema; to
eye from h. to foot: regardar ulu de kapo a pedi; to make
h. against: rezistar ad ulu; demand the h. of: (fig.)
postular la vivo (od, la morto) di ulu; to take into
ones h.: rezolvar; h. support: kap-apog-ilo; bare
h.ed: kap-nuda; light h.ed: kap-lejera, frivola; h.-breaking:
kap-rupto; h.less: sen-kapa.
headache: kap-doloro.
head-dress: kap-vesto (cf. kofio; kuaf-uro).
heading: (headline) titulo; general h.: rubriko.
headland: promontorio; kabo.
headlong: (impetuous) impetu-oza, -ema; (head-first)
kap-avan-a, -e.
headman: chefo.
headmaster: skol-estro; lice-estro; kolegi-estro.
headquarters: stab-eyo.
headship: chef-eso; (eccl.) primat-eso.
headsman: mort-ig-isto.
headstall: (of bridle) testiero.
headstrong: obstin-eg-anta, -era, -ema; to be h.: -ar.
headway: progreso; to make h.way: avancar, progresar,
facar sua kariero, sua suceso.
headwind: kontre-vento, kontre-a vento.
heady: (of liquor) ebri-ig-anta, -iva; (headstrong)
heal: (persons) ri-san-igar; (a disease)
remediar; (become) -esar; (treat a patient) kuracar;
(close up of a wound, ulcer) cikatr-igar, -eskar.
healer: (with or without medicine) kurac-isto, -ero;
ri-san-ig-anto, -ero; (doctor) mediko.
health: (good) san-eso; (toast) tost-o; to
be in h.: san-esar; to drink anyones h.: tostar
ad ulu.
healthy: (of places, things) salubra (cf.
san-ig-anta, -iva; salutara); (person) sana; to render,
become h.: add -igar, -eskar; h. tree: sana
heap: amas-o (de); in a h.: -e; h. up: -igar; h.ed
up: (overfull) super-plena; (very full)
plen-ega; amas-ig-ita.
hear: (receive sensations by the ear) audar; (listen
to) askoltar; (h. and grant a request) exaucar; to
h. from: inform-esar (pri); demandar informi pri; let us
h. from you: donez (od, sendez) a me letro (od,
hearer: aud-anto, -ero; askolt-anto, -ero; (judicial)
hearing: (the sense) aud-ado; (h. granted)
audienco; hard of h.: surd-eta; h. tube:
akustik-ala tubo.
hearken to: askoltar, (and grant) exaucar.
hearsay, by: per audo (od, rumoro).
hearse: sarko-veturo, funerala charo.
heart: (also fig.; cards) kordio; (courage)
kurajo; h. throb: kordio-palpito; by h.: (lernar)
memore; to take h.: fervorar pri ulo (cf. angorar);
at h.: en fundo, funde; to set the h. on: volar
absolute havar; to be good h.ed: esar bon-kordia (od,
benigna); with open h.: kun apert-ita kordio; of light
h.: kun lejera kordio; with all my h.: tot-kordie; in
the h. of the town: en la centro di lurbo; to give
h. to: anm-izar, inspirar kurajo ad ulu; take h.:
kuraj-esk-ez! to have ones h. in ones mouth:
pavorar; h.-rending: kordio-lacer-anta; chagren-anta; h.-diseased
(person): kordi-ika, -iko; have a hard h.:
havar harda kordio; h. less: sen-kordi-a; kruela.
heartburn: piroso.
hearth: herdo, fair-eyo.
hearty: kordi-ala, sincera; (of meals) abund-anta; (of
eaters) bon-, forta-manj-ero; (health) sana;
heat: varm-eso; (tech.) kaloro; (pr. and fig.)
ardoro; (fervor) fervoro; (animosity) rankoro;
iraco; pasiono; to be in h.: (animals) ardorar; h.-lightning:
fulmino silenc-oza; (verbal forms) varm-igar,
-eskar; kalor-izar; ardor-ar, -igar; inflam-ar; h.ed:
varma; h.ing appartus: varm-ig-ilo.
heath: erik-eyo.
heathen: pagan-a; -o, -ulo, -ino; (cf. barbara); -ism:
heather: eriko.
heave: (throw) jetar, lansar; (lift) levar; (a
sigh) sospirar; (pitch of a ship) tangar; h. in:
haular, hisar (cf. ripar).
heaven(s): cielo; thank h.: danko a la
cielo; -ly: ciel-ala; (angelic) anjel-ala, -atra; vault
of h.: ciel-vulto; h.-hued: ciel-blua; -ward(s):
heaviness: (quality) grav-eso; (weight) pez-o;
(gravity) grav-eso ; (fig.) trist-eso.
heavy: pez-oza, -anta; (phys. and fig.) grava; h.
sea: ond-oza maro; h. task: tasko des-gacila; h.
crop: rekolt-ajo abund-anta; h. geart: trista kordio; to
make more, less h.: plu-, min-grav-igar, (become)
hebdomadal: seman-ala.
Hebraism: Hebre-ismo, -ajo.
