Ido-English Dictionary : F

fa: (mus.) fa: fourth note of the diatonic scale.
fab-o: (bot.) bean. — FIS
fabl-o: fable; -atra, -oza: fabulous, fictitious. — DEFIS
fabrik-ar: (tr.) to manufacture (cf. manu-fabrikar); -(ad)o: fabrication, manufacture; -uro: object made, -erio: factory, works, mills. (cf. manufakturo); -o-marko: trademark. Def.: Facar laboruri segun procedi mashinala o mekanikal. Ex.: Fabrikar horloji, stofi. — DEFIRS
fac-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to make (a concrete object); to do, perform (a certain act); -igar: to cause (ulu) to make (ulo); to have (ulo) done (da ulu); (cf. igar); -esar: to be made, performed; -o: making, doing; -anto, ero: maker, doer; -ebla: practicable, feasible; -ar shui: to make shoes; -ar bona komercado: to do a good business. V. exp.: vid. agar. — FIS
facet-o: facet (as of a diamond); -izar: to put f.s on, cut with f.s; -izita, -oza: faceted. — DEFIRS
faci-o: (gen.) front part or view (of anything); (cf. vizajo, averso); -ala: facial, frontal; mi- -o: (photog.) pose between face and profile; -o kontre- -o: f. to f.; avan la -o: (fig.) in the presence of. Def.: L'avana parto di irga korpo; V-679. Ant.: reverso, dorso. — EFIS
«facies»: (anat., geol., biol.) facies: general aspect or appearance of anything.
facil-a: easy (to do), facile, not difficult; -eso: facility (quality); -ajo: an e. thing; -igar: to facilitate (ulo, ad ulu); -e laborar: to work easily; -e komprenebla: e. to understand; -mora mulier-o: a woman of e. virtue. — EFIS
facin-ar: (tr.) to fascinate. Ex.: L'amoro facinas la okuli. On dicas ke la serpento facinas sua viktimi. — DEFIS
facion-ar: (intr.) to be on sentry duty, mount guard; -o: sentry watch; -anto, -ero: sentry (cf. sentinelo); -igar: to post (a sentry); chanjar la -o: to relieve the watch. Def.: Stacar en posteno, gardar posteno; VII-130. — F
faeton-o: (carriage) phaeton; (myth.) Phaethon. — DEFIRS
fag-o: (bot.) beech(-tree) (genus: Fagus); -o-frukto: b. nut; -eyo: b. grove. — ISL
fair-o: (also fig.) fire; -oza, -atra: fiery, igneous; -eyo: f. place, hearth (cf. herdo); -ea: f. colored; -ifar: to produce f. (as by friction); -if-ilo: f. producer; -espruva briko: fireproof brick; -exting-ilo: f. extinguisher; -o-glut-ero: fire-eater; -o-greto: f. grate; -o-hoko: f. rake, (bent) poker; -o-kulto: f. worship; -o-musho: f. fly (cf. luciolo, lampiro); -o-pinc-ego: f. tongs; -o-ligno: f. wood; pikar, suflar la -o: to poke, to blow the f.; -pik-ilo: poker; firing-bar; -o-skreno: f. screen; -eyal-tapiso: hearth rug; -o-stalo: steel for striking fire; para- -o: fender, fire-guard; palio- -o: fire of straw; (cf. incendio). — DE
fak-o: anything portioned off, as a compartment, division (in a desk), stall (in a stable); branch, proper office, province, department, speciality (in a business, profession, government, field of knowledge); -eto: pigeon-hole; small specialty of duty, in research; -aro: set or nest of drawers; -estro: department head; to ne esas en mea -o: that is out of my province; that's not in my line; komprenar sua fako: to understand one's business. — D
fakir-o: fakir: Mahometan monk. — DEFIRS
faksimil-o: facsimile, exact copy. — DEFIRS
fakt-o: fact; -a, -ala: real, relating to f.; -e: in fact; -ala questiono: a question of f. — DEFIR
faktor-o: (math., metaph.) factor. — DEFIRS
faktori-o: (com.) factory: trading agency. Def.: Kontoro di agenti di kompanio komercala en lando stranjera. — DeFIS
faktorial-a, -o*: (math.) factorial. — DE
«faktotum»: factotum: a doer of all kinds of work. — DEF
faktur-o: (com.) invoice, bill; -o pag-enda: bill payable. — DFIS
fakultat-o: faculty, power of doing anything; (of a university) faculty; grantar fakultato ad ulu: to grant a person the faculty (or power); la fakultati natural: the natural faculties; la fakultato di medicino: the f. of medicine. — DEFIRS
fakultativ-a*: facultative, optional. — DEFIS
fal-ar: (intr.) to fall (down), tumble; -etar: to stumble (cf. mispazar, ped-butar); -anta: falling; -inta: fallen, -igar: to cause to fall, to fell, (ulo, ulu); lasar falar: to let (ulo) fall, drop (ulo). — DE
falang-o: (anat., milit.) phalanx. — DEFIRS
falansteri-o: (sociol.) phalanstery. — DEFIRS
falbal-o: furbelow, flounce; -izar: to cover with f.s. — DFI
falc-o: (carp.) check, rebate, ledge (of a door or shutter). Def.: Speco de kanelo en la kadro di pordo, por recevar la bordo di ca pordo; V-621. — DR
falch-ar: (tr.) to mow down (with a scythe); (fig.) to cut down, destroy; -ajo: what is mowed, the crop; -edo: swath, wind-row; -ilo: scythe. — FI
fald-ar: (tr.) to fold (a letter, etc.) (cf. plisar); -ebla: foldable; (fig.) pliant (cf. flexebla); -uro: a fold. — DE
falen-o: (ent.) moth: genus Phalaena; (cf. tineo). — DeFIS
