Ido-English Dictionary : A

a (ad): (general sense) to. indicating that toward which there is movment, tendency, or position, with or without arrival; opposed to from (de, ek); (cf. vers, til); il iris a la kirko: he went to (the) church; il venas de Paris a London: he is on his way from Paris to London; la hundo jetis su a la kato: the dog sprang at the cat; del (de la) esto al (ad la) westo: from (the) east to (the) west; de tempo a tempo: from time to time; de un dio a l'altra: from one day to another, from day to day; de la supro a l'infro: from top to bottom; (dative: indirect object) donez a me la bastono: give me the stick; il parolis ad el: he spoke to her. (object of action, thought, desire) il elevas su a la richeso e a la honori: he is rising to weather and honors; atencema a la diskurso, attentive to the discourse; surda a la ditreso-krii: deaf to the cries of distress; amo a Deo: love to God; me deziras a vu omna feliceso: I wish you all happiness. (comparison or relation) agreabla a la gusto: agreeable to the taste; ca okupo konvenas ad il: this occupation suits him; (proportion; total) tri raportas a non quale du a sis: three is to nine as two is to six; evaluar lua revenuo a 10.000 franki; taxar ol a 400 franki: to estimate his income as (amounting to) 10,000 francs; to tax it at (at the rate of, a total of) 400 francs. Note: Ad is often joined to other prepositions, to verbal roots, adverbs, particularly to add the idea of motion. — FILS
abbot; -ino: abbess; -eyo: abbey; -eso: abbotship; -ala, -ey-ala: abbatial. — DeFIRS
abak-o*: (math., arch.) abacus. — DEFIS
abandon-ar: (tr.) to abandon, (wholly) give up, (totally) relinquish, forego, forsake. Ex.: Abandonar navo, domo, projeto, infanto. Abandonar su a desespero, a joyo. Ant.: gardar, retenar. V. exp.: Livar urbo, portuo, domo, persono ... esas simple forirar de ol sen ula sentimental impliko. Abandonar persono, ofico, posteno, esas sive lasar li, nevolunte o kontrevole, sive violacante ula devo (abandonar infanti, parenti). Retretar esas retromarchar: la senco primitiva e propra esas militala; senci figurala e derivta: livar la mondo (religiala retreto), funciono od agado (retreto di oficisto, komercisto, e.c.); II — 647. — EFIS
abas-ar: (tr.) to lower: let down to a lower level; (fig.) to abase (morally), debase; abasez la tirani: down with the tyrants; abasez la manui: hands off!; abasez la chapeli: hats off! Ex.: Abasar la kapo, la brakio, la manuo; abasar levero, standardo, espado, fusilo, velo; omno to signifikas pozar (plu) infre. En la figurala senco, on abasas persono, reduktante lu ad infra rango, kondiciono, e.c.; on abasas su, prenante infra rango, humila posturo, e.c.; IV — 286. Ant.: levar, elevar. V. exp.: Abasar ne esas basigar. Basigar esas igar (plu) basa, des-altigar (E. to make less in height); abasar esas igar decensar ad infra nivelo. — eFI
abat-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to knock, beat, strike down, fell; -aj-aro: (fort.) abatis. Ex.: Abatar arboro, domo, muro, persono — eFIS
abatis-o: (of fowl, game) refuse parts, as head, feet, wings, skin, etc.; small edible parts, as giblets. Def.: Mikra parti di pultro, anke di leporo; VII — 197. — F
(med.) abscess; -eskar: to become or turn to an a. Def.: Pusoza kavajo en la korpo. — DEFIRS
abcis-o* (geom.) abscissa. — DEFIRS
abdik-ar: (tr.) to abdicate. V. exp.: Abdikar dicesas precipue pri la reji o suvereni, qui cesas regnar por transmisar la povo a sucedanto, sive naturala, sive selektata; abdikar ne esas simple demisionar, ma demisionar por ulu, do facante ankore ago di suvereneso; IV-100. Vid. abnegar, renuncar, rezignar. — DEFIRS
abdomin-o: abdomen. V. exp.: Abdomino esas ciencala vorto, plu preciza kam ventro: IV-512. — DEFIS
abdukt-ar: (tr., physiol.) to abduct. Note: Not abduct: to kidnap; cf. raptar. — DEFIS
abel-o: bee; -eyo: apiary; -uyo: beehive; -ino: female or queen-bee; -ulo drone-bee; -edukado: bee-culture; eduk-isto: bee-master. — FIS
aberac-o: (astr., opt.) aberration; -ar: (intr.) to be aberrant. — DEFIRS
abiet-o: (bot.) fir-, spruce-tree (genus: Abies). — eFIS
abism-o: (also fig.) abyss. — EFIS
abjekt-a: (morally) abject, mean; -eso, abjectness (quality); -ajo a. act. Def.: Qua esas di extrema grado di etikala abaseso. Ex.: Persono, sentimenti abjekta. Ant.: nobla. — DEFIS
abjur-ar: (tr.) to abjure. Def.: Renuncar publike e solene. Ex.: Abjurar religio, doktrino, opiniono. — DEFIS
ablacion-o: (surg.) ablation; -ar: to ablate: to remove by surgical operation. Ex.: Ablaciono di membro, di tumoro. — DEFIS
ablakt-ar: (tr.) to wean; -(ad)o, -eso: (act, state) weaning, ablactation. Def.: Deskustumigar (infanto) de l'alaktado; IV-512, 600. — DeFIS
ablativ-o: (gram.) ablative (-case). — DEFIRS
ablegat-o*: (eccl.) ablegate. — DEFI
ablet-o: (ich.) ablet, bleak (Alburnus lucidus). — eF
ablucion-ar: (tr., relig., med.) to purify by washing; -o: ablution. Def.: Lavar parto di la korpo segun medicinal (o religiala) preskripti; IV-515. — DEFIS
abneg-ar: (tr.) to abnegate, deny one-self; -o, -eso abnegation, self-denial. V. exp.: Abnegar esas renuncar omna profito, personal interesto o mem plezuro, por konsakrar su ad altru or ad ula sociala religiala verko. Abnegar esas propre renuncar su ipsa t.e. sua propra feliceso; IV-101; vid. renuncar, abdikar, rezignar. — DEFIS
abolis-ar: (tr.) to abolish; -ismo: abolitionism; -ism-ano: abolitionist. V. exp.: Abolisar, abrogar, supresar: Supresar esas la generala vorto, la du altra esas specala e teknikal termini. On abrogas lego per altra lego, dekreto per altra dekreto, qua nuligas l'antea. On abolisas institucuro o kustumo (ex. rejeso, privileji, sklaveso); II-649. — DEF
abomin-ar: (tr.) to abominate, abhor, loathe, detest (cf. odieg-ar, horor-ar); -ajo: an abominable act or object; -inda: abominable, detestable, execrable. — EFIS
abon-ar: (tr.) to subscribe for or to (a periodical) igar-ar: to cause (ulu) to subscribe to (ulo); -o: subscription (to a journal); -o-preco: cost of subscription; -anto-, -into: subscriber. — DFIRS
abord-ar: (tr.) to land on a (shore, a wharf, etc.); to board (a ship, a vehicle); (fig.) to go alongside, come up close to. Def.: Irar sur ulo o, per extenso, venar flanke ad, bordo an bordo kun ulo (por irar sur ol). L’etimologiala senco esas: irar a (sur) la bordo di ulo. Ex.: La Portugalani esis le unesma qui abordis la literi di India. Abordar la navo dil enemiko. La navo abordas (ad, an) la warfo. La pasajanti abordas sur la warfo. — eFIRS.
aborijen-a, -o: aboriginal, autochthon. V.exp.: Aborijeno, indijeno: Indijeno signifikas simple la populo (raso) qua habitas la lando «de l’origino» (historiala). Ex. Omna Amerikani qui naskis en Amerika esas indijena, opozite a l’enmigranti ed a l’Europani (mem samlingua e samrasa), ma nur l’Indiani e simila rasi esas aborijena; IV-512-3.  — EFIS
(intr.) to abort, miscarry; (fig.) to come to nothing, fail; -o: miscarriage; -ala: abortive; -igar: to cause a. to (ulu); -igo: miscarriage (caused); -ig-iva, -anta: abortive (capable of producing and abortion); -ig-ivo, -ilo: something causing abortion; -uro: an abortive child or thing. — DEFIS
(int., also fig.) to bark, bay; -etar: to yelp; -achar:  to give tongue falsely, snarl, bawl. — FI
(tr.) to abbreviate (words), abridge (a book), curtail (a narrative); (cf. rezumar, kurt-igar); -(ad)o, -uro: abbreviation, abridgment. — DEFIS
(fruit) apricot; -iero: a. tree. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to abrogate, repeal, annul. V. exp.: vid. abolisar. — DEFIS
(bot.) abrotanum, southernwood (Artemisia Abrotanum). — ISL
precipitous, cragged, abrupt; (fig.) rough, broken, unpolished. Ex.: L’abrupta flanko di monto. Stilo, karaktero abrupta. V. exp.: vid. eskarpa. — DEFIS
absent: not present (de); -(ul)o: absentee; -eso: absence; -eskar: to absent oneself, keep out of the way; -a de Paris: a. from Paris; -a per konjedo: a. on leave. Ant.: prezenta. — DEFIRS
(bot.) absinth, wormwood; -o-liquoro: absinth(e) (the liquor). — DEFIRS
absolute: unlimited, unrestricted; -ajo: (philos.) something unconditioned; -o: an absolute being; -e: absolutely; -ismo: absolutism; -isto: absolutist; ablativo absoluta: ablative absolute. Ex.: Povo, rejo absoluta. Absoluta neposiblajo. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to absolve, acquit, exculpate; -o: (rel.) absolution, (jur.) acquittal; (cf. indulgar). Def.: Deklarar senkulpa (do nepunisebla) ula akuzato; III-699. Ant.: kondamnar. — DEFIS
(tr.,physical sense) to absorb; (fig.) to engross (attention); -o, -eso: absorption; -iva, -anta; -ivo, -ilo: absorbent; -iva papero: blotting paper; -o-puteo: cesspool. Ex.: Sablo absorbas aquo. Lo nigra absorbas la lumo. Absorb-esar da meditado. Vaskularo absorbiva. — DEFIS
(tr.) to abstain (voluntarily) from, to refrain from (ulo); -(ad)o abstention; -anta, -ema: abstemious, sober; -anto, -ero: abstainer; -emeso: abstinence (habitual state); igar ar: to cause (ulu) to abstain from (ulo); -eskar: to begin to abstain; Ex.: Ne esas facila abstenar drinkar, kande on durstas. V. ex.: Abstenar, karear: Karear ne implikas «vole», ol prefere implikas «nevole» o mem «kontrevole». On abstenas kozo, quan on havas o povus havar; on kareas kozo, quan on ne havas o ne povas havar (nun). Ex.: En voyajo on mustas karear multa kozi (pro ke la kozi mankas); ma se on havus li, probable on ne abstenus li, IV-658. — DEFIS
(tr., surg.) to absterge, cleanse (wounds). — DEFIS
abstinenc-ar*: (intr., relig.) to abstain (from meat), to practise abstinence (from pleasure), to fast (de). — DEFIS
abstrakt-ar: (tr.) to abstract: separate in thought, -ala: abstract (science, question); -ema, -ata, -ita: (of mind) preoccupied, absent-minded; -uro, -ajo: abstract idea, object. — DEFIRS
abstruz-a: abstruse, recondite. Del.: Desfacile komprenebla e tedanta; II-706. — DEFIS
absurd-a: absurd, preposterous. Del.: Kontre la komuna raciono. Ant.: saja, racion-oza. — DEFIRS
abuli-o*: (med.) abulia. — DEFIS
abund-ar: (intr.) to abound, be plentiful (de); -anta: abundant, exuberant, luxuriant; -eganta: superabundant; -o-korno: horn-of-plenty, cornucopia. Ant.: esar skarsa, mankar. — EFIS
abut-ar: (intr.) to abut (ad), come out (into), end (in); (abscess) to come to a head. Def.: Tushar per un extremajo. Ex.: Omna radii di cirklo abutas al centro. — EFIS
abutment-o: (arch.) abutment (as of a bridge). — E
aceler-ar: (tr.) to accelerate, hasten, quicken. Ex.: Acelerar la pazi. Ant.: moderar, (plu)lent-igar. — EFIS
acend-ar: (tr.) to light (a lamp), to kindle (a fire), to turn on (electric light); (fig.) to inflame (the passions); -ilo: (instr.) lighter; -o-ligno: kindling. Ant.: extingar. — LIS
acens-ar: (tr., intr) to go up, ascend, mount; -anta: ascending, rising; -eyo:place to mount (as stair, ascent); -ilo: lift, elevator, hoist; -o-festo: Ascension Day; -o rekta:(astron.) right ascension. Def.: Irar ad-supere; II-136. Ex.: .Acensar (sur) kavalo, eskalero, monto. Ant.: decensar. — DEFIS
acent-o: accent: stress of voice (not written accent, cf. super-signo); -izar; to accent, lay stress on; -izo, -iz-uro: accentuation; sen-acenta, ne-acent-izita: unaccented.   — DEFIRS
acept-ar: (tr.) to accept (something willingly, as a proposal, condition apology, challenge), to receive (a guest); -o: acception, reception, greeting; -ebla: acceptable, receivable (of guests); -anto:acceptor (also of bills); -inda: worth accepting; -o-dio: reception-day, levee. Vu esas plezure aceptata: you are welcome, Ant.: refuzar. V. exp.: recevar. — DEFIRS
acer-o: (bot.) maple-tree (genus: Acer) — FILS
acerb-a: (also fig.) acerb: sour, bitter and harsh in taste (as unripe fruit); -eso:: acerbity, harshness; severity. Ex.: Frukto acerba. Parolado acerba. V. exp.: vid. aspera. — EFIS
aces-ar: (tr.) to have access to (ulu, ulo); (med.) to have an access, an attack; -o: access, entry; (med.) attack; -ebla: accessible, approachable. Ex.: Il acesas loko, persono (o havas aceso a loko, persono). Loko, persono acesebla. Aceso di febro, (fig.) aceso di iraco, furio, desespero. — EFIS
acesit-o: accesit: honorable mention accorded to a student. — DeFIS
acesor-a: accessory, subsidiary; (cf. help-anta, konfirm-anta, surogata); -o,-ajo: an accessory; (milit., ledra-) accoutrement. Def.: Qua akompanas precipuajo. Ant.: esencala, precipua. — DEFIRS
acetat(-acido): acetic acid.—DEFIS
acetilen-o: (chem.) acetylene; -lampo: a. lamp. — DEFIRS
acetometr-o: acetimeter. — DEFIRS
acian-o: (bot.) bluebottle, cornflower, (Centaurea Cyanus). — DISL
acid-a: acid; acetous; -eta: sour, (cf. acerba, akra); (chem.) acid; -ajo:an a. substance; -eso: acidity; -igar: to acidify; -eskar: to become a., turn sour; -igo, -esko: acidification; -oza, -atra: acidulous: -izar: to acidulate. — EFIRS
(tr.) to cause an accident to; -o: accident (generally in an ill sense), mishap; (philos.) accident; -a, -ala: accidental; -anto: on who or that which causes an a. -ito: vicitim of an a.; -oza: full of a.s; -e: accidentally, by chance. Def.: Efektigar acidento ad ulu (ulo); IV-105, VI-162. Ex.: Acidento bona o mala. La infirmaji e acidenti di la vivo homala. Kozo acidental. Deskovrar acidente ulo. — EFIRS
acidometr-o: acidimeter. — EFIRS
acion-o: (fin.) share (of a bank, railway, joint-stock company, etc.); -i: stock; -iero: share-, stock-holder; — DFIRS
acipitr-o: (orni.) goshawk (Astur palumbarius). — LF
aciz-o: town or city tax on commodities, excise, octroi. — DeFIRS
a(d): see a, ad.
adapt-ar: (tr.) to adapt ulo ad ulo; -ar su: a. oneself; -esar: to be adapted. — DEFIRS
ad-avan, -e, -a: forward (with movement). Ex.: Avane marchar.
ad-base: (with movement) to the bottom, (cf. ad infre). (cf. II-163.)
ad-dextre: (with movement) to the right (hand side).
ad-dope: (with movement) backwards.
ad-dukt-o: (anat.) adduction; -anta, -iva: adducent, afferent.