Hebrew: Hebr-a (linguo); (person) Judo; Izreal-ido.
hecatomb: hekatombo.
heckle: interpel-(ach)ar.
hectare: hektaro.
hectic: (med.) hektika.
hectogram: hektogramo.
hectograph: hektograf-ar, -ilo.
hektolitre: hektolitro.
hectometre: hektometro.
hedge: heg-o;-izar; (in betting) kontre-parier; (com.)
kontre-komprar od vendar; h. in: inkluzarl; -d: (bordered)
bord-iz-ata, -ita.
hedgehog: herisono.
hedge-nettle: stakiso.
heed: (tr., intr.) atenc-ar; -o; havar egardi o sorgi
por ulu; gardar su; h.ful: atenc-ema, vigil-anta, -ema,
sorg-anta, -ema; h.less: sen-reflekta, ne-pens-ema,
ne-atenc-oza, -ema, ne-suci-ema.
heel: (of foot, shoe, etc.) talon-o; (h. piece)
-alo; to urge (a horse) with the h.s:
talon-ecitar; to go head over h.s: kulbutar;
hegemony: hegemonio.
hegira: hejiro.
heifer: bov-yun-ino.
height: (dimension) alt-eso; (a h.) -ajo; (cf.
kolmo; somito; supr-ajo).
heighten: (increase) augmentar; (make higher)
heinous: odi-inda, abomininda; kruel-(eg)a.
heir: hered-anto, -into; to be the h. of: -ar; h.
apparent: hered-anto legitima (od, indik-ita; od,
heirloom: (famili-ala) hered-ajo.
heliac(al): sun-ala.
helianthus: helianto.
helicoid: helicoida, helic-atra.
helicopter: helikptero.
heliocentric: heliocentr-ala.
heliograph: heliograf-ar, -ilo.
heliogravure, to make: heliograbar.
heliometer: heliometro.
helioscope: helioskopo.
heliostat: heliostato.
heliotrope: heliotropo.
helium: helio.
helix: (arch., geom.) helico; (cf. spiralo) (anat.)
hell: inferno (cf. geheno).
hellebore: heleboro (verda, fetida, nigra).
Hellen-ic: Helen-a, -ala; -ism: -ismo, -ajo; -ist:
heller: heller (pl. -i).
helm: guvern-ilo, -mancho, -timono; -roto; -sman:
guvern-anto, -ero.
helmet: kasko; (ancient) helmo.
helot: hiloto.
help: (aid) helpar; (avoid) evitar; retenar su;
esar plu forta kam; preventar; ne povar ne; (at table)
servar; (be of use) util-esar (ad); through the
help of: per; not to h.: des-helpar; impedar.
help: (act) help-(ad)o; (thing) -ilo, -ivo; -er:
help-anto, -ero, -isto; -ing: help-anta, -iva; -ful:
utila; help-ema; sokurs-ema; -less: impotenta,
sen-pova; sen moyena; (infirm) infirma; febla.
helter-skelter: pel-mel-a, -e; konfuz-a, -e.
hem: (needlework) orl-ar; -uro; (clear ones
throat) tus-etar; (border) bord-(um)izar; h. in:
inkluzar; cirkondar; (milit.) cernar; (game)
trakar; (interj.) hum!
hematite: hematito.
hemianopsia: hemiop-eso.
hemianoptic: hemiopa.
hemicycle: mi-cirklo.
hemiplegia: hemiplegio.
hemipter: hemiptero.
hemisphere: mi-sfero.
hemistich: hemistiko.
hemlock: (tree and poison) cikuto.
hemoptysis: hemoptizio, sango-sputo.
hemorrhage: hemoragio, sang-ek-fluo.
hemorroids: hemoroido.
hemp: kanab-o; h. seed: -o-semino.
hen: (female domestic fowl) han-ino; (as adj.) suffix
-ino, as fazan-ino, dind-ino; (cf. pultro); water-h.,
moor-h.: galinelo; h. house: han-dom-eto, han-eyo; h.
roost: perch-eyo; h.-harrier, h.-harm: pigargo;
h.-pecked: (hom-ulo) spozin-guvern-ita (od,
henbane: hiskiamo.
hence: (away, out) for, ek; for hike; exter hike; two
days h.: du dii de nun; far h.: for hike; (therefore)
do; pro to; (interj.) ad-extere!
henceforth, henceforward: de nun.
henchman: serv-isto, -ero.
hepatic: hepat-ala.
hepatica: hepatiko.
hepatite: hepatito.
hepatitus: hepatito..
heptagon: heptagono.
heptahedron: heptaedro.
her: el(u); hers: elua.
herald: proklamar, anuncar; (person) heraldo.
heraldic: blazon-(art)ala.
heraldry: blazon-arto.
herb: (growing plant) herbo; (medicinal, prepared)
herboro; h. tea: tizano.
herbaceous: herb-a, -ala, -atra, -oza.
herbage: herb-aji; pastur-ajo.
herbalist: (medicinal) herbor-isto; (gen.)
herbo-koli-ero; herbo-vend-isto.
herbarium: herbario.
herbivorous: (animal) herbivor-a, -o;
herbo-manj-ant-a, -o.
herborize: (intr.) botanizar.
Herculean: Herkul-ala, -atra.
Hercules: Herkul-o.
herd: (besti-o)trupo; (v.) vivar en trupi; (fig.)
amas-igar, -eskar.
herdsman: (bestio-) gard-isto, pastoro.
here: hik-e, -a; h. is: (as interj.) yen! h.
