English-Ido Dictionary : T

tab: (tape) rubando; (cf. tago); (label) etiketo; to keep t.: kontar.
kato (domestika).
(furniture) tablo; (list; flat surface) tabelo; (slab, shelf) tabulo; t.cloth: tablo-tuko.
viv-anta imaj-o, -ero.
komuna gasto-tablo; komuna manjo.
alta plan-ajo o plat-ajo.
(for writing) skrib-tabel-eto; (of chocolate, etc.) tabul-eto; (see table).
(adj.) tabul-et-atra; kompres-ita.
(list form) tabela.
tabel-igar; katalog-izar; list-igar.
tac-ata, -ita.
tac-era, -ema; -ity: tac-er-eso, -em-eso; ne-parol-em-eso.
(veer around) (intr.) jirar; borde-ar; (baste) imbastar; (fasten slightly) kloz-klov-et-agar ne-sekure o jejere; t. down a carpet: klov-et-agar tapiso (sur planko-sulo); t. about: (ship) borde-ar; -igar la navo.
(of a ship) bordeo; (small nail) klov-eto; (direction) direciono; sinso.
(attack) atak-(esk)ar (kun); (catch hold of) sizar, manu-kaptar; (struggle) luktar (kun).
(hoisting gear) puli-aro; (for fishing) pesk-il-aro; (cordage) kord-(eg)-aro (nav-ala).
takt-o; -ful: -oza; -less: sen-takta; ne-habila.
(as of lace) tago; (label) etiketo; (rag) shifono.
(of animal and fig.) kaudo (cf. mancho; extrem-ajo, fin-ajo, -o; basko); I can make neither head nor t. of it: me tote ne povas komprenar ulo; me povas intelektar nulo pri (od, en) ol; turn t.: fug-eskar; a long-t.ed cat: kato kun longa kaudo; at the t. end: ye la fino od extrem-ajo; t.less: sen-kauda.
(give form to) taliar; (person) talior-o; -ess: -ino.
koruptar (karno, e.c.); (infect, also fig.) infektar; t.ed: (rotten) putr-inta; (impure) ne-pura.
(lay hold of) prenar; (a person to) duktar, guidar; (a thing to) portar; (consider) konsiderar; (understand) intelektar, konceptar; (arrest) arestar; (suppose) supozar; (capture) kaptar; (cf. konquestar; sizar; furtar; raptar); (opportunity) kaptar, prenar (l’okaziono); (a walk, stroll) facar (promeno); (hire) lokacar; (photograph) fotografar; (eat) manjar; (drink) drinkar; (swallow) glutar; (require) neces-igar, postular; t. aback: surprizar; konsternar; t. one’s life: ocidar su; t. advantage of: profitar per; t. one’s eyes off: de-turnar l’okuli de; t. aim at: vizar; t. about: duktar omna-loke; t. again: ri-, retro-prenar; t. away: for-duktar (ulu); for-portar (ulo); t. by the teeth: prenar (ulo) per la denti; t. by the arm: prenar ulu ye la brakio; t. the bull by the horns: afrontar od asaltar quik l’obstaklo; t. care: (take heed) atencar; (by physical acts) sorgar; (cf. flegar); t. cold: pren-esar da katar(et)o; t. down: (carry) portar ulo ad-infre; (unhang) des-pendar; (lower) abasar; (humble) humil-agar, abasar; (pull down, demolish) demolisar; (in shorthand) stenografar (ulo); (make memo.) notar; t. effect: efikar (cf. produktar); t. fire: brul-eskar; t. for: konsiderar ulu, ulo kom; supozar esar; supozar ke; t. for a walk: duktar ulu en promeno; promenar kun ulu; t. heart: kuraj-eskar; t. heed: atencar (pri); t. in: (deceive) dup-igar, trompar; (receive) recevar; (lead in) duktar (ulu) en; (as a guest) gast-igar (ulu), loj-igar; (comprise) kontenar, inkluzar; (shorten) kurt-igar; t. in hand: (undertake) asumar; entraprezar; t. in vain: profanacar; t. leave: permisar a su (a me); (bid adieu) adiar (ulu); t. notice: (notice) remarkar; t. off: de-, for-prenar; (diminish) diminutar; (shorten) kurt-igar; (make fun of) mok-imitar; t. on: (accept) aceptar, asumar; t. one’s leave: dicar adio, adiar; for-, ek-irar; t. pains: penar (facar); t. part in: parto-prenar; t. place: (happen) eventar; t. refuge: refujar; t. sides: defensar la interesti di ulu, apogar ulu (od ula partiso); t. the place of: remplasar (ulu, ulo) (cf. suplear; suplantar); t. to: (like) prizar, amar; (habit) aquirar kustumo, kustum-eskar; donar su ad; t. to heart: chagrenar (pri); des-quiet-esar; trubl-esar; fervorar pri ulo; t. to pieces: des-asemblar; des-muntar; t. to task: reprimandar; t. the trouble: penar (facar); t. up: (occupy) okupar (ulo, su); (arrest) arestar; (undertake) asumar (la tasko); entraprezar (afero); t. his courage in both hands: kolektar sua tota kurajo; t. the bit in his teeth: (fig.) furi-eskar; t. to his legs: fug-eskar (rapid-ege); t. in surprise: suprizar (ulu, ne proviz-ita o ne prepar-ita); t. liberties: agar tro libere (ad ulu); t. a high hand: agar superbe; t. someone to be serious: konsiderar ulu kom serioza; t. someone as witness: prenar ulu kom testo; t. one thing for another: konfundar ulo ad altro; t. on fat: divenar gras-oza; t. a taste for: aquirar inklin-eso ad ulo; t. form: recevar formo o fasono; t. a road: en-irar o sequar voyo; t. a boat, a train: prenar od uz-eskar batelo, treno; t. flight: flug-eskar; t. to a trot: trot-eskar; t. the advance: pre-irar; t. one’s time: selektar l’instanto, ne hastar; t. precautions: pre-sorgar (pri, por); t. measures: facar aranji o prepari (pri); de-marshar; t. care not to fall: sorgez ne falar; t. pity on: kompat-(es)kar; t. a resolution: facar decido o rezolvo; t. one’s revenge: revanchar (kontre ulu); t. pleasure in: recevar plezuro de; t. to crying: plor-eskar; to be t.en with: (charmed) esar charm-ita o facin-ita da; to be t.en up with: (busy with) okup-ata da.
(imaginative) rakont-o (v.) -ar; (true incident) narac-o, (v.) -ar; (cf. fablo, historio); to tell t.s: (lie) mentiar; (inform against) denunc-ar; t.-bearer: (denouncer) denunc-anto, -ero; (one who makes reports) raport-anto, -ero.
talento; -ed person: -oz(ul)o.
(intr.) parolar (pri); (cf. konversar, diskursar, dicar); (gossip) (intr.) babilar; (discuss) diskutar; t. through the nose: naz-parolar (pri); t. French: parolar la Franca; t. sense: parolar segun la raciono; t. over: (discuss) diskutar; (persuade) persuadar.
(n.) konvers-ado, parol-ado; (gossip) babil-ado; (rumo(u)r) rumoro; there is t. of: on parolas pri; esas questiono pri; she is the t. of the town: en la urbo, on parolas nur pri el; -ative: parol-ema; -ativeness: -em-eso; (of trifling talk) babil-em-eso.
alta, longa; a man of t. stature: alta-statura hom-ulo.
sebo (cf. stearino); t. candle: seb-kandelo.
(count) kontar; (agree) (intr.) konkordar.
(slope) taluso (anat.) astragalo.
tamarind-o, -iero.
(drum) tamburo; (cf. tamburino).
(domesticate, make tractable) amansar; (subjugate) domtar.
(domesticated) domestika, amans-ita, ne-, des-sovaja; docila; (subjugated) domt-ita, submis-ita; (of style, etc.) insipida, ne-interes-anta; (spiritless) sen-anima, quieta; koncili-ema; -er: (of beasts) domt-ero, -isto; -ness: domestik-eso (of persons and animals); (docility) docil-eso, obedi-em-eso.
(ram) tampar; (plug) stopar.
(disarrange) des-aranjar (cf. tush-achar, intruzar); (t. with witnesses, etc.) koruptar; subornar.
(i)on: tampono (cf. stop-ilo).
(leather) tan-agar; (sunburn) (sun-) brun-igar, -eskar.
(substance) tano; t.-colo(u)red: tan-ea, -kolora; t.ned face: vizajo (sun-) brun-ig-ita; -nery: tan-ag-erio.
(adj., adv.) tandem-a, -e.
(flavo(u)r) saporo (akuta).
tangent-a, -o.
tangerine orange:
tush-ebla. palp-ebla, sent-ebla.
inter-, kun-mixar; intrikar.
(n.) intrik-o, -ado, -eso, -uro; konfuz-eso, inter-mix-eso, des-ordino, embaras-eso.
(closed, also milit.) tanko; (vat) kuv-ego; (as for storing rainfall) cisterno.
(drink-)pot-ego; kup-ego.
tannic acid, tannin:
tormentetar; tentar; -zing: -anta, -ema.
Tantalus cup:
mala humoro, aceso di iraco.
(strike gently) frap-etar, -ar lejere; (percuss) tapotar; (screw t.) tapar; (bore a hole) borar; (open) apertar; (draw liquids) cherpar.
(for draining liquids) robineto; (of an inn) drink-eyo, -chambro; t. borer: tap-ilo; t. root: pivoto-radiko.
(lig-)rubando; lin-, koton-rubando; t.-worm: tenio; t.-line: mezur-rubando.
divenar, igar pint-atra, o min dika long-es-ale; pint-eskar; -ing: min-dik-esk-anta, tenu-esk-anta; pint-atra, kon-atra.
(candle) kandelo; (of wax) bujio; (in church) cero.
tar: (substance) gudr-o, (v.) -izar; (sailor) mar-isto, nav-isto.
tarantella: tarantelo.
tarantula: tarantulo.
tardigrade: tardigrada.
tardy: (behindhand) tarda; (slow) lenta.
tare: (script.) lolio; (weight) taro; (vetch) vecho.
target: skopo; skopo-plako; (buckler) tarjo; to shoot at a t.: pafar a skopo-plako.
(customs duty) tarifo.
tarin: tarino.
tarlatan: tarlatano.
tarnish: des-bril-igar, -eskar; matid-igar, -eskar.
taroc, tarot: taroko.
tarpaulin: gudro-telo.
tarragon: estragono.
tarry: (intr.) restar; (get behindhand) tard-eskar.
tarsus: tars-o; -sal: -a, -ala.
tart: (round cake) tarto; (pie) torto.
tart: (adj.) acida, akra, acerba, mord-ema.
tartan: (fabric) tartan stofo; (ship) tartan-navo.
tartar: (of teeth and chem.) tartaro; t.ic acid: tartar-acido.
Tartarus: Tartaro.
