Ido-English Dictionary : E

e(d): (conj.) and. — FI
eben-o, -ligno: ebony; -iero, -arboro: e. tree; -isto: a worker in ebony: (fig.) an inlayer (of wood), cabinet maker (vid.: V. exp. karpentisto). — DEFIS
ebonit-o: ebonite. — DEFIRS
ebri-a, -ega, -ema, -eta: drunken, intoxicated; -eso, -em-eso: inebrity, drunkenness, intoxication; -igar: to intoxicate; par- -igar: to make dead drunk. — eFIS
ebuli-ar: (intr.) to form bubbles, to bubble up or froth (as water from a spring, blood from a vein; (fig.) to be boiling from anger or passion); (cf. efervecar, boliar); -o, -eso: bubbling, ebulition. — eFIS
e. c. (ed ceter-i, -e) et cetera (etc.).
ecel-ar: (intr.) to excel; be excellent, be eminent, be superior (en, pri). Ex.: Ca homulo ecelas en omno quon il entraprezas. Ecelar pri natado; ecelanta libro, homo. Ecelo di frukto. — DEFI
ecelenc-o: (title) excellency. Ex.: Lua ecelenco, la ambasadisto di … — DEFIS
ecentrik-a: (geom., mechan.) eccentric (wheel, rod, etc.). — DEFIS
ecept-ar: (tr.) to except; leave out, exempt, exclude; -(ad)o, -ajo: (act, object) exception; -e: save, unless, except; -e ke (conj.) except (that), with the exception that; -a, -ala: exceptional; -ale: by way of exception. Def.: Ne inkluzar en, exkluzar de ula nombro. Ex.: Eceptar ula kondamniti de amnestio. Existas nula regulo sen eceptajo. Ecepte ica personi, omni iros. Me ne permisos ke vu iros, ecepte ke vu pagos la domaji. — EFIS
eces-ar: (tr., intr.) to exceed; go beyond the proper limits; be guilty of excesses (in eating, drinking, etc.); -o, -ajo: (math.) difference by which one number exceeds another; transgression of due limits; abuse, waste; -anta, -iva: excessive; (fig.) exorbitant; -e: to excess, immoderately. Ex.: La debajo ecesas mil franki. Mea spensi ne ecesas mea recevaji. Ecesar pri manjado. Eceso en laborado. Koldeso ecesanta. Ecesanta superbeso. Preco ecesiva. DEFIS
echop-o: small wooden booth, stall. — F
ecit-ar: (tr.) to excite: arouse, impel, incite, urge, provoke, prompt. Ex.: Ecitar ulu laborar, revoltar. Ecitar l'iraco, la jaluzeso. La novaji efektigas granda eciteso. Ecito di la nervi. Vivo ecitanta. Ecitiva medikamento. Ecitema homo. — EFIS
ed: and. — FI
«edelweiss»: edelweiss (Gnaphalium leontopodium) — DEFI
edem-o*: (med.) oedema. — DEFIS
eden-o: Eden. — DEFIS
eder-o: (zool.) eider (genus: Somateria). — DeFI
ederdun-o: eider-down; -a kovr-ilo: e. quilt. — DEFS
edific-o: edifice; large building. Def.: Expresas ulo plu general kam domo, kastelo; palaco; edifico esas quaze meza inter ta tri vorti; III-200. — EFIRS
edifik-ar: (tr.) to edify: instruct, improve morally. Ex.: Edifikar ulu per prediko, per exemplo. Konduto, paroli edifik-anta, -ema, -iva. — EFIRS
edikt-ar: (tr.) to enact: to order (by an edict); (cf. dekretar). Ex.: Draco(n) ediktis punisala legi di senkompata severeso. — DEFIRS
edil-o: (Rom. hist.) edile. — DEFIS
«Edipus»: Oedipus; (fig.) riddle-solver.
edit-ar: (tr.) to publish (a book, a paper) (not E. «edit» cf. redaktar): -(ad)o: publishing; -uro, -ajo: edition, publication; -anto, -ero, -isto: publisher. Def.: Imprimar (libro, jurnalo, e.c. por vendar); imprimar la texto di ula autoro; V-405. — DeFIRS
edr-o: (geom.) face, outer surface of, superfice; outer configuration of a regularly crystalizing mineral, as a dodecahedron. — G
eduk-ar: (tr.) to educate (children, people); to develop and cultivate the physical, intellectual and moral faculties; to form the manners of; to rear, raise, breed (cattle and other animals); to train, rear (plants); il esas yunulo male -ita: he is an ill-bred young man. V. exp.: La general ideo kovrata da "edukar" esas multe plu larja kam la intelektala edukado (di homi, infanti), qua koincidas preske kun l'instruktado; (kp. VI-383, anke dresar). — EFIS
efac-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to efface: erase, rub out, expunge; -esar: to be effaced, obliterated. (cf. obliterar), -ilo: eraser. rubber. Ex.: Efacar la skriburo qua esas sur tabelo. Esas neposibla efacar la impreso de mea mento. — EF
efeb-o: (hist.) ephebus: virile youth. — DEFIS
efekt-o: effect; -igar: to effect, effectuate, produce, bring about, cause; (cf. produktar, en-duktar, efikar); -igo: effecting, execution, action, causation. Ant.: kauzo, motivo. — DEFIRS
efektiv-o: (milit.) effective force, strength. Def.: Vorto militala por expresar la fakte existanta nombro di la trupi de homi, kavali, kanoni e vehili; V-420. — Ex.: Efektivo di triadekamil soldati. — DEFIS
efemer-a: ephemeral, short-lived; -o, -a insekt-o: (ent.) ephemerid, dayfly. Ex.: Efemera floro, febro, feliceso. — DEFIS
efemerid-o: ephemeris: astronomical almanac. — DeFIS
efervec-ar: (intr., pr. and fig.) to effervesce, be effervescent. Def.: Ebuliado di gaso tra liquido; (fig.) emocar vivace, ma nedurante (ex. la eferveco dil pasioni). — EFIS
efik-ar: (intr.) to be efficient, be effectual, be efficacious; -eskar: to come into play, begin to take effect; -o: efficacy (action); -anta, -ema, -iva: efficient, efficacious, effectual, effective; -iv-eso, -em-eso: efficiency; ne- -anta, -iva; sen- -a: inefficient. Ex.: La moyeni efikas por la skopo. Efikiva remedio, kauzo. — eFIS
eflorec-ar: (intr., chem.) to effloresce; (cf. flor-ifar); (med.) to come out in a rash, break out in pimples. Def.: Indikas fenomeno kemiala (formaco di kristali ye surfaco di solido o liquido), e fenomeno fiziologiala (mikra influro di la pelo); III-74. — DEFIS
efluvi-o: effluvium. — DEFIS
egal-a: equal; -esar: to be equal to (ulu, ulo); -igar: to equalize (ulo ad ulo); -(ul)o: an equal; -eso: equality; -es-ala, -ema: seeking or fond of equality, levelling: ne- -a: unequal; Ex.: Egala pezaji, korpi, yuri. Egalesar ulu en merito. La morto egaligas omni. Egaleso di preco, di evo, di forteso. — DEFIS
egar-ar: (tr.) to mislay: lose for the moment; -esar: to be mislaid, missing. V. exp.: One ofte egaras kozi sen perdar oli. «Me mis-pozis mea plumiero sur la tablo; ol falis en la paperkorbo, e tale egaresis: ma ol ne esis perdita». — F
egard-ar: (tr.) to pay regard to, take (ulu, ulo) into account; -o: regard, consideration, respect; -e: regard being had to; egarde sua yuneso: in consideration of his youth. Ex.: L'autoro di ta pikturo ne egardis la neceseso di la perspektivo. Bona judiciisto judicias sen egardo ad la persono, il nur egardas lo bona di la stato. — eF
egid-o: aegis; (fig.) protection. DeFIS
eg-o: ego; the self; «das Ich»; -ismo: egoism; -isto: egotist; -ista: egoistic; selfish; mea altra ego: my other self; mea propra ego: my own self. — DEFIRS
eglefin-o*: (ich.) haddock (genus: Aeglefinus). — FL
egorj-ar: (tr.) to cut the throat of (ulu). Def.: Ocidar per kultel-frapo en la kolo (fauco); III-698. — F
egotism-o: egotism. — EFIRS
eis: (mus.) E sharp.
ejekt-ar: (tr., tech.) to eject, cast out, expel, discharge, void. — DEFIS
ek: (prep.) (general sense) out; (indicating motion) adportez stulo ek ta chambro: bring a chair out of that room; lu prenis ca folio ek la tir-kesto: he took this leaf from the drawer (N.B. not to be confounded with de where point of departure is to be indicated: letro de Boston, letter from Boston); (indicating the material a thing is made of, extracted from) vazo ek oro: a gold vase; ek quo esas ta tasi? li esas ek porcelano: what are the cups made of? they are made of china; (indicating fractional parts) nonadek ek cent: 90 out of 100 (90%); en ca armeo, 5 ek 100 esas ocidita, 10 ek 100 vundita: in this army, five out of (every) 100 were killed, and ten per cent were wounded.
