Ido-English Dictionary : C

ca (abbr. if ica): this (cf. (i)ta); -o: this; -i: these; ca-die: today; ca-hore: at this hour; ca-maniere: in this manner; ca-matine: this morning; ca-monate: (during, in this month); ca-nokte: tonight; ca-tempe: at this time; ca-yare: in this year. Note: »This« in Ido is often translated by (i)ta, but when it is necessary to point out a near object or emphasize a particular object ica is used: Kad vu preferas ica od ita kavalo? When ica comes after two nouns, it refers to the latter, ita to the first. When necessary or desirable to indicate the gender of the object referred to, ica is preceded by the proper personal pronoun: ilca, ilci, elca, elci, olca, etc. Ex.: La Yuni e la oldi tre deziras lo: iti (la yuni), pro ke li pensas, ke ol amuzos li, ed ici (la oldi), pro ke li pensas, ke ol esos utila por li. Quon drinkas blanka vino ed elti drinkas nigra kafeo. — F
car-(ul)o: czar, tsar; -ino: czarina; -ido: child of c.; czarevitch; -ala: relating to the c. — DEFIRS
c.e.: (=co esas) i.e. (that is to say).
ced-ar: (tr.) to cede, yield (up); give (up); to assign (property);(cf. alienar); -o: yielding, relinquishment; -ema: conciliatory; -ebla: transferable, assignable; -ario: grantee, assignee. — EFIS
cedili-o: (gram.) cedilla. — DEFIRS
cedr-o: (bot.) cedar (-tree). — DEFIRS
cedrat-o: (fruit) cedrate: a kind of citron (cf. citrono); -iero: c. tree; -konfit-ajo: candied c. — DeFIS
cedul-o: cedula, private memorandum, note — eFIRS
cefalopod-o: (zool.) cephalopod. — DEFIS
cek-o: (anat.) caecum. — EFIRS
cel-ar: (tr.) to hide, secrete, conceal, keep secret; -ita: hidden, clandestine; -e, -eme: secretly, by stealth; -etar, -achar: (intr.) to be sly, affect mystery; -ach-em-(ul)o: a sly or mysterious person; cele pafar: to shoot from cover; celo-trovo: (game) hide and seek; ludar ye celo-trovo: to play at hide-and seek. Ant.: revelar, montrar, divulgar. — eFIS
celebr-ar: (tr.) to celebrate, commemorate. Ex.: Celebrar mariajo, funero, jubileo, aniversario, meso; (III-199). — DEFIS
celeri-o: (bot.) celery. — DEFR
celib-a: celibate, unmarried; -o, -ulo, -ino: a c.; -eso: celibacy, single life; -ul-eyo: bachelor's room(s). — DEFIS
celul-o: cell: small room in convent, prison, etc.; small cavity (as in a honey-comb); -ala, -oza: cellular, cellulous. — DEFIRS
celuloid-o: celluloid. — DEFIRS
celulos-o: cellulose. — DEFIRS
cement-o: cement: kind of mortar for building, as Portland c.; -izar: to c.; (of teeth) to fill a cavity with c. — DEFIRS
cementac-ar: (tr., metall.) to cement: to convert iron into steel, to case-harden; -o: cementation. — DEFIRS
cen-o: scene, scenery (theat.); -ala: scenic: theatrical, dramatic; -eyo: stage; -o-plano, -aro: scenario; en- -igar: to put (ulo) on the stage; la -o chanjas: the s. changes; la -o esas en Roma: the s. is in Rome. — DEFIRS
cenobit-o: a cenobite. — DEFIS
cenotafi-o: cenotaph. — DEFIS
cens-o: »cense«: amount of taxes, income, which entitles a person to vote; -o elektala: electoral qualification. Def.: La revenuo evaluata da la statal autoritati, sive por taxo, sive por ula yuro (elektiveso); III-137. — DeFIRS
censor-o: (Roman magistrate) censor. — DEFIRS
censur-ar: (tr.) to censure (mail, books, plays); -anto, -isto: censor. — DEFIRS
»cent«: (money) cent (pl. cent-i). — DEFIRS