fali-ar: (tr., intr.) to fail, miscarry, miss (an aim), not to succeed; (com.) to fail, to become insolvent without implication of disgrace; (cf. bankrotar); -o: failure, insolvency; -igar: to cause to miss, to fail; to frustrate; -into: insolvent person; -ego: debacle, break up, down-fall; -ar renkontrar: fail to meet (ulu); -ar ocidar su: fail to kill oneself; me iros sen -ar: I will go without fail. — DEFIS
falk-o: (nav.) wash-board, weather- board. — FIS
falkon-o: (orni.) falcon, hawk; -arto: falconry. — DEFIS
fals-a: false, imitating in order to deceive as, f. hair, teeth, windows, signatures, money, jewels, drugs, etc.; not genuine, spurious; -eso: falsity; -ajo: falsehood; -igar: to falsify, pervert, adulterate (drugs) debase (coin); falsa-monet-if-isto, fals-ig-ero di moneti: forger, coiner; (cf. artificala). — DEFIRS
falset-o: falsetto (voice). — DEFIRS
falv-a: fallow, fawn-colored, tawny, of a yellowish-brown color, pale red; -a bestio: fallow deer, stag, etc. (cf. daimo). — DF
fam-o: fame, renown; (cf. reputo); -oza: famous, celebrated; -oz(ul)o: a celebrity; -izar: to cover with fame, render illustrious. — DEFI
famili-o: (also zool., bot.) family, kin(dred); -ala konsil-ant-aro: f. counsel; -ala simil-eso: family likeness; vorto- -o: (gram.) collection of words of the same root. — DEFIRS
familiar-a: familiar, intimate; -eso: familiarity (state), close acquaintance; -ajo: familiarity (act); -aji produktas des-estimo: familiarities breed contempt; -igar persono pri lua tasko: to familiarize a person with his job; ne- -eskez kun male edukita personi: do not get familiar with ill-bred people; -a amiko: an intimate friend. Ex.: Lua vizajo esas familiara a me. Lua konduto esas tro familiara. — DEFIS
famin-o: famine. V. exp.: Ne esas hungro, mem general, ma manko di la maxim necesa nutrivi en tota lando o populo; IV-10; (cf. indijar). — EFI
fan-ar: (tr., agri.) to winnow (grain). — DeF
fanatik-a: fanatical, -(ul)o: a fanatic, bigot; -eso: fanaticism; -igar: to fanaticize (ulu); -eskar: to become a f., infatuated (cf. fol-eskar). Ex.: Fanatika zelo, doktrini, homi. — DEFIRS
fanerogam-a, -o*: (bot.) phanerogamous (plant). — DEFIS
fanfar-o: (mus.) fanfare: flourish of trumpets. — DEFIR
fanfaron-ar: (intr.) to bluster, boast, brag, swagger, bluff. V. exp.: Fanfaronar esas exajerar sua avantaji, sua forteso, e.c., per paroli od altra signi, por trompar la ceteri. Ostentar esas montrar ed expozar kun afektaco e superbeso sua avantaji, precipue la luxo, richaji, belaji, por ecitar l'admiro di la ceteri; II—647. — FIS
fang-o: mud, mire, watery dirt as on streets, etc.; -oza, -atra: muddy; -eyo: mud-puddle; -izar: to muddy, bedraggle; -iz-ita: bespattered (with mud); -oza anmo: (fig.) base, mean soul; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to clean (off mud); para- -o: mud-guard; -o-balno: m.bath. — DFI
fantasmagori-o: phantasmagoria, dissolving view. Def.: Arto produktar fantomi, t.e. ombri od imaji iluzioniganta; IV—10. — DEFIS
fantastik-a: fantastical, fanciful. Def.: Qua relatas kozi od enti nereala o neposibla; IV—10. Ex.: La fantastika rakonti pri Hoffman da Edgar Poe. — DEFIS
fantazi-ar: (tr.) to have a fancy for (ulu, ulo), to have an idea an inclination (facar ulo); agar segun sua -o: to act according to one's fancy; -eto: whim, crochet; -ajo: a f. article; -ala, -ema: fanciful; -emo: a fanciful person, a crank; -ala kostumo: f. dress. Ex.: Me fantazias voyajar, ludar. Havar fantazii fantastika. V. exp.: L'imaginado (od imaginiveso) esas la psikala fakultato, formacar, imaji, t.e. reprezenti di objekti nereala; ol agas example en la revi, anke en l'artistala produktado; ol povas esar regulizita e racionoza. La fantazio esas l'imaginado senregula e kapricoza, ofte arbitriala. Pluse, ta vorto ne aplikesas propre a fakultato (qua esas nulo altra kam l'imaginado ipsa), ma a l'agi di ta fakultato; on parolas pri un fantazio. Tale on nomizas fantazi(aj)i ula artistala verki, qui manifestas precipue libereso, spontaneso e mem kaprico; V—221. — DeFIRS
fantom-o: phantom, shade, ghost, specter, apparition; (fig.) something unreal; Roma esis nur la fantomo di republiko: Rome was only the shadow of a republic. — DEFIRS
far-o: lighthouse; (fig.) guide; -gardisto: l.keeper. — FIS
faradiz-ar*: (tr., med.) to faradize, to stimulate with faradic electric currents. — DEF
farandol-o: farandole, a dance of Provence. — DeFIS
faraon-o: (hist.) Pharaoh; (card game) faro. — DeFIRS
farb-o: paint, artificial coloring matter (cf. fardo, pigmento); -izar: to paint (buildings, objects; cf. piktar); -iz-uro: the paint (put on); oleo- -i: oil paints; aquo- -i: water-colors. Def.: Preparita materio por kolorizar objekti; V—660. — D
farcin-o: (vet.) farcin, farcy, a form of glanders. — EFI
fard-o: paint (for face or body); (theat.) make-up; reda -o: rouge; -izar: to paint (ulu, su). — F
farin-o: flour, farina, (grosa) meal; -oza: floury, mealy, farinacious; -vend-isto:; -igar, -ifar: to make, produce f.; -izar: to cover, sprinkle with f.; -spric-ilo: f.dredger; -muel-eyo, -erio: f.mill. — eFIS
faring-o: (anat.) pharynx.
faringit-o*: (med.) pharyngitis.