Tartuffe: Tartufo.
task: tasko; to t. with: akuzar; reprochar; to take to t.: reprimandar; to do t.-work: laborar sugun tasko; t.-worker: tasko-labor-isto.
tassel: tuf-pend-ajo.
taste: gustar (ulo); (have a certain flavo(u)r) saporar (intr.) (cf. savurar); good t.: (of persons) bona gusto; (of a thing) bona saporo; a joke in bad t.: mal-gusta joko; a man of good t.: bon-gusta homo (od, viro); to have a t. for: havar inklin-eso por (ulo); prizar (ulo); every one to his t.: singlu segun sua gusto; -ful: (person) bon-gusta; (dish) sapor-oza; lacking in t.: (flavo(u)r) sen-sapora; (person or ornament) mal-gusta.
tatter: (cloth torn and hanging) rago; (rag torn off) shifono; to clothe in t.s: rag-izar (ulu); rag-eskar; to be t.ed: esar rag-oza, -iz-ita.
tatterdemalion: rag-oz(ul)o; ragi-iz-ita persono.
tattle: (gossip) (intr.) babilar; (inform against) denuncar; (tell a fib) rakontar falsajo.
tattoo: (the skin) tatu-ar; -ing: (act) -(ad)o; (result) -uro.
tattoo: (milit.) son-igo por retreto.
taught, taut: rigida, tens-ita.
taunt: mok-insultar, mokar sarkasme.
Taurus: tauro.
tautochrone: tautokrono.
tautology: tautologio.
tavern: tavern-o (cf. alberg-o, drink-erio); t.-keeper: -isto, -estro.
taw: (to dress skins) mejisar.
tawdry: bel-acha; pretend-ach-anta; mal-gusta.
tawny: (of animals) falva; (of persons) sun-brul-ita, brun-a, -ig-ita.
tax: (assess) taxar; (levy a t. on) impostar; (accuse) akuzar, reprochar; (load) charjar, opresar.
tax: (impost) impost-o, -ajo (pri); (burden) charjo; -ation: (assessment) tax-(ad)o; (paying) impost-(ad)o.
taxicab: taximetro-fiakro.
taximeter: taximetro.
tea: teo; (infusion of herbs) tizano; t.-pot: te-krucho.
teach: (something) docar (ulo, ad ulu); (someone) instruktar (ulu, pri ulo); -er: instrukt-isto, -ero, -anto; -able: docila; inteligenta.
teak: (wood) tek-ligno; (tree) -o.
teal: sarcelo.
team: (of animals) jung-ita kavali o bov-uli; jung-it-aro; (of persons) esquadro.
tear: (rend) lacerar; (split) fendar; t. away, out: arachar (cf. extirpar); t. up: destruktar; de-prenar; t. to pieces: pec-igar; (hurry) hast-(eg)ar; precipitar su.
tear: (rent) lacer-uro, fend-uro; (tear) lakrimo; (drop) guto; to shed t.s: plorar (intr.); to burst into t.s: plor-eskar, plor-egar; to have t.s in his eyes: preske plorar; crocodile t.s: simul-ata o hipokrita ploro; t.drop: lakrimo-guto; t.ful: plor-anta, -ema; lakrim-oza.
tease: (torment) vex-etar; torment-etar (cf. despit-igar); molestar; (card) kardar (cf. lanug-izar).
teat: mam-pinto, mamilo.
technical: teknik-ala; -ity: -al-ajo.
technics: tekniko.
technology: teknologi-o; -gical: -ala.
tedious: ted-anta, -ema (cf. enoy-iganta).
tedium: ted-o, -eso.
teem: (intr.) abund-(eg)ar; esar plen-ega; (swarm) formik-umar (intr.).
teething: dent-if-(ad)o.
teetotal-er: alkohol-absten-ero; t. society: sobr-es-ala soci-eto.
tegument: tegumento.
telegony: telegonio.
telegram: telegramo, telegraf-uro.
telegraph: telegraf-ar; -ic: -ala; to radio-t.: radio-telegrafar; (the instrument) -ilo; t. office: -eyo, -kontoro; -er: -isto; -phy: -(ad)o.
teleology: teleologi-o; -gical: -ala.
telepathy: telepatio.
telephone: telefon-ar, (act) -o; (message) -uro; (instr.) -ilo; (by wireless) radio-telefonar.
telescope: teleskop-o; (pass into one another) teleskop-umar; -pic: -ala.
tell: dicar (ulo, ad ulu); (express) expresar; (distinguish) dicernar; vidar; (narrate facts) naracar; (tell fiction) rakontar; (have an influence) influar, afektar, facar impreso (ad ulu); (reveal) revelar; (confess) konfesar; (publish) publik-igar; t. off: (count) kontar, enumerar; to t. the truth: por dicar ver-ajo; I have been told: ulu dicis a me (ke), on dicas (ke); he told you to stay here: il imperis a vu restar hike; I cannot t. one from another: me ne povas dicernar l’una de l’altra; to t. ones beads: enumerar sua rozario; to t. upon: afektar, influar; to t. on: denuncar; to t. of: parolar (pri) (cf. rakontar; naracar); to t. a lie: (intr.) mentiar; t. a secret: konfidencar.
telling: (of speech) expres-iva, -ema; (striking) remark-inda.
tell-tale: (gossip) babil-ero; (informer) denunc-anto, -ero; (a counter) kont-ilo.
tellurium: teluro.
temerity: temerar-eso, audac-(eg)o.
temper: (moderate) temperar; (metals) hard-igar, -eskar.
temper: (mood) humoro; (anger) irac-o, -em-eso; (quality of metals) hard-eso; (temperament) temperamento; be in a bad t.: esar en mala humoro; to lose one’s t.: irac-eskar; put into a t.: irac-igar (ulu); to vent his t.: lasar eruptar sua despito o iraco.
temperament: temperamento.
temperamental: humor-chanj-ema;.
temperance: (in gen.) temper-em-eso; moder-em-eso; (in drink or food) sobr-eso; t. society: sobr-es-ala soci-eto.
temperate: (in gen.) temper-ema, moder-ema; (at the table) sobra; (in speech) reserv-ema; (of the climate) dolca; mez-varma, mez-temperatura.
temperate: temperaturo.
tempered: (of persons) (bon-, mal-) humora; (of metals) hard-ig-ita.
tempest: (also fig.) tempest-o; (thunderstorm) sturm-o; -uous: -oza; (cf. furio).
templar: templ-ano.
temple: (anatomical) temporo; (edifice) templo.
temporal: (of the world) mond-ala; (of time) temp-ala; (secular) sekulara; (opp. of eternal) peris-iva, -ema; t. bone tempor-ala osto.
temporary: (lasting for a time) temp-ala; (provisional) provizora.
temporize: temporisar.
tempt: tent-ar; -ation: -o, -eso; -er: -anto, -ero; -ing: -anta, -iva; sedukt-anta, -iva; lur-anta, -iva; (of food) apetit-ig-anta.
ten: dek; t.fold: dek-opl-a, -o.
tenable: defens-ebla; okup-ebla.
tenacous: tenaca (cf. persist-ema, adher-ema).
tenacity: tenac-eso; (fig.) persist-em-eso.
tenancy: (by tenant) lokaco; (occupancy) okup-eso, -ado.
tenant: (rent payer) lokac-anto, -ero; (of a farm) farm-isto, -ero; (occupant) okup-anto, -ero; habit-anto, -ero; -able: habit-ebla, okup-ebla; -ry: (of farms) farm-ist-aro; (gen.) lokac-ant-aro; okup-ant-aro.
tench: tencho.
tend: (be directed, inclined) (intr.) tendencar; (care for) sorgar (cf. gardar).
tendency: (motion: inclination) tendenco.
tender: (proffer) ofrar; (present) prizentar; (for contract, loan) (intr.) submisionar.
tender: (of a locomotive) tendro; (nurse, etc.) gard-isto, -ero; sorg-isto, -ero; (for a contract) submisiono; (nav.) aviz-navo; transport-navo, -batelo; provizo-batelo; servo-batelo; legal t.: pekunio leg-ala (od, segun lega).
tender: (loving) tenera; (sensitive) sentiva, -ema; (soft) mola; (gentle) dolca; (delicate) delikata.
tendon: tendino.
tendril: helico, sarmento.
tenebrous: tenebr-oza.
tenement: apartament-o, -dom(eg)o.
tenet: dogmato, kred-artiklo; principo.
tennis: teniso.
tenon: tenono.
tenor: tenoro; even t. of one’s way: (irar od evolucionar) regul-oze o norm-ale.
tense: (gram.) tempo; (adj.) tens-ata, -ita (cf. rigida).
tension: tens-o, -eso.
tensor: (anat.) extenso-, tenso-muskulo; (math.) tensoro.
tent: tend-o; -ed: -iz-ata, -iz-ita.
tentacle: tentakulo (cf. palp-ilo).
tentative: prob-a, -ala, experiment-ala, -a.
tenth: (adj.) dek-esma; (fraction) dek-imo, -ima.
tenuous: tenua.
tenure: okupo, posedo, administro (di ofico).
tepal: tepalo.
tepid: tepid-a; -ity: -eso.
teratogeny: teratogenezo.
tercentenary: triacent-yara; t. anniversary: tria-cent-esma aniversario.
terebinth: terebinto.
tergiversation: elud-ado; subterfujo; de-turn-ado.
term: (say the name of) nom-ar; (be named) -esar; (give name to) -izar.
term: (tech., gram., log.) termino; (time) tempo, periodo, dur(ad)o; (school) trimestro, semestro; (legal) sesiono (cf. kun-sido); (pl.= conditions) kondicioni; (price) (kusto-) preco; to come to t.s: (intr.) trens-aktar, facar l’aranji inter-konsentar; to bring to t.s: submisar (ulu); konsent-igar (ulu); be on good t.s with: inter-relatar amike; technical t.s: teknik-ala termini; what are your t.s: qua esas vua preco? qua esas la kondicioni? for a t. of years: por tempo limit-iz-ita; to speak in other t.s: parolar altra-vorte; t. of payment: pago-tempo; on what t.s are you: quale vi inter-relatas? the rightness of the t.: just-eso di la termino; t. of comparison: kompar-termino.
termagant: megero.
terminable: fin-ig-ebla; limit-iz-ebla.
terminal: termin-o, -ala; fin-ala; extrem-ajo; (R.R.) fer-voy-ala termino, staciono (lasta).
terminate: fin-ar, -igar; ces-ar, -igar; (set bounds to) termin-izar, limit-izar, restriktar; t. in: abutar (ad, en); finar ye.
termination: (end) fin-o, -ajo; extrem-ajo; (boundary) termino; (conclusion) konkluzo, rezult-o, -ajo; (gram.) dezinenco; fin-alo.
terminology: termin-aro.
terminus: termino, extrem-ajo; (R.R. station) staciono (lasta), termino fer-voy-a.
termite: termito.
ternary: tri-ala, tri-elementa.
terrace: teras-o; (v.) -izar, -igar.