ek-o: echo; -igar: to echo. Ex.: La vakua chambri ekigis nia pedopazi. (fig.) Kelki ekigas stultaji di altri. — DEFIRS
"ekarte": (card game) ecarte.
ek-fluar: (intr.) to flow out; -eyo: outlet; -anta: effluent.
ekidn-o: (zool.) echidna (genus: Echidna, sp. Hystrix). Def.: Australiana mamifero sendenta, qui ovifas, nutras su per insekti; V-484. — DEFIS
ekimos-o: (med.) ecchymosis; black and blue spot. — DEFIS
ekin-o: (zool.) echinus, -oid; sea-urchin. — EIL
ekinoderm-o: (zool.) echinoderm. — DEFIS
ek-ir-ar: (intr.) to go out, get out, walk out; -igar: to make (ulu) go out from; to remove (ulu) from one place to another.
eklampsi-o: (med.) eclampsia. Def.: Specala konvulso dum infanteso, uremio o parturo-stando; VI-480. — DEFIS
ek-lans-ar: (tr.) to fling out, send forth.
eklektik-a: eclectic. — DEFIRS
eklezi-o: church (as an institution; cf. kirko); -ano: church-member. — EFIRS
eklips-ar: (tr., astron. and fig.) to eclipse. — EFIRS
ekliptik-o: (astron.) ecliptic. — DEFIRS
eklog-o: eclogue. — DEFIRS
ek-migr-ar: (intr.) to emigrate. Ant.: en-migr-ar.
(tr.) to cause to go out of fashion; -eskar: to become out of fashion; -a: old-fashioned.
ekonom-(ul)o: steward. — DFIRS
ekonomi-o: economy; pecuniary management, administration; (not saving, cf. sparo). Def.: La administrado financala di domo, societo o stato; metafore on parolas pri l'ekonomio di organismo, konsiderante lua gani (nutrado) e spensi (perdi di materio e di energio); VII-399. Ex.: On parolas pri ekonomio hemala (menajala), urbala, rurala, nacionala. — DEFIRS
ekonomik-o*: economics (science of); -ala: economic (theory); -isto: (political) economist; nacionala -o: political economy. Def.: La cienco o teorio dil ekonomio. La ciencisti qui okupas su pri la teorio nomesas "ekonomisti"; VII-398. — DEFIRS
ek-osmos-o: (phys.) exosmosis
ek-pren-ar: (tr.) to take out, withdraw (money, etc.)
ek-pres-ar: (tr.) to squeeze out, press out
ek-puls-ar: to expel, thrust out, turn out; -ala, -anta: expulsive, expelling; -ar de la patrio: to expatriate; (cf. expirar)
ek-rel-igar: to derail; -irar: to go off the track
ek-sekrec-ar: (tr.) to excrete
ek-spric-ar: (intr.) to spurt out, ejaculate
ek-sufl-ar: (tr.) to blow out
ek-ter-igar: to exhume, dig out, disinter, unearth
ek-teritori-a: exter-, extraterritorial
ek-tir-ar: (tr.) to draw out
ek-tranch-ar: to cut off, amputate, cut off, excise (cf. amputar)
ekumenik-a*: (rel.) ecumenical. — DEFIS
ek-vars-ar: (tr.) to empty out, pour off, spill.
ek-vok-ar: (tr.) to call out or up (ulu)
ekzem-o: (med.) eczema. — DEFIRS
el(u): she, her; -i: they (fem.); -ua: (sing.) her(s); -ia: (pl.) their (fem.); pro quo vu prenas elua libri? why do you take her books? lektez la vui e lasez la elui: read your own and let hers alone; il ri-trovis elua libri: he (re-)found her books; prenez elia manteli kun la vii: take their coats with your own. — FIS
elastik-a: elastic, springy, rebounding; -eso: elasticity; -o, -ajo: an elastic object. — DEFIRS
elefant-o: elephant. — DEFIRS
elefantiaz-o: (med.) elephantiasis. — DEFIS
elegant-a: elegant; fashionable (cf. segun-moda); -(ul)o: person of fashion or elegance; -(eg)ajo: exquisite object; -a mond-umo: the fashionable world. — DEFIRS
elegi-o: elegy. — DEFIRS
elekt-ar: (tr.) to elect (ulu, ek, inter); -(ad)o: election, polling; -iva: elective; -anto, -ero: elector, constituent; -ala, -er-ala: electoral; -er-aro: electorate; -ito: person elected; -o-yuro: right to or of election. — EFIS
elektr-o: electricity; -ala, -oza: electric; -izar: to electrify; -isto: electrician; -ala baterio: e. battery; -ala klosh-(et)o: e. bell; mortigar (ulu) per elektro-skoko (od, elektro-mort-igar): to electrocute; -o-lumo: e. light; -o-magnet-ala: e.magnetic. — DEFIRS
elektrod-o: elektrode. — DEFIRS
elektro-dinamik-o: electro-dynamics
elektrofor-o: (phys.) electrophorus. — DEFIRS
elektro-kemi-o: electro-chemistry
elektrolit-o: electrolyte. — DEFIRS
elektroliz-ar: (tr., chem.) to electrolize. — DEFIRS
elektrologi-o*: electrology. — DEFIRS
elektrometr-o*: electrometer. — DEFIRS
elektromobil-o: an electric automobile. — DEFIRS
elektron-o: electron. — DEFIRS
elektroskop-o*: electroscope. DEFIRS
elektro-statik-o: electrostatics. — DEFIRS
elektro-teknik-o: electrical engineering
elektro-terapi-o: electro-therapeutics
elektuari-o: (pharm.) electuary. — DEFIS
element-o: (all senses) element; -a, -ala: elemental. — DEFIRS
elev-ar: (tr.) to elevate, raise on high; (not to make higher in dimension; cf. plu-alt-igar); -(ad)o: elevation (act; cf. alt-ajo; elevaciono); -anta: (phys. sense) elevating; -ilo: elevator. V. exp.: Elevar adjuntas a levar ideo di alteso, di supera nivelo. On levas de tero (til su) ulo falinta; on elevas aquo, stoni a la supro di domo konstruktata; II-648. EFIRS
elevacion-o: (design) elevation, raised-plan, side-view. Def.: Desegno di l'extera formi di ula korpo vidata en horizontal direciono; III-81. — EFS
elevator-o*: (mechan., anat.) elevator. DEFIRS
elf-o: elf; -ala, -atra: elfin. — DEFIRS
elimin-ar: (tr.) to eliminate. Ex.: Eliminar nomo de la listo di kandidati. Eliminar toxikaji de la korpo. Eliminar de equaciono. — DEFIS
elips-o: (geom., gram.) ellipse, ellipsis. DEFIRS
elipsoid-o*: (geom.) ellipsoid. — DEF
elit-o: (milit. and fig.) the elite (of any army); choice troops, best men, flower (of army); (cf. eminent-aro). — DEF
elitr-o: (ent.) elytrum: wing sheath of beetles. — EFIS
elixir-o: elexir. — DEFIRS
Elize-o*: (myth. and fig.) Elysium; -ala agri: Elysian fields. — DEFIRS
elizion-ar: (tr., gram.) to elide. — DEFIS
eloquent-a: eloquent; (fig.) which produces the same effect as an eloquent speech. Ex.: Eloquenta parolanto, stilo. Lakrimi, silenco eloquenta. — DEFIS.