ad-en: (with movement) into. Ex.: Irar aden la gardeno. La ucelo flugis aden la kajo.
adept-o: adept. — DEFIRS
adequat-a: adequate. Ex.: Havar ideo adquata pri kozo. — DEFS
ad-flu-ar: (int.) to flow or run (to, into, as a river to the sea); (med.) to rush (as blood to the head); -(ad)o: afflux.
ad-heme: (with movement) to or toward home.
adher-ar: (intr.) to adhere (ad): stick close to, be attached; (fig.) to give adhesion (to a party, a principle); -o: adhesion, adherence; -iva: adhesive; -em-eso: adherency (tendency); -anta, -ema: adherent, sticking (ad); -anto: adherer, follower; -igar: to cause to adhere, stick. Ex.: La epidermo adheras a la pelo. Donar sua adhero a projeto. — DEFIS
adi-ar: (tr.) to bid adieu to (ulu), say good-bye; -o: adieu; -ala vizito: farewell visit. — DEFIS
adiabat-a*: (thermodynamics) adiabatic.
ad-ibe: (over) there, thither, (with movement). Ex. Omnube vu iros, adibe me iros kun vu.
adicion-ar: (tr., math.) to add: cast up (numbers, cf. ad-juntar) -o: addition. Ant.: sustracionar. — DEFIS
ad-infre: (with motion) down(ward); (cf. ad-sube, ad-base). Ex.: Irar adinfre sur l'eskalero.
ad-ir-ar: (intr.) to go to, toward; to approach.
ad-jac-ar: (intr.) to be adjacent; -anta: adjacent: bordering upon.
adjektiv-o: (gram.) adjective. — DEFIS
adjudik-ar: (tr.) to adjudicate, adjudge: to award (ulo ad ulo) judicially in a controversy: (at auctions) to knock down to, declare to be the purchaser of; -o: awarding (of prizes), granting (of contracts): -ario: person who receives the award; highest tenderer; -ajo what is awarded. Ex.: Adjudikar la domo a la plendanto. Adjudikar premio ad ulu. — DEFIS
ad-junt-ar: (tr., physical sense) to add (ulo od ulo); -o: adding, subjoining, adjunction; -ajo: something added, an addition; -ita: additional. Ex.: Adjuntar plu multa sukro a siropo. Facar adjuntajo a domo. Adjuntaji a domeno. Modesteso adjuntita a merito.
adjur-ar: (tr.) to adjure: command in the name of God, to charge solemnly. Ex.: Me adjuras vu, dicar la verajo. — EF
ad-just-igar: (tr.) to adjust (ulo ad ulo), to fit, to rectify, correct. Ex.: Adjustigo esas la ago igar ulo justa ad ... Talioro adjustigas vesto ad ulu. Adjustigar balanco, mezurilo.
adjutant-o: (milit. title) adjutant, aide-de-camp. — DEFIRS
ad-latere: (with movement) sideways.
ad-maxime: at (the) most.
ad-minime: at (the) least.
administr-ar: (tr.) to administer: to manage, conduct (a business, an estate, a department of government); -eyo: office of a; -ant-aro: (collect.), -erio: (as institution) board of administration. — DEFIRS
admir-ar: (tr.) to admire; -inda; worthy of admiration, admirable. Ant.: des-prizar, des-estimar. — EFIS
admiral-o: (title) admiral. — DEFIRS
admis-ar: (tr.) to admit, to receive (ulu, ulo; cf. agnoskar); -o, -eso: admission, admittance, affiliation; -ebla, -inda: admisable, allowable. Ex.: Admisar ulu aden domo, ulu en societo. — EFIS
ad-monte: above (i.e. further up on the same general level; not overhead, cf. super), up stream (toward the mountain, the source of the stream). Aernavo flugas trans la rivero admonte de la urbo: the airship flies over (crosses) the river above (i.e. not over the city itself, but up-stream from the city). Ant.: ad-vale.
adolec-ar: (intr.) to be adolescent; -o, -eso, -tempo: adolescence, period of life between puberty and maturity; -anta: adolescent; -anto: an adolescent. — EFIS
adopt-ar: (tr.) to adopt (an opinion, a system); (jur.) to adopt (a child); (in assemblies) to agree upon, carry (a motion, resolution), to pass (a bill); -ito: an adopted child or person. Ant.: repulsar. — DEFIRS
ador-ar: (tr., rel.) to worship (Deo); (gen.) to adore, idolize (ulu, ulo); -inda: adorable. — EFIS
ados-ar: (tr.) to set the back (di ulu, ulo) to (ulu, ulo), to put back to back; -ar su: to lean one's back; ados-taluso: (gard.) sloping bed (backed against a wall). Def.: Apogar la dorso; II-17. — FIS
ad-port-ar: (tr.) to bring: carry (ulo) to a person or place; (cf. ven-igar, quer-igar); -ajo: material brought. Ex.: Adportar ulo de Paris a London. Adportez a me ta libro.
ad-poz-ar: (tr.) to affix: put (ulo) on (ulo); (cf. sur-pozar, sigl-izar); -o: affixing; (gram.) apposition.
adragant-o*: (bot.) gum-tragacanth, gum-adraganth. Def.: Gumo extrakita de tragakanto. IV-644. — DEFIRS
adres-o: address (on a letter, parcel, etc.); -izar; to address: put an a. on (a letter). Ex.: Ca letro esas adresizita a vu. — DEFR
adsorb-ar: (tr., tech.) to adsorb: to condense by adsorption. — DEFI
ad-sub: (with motion) under. Ex.: La kato kuris adsub la tablo.
ad-sur: (with motion) on to. Ex.: Irar adsur agro.
ad-ube: (with motion) (toward) where, whither. Ex.: Adube vu iras?
adult-a: adult; -o, -ulo, -ino: an a.; -eso: a. state. — EFIS
adulter-ar: (intr.) to commit adultery; -o, -eso: adultery; -anto, -into: adulterer; -ala: adulterous, adulterine. — EFIS
adurol-o*: (chem.) adurol.
ad-vale: below: further down on the same general level; (not below = under, cf. sub), down stream (toward the valley, the outlet); vid. ad-monte. Ant.: ad-monte.
ad-ven-ar: (intr.) to come (towards). V. exp.: vid. arivar.
advent-o: (rel.) Advent. — DEFIS
adventiv-a*: (biol.) adventitious.
adverb-o: (gram.) adverb; -a; -ala: adverbial. — DEFIRS
ad-ver-e: indeed, in truth, it is true, to be sure. Ex.: Advere il venis, ma il agas nulo. Il venis, advere sen instrumenti.
advers-a: adverse; -o, -ulo, -ino: adversary, opponent. Ex.: Fortuno adversa. Ant.: (adverso) partenero, teder-ito, help-anto, defensanto. — EFIS
ad-vok-ar (tr.) to call, call to, hail. Ex.: Advokar la konduktoro, la guardo.
advokat-(ul)o: advocate, barrister (who pleads in court); -eso: bar (profession); -aro: the bar (collect.); -o statala: prosecuting attorney; -o konsilanta: chamber counsel. — DEFIRS
adyunt-o: deputy, associate: assistant (in some duty); -a: adjunct; -o-profesoro: assistant professor; -o di komon-estro: deputy mayor. — DEFIRS
aer-o: air; -ala: aerial; -izar: to air, renew the air, (chem.) aërate; -igo, -ifo, -izo: aeration, ventilation; -iz-ita: aired, ventilated; -oza: airy, well-ventilated; -iz-ilo: aerator, ventilator; -flu-eto: draught (of air); -o-dinamiko: aero-dynamics; -o-navo: airship (dirigible balloon; cf. aerostato); -o-nav-isto: aëronaut; -navig-(ad)o: aërial navigation, aeronautics; -o-statiko: aërostatics; -o-terapio: air-therapeutics; -o-timo: aërophobia; en libera aero: in the open air. — DEFIS
aerobi-a*: (biol.) aërobic: -i: aërobia, aërobes. — DEFIS
aerolit-o: aërolite. — DEFIRS
aerometr-o*: aërometer. — DEFIRS
aerometri-o: aërometry. — DEFIRS
aeroplan-o*: aëroplane. Note Technical terms may be found in IV-330-333. DEFIRS
aeroskop-o*: aëroscope. — DEFIRS
aerostat-o: aërostat, balloon (without motive power); -ala: aërostatic. Def.; «Balonegi» qui flotacas passive en l'aero (ne la «direktebla baloni» a qui esas rezervita la nomo: aernavo). 11-706. — DEFIRS
aes: (mus.) A flat.
afabl-a: affable, amiable; -eso: affability; -ajo: amenity, courteous act. Ant.: des-, ne-afabia, ruda, impertinenta. — EFIS
atazi-o: (med.) aphasia; -iko: person suffering from a. — DEFIS
afecion-ar: (tr.) to have an affection for, to delight in, to be fond of (ulu, ulo); -ema, -oza: affectionate, fond, loving; -ata: beloved, devoted, Ex.: La Polonani afecionas sua patrio. Afecionoza fratino.El afecionas sua matro.Ant.: antipatiar, odiar, abominar. — EFIS
afekt-ar: (tr., psychol.) to touch (the feelings), to move (emotionally); (med.) to take effect on, to sicken; -esar (da): to be moved, affected (by). Ex.: Lua desfeliceso afektis me. Afekteso nervala. — DEFIRS
afektac-ar: (tr., intr.) to pose, to make an artificial show, to pretend ostentatiously ; -(ad)o: affectedness, affectation, mannerism; -anta, -ema: affected, pretentious, finical. Ex.; Afectacar la vertuo.Afektacar kom richulo, kom eleganto. — DEFIRS
afeli-o*: (astron.) aphelion. — DEFIRS
afer-o: (com..) business; (gen. sense) affair: matter, thing, concern, question, etc.; (leg.) cause, legal action; -i: (com.) trade, business; -isto: business-man; -agento: business-agent; -o politikala: political a.; -i extera: foreign a.s.; -o mala: a bad a.; a bad business; -o amor-ala: a love a.; -o honorala: a matter of honor; pledar afero: to plead a cause. V. exp.: La vorto afero aplikesas ne nur a l'aferi komercala e financala, ma a le judiciala, politikala, mem social e moral entraprezi ed agadi; V-623. — DeFIR
afidi-o: (ent.) aphis, plant-louse. EFIS
afin-a: (chem.) having affinity (ad); (fig.) akin, congenial; -eso: affinity; -esar (ad): to have a. (to). Def.: Qua havas tendenco a kombino, ad uniono. Ex.: Karbono afinesas ad oxo. Afineso spiritala, mentala. Ant.:repuls-anta, -iva. — DEFIS
afirm-ar: (tr.) to affirm, aver (the truth, or that something is true); -o: affirmation, vouching for, asseveration; -ajo: what is affirmed, the affirmative; defensar la afirmajo: to support the affirmative. Ant.: negar, dementiar. — DEFIS
afish-o: poster, bill: placard posted in a public place; -igar: to publish, gazette (ulo); -o-glutinar: to post bill, billstick; -expozo, -o-glutino: bill posting; -eyo, -tabelo: place for bill, bill-board; -o-glutin-isto: bill-sticker. — DEFIRS
afix-o: (gram.) affix: a prefix or a suffix. — DEFIRS
aflikt-ar: (tr.) to afflict: to cause to suffer mentally, to distress, grieve; -o, -eso: affliction; -anta, -iva: afflicting, distressing; -ar la karno: (fig.) to mortify the flesh. — EFIS
aforism-o: aphorism. — DEFIRS
afrank-ar: (tr.) to frank: to prepay (postage on letters), carriage on parcels); -o-, -uro: prepayment; -ita, ite: post free (of letters), carriage paid (of parcels); -ita ye bordo; (f. o. b.) free on board. — DeFIRS
afront-ar: (tr.) to affront: to meet front to front, to face; (fig.) to brave. Def.: Opozar (su) fronto a fronto: figurale on afrontas danjero, tempesto, e.c.; II-136. — EFIS
aft-o, -i: (med.) aphtha(e), thrush. — DEFIRS
afust-o: (gun-)carriage. — FIS
afuzion-ar: (tr.) to affuse. -o: (med., rel.) affusion; pouring of water, etc., on the body. — DEFIS
ag-ar: (tr., intr.) to do, to act; -igar: to make, cause (ulu, olu) to do (ulo); -(ad)o: acting, deed, action; -anta, -ema, -iva: active; -iv-eso; -em-eso: activity; -eskar: to begin to act, to come into play; -anto, -into: doer. V. exp.: Agar, facar: La difero inter agar e facar esas proxime ta qua existas inter D. tun a machen (E. to do, to make). Ica du verbi esas transitiva, ma kun diversa senci. On facas ula kozo, konkreta objekto; ma ago havas nul objekto extera. Pro to on darfas e devas dicar: Quon vu agas? Me agas nulo (t.e.; me facas nula ago). La sequanta frazi indikas ica difero: "Quon vu agas dum la tota jorno, se on interdiktis a vu facar irga laboro manuala? Ho! me ne restas nul-aganta; me facas argila statueti (V-623, VI-482). Note: Agar is also used as a suffix with the names of instruments to denote the act done with the particular instrument, as: baston-agar: to beat (with a stick), martel-agar: to hammer; fusil-agar: to shoot, etc. — DFIS
agac-ar: (tr.) to set on edge (teeth); (fig.) to irritate, annoy, tantalize, -anta, -iva: irritating, provoking. Def.: Senco propa esas iritar la nervi (specale e prope di la denti, ex. per la froto di kultelo sur plado o vitro); II-136. Ex.: Limar segilo agacas mea denti. (fig.) Agacar hundo. — F
agam-o*: (biol., bot.) agamic, asexual.
agap-o: (rel.) agape: love-feast. — DEFIRS
agarik-o: (bot.) agaric. — EFIRS
agat-o: (min.) agate. — DEFIRS
agav-o: (bot.) agave (genus: Agave). — DEFIRS
agend-o: agenda: memorandum of things to be done. — DeFIS
agent-o: (all senses) agent; -erio: agency (establ.) -eso: agency (function); -eyo: agency (office); bors-agento: stock-broker; -o kemiala: chemical a. — DEFIRS
agit-ar: (tr.) to shake, agitate (ulo, ulu); to wave (a flag, the hand, a handkerchief); (cf. ond-ifar); (fig.) to excite (the feelings; -esar: to be agitated; -(ad)o, -eso: agitation, (tossing as by waves); -anto, -ero: agitator (person); -ilo: agitator (inst.) Ex.: Agitar liquido. Agitar pupulo. El agitis sau brakio vers me. — DEFIRS
aglo-o: (orni.) eagle; (fig.) heraldry, (milit. standard) eagle; (astron.) Aquilo; -o-nazo: aquiline nose. Ex.: (fig.) Romana agli. — EFIS
aglomer-ar: (tr.) to agglomerate, conglomerate; -ajo: agglomeration. — DEFIRS
aglosi-o*: (zool.) aglossity: state of being tongueless.
aglutin-ar: (tr.) to agglutinate: stick as with glue; (fig.) to join together. — DEFIS
agnel-o: (poetical and rel.) lamb; (cf. muton-yuno); -eto: lambkin; -ino: ewe-l. — FIR
agnosk-ar: (tr.) to acknowledge, admit, own (something as right, good, true, false); Me agnoskas vua motivi: I admit your reasons (i.e. receive them as valid); Me agnoskas la neceseso facar ol: I admit the necessity to do it. Agnoskar guvernerio: to recognise a government. L
agoni-ar: (intr.) to be in the death agony, in the last death struggle, in death pangs, in extremis. DeFIRS
agorafobi-o* (med.) agoraphobia; morbid dread of, or giddiness in crossing open spaces. — EFIRS
agost-o: August; -o-mezo: the middle of A. — DEFIRS
agr-o: field: piece of ground; (cf. feldo); -ala: agrarian, rural; -ano, -isto: agrarian, country person; -o-kultiv-(ad)o: agriculture; -kul-tiv-ala: agricultural; -kultiv-isto: agriculturist; -o-mezur-(ad)o: land-surveying. Def.: Plu o min granda parto di sulo; VI-140. — DeFIRS
agraf-o: hook, hook-and-eye (to fasten dresses, etc.); clasp (for book-lids, cloaks, etc.); snap (of a necklace, bracelet, etc.); (ancient) agraffe; -agar: (tr.) to hook, clasp. DeFIS
agreabl-a: agreeable, pleasant; -ajo: a. act or object; -eso: agreeableness, charm. Ex.: Agreabla muliero, loko, figuro, sento. Ant.: des-agre-abla, des-plez-anta; ofens-iva. — EFIS
agreg-ar: (tr.) to aggregate, incorporate; to admit (into a society, university); -o: aggregation, admission; -ajo: aggregate; -ala grado: a special French university degree, lower than doktoro (F. agrégé). — DEFIRS
agrimoni-o: (bot.) agrimony. — DEFIS
agronom-o: agronomist: a scientific agriculturist. — DeFIRS
agronomi-o: agronomics: the theory of agriculture; -ala: agronomic. — DEFIRS
agul-o: needle; (R.R.) switch, (England) point; -edo: needleful; -ag-isto: needle-worker, seamstress; switch-man; -if-isto: needle-maker; -agar: to ply the needle; to switch, shunt; -truo: eye of a n.; -pinto: point of a n. trikot-agulo: knitting n.; magnet-agulo: magnetic n. — FIS
ah!: ah!