terra-cotta: terakoto.
terra firma: lando; tero-solida.
terrain: tereno.
terrarium: terario.
terrestrial: ter-ala; t. globe: ter-globo.
terrible: teror-ig-anta, -iva; (tedious) ted-anta; (extreme) extrema.
terrier: (dog) teriero.
terrific: teror-ig-anta; (extreme) extrema.
terrify: teror-igar; to be t.ied: -ar, -eskar (pri); -ing: -ig-anta, -ig-iva.
territorial: teritori-ala; (soldier) -al-ano (cf. milic-ano).
territory: teritorio.
terror: teror-o, (object) -ajo.
terse: lakonika, konciza.
tertian fever: terciana febro.
tertiary: terciara.
tessellated: (of pavement) mozaika.
test: probar (ulo, ulu); (act) -o.
testaceous: testacea.
testament: (will) testamento; (Bibl.) (olda, nova) Testamento; to make one’s t.: (intr.) testament-ar (cf. legacar); -ary: -a, -ala.
testate: kun testamento, testament-inta.
testator: testament-anto, -into.
testicle: testikulo.
testify: atestar.
testily: des-afable, des-plez-ante; bruske.
testimonial: atest-o, -uro (di estimo) (cf. cert-igo, -ig-ilo).
testimony: atesto.
testy: des-afabla, ruda, bruska.
tetanus: tetano, trismo; to have t.: (intr.) tetanar.
tether: ligar; (n.) (kord-)lig-ilo.
tetragon(al): tetragon-a, -o.
tetrahedron: tetraedrono.
tetralogy: tatralogio.
tetrarch: tetrark-o; -y: -eso, (domain) -io.
tetter: pel-morbo (cf. herpeto, exantemo).
text: texto; t. book: lerno-libro; -ual: text-ala, segun-texta.
textile: tex-a, -ala; (fabric) tex-uro (lana, e.c.).
thallium: talio.
thallus: talo.
thalveg: talvego.
than: (plu, min, tam, multe) kam; more t. a hundred: plu kam cent; rather t.: prefere kam; another t. I: altru kam me; he is bigger t. you: il esas plu granda kam vu; more t. a half: plu kam du-imo; more wine t. water: plu multa vino kam quo.thank: dankar (ulu, pri ulo) (cf. gratitudar); -ful: gratitud-oza, -ema; -less: sen-danka, sen-gratituda; I t. you: me dankas vu; thanks: danko! to give t.s: dank-ar (ulu); a vote of t.s: expreso di gratitudo, di danki (ad); t.sgiving: dank-expreso.
that: (adj.) (i)ta; (object) (i)to; (who which) qua; qui; quo; (conj.) ke; (of that kind) tala; t. can: see suffix -iv-; t. must be: se suffix -enda; t. is not easy: to ne esas facila; to do t.: facar to; after t., he left: pos to, o pose, il departis; t. is to say: to esas; what is t.? quo esas to? take t. book: prenez ta libro; the book t. I gave you: la libro quan me donis a vu; after t.: pose; besides t.: ultre to; instead of t. he..: vice ke il...; so t.: (in such a way t.) tale ke; he spoke so t. I believed him: lu parolis tale (od, tal-maniere) ke me kredis lu; until t. time: til ta tempo; some time after t.: kelke pose; in order t.: por ke (with imperative); I tell you now t. you may be prepared: me dicas ol a vu nun, por ke vu esez preparita (od pronta). NOTE (taken from the Hugon-Moore Ido Grammar); The word that is very often omitted in English, but should never be omitted in Ido; (1) The book I gave you (= the book that (or which) I gave you), La libro quan me donis a vu (in this case “that” is a pronoun: (2) I think he will come, (= I think that he will come); Me opinionas, ke il venos. (In this case “that” is a conjunction). It is generally omitted in English after verbs like to think, to hope, to wish, to believe. It is impossible to pay too much attention to this rule, as the correct use of the word ke is the key to a good international style for English-speaking students).
thatch: palio-tekto; (v.) kovrar per palio; a house with a t.ed roof: domo kun tekto pali-iz-ita o kun palio-tekto.
thaumaturgist: taumaturgo.
thaumaturgy: taumaturgio.
thaw: (intr.) des-frost-ar, (tr.) -igar; (n.) -o.
the: l(a); (le, plural only to be used when there is no other sign of the plural, e.g. the ayes and the nayes: le yes e le no; lo, is used to refer to the contents of the previous sentence, also with adjectives not followed by nouns to indicate a quality); the good: lo bona; (the “a” of the article may be elided after the prepositions a, da, de, di, as; of the author: dil autoro); the more... t. more: quante plu... tante plu.
theater, theatre: teatr-o (cf. amfiteatro, ceno, spektaklo); -rical: teatr-ala; -ricals: amator-ala teatr-aji.
thee: tu.
theft: (act) furt-o, -eto (cf. rapto).
their: lia; (when necessary to indicate gender) ilia, elia, olia; (pl. forms: lii, ilii, elii, olii, rarely used); (reflex pronoun) sua (pl. sui); they and t. friends: li e lia amiki; this house is t.s: ca domo esas lia, co esas lia domo.
theism: teismo.
theist: teisto.
theme: (topic subject) temo; (gram., mus.) temato.
themselves: su (ipsa); they wash t.: li lavas su; they harm only t.: li nocas nur su ipsa; the soldiers defended t. bravely: la soldati defensis su brave; to make t. feared: igar su tim-esar (da).
then: (at that time) lore; (adj.) lora; (so, therefore) do, konseque; (afterwards) pose, seque; till t.: til lore; now and t.: de tempo a tempo, tempope; since t.: de-pos(e) (ta tempo).
thence: (from there) de-ibe; (of time) de-lore, de-pose; (therefore) do; t.forth: depos ta tempo, de-pose, de-lore.
theocracy: teokratio.
theocrat: teokrato.
theocratic: teokrati-ala, teokrat-atra.
theodicy: teodiceo.
theodolite: teodolito.
theogony: teogonio.
theologian: teoligi-isto.
theological: teologi-ala.
theology: teologio.
theorbo: teorbo.
theorem: teoremo.
theoretic(al): teori-ala, -a.
theorist: teori-isto, -emo.
theorize: teori-ifar (pri), spekular (pri).
theory: teori-o; in t.: -e.
therapeutic: terapi-ala, -a; -s: -o.
there: (in that place) ibe (cf. yen); (with motion) ad-ibe; here and t.: hike ed ibe; in t.: en to, interne; on t.: sur to; under t.: sub to, sube, infre; t. he is: yen (ibe) lu! t. are many persons: esas multa homi (qui); stop t.: haltez ibe! up t.: ibe supre.
thereabouts: proxim ibe; a hundred or t.: cirkume cent.
thereafter: pose, de-pose; pos to.
thereat: ye ta instanto, quik kande.
thereby: per to, per ta moyeno.
therefore: do, konseque.
thereupon: see thereat.
thermal: term-ala.
thermochemistry: termokemio.
thermodynamics: termodinamiko.
thermoelectricity: termoelektro.
thermograph: termografo.
thermology: termologio.
thermometer: termometro.
thermometry: termometrio.
thermoscope: termoskopo.
thermotaxis: termotaktismo.
thermotherapy: termoterapio.
thermotropism: termotropismo.
these: (i)ci (cf. ti); (followed by noun) (i)ca; (when necessary to indicate gender) il-ci, il-ca, el-ci, el-ca, ol-ci, ol-ca; il-ti, e.c.
thesis: tezo.
theurgy: teurgio.
they: (i)li, (e)li, (o)li.
thick: (dimensions) dika; (t. and long, bulky) grosa; (dense) densa (liquids, vapour, etc.); (frequent) frequa; (numerous) granda-nombra, mult-(eg)a; -ness: dik-, gros-, dens-eso.
thicken: (plu-)dik-igar, -eskar; (a liquid etc.) (plu-)dens-igar, -eskar; (plu-)gros-igar, -eskar; (in numbers) (plu-)mult-igar, -eskar, augmentar; -ing: dik-igo, -esko; dens-igo, -esko.
thicket: (densa) kopso, busho.
thief: furt-anto, -ero, -isto.
thieve: furtar.
thievish: furt-ema, -anta; -ness: -em-eso.
thigh: kruro; t. bone: femuro.
thimble: fingro-chapo
thin: (make, become less dense) min-dens-igar, -eskar; (reduce the thickness) din-igar, -eskar; tenu-eskar, magr-eskar.
thin: (one dimension) dina; (thin and long) tenua; (lean) magra, sen-grasa; (in space) des-densa (air, etc.).
thine: tua.
thing: kozo (cf. objekto, substanco; animalo; afero; suffix -ajo); anyt.: ulo; earthly t.s: la ter-ala kozi.
think: (tr., intr.) pensar (cf. judikar, opinionar, kredar, imaginar); that makes me t.: to igas me reflektar o pensar (pri); (remember) to igas me memorar (ulo); t. badly of: male opinionar (pri ulu, ulo); t. over: konsiderar, meditar; I thought that perhaps I might fall: me imaginis ke me (forsan) falus; t. much of: grande prizar (ulo); havar bona opiniono (pri); I can’t t. of it: me ne povas (ri-)memorar; to t. of it: (doing something) intencar; esperar; I was t.ing of you: me pensis pri vu.
thinker: pens-anto, -ero, -emo; free t.: liber-pens-anto.
thinking: pens-ado.
thinly: (not plentifully) skarse.
thin-skinned: see sensitive.
third: tri-esma, -esmo; (fraction) tri-imo, -ima; (mus.) terco.
thirst: durst-o; be t.y: -ar; -y: -anta, -ema.
this: i(ca) (cf. ta); t. and that: ica ed ita.
thistle: kardono.
thither: (ad-)ibe (cf. ad, vers).
tholepin: rem-pinglo.
thong: rimeno.
thoracic: torak-ala.
thorax: torako.
thorium: torio.
thorn: dorn-o; -y: -oza; t. tree or bush: dorn-oza arbusto, espino; t.-apple: daturo.
thorough: kompleta; tota; (perfect) perfekta; t.bred: di pura samgo o raso; t. going: suci-oza, -ema, sorg-oza; preciza; ecel-anta; -ly: komplete, tote; (prefix) par-; absolute; -ness: sorg-(ed)o; (quality) -em-eso.
thoroughfare: (passage, road) voyo; (main road) choseo.
those: (i)ti; (adj.) (i)ta; (see these).
thou: tu.
though: (although) quankam; (even if) mem se; (in spite of that) malgre to; (yet, nevertheless) tamen; as t.: quale se.
thought: (act) pens-(ad)o; (what one thinks) -ajo; (idea) ideo, koncepto; (opinion) opiniono; (intention) intenco, projeto; on second t.s: pos reflektir; to collect one’s t.s: kalme meditar; (rel. sense) rekolecar; -ful: reflekt-ema, pens-ema; (attentive) atenc-ema, suci-ema, sorg-oza; (anxious) des-quieta (pri); -less: ne-reflekt-ema, ne-suciema; (senseless) stulta.