cent-o: one hundred; (in reckoning interest or fractional parts) cent.; -opl-a, -o: centuple, a hundredfold; -imo: a hundredth part (for other derivatives cf. duo); -esma aniversario: centenary; -yara: centennial; -yar-ulo, -ino, -iero: centenarian; yar-cento: a century; mi-yar- -o: a half-century; tri po cento: three per cent. — DEFIRS
centaur-o: (aston., myth.) centaur. — DEFIRS
centaure-o: (bot.) centaury (Chlora perfoliata Centaurea). — EFIS
centezimal-a: centesimal (fraction, division). — DEFIRS
centiar-o: centiare: 1.196 sq. yd. — DEFIRS
centifoli-o: (bot.) cabbage-rose, centifolious rose (Rosa centifolia). — DeF
centigrad-a: centigrade. — DEFIS
centigram-o: centigram. — DEFIRS
centilitr-o: centiliter (0.61028 — DEFIRS
centim-o: (money) centime; -serch-isto: pinch-penney, curmudgeon. — DEFIRS
centimetr-o: centimeter (0.3937 in.). — DEFIRS
centon-o: (mus., litr.) cento. — DeF
centr-o: (also fig.) center; -ala: central; -al-igar: to centralise; -al-ig(ad)o: centralization; -al-ig-anta, -ema: centralizing. — DEFIRS
centrifug-ar: (tr.) to act on something by centrifugal force; -ala: centrifugal. Def.: Agar, traktar per centrifugala forco; IV—199. — DEFIRS
centripet-ala: centripetal. — DEFIRS
centuri-o: (Rom. hist.) century: division of 100 men. — DEFIRS
centurion-o: (hist.) centurion. — DEFIS
cep-o: (bot.) boletus edulis, esculent boletus. — F
ceptr-o: scepter. — DEFIRS
cer-o: wax-taper, church candle. — eFIS
ceramik-o: ceramics. — DEFIS
cerat-o: (pharm.) cerate (ointment). — DEFIS
cerber-o: (pr. and fig.) Cerberus. — DEFIRS
cereal-a, -o: cereal. — DEFIS
cerebel-o: (anat.) cerebellum. — EFIS
cerebr-o: brain; -ala: cerebral; -ago: cerebration. — DEFIS
ceremoni-o: ceremony, formalities prescribed by authority or etiquette; -ala: ceremonial; -ema, -oza: ceremonious, formal; -aro, i: ceremonial, etiquette; facar -i: to stand upon ceremonies. — DEFIRS
cerfoli-o: (bot.) chervil. — FIL
ceriz-o: cherry; -iero: c. tree; -ea: cerise, c. colored; -ier-eyo:c. orchard. — eFS
cerizlaur-o: cherry-laurel, laurel-cherry; laurel bay, (Cerasus (prunus) laurocerasus).
cern-ar: (tr., milit., and fig.) to make a circle or ring around, encircle, to beset on all sides, besiege, beleaguer, blockade, invest, hem in; to cut or dig around (a tree); okuli blu-cern-ita: eyes with dark circles. V.exp: Cernar ne esas simple cirkondar, ma enemike cirkondar ed enklozar, por kaptar. Vorto necesa, ne nur en milital arto, ma metefore en la komuna linguo; IV—9. — DF
cert-a: certain, sure, indubitable, positive; -e: certainly, surely, assuredly (cf. sen-dube); -ajo: a certainty; -eso: certitude, assurance; -igar: to certify: make certain, assure, guarantee; -igo: certification; -ig-ajo, -uro: certificate, testimonal; -ig-anto: certifier, guarantee. — EFIS
cerumen-o: cerumen; ear-wax. — DeFIS
ceruz-o: ceruse: white-lead. Def.: Sub-karbato di plombo, uzata kom farbo blanka; IV—2. — eFIS
cerv-o: deer; -ino: hind, roe; -ulo: stag, hart; -yuno: young d. — FIRS
ces: (mus.) C flat.
ces-ar: (tr., intr.) to cease; to come to an end, leave off, stop; -igar: to put a stop or an end to, discontinue; -o: cessation; -igo: discontinuation; sen- -a: unceasing. — EFIS
cesi-o*: (chem. elem.) caesium. — DEFIRS
cest-o: (Rom. antiq.) cestus. — DEFI
cetace-o: (zool.) cetacean animal. — DEFIS
ceter-o, -i: rest, remainder; -e: besides, moreover, for that matter, in other respects; e ceter-i, -e: (e.c.) et cetera (etc.) — L.