elud-ar: (tr.) to elude, evade; -ema, -iva: elusive, evasive. Def.: Evitar habile, rapide, ruzoze: III-324. Ex.: On eludas la frapo di espado; on eludas vizito, invito, obligo, tasko, questiono. Eludema respondo. — EFIS
emali-o: enamel; -izar: to e.; -o parietoza: cloisonné. — DFIS
eman-ar: (intr.) to emanate (de, ek). Ex.: Lumo emanas de la suno. Odori esas emani. — DEFIS
emancip-ar: (tr.) to emancipate (ulu, de). Ex. Emancipar sklavo, populo, (fig.) emancipar la mento. — DEFIRS
embaras-ar: (tr.) to embarrass; to obstruct, clog up; to encumber, hamper, hinder; (in gen.) to hinder movement (physical, mental); ca veturi embarasas la voyo: these vehicles block up the street; mea mantelo embarasas me: my cloak encumbers me; mea aferi esas en embarasita stando: my affairs (business) are in an embarrassed state; questiono embarasanta: embarrassing question; bagajo embarasanta: cumbersome baggage; (kp. intrik-ar). — EFIS
embarg-ar: (tr., naut. and fig.) to embargo, lay an e. on: prohibit to leave port; (jur.) to distrain, to levy a distress or execution, to garnishee or attack (for debt); pago- -o: lien. Def.: Embargo: (1) interdikto a stranjera navo en-irar od ek-irar portuo; (2) legal sequestro di mobli od imobli di debanto por garantiar pago di debo; (3) pag-embargo: legal sequestro, di
un kreditanto A., di sumo debata da un debanto B., ad altra persono C. por pagar debo di C. ad A.; II-75. — DEFIRS
embark-ar: (tr., intr.) to embark: go or put on board (ulu, ulo, en); Def.: Enirar navo; pozar en navo; II-75. — EFIS
emberiz-o: (orni.) bunting (Emberizo). L
emblem-o: emblem. Ex.: La hanulo esas emblemo (E. symbol) di vigilemeso. Emblemi di rejeso. — DEFIRS
embot-ar: (tr., tech.) to cold-roll, to stamp, bend or beat out (sheet metal); -ar kasrolo ek kupro: to cold-roll or beat out a copper saucepan. Def.: Kurvigar duktila metali, en kolda stando, por konvexigar un latero e konkavigar l'altra. — FS
embrac-ar: (tr.) to embrace, clasp, hug (in arms); to bracket; -ilo: (typog.) brace ( { } ) — EFIS
embrag-ar: (tr., intr., tech.) to clutch, put in gear; establish contact between the motive power and that which starts the movement. Def.: Solidigar (en un instanto, e por irga duro) du axi per diversa mediata instrumenti ed organi; III-87. Ex.: Rimen-transmiso "embragas", kande on igas la rimeno pasar de libera pulio sur fixa pulio sam-axa e sam-periferia; (kp. ingranar, kuplar). — F
embrazur-o: (arch., fort.) embrasure. — EFR
embriogeni-o: (physiol.) embryogeny. — DEFIRS
embriologi-o: embryology. — DEFIRS
embrion-o: embryo. — DEFIS
embrok-ar: (tr., med.) to embrocate; rub with a lotion. — DEFIS
embusk-ar: (tr.) to ambush; lie in concealment for; -ar su: to hide oneself; -o, -eyo: ambuscade. — EFIS
emend-ar: (tr.) to emend (a fault), rectify, free from error; (leg.) to amend (a law). V. exp.: On plubonigas o korektigas kozo, verko, ma ne defekto; on ne povas igar defekto "bona" o korekta, on simple supresas ol. Konseque on devas dicar: emendar defekto. On korektigas la kozo, emendante lua defekti; V-282. — DEFIS
emerit-a: emeritus; retired. Ex.: Profesoro emerita. — DEFIS
emers-ar: (intr.) to emerge (from a liquid); (fig.) to rise into view. Ant.: imersar, submersar. — eFIS
emetik-o*: (pharm.) emetic. — DEFIS
emetrop-a*: (opt.) emmetropic. — DEF
emfaz-ar: (tr., rhet.) to emphasize, stress; -ala, -oza, -atra, -ema: emphatic. — DEFIRS
eminenc-o: (title) Eminence. Ex.: Lua eminenco, la kardinalo. — DEFIS
eminent-a: (quality) eminent, superior; (of place) conspicuous; (cf. remarkinda); -(ul)o: e. person, notability; -eso: eminence: superiority, excellence (cf. ecelo, alt-ajo); -aro: the elite, pick of a group; -ega: most e. Ex.: Eminenta homulo, ofico, rango. Vertuo, servo eminenta. — DEFIRS
emir-o: (title) Ameer, Emir. — DEFIRS
emis-ar: (tr.) to emit: send forth, give out; (finan.) to issue (for circulation). Ex.: La kalor-radii quin la suno emisas. Emiso di monet-papero. — DEFIS
emoc-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to feel emotion, be agitated, moved; -igar: to cause e. to. Ex.: El parolis tote sen emoco. Lua aspekto emocigis me. Quik kande me vidis il, me emocis. — EFIRS
empal-ar: (tr.) to impale (ulu). — EFIS
emperial-o: top, roof, outside (of a coach with seats). — FIS
empire-o: empyrean. Def.: Maxim alta cielo di antiqua mitologio e kosmologio; (poet.) la cielo. — DEFIRS
empirik-o: empiricism (method); -ismo: empiricism (doctrine); -ala: empirical. — DEFIRS
employ-ar: (tr.) to employ (ulu); (cf. uzar); -ato: employee, -anto, -ero, -isto: employer; -o-kontoro: employment-office. Def.: Expresas la relato di patrono a salariato; III-468. — EFS
empost-o: (arch.) impost. — DEFIS
emul-a: emulous. Def.: Qua penas egalesar od superesar la ceteri en laudinda kozi o loyala konkurso; III-468. Ex.: On kurajigas la emuleso inter la lernanti. — EFIS
emuls-ar: (tr.) to emulsify. — DEFIRS
emund-ar: (tr., hort.) to lop, prune, trim; (fig.) to remove anything useless, noxious or inferior. Def.: Branchotaliar; (vulgarasenco) netigar, beligar o preparar kozo per depreno di omna parti o peci neutila, nebona o nebela; (IV-106). Ex.: Emundar arboro. Emundar legumi, salado, ucelo, fisho (por koquar oli). Metafore, on emundas kalkulo, la konduto di ulu, verko literatural od artal, e.c. — FIS
en: (prep.) in, of time and place; when really necessary to indicate motion into a place (into) ad should be prefixed: la ucelo flugis aden la kajo: the bird flew into the cage. (En la kajo may mean that the bird was flying about the cage); en la vintro: in the winter; en la urbo: in the city: il venis ad-en la laboratorio: he came into the laboratory. — DEFIS
en-abism-igar: to cast into the abyss, swallow up, ingulf.
en-angul-igar: to drive or put into a corner.
enartros-o: (anat.) enarthrosis. — DEF
en-barel-igar: to barrel, put into casks.
en-bek-igar: to put (ulo) into the beak of; to feed (a bird).
en-botel-igar: to bottle.
en-brigad-igar: to form into a brigade.
en-burs-igar: to put into one's purse, to pocket (money).
encefal-o: (anat.) encephalon. — EFIS
encefalit-o: (med.) encephalitis: inflammation of the brain. — DEF
en-celul-igar: to put into a cell, into cells.
en-cen-igar: to put on the stage.
enciklik-a: encyclical: circular; -o: e. letter: papal letter. — DEF
enciklopedi-o: encyclopedia. — DEFIRS
en-cirkl-igar: to encircle.
endemi-o: (med.) endemic disease. — DEFIRS
endetal-a: (com.) retail; -e: by retail; -(vend)isto: retailer. Ant.: engrosa.
endivi-o: (bot.) endive (Cichorium endivia).
endokard-o: (anat.) endocardium.
endokarp-o: (bot.) endocarp.
en-dukt-ar: (tr.) to lead (ulu) into (ulo), to introduce; (fig.) to involve (in a plot, etc.).
eneagon-o: (geom.) enneagon.
enemik(ul)-o: an enemy, foe; -ala: hostile, inimical; -al-ajo: hostile act or object; -eso: enmity, hostility; -igar: to render hostile; Def.: Persono qua havas des-amikala sentimento. Ant.: amiko. — EFIS
energetik-o: energetics : theory or science of energy. — DEFIRS
energi-o: energy; -ala, -oza: energetic. — DEFIRS
en-faktur-igar: to invoice, bill.
en-fang-igar: to bemire, to sink (ulo) in the mud.
enfil-ar: (tr., milit.) to enfilade; -o-paf-(ad)o: e. fire. — DEFIS
en-filtr-ar: (tr., intr., also fig.) to infiltrate.
en-flu-ar: (tr. intr.) to flow in; -eyo: place of inflow; -anto: affluent, tributary (stream).
en-fok-igar: to put in focus.
en-forn-igar: to put into an oven or a kiln.
en-gain-igar: to sheath (a sword, etc.).
engaj-ar: (tr.) to engage: to hire (ulu); (milit.) to enlist (ulu, su). — DEFIRS
engros-a: wholesale; -(vend)isto: wholesaler. Ant.: endetala.
enigmat-o: enigma, riddle, puzzle. — EFIS
en-ir-ar: (tr., intr.) to enter, come in; -o: entering, entree; -eyo: entrance, -igar: to cause to enter.
en-kadr-igar: to frame.
en-kaj-igar: to cage.
en-karcer-igar: to incarcerate, lock-up, confine, imprison; (cf. inkluzar).
en-kas-igar: to collect or put away (money, etc. in a treasury).
enkaustik-a, -o: (paint.) encaustic. — DEFIS
en-kazern-igar: to quarter in barracks.
en-kest-igar: to incase; box up.
enklitik-a, -o: (gram.) enclitic. — DEFIS
en-klostr-igar: to cloister (ulu).
en-kofr-igar: to put (ulo) in a coffer, trunk.
en-korp-igar: to incorporate: mix into one substance or mass (also fig.) Ex.: Enkorpigar oro e arjento. Enkorpigar legi en kodexo. Enkorpigar teritorio stranjera. Enkorpigo di komercal societo.
en-lanj-igar: to wrap in swaddling clothes.
en-lit-igar: to confine (ulu) to bed; -ar su: to take to one's bed.
enlumin-ar: (tr.) to illuminate (a book); (cf. ascendar, lum-izar, iluminar); to color (an engraving, map). — DEFIS
en-magazin-igar: to warehouse, store.
en-migr-ar: (intr.) to immigrate. Ant.: ek-migrar.
en-mix-ar: (tr.) to mix in, mingle.
enorm-a: enormous. Def. grandega, grosega, kolos(atr)a, monstr(atr)a.
en-osmos-o: (phys.) endosmose.