farize-o: (lit. and fig.) Pharisee; -ala: pharisaical. — DEFIRS
farm-ar: (tr.) to farm (land taken on lease); farmo - lokacar, -prenar: to take (land, etc.) on lease (cf. kultivar ); -o-donar, lugar: to farm out, lease to, rent out to (someone for a fixed sum); -lug-anto: lessor (of a farm); -lokac-anto: lessee: tenant-farmer; -o: farming (on lease); -ajo: what is farmed; a farm; -o-domo, o-domeno: homestead (rented); -o-preco: rent of a farm; -isto: tenant farmer, husbandman; -isto di imposto: (fig.) farmer of the revenue; mi- -isto: metayer: farmer on half shares; -o-labor-ero: a farm-hand. — DeF
farmaci-o: (art) pharmacy, pharmaceutics; -isto: pharmacist (cf. apotek-isto). — DEFIRS
farmakope-o: pharmacopoeia. — DEFIRS
fars-o: (cook.) farce: stuffing, forcemeat; (theat. and fig.) farce. — DEFIRS
fasad-o: facade, the front or chief face of a building. — DEFIS
fashin-o: (fort.) fascine. — DEFIRS
fasiac-o*: (bot.) fasciation. — EF
fask-o: bundle, a number of things of a certain length, put together; sheath; stack; bunch; (opt.) pencil (of luminous rays); (antiq.) fasces; vergo- -o: faggot, bundle of sticks, rods; flecho- -o: sheaf of arrows; -igar, -ifar: to bundle up, stack, put in sheaves. — FIS
fason-ar: (tr.) to fashion, shape, form (ulo); -o, -uro: the build, fashion, make, cut, workmanship. Def.: Laborar ula materio por fabrikar objekto definita (fasono di vesto, di juvelo); IV-165. — DEFR
fast-ar: (intr.) to fast. — DE
fat-o: fate, lot, (cf. destino); -ala: fatal; -al-ismo: fatalism; -al-isto, -ista: fatalist(ic). Ex.: Vua fato esas kompatinda. La fatal horo. — DEFIRS
fatig-ar: (tr.) to fatigue, tire, weary; (cf. tedar, enoyar); -esar: to be tired; -eso: (state) weariness, lassitude; -anta: fatiguing, toilsome, irksome; -egar: to overtire, harass. — EFIS
fatu-a: foppish (in dress); self-conceited, fatuous (in mind); -(ul)o: snob, coxcomb; -acho: puppy (person); -eso: snobbishness, fatuity, self-conceit. — eFIS
fauc-o: (anat. and fig.) (exterior) throat, gullet, fore part of neck (cf. guturo); (geog.) space from which something has been gouged, defile, ravine, deep glen; -ala: (anat.) jugular. Def.: Indikas l'extera ed avana parto di la kolo (do anke la laringo, ma extere vidata); e, pro ke ta parto formacas kava profilo (inter la mandibulo o mentono e la pektoro), la vorto fauco uzesas per metaforo internaciona por expresar multa formi kava, en tekniko, en geografio (montala fauco), e.c.; III-165. IL
faun-o: (myth.) faun; -ino: wood goddess. — DEFIRS
fav-o: (med.) favus, ringworm (of scalp); -oza: scurvy. — L
favor-ar: (tr.) to favor, treat or regard with kindness, befriend; -oza: (of persons) favorable (cf. oportuna); -at(ul)-o, -at(in)-o: a favourite; -ismo: favoritism; -igar: to propitiate, appease; -ig-anta: propitiatory; -dii: days of grace; la princo e la tempo favoras nia projeti: the prince and the time are favorable to our projects; omni qui konocas il esas favoroza ad il: all who know him are favorably disposed toward him. — DEFIRS
fay-o: (fabric) faille, a corded silk. — DeFS
fayenc-o: faience, crockery ware. — DeFR
faz-o: (astron. and gen.) phase. — DEFIRS
fazan-o: (orni.) pheasant (genus: Phasianus). — DEFIRS
fazeol-o: kidney-bean; -o multaflora: (bot.) scarlet-runner (Phaseolus multiflorus). — DI
fe-o, -ino: fairy. — DeFIR
febl-a: (lit. and fig.) feeble, weak, faint; (cf. debila, frajila); -ajo: a weak object or spot, foible; -(ul)o: a weak person; -eso: weakness; -igar: to enfeeble, weaken; -eskar: to grow weak; -igo, -esko: enfeebling, weakening, impairment; -anma: pusillanimous. Ant.: forta.
(intr.) to have a fever; -o: fever; -oz-eso: feverishness; -ala: febrile; -oza, -ema, -ika: feverish, fevered; -eto: a slight f.; -igar, -izar: to infect with f. — DeFIS
februar-o: February. — DEFIRS
feder-ar: (tr.) to (con-)federate, federalize, ally, form an alliance (of states, nations; cf. aliancar); -uro: (con-)federation, league, alliance; -al-ismo: federalism; -al-ista, -isto: federalist; (kun-)feder-ito: ally, confederate (state, nation). — DEFIRS
fek-o: feces, excrement (of man or animal); -ala: fecal; -ifar: to void the bowels, defecate (cf. kakar); -izar: to befoul (with f.); -o-pulvero: dried night-soil. — DEFIS
fekul-o: (chem.) fecula (starch). — EFIS
fekund-a: fecund, prolific (of living beings only; cf. fertila); -(ul)o: a f. man; -eso: fecundity; -igar: to make f., impregnate. V. exp.: vid. fertila. Ant.: ne-fekunda, sterila. — EFIS
fel-o: hide, pelt, fell, skin detached from body and dressed; (cf. furo). — De
feld-o: (electric, magnetic, optical, scientific) field; -o di ago: field of action; (cf. agro). Def.: Spaco en qua existas ula distributo di forci (elektrala, magnetala, e.c.); VI-140. V. exp.: On parolas pri elektrala, magnetala feldo, mem (identigante la feldo kun la forco existanta en singla punto) pri l'intenseso di feldo en ula punto. Kompreneble, on povas anke parolar metafore pri la feldo di ago o di influo di ula povo o potento. Ma en omna altra kazi on devas uzar agro, exemple, pri plu o min granda parto dil sulo. Do on devas dicar kombat-agro, nam to esas vere agro, en qua on kombatas, o agro di kombato: VI-140. — DE
felg-o: felly, outer rim of wheel; -freno: (wheel) rim brake. — De
felic-a: (of persons) happy (cf. fortun-oza); -(ul)o: a h. person; -eso: happiness, felicity; des- -a: miserable; aspektar -a: to look happy. — eFIS
felin-o: -a, -ala, -atra: feline. — EFIS
felp-o: (fabric) a kind of plush, shag, velveteen. — DI
felt-o: (fabric) felt; -a chapelo: a f. hat. — DEFIS
femin-a, -ala: she, feminine (N.B. applied chiefly to animals to distinguish sex); (cf. hom-in-a, -ala); -o: a female (animal); -ismo: feminism; -eso: femininity; -acho: a vile woman; -atra: effeminate; -(atr)igar: to render, make effeminate; -alo: (gram.) the feminine. — DEFIRS
femur-o: (anat.) femur, thigh-bone. — EFIS
fen-o: hay; -eyo: place for h.,; -ifar: to grow h.; -igar: to h. make. — FIS
fenacetin-o*: (pharm.) phenacetin(e). — DEF
fenc-o: fence, enclosing barrier; muro-, palis-, greto-, lato-fenco: wall-, plank-, paling-, grate-, lath-fence. — DE
fend-ar: (tr.) to split (lengthwise), slit, cleave; (cf. krevis-ar); (fig.) to rend (the heart); -etar: to crack; -et-uro: a chink, flaw, crack; -uro: fissure, cleft, interstice; -ilo: cleaver, chopper. — FIS
fenestr-o: window; -aro: windows (collect.), fenestration. — DeFI
fenikul-o: (bot.) fennel. — DeFIL
fenix-o: (also astron.) Phoenix. — DEFIRS
fenol-o: (chem.) phenol, carbolic acid. — DeFIRS
fenomen-o: phenomenon; -ala: phenomenal. — DEFIRS
fenomenologi-o*: phenomenology, description, history, or explanation of phenomena. — DEF.