thousand: mil; -fold: -opla, -ople; -th: -esma, (fraction) -imo, -ima.
thraldom: sklav-eso, (cf. submis-eso) (ad), dependo (de); (fig. servitudo).
thrash: (thresh) drashar; (beat) bat-(eg)ar; t. out: (a question) par-diskutar; par-explorar; -er: (machine) drash-ilo, -mashino.
thread: (lina, lana, kotona, e.c.); filo; (filament) filamento; to t.: (a needle) fil-izar; (one’s way) irar serpent-atre; t.bare: frot-ita; par-uz-ita.
threat: minac-o; -en: -ar; -ening: -anta, -oza.
three: tri; rule of t.: regulo de tri; t. percent: tri po cento; t.-quarters: tri quar-imi; he is t.: il evas 3 yari; it is t. o’clock: esas tri kloki; t.-fold: tri-opla, -oplo; t.-cornered hat: tri-korna chapelo; t.-cornered: triangula; t.-master: tri-masta; t.-score: sisa-dek; t.-score and ten: sepa-dek.
threshold: solio.
thrice: (triple) tri-opla; (on three occasions) tri-foya, -e.
thrift: spar-ado, (quality) -em-eso; -less: prodig-anta, -ema, -acha; -ty: spar-ema, frugala.
thrill: (intr.) tresayar (de, pro); (tra-)vibrar; penetrar; -ing: tresay-anta; kapt-anta; penetr-anta.
thrive: (intr.) prosper-ar; -ving: -anta.
throat: (interior) guturo; (exterior) fauco (also fig.).
throb: (intr.) palpit-ar, pulsar; -bing: (of heart, etc.) puls-ado, palpit-ado; (adj.) -anta.
throe: dolor-egi, angoro.
throne: trono.
throng: plen-igar, formik-umar (per); inkombrar, en-irar turbe, amas-eskar.
throng: (n.) turbo; -ed: plen-ig-ita.
throttle: strangular (ulu) (cf. sufokar).
throttle: (valve) sekur-es-valvo, vapor-regul-valvo.
through: (prep.) tra; (by means of) per; (by reason of) pro; (from beginning to end) de un extrem-ajo a l’altra; (without stopping) direta (ad); t. with a task: parfin-ita tasko, par-fin-ir tasko; to bore t. a board: borar, perforar planko; to go t. a door: tra-irar pordo; to understand t. the senses: komprenar per la sensi; t. ambition: pro ambicio; to go t. to Paris: voyajar direte ad Paris.
throughout: omna-parte, en omna parto di (ulo); tote; t.out the night: dum la tota nokto; t.out my body: en o tra mea tota korpo.
throw: jetar (cf. lansar, spricar, projektar, precipitar); t.away: for-jetar; t. a shadow: projektar ombro; t. out roots: radik-ifar; t. into prison: inkluzar en karcero; t. down: (upset) renversar; (cf. abatar); t. open: apertar subite; t. over: (abandon) abandonar; t. up: (vomit) vomar; to t. off the scent: eror-igar (ulu) pri la traci; to t. oneself into: (work, etc.) atakar (od, persequar) obstin-ege o furi-oze; abandonar su (ad la plezuri, e.c.).
thrush: (bird) turdo; (med.) aft-o, -i.
thrust: (push) (tr., intr.) pulsar; (shove along) shovar; (intrude) intruzar; ( cf. sinkar, tampar; forsar); t. a stake into the ground: stekar paliso en la sulo; t. one’s hand into his pocket: stekar o pozar sua manuo ad-en sua posho; t. out of the room: pulsar (ulu) ek la chambro.
thrust: (single move, as with a sword. pen, etc.) pulso; (push) pulso; (piercing) perforo, steko.
thud: fal-bruiso, matida-sono; (beat) bato-, pulso-sono.
thuja tree: tuyo.
thumb: polexo; rule of t.: regulo empirik-ala; under one’s t.: en lua povo, sub lua autoritato; t.screw: polexo-lig-ilo; fingro-klem-ilo; (tech.) preso-skrubo.
thump: frap-egar, batar.
thunder: (intr.) tondrar; t.storm: sturmo.
thunderstruck: surpriz-ig-ita, aston-eg-ita; konstern-ig-ita.
Thursday: jovdio.
thus: tal-e, -maniere; (consequently) do; t. far: til nun, til hike; t. much: tanta.
thwack: frapar, batar.
thwart: (stop) barar; (hinder, prevent) impedar.
thwart: (lying across) transversa; (slanting) obliqua; (in a boat) rem-benko.
thy: tua.
thyme: timiano; wild t.: serpolo.
thyroid: tiroida (glando, kartilago).
thrysus: tirso.
tiara: tiaro.
tibia: tibio.
tic: (convulsive movement) tik-o (v.) -ar.
tick: (as a clock) (intr.) tiktakar.
tick: (noise) tiktak-(ad)o; (bug) zeko; (mite) akaro; (small mark) strek-eto, mark-eto, punto-marko; (credit) kredito; (for a mattress) matraco-kovr-ilo, -tuko, -kutio.
ticket: (label) etiket-izar.
ticket: (label) etiketo; (theater, theatre, lottery, etc.) bilieto (teatro-, fervoy-ala); t. office: biliet-eyo, -o-kontoro.
ticking: (for a bed, garment) kutio.
tickle: titil-ar; -ing: -anta, -ado; -ish: titil-sent-ema; (delicate) delikata; (difficult) des-facila; (hazardous) risk-oza.
ticktac: tiktak-ado.
tidal: mare-a, -ala.
tide: (ebb and flow) mareo; (incoming) fluxo; (ebbing) refluxo; (fig.) fluo; half t.: mi-mareo; high t.: alta mareo, alta fluxo; t. gauge: mareo-metro, (register) mareografo; t. gate: mare-ala sluzo-pordo.
tide over: posibl-igar (ulu) tra-pasar o super-pasar (tempo, sezono).
tidings: inform-o, -eso, -i.
tidy: net-igar, ordinar.
tidy: (adj.) neta; (bon-)ordin-ita; (person) neta, ordin-ema.
tie: ligar, (t. together) kun-ligar; t. a knot: nod-igar (ulo); facar nodo.
tie: (n.) lig-ilo, (act) -o; (knot) nodo; (short cord) kordono; (necktie) kravato; (cross-beam) transversa trabo; (bond) lig-eso, dependo; (in a competition) egal-eso, -esko, nula vinko por l’una od l’altra.
tier: rango, rango super-, sur-poz-ita.
tierce: terco.
tiff: disput-eto.
tiger: tigr-o, -ulo, -ino; -ish: -atra.
tight: (stretched) tens-ita; rigida; (narrow of clothes, etc.) fit-eg-anta, streta; tro-mikra; (firm) ferma; (impermeable) ne-perme-ebla, hermetika; (closed) kloz-ita ferme; (parsimonious) spar-eg-ema; (waterproof) aqu-espruva, hermetika; (sticky) glutin-anta, -ema; adher-ema; (pressed together) klem-ita, kompres-ita; (tied together) kun-lig-ita bone; to hold t.: tenar ferme; stretch t.: tens-igar; he was t.: il esis ebri-eta; t.ness: tens-eso.
tighten: (plu-)tens-igar, -eskar; (plu-)klemar; (plu-)ferm-igar, -eskar; -igar (ulo) hermetika; klozar plu ferme.
tights: kalz-eg-o, -i.
tilbury: “tilburi”.
tile: (roof t.) tegulo; (for flooring) karelo; (v.) -izar.
till: kultivar (cf. laborar, plugar).
till: kaso, tir-kesto por pekunio, kaso-tir-kesto.
till: (intil) til; (conj.) til ke.
tiller: guvern-ilo, direkto-timono; (of the land) (ter-)kultiv-isto, -ero.
tilt: (tr., intr.) inklinar; (thrust) pulsar.
tilt: (covering) vetur-teg-ilo, tego-telo; gudro-telo; (inclination) inklin-eso (cf. pento); t.-cart: baskul-charo, -charioto.
timbal: timbalo.
timber: (wood, material) lign-o, -a; (tree) arbor-o, (collect.) -aro, silvo, foresto; (beam) trabo (ligna); to cover with t.: -izar (ulo); (wooded) arbor-iz-ita.
timbre: (quality of sound) son-koloro, -qual-eso.
timbrel: (snare drum) tamburino, (cf. mi-tamburo).
time: (register the t. of) mezurar la tempo por (facar e.c.).
time: (n.) tempo (cf. epoko, duro); (repetition of act....times) foy-o, -e; (o’clock) kloko; (mus.) tempo; from t. to t.: temp-ope, de tempo a tempo; at the present t.: en la nuna tempo, nun-tempe; pass the t.: pasar la tempo, amuzar su; to take one’s t.: selektar oportuna tempo, ne hastar; what t. is it? qua tempo esas? the t. is two o’clock: esas du kloki; how many times: quanta-foye; ill-t.d: ne-oportuna; t.ly: oportuna; t.table: klok-libro dil fer-voyi; t.keeper: (person) tempo-kontrol-isto; t.piece: (posh-)horlojo; t.-serving: oportun-ismo, -ista; sometimes: kelka-foye.
timid: timid-a; -ity: -eso.
timorous: timid-a.
tin: stano; t.plate: lado; (sheet-iron coated with t.) stan-(iz-ita) fero; to t.: stan-izar; t. can: stan-iz-ita bidono o bux(et)o; t.foil: stan-folio; t.smith: lad-isto.
tincture: (pharm.) dis-solv-uro (di); (tint) tint-uro; (fig.) nuanco, quant-eto; nocion-eto.
tinder: tindro.
tine: dento.
tinea: tineo.
tinge: tint-ar, (result) -uro.
tingle: (prickle) priklar; (burn) brular; ardorar.
tinker: repar-(ach)ero, -isto; fush-repar-ero.
tinkle: (of sound) tinkl-etar.
tinsel: oripelo; (spangles) flitr-i, -aji; fals brilo, -ajo.
tint: (dye) tint-ar; (apply color, colour) kolor-(et)-izar; (fig.) nuanc-izar (cf. ombr-izar).
tint: (dyeing) tint-(ad)o, (result) -uro; (substance) -ivo; (superficial notion) nocion-eto; (shade) nuanco.
tiny: tre mikra, kelk-eta.
tip: (incline) inklin-(et)ar; (the point as with gold) garnisar la pinto per (oro); (with iron) fer-izar (la pinto); (put a point on) pint-izar; (a waiter, etc.) gratifikar; t. over: renversar; (capsize) (intr.) kalbut-ar, (tr.) -igar; t.ped with: pint-iz-ita per; t. up: levar l’extrem-ajo.
tip: (end) extrem-ajo, fino, pinto; (tilt) inklino; (gratuity) gratifik-uro; (suggestion) sugest-ajo.