Cezar-ala: Caesarean; -ismo: Caesarism; -ala operaco: C. operation.
cezur-o: (verse) caesura. — DEFIS
chagren-ar: (intr.) to grieve, to have sorrow; -igar: to grieve, render gloomy, sadden; -o: grief, sorrow: mental suffering (cf. doloro); -anta: sorrowful, sad. Ant. chagreno: joyo, gayeso. — F
chak-o*: (milit. headdress) shako. — DEF
chaket-o: »jacquet«; a kind of backgammon. — FS
chalaz-o*: (bot., embryol.) chalaza. — DE
chalenj-o: challenge-cup (N.B. not the E. »challenge« (cf. defio). Def.: (Premio en) konkurso en qua la premio ne donesas, ma prestesas dum tempo a la vinkinto, til ke altra partiso vinkas ica e konquestas la premio; VII-198. — F
cham-o: (zool.) chamois (Rupicapra tragus); -o-pelo: shammy-skin, chamois-leather; -ea: shammy color, buff. — EF
chamad-o: chamade: trumpet or drum signal for parley. — DeFR
chamar-o: (coat) polonaise. Def.: Speco di redingoto kun transversa kordoni avane, polona vesto de revolucional epoko dil XIX yarcento; V-222. — S
chambelan-o: chamberlain. — EFIS
chambr-o: chamber, room; (fig.) a house of parliament; -eto: small room; -aro: rooms (collect.), a suite; -o mobl-iz-ita: a furnished room; -o di komerco: c. of commerce; -o di deputati: c. of deputies; -o-robo: dressing-gown; -o-serv-isto: valet; -o-(serv)ist-ino: chambermaid; manjo- -o: dining room; balno- -o: bath-room. — EFI
champani-o: champagne (wine). — DEFIRS
champion-o: champion; -eso: championship; -o per libereso: c. of liberty; lukto- -o: c.wrestler. — DEF
chanc-o: (good or bad) chance, luck, fortune; possibility; la -i di milito: the fortunes of war; probar la -o: to run the risk, take a chance; la -i di morto en la diversa evi: the chances (probabilities) of death at different ages. — DEFI
chanfren-o: face of a horse (or other animal, from ears to nostrils). Def.: Avana parto di kapo di kavalo; VII-198. — eF
chanj-ar: (tr., intr.) to change, shift; (cf. kambiar, permutar, alterar); -ebla, -ema: changeable, mutable, fickle. Def.: Substitucar ula kozo ad altra en un sama loko o funciono, anke prenar un kozo vice altra, o pos altra; VII-203. Ulo chanjas, kande, restante la sama esence, ol recevas altra stando, figuro, o qulaeso; III-37. Ex.: Me chanjas mea vesti. Me chanjas la tapiso. El chanjas sua kofio. On chanjas sua fako, vagono, treno, lojeyo (co nule signifikas ke on alteras ta kozi o transformas li; on livas li generale nealterita). Ant.: mantenar, restar, konservar. — EFI
chankr-o: (med.) chancre. — DEFR
chant-o: the small side or edge of a large flat body; libro pozita sur chanto: a book placed on end or edge. Def.: Laterala, streta edro di korpo larja e plata; III-420. — DF
chap-o: ferrule, cap; (ch. vest) cope; (arch.) coping. — DFS
chapel-o: hat (with brim all around, for man or woman); -uyo, -buxo: hat-holder, -box; -if-isto: hat-maker; -vend-isto: hat-seller; -levo, -saluto: a lifting of hat; deprenar la -o: to take off, remove the hat; -o tri-korna: a three-cornered hat; klerik- -o: clerical hat. — FI
chapitr-o: chapter (of a book). — DEFIRS
chaplet-o: chaplet, rosary. — I
char-o: (antiq.) chariot; (modern) a two wheeled cart or a four wheeled ornamented car; -eto: any light two wheeled cart, jaunting-car, cariole; -edo: cart-load; dukt-isto: carter; -(et)agar: to cart (ulo); bovo- -o: ox-cart; funerala -o: hearse; triumfala -o: triumphal car. — DeFIS