I am: yen (hike) me! h. where: hike ube; away from
h.!, out of h.!: exter hike! far distant from h.: for
hike; through h.: tra hike; come h.: venez ad-hike;
unto h.: til hike; near h.: hike apude; h.
within: hike interne; look h.: yen!
hereabouts: hike apude, proxime (hike).
hereafter: de nun; (after) pose; seque, en la vivo
futura, en laltra mondo.
hereat: ye to; (at that time; then) lor(e).
hereby: (by means of this) per to; (through the
fact that) per ke; (near this) hike
apude, proxime (hike).
hereditary: hered-ala, -ita, -ebla; atavism-ala.
heredity: hered-(ad)o, -ajo, -iv-eso; atavismo.
herein: en to, en co; hike inkluz-ita; interne.
hereon: sur co.
heresy: herezio.
heretic: herezi-ano; -al: -ala, (persons) -ana.
hereto: (to reply, etc.) kontre co; pri to.
heretofore: til nun; olim; ante-e.
hereupon: pos to; sur to; lor(e).
herewith: kun to (od, co); kune; hike (inkluz-ita).
heritage: (act) hered-o, (thing) -ajo.
hermaphrodite: hermafrodit-a, -(ul)o; du-sexua.
hermeneutics: interpret-arto.
hermetical: hermetika.
hermit: (also fig.) ermit-(ul)o; -age: -eyo; h.
crab: ermit-krabo.
hernia: hernio.
hero: hero-(ul)o; -ic: hero-ala, -atra; mock h.:
hero-komika; -ism: (quality) -eso, (act)
-ajo; -ine: -ino.
heron: herono.
herpes: herpeto.
herring: haring-o, (pl.) -i; smoked h.:
-o-fum-iz-ita; shoal of h.: -o-bando.
hers: elua (cf. sua); -self: (subject of
verb) el ipsa; (object of v.) su.
hesitate: (intr.) hezit-ar; to cause someone to h.:
-igar (ulu); -tant: -anta, -ema; ne certa.
heteroclite: (vorto) ne-regul-oza, anomala, disparata.
heterodox: heterodox-a, ne-ortodox-a; -y: -eso.
heterogeneous: heterogen-a; -genity: -eso.
heterosexual: heterosexuala.
hew: hakar.
hexagon: hexagono.
hexagram: hexagramo.
hexahedron: hexaedrono.
hexameter: hexametro.
hey: he!, ho!
heyday: plen-eso (di yun-eso, e.c.); bona dii.
hiatus: hiato.
hibernate: (in winter) (intr.) hivernar (cf.
hiccough, hiccup, to have the: (intr.) hipar.
hidalgo: hidalgo.
hidden: cel-ita; arkana, sekreta.
hide: celar; vel-izar; to play h. and seek: ludar ye
hide: (dressed) felo; (on the body) pelo.
hidebound: (fig.) bigota; ne-ced-ema, ne-koncili-ebla.
hideous: led-ega, repugn-anta, horor-inda.
hie: (oneself) haste ad-kurar, hastar.
hierarchy: hierarkio.
hieratic: hieratika.
hieroglyph: hieroglifo.
higgledy-piggledy: pelmele.
high: (of dimensions, degree, pressure, sound) alta, (cf.
granda; sublima; elev-ita; import-anta); (of cheek-bones)
sali-anta; (of meat) putr-anta, -inta, des-fresha; to
raise up h.: elevar (ulu, ulo); four metres h.: alta
di quar metri; h. objest: alt-ajo (cf. kolmo); of
h. degree: alta-grad-a, -o; h. relief: alta-reliefo; h.
in colour: (tre) kolor-oza; h. sea: larja o
libero mara; h. treason: stat-ala trahizo; carry the
head h.: tenar alte la kapo; h.ly esteem: alte estimar
(ulu); (to rule with) a h. hand: dominacar; traktar
ulu severe, stikte; esar arogante; h. voice: alta voco; (fig.)
lauto voco; to have a h. opinion of oneself: havar bona
opiniono pri su; on h.: supre; The Most High: la
super-ega Ento, la Super-ego; h. Mass: grand meso; from
on h.: de supre; h. born: de nobla (od, alta)
raso (od, nasko) ; h. flown: (style)
grandioza; h. flying: extravag-anta; h. pressure: alt-presa,
alta preso; h.spirited: fiera; superba; impetu-oza, -ema;
vivaca; h. priest: pontifiko, chef-sacerdoto; h. prize:
la chefa premio; h. life: high-life ;
mondo-umo eleganta (od, alta); h. liver:
bon-viv-anta, -ero; h.ly: (very much) tre (multe).
higher: plu (alta, granda, e.c.); to raise h.: (rents,
prices, wages, etc.) (plu, pluse) augmentar; (cf.
elevar); to make h.: (in dimensions) plu-alt-igar;
(adj.) supera (cf. superiora; sura).
highest: (in comparison) maxim (multa, granda, e.c.),
maxima; h. value: maxima valoro; h. possible: maxim
(multe, alte, grande) posible; at the h.est: ad-maxime;
h. part: supr-ajo; somito; kolmo.
highness: alt-eso; (a lord) sinior-ulo (lua); His
Royal H.: sinioro rej-ido.
highway: granda voyo, voy-ego.
highwayman: voyo-rapt-isto, -ero, -anto.
hilarious: gaya; gay-ig-anta; joy-oza; rid-ema.
hilarity: gay-(eg)eso.
hile, hilum: hilo.