tippet: pelerino; (fur) palatino; (fur comforter) boa-furo; (muffler) kravat-ego.
tipple: drink-ajo, -ach-ar.
tipsy: (mi-)ebria.
tiptoe: irar pedo-pinte; to stand on t.: stacar pedo-pinte.
tiptop: (n.) supr-ajo, somito; (adj.) supr-ega, ecel-anta, maxim bona.
tipula: tipulo.
tirade: (speech and fig.) tirado; (bad sense) reproch-ado, blam-ado.
tire: fatigar (cf. tedar, enoyar); to be t.d by: ted-esar o fatig-esar da (ulo); repugn-esar da (ulo); -ed: fatig-ita.
tire, tyre: (of a wheel) roto bandajo.
tireless: ne-fatig-ebla; (continuing) dur-anta.
tiresome: fatig-anta, -iva; (boring) ted-anta, -iva.
tisane: tizano.
tissue: (anat., biol.) tisuo; (woven) tex-uro; (fabric) stofo; t.-paper: din-(eg)a papero.
tit: paruo; t. for tat.: frapo po frapo; qui pro quo; simil-ajo po simil-ajo.
titanic: titan-ala, -atra.
titanium: titan-metalo.
titbit: friand-ajo.
tithe: dismo.
titillate: titilar.
title: titulo; (right) yuro; -led: (in rank) nobela.
titmouse: paruo.
titrate: (tech.) titrar.
titter: rid-achar; kurta o ne-lauta rido, celeta rido.
tittle: “iota”; not a t.: ne ula iota o la minima mikr-ajo.
tittle-tattle: (act) babil-(ad)o, (talk) -ajo, -ach-ajo.
titular: titul-iera.
to: a(d); (towards) vers; (as far as) til (cf. ante-e); up to now: til nun; a quarter to seven: sis kloki e tri quar-imi; in order to prepare you: por ke vu esez prepar-ita; this belongs to your father: ico apartenas a vua patr-ulo; from Paris to Lyons: de Paris til Lyon; hang to the wall: pendar an la muro; according to my opinion: segun mea opiniono; it is your turn to speak: esas vua foyo parolar; ten to one: dek kontre un; from morning to night: de la matino til la nokto; he turned his head to me: il turnis sua kapo vers me; to fall into decadence: dekad-eskar; the house fell to ruin: domo dekad-eskis; domo krulis; to and fro: avane e retro; today: ca-die; tonight: ca-nokte.
toad: rospo (cf. bombinatoro).
toadstool: venen-oza fungo.
toady: flat-achar (ulu); (person) flat-ach-anto, -ero; -ism: flat-ach-ado.
toast: (bread, etc.) rostar (cf. grilar); (drink the health of (intr.) tostar (ad).
(bread) rosto-pano; (drinking) tosto; -ing fork: rost-fork-eto; t.-rack: rost-pan-iero.
tobacco: tabako; t. pouch: tabako-sako; t. seller: tabak-vend-isto.
tocsin: alarm-son-ado; to sound the t.: alarm-son-igar, -eskar.
toddle: (intr.) trot-etar, (intr.) pas-etar.
toddy: puncho.
to-do: agit-ado.
toe: ped-fingro; big toe: haluxo; little t.: mikra ped-fingro; from top to t.: del kapo al pedi.
toffy: (butro-) sukr-ajo; butro-karamelo.
toga: togo.
together: kune; (at the same time) sam-tempe; (in concert) ensemble, union-ite, kune, solidare; (in succession) inter-seque; the children sleep t.: la infanti dormas kune; to sing t.: kantar ensemble o kune; three days t.: tri dii kune o inter-seque; (por) tri suced-anta dii; to act t.: agar en kombino, agar kune o ensemble.
toil: (work hard) labor-egar (intr.); (take pains) (intr.) penar; to t. up: acensar pen-oze; (n.) labor-ego.
(wash and dress) tualetar; (attire) kostumo, vest-aro; to make one’s t.: (intr.) tualetar; t.-paper: papero higien-ala, sedo-papero.
toils: (snare) kapt-ilo.
toilsome: pen-oza, labor-oza; fatig-anta; des-facila.
token: signo (cf. indico, marko); (counter) ficho, konto-marko; (memorial) atesto.
tolerable: (endurable) toler-ebla; (pretty good) pasabla.
tolerance: toler-(ad)o.
tolerant: toler-ema, liber-ema.
tolerate: tolerar (ulo de ulu).
toll: (of bell) lente o solene son-igar o tinkl-igar klosho.
toll: (tax) imposto, pas-taxo, -pago; (octroi) acizo; t.gate, t.bar: impost- bar-ilo; pas-tax-bar-ilo; (of a bell) morto-son-ado (di klosho).
tomato: (fruit) tomato.
tomb: tombo.
tombac: tombako.
tombola: tombolo.
tomboy: bub-ino.
tombstone: tomb-o, -petro.
tomcat: kat-ulo.
tomfoolery: (nonsense) stult-eso, sen-senc-ajo; (playing the fool) arlekin-ajo.
to-morrow: morge; (n.) morgo, morga dio.
tomtit: paruo.
tomtom: tamtamo.
ton: (metr.= 2,205 lb.) tuno; -nage: tun-aro, -konteno.
tone: (voice, music, med.) tono; (color, colour) koloro, nuanco; t. down: (fig.) moderar, kalm-igar; t.less: sen-harmonia.
tongs: pinc-ego, (cf. tenalio).
tongue: (anat.) lango; (language) linguo, idiomo; (fig.) lango; to hold one’s t.: (tr., intr.) tacar; retenar sua lango o parolo; to have something on the tip of one’s t.: preske memorar ulo; t. of fire: faira lango; to have a glib t.: parolar tre facile, esar parol-ema; the gift of t.s: doto di la lingui; t.-tied: sen-parola, ne-parol-ema, tac-ema, -anta.
tonic: (med.) ton-iz-anta, -iva; -iz-ivo; (accent) tonika; (tonal) ton-ala.
to-night: (i)ca nokte.
tonneau: “tonneau”.
tonsil: tonsilo.
tonsilitis: tonsilito.
tonsure: tonsuro.
tontine: tontino.
tonoplast: tonoplasto.
too: tro; (also) anke.
tool: utensilo, instrumento; (cf. suffix -ilo); edged t.: tranch-ilo, sek-ilo; to t.: (a book, etc.) mark-izar, fasonar (ulo) per instrumento.
tooth: (also fig.) dento; to have t.ache: dolorar ye la denti; to set the teeth on edge: agacar la denti; to have a t. out: extirpar dento; to have a sweet t.: amar la dolc-aji; to cut one’s teeth: dent-ifar; t. powder: denti-frico; t.brush: dento-bros-ilo; t.less: sen-denta; t.ed: dent-iz-ita, noch-iz-ita; t.pick: dento-pik-ilo; t. over another: sur-dento.
toothsome: sapor-oza.
top: kron-izar; kovrar la pinto per; esar ye la kapo di; (surpass) super-irar; (finish) komplet-igar; (cut the t. off) de-tranchar la kapo; (dominate) dominacar; ecelar.
top: somito, kolmo, supr-ajo, -eso; (mast) topo; (head) kapo; (chief) chefo; on t. of: sur; t. (roof, outside) of a coach: emperialo; t.-knot: pompono; from t. to bottom: del supr-ajo a la infr-ajo; playing t.s: tupio; t.-heavy: tro pez-oza en la supr-ajo.
topaz: topazo.
top-coat: surtuto.
top-hat: cilindra chapelo.
toper: ebri-emo (cf. drink-emo).
topic: temo.
topical: topika.
topmast: top-masto.
maxim-alta, supr(eg)a, maxim elev-ita, maxim supera.
topographer: topografi-isto; -phical: -ala; -phy: -o.
topology: topologio.
topple: (intr.) falar; (in pieces) (intr.) krular.
topsy-turvy: renvers-ita; (disarranged) des-aranj-ita; to turn t.: renversar, kulbut-igar; des-ordinar.
toque: toko.
torch: torcho.
toreador: toreadoro.
torment: torment-ar (cf. ted-egar); (n.) -o, -eso.
tornado: vortica vent-ego.
torpedo: (also fish) torped-o, (v.) -agar (ulo); t.-boat: -navo.
torpid: torpor-oza, -ema, -a; -ity, torpor: -o; to be in a state of t.: -ar (intr.).
torrefy: torefaktar.
torrent: torento; -ial: -ala, -atra; t. of tears: lakrimo-torento; to rain in t.s: pluv-egar; pluvar torent-atre.
(very hot) varm-ega, tropik-ala; (of zones) torida (zono).
torsion: tord-o, -ado, -eso, -uro; t. balance: tordo-balanco.
torso: torso.
torticollis: tortikolo.
tortoise: tortug-o; t.shell: -o-skali-o, -a.
tortuous: sinu-oza, serpent-atra.
torture: torment-ar, -o; instrument of t.: -ilo.
torus: toro.
toss: ad-supre jetar, lansar, spricar; to t. in a blanket: mantear (ulu); t. away: for-jetar; t. the head: levar subite la kapo; to t. in bed: agitar su en la lito, chanjar konstante la poz-eso en lito; dormar o jacar sen-repoze; to t. off: (a glassful) glutar hast-oze; to t. for sides: decidar la poz-esi per lotrio; lotriar la poz-esi.
total: (adj.) tot-ala; (n.) sumo; (v.) sum-igar; in t.: sume; -ity: tot-o, -eso, -ajo; (cf. ensemblo; kompleta; plena).
totter: (stagger) (intr.) shancelar (cf. ocilar, vacilar); -ing: shancel-anta; -y: -ema.
touch: (tr., intr.) (be or put in contact with) tushar; (cf. kontaktar, kontiguar); (reach) atingar, tushar; (stop at) haltar ye; (disturb) des-aranjar; tushar; movar; t. the emotions: emoc-igar, -ar; t. the mind: koncernar; t. up: (improve) plu-bon-igar, (a picture) retushar; t. upon: aludar; t. with the fingers: (feel about) palpar; to t. off: (light) acendar.
touch: (act) tush-(ad)o; (sense of t.) tush-senso; put the last t. to: par-finar; facar la lasta stroki; to be in t. with: (be informed about) esar inform-ita pri (ulu, ulo); to put in t. with: informar (ulu pri); t. and go: esar en ne-certa stando, ye granda hazardo.
touched: (of emotions) emoc-anta.
touch-hole: explozo-tru-eto.
touching: emoc-iganta; (concerning) pri; (in contact) tush-anta.
touchwood: tindro-fungo.
touchy: irac-ema, des-afabla; facile ofens-ata (da); sent-ema.
tough: rezist-anta, -ema, -iva (cf. ne-flex-ebla, rigida, tenaca); t. meat: karno ledr-atra, harda; a t. job: des-facila tasko; a t. man: (strong) vigor-oza, robusta viro; a t. skin: harda pelo.
toughen: igar rezist-iva; (plu-)hard-igar, -eskar; rigid-igar.