ailant-o: (bot.) ailanthus. — DEFIRSL
ais: (mus.) A sharp.
aji-o: (finan.) agio: exchange premium. — DEFIRS
ajil-a: agile, nimble, quick; -eso: agility; -e: quickly, on the jump! Ant.: lenta. — EFIS
ajiot-ar: (intr.) to speculate (in public securities, stocks), to be a stock-jobber; -(ad)o: agiotage; stock-jobbing; -anto, -ero: stock-jobber. DeFIRS
ajorn-ar: (tr.) to adjourn, put off, defer, (ulo til); -o: adjournment, postponement, reprieve; -ema: dilatory. — EFI
ajur-o: ajour-work: open-work, fret-work, (of fabric) webbed: carving, metal work, embroidery, etc. where background is pierced or removed, or where it is translucent; iz-ita kloz-ilo: lattice; -oza kesto: crate. — DeF
ajust-ar: (tr. tech.) to adjust, regulate, set (cf. ad-just-igar); Ex.: Finita instrumenti esas ajustebla. On ajustas teleskopo por la disto (ne por la direciono: apuntar); III-219; cf. regular. — EF
ajut-o: ajutage: nozzle, spout. Def.: Specala tubulo o fino di tubo, destinita ne a juntar du tubi or recipienti (quale tubulo), ma a determinar la formo di la sprico ekiranta (ex. ya la fino di lanco por arozar); VII-197. — eF
akaci-o: (bot.) acacia; (cf. robinio). — DEFIRS
akademi-o: academy: learned society, (not "high-school"); -ala: academical; -ano: academician. V. exp.: Akademio esas societo de ciencisti (generale elektita ed en fix nombro) qui ne docas. On devas do evidente rezervar akademiala a ta senco, e ne uzar ol parolante pri universitato (profesori, studenti, kursi, e.c.); III-496 — DEFIRS
akant-o: (bot.) acanthus. — DEFIRS
akanton-ar*: (tr., milit.) to canton: billet, allot quarters (to troops in a locality); -eyo: cantonment, quarters DeFIS
akapar-ar: (tr., finan.) to corner (goods, the market); (fig.) to monopolize. Def.: Amasigar komercaji en granda quanto por skarsigar li e cherigar lia preco. — FI
akar-o: (ent.) acarida; mite, tick. — EFIRSL
aklam-ar: (tr.) to acclaim: to shout approval or applause. Ex.: La rejo esis kronizata inter la aklami di la turbo. Li aklamis il kom rejo. Li aklamis la propozajo. — DEFIS
aklimat-ar: (tr.) to acclimate, acclimatize: to season, to inure, accustom to a climate; (fig.) to habituate, make one feel at home. — DEFIRS
akne-o: (med.) acne; -oza, -iz-ita: pimply, blotched. — EFIS
akolut-o: acolyte. — DEFIRS
akomod-ar: (tr., tech., opt., etc.) to accomodate: adapt, adjust; -o: accommodation. — DEFIRS
akompan-ar: (tr., also mus.) to accompany: escort; (-ad)o: accompanying; -uro: accompaniment; -ar su per piano: to a. oneself on the piano. — EFIRS
akonit-o: (bot.) aconite, wolfsbane, monkshood. —DEFIRS
akont-o: installment, partial payment; -e pagar: to pay on account. Def.: Partal pago di toto debo; II-75. — DeFIS
akor-o*: (bot.) calamus, sweet flag, (Acorus calamus). — L
akord-ar: (intr., mus.) to be in tune; (cf. konkordar); (gram.) to agree; -igar: to tune; (gram.) to make agree; -o, -eso: accord, agreement; -igo: tuning; -ig-ilo: (instr.) tuner; -ig-isto: (person) tuner; dis-, mis- ne- -o: discord (cf. disonanco). — DEFIRS
akordeon-o: (mus. instr.) accordion. — DEFIRS
akr-a: acrid (taste, smell); (cf. acerba, acida); harsh (in voice); (fig.) acrimonious; -eso: acridity, asperity; -a-humora: crabbed, peevish, -a-dolca: bitter-sweet. Ant.: dolca. — EFIS
akredit-ar: (tr.) to accredit: to give credit or sanction to (ulu, ulo); -ita: accredited; -o-letro: (dipl.) letter of credence, credential. — DEFIRS
akrid-o: grasshopper, cricket; (family: Akrididae); (cf. lokusto). — L
akrobat-o: acrobat: -ajo: a. act; -ala: acrobatic. — DEFIRS
akroch-ar: (tr.) to hang (on a hook), to hook on (ulo ad ulo), to interlock, grapple (a ship): -o: hitch, hooking on; -ar su ad: to cling (like grim death) to. — F
akromat-a: (opt.) achromatic; -eso: achromatism. — DEFIRS
akromi-o*: (anat.) acromion. — DEF
akropol-o: acropolis. — DEFIRS
akrostik-o: acrostic. — DEFIRS
akroterio-o: acroterium. — DEFIRS
akt-o: (theater; legal document) act. — DEFIRS
aktini-o: actinia: sea-anemone. — DEFIRS
aktiv-a: active (opposed to passive; also used in com., fin., gram., mil. senses); (cf. agema, ajila); -eso: activity; -o: (gram.) active (voice); a-debaji: debts which a person has to receive: assets. Ex.: Aktiva puero, homo. Aktiva parto (en afero). Aktiva verbo. La aktivi e pasivi di ban-krotinto. Ant.: pasiva. — DEFIRS
aktor-(ul)o: actor; -ino: actress; -acho: bad a. — DEFIRS
aktula-a: actual; -ajo, -eso: actuality, question of the hour; -igar: to actualize. Def.: Qua traktesas od interesas en la nuna instanto (proxime reala); fakte e komplete existanta, opozite a to quo povus esar, ma ne esas, ed a to quo naskas o divenas (ica od ita); IV-495. Ex.: Aktuala energio, opozata a potencial energio. La evento aktuala esas . . . . La jurnali povas vivar nur per aktualaji (E. journals can live on passing events). — DEFIS
akul-ar: (tr.) to bring to bay (ulu a ulo): To drive into a place from which there is no escape. Ex.: On povas akular kombatanto a muro, armeo a rivero o monto, bestio chasata a klozilo; IV-135. — FIS
akumul-ar: (tr.) to accumulate; -(ad)o, -ajo: accumulation. Ex.: Akumular richaji, trezori, pruvi. Ant.: dis-donar. — DEFIRS
akumulator-o: (elec.) accumulator. — DEFIRS
akurat-a: punctual. Def.: Qua venas (persono) od eventas precize ye la loko, ye la kloko fixigita, konvencionita, IV-102. V. exp.: Persono povas dicesar akurata, ma ne exakta o preciza. Akurateso indikas la ideo di sorgo; IV-102. — DIRS
akush-ar: (tr., obstet.) to deliver (a woman); (cf. parturar): -o accouchment: delivery in child-bed; -ist-ino: midwife; -ala: obstetrical; -arto: obstetrics. — DeFR
akustik-o: acoustics; -ala: acoustical; -ala tubo: hearing-tube; ear trumpet. — DEFIRS
akut-a: (also fig. of sound, pain, sickness, accent) acute, sharp, keep; -ajo: a sharp object; edge; -igar: to sharpen, whet, put an edge on; -ig-ilo: sharpening instrument; whetstone; -eso: (pr. and fig.) acuteness, keen-ness; -a angulo: acute angle; -arista: sharp-edged. Ant.: obtuza. DEFIS
akuz-ar: (tr.) to accuse, inculpate, charge with, indict; -o, -ajo: accusation: impeachment (for state offenses); charge (before a police magistrate); indictment (for larceny, etc.); -ala: accusatory; -ato, -ito: the accused, the defendant; -anto, -ero: accusor, indicter, prosecutor; -ebla: chargeable, impeachable; -motivo: reason for accusation. Def.: Imputar kulpo, delikto, krimino ad ulu. Ant.: justifikar. — EFIS
akuzativ-o: (gram.) accusative (case). — DEFIRS
al: (= a(d) la.
al-o: (also fig. of army, aeroplane, building, windmill, etc.) wing; -eto: small wing, pinion, aileron; -oza, -iz-ita: winged; -o-forma: aliform, wing-shaped: -o-stroko: wing beat, flap; brandisar la ali: to clap, flap the wings. — eFIS
alabastr-o: alabaster. — DEFIRS
alakt-ar: (tr.) to suckle, give suck to; -(ad)o: lactation, nursing; -ato: nursing; cf. ablaktar; -o-fratulo: (fig.) foster-brother; -o-fialo:, -vazo: nursing bottle; -ata porkyuno: sucking pig. — eFIS
alambik-o: still (for distilling); (chem.) alembic. — DEFIRS
alantoid-o*: allantois; -ala: allantoidal. — DEF
alarm-ar: (tr.) to alarm: sound the alarm, give signal of danger; -o: cry or signal of danger; (fig.) sense of danger, fright (cf. pavoro); -ema, -emo, -isto: alarmist; -o-klamo: shout of alarm; mis-alarmo: false a.; sonigar l'alarmo: to sound the a. — DEFIS
alaud-o: (orni.) lark. — FISL
alb-o: alb. Def.: Longa, blanka robo portata da la sacerdoto dum la meso; III-42. — DEFIS
albatros-o: (orni.) albatross. — DEFIRS
alberg-o: inn; -estro: inn-keeper. —DFIS
albin-a, -(ul)o: albino. — DEFIRS
album-o: album: book for photographs, autographs, cards, etc. — DEFIRS
albumen-o: albumen: white of egg; -izar: (cook.) to glair. — DEFIRS
albumin-o: (chem.) albumin; -oza: albuminous. — DEFIRS
albuminoid-a, -o: albuminoid. — DEFRIS
albuminos-o*: (med.) albuminosis.
albuminuri-o: (med.) albuminuria; -ika: suffering from a. — DEFIRS
alburno-o: (bot.) sap-wood, alburnum. — EFISL
alcion-o: (myth.) halcyon; -ala dii, h. days. —DeFIS
alcedo: (orni., genus.) Alcidae (genus Alcedo). — L
aldehid-o*: (chem.) aldehyde. — DEF
ale-o: lane, walk, path (in a garden, park, wood, etc., generally between rows of trees); (cf. strad-eto). — DeFR
aleg-ar: (tr.) to allege, adduce, advance (arguments, facts, etc. in order to prove or justify something); -o: allegation (act); -ajo: allegation: what is alleged. V. exp. vid. citar. DEFIS
alegori-o: allegory; -ala: allegorical. DEFIRS
alej-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to lighten, relieve (of a load); (fig.) to alleviate, ease, relieve (the mind, etc.). Ex.: Alejar mulo di qua la portajo esas pezoza. Alejar navo. Alejar dento-doloro. Alejar la mento. (vid. lejer-igar. — eFIS
alen-o: awl (shoemaker's, sailmaker's, etc.; cf. punc-ilo). — F
alert-a: alert: wide-awake, smart, brisk, sprightly; (cf. ajila, ag-ema, aktiva). EF
aleuron-o*: (bot. & chem.) aleurone. — DEF
alexandrin-a, -o: alexandrine (verse). — DEFIRS
alez-ar: (tr.) to ream, bevel out, bore smooth (inside of a cannon, steam cylinders, etc.); (cf. borar) -ilo: reamer; -ala diametro: diameter of bore. Def.: Glatigar l'internajo di tubo, truo. — FIS
alfabet-o: alphabet; -ala: alphabetical; -libro: primer; alphabet book. — DEFIRS
alfenid-o: alfenid: silver-nickle alloy. — DEFIRS
alg-o: alga(e): sea-weed, kelp, dulse, sea-lettuce, etc.; (cf. fuko). — DEFIRS
algebr-o: algebra; -ala: algebraic. — DEFIRS
algoritm-o*: (math.) algorism, algorithm. — DEFIRS
ali-o: garlic; -o-pano: bread rubbed with g.; -sauco: g. sauce. — FISL
alianc-ar: (tr.) to unite, ally (families by marriage); -o: family alliance (by marriage); -ito: relation by marriage; (cf. mis-aliancar). V. exp.: Ta verbo ne esas sinonimo di mari-ajar, qua relatas nur la gespozi; aliancar relatas lia familii; II-706. DEFIS
alibi-o: (jur.) alibi; pledar -o to plead an a. — DEFRS
alidad-o: (tech.) alidade. — DEFRS
alien-ar: (tr.) to alienate: to sell, dispose of (estates, property, rights); ne -ebleso: (jur.) mortmain. (cf.enemik-igar, igar des-favor-oza). Ex.: Alienar sua havaji. — DEFI
(intr.) to be in a state of alienation (mental derangement); -ika, -iko: deranged, insane (person). — EFIS
alligator. — DEFIRSL
(tr.) to supply with what is necessary (as water, fuel to a machine, provisions to a town, food to a family or person); (cf. nutrar); -o: alimentation: supply, maintenance, feeding; -ala, -anta; alimental: sustaining. — DEFIS
(print.) a line of which the first word is indented; a new paragraph. — DFI
(tr., intr.) to alliterate. Def: Komencar (finar) per la sama sono o soni; IV-649.— DEFIS
(chem.) alizarine. — DEFIRS
trade-wind. Def.: Vento qua suflas konstante dum la tota yaro inter la tropiki; II-641. — FIS
(zool.) elk, (Cervus alces). — DEISL
(Spanish magistrate) alcade, alcalde. — DEFIS
(gen. sense) alkali; -oza, -atra: alkaline; -ema: alkalescent; -igar: to alkalize (turn into a.); -izar; to add a. to; -oz-eso: alkalinity. — DEFIRS
(chem.) alkaloid. — DEFIRS
alchemy; -isto: alchemist. — DEFIRS
alcohol; -oza, -ema, -atra: alcoholic, spiritous; -igo, -izo: alcoholization; -ismo: alcoholism; -ajo: spirits; -oz-eso: alcoholicity; -ika, -iko: (med.) alcoholic (person); -macerajo: a. extract. — DEFIRS
alcoholometer. — DEFIRS
alcove: recess. — DEFIRS
almanac: yearly calendar with variety of information; (fig.) year-book; adres- -o: directory. —DEFIRS
alme(h): Egyptian musical entertainer. — DEFIS
(intr.) to give alms (ad ulu); -o: alms, alms-giving; -ema, -oza; charitable (in giving); -ero, -isto; -ulo, -ino: almoner; charitable person; -kesto: poor-box. — DEF
(bot.) alder(-tree) (Ainus); -bosko: a. grove. — FIL
aloe (plant); -ligno: a. wood: agalochum; -suko: juice of a. —DEFIRSL
allodium, freehold estate, fee-simple estate; (opp. to feudo); -ala; allodial. — DEFIRS
along, at the side of; -irar: (tr.) to go along, skirt, coast. Ex.; Ni iris alonge (od, alongiris) la bordo dil lago. — EFI
lengthening piece; leaf (of telescope, table), (jur.) allonge (of bills of exchange); Def.: Tubo quan on adjuntas ad altra por longigar ol o por igar ol komunikar kun altra tubo o vazo (III-134), anke uzata por (la prolonguro di) la tabli e trati; VII-197. — DeF
allopathy. — DEFIRS
(med.) alopecia: loss of hair, baldness; (cf. kalva, sen-hara, senpila). — DEFIS
(ich.) alose: shad (genus: Alosa). DeFSL
(chem.) allotropic; -eso: allotropy. - DEFIRS
(tr.) to alloy; combine metals by fusion; -o, -uro: alloy (of metals); (fig.) any impure mixture; quality (of things in general); bon- -a: good quality, blue-blooded (of per-sons), high standard of quality (of things). Ex.: Bronzo esas aloyuro. (fig.) Esas poka vertui sen kelka aloyeso. — EF
alpine pasture; -ala, -atra: alpine; -acens-isto; a. climber. — DEFIRS
«alpari»: (fin.) at par; (cf. para).