hill: kolino, mont-eto (cf. rampo; pento); small
h.: add -eto; halfway up the h.: ye mi-alteso; up
h. and down dale: tra monti e vali; -y: mont-et-oza.
hilt: ten-ilo; mancho.
him: il(u); (acc. form) ilun.
hind: (roe) cerv-ino; (herdsman)
bestio-gard-isto; (countryman) rur-an-ala labor-isto; h.quarters:
dop-ajo; (of animals) hancho; kulo.
hinder: impedar; embarasar; jenar; plu-tard-igar;
plu-lent-igar; retenar su.
hinder: (of parts) dop-a; h. part: dop-ajo; -most:
maxim dopa (cf. lasta).
hindrance: obstaklo; rezisto; impedo, -ivo; entrav-ilo.
hinge: (of a door, box, etc.) charniro; (h. pintle,
point) gondo.
hint: insinu-ar; sugest-etar; alud-etar; to take the h.:
komprenar linsinu-ajo, la tac-ita vorti, la ne-direta
hinterland: dop-lando.
hip: hanch-o; to bend the h.s: -o-flexar; h. bone:
iliako; pain in the h.: koxalgio.
hippocampus: hipokampo.
hippocras: cinam-vino.
hippodrome: hipodromo.
hippogriff: hipogrifo.
hippopotamus: hipopotamo.
hire: engajar (ulu); lokacar (ulo); house for h.: domo
lokac-ebla; what is h.ed: lokac-ajo; cost of h.:
hireling: salari-at-acho.
hirsute: (bristly) heris-ata (cf. pil-oza;
har-oza, barb-oza, vil-oza).
his: ilua (cf. lua, sua).
Hispanic: Hispan-ala.
hiss: (intr.) sis-ar; (-ad)o.
histology: histologio.
historiographer: historiografo.
historian: histori-isto, -ero.
historic: histori-ala.
history: historio.
histrion: histriono.
hit: (strike) frapar; (clash with) (tr.,
intr.) shokar; h. off: (attain ones aim)
atingar sua skopo (od, suceso); (a resemblance)
atingar lua simil-eso; imitar perfekte; h. upon:
des-kovrar; trovar; a happy h.: bril-anta (od,
fortun-oza) stroko.
hitch: (tie) ligar; (tie together) kun-ligar; (join
by means of something) kun-juntar; (hook on) akrochar;
(nav.) fix-igar per amaro, per kordo; (the trousers,
etc.) lev-(et)ar (ad-supre).
hitch: (knot) nodo; (cf. lig-ilo); (hindrance)
imped-o, -ivo; entav-o, -ilo, -ajo.
hither: (here) hike; (h. side) cisa; come
h.: venez ad-hike; h. and thither: hike ed ibe.
hitherto: til nun.
hive: abel-uyo, -korbo.
ho: ho!
hoard: trezor-ifar, amas-igar, -eskar (sekrete); akumular.
hoarfrost: pruin-o; (impers.) there is a h.:
hoarse: rauka; to grow h.: rauk-eskar.
hoary: (headed) blanka, nive pudr-izita, griza; (ancient)
antiqua; (frosted) pruin-oza.
hoax: mistifikar; atrapar; trompar.
hoax: (n.) mistifiko; (false news) falsa
informo, inform-acho; jok-mentio; tromp-ilo.
hobble: (h. along) (intr.) klaudikar; (fetter)
hobby: mani-eto.
hobby-horse: ligna-kaval(et)o.
hobgoblin: koboldo.
hobnail: (large nail) klov-ego.
hobnob: drinkar kun ulu; (fig.) glas-shokar.
hock: (anat.) poplito; (Rhine wine) Rhen-vino.
hockey-bat: kroso.
hocus-pocus: sharlatan-eso, -ajo.
hod: trog(et)o (por briki, e.c.); h.ful: -edo.
hodge-podge: mixur(ach)o, macedonio.
hodometer: (speedometer) hodometro.
hoe: hau-o; -agar; garden h.: bineto.
hog: porko; -gish: glut-ema; avar-acha; grosiera.
hogshead: (cask) barel-ego.
hoist: (sails, flags, etc.) hisar; (lift)
levar; (reel up) vindar; (prices) plu-alt-igar; (cf.
erektar; elevar); (n.) -o; -ilo; (elevator)
hold: (lay h. of) prenar, sizar; (have h. of; h. on)
tenar; (contain) kontenar; (to have) havar,
posedar; h. back: retenar, ditenar, rezervar; halt-igar; h.
oneself erect: tenar su rekta; h. someone by the arm:
tenar ulu ye (od, per) la brakio; h. tight: tenar
ferme; h. forth: (declaim) deklamar; h.
off: for-tenar; h. underneath: (support)
sub-tenar; h. out: (last) (intr.) durar; (resist)
rezistar; h. on: (stop) halt-ez! h. your tongue:
tacez! h. over: (adjourn) ajornar; h. water:
esar aqu-espruva; (fig.) qua povas suport-ar exameno
rigor-oza; h. up: (of rain, etc.) cesar; h.
with: (approve) aprobar.
hold: (of a ship) holdo; (grip) teno; preno; to
let go ones h.: des-prenar; to take h. of:
prenar (ulu, ulo; ye); have a h. on someone: (have
power over) havar povo sur ulu.
holder: (for gripping) ten-ilo; (receptacle)
recev-uyo; kolekt-uyo; port-ilo; (handle) mancho; (of a
drill) drilo.