enoy-ar: (intr.) to feel dull, be bored, be weary (because of inaction or monotony); -ig-anta, -iva: boring, irksome; -igar: to bore (ulu); me enoyas pro la manko di amuzo: I am dull for lack of amusement; la monotoneso enoyigas me: the monotony wearies me; la longa vartado esas enoyiganta: the long wait is wearisome; (cf. tedar, iritar). — eFI
en-pak-igar: to pack up, make into a bundle.
en-posh-igar: to pocket, put in pocket (ulo).
en-pot-igar: to pot.
en-sak-igar: to sack, bag.
ensembl-o: the whole, ensemble; all parts taken together; general effect, collectivity, aggregate, totality; (cf. kune, entote); omna parti kune efektigas bela ensemblo: all parts taken together produce a fine general effect; kantar ensemble: to sing all together, ensembla movi: mass movements. — DeFR
en-skrib-ar: (tr.) to inscribe; -uro: inscription.
ent-o: (philos. and fig.) entity, being. — eFIS
entablament-o: (arch.) entablement, entablature. — DEFIRS
en-tali-ar: (tr.) to cut into (so as to produce a certain form); (carp.) -artrabo: to mortise a beam. Ex.: On entalias roko, tero por facar trancheo, tunelo, min-truo, e.c.; (IV-102).
entam-ar: (tr.) to cut the first piece of, make a first cut, incision; (fig.) to encroach upon, begin upon, open up. Def.: Facar l'unesma trancho, l'unesma frapo, brecho, nocho, e figurale komencar; iniciar od inaugurar ulo; IV-102. Ex.: Entamar pano, botelo, pasteto, poto de konfituri; frapo (stroko di kultelo, o spado). Entamar (E. incise, cut) la pelo, la muskuli, la osto. Prodigemo entamas sua kapitalo. — F
en-ter-igar: to inter, bury (in the ground); (cf. sepultar).
enterit-o: (med.) enteritis.
entern-ar: (tr.) to intern: confine in a place or country. — DEFIS
entimem-o*: (log.) enthymeme. — DEFIRS
entomologi-o: entomology; -isto: entomologist. — DEFIRS
en-tote: on the whole, in all, altogether.
entraprez-ar: (tr.) to undertake, engage to perform, take in hand, contract for; (cf. asumar); -(ad)o: undertaking (act); -ajo: what is u.; the enterprise, contract; -isto: contractor, undertaker, masterbuilder; -ema: enterprising. Ex.: Columbus entraprezis la deskovro di la kontinento ocidental. Entraprezar voyajo, konquesto. Me entraprezis la feliceso di mil homi desfortunoza: (E. I undertook to make a thousand unfortunate beings happy.) Ta firmo entrapezis la furniso di liti ad la armeo. La entraprezo di la kanalo di Suez esis laboro kolosala. Homulo entraprezema. — EFIS
entraten-ar: (tr.) to support, keep (with the needs of life) (ulu); -o: maintenance, livelihood. — Def.: Furnisar a lu omno necesa por la vivo e komforto; VI-52. — F
entrav-ar: (tr.) to shackle, fetter, trammel (a horse); (fig.) to clog, impede, embarrass. Def.: Impedar o jenar la marcho di animalo per irga moyeno; III-468. — FS
entre-o: (cook.) entrée, side-dish. Def.: Disho qua venas pos la fisho ed ante la rostajo; V-621. — DeFS
entrechat-o: (dancing.) “entrechat”: a cross-caper. — DFIR
entremes-o: (cook.) entremets, side dish. Def.: Disho inter la repasto propre dicita e la desero; V-621. — DeFIS
entren-ar: (tr.) to train (horses for racing); -ero, -isto: horsetrainer, pacemaker. — eFS
entresol-o: mezzanine, entresol. — DeFS
en-tron-igar: to enthrone.
entuziasm-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to be, become enthusiastic (por, pri); -igar: to enthuse (ulu). V.exp.: On entuziasmas pri granda ideo o pri bela verko, quan on admiras; entuziasmo implikas nula specala kapableso, quankam ol incitas ad agado. On esas inspirata (tacite e metafore: da la dei, la Muzi, e.c.) kande on trovas bona idei ed expresi, en literatural od artal kompozado. On havas vervo, kande on parolas kun facileso, inventemeso ed agreabla vivaceso; II-648. — DEFIRS
enumer-ar: (tr.) to enumerate; reckon up singly, count or tell off. — EFIS
enunc-ar: (tr.) to enunciate: express by speech or by writing: -uro, -ajo: enunciation, statement. Ex.: Enuncar sua idei, opinioni, problemo. — EFIS
en-vars-ar: (tr.) to pour in, infuse.
envelop-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to envelop; cover up (ulu, ulo, su); -ilo: covering, wrap, casing (not of letter-envelope; cf. kuverto). V. exp.: Envelopar signifikas nur: tegar omna parti di l’objekto, enklozar ol en tegilo. Envolvar implikas la ideo di volvar, qua ipsa implikas ideo analoga a rular: volvar esas pozar ula objekto sur altra, turnante ol cirkum ica; envolvar esas envelopar la duesma per l’unesma, volvante; III-221. DEFI
envergur-o: span, extent of wing or sail spread. Def.: Dimensiono di ucelo, o di flugilo (o di seglo) inter la extremaji di la ali extensita. — FS
envidi-ar: (tr.) to envy, (be)grudge, be envious of (ulu, pri ulo; ulo, ad ulu). Ex.: Il sempre envidias la suceso di sua frato. Envidio esas kompozita de jaluzeso e de odio. Il havas envidi-ema, -oza mento. — eFIS
en-volv-ar: (tr.) to wrap, fold up in; -ar varme: to muffle, wrap warmly. V. exp. vid. envelopar.
eocen-o: (geol.) eocene. — DEFIS
Eol-ala harpo: Eolian harp.
Eoli-ana: Eolian (race, dialect).
eolipil-o: eolipile. — DEFIS
eozin-o*: (chem.) eosin. — DEF
epakt-o: (astron.) epact. — DEFIRS
epark-o: (antiq.) eparch: governer of a province. — DEFIRS
eperlan-o: (ich.) smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). — FIL
epicen-a*: (gram.) epicene; common to both sexes. — DEFIS
epicikl-o*: (astron.) epicycle. DEFIRS
epicikloid-o*: (geom.) epicycloid. — DEFIRS
epidemi-a, -o: epidemic (disease). — DEFIRS
epiderm-o: (anat.) epidermis, cuticle. — DEFIRS
epifani-o: (rel.) Epiphany. — DEFIRS
epifit-o*: (bot.) epiphyte. — DE
epifiz-o*: (anat., zool.) epiphysis. — DE
epigastr-o*: (anat.) epigastrium. — DEF
epiglot-o*: (anat.) epiglottis. — DEF
epigone; a successor, ordinarily an inferior one. — DE
epigraf-o: epigraph, inscription. Def.: La skriburo quan on trovas o pozas sur la monumenti; VII-155. — DEFIRS
epigrafi-o*: epigraphy. Def.: La cienco dil epigrafi; VII-155. — DEFIRS
epigram-o: epigram. — DEFIRS
epik-a, -ala, -atra: epic; -ajo: e.poem; -isto: e.poet. — DEFIRS
Epikur-ismo: Epicurism; -ana, -ano: Epicurean. — DEFIRS
epilepsi-o: (med.) epilepsy; -ala: epileptic: relating to the disease; -ika, -iko: epileptic (person). — DEFIRS
epilog-o: epilogue. Ant.: prologue. — DEFIRS
episkop-o: bishop (also in chess); -aro: episcopate (collect.); -ala: episcopal; -io: bishopric (jurisdiction); -eso: episcopacy (office, dignity); -eyo: b. palace. — DEFIRS
epistemologi-o: epistemology. — DEFIS
epistol-o: (rel., lit.) epistle; -ala: epistolary. — DEFIRS
epitaf-o: epitaph: inscription on a tomb. — DEFIRS
epitalami-o: epithalamium; nuptial song. — DEFIS
epiteli-o: (anat.) epithelium. — DEFIRS
epitet-o: epithet. Def. Vorto adjuntata a substantivo por qualifikar ol. — DEFIRS
epitom-o: epitomy, compendium, abridgment (of a book); -igar: to epitomize. — DEFIRS
epizod-o: episode; an incidental narrative or digression; an event. — DEFIRS
epizooti-a, -o: epizootic disease (among animals). — DEFIRS
epod-o: epode; lyric poem. — DEFIRS
epok-o: epoch; -if-anta: e.making; -ala: epochal. — DEFIRS
epolet-o: (milit.) epaulet. — DEFIRS
epruvet-o: test-tube. — FIS
equacion-o: (math.) equation. — EFIS
equator-o: equator; -alo, -ala teleskopo: equatorial, e. telescope. — DEFIRS.
equi*-angul-a: (geom.) equiangular.
equi*-dist-anta: equidistant.
equi*-later-a: (geom.) equilateral.