high, tall, lofty (also used with pressure, sound); -ajo: a high object, a height; -ulo: a tall man; -eso: highness; -igar: to make higher, raise; -eskar: to rise, get higher; -a-reliefo: (art.) high relief; alta grad-a, -o: of high degree, high grade; minim-alteso (di aquo): low-water mark; ica chambro esas alta de dek e kin pedi: this room is 15ft. high. V. exp.: alta, basa; suba, supera; infra, supra; sura; inferiora, superiora: Alta e basa expresas dimensiono. Ex.: La supra etajo esas basa e la infra etajo esas alta (E. the uppermost story is low and the lowermost story is high). Anke en la tekniko, on parolas pri vaporo ye alta (basa) preso, od en la muziko, pri alta o basa noto, sono. Suba e supera havas senco relativa ed indikas nur situeso o direciono relate determinita punto, t.e. nivelo plu a min alta. Exemple, konsiderante domo kun sis etaji, e parolante de la vidpunto di ta, qua lojas sur la triesma, la supera etaji esas la 4ª, 5ª, 6ª; la suba etaji esas la 2ª, la 1ª e la ter-etajo. Supra ed infra havas senco absoluta, ed indikas loki o parti en determinita objekto. Según la supera exemplo, la supra etajo esas la 6ª, la infra esas la ter-etajo. Sura relatas ulo supera e kontakte kun ulo, do la sura etajo esas nur la 4ª. On uzas prefere la supr-ajo, la infr-ajo por indikar la materiala parto di l’objekto, e la supro e la infro por indikar la geometrial extremajo o surfaco. Ex.: la supro di la komodo esas horizontal; la suprajo de la komodo esas marmora (od: ek marmoro). En citado, on dicas: Videz supere (E. look (anywhere) above) o videz supre (E. look at the top); videz sube (E. see below) o videz infre (E. see at the bottom). On uzas superiora, inferiora en la sociologiala e ekonomikala senco por indikar ta qua esas rispektive super o sub ulu per la povo ed autoritato; II-163, 664; III-411. Ant.: basa. — eFIS
alto-viola, -violin; -o-voco: a. voice, counter-tenor; o-ple-isto: a. player; saxhorn-alto: alto-horn. — DEFIRS
(rel.) altar. — DEIRS
(bot.) althaea: marsh-mallow (Althaea officinalis). — DeFIRSL
(tr.) to alter; modify the nature or quality of anything (generally for the worse); -o, -eso: alteration; adulteration, deterioration; -ebl-eso: alterability. Kelka veneni alteras la kompozeso di la sango: some poisons alter (change) the composition of the blood. Alterar la beleso: to spoil beauty. Alterar moneti: to debase coins; alterar linguo: to corrupt a language. Def.: Chanjar la naturo o qualeso di kozo (generale a min bona); VII-203. — DeFIS.
(intr.) to alternate, take turns; -igar: to cause to a.; -(ad)o: alternation, succession; -anta: alternating (movement, crop, etc.) -igar la kultivo: to vary, rotate the crops. Ex.: La sezoni alternas. — DEFIS
alternative, choice, option. Def.: Posibleso di selekto inter plura kozi, hipotezi. — DEFIS
altitude; ye- -o de: at an a. of. Def.: Alteso di loko relate la mar-nivelo. — EFIS
other, another; -o, -ajo: another thing, something else; -u: another person; -i: others; -e: otherwise; -e, -a-nome: (leg.) alias; -igar: to alter; (cf. alterar); -a-loke: elsewhere; -a-tempe: at another time; -a-maniere: in another manner or way; -ube: elsewhere, somewhere else; -a-vorte: in other words or terms; l’una, l’altra: one another, each other. — DeFIRS
altruism; -isto: altruist. Ant.: egoismo. DEFIS
(tr.) to allude to, have reference to, refer to; -o: allusion; -anta, -iva: allusive, suggestive. — EFIS
match (lucifer); -uyo: m. holder; -if-isto: m.-maker. — F
alumin-o*: (chem.) alumina; -oza, atra: aluminous. — EFIRS
alumini-o*: (metal) aluminium. — DEFIRS
alun-o: alum. — DEFIS
alur-o: gait, pace. Def.: Maniero mar-char; IV-234. — DFR
aluvion-o: alluvium; -ala: alluvial. — DEFIRS
alveol-o: honey-comb cell; alveolus: tooth-socket; -ala, -atra: alveolar; -oza: alveolated. — DEFIS
am-ar: (tr.) to love: to like (very much), care for, have affection for, cherish; (cf. amorar, prizar, afecionar); -o: love; -ado: loving; -anto: lover; -ata, ato: beloved; -eg-ata: darling; -anta, -oza, -ema: loving; -inda: worthy of l., loveable; kind; -ind-eso: lovableness; kindness; pro amo a Deo: for the love of God, for God's sake. — eFIS
amalgam-o: (metal and fig.) amalgam; -igar: to amalgamate; -igo: amalgamation. — DEFIRS
amans-ar: (tr.) to tame, make docile (animals), to make tractable, sociable (persons); -esar: to be t.; -(ad)o:, -eso: taming (act); docility (state); -ebla: tamable. Def.: Igar la animalo min sovaja; (fig.) igar persono plu sociema. Ex.: Amansar leono, urso. Il esas homulo di humoro sovaja; on ne povas amansar il. V. exp. vid. domtar. — IS
amar-o: mooring-cable, hawser; lashing (as for a gun, etc.); -agar: (tr.) to moor (by cable), to belay, make fast; -ago: mooring (act). — FIS
amaranto-o: (bot.) amaranth; -ea: a. colored. — DEFIRS
amas-o: mass, heap, pile; -igar: to heap up, hoard up, amass; -eskar: to get together, crowd; -igo: piling up or together; -ig-anto: stacker. — DEFIR
amator-o: amateur; kolomb- -o: pigeon fancier; sport- -o: sportsman; -o-teatro: theater run by a.s. — DEFIRS
amauros-o*: (med.) amaurosis. — DEFIS
amazon-o: amazon; (fig.) mannish woman; -robo: riding habit — DEFIRS
ambaj-o, -i: ambage(s): circumlocution, beaing around the bush. — eFIS
ambasad-o: (function) embassy; -erio: (administrative unit) embassy; -eyo: (residence) embassy; -isto: ambassador. — DEFIS
ambici-ar: (tr.) to be ambitious of, to aspire to; -o: ambition; -oza, -ozo: ambitious (person); -ar la mastreso: to aspire to (aim at) the mastery. — DEFIRS
ambidextr-a: ambidextrous. — DEFIS
ambigu-o: ambiguous, equivocal (cf. du-senca, plur-senca); -eso: ambiguousness; -ajo: an ambiguity. Ant.: unasenca, klara. — DEFIS
ambl-ar: (intr., of horses, etc.) to amble. — EFIS
ambliop-a: (med.) amblyopic; -eso: amblyopia. — EFIRS
ambon-o: (rel. arch.) ambo. — DEFIRS
ambos-o: anvil. — D
ambr-o: ambergris. — DeFIRS
ambrozi-o: (pr. and fig.) ambrosia. — DEFIRS
ambulanc-o: ambulance: field hospital following an army; -isto: a. attendant; furgon- -o: ambulance (vehicle). — DeFIRS
ameb-o: (biol.) amoeba. — DEFIRS
"amen": amen. — DEFIRSL
amend-o: (pecuniary) fine, penalty. — eFIS
ament-o*: (bot.) catkin, ament. — EFIS
ametist-o: (min.) amethyst; -ea: a. colored. — DEFIRS
amfibi-a: amphibious; -o: amphibian. — DEFIRS
amfiox-o*: amphioxus, lancelet (Amphioxus lanceolatus). — EFL
amfiteatr-o: (all senses) amphitheater. — DEFIRS
amfor-o: (antiq.) amphora. — DEFIRS
amiant-o: (min.) amianthus. — DEFIRS
amid-o: (chem.) amide. — DEF
amidol-o*: (photog.) amidol. — DE
amik-o: friend; -a, -ala: friendly, amicable; -eso: friendship, friendliness, amity; -al-ajo: friendly act; -eskar kun ulu: to become friendly with some one; Franc-amanto, -amiko: Francophile. Ant.: enemiko. — eFIS
amil-o: starch: (chem.) amylaceous substance in plants; (gen.) fecula used to stiffen linen; (cf. starch-ivo); -izar: to starch: put starch on (cf. starchar); -iferio: s. works; -atra: amylaceous, starchlike. — DeFIS
amnesti-ar: (tr.) to grant a general pardon; -o: amnesty. — DEFIRS
amnezi-ar*: (intr.) to have amnesia; -o: amnesia: loss of memory; -if-anta: amnestic. — DEFIS
amnion-o: (anat.) amnion. — DEF
amon-o*, -o-gaso ammoniacal gas. — DeFIRS
amoni-o*: (chem. radical NH4) ammonium. — DEFIRS
amoniak-o: (chem.) ammonia; -o-sala: sal-ammoniac; -ala, -oza, -atra: ammoniacal; -o-gumo: gum-ammoniac. — DEFIRS
amonit-o*: ammonite: a fossil shell. — DEFIRS
amor-ar: (tr.) to love (as man or woman); -o: love: expresses not merely the sexual relation but also the sentiment between sexes; -egar: to adore; igar -ar: to make fall in love, cause to love; -eskar: to become enamored, smitten; -anta, -oza, -ema: loving amorous, enamoured; -anto, -oz(ul)o: lover, wooer, sweetheart; -eto: petty love affair, intrigue, amour; -eg-ata, -ato: well-beloved, darling; -ist-ulo: ladies' man, gallant; -em-ino: flirt; -em-ulo: woman chaster; -ist-ino, -vend-ist-ino: courtesan; -deklaro: declaration of love; -letro: love letter; -kurtezado: courtship; -deo: (myth.) god of love, Cupid. Def.: Expresas specale l'amo di la sexui, ne kom relato sexuala e pure korpala, ma kom specala sentimento; VI-322. — DEFIRS
amorc-ar: (tr.) to start a thing off, set going (an instrument or a force); to prime (a gun); to fetch (a pump); -ilo: (of firearms) primer. — F
amorf-a: (biol.) amorphous. — DEFIRS
amortis-ar: (tr.) to weaken, deaden, break, (the force of a stream, a blow, a fall or shock); to calm (passions); to abate (inflammation); to blunt the feelings; to tone down, soften (colors); (fin.) to pay, liquidate (a debt), to redeem (an annunity); (jur.) to amortize: to sell in mortmain; (cook.) to make (meat) tender by long-keeping; -(ad)o: deadening; liquidation, amortization; -uro, -ajo, -pekunio: (fin.) sinking-fund; -ebla: redeemable; -ita kuglo: spent bullet; -ilo extinguisher (for charcoal, etc.). Def.: Igar ulo min violent-oza; febl-igar; extingar debajo per pagar la kapitalo; igar plu mola. — DeFIRS
ampelops-o*: (bot.) Virginia creeper. — FSL
ampl-a: ample: (of space) spacious; (of garments) full, easy; (of supplies) abundant; (of reward) liberal, etc.; -eso: amplitude; -igar: to amplify; -igo: amplification. V. exp.: Expresas relato inter du kozi de diversa speci, maxim ofte la relato di kontenanto e kontenajo. "Ampla" no-mizesas mantelo, qua fitas tre laxe la portanto, chambro od agro ube granda kunveno devas eventar; provizuro qua satisfacas la demandi esas "ampla", stato qua havas granda mar-komerco mustas havar "ampla" floto; IV-596. Ant.: streta. — EFIS
amplitud-o*: (astron., physics) amplitude. — DEFIRS
ampul-o: ampulla: a bellied phial, glass bulb; (med.) a blister (on feet as from walking, or on hands from rowing). — eFIS
amput-ar: (tr., surg. and fig.) to amputate, cut off. — DEFIRS
amulet-o: amulet. — DEFIRS
amuz-ar: (tr.) to amuse, entertain; (fig.) to distract, divert (cf. distraktar); -ar su; -esar: to a. oneself (per, pri), to be amused (da); -(ad)o: amusement (act): -ivo:, ilo: that which amuses: plaything, toy; -anta, -iva: amusing; -anto, -ero, emo: entertainer; -achar su: to trifle away one's time. — DEF
an: (prep.) at, on (indicates contiguity, juxtaposition); dorso an dorso: back to back. Def.: Expresas relato di kontigueso, di apud-pozeso IV-409. Ex.: Apogar skalo an muro. Pendar pikturi an la parieto. Glutinar afisho an muro. Pendar chapelo an hoko. Sidar, sideskar an tablo. An la bordo (rivo) di la fluvio. Ula urbo jacas an rivero, an maro, an monto. Ta domo esas situita an la strado X . . . La fenestri an la strado esas granda; ma la fenestri an la korto esas mikra; IV-409. — De
anabaptism-o: (rel.) anabaptism. — DEFIRS
anabaptist-o: (rel.) anabaptist.
anad-o: (orni.) duck (family: Anatidae); -ulo: drake; -ino: female d.; -yuno: duckling; -o nigra: black d. (Anas nigra); -lag-eto: d. pond.; -em-busk-eyo: d. ambuscade; -fus-ilo: d. gun. — FISL
anaerobi-a*: (biol.) anaerobic. — DE
anagal-o: anagallis: pimpernel. —DeFIS
anagram-o: anagram. —DEFIRS
anakoulut-o: (gram.) anacoluthon. — DEFIRS
anakoret-o: (rel.) anchoret, anchorite. — DEFIRS
anakronism-o: anachronism: error in chronology; something incongruous in time. — DEFIRS
anal-o, -i: annal(s). — DEFIS
analgezi-ar*: (tr.) to lull the sensibilities, produce insensibility to pain; -o: analgesia. — EFIS
analitik-o: (math.) analytics; -ala: analytic(al). Ex.: Lingui, geometrio analitikala. — DEFIRS
analiz-ar: (tr., log., chem.) to analize; -o: analysis; -ala: analytical. Ant.: sintezo. — DEFIRS
analog-a: analogous, similar; -eso: (relation, quality) analogy; -ajo: something analogous. Es.: Rezonado analoga. La linguo Italiana havas multa analogeso a la linguo Latina. An.: ne-simila. — DEFIRS
anamorfos-o*: (opt.) anamorphosis. — DEFIRS
ananas-o: (fruit) pineapple; -iero: p. plant. — DFIRS
anapest-o: (pros.) anapest. — DEFIRS
anarki-o: anarchy; -ismo: anarchism; -ista, isto: anarchist. — DEFIRS
anastigmat-a*: (opt.) anastigmatic. — DEF
anastomos-o: (bio., anat.) anastomosis. — DEFIRS
anatem-ar: (tr.) to anathematize; -o: anathema; -ita, ito: anathematized (person). — DEFIRS
anatomi-o: (science) anatomy. — DEFIRS
ancestro-o: ancestor; -ala: ancestral; -i, -aro: ancestors; -ino: ancestress. — EF
anchov-o: (ich.) anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus). — DEFIRS
ancien-a: ancient, old; -eso: oldness, ancientness; -ajo: something old. V. exp.: anciena, nova; yuna, olda; antiqua: anciena, nova relatas prefere la kozi; yuna, olda relatas precipue l'evo, ma on darfas parolar pri homo anciena o nova en lua profesiono, en ofico o funciono. Ex.: Persono qua esas yuna (per evo) ma anciena en ofico (t.e. homo qua havas "ancieneso" en ula ofico, kontraste ad oficisto qua ne tam longe okupas sua ofico quale l'altru. Antiqua koncernas exkluzive l'epoko, t.e. la antea yarcenti, e plu precize la tempi di la Greki e Romani. Domo, moblo, vesto povas esar anciena, e tote ne esar antiqua. O se on qualifikas oli "antiqua," to esas nur per jokoza or ironioza hiperbolo; III-225. Ant.: nova. — DeFIS
andrinopl-o*: "andrinople" a cotton fabric. — FIS
androce-o*: (bot.) androecium. — DEF
androgin-a, -o: (biol.) androgynous, androngyny. — DEFIRS
anekdot-o: anecdote. — DEFIRS
anemi-o*: (med.) anemia, anaemia; -ala: (relating to disease) anemic; -ika, iko: anemic (person); -igar: to render anemic. — DEFIRS
anemometr-o: anemometer: wind-guage. — DEFIRS
anemofil-a*: (bot.) anemophilous. — DEFIS
anemon-o: (bot.) anemone (genus: Anemone). — DEFIRS
aneroid-a: aneroid: -a barometro: a. barometer. — DEFIRS
anestezi-ar: (tr.) to anesthetize (as by ether or chloroform); -o: anesthetizing (act); -eso: anesthesia (state); -iva, ivo: anesthetic. — DEFIRS
anet-o*: (bot.) anet: dil (Anethum graveolens). — eFIRS
anevrism-o*: (med.) aneurism. — DeFIRS
anex-ar: (tr.) to annex; -o, -eso: annexation; -ajo: an annex: -ita: annexed. — DEFIRS
angel-o: fish-hook; -agar, -kaptar: (tr.) to hook; -izar: to put a hook on. (cf. peskar). — DS
angelik-o: (bot.) angelica (Angelica archangelica). — DEFIRS
"angelus": (rel.) angelus. — DEFIRS
angin-o: (med.) angina, quinsy. — DEFIRS
angiosperm-o, -a: (bot.) angiosperm(ous). — DEFIS
Angl-a: English; -(ul)o, -ano: English-man; -a-parol-anto: one who speaks English; -ia: England; -atra, -a-mode: in the English fashion: -o-mani-ika, iko: anglomaniac, -ago: E. idiotism, anglicism; -o-odio: anglophobia; -o-odianta, -anto: anglophobe (person); la Angla: the English language.