tour: turo; to make a t.: facar turo (di) (cf. voyajar).
tourist: tur-isto; t. costume: kostumo tur-ist-ala.
tourmaline: turmalino.
tournament, tourney: turnir-o; to hold a t.: (intr.) -ar.
tourniquet: turno-kruco.
tousle: (disarrange) des-aranjar, des-ordinar.
tout: klient-serch-isto; (v.) klient-izar; (brag) fanfaronar (pri).
tow: (a boat, etc.) remorkar (cf. tuvar, tirar, tranar, haular); t.-rope: remorko-kablo; take in t.: remork-ar, -eskar (ulo); t.-path: haul-voyo.
toward(s): (in the direction of) (prep.) vers; (about) cirkum(e), proxim(e); (going to) ad.
towel: tualet-tuko.
tower: elev-egar su; stacar plu alte o super(e); (fig.) dominacar.
tower: (n.) turmo (cf. citadelo); a t. of strength: fort-ega apog-ilo.
towering: (of rage, passion) furi-oza.
town: urb-o, -eto, -ego (cf. civito); market t.: burgo (cf. staplo); a small t.: urb-eto, vilajo; t. hall: urbo-domo; to be out of t.: esar exter la urbo; mayor of a t.: urb-estro, municip-estro; t. council: municip-ala konsil-ist-aro, konsil-ant-aro; t. clerk: sekretario por la urb-estro; t.ship: komono; t.sman: urb-ano.
toxic: toxika.
toxicology: toxikologio
toxin: toxino.
toy: lud-ilo (also fig.) (cf. bagatelo); to toy with: amuzar su per.
trace: (draw) trasar; (through paper) kalquar; (cf. skisar); (track) sequar (ulu) per la traci; (investigate) explorar.
trace: (mark, track) traco; (in harness) tir-rimeno; (small quantity) tre mikra quanto.
tracery: ret-desegn-o, -uro.
trachea: trake-o; -l: -a, -ala.
tracheotomy: trakeotomio.
trachitis: trakeito.
trachyte: trakito.
tracing-paper: kalquo-papero.
track: sequar la traci di, sequar (ulu) per la traci; (cf. trakar).
track: (mark) trac-o, -i, -aro; (hunting out) trako; (of a R.R.) fer-voyo, rel-voyo; (of a comet, star) orbito; (of a ship) voyo-traco; (track) treko, voy-eto; (of a race-course) treko, lico; to be off the t.: egarar o perdar la traci; mis-irar de la voyo; the train is off the t.: la treno ek-rel-iris; to make t.s for: kurar (rapide) ad; t.less: sen-voyo.
tract: (of country) exens-ajo, regiono; (as for building) dom-tereno; (religious) religi-ala brosh-uro.
tractable: koncili-ema; manu-ag-ebla; docila, dukt-ebla.
traction: tir-(ad)o, tir-povo, (locomotive power) traciono; t. engine: lokomotivo; traciono-mashino; traktoro.
tractor: traktoro.
tractrix: traktrico.
trade: (intr.) komercar (pri, kun); (sell) vendar; (cf. debitar); (swap) (inter-)kambiar; (buy) komprar.
trade: (n.) komerco; (calling) mestiero; profesiono; by t.: segun (lua, sua) mestiero; to learn a t.: lernar mestiero; in the t.: en la komerco, en la aferi; t. is dull: aferi, komerco stagnas; to be a Jack of all t.s: havar tro multa mestieri; retail t.: endetala komerco; article of t.: komerc-ajo, varo; to be in the wool t.: komercar pri la lano; t. wind: alizeo; free t.: libera kambio.
trader: komerc-isto; (see tradesman).
trademark: fabrik-marko.
tradesman: komerc-isto, vend-isto, debit-isto.
trades union: mestier-ala sindikat-o; -ist: -ano, -isto.
tradition: tradicion-o; to transmit by t.: -ar (ulo); -al: -ala, -ata, -ita; -alist: -al-isto.
traduce: kalumni-ar; -cer: -anto, -ero, difam-anto, -ero.
traffic: (int.) komercar (pri, kun).
traffic: (trade) komerc-(ad)o; (movement of persons, vehicles) trafiko.
tragacanth: tragakanto.
tragedian: tragedi-isto.
tragedy: tragedio.
tragic: tragedi-ala; -atra.
tragi-comedy: tragikomedio.
trail: sequar la traci (di ulu); (drag along) tranar.
trail: (mark left) trac-o, -i, -aro; (footpath) treko, voy-eto; t. of a comet: komet-kaudo, -tran-ajo.
train: (break in animals) dresar; (for sports) preparar su (per exerci); (plants) direktar; (soldiers) exercar, praktikar la exerci, diciplinar; (children) diciplinar; edukar; instruktar; (point a firearm) apuntar, vizar; (t. horses for racing) entrenar; trainer: exerc-ero, -isto; (horse t.) entren-ero, -isto; t.ing ship: skol-navo.
train: (R.R.) treno; (wagon t.) traino; (of powder, etc.) traco-lineo; (anything which drags, as of a dress) tran-ajo; (retinue) sequ-ant-aro, eskorto; (series succession) serio, inter-sequo, sucedo; (collection of vehicles) vetur-aro; express t.: espres-o, -treno; goods t.: var-treno.
trait: (feature characteristic) traito.
traitor: trahiz-anto, -ero, -emo; perfid-(ul)o; -ous: trahiz-anta, -era, -ema; perfida.
traject: tra-jetar.
trajectory: trajektorio.
tram: (car) tram-veturo; t.way: -voyo.
trammel: (shackle) entravar (cf. embarasar, impedar, katen-izar).
trammel: (n.) entrav-ilo; kateno.
tramp: (go on foot) (intr.) ped-irar; (walk heavily) pez-oze marchar o pazar (intr.); t. down: fular, pede presar.
tramp: pez-oza march-ado; ped-ir-(ad)o; ped-bat-ado; (stamping) trampl-ado; (person) vag-anto, -ero, -emo; (beggar) (vag-anta) mendik-isto, -ero.
trample: (stamp, paw) (intr.) tramplar; (down, on) fular, pede presar; (crush) aplastar (per pedi).
trance: tranc-o; to be in a t.: (intr.) -ar.
tranquil: tranquil-a; -ity: -eso; -ize: -igar.
transact: (business) relatar komercale (kun ulu); komercar kun ulu; (negotiate) negociar (ulo); (come to terms) (intr.) transaktar; -ion: afero; negocio; procedo; (report) raporto; (compromise) transakto.
transatlantic: trans-atlantika.
transcend: (surpass) super-irar.
transcendent: trancendant-a, super-ega; -al: trancendant-ala.
transcribe: (write in another form) trans-skribar; (copy) kopiar.
transcript(ion): trans-skrib-o, -uro; kopi-o, -uro.
transept: transepto.
transfer: transferar (cf. transportar).
transfigure: transfigurar (cf. transformar).
transfinite: transfinita.
transfix: tra-pikar.
transform: transformar; -er: (elec.) transformatoro.
transfuse: trans-varsar.
transgress: violac-ar; -or: -anto, -into, -ero; -ion: -(ad)o; (cf. pekar).
transient: provizora, temp-ala; pas-anta, -ema; ne-dur-anta, -iva; efemera.
transit: (com.) transit-o; (cf. paso, trans-iro); (to pass in t.) (intr.) -ar; -ion: -o; -ive: (passing) -ala; (gram.) -iva; -ory: see transient.
translate: (in languages) tradukar; (of moving bodies) translacar; (a bishop) tranferar; -tion: traduk-o, -uro (vort-opa, -e.c.).
translucent, translucid: translucida; diafana.
transmigrate: (intr.) trans-migrar; (emigrate) ek-migrar; -tion: (of souls) trans-migro, metempsikoso.
transmissibility: transmis-ebl-eso.
transmission: (tech.) transmis-(ad)o; (send across) trans-sendo; t. belt: transmis-rimeno.
transmit: transmisar (ulo, ad ulu), trans-sendar; -ter: (instr.) transmis-ilo.
transmute: transmutar; -tation: -(ad)o.
transoceanic: trans-oceana.
transom: (cross-beam) transversa trabo; (window) (pordo-) fenestr-eto (supera), pordo-postig(et)o, -luko.
transparency: diafan-eso; (picture) transparento.
transparent: diafana; (shining through) transpar-anta; (evident) evidenta; klara.
transpire: (transude) transpirar; (intr.); (become known) transpirar.
transplant: ri-plantacar (en altra loko).
transport: (convey) transportar (cf. portar); (convicts) deportar; (with joy) ravisar (cf. entuziasm-igar; extazar).
transport: (carrying) transport-(ad)o; (of joy, delight, etc.) extazo, ecit-eso, ravis-eso; deliro; t.-ship: transport-navo.
transpose: (change the place of, the order of) permutar; (mus.) transpozar.
transship: transbordar.
transubstantiate: transubstanci-ar; -tion: -o.
transude: transpirar (intr.), exudar (tr., intr.).
transverse: transversa.
trap: kaptar (per kapt-ilo, per ruzo); en-kapt-il-igar (ulu); (be trapped) kapt-esar (da); (cf. embuksar).
trap: kapt-ilo (cf. embusko); (vehicle) char-eto; t.-door: trapo.
trapeze: trapezo.
trapezium: trapezo.
trapezohedron: trapezoedro.
trapezoid: trapezoido
trapper: bestio-kapt-isto.
trappings: (harnes-) orni-ivi, ornamenti; garnis-aji.
trash: refuz-ajo; for-jet-ajo, sen-valor-aj-o, -i; -y: sen-valora.
traumatic: traumat-ala.
traumatism: traumato.
travail: (work) pen-oza labor-(ad)o; (of women) parturo(-doloro).
trave: (cross-beam) traverso; (for horses) travo.
travel: (voyage, journey) (intr.) voyajar; (walk) (intr.) marchar; (cf. irar, movar); -s: (plezur-)voyaji, turi; -led: mult-voyaj-inta; commercial t.er: komerc-voyaj-isto; -ling: (person) voyaj-anta; (of machinery, etc.) mov-anta.
traverse: (go through) tra-irar; (go across) trans-irar; (contradict) kontre-dicar.
traverse: (athwart) transversa (cf. obliqua).
travesty: travestiar (ulu), parodiar (ulo, ulu); (fig.) alterar, deformar; (n.) travesti-o, -uro.
trawl: sako-reto; (v.) peskar o dragar per sako-reto; -er: (boat) drag-(ret)batelo.
tray: pleto; ash t.: cindr-uyo.
treacherous: (traitorous) trahiz-anta, -era, -ema; (untrustworthy) des-fid-inda; (perfidious) perfida.
treachery: trahiz-ado; perfid-eso, -ajo.
treacle: melaso.
tread: marchar su; (trample) fular; (take steps) (intr.) pazar (sur, super).
tread: (step) pazo; (footprint) pedo-marki, -traci; to walk with a heavy t.: marchar per pez-oza pazi; a quick t.: pazi rapida.