equilibr-ar: (intr., tr.) to be in state of equilibrium, balance, counterpoise; -igar: to equilibrate; to put in balance equilibrium (ulo); -o: equilibrium, equipoise, balance; -oza: well-balanced; -isto: equilibrist, juggler. Ex.: "A equilibras B", o: "A e B equilibras" = "Existas relato di equilibro inter A e B". "X (aganto) equilibrigas A e B", o "A per B". On uzas equilibrigar nur por l'extera aganto, qua pozas la forci (pezi, e.c.) en equilibro, qua efektigas l'equilibro sen partoprenar ol; IV-171. — EFIRS.
equi-mult-opl-a, -o: equimultiple.
equinox-o: equinox. DEFIS.
equip-ar: (tr.) to equip, fit out (a ship, an expedition, a soldier); (cf. provizar). — DEFIR
equipol-o*: (log., math.) equipollence: equivalence.
equiset-o: (bot.) horsetails (genus equisetum). — EL
equitat-o: equity; natural justice. Def.: Yusteso natural, segun la komuna raciono, quan on opozas a la yusteso legal, a la yuro; IV-9. — EFIS.
equival-ar: (tr.) to be equivalent to (ulo). — DEFIRS.
er-o: era. Ex.: La ero Kristanala. — DEFIRS.
eratik-a: (geol.) transported from its original location or bed (stones, etc.); (fig.) erratic; deviating from the common course. — DeFIS
erc-o: (min.) ore; fer- -o: iron ore. — D.
erekt-ar: (tr.) to erect; stand (ulu, ulo) straight up, set up (u1o). V. exp.: On erektas monumento, statuo, kolono, masto. Persona anke erektas su, mem kande lu ja stacas. "Il levis su, stacas senmova dum kelka instanti, e pose erektas su sur la pedo-pinti (por regardar super la muro)". On ne povas dicar rekt-igar, nam on ne rektigas masto ja rekta; pluse on rekt-igas en omna direcioni, ma on erektas nur vertikale, ad-supre; VI-383. — DEFIS.
eremit-o: eremite, hermit.
ergot-o: ergot, fungus disease of grains. — EF.
ergotin-o: (chem.) ergotine, extract of ergot. — DEF
ergotism-o: (med.) ergotism, state of health caused by eating ergot. — DEF
erik-o: (bot.) heather (genus: Erica); -eyo: heath. — DIL.
eritrozin-o*: erythrosin; a red coloring matter. — DE.
erizipel-o: (med.) erysipelas. — EFIS
ermin-o: (zool.) ermine (Mustela or Putorius ermineus); -ielo: ermine (fur.) — DEFIS
ermit-(ul)-o: hermit; (fig.) recluse. — DEFIRS.
ermit-krab-o: hermit-crab (Pagarus Bernhardus). — E
erod-ar: (tr., geol., med. etc.) to erode, corrode, eat away. — DEFIS.
eror-ar: (intr.) to err, be mistaken; -ego, -acho: blunder, egregious mistake; -a, -oza: erroneous, mistaken; -iva fallible; -igar: to cause (ulu) to err, lead astray, deceive (without bad intention; cf. trompar); -ig-anta: improper; causing to err. – EFIS
erotik-a: erotic. — DEFIRS.
erste: (of time) not before, not until (then), only (not earlier than), for the first time; erste hiere: not before yesterday, yesterday for the first time. Def.: Tam tarde kam (referas preciza instanto, adjuntante la penso: ne plu frue); IV-525. Ex.: Me venos erste morge = me venos morge, ne ante. La proxima numero di ca jurnalo aparos erste komence di agosto. Ja en la printempo me suspektis il, ma erste dum lua somervakanco me recevis certeso. Il remarkis l'eroro erste ye la sequanta matino. — D
erud-ar: (tr.) to make erudite (ulu, su); -esar: to be e.; -ita: learned; -ito: e. person; -it-eso: erudition, scholarship. — EFIS.
erupt-ar: (intr. geol. and gen.) to erupt: to break forth from an inclosure, to make an outburst; (med.) to break out in pimples, pustules, rash; -igar: to cause an e. in (ulo, ulu); -ar per insulti: to burst forth into abuse; la -o di volkano: the eruption of a volcano. — DEFIS.
erv-o*: (bot.) bitter-vetch (Ervum). — DFISL
es: (mus.) E flat.
es-ar: (intr.) to be; -o: being (fact of; cf. ento). — EFIRS.
esam-o: swarm (of bees, etc.); -ifar: to swarm: collect in a s. — FI.
esay-o: (lit.) essay. — DEFS.
esbos-ar: (tr., of plastic arts and fig.) to rough-hew, cut, to boast (in order to make the outline of a figure); -uro: rude outline; (fig.) first draft (of a plan, etc.), -ilo: (sculp.) boasting tool; mortise chisel. V. exp.: Skisar relatas la desegnal arti; esbosar la plastikal arti (la modlado); III-469. — FI.
esenc-o: (phys. and metaphys.) essence; -a, -ala: essential. Ex.: La esenco deala. Esenco di citrono. Inerteso esas la esenco di materio. Esenco di rozi (E. attar of roses). Esencala principi, reguli. La homo esas esence sociema. Ant. acesor-ajo. — DEFIRS
esforc-ar: (intr.) to make an effort, strive, strain, exert oneself; -o: endeavor, effort, exertion; -o-vund-uro: lesion, strain, (cf. penar, demarshar) Ex. Esforcar levar pezajo. Esforcar kurar, kombatar, obtenar employeso. Konsumar la forteso per nepovanta esforci. V. exp.: vid. demarshar. — FIS
eshafod-o: scaffold(ing); staging (for a mason, etc.); frame-work of timbers for a spectator's stand, for execution of criminals; -ala stango: putlog; (cf. jibeto). — DFIR
eskadr-o: (nav.) squadron; -eto: small s., flotilla. — DeFIRS
eskadron-o: (milit.) squadron (of horse). — DEFIRS
eskal-ar: (tr., nav.) to touch (or call) at (a port); -eyo: port of call. Def.: Haltar en portuo dum voyajo por embarkar o desembarkar pasajanti o vari; II-75. — FIS
eskald-ar: (tr.) to scald; injure the skin with hot liquid; to expose to the action of boiling water (a jug, etc). — EFS
eskaler-o: staircase, stairs. — FIS
eskamot-ar: (tr.) to perform conjuring tricks, cause (ulo) disappear by legerdemain. Def.: Habile desaparigar objekto, por ludo; II-647. V. exp. vid. furtar. — DFS
eskap-ar: (intr.) to escape, find a way out (ek, de) (tr.) to e. from, get away from, slip away from, avoid (ulu, ulo); (cf. fugar); -ilo: escapement (of a clock or watch); -moyeno: any means of e.; (fig.) shift, subterfuge, means of evasion; -ema: evasive; -o-tubo: delivery or escape pipe. Ex.: Eskapar (de) karcero, danjero, malajo, de la furio di la tempesto, la morto, e.c. Eskapo di vaporo. — EFIS
eskar-o: (med.) eschar: a dry slough, crust, or scab. — EFIS
eskarbil-o*: coal-cinder, clinker. FS
eskarol-o: (bot.) prickly lettuce (Lactuca scariola). — DFIS
eskarp-a: steep (of slopes); -igar: to make slope sharply. V. exp.: Eskarpa indikas granda inklineso (o prefere rampo); abrupta indikas formo preske vertikal. On povas ankore acensar sur eskarpajo; on ne povas (o nur per granda peno) acensar abruptajo. Eskalero povas esar eskarpa, ne abrupta; II-645. — eFIS
eskart-ar: (gen. sense, tr.) to put aside, apart (ulo, ulu); to go aside, apart, swerve, turn aside (de); -ar ulu de la justa voyo: to lead a person astray; -ar infanto de la rivo: to keep a child from the bank; -ar velo: to put aside a veil; -ar suspekto: to remove suspicion; -ar frapo: to ward off a blow; -ar la brakii, la gambi: to spread the arms, the legs; -o: putting aside, digression; -eso: being aside, isolation, aloofness, loneliness; pavorema kavalo facas eskarto: a frightened horse makes a step aside; eskarteso di persono: the aloofness of a person; stacar eskarte: to stand apart, aside, by oneself. — FIS
eskombr-o: rubbish, refuse; useless fragments. — FIS
eskopet-o: blunderbuss. Def.: Speco di karabino (anciena); V-219. — FS
eskort-o: escort, guard; (nav.) convoy; -esar ad ulu: to be escorted to someone; (cf. akompanar). — DEFIRS
eskot-o: (nav.) sheet (rope). — DFS
eskrok-ar: (tr.) to swindle, cheat (ulu); to cheat out of (ulo). Def: Speco di furto per trompo o ruzo; III-200. — FI
eskudel-o: porringer; bowl for porridge, soup. — FIS
eskup-ar: (tr.) to bail (water out of a boat, etc.); -ilo: scoop (for bailing). — eF
esmerili-o: (orni.) merlin (Falco aesalon). — FIS
esoter-a: esoteric (doctrine, etc.). Ant.: exotera. — DEFIRS
espad-o: sword; -agar: (tr., intr.) to use, wield the s.; to put (ulu) to the sword; -o-stroko: s. stroke; -pinto: s. point; -zono: s. belt; du-manua- -o: two handed s.; bayonet- -o: s. bayonet; -agar pinte e tranche: to cut and thrust; (cf. pinte frapar); -ego: broad-s. — FIS
espado-fisho: (ich.) sword-fish (Xiphias gladius).