anglikan-a, -o*: Anglican; -ismo: Anglicanism. — DEFIRS
angor-ar: (intr.) to be in anguish; -igar: to cause a. to, to agonize; -o: anguish: pang, agony, violent pain (of body or mind); -ig-anta: agonizing; -oza: full of a. V. exp.: vid. pavorar. — eFIS
angora*-kapro: Angora-goat, -kato: A.-cat. — DEFIRS
anguil-o: (ich.) eel (order: Apodes); -o-pesko: eel-fishing. — FIS
angul-o: angle, corner; -eto: small angle, nook; -ala: angular, corner; -oza: many cornered, angulated; -o akuta: acute angled; -o faciala: (anat.) facial a.; ort- -a: right-angled; -o obtuza: obtuse a.; -o-petro: corner-stone; -o-peco: corner-piece; -faldar: (tr.) to fold the corners of (ulo); -moblo: corner-piece (furniture); -ruptar: to break the corners off (ulo). — EFIS
anhel-ar: (intr.) to pant, gasp for breath; -igar: to put out of breath, to wind; -(ad)o: panting; (med.) anhelation. Ex.: Ca hundo anhelas. Lu arivis anhelegante, tante rapide lu esis kurinta. Me anheligis me, acensante ta eskalero. — eFIS
anhidr-a: (chem.) anhydrous. — DEFIRS
anilin-o: (chem.) aniline. — DEFIRS
anim-ar: (tr.) to animate: endow with life; (fig.) to enliven, give animation to; -o, -eso: animation; -ata, -oza: animated. Ex.: La anmo animas la korpo. La konversado esis animoza. — DEFIRS
animal-o: animal; -ala: animal; -eto (mikroskopala): animalcule; -eso: animality; -aro: group of a.s; kingdom, fauna. — DEFIRS
animism-o: (philos., physiol.) animism. — DEF
anion-o*: anion. — DEFIRS
aniversari-o: anniversary; -o mortala: commemoration. — DEFIS
aniz-o: (bot.) anise (Pimpinella Anisum); -o-semini: aniseed; -liquoro: anisette. — DEFIRS
anjel-o: angel; -ala, -atra: angelic; gard-anjelo: guardian a. — DEFIRS
anke: (adv., conj.) also; me anke ne (od, anka me ne) I neither; ma anke: but also, but yet. Ex.: La lakto esas plu salubra kam la biro ol esas anke plu nutriva. — I
ankilos-ar: (tr., surg.) to anchylose: make stiff; -esar: to be to become anchylosed; -o, -eso: ankylosis, anchylosis. — DEFIRS
ankore: (adv., conj.) yet, still, until now, until then (refers to a fact or act already existing); lu ankore ne arivas: he has not yet arrived; kad vu ankore hungras? are you still hungry. V.exp.: Ankore ja: Ankore signifikas duro di ago o stando plu longa, e ja komenco di fakto od ago plu frua kam on opinionis; III-335. — FI
ankro-o: anchor; -o-jetar, -agar: (tr.) to anchor; -ago: anchoring; -esar-agita: to be at anchor; -ag-eyo: anchorage; -o-trabo: (nav.) cat-head; -o-boyo: a.-bouy; driftar sur sua ankri: to drag one's anchors. — DEFIRS
anm-o: soul (cf. psiko); -izar: to put soul into, to hearten; -oza: soulful, with spirit; sen- -a: without soul, inanimate; kantar kun -o: to sing with spirit. Def.: L'ento metafizikala, la principo di vivo e di penso; V-32. —DeFIS
anobi-o: (ent.) death-tick, -watch (Anobium); ligno- -o: wood-fretter. — FL
anod-o*: (elec.) anode: positive terminal. — DEFIRS
anomal-a: abnormal, anomalous: irregular; -eso, -ajo: anomaly, abnormality. — DEFIRS
anonim-a: anonymous; -eso: anonymity; -(ul)o: a. person. — DEFIRS
ans-o: handle: the arc shaped handle of a cup, bucket, etc. — F
antagonism-o: antagonism. — DEFIRS
antagonist-o: antagonist; (cf. adverso). — DEFIRS
antarktik-a: antarctic. — DEFIRS
ante: (prep.) before (of time); -a: preceding, former, previous, last, prior; -e: previously, before, heretofore; -eso: anteriority, priority; -ke: before (that); lu arivis ante me: he arrived before me; ante du kloki: before two o'clock; ante ne-longe: not long ago; ante nun: before now; -diluvia: antediluvian; -hiere: the day before yesterday; -lasta: (the one) before last; -mariaja: antenuptial; -mortar: to predecease: die first; -pre-lasta: antepenultimate. Ant.: pos. — DeFIRS
antecedent-o: (gram., log., math.) antecedent. Ex.: La antecedenti di individuo, t.e. lua antea historio e konduto. — DEFIS
anten-o: (zool., elec.) antenna, feeler. — DEFIS
anter-o: (bot.) anther. — DEFIS
anti-: contra (use generally as a prefix with scientific words) (cf. kontre-) anti-bakteria: bactericide. — DEFIRS
anticip-ar:(tr.) to anticipate; -o, -eso: anticipation; -e: in anticipation; -ala pago: advance payment. — DEFIS
antidot-o: (also fig.) antidote. Def.: Substanco qua neutrigas l'efekti di la veneni; IV-76. — DEFIRS
antifon-o: antiphon: anthem; -aro: antiphonary. — DEFIRS
antifraz-o: antiphrasis. Def.: Figuro di retoriko, qua konsistas en uzar ula vorto o frazo en senco kontrea a lua vera signifiko. — DEFIRS
antikrist-o: antichrist. — DEFIRS
antilogi-o*: (log.) antilogy; contradiction in ideas. — DEFIS
antilop-o: antelope. — DEFIRS
antimilitar-ismo: antimilitarism; -isto: antimilitarist. — DEFIS
antimoni-o: (min., chem.) antimony. — DEFIRS
(jur., philos.) antinomy. — DEFIRS
(tr:) to have an antipathy, aversion to (or against); -o: antipathy; instinctive aversion, natural repugnance; -inda: (what is) antipathetical, repugnant; -oza: (who feels         antipathetical, full of aversion. Ant: simpatiar. — DEFIRS
(chem., meet.} antipyrin. — DEFIRS
antipatriotic. — EF
antipod-o, -i:
antipode(s). — DEFIRS
antique, ancient: of a former epoch; -ajo: an antique; -eso: antiquity; -aj-isto: antiquary.  Ex.: Antiqua moblo, kustumo; muzeo di antiquaji. V. ex.: vid. anciena. Ant.: moderna, nun-tempa, prezenta, nuna, — DEFIRS
anti-Semitic; -(ul)o: anti-Semite; -ismo: anti-Semitism. — DEF
(tr.) to antisepticize; -esar: to be antiseptic; -eso: antiseptic state; -iva, -ivo: antiseptic. Def.: Kombatar kontre la mikrobi per antisepsiivo. — DEFIRS
(log., rhet.) antithesis; -a, -ala, -atra: antithetic(al). DEFIRS
antitoxin. — DEF
anthology. — DEFIRS
antonym; -eso: antonimity. Ant.: sinonimo. — DEFIRS
(rhet.} antonomasia. Def: Remplasigo di propra nomo per komuna nomo equivaianta, o reciproke; V-483. Ex.: L'anjelo     di la skolo (vice Santa Thomas). — DEFIRS
anthracite, hard-coal. —DEFIRS
(med.) anthrax: carbuncle. — DEFIS
-o: anthropoid. — DEFIRS
anthropology. — DEFIRS
anthropometry. —DEFIRS
anthropomorphic; -ismo: antropomorphism. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to announce; -o, -ajo: (act; what is announced) announcement; -anto, -ilo: announcer; klame -ar vari; to cry wares (for sale); korne -ar: to wind the horn; -o-festo; (rel.) Annunciation (March 25th). DEFIS
(anat.) anus; -ala floso: anal fin. — DEFIS
(intr.) to be anxious, -o: anxiety; -oza: anxious. — DEFIS
aorist-o*: (gram.) aorist. — DEFIRS
aort-o: (anat.) aorta. — DEFIRS
aortit-o*: (med) aortitis. — DEFIRS
apanaj-o: appanage: royal grant of domain or allowance; -izar: to endow with an a. — DEFIRS
apar-ar: (intr.) to appear (to or before: -o, -ajo: appearance (act); ad, avan ulu); to become visible, be in sight, come to light; -igar: to cause to a. to; apparition (thing visible); to put in an appearance, -anta: apparent, plain, obvious, ostensible, specious; -ar por la formo: show oneself; fantom- -o: apparition (ghost) Ant: Des-aparar. — DEFIS
aparat-o: (tech., surg.) apparatus; machine, instrument or appliance used to perform a certain operation. —DEFIRS
apart-a: apart: separately, aside, alone; -a paroli: words spoken aside. Def.: Signifikas quaze separita, izolita, sola; VII-154. Ex.: Aparta parolo (en teatro od en vivo); aparta lernado (lernar aparte, t.e. sole e sen docanto); prenar ulu aparte (por parolar a lu specale, exter e for la ceteri). Lu dormas en aparta chambro (ne en la komuna dormeyo). Lu manjas an aparta tablo (ne an la   komuna tablo). — DEFIS
apartament-o: apartments: suite of rooms; flat. — DEFIRS
aparten-ar: (intr.) to appertain, pertain; belong to by right, nature or custom; -ajo: appurtenance. Ex.: Algeria apartenas a Francia. Il apar tenas a bona familio. Domo e lua apartenaji. — EFIS
apati-o: apathy: want of feeling, indifference: (cf. indiferent-eso); -oza: apathetic, impassive. Ant.: anim-oz-eso, viv-em-eso. — DEFIRS
apel-ar: (intr.) to appeal (in law); (fig.) to call for aid or sympathy (ad ulu, pri ulo); facar apelo: to lodge an a.; asignar -o: To give notice of a. (pri). Ex.: Me apelas a vu por regulo di ca questiono; apelar pri un judicio o tribunalo ad altra. — DEFIRS
apendic-o: (lit., anat., zool., bot.) appendix; -o verm-atra, -o-forma: vermiform a. Def.: Parto qua servas kom prolonguro di parto precipua. — DEFIS
apendicit-o*: (med.) appendicitis. — DEFIS
apene: (adv.) hardly, scarcely, barely. Ex.: Il apene arivis. Il apene eskapis la morto. — FIS
apert-ar: (tr.) to open, unclose (also fig. with heart, soul, etc.); -(ad)o: (act) opening; -uro: aperture, hole, gap; -e openly, plainly, frankly; (cf. kandida); -iva, -ivo: aperient, laxative; mi- -ar: to half open (a door, etc.). An.: klozar. — DeFIS
apetit-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to have an appetite for; crave or desire (instinctively); -o: appetite, longing; -ig-iva, -ivo: appetizing, appetizer; -igar: to give or cause an a. for; -ig-anta: appetizing, relishing. Ex.: La stomako apetitas la nutrivi. Apetito sensual, karnal, perversa. Il havas nesaturebla apetito por richaji. Ant.: saturar. —DEFIRS
api-pomo: ‹‹api››: a small red apple (Malum Appianum).
api-o: (bot.) smallage, wild celery (Apium). — DEFIRS
aplanat-a*: (opt.) aplanatic. — DEF
aplast-ar: (tr.) to crush, squeeze, squash (soft objects); (fig.) to overwhelm, overburnden, oppress; rul- -ilo: (a steam or other) roller (as on streets). Ex.: Aplastar insekto per la pedo, vit-beri per presilo. Aplastita per laborego. Aplastar adverso en diskuto. V. exp.: On povas presegar stala bulo sen aplastar ol, kontre ke on aplastas argilo sen presegar; III-198. — FIS
aplaud-ar: (tr.) to applaud, clap; (fig.) to express approbation, -(ad)o: applauding; -i: plaudits; -anto, -ero: applauder; -ist-aro: claque (paid clappers at theater). — DEFIRS
aplik-ar: (tr.) to apply, lay on, impose; -ar su: (fig.) to apply oneself (the mind, attention); -o: application: applying; -ajo: thing applied; -ebla: applicable, apposite, suitable. Def.: Pozar ulo sur ulo. — DEFIRS
aplomb-o: (fig.) assurance, self-confidence, self-possession (cf. audaco); (inst.) plummet, plumb-line; -a: upright, plumb, self-assured, confident; stacar aplombe: to stand upright, plumb. Def.: Signifikas propre: vertikala pozeso, vertikaleso, e nur metafore: fido en su ipsa, audaco (t.e. sentimento, ke on stacas vertikale, solide sur sua pedi). IV-528. — DeFIRS
apodiktik-a*: (log.) apodictical. — DEFIS
apofiz-o*: (anat.) apophysis. — DEFIS
apog-ar: (tr.) to prop (up), stay, support; to lean, to rest; to base, found, ground (assertions, reasons, etc.) -o: propping, supporting: -ilo, -trabo: prop, stay, support, pillar, strut, stanchion, brace; -arko: (arch.) flying buttress; (fig.) mainstay; shultr- -ar: to press to the shoulder (firearms, etc.); -punto: point of support, fulcrum; dors- -ilo: a support for the back; kap- -ilo: head-support; apogar skalo an la muro: to prop (or set) a ladder against a wall; apogar edifico per apog-arki: to support a building by buttresses; me apogis me an la muro: I leaned against the wall: apogar sua manui sur tablo: to lean one's hands on a table; sur quo vu apogas vua aserti: on what do you base your assertions? Def.: Suportar (o, igar suportar) per lateral od obliqua forco; III-102. Suportar, sustenar per la moyeno di apogilo. — FIS
apoge-o: (astr.) apogee. Ant.: perigeo. — DEFIRS
apokalips-o: apocalypse. — DEFIRS
apokrif-a: apocryphal. — DEFIRS
«Apollon»: (myth.) Apollo. — DEFIRS
apolog-o: apologue: moral fable. — DEFIRS
apologi-ar: (tr.) to vindicate (in writing or speech); -o: apology: written or spoken discourse to justify a person, a thing; -ala, -atra: apologetical, exculpatory; -arto: apologetics; -isto: apologist. Ant.: blamar, denigrar, difamar. Note: For the translation of apologize in the sense of «to beg pardon» cf. exkuzar. — DEFIRS
aponevros-o*: (anat.) aponeurosis. — DEF
apoplexi-o: (med.) apoplexy; -ala, -ema, -atra: apopleptic; aceso di -o: apopleptic attack; cerebrala -o: cerebral a. — DEFIRS
apostat-a, -o: apostate; -eso, -esko: apostacy; -eskar: to become an a., to apostatize. — DEFIRS
aposteriori-e, -ala*:  a posteriori.