chariot-o: good van, truck: four-wheeled sided wagon for carrying goods; -agar: to cart, truck. Def.: Kargo-veturo kun quar roti; IV—66. — F
charj-ar: (tr.) to load, burden (somebody or something with something), to load (a gun), lade (a vehicle); charjo-bestio: beast of burden; -eg-ita: overloaded; super- -ar: to overload. V. exp.: On kargas vari sur veturo e charjas veturo per vari; (V—66). — EFIS
charm-ar: (tr.) to charm: delight, captivate, enchant; (cf. ravisar, facinar, sorcar); -o, -eso: charm, enchantment; -anto, -ero: charmer; -anta, -iva: charming, delightful, pleasing; -egar: to ravish, greatly enchant. — EF
charnir-o: hinge (of a door, a box, etc.); (mechan.) joint (as compasses); universal -o: (mechan.) universal joint (cf. gondo). — DFIRS
chart-o: charter: document granting special rights or privileges. — DEFIRS
chas-ar: (tr., intr.) to chase: hunt; -ajo: game; -ant-aro: hunting party; -er-ino: huntress; -fusilo: fowling-piece; -gard-isto: gamekeeper; -hundo: hunting-dog. — eFIS
chast-a: chaste: untainted by lewdness; (fig.) refined, pure (in taste, style); -eso: chastity. — EFIS
chazubl-o: (eccl.) chasuble. — EF
che (prep) at, to, in (somebody's house, home, or place), with (to indicate customs); che la bakisto: at the baker's; venez che me: come to my house; hiere me esis che mea onklulo: yesterday I was at my uncle's; che la Spartani esis kustumo expozar febla infanti: it was customary with the Spartans to expose weakly infants. — F
chef-o: chief, leader, head; -a: chief (of things; cf. precipua); -ala: chief's, relating to the leader; chief; -eso: (position, authority) leadership; -esar: to be chief, be in command; -injerioro: chief engineer; -a klefo: master-key; -kontrolisto: superintendent, comptroller, overseer; -ministro: prime minister, premier; -sacerdoto: chief priest; -urbo: chief town, capital (cf. metropolo). — DEFRS
chek-o: (bank-) check, cheque; -o-kayero: c. book. — DEFRS
Chek-o: Czech.
chelat-o: (helmet) sallet. Def.: Speco di kasko uzata en la mezepoko e 16a yarcento; IV—523. — EFIS
cher-a: dear (in price), costly; -eso: dearness, high price; (plu-) -igar: to cause (ulo) to raise in price; -eskar: to become, grow dearer. Def.: Multe kustanta; IV—690. Ant. chipa. — FIS
cherp-ar: (tr.) to draw liquids; (cf. rakar); (fig.) to take, borrow. Ex.: Cherpar aquo de fonto, de rivero. Cherpar vino de barelo. La autoro cherpas peco de altra autoro. — R
chevron-o: (arch.) chevron (fig.) any inverted V-shaped object, as a rafter. — EFRS
chifr-ar: (tr.) to write in secret cipher (cf. kriptografar); -o: cipher: secret mode of writing; des- -ar: to translate from cipher; (cf. dechifrar). V. exp.: Chifrar expresas l'ago kompozar kriptografuro, t.e. sekreta texto, qua tradukas la vera texto per ula moyeno o regulo nomita klefo. Dechifrado ne esas l'inversa ago di chifrar, ma la deskrovo di la klefo e la traduko di la kriptografuro; V—402. — DEF
chig-o: (ent.) chigoe, jigger (Sarcopsylla penetrans). — EFS
chik-a: chic, stylish and original, natty, smart; -eso: chic, knack, skill, address (in doing anything); originality and taste (as in dress). — DEFR
chil-o: (physiol.) chyle. — DEFIRS
chim-o: (physiol.) chyme. — DEFIRS
(zool.) chimpanzee. — DEFIRS
Chini-ana: Chinese; -ano: Chinaman.