hole: truo (cf. apert-uro, orifico, boko; punto;
vaku-ajo; kaverno; foso; brecho); produce h.s: tru-ifar; cover
with h.s: -izar; full of h.s: -oza; mouse-h.:
mus-truo; man-h: hom-truo; key-h. saw: tru-seg-ilo;
to be in a h.: (fig.) esar en sako-strado; esar en
mala stando.
holiday: (public) festo; (free day) libera dio;
(vacation) vakanco-dio; to observe a h.: konjedar (cf.
holiness: sant-eso; His H.: (the pope) Lua
holla: ho!, hola!
hollow: (sunken) kava; (empty) vakua; (sound)
ne-sonora, matida; (vain) vana; h. eyes: okuli kava
(od, sinkita).
hollow: (cavity) kav-o, -ajo; (cf. baseno) (artificial)
vaku-ajo; (hole) foso; h. out: kav-igar; vaku-ifar,
-igar; konkav-igar; fos-igar, -ifar; exkavar.
holly: ilex-o.
hollyhock: malvarozo.
holocaust: (also fig.) holokausto.
holographic: holografa.
holothurian: holoturio.
holster: (of pistol) pistol-uyo.
holy: sant-a; to make h.: -igar (ulu, ulo); H.
Ghost: Santa Spirito; H. of Holies: (Jewish)
santuario; H. Office: santa tribunalo; H. Scriptures:
santa skrib-uri; most h.: sakro-santa; h. oil:
krismo, santa ole-o, -i; h. orders: santa ordi,
klerik-eso; to confer h. orders: ord-izar; ordinacar; h.
water: aquo santa, santa aquo.
homage, to do to, render to, pay to: homajar.
home: hemo; at h.: (esar) heme (cf. che me); h.
loving: hem-rest-ema; h. made, baked: hem-fac-ita,
-bak-ita; at h.: (reception day) acepto-dio; make
feel at h.: ne jenar; aklimatar; serchar sua komforto; at
h. in: esar exerc-ita (en, pri), experta, erudita (pri).
home-made: fac-ita en la hemo; menaj-ala (vesto, e.c.).
homely: (homelike) hem-atra; (simple) simpla;
ordinara; (not beautiful) ne-bela; (ugly) leda; (out
of fashion) ek-moda, ancien-moda.
homeopath-y, -ist: homeopati-o, -isto.
Homeric: Homer-ala, -atra (rido).
homesickness: nostalgio.
homestead: hemo-domo, -domeno.
homeward bound: retro-ven-anta (de, ad).
homicidal: hom-ocid-anta, -iva, -ema.
homicide: hom-ocido; (person) hom-ocid-anto.
homily: homilio.
homopathy: see homeopathy.
homogeneity: homogen-eso.
homogeneous: homogena.
homologous: homolga
homonym: homonimo.
homosexual: homosexuala.
hone: (a razor, etc.) akut-igar per stono.
honest: (person) honesta; sincera; yusta; (dealings)
loyala, legitima, yust-ig-ita; -y: honest-eso;
honey: mielo; h. bee: abelo; h.comb: vabo; h.ed:
miel-ala, -oza, -atra; h.comb cell: (mielo-, vabo-)
alveolo; h.combed: tru-iz-ita; to produce h.:
miel-ifar; to cover with h.: miel-izar (ulo).
honeymoon: miel-tempo.
honeysuckle: kaprifolio.
hono(u)r: honor-o; (v.) -izar; maid
of h.: -damzelo; word of h.: honor-promiso, -parolo,
-juro; -able: honor-oza, -inda; estim-inda; honest-ega; -ary:
honor-iz-anta, -iz-iva; -um-ala.
honorarium: honorario.
hood: (persons) kapuco (cf. kofio); (of
hatch, auto.) kapoto (cf. tendo); -ed:
kapuc-iz-ita; h.wink: trompar, dup-igar.
hoof: hufo; -ed: -oza.
hook: hoko; (cf. agrafo; siklo; patero); fish-h.:
angelo; snap-, swivel-h.: karabin-hoko; (verb) hang
on a h., h. on: akrochar; (fish) angel-agar, -kaptar; put
a fish-h. on: angel-izar; to h.: (dresses, etc.)
agraf-agar; porters h.: porto-hoko; h.ed:
hok-oza, -atra; (nose) agl-atra.
hoop: ring-(eg)o; -izar; (of a wheel) felgo; (for
ladies) krinolino; (cry) krio; (cf. koliaro).
hoopoe: upupo.
hooping-cough: koklusho.
hoot: (of owls) (intr.) ulular; (persons)
moko-klamar (ulu), konsputar.
hop: (plants) lupulo; (interj.) hop!
hop: (jump) (intr.) salt-etar.
hope: esper-o; to h. for: (tr.) esperar (ulo); have
h.: (have confidence, trust) (intr.) esperar
(de, en); thing h.ed for: -ajo; h.ful: -ema, -oza; h.less:
hoplite: hoplito.
hopper: (of a mill) funel-ego.