apostil-o: apostil: marginal note, annotation; recommendatory note (to back a petition); -izar: to add an a.; (cf. pos-skrib-ajo). — eFIS
apostol-o: apostle; -ala: appostolic; -eso: apostleship. — DEFIR
apostrof-o: (gram.) apostrophe; -izar: to mark with an a. — DEFIRS
apotek-o: (Eng.) chemist’s shop; (U.S.) drug-store, pharmacy; -isto: chemist, apothecary, druggist. — DEFIRS
apotem-o: (geom.) apothegm. — DEFIRS
apoteos-o: apotheosis, deification. — DEFIRS
apozicion-o: (gram.) apposition; -ala: appositive (word). — DEFIRS
apr-(ul)o: wild-boar; -o-kush-eyo: lair of w. b. — DRL
aprentis-o: apprentice (pri); -eso: apprenticeship; -esar: to be an a., obligar ulu kom -o: to bind as an a.; pikto- -o: painter’s pupil. — DEFIS
apret-ar: (tr., tech.) to dress: put a finish on calicoes, leather, etc. by applying a glaze dressing or varnish. - DFIR
april-o: April. — DEFIRS
apriori-e, ala*: a priori, presumptive. — DEFIRS
aprob-ar: (tr.) to approve, give approbation to. Ant.: des-, ne-aprobar. — DEFIRS
aproch-o, -i: (milit., fortif.) approaches: the works, trenches, etc. made by besiegers. — DEFIRS
apsid-o: (arch.) apse; (astron.) apsis; -ala: apsidal. — DeFIRS
apt-a: apt, fit, appropriate, good for, suitable (ad); -eso: aptitude, aptness, qualification; -igar: to make fit or suitable; -a a milito: fit for war (service); -a por nulo: fit for nothing. Ant.: Des-, ne-apta, -justa, -kapabla, -konven-anta. — EFIS
apud: (prep.) close by, next to, beside, -a: near, neighboring, adjacent; -esar: to be near or close; -aleo: side-lane; -pozar: (tr.) to juxtapose; apudaji ed abutaji: (fig.) the ins and outs (of an affair). Ex.: Apud la domo esas puteo. Apud la generalo stacis lua adjutanto. — IL
apunt-ar: (tr.) to point (a fire-arm); take aim at; level at; -ilo: sight. — DeFIS
aqu-o: water, -ala: aquatic; -oza, atra: aqueous, watery; -oz-eso: aquosity; -izar: to water (streets, etc.); -es-pruva: w. proof; -o-fosato: w. trench, moat; -o-falo: w. fall; -o-kontilo: w. meter; -o-melono: w. melon; -o-pento: w. shed; -o-rezerv-uyo: reservoir; -o-turmo: w. tower; -o-vazo, -krucho: ewer; -o santa: holy-w.; reze di l’aquo:  on a lavel with the w.; pluv- -o: rain w.; rejala  -o: (chem.) aqua regia; sal-o: salt w., brine, pickle; sod- -o: soda-w; -o-boko: water nozzle, hydrant; -pikturo: washed drawing; -o-sprico: jet of w.; -o-spric-ilo: w. nozzle. -espruva mantelo: w. proof cloak, -espruv-eso: w. proofness. — DEFIRS
aquafort-o: (chem.) aqua fortis: nitric acid; -ajo: a.f. etching. — DEFIRS
aquamarino-o: (min.) aquamarine. Def.: Varietato de berilo. — DEFIRS
aquarel-a, -o: (painting) water-color; -piktar: to paint in w.c. — DEFIRS
aquari-o: aquarium. — DEFIRS
aquatint-o: (engraving) aquatint. — DEFIRS
aquedukt-o: aqueduct. — DEFIRS
aquilegi-o: (bot.) columbine (genus: Aquilegia). — L
aquilon-o: (poet., lit.) Aquilon: the north wind personified. — DeFIRS
aquir-ar: (tr.) to get (through one's own exertions), to become the possessor of (by purchase, by labor, etc.), to acquire, win; to contract (a habit, a sickness); to gain (affection favor), to incur (dislike, hatred); -o: (act) acquisition, attainment; -ajo: what is acquired. — DEFIS
ar-o: (metric sys.) area: 119.6 sq. yds. — DEFIRS
Arab-a: Arab-ic, -ian; -o: an Arab; -ia: Arabia; -a linguo: A. language.
arabesk-o: arabesque. — DEFIRS
arach-ar: (tr.) to pull or drag out (a nail, etc.); to tear out (the hair, the eyes); to grub up (roots); to tear away (a child from its mother); to snatch, wrest, extort, wring (ulo de ulu); Ex.: arachar afisho, konfeso, krii, lakrimi. Arachar ulu de la morta. — FS
arak-o: (spirits) arrack, — DEFIRS
araknoid-o*: (anat.) arachnoid. — DEF
arane-o: spider; -atra: s.-like, araneous; -reto, -telo: spider-, cob-web; -pedo: s. leg. — eFIS
aranj-ar: (tr.) to arrange: make orderly disposition of, dispose of in a proper manner; (cf. ordinar) -o, -eso, -uro: (act, state, result) arranging, disposition; Ex.: Aranjar libri sur tablo. Aranjar afero, mariajo, kofro, lito Aranjar por facar ulo. — DEFI
arbalest-o: arbalist; cross-bow; -iero: cross-bowman. — DEFIRS
arbitr-ar: (tr.) to arbitrate: award as an arbitrator, decide, judge, settle (ulo); -o: arbitration; -anto, -ero, -isto: arbitrator; umpire; referee; -ala: arbitral. — DEFIRS
arbitraj-ar: (tr., com.) to carry on arbitrage: to buy and sell on the market. — DEFIRS
arbitri-o: free-will; -ala: arbitrary, discretionary; -ajo: arbitrary act, caprice: -e: ad libitum, at will; segun la arbitrio: at the discretion or will (di ulu). — DEFIS
arbor-o: tree; -ala: arboreal; -atra: arborescent; -oza: woody; -aro: clump of t.s.; -izar: to afforest, plant with t.s.; -kultiv-(ad)o: arboriculture; -gluo: bird-lime; -o genealogi-ala: genealogical t.; -stumpo: t. stump; -trunko: t. trunk; -speco: specie of t.; -rano: t. -frog (Hyla aborea); -eduk-eyo: (hort.) nursery; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to clear of t.s.; dorn- -o: thorn-t. eben- -o: ebony-t.; Kristo-naskala- -o: Christmas t.; ax- -o: (tech.) axle-t., -shaft; movo-, trans-mis- -o: main-, transmission shaft. — eFIS
arbust-o: shrub, bush (not over three feet in height); sub- -o: underbrush; -aro: thicket. — FIS
arbut-o: arbute berry; -iero: (European) arbutus (genus: Arbutus). — EFIL
arch-o: (Noah's) ark; -o di kontrato: ark of the covenant (Bibl.). — DeFIS
ardez-a, -o: slate; -ea, -atra, -oza: slaty; -a krayono: s. pencil; -a tabelo: slate (for writing); -kolor-izar: to cover, with s. color: -kovrar: to cover, roof with s.: -min-eyo: s. quarry. — FI
ardor-ar: (intr.) to be aglow, glowing, hot, fiery (cf. brular, kombustar); (fig.) (of passion, zeal) to be ardent, fervent; (of animals) to be in heat, rut; -o: heat; ardor, eagerness; rut; -anta, -oza: fiery, burning, full of ardor, passionate; -igar: to make burn, set on fire, make ardent. — DEFIS
ardu-a*: arduous: (of mountains, etc.) steep, rugged: hard to climb (cf. eskarpa); (of tasks, etc.} difficult to perform. — EFIS
are-o: area; extent of surface: (geom.) superfices. — DEFIS
arek-o: areca-, betel-nut (cf. betel-ajo);-iero: areca-palm (Areca). — DEFIRS
aren-o: arena, ring. V. Exp.: Areno esas spaco rondatra od elipsoiorma e klozita, por la ludi e kombati cirklala. Lico esas longa kureyo, generale duopia (por iro e riveno) por kuri o por turniri, II-646. —DEFIRS
areol-o: (anal., med.) areola. — DEFIS
areometr-o: areometer. — DEFIRS
areometri-o*: (phys.) areometry. —DEFIRS
areopag-o: (also fig.) Areopagus; -ano: Areopagite. — DEFIRS
arest-ar: (tr., legal) to arrest: make a prisoner of, put under a.; -esar: to be a.ed; -o, -eso: a.; custody; -anto, -ero: person; -ato, -ito: person a ed; -impero: order for a. — DEFIRS
argal-o: (orni.) marabou-stork (Leptoptilus Argala). — F
argan-o: (lifting-) gin, sheer-leg (ci. krano). — US
argil-o: argil; clay, potter's earth; -a, -oza, -atra: argillaceous, clayish; -izar: to marl (land). —DeFIS
argon-o*: (chem.) argon- — DEF
argonaut-o: (myth.) Argonaut. — DEFIRS
argumenta-ar;(intr.) to argue: hold an argument. Def.: Rezonar por pruvar ulo. — DEFIRS
«argus»: (myth.) Argus; (fig.) spy. — DEFIRS
ari-o: (mus.) tune, air. — DEFIRS
arid-a: arid: dry and barren; (cf. sterila); -eso: aridity, Ant: humida, fruktoza,fertila. — DEFIRS
ariet-o: (instr. of war and tech.) battering-ram; Aries, sign of the Zodiac; hidraulikala -o: hydraulic ram. — IS
arist-o: (geom.) edge, projecting angle; (arch. and carp.) arris; (bot.) awn, beard (of barley, wheat, etc.); ridge (of nose, of mountain, of a bayonet, etc.); -o-trabo: ridge-piece, hip-rafter; (angular) fish-bone — eFIS
aristokrat-a, -ata: aristocratic; -(ul)o: aristocrat; -aro: (collect) aristocracy ; -eso;aristocracy, nobility (quality); -ismo: aristocracy (political system); -igar: to make a.; -eskar: to become a. — DEFIRS
aristoloki-o: (bot.) aristolochia, birth-wort. — DEFIRS.
Aristotel-ana, -ala*:Aristotelian. — DEFIRS
aritmetik-o: arithmetic; -ala probiemo,operaco: arithmetical problem, operation; -ero, -isto: arithmetician.— DEFIRS
aritmograf-o*: arithmometer: calculating machine. — DeFIRS
aritmologi-o*: theory of numbers. —DFIRS
aritmomanci-o*: arithmomancy: divination by numbers. — DEFIRS
aritmonietr-o*: arithmometer: calculating machine. — DEFIRS
ariv-ar: (intr.) to arrive (at destination, at a certain place). V. exp.; Se ulu venas de Berlin ad Paris, lu advenas dum la tota voyajo; nia lu arivas nur ye la tino (lasta momento) di la voyajo; e lu povas advenar sen anvar (se lu esus haltigata da acidento); VI-322- Ant.: departar. — EFIS
arjent-a, -o:silver; -izar: to silver over, plate; -oza, -atra, -ea: argentiferous, silvery; -aji, -ajaro,-a vazaro: silver-ware; -a moneto, peco: silver coin; lingot-a -o bar silver; -o-nitrato silver nitrate, lunar caustic. — eFIS
arjentan-o*: (alloy) argentan. —DEFIS
ark-o (geom., arch., elec.) arch (as of bridge), arc; -iz-uro: archway, vault; -igar: to arch: bend, curve, in form of a.; apog- -o: arch-boutant: flying buttress; arm- -o: bow; ciel-, pluv- -o: rainbow; (arm-)ark-ero, -isto, iero: archer, bow-man; elektrala -o: electrical a.; klozar -o: (geom.) subtend; micirkla -o: semi-circular a.; sel- -o:saddle-bow; triumf- -o: triumphal a. vult- -o: covering of an a.; -o-petro: a.-stone; -apogar: to buttress; -lampo: arc-lamp, -light. — DEFIRS
arkabuz-o: arquebuse. — DEFIRS
arkad-o: (arch.) arcade. — DEFIRS
arkaik-a, -ema: archaic: old, antiquated; -ajo: a. object. — DEFIRS
arkaism-o: archaism: antiquated form of speech; -ema: archaic (tendency in speech). — DEFIRS
arkan-a: arcane: hidden, secret; -o: arcanum: great secret of nature. V. exp.: Sekreta, arkana, okulta: Sekreta esas la maxim generala vorto. Arkano esas sekreto ciencala (o, pseudo-ciencala), quan on revelas o docas nur ad iniciati (ex.: l'arkani di l'alkemio). Ol esas analoga a misterio, ma misterio apartenas a religio, ed arkano a cienco o tekniko. Okulta dicesas omno quo koncernas la mondo di la spiriti e nia (asertita) relati kun li (ex. magio, astrologio, spiritismo, e.c.). La ‹‹okulta cienci›› ne esas simple sekreta cienci ma la cienci qui pretendas revelar a ni l'altra mondo o komunikigar ni kun olu; (kp. IV-237). — DEFIRS
arkeolog-o: archeologist. — DEFIRS
arkeologi-o: archeology; -ala: archeological. — DEFIRS
arki-anjel-o: archangel.
arki-chambelan-o: archchamberlain.
arki-diakon-o: archdeacon.
arki-duk-o: archduke; -ala: archducal; -ino: archduchess; -io: archduchy (estate); -eyo: a. palace; -eso: archduchy (dignity, office).
arki-episkop-o: archbishop.
arki-kancelero: arch-, high-chancellor.
arkimandrito-o*: (Greek Ch.) archimandrite. — DEFIRS
arkipelag-o: archipelago. — DEFIRS
arki-sacerdot-o: archpriest.