Chini-inko: Indian-ink.
chinion-o: chignon: back hair of a woman. — DeF
chip-a: cheap, low (in price). Def.: Poke kustanta; IV-690. Ant.: chera. — E
chitin-o: (biol.) chitin. — DEFIS
choan-o: choana, posterior nares. — DEFISchokolad-o: chocolate. — DEFIRS
chom-ar: (tr., intr.) to be out of work, to suspend work on, to rest from work; -(ad)o: remaining idle from want of work; -eso: (state) cessation or want of work. Ex.: On chomas la sundii. La laboristi chomas pro blokal exkluzo. — F
chopin-o: a beer glass (containing about a pint); (fig.) a pint; -edo: a pintful. — DE
chose-o: roadway, causeway, travelling part (for horses, carriages, etc.). — DF
chuv-o: (orni.) jackdaw ((Corvus monedula).
cian-o: (chem.) cyanogen; -a acido: cyanic acid. — DEF
cianhidr-a: cianhydric, hydrocyanic, prussic.
ciatik-a: sciatic; -nevralgio: sciatica.
cibol-o: (bot.) cibol, a kind of onion. (Allium fistulosum). — DeFIRS
cibori-o: (eccl.) pyx, ciborium. — DEFI
cicisbe-o: cicisbeo. Def.: Amoranto di siorino, qua esas quaze oficale agnoskata e servas el publike; V-621. — DeFIRS
cidro: cider. — DEFIRS
ciel-o: (pr. and fig.) sky, heaven; -ala: celestial, heavenly; danko a la -o: thanks to heaven, to God! -blua: sky-blue; -skrap-ero: sky-scraper; -vulto: the celestial vault. — FIS
cienco: science; -ala: scientific; -oz-(ul)o, isto: scientist, savant; learned or erudite person in any branch of knowledge; -ist-acho: pedant; -oz-ega: most learned. Def.: Savo exakta e sistemigita pri ula temo o grupo di temi, qua relatas la arti libera (gramatiko, logiko, muziko, e.c.). — EFIS
cifr-o: digit (1, 2, 3, 4; I, II, III, etc.); -o-plako: dial-plate (with numbers; cf. skalo-plato); -eto: small number at side of a larger number, as 32. Def.: Tipo o signo qua reprezentas nombro (Araba o Romana). — DeFIRS
cigan-o: gipsy. — DFIR
cign-o: swan; -eto, -yuno: cygnet; -o-kanto:; -o-kolo: s.neck. — eFIS
cikad-o: (ent.) cicada. — DEFIRS
cikatr-o: scar, cicatrice: mark remaining from wound or ulcer; -igar, -eskar: to cicatrize. — EFIS
cikl-o: cycle: time period; velocipede. — DEFIRS
ciklamen-o: (bot.) cyclamen. — DEFIS
ciklit-o: cyclitis. — DEFIS
cikloid-o: (geom.) cycloid. — DEFIRS
ciklometri-o*: (math.) cyclometry. — DEF
ciklon-o: cyclone, tornado, typhoon; a violent rotary wind. — DEFIRS
ciklop-o: (myth. and fig.) Cyclops. — DEFIRS
cikoni-o: (orni.) stork (genus: Cyconia). — FISL
cikori-o: (bot.) chicory (Cichorium). — DEFIRS
cikut-o: (bot. tree or poison) hemlock (Conium maculatum and species of Cicuta). — L
cili-o*: eyelash; (biol.) cilium; -ala: ciliary; -iz-ita: ciliated.
ciliar-a*: (anat.) ciliary.