fer-o: iron; -a, -ala, -oza, -atra: of, relating to iron; ferrous, ferruginous; -izar: to put iron on (ulo), to bind, fit, hoop (with iron); -o-labor-isto: i. worker; -erio: i. foundry; -o-raboturi, -spani: i. filings, chips: -ajo, -garnituro: i. fitting; -iz-ita: ironed, metalled; (of horses) shod; olda -o: scrap i.; -tolo, -lameno: sheet i.; forj-ita -o: wrought iron; -skorio: slag, scoria, dross; -o-cianato: potassium ferrocyanide; -voyo: railway, railroad. — eFIS
ferdek-o: (nav.) deck (of a ship); -izar: to d.; navo tri- -a: a three-decker, ship with three decks. — De
feri-o: fair (market); -o-placo, -loko: fairground.
ferm-a: firm: solid, stable, fixed, compact, stout; (cf. solida, stabila); (fig.) which does not tremble, steady, steadfast, bold, resolute; -eso: firmness, stability; -igar: to make firm, (ulo) (cf. sekur-igar); -eskar: to become firm, strong, established, settled. -e: firmly, steadily; (interj.) hold fast; do not flinch! Ex.: Ferma tero. Stacar ferme. Karno ferma. Parolar en tono ferma. Fermigar sua rezolvo. Ant.: mola, shancel-anta, vacil-anta, febla. — DEFIS
ferment-o: a ferment (as yeast, leaven); (fig.) which excites or gives rise to. — DEFIRS
fermentac-ar: (intr.; also fig.) to ferment; (of dough) to rise. — DEFIRS
feroc-a: ferocious. Def.: Sovaja, kruela e violentoza; III—325. Ex.: Feroca bestio; metafore: feroca tirano; feroca konservemo. — EFIS
fertil-a: fertile (ground, also fig.); -eso: fertility, fruitfulness; -igar: to fertilize. V. exp.: Fertila ne esas la sama ideo kam fekunda: ento fekunda genitas ento simila a su; fertila esas simple produktema, qua produktas multo (ex.: agro); fekunda dicesas pri la vivanta enti, fertila pri la tero; IV—10. — DEFIS
fervor-ar: (intr.) to be fervent, be earnest, eager, zealous; (cf. ardorar, zelar); fervoroza prego: fervent prayer; -ar pri ulo: to be eager about something, take a thing to heart. — EFIS
fer-voy-o: railroad, railway; -isto: R. R. employee.
fes: (mus.) F flat.
fest-ar: (intr.) to observe a holiday; (rel.) to keep a feast; -o, -o-dio: festival, celebration, holiday, saint's day; -ala: festal, festive (of holidays); Pasko- -o: Easter; muzik- -o: music festival; garden- -o: garden fęte. — DEFIS
festin-ar: (tr., intr.) to feast, eat sumptuously, banquet; -ala: festal: of a f. — eFS
feston-o: festoon; -izar: to f.; (fig.) to scallop. — DEFIRS
festuk-o: a blade of straw. — FI
fet-o: foetus. — DEFIS
fetid-a: fetid, rank, stinking; (cf. mal-odor-anta). — DEFIS
fetish-o: fetish. — DEFIRS
feud-o: fief, feud, fee; -ala: feudal; -ismo: feudalism, feodality; -igar: to enfeoff. — DEFIRS
fez-o: fez: (Turkish) red cap. — DEFIRS
fi!: fie! shame! faugh! ugh! pish! phew! — DEFR
fiakr-o: hackney-coach, cab, four-wheeled public carraige; -o-kavalo: cab-horse. — DeFR
fial-o: vial. V. exp.: vid. botelo. — DEFI
fianc-ar: (tr.) to betroth, affiance, pledge in marriage; (ulu kun); -eskar: to become engaged; -o, -eso: betrothal, engagement; -it-o, -ulo, -ino: fiance; ge- -iti: the two affianced. — eFI
fiask-o: fiasco, complete failure. — DEFIRS
fibr-o: fiber; -eto: fibril; -ala, -oza, -esk-ema, -atra: fibrous, thready; -igar: to thread out (ulo); -eskar: to become fibrous. — DEFIRS
fibrin-o: (chem.) fibrin. — DEFIRS
fibroin-o*: (chem.) fibroin. — DE
fibul-o: (antiq.) fibula, a buckle or clasp (cf. peroneo); -izar: (surg.) to infibulate. — DEFIS
fich-o: (play-) counter, token, check; asisto- -o: token of presence. Def.: Lud-, konto – marko. Asisto – ficho pagesas a la membri di ula konsilantari, qui asistis singla kunveno; V—484. — DFRS
fid-ar: (intr.) to trust, put one’s trust (in); rely (upon); put confidence (ad ulu, ulo); (cf. konfidar); o-: confidence, reliance, faith; -ema: trusting, confiding; -inda: faithful, trustworthy; -ala: (jur.) fiduciary; su- -ego: great self-confidence; su-fid-eg-anta: overweening; me fidas a lua parolo: I rely on his word. — eFIS
fideikomis-o: (jur.) a trust (of an estate or property); -ario: trustee. — DFIS
fidel-a: (of persons) faithful, true, trusty; -(ul)o: a f. person; -eso: fidelity, fealty, allegiance (cf. vasal-eso, devot-eso, loyal-eso); -o-juro: oath of allegiance; -a a sua obligi: faithful to one’s engagements; -a amiko: a faithful friend. — EFIS
fier-a: proud, proper sense of self-respect or self-esteem; il esas fiera e superba: he is proud and haughty. V. exp.: Fiera esas ta qua havas alta (ma generale justa) opiniono pri sua valoro, merito, povo, e qua manifestas ol extere. Superba esas ta qua havas ecesa opiniono pri sua valoro e merito, e konseque manifestas exajerata pretendi; IV—465. Ant.: modesta, afabla, familiara. — FIS