treadle: ped-alo.
treason: trahiz-o, -ajo; perfid-ajo; high t.: stato-trahizo; atento kontre la majesto; -able: perfida; sedici-ema.
treasure: trezor-o; to t. up: -igar (ulo); (fig.) konservar.
treasurer: (cashier) kas-isto; (keeper of the treasure) trezur-gard-isto; (steward) ekonomo.
treat: (behave towards: deal with) traktar; (cf. negociar; kontratar); (medically) kuracar (ulu, per); (regale) regalar; to t. of: (a book, etc.) traktar pri; (in speech) diskursar pri.
treat: (entertainment) regalo; festo; festino.
treatise: traktato.
treatment: trakt-ado; (medical) kurac-(ad)o.
treaty: (formal agreement) pakto, kontrato; (negotiation) negoci-o, -uro; to enter into a t.: paktar (kun) kontratar (kun).
treble: (in music) sopran-a, -o; (triple) tri-opla, -oplo.
tree: arboro; axle-t: ax-arboro, -shafto; boot-t: bot-, shu-form-iz-ilo; t.less: sen-arboro; t. frog: arbor-rano.
trefoil: trifolio.
trellis: trellis-o; (v.) -igar, -izar; t.-work: treliso, lat-greto.
tremble: (intr.) tremar (cf. trepidar, tresayar; shancelar; ocilar).
tremble: (of the earth) ter-tremo; sismo.
trem-anta, (of voice) -et-anta.
grand-ega (cf. enorma, imensa; teror-ig-anta; violent-oza).
tremo; (see tremble).
trem-anta, -ema.
trancheo; to dig t.s: exkavar tranchei; tranche-izar (ulo); to t. upon: uzurpar.
tranch-iva, -ema; inciz-iva; mord-anta.
(direction) direciono; (tendency) tendenco (cf. inklino).
(instr.) trepan-o; (v.) -agar; -ning: -ago.
uzurp-(et)ar, invadar; (sin) pekar (kontre); (against) violacar (ulo); (transgress) (tr., intr.) kontravencar.
(n.) uzurpo; (sin) peko; (invasion) invado; (transgression) violaco; kontravenc-o; t.ers will be prosecuted: la kontravenc-anti sur ica tereno persequ-esos; no t.ing: interdikto pasar tra ica tereno.
(of hair) har-treso (cf. loklo); -ed: tres-ig-ita.
(at cards) trio.
(test) probo; (afflication) aflikt-eso (cf. des-felic-eso; des-fortun-ajo); (legal) proceso, judicio; to bring to t.: procesar (kontre ulu); to make t. of: probar (ulo); to grant a new t.: grantar apelo; a sad t.: trist-ig-iva aflikt-eso.
triangul-a, -ala, -atra.
(period) triaso.
tribuo (cf. gento).
tribul-o, -eso, torment-eso; to cause t. to: tribular.
(rostrum) tribuno; (Roman magistrate) tribono.
(payer of tribute) tribut-ero; (river, etc.) branch-river(et)o; en-flu-anto; (subordinate) sub-ordin-ita.
tribut-o; to pay t. to: -ar (ad).
instanto; in a t.: en un instanto.
dup-igar (ulu); fraud-etar (pri); (play a t. on) atrapar (cf. molestar); t. out: ornar.
(cheat) trompo, dup-igo, fraud-(et)o; (artifice) artifico; ruzo; (jest) jok-ajo; molest-ajo; (of a juggler) habila stroko, artifico; (of children) malic-ajo, petul-ajo; (habit) kustumo (cf. tiko); (at cards) preno.
tromp(ad)o, dup-ig(ad)o, fraud-et-ado.
(intr.) flu-etar; (n.) -ato.
tromp-anto, -ero, -emo; dup-ig-ero.
(uncertain) ne-certa; chanj-ema.
tricolored, tricoloured:
(intr.) lud-achar, amuz-achar su; flanar, frivol-esar; disipar (tempo, fort-eso, e.c.).
(n.) ne-import-ajo, bagatelo; tre-mikr-ajo; a t.: (slightly) poke; (n.) poko.
frivol-(ul)o; ne-serioz-(ul)o.
mikr-eta, -acha, sen-signifika, sen-importa, sen-valora; (person) frivola, mikra-valora (homo); a t. matter: ne-grava, ne-import-anta afero o kozo.
(of a firearm) des-tens-ilo; t. guard: pont-eto.
trigram, trigraph:
tri-edra (angulo), tri-edro.
tri-later-a, -o.
(1,000,0003) triliono (cf. quintiliono).
(lop) emundar; (decorate) ornar; garnisar; (sails) orient-izar, rekt-igar; (balance) equilibr-igar; (make neat) net-igar.
en bona stando; apta; bone aranj-ita.
tri-uno, -un-eso (quality).
berloko, ornamento (mikra); orn-iv-acho.
fal-etar, (intr.) facar mis-pazo; (err) (intr.) erorar; (run lightly) (intr.) paz-etar lejere; (t. up) gambitar (ulu); renversar; (stumble) ped-butar.
(action) gambito, fal-igo; (stumble) ped-buto; mis-pazo; (error) eroro; mis-judiko; (excursion) exkurso; (journey) voyajo; turo.
(of things) tri-parta; (of persons) tri-partia.
tri-opla, -oplo; (v.) -opl-igar (ulo); (intr.) -opl-eskar.
(mus.) terceto; -s: (nasko-) trio, tri partur-aji od infanti.
(third copy) triplikato; (in three) tri-opl-eso; done in t.: facita tri-ope.
exkurs-anto, -ero.
vulgar-(ach)a, triviala, komun-acha; -ness: trivial-eso, -ajo.
triturar (cf. pistar).
(intr.) triumf-ar (pri); (n.) -o; t. over: vinkar (ulu, ulo); -al: triumf-a, -ala; -ant: -anta, -ema.
triumvir-aro; (function) -eso.
tri-una, tri en uno.
trivial-a; -ity: -eso, -ajo (cf. bagatelo).
trole-o, (supra) rul-port-ilo; t. car: trole-veturo; t. wheel: -roto.
amas-igar, -eskar; marchar trupe.
(band) trupo; -s: (military) soldati, armeo, arme-korp-o, -i.
(cavalryman) kavalri-ano.
tropik-a, -ala, -atra; -s: tropiko.
(t. along) (intr.) trot-ar, (cause to t.) -igar (kavalo); at full t.: ye granda troto.
troth, plighted:
honor-promiso; (mariajar); fianc-eso.
trublar (la mento, l’aquo); (bother, worry) perturbar, des-quiet-igar, -eskar; (grieve) chagren-igar; (afflict) afliktar; (vex, annoy) enoy-igar, torment-etar; (play practical jokes on) molestar; take t.: (take pains) penar (facar); (importune) obsedar, tedar; may I t. you: (to pass things, do things) komplezez , voluntez (pas-igar ulo, facar ulo); to save t. for anyone: sparar (cf. dispensar) la peni ad ulu; that is not worth the t.: to ne valoras la peno; ol ne pen-valoras; to be in t.: aflikt-esar, esar aflikt-ata; esar des-tranquila (pri).
enoy-iganta, des-agre-abla; jen-anta.
trogo; (as of sea) kav-o, -ajo (di ondo).
(long) pantalono; (short) bracho; t. strap: stripo.
desert-anto; to play t. from school: fugar o desertar la skolo.
armistico, milito-halto; flag of t.: armistico flago, paco-flago.
(barter) kambi-(ad)o; (dealings) negoci-(ad)o; (dray lorry) kamiono; (flat car, R.R.) truko; to t.: trans-portar per kamioni.
truckle to:
cedar humile; submisar su (ad).
feroc-eso, milit-em-eso.
feroca, milit-ema.
marchar (pez-oze o pene); (intr.).
vera; (real) reala; (genuine) autentika; (faithful) fidela; (free from falsehood) vere dic-anta, honesta; exakta; (rightful) legitima; (sincere) sincera.
(sincerely) sincere, (vua, e.c.); vere (parolar); (indeed) ya.
(at cards) trumpo; (v) ludar trumpo; (of a trumpet) trumpet-sono; (person) bon-ega puer-(ul)o o hom-ulo o kerlo, e.c.; to t. up: invent-ar (rakonto, e.c.).
sen-valor-aji; (nonsense) sen-senc-ajo; (adj.) sen-valora; sen-senca; falsa; mala.
trumpet-agar, -plear; son-igar klariono.
trumpet-o; (with keys) bugl-o; (milit., naval) klarion-o; speaking t.: parol-tubo; (large) parol-trumpeto; hearing t.: akustik-ala tubo; -er: trumpet-isto, -ero.
(geom.) trunk-igar; (fig.) stump-igar, mutilar; t. cone: trunka kono; -d: trunka; sen-pinta; stump-atra.
(tr., intr.) rular; t.-bed: rul-lit(et)o.
(of trees, also geom.) trunko; (box) kofro; kesto; (of a person) torso; (of a column) fusto (cf. stumpo); (of elephant, of insects) rostro; t. line: granda o precipua lineo (fer-voya); t. maker: kofr-if-isto; bathing t.s: balno-kalz-ego kurta; to pack one’s t.: aranjar, preparar sua kofro; to unpack one’s t.: vaku-igar sua kofro.
(porto-)pivoto, axo.
fasko, pak-eto; (surg.) herni-ala bandaji o suspensorio; to t. up: ligar; trusar, bandaj-izar; t. of a bridge: traveo.
(put one’s t. in) fidar (ad ulu, ulo); (entrust) konfidar (cf. konfidencar); (give credit) kreditar (ulu), kredite vendar; (hope) (tr., intr.) esperar.
(confidence) fido; (ground for confidence) espero; (financial combine) trusto; (something confided) konfid-ajo, depoz-ajo; komis-o, -ajo; (credit) kredito; (a t. of an estate or property) fideikomiso; to put in t.: (estate, etc.) konfidar (ulo) ad fideikomis-ari-o, -i; on t.: (buying) kredite; he is not to be t.ed: il ne esas fid-inda; I t. you are well: me (sincere) esperas ke vu esas sana.
fideikomis-ario; kurat-anto, -ero, -isto; gard-isto, -ero; (of orphans) tutel-anto, -ero; (in bankruptcy) sindiko; -ship: kurato, direkto, administro; (in law) fideikomiso; (of orphans) tutel-o; the trustees betrayed their t.: la fideikomisarii prevarikis sua devo o fideikomiso.
fid-anta, -ema; fidela, loyala.
honest-eso, fid-ind-eso, yust-eg-eso.
fid-inda, fidela, honesta, loyala, sincera.
(quality) ver-eso, lo vera; (objective) ver-ajo; to tell the t.: dicar ver-ajo; parolar vere; in t.: vere; (indeed) ya; that is t.: to esas vera (of something asserted); the honest t.: la pura vereso; -ful: ver-dic-anta, -ema; (copy etc.) fidela, exakta, preciza.