Horae: Hori.
horde: (group) hordo.
horizon: horizont-o; -tal (line): ala
horn: (material and of animals) korn-o; to h.:
-izar; h. blower: korn-(ple)isto, -ero; h. of plenty:
abundo-korno; to wind the h.: korne-anuncar; -ed:
-oza; -less: sen-korna.
hornbeam: (tree) karpino.
horn-beetle: lukano; skarabeo.
hornet: horniso.
hornpipe: matloto.
horny: (of horns) korn-a, -ala, -atra; (callous)
kal-oza, -atra.
horologic: horoj-ala.
horoscope: horoskop-o; to cast the h.: facar (la) -o.
horrible, horrid: horor-inda; (very ugly) led-ega.
horrify: horor-igar (su); -ar (pro).
horror: hororo; (cf. konstern-eso; abomino;
teroro); to have h. of: (tr., intr.) -ar.
horse: kaval-o; (wooden frame) tresto; (milit.)
kavalrio; to ride on a h.: kavalkar (kavalo); to train
a h.: (for racing) entrenar; to get on a high h.:
(fig.) parolar fiere (od, insolente, od,
superbe); to take a h. from a vehicle: des-jungar;
horseback, on: sur-kavale (kavalkar).
horse-box: (stall) kaval-fako; (car)
horseblock: kavalko-bloko.
horsebreaker: kaval-dres-ero, -isto; (for racing)
(kaval-)entren-ero, -isto.
horse-chestnut: kaval-kastan-iero (cf. moron-o,
horse-cloth: (kaval-)teg-ilo.
horsedealer: kaval-vend-ero, -isto.
horse dung: kaval-feko.
horse fair: kaval-ferio.
horse family: kaval-raso.
horsefly: tabano.
horsehair: kaval-krino.
horse-load: karg-ajo di (por) kavalo.
horseman: kavalk-ero, -isto; kaval-isto; -ship:
kavalk-o, -ado, -arto; .
horseplay: des-dolca lud-(ad)o.
horse-power: kaval-povo.
horse-race: kaval-kur(ad)o.
horse-radish: rafano (cf. armoracio).
horseshoe: kaval-, huf-fero; -ing: fer-iz(ad)o di
kavalo, kaval-fer-iz-ado.
horsewhip: flog-ilo; kravacho.
hortatory: exhort-oza, -ema.
horticulture: garden-kultiv-ado.
hosanna: hosana.
hose: (stocking) kalzo; (pipe) tubo (aqua-ala);
elastika aqua-tubo.
hospice: hospico.
hospitable: gast-ig-anta, -ema.
hospital: (for cure of sick) hospitalo; (field h.)
ambulanco; (for infirm, aged, etc.) hospico.
hospitality: gast-igo, -ig-em-eso.
host: (of guests) hosto; hotel-mastro, alberg-estro; (Cath.
rel.) hostio; (very many) mult-ega; turbo; band-ego.
hostage: gajo-homo.
hostel: loj-domo; see hotel.
hostile: enemik-ala, des-favor-oza; (cf. atent-a,
-anta, -ema); to render h.: enemik-igar, -eskar; h.
act: -ajo.
hostility: enemik-eso, (act) -ajo; -ties: (fighting)
hostler: kaval-labor-isto.
hot: varm-ega; (glowing) ardor-anta, -oza; (burning)
brul-anta; (fig.) zel-oza, fervor-oza; ardor-oza; to
make h.: varm-igar; to be burning h.: brular; to be
boiling h.: (intr.) boli-ar; esar tote boli-anta; to
be in h. water: (fig.) esar en (granda) embaras-eso; to
be h.: ardorar.
hotbed: varm-bedo, sterko-bedo; h. of treason: centro
(od, sid-eyo) por trahizo.
hot-blooded: pasion-oza.
hotchpotch: popurito.
hotel: hotel-o; (inn) alberg-o; h. keeper:
-estro, -mastro.
hothouse: teplico.
hotness: varm-eso; (physics) kaloro; (fig.)
ardoro; pasiono; violent-o, -em-eso; furio.
hough: poplito.
hound: chas-hundo; (persecute) persekutar.
hour: (of sixty minutes) horo; (oclock)
kloko; h.ly: singla-hore, hor-ope; a quarter of an h.:
hor-quar-imo; what is the h.: qua kloko esas? qua tempo
esas? an h. ago: ante un horo; h.s for hearing,
consultation: audienco-hori.
hour-glass: sablo-horlojo.
hour-hand: horloj-agul-eto.
hour-plate: cifro-plako.
house: (intr.) loj-ar, -eskar, (tr.) -igar;
gast-igar; (cattle, etc.) en-stabl-igar, -eskar.
house: domo (cf. hemo, konstrukt-uro, edifico,
lij-eyo, habit-eyo); (in theartres) aud-anto-aro; (family)
familio; dinastio; head of h.: dom-estro, -mastro; h.
of parliamant: chambro (di deput-ati, e.c.); H. of Lords:
pero-chambro; commercial h.: firmo; public h.:
taverno; drink-erio; h.breaker: (thief)
dom-furt-isto, -ero; h.keeper: menaj-ist-ino, -estro;
household: (family) familio; (dwellers in house)
hem-an-aro, dom-an-aro; (servants) serv-ist-aro; (h.
management) menajo; (adj.) dom-ala, hem-ala menaj-ala;
h. goods: mobl-aro, -i; h. utensils: menaj-ala
householder: dom-propriet-aro; dom-mastro, -estro.
housekeeping: menajo.
houseleek: sempervivo.
houseless: sen habit-eyo.
housemaid: (dom-)servist-ino.
house-rent: lokaco-preco (od, kusto) di domo.