arkitekt-o: architect. — DEFIRS
arkitektur-o architecture; -ala: architectural. — DEFIRS
arkitrav-o: (arch.) architrave. — DEFIRS
arkiv-o, -i: archive(s): record(s), state-paper(s); -isto: archivist: keeper of the records. — DEFIRS
arkivult-o: (arch.) archivolt. — DEFIRS
arkont-o: (hist.) archon. — DEFIRS
arktik-a, -o: arctic; -a ganso: wild goose (Anser hyperboreus). — DEFIRS
arlekin-o: harlequin, merry-andrew; -ajo: a piece of buffoonery; -vesto: h.-dress; (fig.) patch-work, medley. — DEFIRS
arm-o: arm: weapon; -aro: weapons (collect.); -eyo: armory (depot); -ifar: to manufacture a.s; -if-isto: gun-smith; -izar: to a.; arm-arko: long-bow; paf- -o: fire-arm; -frato: brother-in-arms; (hom)- -aro: armor (for persons; cf. kuraso); gamb- -o: leg-armor; abasez la -i: down, ground arms! depozar -i: to lay down arms; -izita de kapo a pedi: Armed from head to feet; trupo -izita: armed force; -o-hakilo: battle-axe; portez -i: shoulder arms! — DEFIS
armadil-o: (zool.) armadillo (Dasypus). — DEFIS
armator-o: shipowner. Def.: Posedanto ed equipanto di navo; III-75. — FIRS
armatur-o: (elec.) armature; (tech.) iron braces, stays (to strengthen masonry, etc.); kabl- -o: wire covering about a cable; -izita cemento: reinforced cement. — DEFIRS
army; -o de triadek mil viri: a. of 30,000 men; -chefo, -estro: head of the a., general; -korpo: a. corps; (fig.) cielal- - o: celestial a.; reserv- -o: a. in reserve. — DEFIRS
armistic-o: armistice, truce. — DEFIS
armor-o: cupboard; -eto: cabinet; fer- -o: iron chest, strong-box; glaci- -o: ice-box; linj- -o: linen press; mur- -o: c. in a wall; nutriv-, para-mush- -o: pantry; screened c.; vest- -o: wardrobe; plad- -o: dish-closet. — FIS
armoraci-o*: horse-radish (Cochlearia Armoracia). — FISL
arnik-o: (bot. and med.) arnica (Arnica montana). — DEFIRS
arog-ar: (tr.) to arrogate (ulo a su): to make undue claims; -ema, -anta: arrogant, overbearing, supercilious, haughty. Ex.: Il arogas a su autoritato sen havar la yuro. — DEFIS
arom-o: aroma: spicy flavor or smell. — DEFIRS
aromat-o: aromatic: fragrant vegetable substance. — DEFIRS
arorut-o: arrowroot: starchy flour of Maranta arundinatea and other plants. — DEFR
aroz-ar: (tr.) to moisten, wet, water (with any liquid); -ilo: watering-pot; -venturo: sprinkling cart; V. exp.: aquizar, aspersar, irgacar: On povas arozar materiale o figurale, per mult altra liquidi kam aquo. La biblo dicas, ke Noa ‹‹arozis›› la vito sucedante per sango di pavono, per sango di simio, per sango di leono e per sango di porko. Do on ne povas uzar ‹‹aquizar››. On aspersas planti ed arbori por preventar ula morbo. Asperso relatas saneso. Irigaco esas brancho di agrokultivado. Ol aquizas tota farmi, distrikti per fluigar aquo de riveri, lagi, e.c., en artificala kanali a la kultivo-loki; IV-353, 459. — F
arpej-ar: (intr.) to play arpeggios; -o: arpeggio. — DEFIRS
arsen-o: (chem.) arsenic. — DEFIRS
arsenal-o: arsenal. — DEFIRS
art-o: art: practical skill guided by rules; occupation requiring such skill; -isto: artist (in fine arts), adept (at anything); -ala: artistic: (relating to arts); -ist-ala: relating to the artist; -al-eso: artistic quality or character (of a thing); -e, -oze: artfully, skillfully, cunningly; -ema: artistic (person); -ist-ino: female artist; -i bela: (the) fine arts; -o-verko: work of art; -i societ-ala: social accomplishments; -i liberal, mekanikal: the liberal, mechanical arts or professions; poezi- -o: the poetic art; akush- -o: abstetrics (as a profession); -i utila: useful arts; skrib-arto: the art of writing. Def.: Aplik(ad)o di konoci por realigar koncepto. — DEFIRS
artemizi-o: (bot.) mugwort (genus: Artemisia); -absinta: common worm-wood. — FL
arteri-o: (anat.) artery; -ala: arterial. — DEFIRS
arteriit-o*: arteritis: inflammation of the arteries; (cf. flebito). — DEF
arteriologi-o*: arteriology. — DEFIRS
arteriotomi-o*: (surg.) arteriotomy. — DEFIRS
artez-a: Artesian; -a puteo: A.-well. — DEFIRS
artichok-o: (bot.) artichoke (Cynara Scolymus). — DEFR
artific-o: artifice: artful or ingenious expedient; -ala: artificial; (cf. falsa): -acho: (in a bad sense) cunning, craft, wile, trick; -(ach)oza: artful, crafty, factitious; sen- -a: frank. Ex.: Artificala dentaro, gambo, rido. La artifico qua movigas automato. — DEFIS
artik-o: (anat., bot.) articulation: joint; -ala: articular; -izar: to articulate: supply with a.s; -oza, -iz-ita: articulated, jointed; bul- -o: arthrodia; -o inter la kruro e la hancho: the a. of the thigh with the hip: the hip-joint; des- -izar: to unjoint. — DEFIS
artikl-o: (newspaper, gram.) article; (cf. varo, komerc-ajo); -o redaktistal: editorial; kred- -o: a. of faith; defin-ita -o: definite a. — DEFIRS
artikul-ar: (tr.) to articulate: pronounce, utter words; ne- -ita: inarticulate. — DEFIRS
artilri-o: artillery: body of troops; (cf. kanon-aro); -ano: a. man, gunner; ped- -o: foot a. — DEFIRS
artr-o: (anat.) part or segment of a limb or body; movable articulation. Ex.: La korpi di kelka insekti havas multa artri. — FS
artrit-o: (med.) arthritis; -ika, -iko: (person) suffering with a. — DEFIRS
artrodi-o*: (anat.) arthrodia. — DEF
artropod-o: (zool.) arthropod, articulata. — DEFIS
aruf-ar: (tr.) to ruffle up, turn back (feathers, hair); karezar kato arufe: to stroke a cat the wrong way. — I
arum-o: (bot.) arum: cuckoo-pint, wake-robin (genus: Arum). — DEFIRS
aruspic-o: (Rom. antiq.) (h)aruspex. — DEFIRS
Aryan-a, -o: Aryan (race, language). — DEFIRS
as-o: ace (cards, dice); kordi- -o: ace of hearts. — DEFIS
asafetid-o: asafetida: gum resin of Ferula Asafoetida. — DEFIS
asalt-ar: (tr.) to assault, storm (a fortified place); to assault, charge (the enemy); -anto, -ero: assailant aggressor; ek- -ar to make a sally, sortie; ri- -ar: to charge again; -ar quik l'obstaklo: (fig.) to take the bull by the horns; sonigar por -o: to sound the charge; -o-skalo: scaling-ladder; ne- -ebla: unassailable, impregnable; -e kaptar, konquestar: to carry by assault, (cf. atakar, asomar, atentar). — EFIRS
asasin-ar: (tr.) to assassinate. Def.: Mortigar kun preintenco ed embuske o surprize; III-698. — DEFIS
asbest-o: (min.) asbestos. — DEFIRS
asekur-ar: (tr., finan.) to insure, underwrite (against loss); -ar su: to insure oneself; -ito: insured person; -isto: insurer, underwriter; -ar pluse, pose: to take out additional i.; -o-akto, -kontrato: i. policy; -o-kontoro: i. office; -o-taxo: premium (paid by insured to insurer). — DeFIS
asel-o: (ent.) woodlouse (Oniscus Asellus). — DIL
asembl-ar: (tr., gen.) to assemble: collect, bring together (people, materials, etc.); -o, -uro, -ajo: assembl-y, -age; -o publika, politikala: public, political meeting. V. exp.: vid. muntar. — EFI
asent-ar: (tr.) to give assent to: agree to, aquiesce in. Ex.: Me asentas vua judiko (t.e. me opinionas same, me judikas to kom vera. V. exp.: Asento koncernas opinioni pure teoriala; konsentar relatas prefere opinioni praktikala, t.e. propozi e rezolvi; VII-98. — DEFIS
asept-a: aseptic; -eso: asepticism (state); -igar: to asepticize; -ig-(ad)o: asepsis (act). Def.: Qua ne havas mikrobi; IV-175. — DEFIRS
asert-ar: (tr.) to assert, allege, set forth, protest (declare); -ita: pretended, asserted, so-called; -ar la falseso di: to deny in toto; -ar per sua honoro: to a. upon his honor, give his word of honor; -o pri fideleso: protestation of fidelity; -ita inventuro: so-called invention; esar -ita absenta: to be reputed (regarded, considered) as absent. — EFIRS
asesor-o: assessor: an assistant judge. — DeFIRS
asfalt-o: asphalt(um); -isar: to asphalt; -a, -izita choseo: asphalted road. — DEFIRS
asfixi-ar: (tr.) to asphyxiate; -esar (da): to be a.ed (by); -o, -eso: asphyxiation (act, state); -ita: a.ed. V. exp.: Sufokar esas la vulgara, asfixiar la ciencala vorto. Asfixiar esas la halto dil arterio-pulsado. Ol esas stando sucedanta al neperfekta oxigenizo dil sango, finanta per la morto, kande lu tro duras. Sufoko esas speco de asfixio, per obstaklo al adveno dil areo til pulmoni, obstruktado di naztrui, di boko, kompreso di kolo, e.c.; II—137, VI—248, 342. — DEFIRS
asfodel-o: (bot.) asphodel (genus: Asphodelus). — DEFIRS
asidu-a: assiduous: constant, regular (in attendance or work). V. exp.: Diligenta relatas la fervoro od agemeso, ed asidua la akurata e reguloza prezenteso, la kontinueso di laboro; II—137. Ant.: ne-akurata, neglij-anta. — EFIS
asign-ar: (tr.) to assign, to appropriate, allot, set apart (a sum), to fix, appoint (a day, place, rank), (fig., legal) to summons, cite, subpoena; (cf.atribuar, cedar); -o-letro: (jur.) subpoena, writ, summons. Ex.: La ministraro asignas sumo por pagar salarii. Asignar dio por pagar debajo, la limiti (di ulo), a singlu lua rango, lua tasko. — DEFIS
asimil-ar: (tr.) to assimilate (physiol. and fig.). Ex.: La animali povas asimilar nur animala o vejetala substanci. Usa asimilas multa populi. — DEFIRS
asimptot-o: (geom.) asymptote. — DEFIRS
asist-ar: (tr.) to be present at, attend; -o: attendance, presence; -anto, -ero: person present, onlooker, bystander (not helper; cf. help-anto); -ant-aro: audience, congregation; Ex.: On asistas spektaklo, acidento, disputo. Il ne nur asistis, ma parto-prenis ta diskuto. La diskurso esis asistata da multa personi, qui ofte aplaudis ol. — DFIRS
askarid-o: (zool.) ascarid (Askaridae; genus: Ascaris). — DEFIRS
asket-o, -ala: ascetic; -eso, -ismo: (state, doctrine) asceticism; -aji: a. acts, austerities. — DEFIRS
askolt-ar: (tr.) to listen to, hearken to, give ear to; -anto, -ero: listener. V. exp.: Askoltar implikas sempre intenco e volo. Audar esas perceptar per l'orelo, vole o nevole. Ex.: Me askoltas vu ma me ne audas pro la bruiso; V—35. — I
asn-o: donkey, ass; -ulo: jackass; -ino: she-ass; -al-ajo: asinity; stupidity, silly blunder; -acho: stupid ass; -et-yuno: ass's colt; -oreli: ass's ears; -o-karg-ajo: load of an ass; -o-dukt-isto: donkey driver; -o-bramo: bray of an ass; ped-frapo di -o: kick of an ass. — eFIS
asoci-ar: (tr.) to make (a person) one's associate, partner, colleague, companion, accomplice (in an ill sense); to make (ulu) participate or share in (ulo); -o, -uro: association, partnership; -ito: associate, fellow, companion; -it-aro: an association, society (persons) -ema: sociable; -em-eso: sociability; -ado di idei: a. of ideas. — DEFIRS
asom-ar: (tr.) to fell, to knock down: to knock on the head; -isto, -ero: feller (of oxen); -ilo: loaded bludgeon. V. exp.: On povas asomar per mazo o sen instrumento (ex. per pugnobato); II—707. — F
asonanc-ar: (intr). to be assonant (kun); -o: assonance; -anta, -oza: assonant. — DEFIS
asort-ar: (tr.) to assort, match, suit, sort out, classify things alike, or somewhat alike, or suited to each other; -(ad)o, -ajo: assortment; -uro (di dimanti, di pladi, di kulieri, e.c.): a set of diamonds, plates, spoons); butil- -ajo: stock (of a shop). — DEFIR
asparag-o: (bot.) asparagus; -o-pinto: the tip (or top) of a. shoots; -eyo: a. bed. — DEFIRS
asparagin-o*: (chem.) asparagine. — DEFIRS
aspekt-ar: (intr.) to look (like, as if: quale), to seem (to be), appear; -o: aspect, view, sight, look, phase; -ar felica: to look happy; -ar quale fola, folo: to look like, seem to be a fool; -o yun(es)ala: youthful look; la kozi chanjis sua -o: the aspect of things changed. — DEFIRS
asper-a: (of touch) rough, uneven. V. exp.: Acerba koncernas la gusto, aspera la takto; II-707. Ant.: glata. — eFIS
aspers-ar: (tr.) to sprinkle (to prevent disease); (rel.) to asperse; -ilo: sprinkler; (rel.) aspergillum. V. exp.: vid. arozar. — DeFIRS
asperul-o*: (bot., genus) asperula; -o odor-oza: woodruff. — eFISL
aspik-o: (zool.) asp (Naja Haje). — eFIRS
aspir-ar: (tr.) to inhale, draw in (air, smoke, etc.); to suck in or up (liquids); (gram.) to aspirate (a sound); to aspire: desire eagerly, long for, aim at; -(ad)o: inhaling, inbreathing, suction, aspiration: ardent wish; -ilo: (chem) aspirator; -ajo: (gram.) aspirate; -signo: (gram.) sign of aspiration; -ar la honori, ofici: aspire to honors, office; -ar la krono, rejeso: aspire to the crown, to kingship; (cf. ambiciar); -ar la venjo: to long for vengeance; -o di aero en la pulmoni: inhaling of air into the lungs; -o-tubo: suction pipe; pumpilo aspiras l'aquo: a pump sucks (draws) up the water; la feliceso quan me -as: the happiness which I long for. V. exp.: vid. sugar. Ant. expirar. — DeFIRS
astatik-a: (magnetism) astatic. — DEFIRS
astenop-a*: (bot.) asthenopic. — DE
aster-o: (bot.) aster; Chiniana -o: China a. — DEFIRS
asteri-o: (zool.) asterid, star-fish (genus: Asterias). — DeFIRS
asterism-o: (astron., opt. of crystals) asterism. Def.: Optikal fenomeno; reflekto radianta di la lumo sur ula lapidi; III-135. — DEFIRS
asteroid-o: (astron.) asteroid. — DEFIRS
astigmat-a*: astigmatic: -eso: astigmatism. — DEF
astm-o: (med.) asthma; -ika, iko: asthmatic (person). — DEFIRS
aston-ar: (tr.) to astonish, surprise, amaze: -egar: to astound, aghast; (fig.) to stupify; (cf. stupor-igar); -esar: to be a.ed (da). — EF
astr-o: star: any heavenly body; -ala: astral, sidereal; -aro: constellation; fixa -o: fixed s.; -o-fiziko: astrophysics. V. exp.: Stelo, astro: La astri esas omna cielala korpi, qui kontenas ne nur las steli (dicita fixa), ma la planeti, lia sateliti (exemple la luno), la nebulosi, la kometi, e.c. VI-191. — DEFIRS
astragal-o: (anat., arch.) astragal. — DEFIRS
astrakan-o: astrakhan (pelt). — DEFIRS
astrikt-ar: (tr.) to have an astringent effect on; -(ad)o, -eso: (med.) astriction; -iva, ivo: astringent. Def.: Astrikto esas densigo di ula organika texuri: ex. ‹‹aluno esas astriktiva›› II-645. — DEFIS
astrolab-o: (astron. instr.) astrolabe. — DEFIRS
astrolog-o: astrologer. — DEFIRS
astrologi-o: astrology. — DEFIRS
astronom-o: astronomer. — DEFIRS
astronomi-o: astronomy; -ala: astronomical. — DEFIRS
asum-ar: (tr.) to assume, take on oneself, undertake; (cf. entraprezar); -ajo: assumption: something taken for granted; -ar afero: take a hand in an affair; -ar debi: a. debts; -ar devo, la responso: to a. a duty, the responsibility; -ar la spensi: to undertake the expense; -ar la instrukto di la infanto: to undertake the instruction of the child (cf. supozar). — EFIS
asuncion-o: (rel.) Assumption (of the Virgin Mary). — DEFIRS
atak-ar: (tr.) to attack; (milit.) to take the offensive; (cf. asaltar, asomar, atentar); -o: (alo med.) attack(ing); -anto, -into, -ero: attacker, assailant, aggressor; -ebla: assailable; -anta, -ema: aggressive, attacking, offensive (attack); -em-eso: aggressiveness; cirkum- -ar: to a. on all sides; flanke -ar: to a. on flank; -ar dorse, surprize: to a. at the rear, to make a surprise a.; kontre- -o: counter a.; noktal -o: night a.; -iva federo: offensive alliance. — DEFIRS