espaler-o: (hort.) espalier; a row of fruit-trees trained up to a lattice or wall; the trellis or wall on which trained. — DeFRS
espar-o: (nav.) spar: a timber used for masts, yards, booms etc. — DEF
esparset-o: (bot.) esparcet; sanfoin (Onobrychis sativa). — DeF
espart-o: (bot.) esparto (grass); a Spanish grass (Stipa tenacissima) used in making cordage, papar, shoes, baskets, etc.; -ajo: an article made from e.; -o-shuo: grass-shoe, -sandle. — DEFIS
espel-ar: (tr.) to spell (words); -libro: spelling-book. Def.: Lektar la vorti literope e formacante la silabi; II-582. — EF
esper-ar: (tr.) to hope for, to expect with desire (ulo); (intr.) to hope: have confidence, trust (de, en); -ajo: thing hoped for; -ema, -oza: hopeful. Ex.: Esperar suceso. Esperar de od en Deo. Espero esas granda konsolaco. — FIS
espin-o: thorn-bush, -tree; -o blanka: whitethorn, hawthorn; -o nigra: blackthorn. Def.: Arbor(et)o dornoza. — FIS
espinet-o: (mus.) spinet. Def.: Speco di klavikordo. — DEFIRS
esplanad-o: esplanade. — DEFIS
espres-o, -treno: (R. R.) express (train); -e: by e. — DEFIRS
esprit-o: wit, cleverness; -oza: witty; -ajo: witticism; afektacar –o: to play the wit; -o-ludo: play of w. DF
espruv-a: proof (kontre) –igar: (tr.) to make (water-, lire-, etc.) proof (ulo); aquespruva: water-proof, -tight. — EF
esquad-o: (milit.) (corporal’s) squad; gang (of workmen); -ano: member of a squad, of a gang. — EFIS
est-o: east; -e: eastward; ad -e: to the east (with motion); -ala longitudo: e. longitude; de -o: from the e. — DEFS
establis-ar: to establish; to settle or fix firmly; place on a permanent footing; make firm, stable or constant; (cf. instalar, pruvar). Ex.: Establisar la fundamento di edifico. Establisar komercal societo, fabrikerio, kolonio. Establisar su en urbo. La establiso di banko. Note “Establishment in the sense of “institution” is translated by the suffix –erio; educational establishment: eduk-erio). — DEFIRS
estafet-o: courier: (esp. a mounted messenger). — DeFIRS
estakad-o: boom, chain or row of piles across a harbor for defense; (cf. palisado). — FIS
estal-ar: (tr.) to display, show (goods, etc.); -ajo: display-goods; -eyo: show-place; -ar mapo: to spread out a map; -ar robo: to lay out a gown; -ar lud-karti; to show one’s hand. — F
estamp-ar: (tr. tech.) to make an impress, imprint, in relief of a mark or figure; -uro: stamp (on a coin, etc.); -ilo: stamp, die. Def. Estampilo esas utensilo uzata ye la forjo. Ol esas facita ek harda materio ed havas la negativa formo di la forjenda peco, tale ke per simpla preso la dezirata formo obtenesas; III-81. — DEFIRS
estanch-ar: (tr.) to stanch, (blood), stop (a leak, tears, etc.). Def.: Haltigar la fluo di liquido (ne sikigar); IV-9. — EFS
estay-o: (nav.) stay (of a mast) — EFS
estetik-o: esthetics. — DEFIRS
estim-ar: (tr.) to esteem, have e. for; hold (ulu) in high regard; -o: e., consideration; -inda: estimable, honorable; -ind-eso: respectability; (cf. evaluar, prizar). Ex.: Estimar la vertuo di ulu, Il perdis sua estimeso e bona reputeso. — DEFIS
estiv-ar: (intr.) to be torpid (in summer); -(ad)o: torpidity, estivation; (cf. hivernar). Def.: Indikas la stando di torporo, en qua ula animali pasas la somero; IV-173. — DeFIS
estomp-ar: (tr., draw.) to stump; shade, shadow with a stump; -ilo: stump: artist’s soft pencil or rubber. — DEF
estrad-o: estrade; raised platform; (cf. platformo). — DeFRS
estragon-o: (bot.) tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus). — DeFIRS
(saddle-) stirrup; (anat.) stirrup-bone, stapes (of ear); -o-rime-no, -o-trus-ilo: s.-leather, -strap. — FS
estuari-o: estuary. — DEFIS
estubl-o: stubble; -agro: s. land. — DEFIS
esturjun-o: (ich.) (great) sturgeon (Acipenser Huso; cf. sturgo). — EFIS
esvan-ar: (intr.) to faint, swoon away; -into: a swooned person. — FI
etaj-o: story, floor (of a house, etc.); tier; tri-etaja domo: three story house; dispozar etaj-ope, -atre: to taper, put in tiers. — DFR
etajer-o: what-not, set of selves. Def. Tabuli dispozita erajatre. — DFR
etamin-o: tammy-cloth; filtro- -o: bolting-. straining cloth. — DeFIRS
etap-ar: (intr.) to halt at a stage (in travel); -eyo: halting place; station, stage; trans-irar -o: to pass through without stopping. — DFIRS
etat-o: statement, account (receipts and expenditures); roll; -o di spensi: account of expenses; pre- -o: estimate (of outlay, etc.). — DFIS
eter-o: (all senses) ether; -ala, -oza, -atra: etherial; -igar, -ifar: to etherialize (ulo); -izar: (med.) to etherize (ulu). — DEFIRS
etern-a: eternal, everlasting; -o: eternity: (duration); la -o: (fig.) Eternal God; -eso: eternity; quality of being e.; -igar: to eternalize. — EFIS
etik-o: (bon-) morality; ethics; moral science; -a, -ala, -oza: moral, ethical; -al-eso, -oz-eso: morality; sen-a: immoral; sen- -eso: immorality; kontre-etikajo: immoral act. (N.B. The adj. form translates the E. "moral" Mor-ala refers to the mori of a country, cf. mor-o. — DEFIRS
etiket-o: (on bottles, etc.) label; (on goods, parcels) ticket; -izar: to label, ticket. — DF
etimologi-o: etymology; -isto: etymologist. — DEFIRS
etiol-ar: (tr.) to etiolate; blanch. Def.: Privicar vivanti (precipue planti) de lumo ed aero, de quo lia feblesko, palesko o senkoloresko; III-603. — EFI
etiologi-o: (philos., med.) etiology. — DEFIRS
etmoid-a, -o*: (anat.) ethmoid. — DEF
etnografi-o: ethnnography. — DEFIRS
etnologi-o: ethnology; -isto: ethnologist. — DEFIRS
etologi-o: ethology. — DEFIRS
Etruri-ana: Etruscan, relating to Etruria.
etuy-o: case: flat box, opening sideways or from the top; violin- -o: violin c.; ciz-, agul- -o: scissors-, needle-case; chapel- -o: hat-box. V. exp.: Gaino esas etuyo tre longa e streta, en qua l'objekto eniras tra l'extremajo (kontre ke etuyo apertesas laterale): on ofras ex. espado (luxoza, honorala) kun lua gaino (E. sheath), en etuyo (box, case); IV-11, V-722. — DFIS
eudiometr-o: eudiometer. — DEFIRS
eudiometri-o: eudiometry. — DEFIRS
eufemism-o: (rhet.) euphamism. — DEFIS
eufoni-o: euphony. Def.: Agreabla e facila kombinado di la soni en linguo; III-138. — DEFIS
euforbi-o: (bot. genus) euphorbia, spurge. — DEFIS
eukalipt-o: eucalyptus (tree). — DEFIS
eukaristi-o: (rel.) Eucharist. — DEFIRS
eunuk-a, -o: eunuch. — DEFIRS
Europa: Europe; Europ-ana, -ano: European.