house-top: tekto, dom-supr-ajo.
house-warming: en-dom-ig-ala festo; festar en la nova hemo.
housewife: dom-mastr-ino; (for needles, etc.)
utensil-uyo, -etuyo; bux-eto por acesor-aji.
housework: menaj-o, -o-labor-ado.
housing: loj-ado; (fig.) refuj-eyo; (storing)
konservo (en magazino).
hovel: dom-acho; chambr-acho; kaban-acho.
hover: flug-etar (super); (fig.) hezitar; h. over:
(menace) minacar.
how: (in what manner) quale? qua-maniere? (what
degree, extent, quantity, price) quant-e, -a; h. do you
do?: quale vu standas; no matter h.: irge quale; h.
long: til kande; h. much do you ask?: quanton vu
demandas? h. beautiful she is: quante el esas bela! God
knows h.: Deo savas quale; h. great: quante granda; h.
many men: quanta homi; h. many died?: quanti mortis? h.
old are you?: quante (od, quanton) ve evas?
however: (nevertheless) tamen; malgre to; h. much:
irge quante; h. great he maybe: irge quante grande il
esas; h. important: (irge) quante importas; h. happy he
may be: irge quante felicas il esas.
howitzer: obus-kanono; bombard-ilo.
howl: (of dogs, wolves, etc.) (intr.) ulular.
hoyden: bub-ino.
hoydenish: rud-maniera, -kondut-anta, -ema.
hub: (of wheel) nabo.
hubbub: tumulto, bruis-ego, -acho; to raise a h.:
huckster: kolport-isto, -ero; ri-vend-isto.
huddle: amas-igar, -eskar; (in a crowd) turbe.
hue: koloro(nuanco); (resulting from colours)
kolorito; h. and cry: indigno-klam-(ad)o, moko-klamo;
huff: (at checkers) suflar; to get in a h.:
irac-eskar, ofens-esar (da); insult-esar, -eskar.
hug: embracar; cirkum-presar; (a coast) proxim-irar,
rez-igar (la litoro).
huge: grand-ega; enorma; vasta; imensa.
Huguenot: hugenoto.
hulk: anciena navo (sen-masta); the h.s: bagn-o, -i.
hulking: gros-acha.
hull: (free from h.) sen-shell-igar.
hull: nav-korpo; (immersed part, ships bottom)
kareno; (of walnuts, etc.) shelo.
hum: (a tune) kant-etar; (of insects) (intr.)
zumar; (slight noise) (intr.) murmurar; bruis-etar;
(interj.) hum!
human: hom-a, -ala; (state) -eso; h. being:
humane: (kind) humana, benigna.
humanely: (possible, etc.) hom-ale.
humanist: human-isto.
humanitarian: human-ala, -a; -(ul)o.
humanity: (feeling) human-eso; (whole) hom-aro;
(nature of man) hom-eso; to study the h.ties: facar
klasika studii.
humanize: (render, become humane) human-igar, -eskar;
(make human) hom-igar; (civilize) civilizar.
human-kind: hom-aro, hom-ala speco.
humble: humil-igar, -eskar; sham-igar; (fig.)
bas-igar; des-nobl-igar.
humble: (adj.) humila; (in origin)
basa-origina, -ranga, -klasa; the h.: la humili.
humble-bee: burdono.
humbug: dup-igar, -eskar; eskrokar; (n.) sharlatan-o;
(swindle) -ajo.
humdrum: triviala, monotona.
humerus: humero; head of the h.: kondilo.
humid: humid-a; -ity: -eso.
humiliate: humil-igar, -eskar, sham-igar, -eskar; (cf.
humiliating: humil-ig-anta, sham-ig-anta.
humiliation: humil-ig(ad)o, sham-igo.
humility: humil-eso; with h.: -e.
humming-bird: kolibrio.
humor: (tr., intr.) komplezar; (cf. plezar;
konform-eskar; indulgar; kontent-igar).
homor, humour: (disposition, mood) humoro; (wit)
humuro (cf. esprito); drol-eso, -ajo; bad, good h.:
bona, mala humoro; to be in a h.: (to do something)
esar inklin-ita (od, pronta); to be out of h.: (be
vexed) (intr.) despitar; h.ist: humur-ista,
-oza; -isto; drol-(ul)o; jok-ero; h.ous: humur-oza; drola;
esprit-oza; (laughable) rid-inda.
hump: gib-o, -oz-eso; (cf. konvex-ajo, sali-ajo;
bosel-aji); h.backed: gib-oza; -oz(ul)o; -iero.
humus: humuso.
hunch: see hump.
hundred: cent-o; two h. and one: dua-cent-e-un; h.fold:
-opla, -oplo; h. th: -esma; (fraction) -imo.
hunger: (lit. and fig.) hungr-o, (great) -ego; satisfy
h.: saciar sua hungro.
hungry: hungr-anta, -oza; to be h.: hungr-ar; make
h.: -igar (ulu).
hunk: pec-ego.
hunt: (tr., intr.) (vild-) chasar, -kaptar; h. up,
h. for: (as in books) serchar (cf. inquestar); h.
down: (a person) persequar (cf. persekutar); (beat
the woods) trakar; h.er: (horse) chas-kavalo; h.ress:
chas-er-ino; h.ing dog: chas-hundo; h.ing party:
hurdle: hurdo; (v.) saltar (supre, trans).