fifr-o: fife; -isto: fifer. — DEF
fig-o: (bot.) fig; -iero: f. tree; -ier-eyo: f. orchard. — DEFIRS
figur-o: (also geom. rhet.) figure, outside form, shape of a body; appearance, representation; -ala expresuro, senco, stilo: a figurative expression, sense, style; -o vort-ala: figure of speech; -izar: to figure, form into a determinate shape, represent (in picture) or statuary; -izar kombato: to figure, to represent a fight; -izo: figuration; -iz-anta, -iva: figurative, typical; -iz-ebla: representable. Def.: Formo di tota korpo, homala o ne; V—679. Ex.: Figuro di persono, animalo, kozo. Figurizar ulo, garnisar ulo per figuri. Pensala figuro. — DEFIRS
figurant-o, -ulo, -ino: (theat.) figurant, accessory dancer or character. — DeFS
fikari-o*: (bot.) figwort (Ficaria verna. Ranunculus ficaria).
fiktiv-a: fictitious, imaginary, not real. Ex. Fiktiva persono, valoro. — DEFIRS
fil-o: thread; (lina, lana, kotona, e.c.) (flax, wool, cotton, etc.) yarn; (metal-) -o: wire; -ala, -oza: thready; -ifar: (intr.) to spin; -igar: (tr.) to spin (ulo), to make into threads; -if-erio: spinning mill; -if-roto: spinning-wheel; metal-fil-igar: to wire draw, draw into wire; -izar: to thread (a needle); -marioneto, -pupeo: dancing Jack. — FIS
filament-o*: filament (of plants, of nerves, etc.) — DEFIS
filandr-o, -i: air-thread(s), gossamer(s) (from spiders); (cf. araneotelo). — F
filantrop-o: philanthropist; -eso: philanthropy. — DEFIRS
filas-o: tow, harl (of flax, hemp, for spinning). V. exp.: La materio ek qua on filifas. Filaso ne esas stupo; nam on ne povas filigar stupo; III—74. — FS
filateli-o: philately, stamp collecting; -ar: (intr.) to collect stamps; -ero: philatelist. — DEFIS
filet-o: fillet, chine (of beef, fish); thread (of a screw, worm); -ino: female thread (tech.); -izar: to cut a thread on. Ex.: Fileto de soleo. Skrub-fileto. — DFIS
filharmoni-o: philharmony; -ala: philharmonic (society, etc.). Def. Amo pasionoza por muziko. — DEFIRS
filhelen-a, -o: philhellen -ic, -ist. — DEFIS
fili-o: child (of), son or daughter; -ulo: son; -ino: daughter; -ala: filial; -eso: filiation, relations of children to parents; -al-igar: (fig.) to affiliate (cf. adoptar); -alo: (fig.) branch establishment; -ino di la karitato: sister of charity. — EFIRS
filigran-o: filigree (work), filigrane. — DeFIRS
filik-o: (bot.) fern (order: Filices). — IL
filipik-o: philippic. — DEFIRS
filistr-a, -ala; -o: (fig.) philistine.
film-o: (photog.) film. — DE
filogenez-o*: phylogeny, phylogenesis. — DEF
filolog-o: philologist. — DEFIRS
filologi-o: philology; -ala: philological; -isto: philologist. — DEFIRS
filoxer-o: (ent. genus) phylloxera, plant lice (cf. afidio). — DEFIRS
filozof-o: philosopher; -ala: relating to a p. — DEFIRS
filozofi-ar: (intr.) to philosophize; -o: philosophy; -ala: philosophical. — DEFIRS
filtr-ar: (tr., intr.) to filter, strain, percolate; -ilo: filter. — DEFIRS
fin-ar: (tr., intr.) to finish, to end, leave off, to have done, come to an end; -igar: to finish (ulo), to cause to end, put an end to, terminate; -o: end, finish; -a, -ala: final; -alo: (gram.) final syllable; (mus.) finale; -e: finally, at last, lastly; -eskar: to draw to, to approach the end; par- -ita: entirely completed, finished; sen- -a: endless, interminable; sen- -e: indefinitely; -evento: denouement, final event, outcome; la muro finas ye ca loko: the wall finishes at this place; finigez vua parolado: put an end to your talk; ye la fino di ca monato: at the end of this month; finala kauzo: final cause. — EFIS
financ-o: finance, pecuniary resources; -ala: financial; -isto: financier. — DEFIRS
fing-ar: (tr.) to feign, sham, pretend, (cf. simular); -o, -uro: dissimulation; false appearance, pretence, sham; figment; -ajo: a fiction, make-believe; -ita: feigned, fictitious. Def.: Simular por trompar. Ex.: Fingar joyo, maladeso. Il fingis amorar me. — DeFIRS
fingr-o: (anat.) finger, digit; -ala: digital; ped- -o: toe (cf. haluxo); -uyo, -chapo, -shirm-ilo: thimble; f. stall; -agar, -ordinar: (tr., mus.) to finger; -o-frap-eto: fillip; indik- -o: forefinger, index f.; (cf. polexo); meza -o: middle f.; ringo- -o: ring finger, third f.; mikra, orel- -o: little f. — DE
finis-ar: (tr., tech.) to finish off (an article), to put the finishing touches to (ulo); -limar: (tr.) to finish off (ulo) with a file. Def.: Finisado esas la lasta laboro, quan on facas pri ula material produkturo, por ke ol havez sua definitiva forma ed aspekto; VI-383.