cilic-o: cilice: haircloth (worn in mortification). — DeFIS
cilindr-o: (geom., tech.) cylinder; -a, -ala, -atra: cylindrical. — DEFIRS
cim-o: (ent.) (bed-)bug (Cimex lectularius). — IL
cimas-o: (arch.) cyma, ogee. — DEFIS
cimbal-o: (mus. instr.) cymbal. — DEFRS
cimitar-o: scimitar, Oriental saber. — EFIS
cinabr-o: cinnabar, (in the Fine Arts) vermilion; -ea, -o-reda: vermilion colored. — DEFIRS
cinam-o: cinnamon (bark); -iero: c. tree; -vino: hippocras. — DER
cindr-o: ash(es), cinders (of coal); embers (of wood); dust: remains of the dead; (cf. eskarbilo; -ea: ash colored; -o-blonda: pale ashburn; -oza, -atra: ashy; -uyo: ash-holder, -pan, -box; -igar: to reduce (ulo) to ashes, incinerate (cf. kremacar; -igo: incineration; -izar: to cover with ashes; -o-merkurdio: Ash-Wednesday. — EFI
cinem-o: popular abbr. for cinematografilo or, more especially a moving-picture theater, cinema, picture-house.
cinematik-o: (physics) kinematics. — DEFIRS
cinematograf-ar: (tr., intr.) to show moving pictures; -uro: moving picture; -ilo: kinetoscope, bioscope, cinematograph.
cinerari-o: (bot.) cineraria (Cineraria). — DEFIS
cinetik-a: kinetic (energy). — DEFIRS
cinik-o: cynic; -a, -ala, -atra: cynical; -eso: cynicism. — DEFIS
cinocefal-o: (zool.) cynocephalus: dog-faced baboon (family: Cynocephalus). — eFIS
cintil-o: spark (of fire); sparkle (of anything shining or vivid); -ifar: to emit sparks, to shine brightly, glitter, glisten, sparkle, flash, twinkle, scintillate. — eFIS
cipo: (arch.) cippus: small pillar or column. — DEFIRS
cipres-o: (bot.) cypress(-tree) (genus: Cupressus). — DEFIRS
ciprin-o: (ich.) cyprinoid, scientific name for the carp: genus: Cyprinus. — EFIS
ciraj-o: polish (as for boots), (boot-)blacking; -izar: to black or polish (boots); -iz-isto: bootblack. — FIS
circinata: circinate, rolled up like a young fern leaf. — EFS
cirk-o: circus; -o-kavalo: c. horse. — DEFIRS
cirkl-o: circle (cf. rondo); -a, -ala, -atra: circular, round; -o-kurvo, periferio: circumference of a c.; quadratigo di la -o: squaring of c.; jirar -e: to turn in a c. — EFIRS
cirkonciz-ar: (tr.) to circumcise; -o: circumcision; -ita, -ito: circumcised (person). — EFIS
cirkond-ar: (tr.) to surround, embrace, encompass (cf. cernar); -anta: surrounding; -ata, -ita: surrounded, enclosed; -anti: (fig.) confidants, friends, relations; Ex.: Me vidas oldi cirkondita da infanti.