hurdy-gurdy: turn-orgeno (cf. vielo).
hurl: (ek-)lansar; (headlong) precipitar.
hurly-burly: tumulto; pelmelo; des-ordin-ego, -eso;
hurrah: (interj.) hura! an h.: hura-o; (v.)
klamar hura.
hurricane: uragano (cf. tempestar).
hurry: (intr.) hast-ar, (tr.) -igar (cf.
precipitar); (plu-)rapid-igar; acelerar.
hurry: hasto; there is no h. for that: to ne urjas.
hurt: (wound) vundar; (cf. kontuzar); (injure)
lezar; domajar; (gen.) facar mal-ajo; nocar; (be
detrimental to) detrimentar (be in pain)
dolorar; (give offence to) ofensar.
hurtful: mal-efik-anta, mal-fac-ema; (thing) noc-iva,
husband: spoz-ulo; h. and wife: (ge-) spozi; to h.:
(save) sparar.
husbandman: kultiv-isto, -ero; farm-isto, -ero.
hush: (not to speak) (intr.) tacar; (to have
absence of noise) silencar; to h. up: (someone)
tac-igar; (imperat.) tacez tu! st! (fig.) represar,
supresar; (to stop noise, as of a machine) silenc-igar; h.
that noise: silencez!
hush-money: premio por tac-(ad)o; to give h.: komprar
la tac(ad)o.
husk: (in gen.) shelo, envelop-ilo; (of nuts)
bruo; (bran) brano; (chaff) glumo; (v.)
sen-shel-igar; (winnow grain) fanar (cf. emundar).
husky: (hoarse) rauka.
hussar: husaro.
hussy: hom-in-acho, raskal-ino; nul-valor-oza hom-ino od
hustings: (assembly) asemblo elekt-ala.
hustle: (jostle) shok-pulsar; (push) pulsar; (make
haste) hastar (intr.).
hut: (dwelling) kaban-(et)o, -acho; (temporary)
barako (cf. hangaro).
hutch: (for rabbits) kunikl-eyo, -dom-eto.
huzza: see hurrah.
hyacinth: hiacinto.
hybrid: hibrid-a, -o (cf. bastarda).
hydra: hidro.
hydrangea: hortensio.
hydrant: aquo-boko.
hydrate: hidrato.
hydraulics: hidrauliko.
hydrocephalus: hidrocefal-o, (person) -ika, -iko.
hydrochloric acid: klor-acido.
hydrocyanic: cianhidra.
hydrodynamics: hidrodinamiko.
hydogen: (common term) hidrogeno; (chem.
nomenclature) hido; h. peroxide: hido-peroxo.
hydrographer: hidrograf-o.
hydrography: hidrografi-o.
hydrology: hidrologio.
hydrolysis: hidrolizo.
hydromancy: hidromancio.
hydromechanics: hidromekaniko.
hydromel: miel-aquo.
hydrometer: hidrometro.
hydrometry: hidrometri-o.
hydropathy: hidropatio.
hydrophis: hidro.
hydrophobia: hidrofobio.
hydroquinine: hidroquinono.
hydrostatics: hidrostatiko.
hydrotherapy: hidroterapio.
hyena: hieno.
hygiene: higieno.
hygrometer: higrometro (cf. psikrometro).
hygrometry: higrometrio.
hygroscope: higroskop-o.
hygroscopy: higroskopi-o.
hymen: (anat., bot.) himeno; (marriage)
hymeneal: (marriage song) himeneo.
hymenopter(al): himenopter-o, -a.
hymn: himn-o; -al: -aro, -o-libro,.
hyoid: hioido.
hyoscyamus: hiskiamo.
hypallage: hipalago.
hyperbaton: hiperbato.
hyperbol-e, -a: hiperbolo.
hyperboloid: hiperboloido.
hyperborean: hiperbore-a, -o.
hypercritical: kritik-ach-ala, -ema; tro kritik-ema.
hypermetropia: hipermetrop-eso.
hypertrophy: hipertrofi-o, -eso, (v.) -ar.
hyphen: strek-eto, junto-streko.
hypnosis: hipnot-o, tranc-o; to be in: -ar.
hypnotic: hipnot-a, -ala.
hypnotism: (act) hipnot-ig(ad)o; (cf. hypnosis).
hypnotist: hipnot-ig-anto, -ero,-isto.
hypnotize: hipnot-igar (cf. tranch-igar); person
h.d: hipnot-ig-ato, -ito.
hypochondria: hipokondri-o, -c: (person) -ika,
hypochondrium: hipokondro.
hypocrisy: (state) hipokrit-eso, (act) -ajo; (fig.)
Tartuf-eso, -ajo.
hypocrit-e: hipokrit-(ul)o; -ical: -a; -ical act:
-ajo; to be a h.: -esar; to act the h.: agar
hypocycloid: hipocikloido.
hypogastrium: hipogastro.
hypogeum: hipogeo.
hipophysis: hipofizo.
hypostasis: hipostazo.
hypot(h)enuse: hipotenuzo.
hypothec: hipoteko; -ate: -izar.
hypothesis: hipotezo.
hypothetical: hipotez-ala, -atra.
hypsometer: hipsometro.
hypsometry: hipsometrio.
hyssop: hisopo.
hysteric: (relating to disease) histeri-ala, (person)
-ika, -iko; -s: -o.