finit-a: (math., philos.) finite; -ajo: a f. object.
fink-o: (orni.) chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). — D
fint-o: (milit., boxing, fencing) feint; -ar: (intr.) to (make a) f. Def.: Simulita atako. Termino teknikal di la skerm-arto, uzata anke metafore; V-484, 676. — DEF
fioritur-o: (mus.) grace note, flourish. — DFIRS
firm-o: (com.) firm; -estro: head of f. — DEFRS
firmament-o: (lit. and fig.) firmament. Def.: L'antiqua nociono di la cielo (kom solida vulto); V-484. — DEFIS
fis: (mus.) F sharp.
fish-o: (also astron.) fish; -et-aro: small f., fry (collect.); -oza: abounding in f.; -izar: to stock with f.; -atra, -forma: f. like, f. shaped; -kaptar: to catch a f. (cf. peskar); -vendar: to sell f.; -koquar: to cook f.; -vend-eyo: f. market; -koqu-ilo: f. kettle; -osto: f. bone; -manj-anta: f. eating, ichthyophagous; -edukado: pisciculture: raising of f; popul-izar per -yuni: to stock with fry. — DE
fisk-o: fisc: state or royal treasury; an exchequer; -ala: fiscal; -ala bilieto: treasury note; -ala ad-ministr-ado: fiscal administration. — DEFIRS
fistul-o: fistula. — DEFIRS
fit-ar: (intr.) -igar (tr.): (mechan., also of garments) to fit: suit as to shape, size; -eg-anta: tight-fitting. Def.: Tale adjustigar mashinal peci, ke li ne plus movas en ula direciono exter l'axala (anke uzata por la vesti); (VII-99). Ex. Ica fitas quale ganto. — EI
fix-a: fixed (day, star, look, idea); -e: fixedly, steadfastly; -igar: to fix, fasten (ulo), to appoint (a day); -eso: fixity, fixedness; -igo: fixation; -ig-iva, -ivo: (photog.) fixing (agent). Ex.: Stelo fixa. Regardar fixe. Fixigar ulo per pinglo. Fixigar preco. Fixigar la atenco. — DEFIS
fizik-o: physics; -ala: physical, -isto: physicist; -o-matematik-ala: physico-mathematical. — DEFIRS
fiziognomoni-o*: physiognomics: art of reading character. — DEFIRS
fiziokrati-o: physiocracy: economic doctrine of Quesnay; -isto: physiocrat. — DEFIRS
fiziologi-o: physiology; -isto: physiologist. — DEFIRS
fizionomi-o: physiognomy, countenance, facial appearance; -isto: physiognomist. — DEFIRS
flad-o: flawn, a sort of flat custard cake. — D
flag-o: (especially nav.) flag; (cf. standardo, banero); -eto: pennant; -izar: to dress with f.s. Def.: Flago esas insigno (generale min granda kam standardo), qua indikas la lojeyo, navo o loko di ula chefo o di ula establisuro: ex. la Reda Kruco; III-31. — DER
flagr-ar: (intr., chem.) to deflagrate: to blaze suddenly, flare up; (fig.) to be flagrant, flame into notice, be notorious; -anta delikto: (jur.) flagrante delicto, in the very act. Def.: Kombusto rapida kun granda e subita flami (anke uzata metafore); III-469. Ex.: La flagro di nitrokotono esas instantala. Flagranta ne-egaleso. — DeFIS
flajolet-o: (mus.) flageolet. — DEFS
flak-o: small pool, puddle (of water, blood, etc.) — F
flakon-o: flask, cruet; vinagro- -o: vinegar cruet. V. exp.: vid. botelo. — DeFR
flam-o: flame, blaze, flash, flare; (fig.) flame (of passion), ardour, warmth (of affection); -oza: flaming; -ifar: to blaze up, produce flame; -agar: (tr.) to pass (ulo) over a fire, to singe; -if-(ad)o: flaming, blazing. — DEFIS
flaming-o: (orni.) flamingo (family: Phoenicopteridae). — DEFIRS
flan-ar: (intr.) to lounge, saunter, loiter, stroll; -(ad)o: an idle and leisurely walk; -anto, -ero, -emo: lounger, stroller, idler. — DF
flanel-o: flannel; -a: of f. — DEFIRS
flanj-o: flange (of a tube). Def.: Diskatra, salianta parto di tubi, stangi, e.c., qua uzesas por ligar li per skrubi; III-82. V. exp. vid. rebordo. — DEIR
flank-o: side (of body); flank (of enemy); breast (of ship); -e: at or from the side, flank; -ala: lateral; -ala atako: flank attack; -umar: (tr.) to be on the f. of (ulo); -umo: flanking; -um-anto: (milit.) flanker; -apogar: (tr.) to prop up (ulo) on one side; -izar: (milit., arch.) to f., cover the f. of (ulo, per); -irar: (intr.) to go aside. — DEFIR
flar-ar: (tr.) to smell, scent (an odour, an object; cf. odorar); -ar rozo: to smell a rose; -ar danjero: (fig.) to smell a rat, scent danger; -(ad)o: smelling; -anta, -ala: olfactory. — F
flat-ar: (tr.) to flatter; -achar: to f. servilely, fawn upon, toady to (ulu); -anta, -ema, -oza: flattering, adulatory; -ach-anto, -ero: sycophant, toady. — DEF
flatu-ar: (intr.) to break wind, -(ad)o: breaking wind, flatus, poop; -oza, -ema: flatulent, -oz-eso: flatulence. — DeFIS
flav-a: yellow; -eso: (color) yellow, yellowness; -ajo: y. object; -igar: to render, make y.; -eskar: to become, turn, grow y. — L
flebit-o: (med.) phlebitis. — DEFIS
flech-o: (weapon) arrow; (arch.) spire; (fort.) bonnet, fleche, simple redan; (geom.) absciss (of a curve); (trig.) versed sine; -uyo: quiver. — FIS
fleg-ar: (tr) to nurse, care for (sick person, child; cf. sorgar); -(ad)o: nursing; -ist(ul)o, -ino; nurse; -eyo sick-ward, place for nursing. V. exp.: vid. suciar. — D