ataraxi-o: (philos.) ataraxy: perfect piece of mind. — DEFIRS
atashe-o: (diplo.) attaché. — DEFIR
atavism-o: atavism. — DEFIRS
ataxi-o*: ataxia (med.) -ika, iko: ataxic (person); -o lokomocala: locomotor a. — DEFIS
ateism-o: atheism; -ala: atheistic (doctrine, teaching). — DEFIRS
ateist-a, -o: atheist; -ala: atheistic (of persons); -aro: a.s (collect.). — DEFIRS
atenc-ar: (tr.) to pay attention to (ulu, ulo); to apply the mind to, heed; -o: attention, care, heed; -ema: attentive, mindful; -ez: attention! mind! look out! ne- -oza, -ema: inattentive, heedless; sen- -ajo: inadvertence, oversight (act). — DEFIS
atene-o*: Athenaeum (temple and literary institution). — DEFIRS
atent-ar: (tr.) to make a criminal attempt on (ulu, ulo); -o: attempt (to commit an offense or crime); attack, assault (on persons or property), outrage; -a, -anta, -ema: assailing, unlawful, hostile; -ar la honoro di ulu: to assail the honor of some one; -ar la vivo (di ulu): to make an attempt on a person's life; -ar su ipsa: to attempt suicide; -o kontre la majesto: crime of lese-majeste; -o kontre la pudoro: criminal (or indecent) assult. — DeFIS
aterom-o*: (med.) atheroma. — DEFIRS
atest-ar: (tr.) to attest: certify, bear witness, give proof of; -(ad)o: attestation, testimony, deposition, certification; -uro: certificate, voucher; deb- -o: acknowledgement of debt; demandar -o (di ulu): to call for witness: donar -o: (jur.) to depose; examen- -o: brevet, certificate, diploma; facar -o (pri ulo, ulu): to bear witness; falsa, menti- -o: false testimony; mariaj - o: certification of marriage; -o di slaubreso: health certificate; -ala: testimonial: relating to testimony; la dei -as to: the gods are witness to it, as the gods are our witnesses. — DEFIRS
atik-o*: (arch.) attic, a. story; (cf. mansardo). — EF
atik-ismo: Atticism; -isto: Atticist. — DEFIRS
ating-ar: (tr.) to attain, reach; ta infanto ruptas irgo quon il povas -ar: that child breaks everything he can reach; la vito -as le triesma etajo: the vine reaches to the 3rd story; -ar sua skopo: to hit one's mark, attain one's aim; ta kalumnii ne povas -ar ni: those calumnies cannot reach (hurt) us; -ar la simileso: to hit off the resemblance; ye fusil- -o: at (within) gun shot; -o-disto: hand's reach; ne -ebla: beyond reach. — EFIS
atlant-o: (arch.) atlas; (pl.) atlantes; (cf. kariatido). Def.: Virala figuro, qua servas kom suportilo. — DEFIRS
Atlantik-o, -a oceano: Atlantic (ocean); trans- -a: transatlantic. — DEFIRS
atlas-o: (anat., geog.) atlas. — DEFIRS
atlet-o: athlete; -ala, -atra: athletic; -ismo, -exerc-ado: athletics. — DEFIRS
atmosfer-o: atmosphere; -ala: atmospheric; -o-preso: a. pressure. — DEFIRS
atom-o: atom; -ala pezo: atomic weight; -ismo: atomism (theory); -isto: atomist (philos.). — DEFIRS
atoni-o: (med.) atony; -oza: atonic. — DEFIRS
atrakt-ar: (tr. also fig.) to attrack, draw; -(ad)eso: attract -ing, -ion; -iva, -ivo: attractive, inviting, engaging, winning (object); -ilo di desfortuno: something which brings bad luck. Ex.: La magneto atraktas la fero. Atraktar l'atenco di ulu. Atraktar la odio di la publiko. Un desfortuno atraktas (E. brings on) un altra. Atrakto-forco, -povo. Mieno atraktiva. Ant.: repulsar, antipatiar. — DEFIS
atrap-ar: (tr.) to entrap: take in, trick, hoax, dupe; April- -o, -ilo: April hoax; -ita da fripono: taken in by a rogue. — DeFS
atribu-ar: to assign, give, bestow, vest, allocate, invest with (something as due and appropriate); -ar a ta ofico la konoco di ica od ita aferi: to assign to that office the cognizance of such and such affairs; la funcioni atribuita a policestro esas tre multa: the functions assigned (or vested in) the chief of police are very numerous; on atribuis bela honorarii a ta ofico: handsome emoluments have been assigned (attached, annexed) to that office; -ar la kulpo ad ulu: to throw the fault on some one; -ar a su la honori di: to take the credit, claim the honors of. (cf. imputar). DeFIS
atribut-o: (log., gram.) attribute, attributive. — DEFIRS
atric-ar*: (intr., theol.) to feel attrition; -o: (theol.) attrition: grief for sin arising from fear of punishment. — DeFIS
atrofi-ar: (tr., med.) to atrophy; -esar: to be atrophied, waste away. — DEFIRS
atropin-o: atropin(e). — DEFIRS
atun-o: (ich.) tunny (-fish) (Scomber thynus). — DeFIRS
aturd-ar: (tr.) to stun. V. exp.: Aturdar ne esas sempre vertijigar, nek ebriigar; en sua propra senco, ol indikas nekoncio o preska nekoncio produktita exemple da frapo, granda shoko, e.c. IV-1102. — FIS
aucion-ar: (tr.) to bid for, offer a higher price; -(ad)o: bidding, bid; -anto: bidder; -e vendar: to auction off, to sell at auction; -o, -vendo: auction; -ven-ist-o: auctioneer; -ar domo: to bid for a house. Def.: Ofrar preco plu alta kam altru. VI-417. — DeFRS
aud-ar: (tr.) to hear: receive sensations by the ear; -(ad)o, -eso: hearing, audition; -ala, -iva: auditory, auricular; -anta: audient, listening, hearing; -anto, -ero: hearer, auditor; -ant-aro: audience, auditors, congregation; per -o: by hearsay. V. exp.: vid. askoltar, kp. auskultar. — DeFIRS
audac-ar: (tr.) to dare, venture, be so bold as; -o: audacity, hardihood; -oza, -anta: bold, daring, intrepid; -ego: temerity; -anto, -ozo: audacious person; -igar: to embolden; -eskar: to grow bold; -ar ek-asalto: to venture (dare) a sortie; me ne audacas informar il pri la mala novajo: I do not dare to inform him of the bad news; simular -o: to bluster. V. exp.: vid. riskar. — EFIS
audienc-o: audience, sitting, hearing (granted by person in authority); not audience as in theaters, etc; cf. aud-ant-aro; -eyo: a. chamber; Sro. X havis -o kun la rejo: Mr. X had an a. with the king; hori di -o: (fixed) hours for hearing, times for cosultation (physicians, barristers). — DEFIRS
auditor-o: auditor: judicial-hearer, assessor (functionary). — DeFIRS
augment-ar: (tr., intr.) to augment: to increase, enlarge, to make larger or more numerous; to raise (rents, prices, wages, etc. (cf. plu-cher-igar); -(ad)o, -eso, -uro: augmentation, increase, aggravation; rise (in price); (gram.) augment; -iva, -ivo: augmentative; pluse -ar: to raise higher. Ex.: Augmentar sua fortuno; augmentar la preco di nutrivi; augmentar sua domo, sua domeno. Augmentar la salarii. La desfacilaji augmentis cirkum lu. Ant.: diminutar, reduktar. — DEFIS
augur-ar: (tr.) to augur (de ulo); -o: augury, omen, presage; -isto: augur, soothsayer; mal- -a: ominous; -ar bone pri kozo: to augur well (have a favorable opinion) of a thing; Ex.: Ta evento esas bona auguro. To bone auguras. — DEFIRS
august-a: august: imposing awe or veneration, majestic. Ex.: Il esas persono di august aspekto. — DEFIRS
‹‹aula››: aula: hall in universities, colleges, etc.; -ala konsilistaro: aulic council. — DeFIRS
aureol-o: (pr. and fig.) aureole, halo, nimbus; -izar: to put a halo around (as in painting); (fig.) to crown with glory. — DEFIRS
aurikul-o: (anat.) auricle. — DEFIS
auror-o: aurora, dawn; -o pol-ala: a. borealis. — DEFIRS
auskult-ar: (tr., med.) to auscultate. — DEFIRS
auspic-o, -i: (lit. and fig) auspice(s); me entraprezas ica afero kun -i favoroza: I undertake this business under favorable a.s. — DEFIS
auster-a: austere: (in a moral sense) strict, rigid. Def.: Tre severa por su pri la mori, kun nuanco di rigoro ed asketeso; II-707. — DEFIS
austr-o: (poet.) a south wind; -ala: austral: southern; -ala latitudo: southern latitude. — DeFIRS
autentik-a: authentic, genuine, properly attested; -igar: to authenticate; garantiar la -eso di: to guarantee the authenticity of - - - — DEFIRS
auto-: (prefix for scientific and technical words) auto-, self-; auto-movanta: self-moving, -acting. — DEFIRS
autobiografi-o: autobiography. — DEFIRS
‹‹autodafe›› auto-da-fe. — DEFIRS
autodidakt-a, -o: autodidact: self-taught (person) — DeFIRS
autograf-a: autographic: written by one's own hand; -o: autograph: original signature or writing. — DEFIRS
autokalv-o: autoclave: (French) steaming vessel; -o da Papin: Papin's digester. — DeFIRS
autokrat-o: autocrat; -a rej-ido: autocratic prince; -ala guvernado: a. government; -aro: autocracy (coll.); -eso: autocracy (quality); -ismo: autocracy (regime). — DEFIRS
automat-o: automaton; -a: automatic: self-acting; -ala: automatic (relating to an automaton); -eso: automatism. — DEFIRS
automobil-o: automobile: motor-car; -ero, -isto: automobilist; -duktisto: chauffeur; -ismo: automobilism; -korno: a. horn. — DEFIRS
automorf-a: (math.) automorphic. — DEFIRS
autonom-a: autonomous: self-governing, independent; -eso: autonomy. — DEFIRS
autopsi-ar: (tr.) to hold an autopsy on (ulu); -o: autopsy, post-mortem. — DEFIRS
autor-o: (lit.) author; (fig.) creator, originator; -acho: scribbler; -yuro: copyright. — DEFIRS
autoritat-o: authority: legal or rightful power; -ozo, -ozi: authorit-y, -ies; -oza, -ema: authoritative. — DEFIRS
autun-o: autumn: fall of the year; -ala: autumnal. — EFIS
av-o: grand-parent; -ulo: grandfather; -ino: grandmother; ge- -i: grand-parents (both sexes); pre- -o: great grandparent; forefather; tri-esma -ulo: great-great-grandfather; prim- -o: (our) first parent; -ala nomo patronymic. — ILS
aval-o: aval: guaranty, surety: a signature at bottom of a bill to guarantee payment; -izar: to guarantee (a bill by endorsement). — DeFIS
avalanch-ar: (intr.) to fall in an avalanch; -o: avalanch. — EFIS
avan: (prep.) in front of, ahead of; before (in space, cf. ante); -e: (adv.) in front; -a: advance, forward, front; -o: the front; -ajo: thing, object in front, forepart; (fig.) forequarters (as of a horse); -irar: (intr.) to advance, go forward; kun la avano dope: with the front behind, or hindpart foremost; la akuzato sidas avan la jurio: the defendant sits before the jury; -brakio: fore-arm; -ceno: front of the stage, proscenium; -chambro: front-room, anteroom; -guardo: vanguard; -holdo: forward hold (of a ship); -kastelo: (mar.) fore-castle, -korpo, -parto: forepart; -pedo: front foot (of an animal); -portuo: outer harbor; -posteno: (milit.) outpost; -tekto: fore-roof, projecting roof, eaves; -viro: front man; (milit.) chief of file. Ant.: dop. —DeFIRS
avanc-ar: (tr. intr.) to advance: to go forward, move, put forward, (in space and time); -inta frukti, flori: forward fruits, flowers; -inta posteno: (milit.) advanced post; -e: forward, onward, in advance; -ez: forward! Ex.: Avancar la manuo, la pedo. La armeo avancas en la lando. Avancar sua departo. Avancigar la laboro. Ant.: retro -irar; regresar, tard-igar. — DEFIS
avantaj-o: advantage; -oza: advantageous; -izar: to advantage, bestow an a. on, to favor; publika, statala- -o: public, state utility. Ex.: Ula persono povas havar avantajo relate altra. La avantaji dil paco. Ant.: des-avantajo. — DEFIS
avantal-o: apron (for persons or vehicles), pinafore. — SP
avar-a, -acha: avaricious, miserly, greedy, covetous; -eso: avarice; -acho: sordid miser, skinflint; -eg-eso, -ach-eso: niggardliness, stinginess. Ant.: prodig-anta, spens-ema, disipanta. — EFIS
avari-ar: (tr.) to damage (in conveying goods); -o: damage, loss, (com.) average. Def.: Avario indikas omna domajo, ne nur di navo, ma di kozi transportita per navo, fervoyo, veturo; II-138. — DeFIRS
avelan-o: filbert, hazel-nut; -iero: filbert-tree (Corylus Avellana); -ea: hazel colored. — FISL
aven-o: oats; -ala, -atra: avenaceous; -grani: oat-grains; -porciono: a feed of oats; -gruelo: porridge. — eFISL
aventur-ar: (intr.) to seek adventures, go on adventures, lead an adventurous (or roving) life; -o: adventure; -ema, -oza: adventurous, venturesome. (cf. riskar). — DEFIRS
avenu-o: avenue. Def.: Larja voyo arborizita, duktanta ad ula loko, kastelo, monumento (forsan placo), III-16. — DEFRS
avers-o: front-, right-side (of cloth, medals, etc.) first page (of a book); -e: front side to; (cf. facio). Ant.: reverso. — DF
avert-ar: (tr.) to give notice, apprise, caution, advertise, warn (N.B. not necessarily to warn of danger); -o: warning, hint; -anto, -ero: cautioner; -anta: admonitory, premonitory; -ilo: warning instrument; -ar ulu pri ulo: to inform or apprise a person of something; -ar la patrulo pri la konduto di lua filiulo: to apprise the father of his son's conduct; mea infirmeso avertas me pensar pri morto: my infirmities warn me to think of death; -ilo di incendio: fire alarm. Def.: Informar ulu pri ulo futura, bona o mala. — DEFIS
aviac-ar: (intr.) to practice aviation, to fly; -(ad)o: aviation; -isto, -ero: aviator; -ilo: flying machine (heavier than air). Note: for technical terms see IV-330-333. — DEFIRS
avid-a: avid, greedy, rapacious, craving, eager; venj- -a: vindictive; pekuni- -eso: cupidity; -e askoltar ulu: to drink in the words of someone. Ant. jeneroza. — DEFIS
aviz-ar: (tr.) to apprise, advise, give notice of (pri ulo); -o: notice, notification (generally an order or prohibition); -o-navo: advice-, dispatch-boat. Def.: donar ula praktikal informo, konsilo od impero; II-646. V. exp.: Avizo, notico: Avizo koncernas generale preskripto od interdikto; (III-204). Notico esas texto instruktiva teoriale, sive en etiketo, sive en mikra libro o broshuro. Exemple, se on eniras muzeo, on trovas ye la pordo tala avizi: ››La muzeo esas apertita de 10 til 16 kloki; ol esas klozita omna lundio; on ne darfas enirar kun parapluvi, bastoni, hundi‹‹ e.c. Ma enirinte, on vidas notici sub la objekti expozata, qui indikas lia autoro, tempo, origino, e.c.; on povas komprar libreti titulizita notico pri ula objekto or serio di objekti (N.B.: ne katalogo, qua implikas numeral ordino) V-32-33. — DFIRS
››avoué‹‹: (French) attorney-at-law. — F
ax-o: (all senses) axis, axle; -ala: axial; (rot-)axo: axle (tree); manivel- -o: cranked axle; rotac- -o: axis of rotation: the line round which a body revolves; -o-boxo: a. case; -o-metro: (nav.) tell-tale (of a tiller); -o-stifto: a. bolt, pin; -arboro: horizontal shaft. — DEFIS
axel-o: (anat.) axilla: arm-pit; (bot.) axil(la). — DEFIS
axiom-o: axiom; -ala: axiomatic. — DEFIRS
axoid-o: (anat.) axis: second vertebra of neck; -ala: axoidal. — DeFIS
axonometri-o: (math.) axonometry. — DEFIS
azale-o: (bot.) azalea (genus: Azalea). — DEFIRS
Azi-ana, -ano: Asiatic. — DEFIRS
azil-o: asylum: place of refuge for poor, sick, or helpless; (fig.) any place of retreat or security; infant- -o: infant a.; -yuro: right of sanctuary; blind- -o: a. for blind. — DEFIS
azim-a: unleavened; -o, -a pano: azym: unleavened bread; (cf. oblato). — DeFIS
azimut-o*: (astron. and. geodesy) azimuth; -ala busolo: a. compass. — DEFIRS
azot-o: azote: nitrogen. — EFIRS
azur-o: (color) azure, sky-blue: (pigment) smalt; -oza, -atra, -ea: a. colored; -iz-ita: azured (artificially). — DEFIRS