ev-ar: (tr., intr.) to be so many years old; to be aged (so many years); -o: age, years; -anta: aged (so many years); -oza, grand-eva: aged, elderly; grand-ev-eso: longevity, agedness; quante vu evas?: how old are you? sat evar por: to be old enough to; il esas granda relate sua evo: he is large for his years; evanta 40 yari: forty years old; muliero mez-eva: a middle-aged woman — L
(tr., milit., med., tech.) to evacuate, empty (N. B. not to empty a vessel, etc., cf. vaku-igarevacuation; (med.) discharge of matter by natural passage or artificial opening. Ex.: Evakuar ); -(ad)o: (milit.) trupi, puso. — DEFIS
evalu-ar: (tr.) to evaluate, value; to estimate the worth of, to rate at a certain price; to reckon the amount of; to appraise; (cf. expertisar); -(ad)o: valuation, estimate; -ebla: ratable; appreciable: that may be estimated, appreciated. V. exp.: Evaluar esas determinar valoro o quanto, per kalkulo o per konjekto (se on uzas mezurilo, on dicus mezurar). Taxar esas fixigar la quanto de imposto o kontributo, quan on debas pri ulo. Exemple (en la hipotezo di imposto pri revenuo): "on evaluas la revenuo di ta sioro a 10000 franki; ed on taxas ol a 400 franki, segun la proporciono di 4 po 100;" V-221. — EFIS
evangeli-o: gospel, evangel; -ala,-atra: evangelical; -isto: evangelist; -izar: to evangelize (ulu); -o-libro: Book of the Gospel; predikar la -o: to preach the g. — DEFIRS
event-ar: (intr.) to happen, occur, come about, befall; -o, -ajo: occurrence, event; irgo quo eventos: whatever may happen; to povas eventar ad irgu: that may befall anyone; ne-expektata evento: unexpected event; — EFI
eventual-a: eventual: dependent upon events, contingent; -o: contingency; -i: (fig.) perquisites, extra fees; -eso: fortuitousness; -e: eventually, in that case; -a profiti: casual profits, perquisites; ni esas pronta por irga eventualaji: we are prepared for contingencies. Def.: Qua dependas de ula evento necerta. Ant.: certa, necesa. — DeFIRS
evident-a: evident, obvious, plain, manifest, patent; -o, -ajo: evidence: obvious fact; (cf. atesto, pruvo) -eso: obviousness; per su -a: self-evident; igar- -a: to make clear; -a verajo: an e. truth; la -eso di propoziciono: the clearness of a proposition. Ant.: dub-ebla, -inda; ne-certa, ne-probabla. — DEFIS
evier-o: (kitchen-) sink. Def.: Speco di tablo kava, o kuvo ek lapido o ceramikajo, sur qua on lavas (generale en koqueyo); IV-9. — F
evikt-ar: (jur.) to evict. — DEFIS
evit-ar: (tr.) to avoid, shun, evade, obviate, (cf. eludar). Ex.: El evitas (E. shuns) me. Evitar frapo, danjero, disputo. Evitar (E. obviate; prevent) skandalo. Ant.: serchar. — eFIS
evolucion-ar: (intr., philos.) to evolve; (milit.) to perform evolutions; -a, -ala: evolutional; -ismo: evolutionism; -isto: evolutionist. V. exp. vid. developar. — DEFIRS
exajer-ar: (tr., intr.) to exaggerate. Ex.: Exajerar vinko, la meriti di amiko. — EFIS
exakt-a: exact, accurate (not used of persons; cf. akurata, preciza); -eso: exactness, fidelity (of a copy); -e: exactly. Def.: Qua esas konforma a la verajo, a la realajo, a la normo; IV-101. Ex.: Kalkulo exakta. Sequar exakta dieto. Matematiko esas exakta cienco. Verifikar la exakteso di kalkulo. V. exp.: Mezuro preciza povas ne esar exakta (se l'instrumento, quankam subtila, esas nejusta). — DEFIRS
exalt-ar: (tr.) to exalt: raise the spirits of (ulu), to carry (the senses) to a high degree: (not to praise, cf. laudegar). Def.: Ecitar sentimento (precipue nobla, religiala) til extrema grado; IV-9. — DEFIS
examen-ar: (tr.) to examine (ulu) (not used with things, cf. explorar); -ato: person examined; -o skrib-ita: written examination; -o-questioni: e. questions; subisar -o: to undergo e. — DEFIRS
exantem-o: (med) exanthema. — DEFIS
exark-o*: exarch. — DEFIRS
exauc-ar: (tr.) to hear and grant (a prayer, a request); to hearken favorably or willingly to (ulu). Ant.: repulsar, refuzar. — F
exegez-o: exegesis; -ar: to critically explain (the Scriptures). — DEFIS
exekut-ar: (tr.) to execute, to perform, to do (ulo); to e. a criminal, cf. mort-igar; -(ad)o: execution; performance, carrying into effect; -anto, -ero: executor, doer; -ant-ino testament-ala: executrix; -isto: executive, manager; -ebla: feasible, practicable; -ala, -enda: (jur.) executory. Ex.: Exekutar impero, lego, projeto, kriminero. Exekuto di verdikto. — DEFIRS
exempl-o: example; -a, -atra: exemplary; -e: for example, for instance; (abbr.: ex.); segun la -o: following the e. (di ulu); punisar ulu kom -o: to make an e. of someone; -a puniso: exemplary punishment. — DEFIS
exempler-o: copy (of a book, paper, engraving, etc.). — DEFIRS
«exequatur»: exequator.
exerc-ar: (tr.) to exercise (the legs, the body, one's senses), to exert (strength, one's memory, eloquence); (milit.) to drill; -eyo: drilling place; -o-libro: e. book.; (cf. praktikar and III-225). — DEFIRS
exerg-o: (numis.) exergue. Def.: Infra feldo di medalio; III-672. — DEFIS
exfoli-ar: (tr.) to exfoliate, scale (off). Def.: Forprenar foliope, deprenar folii, t. e. strati sucedanta; III-603 — DEFIS
exhal-ar: (tr.) to exhale, send forth, emit (odors, etc.; cf. expirar). Ex.: Ca marshi exhalas vapori pestizanta. La exhalo di rozo. — EFIS
exhaust-ar: (tr., also fig.) to exhaust: drain, spend; -ilo, -tubo, -robineto: an e.; -ar cisterno: to drain a cistern. Ex.: Exhaustar mineyo, sulo, forteso, Il falis en (pro) exhausteso, kp.: fatigar). Ne exhaustebla furnisaji. Ant.: restaurar. — EFI
exhort-ar: (tr.) to exhort. Ex.: Exhortar ulu reformar sua konduto. Ant.: des-konsilar, des-persuadar. — EFIS
exil-ar: (tr.) to exile, banish (ulu, su de); (fig.) to expatriate; -ito: an exile, V. exp.: On exilas ulu, interdiktante a lu restar en la lando: lu esas tote libera extere; e se lu rieniras sen permiso, on simple ekpulsas lu. Proskriptar esas serchar la kondamnito (mem po premio por la denuncanti) e punisar lu severe (generale per morto), se on povas trovar e kaptar lu en la lando (ex. la proskripti da Marius e Sylla). Relegar esas enkarcerigar en fora lando (kolonio); Deportar esas transportar la kondamito en fora lando (kolonio), ube lu restas plu o min libera, en ula distrikto; II-648; (cf. extradar). — DEFI
exist-ar: (intr.) to exist, be in existence; -anta, -anto: existing, existent, extant (being); Ex. Traci ankore existas. Existanta homi. — DEFIS
exkav-ar: (tr.) to excavate (by digging; cf. kavigar); -uro: excavation (artificial — the result); -ilo: (instr.) excavator; sub- -ar: to undermine — EFIS
exkluz-ar: (tr.) to exclude, drive or shut out, debar, deny admission; -ite: to the exclusion of; -em-eso: exclusiveness; -ive: exclusively. Ex.: Exkluzar ulu de la Akademio. La bonfacemeso exkluzas la avareso. La exkluzo di homini. Exkluzite altra yuri, devi. Exkluziva yuro. La spirito di exkluzemeso. Ant.: admisar, inkluzar, recevar. — DEFIRS
exkomunik-ar: (tr.) to excommunicate. — DEFIRS
exkori-ar: (tr.) to excoriate, to rub off, abrade, scratch, gall (the skin) Def.: Lacerar la polo (ne sen-pel-igar), deprenar peco de la pelo; IV-136 — EFIS
exkrement-o: excrement; -i: excreta. — DEFIRS
exkurs-ar: (intr.) to make an excursion, take a trip; -o-batelo: e. boat; -anto, -ero: excursionist. — DEFIRS
exkuz-ar: (refl.) to apologize, make excuses, beg pardon (su pri ulo); -o: apology, excuse; -ebla: excusable (of persons, cf. pardon-ebla). V. exp.: Se vu facis kulpo relate ulu, vu exkuzas vu avan lu, e lu povas pardonar ol a vu. La persono ofensinta facas exkuzo, e la persono ofensita facas pardono; IV-100. — DEFIRS
«ex-libris»: (L.) ex libris.