flegm-o: (med.) phlegm; (fig.) coldness, sluggishness (of character); -oza: (med. and mental) phlegmatic. — DEFIRS
flegmon-o: (med.) phlegmon. — DEFIRS
fleret-o: (fencing-) foil. Def.: Speco di espado tenua e flexebla por skermado (generale kun butono ye la fino); IV—10. — DFIS
flex-ar: (tr., intr.) to bend (out of the straight), bow, flex; -o, -eso, -uro: bend(ing), flexion; -anta: (anat.) flexor; -ebla: flexible, pliant, supple; -oza: (bot.) flexuous; -igar: to cause to b. — EFIS
flexion-o: (gram.) flexion. — DEFIS
flintglas-o: flint-glass. — DEFRS
flirt-ar: (intr.) to flirt, coquet, make love in a trifling manner; — DEFR
flitr-o, -ajo: spangle (cf. oripelo); -izar: to spangle. Def.: Ronda plaketo quan on sutas exemple sur vesto por igar ol brilanta; VI—142. — D
flog-ar: to flog, whip, lash, flagellate, scourge (cf. verg-agar): -ilo: whip, lash. — E
flok-o: flake (as of snow); flock: lock of wool or hair; tuft; -oza, -atra: flaky; nivo- -o: snow-f. — DeFIR
flor-o: flower, bloom, blossom; (fig.) flower (of speech), prime (of life), bloom (of innocence), etc.; -eto: flowerlet; -ala: floral; -ifar: to bloom, blossom, be in flower; -if-(ad)o: blooming, efflorescence; -if-anta: (bot.) floriferous; -izar: to cover, deck (with flowers); -oza, -iz-ita: flowery; -(vend)isto: florist; -ist-ino: flower girl; -kultiv-(ad)o: floriculture; -eyo, -bedo: f. bed; -uyo, -vazo: f. holder, -vase; -uno: (bot.) floret; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to deflower; en la floro di l'evo: (fig.) in the prime of life. — DEFIRS
florin-o: (money) florin. — DEFIRS
flor-kaul-o: cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis).
floron-o: (arch.) flower-work; -iz-ita: ornamented with f.w. Def.: Ornivo imitanta la formo di floro; IV—10. — FIS
flos-o: (ich.) fin. — D
flot-o: (nav.) fleet; -eto: a small f. V. exp.: Floto indikas «ensemblo de navi» naviganta kune e komandata da un chefo; nav-aro restus por indikar l'ensemblo di la navi di un naciono, kompanio, e.c.; IV—230. — DeFIS
flotac-ar: (intr.) to float, to be afloat on the surface of a liquid; -igar: to (cause to) float, waft, raft (wood, etc.); -lineo, -nivelo: load, water line. — DEFIS
flotili-o: (nav.) flotilla. Def.: Floto (ne flot-eto) de mikra navi; VI—74. — DEFIRS
flox-o*: (bot.) phlox (genus: Phlox). — DEFIS
flozel-o: floss-silk. — eF
flu-ar: (intr.) to flow, run, glide (of liquids, elec.); -(ad)o: flow, current, stream(ing); -anta: flowing, running; -anto: (math.) fluent, variable quantity; -anta stilo: (fig.) flowing style; segun la fluo: with the current; lava-flu-ajo: lava flow; elektrala -o: f. of electricity. — DEF
flug-ar: (intr.) to fly (in air), fly about, be wafted (by wind); -etar: to flutter, hover; -eskar: to take wing, flight; -balono: (fig.) a shuttlecock; -anta fisho: flying-fish (genus: Exocoetus and allied species); -folio: loose or detached sheet of paper; -roto: flywheel (of machinery). — De
fluid-a: fluid, having parts freely mobile, separate and penetrable, as water, vapor, and air; -o: a fluid; -eso: fluidity. V. exp.: Fluido esas gaso o liquido; IV-162; (cf. liquida). — DEFIRS
fluktu-ar: (intr.) to fluctuate, waver, float, move to and fro; (fig.) to be irresolute; -(ad)o: fluctuation, a motion like that of waves; wavering, unsteadiness; la flukti di opiniono publika: the fluctuations of public opinion. Flago fluktuas en la vento: a flag floats in the wind; Aquo fluktuanta: moving water. — DEFIRS
fluor-o: (chem.) fluorine. — DEFIRS
fluorec-ar: (intr., physics) to be fluorescent. — DEFIRS
flur-o: staircase landing. — De
flut-o: (mus.) flute; -o rur-ala: reed-pipe; -eto: child's whistle; -o transversa: German f., traverse f.; -atra: flutelike, fluty; -(ple)ero, -isto: flute player, flutist. — DEFIRS
fluvi-o: (large) river, a large stream of water flowing into the sea; (fig.) copious flow, torrent; irar admonte la fluivo: to go up the river; (fig.) fluvio di sango: torrent of blood; -o di fairo, di eloquenteso: stream of fire, of eloquence; -ala: fluvial. — eFIS
flux-o: rise of tide, high, flood-tide; fluxo e refluxo: flood and ebb of tide; -ar: (intr.) to rise (of tide). — eFIRS
fluxion-o: (math., med.) fluxion. — DEFIS
fok-o: (geom., opt.) focus. — DEFIR
fol-a: mad, crazy, mentally deranged; (fig.) foolish, nonsensical, senseless; -eta: (fam.) cracked, touched (in the head); mad after, infatuated, doting on; (cf. dementa); -(ul)o: madman, fool; -eso: madness, folly; -ajo: mad, foolish act, prank; -a stroko: a foolish play, act; -e amorar: to love to distraction, be madly in love with (ulu); -igar: to make (ulu) crazy, to make some one foolish; -eskar: to go mad, become infatuated; -ig-it-a: maddened, distracted, infatuated; -e  ludar: to sport, romp, frolic, play pranks; -fol-lud-ema: playful, sportive, frolicsome; -o-ceptro: fool's bauble; kort-fol(ul)o: court-fool, -jester. Def.: Vulgara termino, qua aplikesas precipue a la formi maxim videbla e shokanta di alienaco, a ti qui manifestas su per sensenca parolado, agiteso e violento; VI — 244 — EFI