(make effort) (intr.) esforcar; (test, make trial of) probar; (fatigue) fatigar (cf. tedar, enoyar); (judicially) judiciar, (intr.) procesar; (take pains) (intr.) penar; t. on: (a garment) prob-ar, -e metar; to t. for: esforcar obtenar; to t. the eyes: fatigar la okuli; -ing: pen-ig-anta, -iva, -oza; fatig-anta; des-facila.
rendevu-o; -ing place: -eyo.
kuvo; tino; (small barrel) barel-eto; to t.: (bathe) baln-ar; (receptacle) -uyo.
tubo (cf. pipeto); (subway) tunelo (fer-voya).
tuberkulo (cf. tubero).
(relating to the disease) tuberklos-ala, -oza; (person) -ika, -iko.
tuberkloso, ftizio.
tub-a, -ala, -oza, -atra.
(ri-)faldo, -uro, orl-(eg)uro; trus-uro; to t. up: trusar; t. in: enfaldar; en-pulsar; en-ir-igar; envelopar.
tufo; (plume on hat or bird) penach(et)o (cf. spiko).
tirar (cf. tranar, haular); (struggle) luktar (kontre); (tow) remorkar; t.-boat: remorko-batelo, -navo.
instrukt-o, (received) -eso, doc-o, -ajo, leciono.
(intr.) falar; (of mountebanks) (intr.) kulbutar; (in rolling) (intr.) rul-falar; (rumple) krumplar; t. down: falar a la tero; (of buildings) (intr.) krular; (adj.) kaduka.
glaso, gobleto, (vitra).
tumefakt-ar, -esar.
(u)r: tumoro.
tumult-o; to raise a t.: (intr.) -ar; -uous: -oza, -ema, -atra.
(be in t.) akord-ar; (put in t.) -igar (ulo).
(n.) ario (cf. melodio); (concert of parts) akordo, harmonio; to be out of t.: (intr.) des-akordar; to sing in t.: kantar juste od akorde; t.less: sen-akorda, sen-harmonia; t.ful: melodi-oza, harmoni-oza; -r: akord-ig-ero, -isto; (instr.) akord-ig-ilo; t.ing fork: diapazono.
tungsten: wolframo.
tunic: tuniko.
tunnel: tunel-o; (v.) en-tunel-igar (ulo), facar tunelo.
tunny-fish: atuno.
turban: turbano.
turbid: slam-oza, fang-oza; des-klara; trubl-ita.
turbine: turbino.
turbot: turboto.
turbulence: petul-em-eso, tumult-oz-eso.
turbulent: petul-ema, tumult-oza, -ema.
Turco: “turko”.
tureen: terino.
turf: (grass) gazono; (peat) torfo.
turgescent: turgec-anta.
turgid: infl-ita.
turkey: dindo.
Turkish slipper: babucho.
turmeric: kurkumo.
turmoil: tumulto, agit-(ad)o, -eso; des-tranquil-eso.
turn: (become) see suffix -eskar; (cause to be) see suffix -igar; (in gen.) turnar; (on axis) (intr.) rotacar; (around another body) (intr.) jirar (cf. en-volvar, envelopar); (in a lathe) tornar; (change) (tr., intr.) chanjar (cf. alterar); to about t.: (ri-, retro-)turnar (cf. invers-igar, retro-irar); (gyrate) jirar; turn and t. about: altern-ante; t. to account: profitar (de, per); t. aside: de-turnar, deviacar; (put aside) eskartar; t. away the head: de-turnar la kapo; t. down: ad-infre-turnar; (fold back) ri-, retro-faldar; (decline) refuzar; (a leaf) faldar la angulo di folio; a turn down collar: kolumo jac-anta; t. in: (go to bed) en-lit-igar su, sternar su por dormar; (motion) turnar ad-en; t. into: chanjar, transformar; t. off: (a servant) des-engajar; (water, steam) halt-igar (la fluo); stopar; supresar; (a cock) klozar; (deviate) deviacar (de); t. out: turnar ad-extere; (of events) la fino esis; par venar (ad); (go out) ek-irar, ek-ir-igar; (diverge) divergar; (work) facar; (of flowers, etc.) kreskar o matur-eskar bone o male; (expel) ejektar, ek-pulsar; (happen) eventar; (produce) produktar, facar, fabrikar; (result) resultar (en), havar kom rezult-ajo; (on road) turnar ad-latere; garar; t. over: (upset) renversar, invers-igar; ri-turnar; (tumble) (intr.) kulbutar; (transfer) transferar; donar; (leaves of a book) foli-umar; (cf. rotacar); t. over and over: turnar e ri-turnar; t. around: (ri-)turnar, (on axis) rotacar; (an outside point) jirar (cirkum); cirkondar; t. up: eventar; (appear) aparar (ad); arivar (ye); (tuck up, pin up) trusar; ri-faldar; orlar; (become higher) alt-eskar; (curve up) kurv-igar ad-supere; (curved up) kurv-ig-ita ad-supere; t. an honest penny: facar profito legitima; t. one’s energies (to): direktar sua energio; my head t.s: me vertijas; the milk has t.ed: la lakto koruptesis; the affair t.ed out well: l’afero rezultis bone; the battle t.ed to his advantage: la kombato rezultis favore ad lu; t. a compliment: facar komplimento.
turn: (on itself) turno, rotaco; (winding) jir-eyo, -punto; branch-voyo; de-turno; (change) chanjo; (curve) kurvo; (of a rope) volvo; a t. of a wheel: roto-turno; a t. about: ri-turno; it is my t.: esas mea foyo; in t.: suced-ante, alterne, segun ordino; to give everyone a t.: donar a singlu lua foyo; t. of the hand: manu-stroko (cf. eskamoto); to take a t. on the road: (intr.) promenar; to do a good t. to someone: facar granda servo ad ulu.
turncoat: reneg-anto, -into.
turner: (lathe worker) torn-isto.
turning: branch-voyo, later-ala voyo; (crossroad) kruco-voyo; voyo de-turn-anta; t. point: punto decid-ig-anta; kriz-ala tempo od instanto.
turnip: napo.
turnkey: karcar-gard-isto.
turnout: (equipage) veturo e kavali; (a siding) gar-eyo; (output) produkt-uro; (strike) striko.
turnscrew: skrub-turn-ilo.
turnsole: tornasolo.
turnspit: spiso-turn-ilo.
turnstile: turno-bar-ilo, -kruco.
turntable: turno-plako, -tablo.
turpentine: (oil) terpentin-oleo.
turpitude: (quality) sham-ind-eso, (act) -ajo; sen-etik-eso, vici-eso.
turquoise: turkezo.
turret: turm(et)-o; -ed: -iz-ita.
turtle: tortugo; t.shell: -skalio; to turn t.: (intr.) kulbutar.
turtle-dove: turturo.
tush: ba!
tusk: dent-ego, (tooth) kanina dento.
tussle: lukto.
tut: fi!
tutelage: tutel-(ad)o.
tutelary: tutel-anta, protekt-anta.
tutor: instruktar; donar lecioni (ad).
tutor: preceptoro; sub-istrukt-isto; prepar-instrukt-ero, -isto.
tutorial: preceptor-a, -ala.
twaddle: sen-senc-ajo; babil-ado; galimatiaso.
twain, in: en du parti.
twang: vibr-igar (la violin-kordi, e.c.); (speak through nose) (intr.) naz-parolar.
twang: sono akuta; acento naz-ala; kordo-sono (de violino e.c.); (after taste) posa saporo.
tweak: pinchar; tirar (la nazo).
tweezers: pinc-eto.
twelfth: dekedu-esma; (fraction) -imo; pay by t.s: pagar per dekedu-imi.
twelve: dek-e-du; t. o’clock: (daytime) di-mezo, jorno-mezo; (night-time) nokto-mezo; (by clock) (esas) dekedu kloki (son-anta).
twentieth: dua-dek-esma; (fraction) -ima, -imo.
twenty: dua-dek; t.four: dua-dek e quar; t.fourth: dua-dek e quar-esma (dio, e.c.).
twice: (doubly) du-ople; (on two occasions) du-foye.
twiddle: turn-adar (la polexi).
twig: ramo, branch-eto.
twilight: krepuskulo (cf. auroro; mi-lumo).
twin: jemel-a, -o.
twine: (en-)volvar (ulo cirkum); (embrace) embracar; (of a river, etc.) sinu-ifar, irar sinue.
twine: kord-eto; fil-ego.
twinge: (intr.) lancin-ar; (n.) lancin-anta doloro o spasmo.
twinkle: (of stars, etc.) cintil-ifar; (of eyes) rid-bril-(et)esko (en) okuli; in a t. of the eye: en un instanto.
twirl: turnar rapide, rotac-igar (ulo) rapide; (on toes) (intr.) piruetar.
twist: tordar (ulo); (form in thread) fil-ifar, -igar; (contort) tord-(ach)ar; (wind in and out) sinu-ifar; (interlace) inter-, en-plektar; -ed: tord-ita; torde volv-ita.
twist: (n.) tord-ita kordono; tord-ajo; spiralo; sinuo; volv-ajo; turno; (prejudice) prejudiko.
twit: reprochar.
twitch: (pull) tirar subite o bruske; (tear out) arachar; (sudden movement) subita konvuls-ala mov-eto o kontrakt-eto, spasm-eto muskul-ala; tiko.
twitter: (chirp) gorgear (intr.) pipear (intr.).
two: du; in t.: (parts) du-ime; chapter t.: la du-esma chapitro; t. hundred: dua-cent; t.-horse carriage: du-kavala veturo; t. by t.: du-ope; t.-colo(u)red: bi-kolora; t.-horned: bi-korna; t.-masted ship: du-masta navo; t. times: (in counting) du-foye; (double) du-opla; t.-edged tool: instrumento kun du akut-aji o du-opla akut-aji; t.fold: du-opla; t.handed: bi-manua.
tymbal: timbalo.
tympanum: timpano.
type: tipo; to set in t.: kompostar (ulo).
typewrite: mashin-skribar; -r: (machine) -ilo; (person) -isto, -ero; t.-written: mashin-skrib-ita.
typhoid: tifoid-a febro, tifoid-o; t. patient: -ika, -iko.
typhoon: ciklono.
typhus: tifo.
typical: tip-a, -ala, -atra; -ness: -eso.
typify: tipe reprezentar, simbol-izar, simbol-esar (da), figur-izar.
typist: mashin-skrib-ero, -isto.
typographical: imprim-ala; t. error: imprim-eroro, kompost-eroro.
typography: imprim-ado (per tipi), kompost-ado.
tyrannical: tiran-ala, -atra.
tyrannize: tiran-esar, (ad ulu), tirane guvernar, sklav-igar (ulu).
tyranny: (also fig.) tiran-eso.
tyrant: tiran-(ul)o.
tyre: roto-bandajo.
tyro: novic-(ul)o.
Tzar: car-(ul)o; -ina: -ino.