exod-o: (Bibl.) Exodus. — DEFIS
exorcis-ar: (tr.) to exorcise, cast out evil spirits. — DEFIS
exordi-o: exordium; -ar: to make an e. Def.: Unesma parto di diskurso. Ant.: peroraciono. — DEFIS
exostos-o*: (med.) exostosis. — DEF
exoter-a: exoteric. Ant.: esotera. — DEFIRS
exotik-a: exotic. Def. Qua venas de fora landi, e konseque havas karaktero di rareso o stranjeso; III-603. Ex.: Flori exotika. — DEFIS
expans-ar: (tr., intr., also fig.) to expand, to develop in volume or surface, spread, widen; -ema: expansive; (fig.) unreserved (of persons). Ex.: Expansar aero per kaloro. Expanso di autoritato. Forco expansiva. Naturo expansema. Ant.: kontraktar. — DEFIS
expedi-ar: (tr., com.) to despatch, send off, forward (goods); -ajo: shipment; -anto, -ero: sender; (nav.) shipper; -isto: shipping agent; -ar komercaji per fervoyo: to forward goods by railroad. Def.: Sendar ulo (ordinare komercaji) a destineyo. — DEFIRS
expedicion-o: (milit., nav.) expedition. Def.: Sendo di homi por militar, o por explorar regiono; IV-706. Ex.: Naval, ciencala expediciono a la suda polo. — DEFIRS
expekt-ar: (tr.) to expect, be in expectation of, look forward to; -o: expectation, presumption (cf. konjekto); -eso: expectancy; ne- -ita: unexpected. Def.: Mente anticipar ula evento. Ex.: Me expektos nulo de ilu. Il vivas en expekteso. V. exp.: Varto esas ago prefere fizikal, expekto esas pure mental; (III-423) Me expektas vizito camatine ma, pro ke me nun devas ekirar, me neplus vartos. — EFIS
expektor-ar: (tr., med.) to expectorate, discharge phlegm, mucus from the lungs, to cough up. V. exp.: Expektorar ne esas sputar; l'expektorajo venas de la pektoro, t.e. de la pulmono, quale indikas l'etimologio. — DEFIS
experienc-ar: (tr.) to experience (ulo): to have the lot or fortune of, to undergo; -oza: experienced; sen- -a: inexperienced (cf. ne-experta). Ex.: Experiencar plezuro, desfortuno. Per experienco on sajeskas. — EFIS
experiment-ar: (intr.) to experiment (per); (tr.) to test, try (ulo, pri ulo); -ala: experimental. — DEFIRS
expert-a: expert: skilful (in trade), well-versed (in knowledge). — DEFIRS
expertiz-ar: (tr.) to survey (professionally); -ero, -isto: surveyor, person officially appointed to examine an affair and report on it. — DeFR
expiac-ar: (tr.) to expiate, to atone for; -anta, -ala. Ex.: Expiacar krimino, kulpo. — EFIS
expir-ar: (intr.) to expire: to breath out (cf. respirar); (fig.) to come to an end (of time), terminate; -o: expiration; (fig.) falling due; -inta: expiring (breath); expired (account); -o-dato: date of expiration, maturity. Def.: Indikas l'ekiro di l'aero ek la pulmoni; figurale, la «lasta expiro», la morto; e per extenso: fino di ula temp-intervalo, di kontrato, di puniso, e.c.; III-34. V. exp.: La teknikal senco di l'ago inversa dil aspiro nomesas simple ekpulso. Ant.: aspirar. — DEFIS
explicit-a: explicit: clear, not obscure; -igar: to make (ulo) e. — DEFIS
explik-ar: (tr.) to explain, make plain what is obscure, elucidate, expound; (cf. klar-igar). Ex.: Explikar signifiko, sua desfacilaji, doktrino, sua intenco. V. exp. vid. definar. — DEFIS
explor-ar: (tr.) to explore (a country); to investigate, examine, search into (things, cf. examenar, inquestar); (milit.) to reconnoiter, scout; Ex.: Explorar lando nekonocata. Explorar (E. examine) libro. Exploro, exploranto di subjekto, objekto. — DEFIRS
explot-ar: (tr.) to exploit, to get the value out of, as to e. a mine; to work, cultivate (a farm, estate with intent of profit); -achar: to exploit, to draw an illegitimate profit from, as to e. workers (by underpayment); -(ad)o: exploiting: utilization for profit, working (of mines, farms), execution of work: -acho: profiteering, sweating; -ajo: what is exploited; -ebla: workable. — DEFRS
exploz-ar: (intr.) -igar: (tr.) to explode; -iva, -ivo: explosive; -iva gaso: explosive gas; (mine) fire-damp. — DEFIS
exponent-o: (math.) exponent. — DEFIRS
exportac-ar: (tr.) to export; -ajo: goods exported. Ant.: importacar. — DEFIRS
expoz-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to expose, set in public view; (of houses, etc.) to turn toward, present a side to; to set forth (a situation); explain (a doctrine); -ar pikturo: to exhibit a painting; domo expozita a sudo: a house having a southerly prospect; vivo expozesis a danjero: a life was e. to danger; expozar sistemo: to set forth, explain a system; expozo di komercajo: exhibition of merchandise; expozo di fotografala plako: exposure of photographic plate; expozeyo di la mortinti: the morgue. — DEFIS
expres-ar: (tr.) to express (by symbols, gestures, words, etc.); Ex.: Vorti expresas la penso. Lakrimi esas la expreso di doloro. Aspekto expres-oza, -iva, -ema. — DEFIS
expropri-ar: (tr., jur.) to expropriate, (the property), dispossess (ulu). — DEFIS
extaz-ar: (intr.) to be in ecstacies, be enraptured; (med.) to be in a trance (cf. katalepsio). — DEFIRS
extens-ar: to extend, stretch, draw out, spread; -ebla: extensible, tensile; -anto, -ivo: (anat.) extensor. Ex. Extensar brakio, tapiso, mantelo. Extensar povo, autoritato, domeno. Kauchuko esas tre extensebla. — EFIS
extenu-ar: (tr.) to extenuate, palliate. Def. Igar min grava (kulpo, krimino, aserto, e. c.) II-707. — EFIS
exter: (prep.) without, outside (without motion; cf. ek); except, besides; li stacis exter la domo: they stood outside the house; exter la dicita decidi: besides the decisions named; -e: (adv.) outside, externally; il uzas extere la oleo: he uses the oil externally; -a: outside, external; extera apliko: external application; la exterajo di domo: the outside of a house (considered objectively); -eso: exterior (geom. sense); de -e: from without (with movement); ad -e: outwardly (with movement); il kuris ad-extere: he ran outside. Ant.: en, interne. — eFIS
exter-dot-a: (jur.) paraphernal.
exter-flu-ar: (tr., intr.) to flow, run over
exter-judici-a: extrajudicial.
exter-klaso: an outside, a separate class.
exter-landa: foreign.
exter-limit-a: beyond limit, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant.
extermin-ar: (tr.) to exterminate: destroy utterly. — EFIS
extern-o: day-scholar; -erio: day-school. Def. Skolano (lernanto) qua ne habitas la lerneyo; III-672. — DEFIS
exting-ar: (tr., intr.) to extinguish, put out, quench (a fire, a light; also used fig.); -ar kandelo: to put out a candle; -ar dursto: (fig.) to quench the thirst; la fairo extingeskas: the fire is going out; -ar la kalko: (fig.) to slack lime; -ar debo: (fig.) to cancel a debt; -o di raso: (fig.) the extinction, the extermination of a race. Ant.: Acendar. — EFIS
extirp-ar: (tr.) to extirpate, uproot; (surg.) to cut out, remove totally; (fig.) to destroy wholly, eradicate, weed out; (cf. arachar). Ex.: Extirpar la mala herbi, kancero, dento, raso. — DEF
extors-ar: (tr.) to extort, wrest; to blackmail (ulu): -(ad)o, -ajo: extortion, exaction; -anto, -ero: extortioner; -o-probo: attempt at e. V. exp.: To ne esas raptar, t. e. furtar per materiala violento, ma koaktar ulu cedar ulo (generale pekunio) per minaco, per morala violento; III-200. — DEFIS
extra: (adv.) extra; -disho: an extra dish; -spenso: extra (additional) expense; extra-ajo: something extra: extra-edituro: extra edition; extra bona: extra good. — DEFIRS
extrad-ar: (tr.) to extradite. Def.: livrar stranjera kulpozo (akuzato) a la guvernerio di lua patrio; III-672; kp. exilar. — DEFIS
extrados-o*: (arch.) extrados.
extrakt-ar: (tr.) to extract: to draw from, out. Ex.: Extraktar frazo de libro, dento, kugleto de la korpo. Extraktar radiko dua (math.: to extract the square root). Extraktado di sukro de betravi. Extrakt-uri opiumo. — DEFIRS
extraordinar-a: extraordinary (event, person, etc.; cf. remark-inda). — DEF
extravag-ar: (intr.) to talk extravagantly, wildly, to rave; (in fever) to be delirious; to act extravagantly, wildly, unreasonably, eccentricly; la febro igas il extravagar: the fever makes him delirious; -o, -em-eso di konduto, di parolado: wildness of conduct, talk; esas extravaganta spensar pekunio ante recevar ol: it is extravagant to spend money before receiving it. Def.: Pensar, parolar, agar sen raciono nek bonsenco. — DEFIS
extrem-a: extreme, utmost, outermost; -ajo: extremity, butt-end; -e: extremely; -a unciono: e. unction; -a frontiero: e. boundary; -a plezuro: e. pleasure; la -i esas la unesma e lasta termino en ula proporciono: the extremes are the first and last terms in a proportion; il esas extreme richa: he is extremely rich. — DEFIS
extrinsek-a: extrinsic. Ant.: intrinseka. — EFIS
exud-ar: (tr., intr.) to exude, ooze out. Def.: Ekiro di liquido ek korpo, analoga (e tam lenta) kam sudorifo (N.B. sen gutifar); III-672. — DEFIS
exult-ar: (intr.) to exult. Def.: Esar kaptata da profunda joyo o sentimento (amo), qua expresas su per movi, kanti, e.c.: III-324. — EFI
exutori-o: (med.) issue (of blood, pus, etc.) — FIS
ezofag-o: (anat.) esophagus, gullet (cf. guturo). — EFIS