cirkonflex-a, -o: circumflex (accent). — DEFIS
cirkonspekt-a: circumspect, wary, cautious; -e: cautiously. V. exp.: Cirkonspekta ne esas simple prudenta, ma predenteso desfidema, qua »regardas cirkum su«, konsideras omna lateri od elementi ante decidar od agar; III—199. Ant.: sen-reflekta, ne-atenc-ema. — EFIS
cirkonstanc-o: circumstance: a fact, occurence, or condition attending something else; -ala: circumstantial; -i tenu-ig-anta: extenuating circumstances. — EFIS
cirkonvalacion-o*: (fort.) circumvallation. — EFIRS
cirkonvolucion-o*: cirkumvolution; that which is rolled around something (cf. parafrazo). — EFIS
cirkuit-o: circuit: circumference, compass; roundabout way; (Eng. and U.S.) circuit (of judges); kurta -o: (elec.) short c. Ex.: La cirkuito di ca urbo esas kin kilometri. Irar en cirkuito. — EFIS
cirkul-ar: (intr.) to circulate: to move around, to flow in a circuitous channel; (of money, etc.) to pass from hand to hand; -igar: to cause to c., move around; (money) put into circulation, issue. Ex.: La sango cirkulas en la korpo. La tero cirkulas cirkum la suno. Cirkulado di idei. — DEFIRS
cirkuler-o: circular (letter, notice). — DEFIRS
cirkum, -e: (prep., adv.) around, about, roundabout (place, time, quantity); (cf. proxim); -ajo, -aji: surroundings, environment, frame, setting; (cf. medio) -irar: (tr., intr.) to go or wind around (as an obstacle); -iro, -turno: circuitous way, detour; -klozar: (tr.) to fence around, inclose; -lekar: to lick around (one's chops), (fig). to gloat over; -muro: inclosure-wall; -navig-(ad)o: circumnavigation; -pola: circumpolar; -skribar: (tr., geom.) to circumscribe; -vicina, -jac-anta: circumjacent. Ex.: Vu mustas vartar cirkume un horo. Vi departos cirkum tri kloki. El spensis cirkume duadek dollar-i. Me promenis en la tre interesant cirkumajo. — L
cis: (prep.) on this side of (anything); -e: this side; -a: hither; -alpa: cisalpine; - la ponto: on this side of the bridge
cis: (mus.) C sharp. Ant.: trans. — L
cisoid-o: (math.) cissoid. — DEF
cistercian-o*: (monk) Cistercian.
cistern-o: cistern, tank (for storing rain-fall). — DEFIRS
cit-ar: (tr.) to cite, quote; -(ad)o: citing, citation (act); -ajo: text cited, citation; -ato: author cited; -o-hoketo: quotation mark. V. exp.: On citas autoro repetante lua paroli o texto; on mencionas autoro o libro, kande on nomas li sen citar li. On referas ad autoro, libro, e.c. kande on indikas la loko, en qua trovos ulo aludata o benzonata. On alegas fakti, argumenti, atesti, motivi, por pruvar o por justifikar ulo; II—647. — DEFIRS
citadel-o: (also fig.) citadel. — DEFIRS
citar-o: (antiq. music) cithara, cithern. — DEFIRS
citiz-o: (bot.) cytisus. — DEFIRS
citodierez-o*: (biol.) cytodieresis, mitosis.
citron-o: (fruit) citron, lime; (cf. limono, cedrato); - iero: citron-tree, lime-tree (Citrus); -suko: lime-juice; -liquoro: citron-water (cf. limonado). — DEF
civet-o: (zool.) civet-cat: (Viverra zibetha). — DEFIRS
civil-a: civil: pertaining to a citizen and his rights (not milit., or criminal) lay (opposed to ecclesiastical); -(ul)o: civilian; -a kodexo: c. code; -a mariajo: c. marriage; -a stando: civil condition: social state of persons, whether married or single, living or dead, etc. Def.: Civila stando: Ensemblo di la docukumenti, relativa a la sociala stando di singla civitani. IV—706. — DEFIRS
civiliz-ar: (tr.) to civilize; -eso: civilization: state of advancement in the arts and sciences (cf. kulturo). — DEFIRS
civism-o: civism: civic spirit; -ala: civic. V. exp.: Civismo esas devoteso di homo a sua sam-civitani o sam-statani; patriotismo: esas devoteso, amo a patrio. — DEFIS
civit-o: city: the older, most ancient part of a town (cf. urbo); -ano: citizen; -an-eso: citizenship; -an-igar: to confer the rights of a citizen, (cf. nacion-al-igar): -an-igo: naturalization; -an-ala milito: civil war; -an-ala yuro: common law. — IS
ciz-o: scissors; -ego: shears; -agar: (tr.) to scissor, shear. — EFI
cizel-ar: (tr.) to chisel, chase; -ilo: chisel; kava -ilo: gouge (cf. skultar). — DEFIRS
co: cf. ca.
«conquistador»: conquistador: conqueror of Spanish America.
«corpus juris»: (jur.) corpus juris: body of the law.