folad-o: (bivalve) pholas, stoneborer, piddocks (family: Pholadidae). — EFIRS
foli-o: (bot.) leaf; thin sheet of something; folio: page number (folio 12 = pagino 12 of a sheet of which the reverse side is blank); -aro: foliage, leaves (collect.); -eto: leaflet; (bot.) foliole; -ala: relating to leaves; -oza: leafy; (bot.) foliated; -ifar, -eskar: to produce l.s, break forth in l.; -igar: to make into l.form; -if(ad), -iz(ad)o: foliation, leafing; -iz-ita: foliated, flaky; -o-shirmo: bower (of leaves); -o-rekolto: leaf-harvest; sen- -igar: to strip of leaves; -ajo: (arch.) foliaceous ornament, leaf-work; (cf. florono); -umar: to turn over the leaves of a book. — eFIRS
folieton-o: feuilleton, literary part of a F. newspaper; -isto: a writer of f.s. — DeFRS
folikul-o: (bot., anat.) follicle. — DEFIRS
folklor-o: folklore. Def.: Ico esas nek populala literaturo, nek populala tradicionaro, ma l'ensemblo di la verki, rakonti, kanti, kustumi qui naskis de la populo e karakterizas ol, e lua studiado: VII-279. — DEFR
foment-ar: (tr., med.) to foment, apply warm lotions to; (fig.) to encourage, stir up. — DEFIS
fond-ar: (tr.) to found, establish (ulo, sur ulo); (cf. establisar); -ajo, -uro: that which is founded, establishment, foundation (cf. fundamento). Ex.: Il fondis sua sistemo sur fakti nekontestebla. Fondar komercala firmo, imperio, religio. — DEFIS
fonetik-o: phonetics. — DEFIRS
fonograf-ar: (tr.) to record (ulo) on a phonograph; -ilo: phonograph; -uro: phonograph-record; plear -ilo: to play a phonograph — DEFIRS
fonolit-o*: (min.) phonolite. — DEF
fonometr-o: phonometer. — DEFIRS
font-o: (pr. and fig.) font, spring: natural source (cf. fonteno); -aquo: spring-water. Ex.: La fonti di Nil. Acensar rivero til la fonto. La fonto di lo bona e di lo mala. Laboro esas la fonto di richaji. Recevar novaji de bona fonto. — EFIRS
fontanel-o: (anat.) fontanel. — DEFIS
fonten-o: (artificial) fountain; -plumo: f. pen. — DEFIR
for: (prep.) far from, away from; -e: (far) away; -a: distant, remote, far distant (de); -ajo: a distant object; distance (prospect); de fore: from a, at a, distance; -esar: to be away; -igar: to remove, send away; - de hike: a great way off (from here); -eso: remoteness; -irar: to go away; -a komerco, navig-ado: foreign trade, navigation. (In composition with verbs «away» as in: for-duktar, -portar, -tirar, -tranar, etc.); il esas for sua patrio: he is away from his fatherland; il vidis il de fore: he saw him from a distance; kad vu volas forirar? do you wish to go away? la soldato forkuris: the soldier ran away. — e
forc-o: (mechan.) force. Ex.: La forci natural esas l'aero, l'aquo, e.c. Forco centripetala.
forcat-o: galley-slave, convict (condemned to hard labor). — FIS
forceps-o: (surg.) forceps, an instrument used in midwifery (cf. pinc-eto). — DeFIS
forej-o: forage, fodder, food for beasts; -ifar: to forage (for fodder); -o-planti: plants fit for fodder. — DEFIRS
forest-o: forest; -ala: pertaining to f.s, silvan; -isto: forester; -o-kultivado: forestry; -izar: to cover with f. — DEFIR
forfet-o: contract, tender (at a stipulated price, whether the contractor lose or gain); -ale: by contract, by the job, at a lump sum; kontratar per forfeto: to engage to do (ulo) by contract. Def.: Kontrato per qua on engajas su exekutar ula laboro po totala sumo fixigita antee; IV-454. — FI
forfikul-o: (ent.) earwig (family: Forficulidae). — IL
forj-ar: (tr.) to forge (metals); -ebla: forgeable; -isto: blacksmith, forger (of iron); -eyo, -erio: smithy, blacksmith's shop, iron works. — EFS
for-jet-ar: (tr.) to throw away (cf. re-pulsar, retro-jetar); (of cards) to discard; -ajo: refuse, waste; -inda: worthy of rejection.
fork-o: (agri.) pitchfork, hayfork, dungfork; (fig.) any two or three-pronged instrument; -eto: tablefork; -atra: forklike, cloven; -o-dento: prong of a f.; -o-pikar: to pierce with a f. — DEFI
for-las-ar: (tr.) to leave, quit; (cf. livar).
form-o: form, shape, conformation; -ala: formal; -al-ajo: formality; -al-ismo: formalism; sen- -a: shapeless. — DEFIRS
formac-ar: (tr.) to form, shape; -(ad)o, -uro: formation; -anta, -iva: formative. Ex.: Formacar literi, nubi, triangulo, karaktero. Geologiala formacuro. — DEFIRS
formalin-o*: (chem.) formalin. — DEF
format-o: format, shape, size of a book. — DFIRS
formik-o: (ent.) ant; -eyo: ant-hill, -nest; -umar: (intr.) to swarm, teem, be full of (like ants); -um(ad)o: swarming; (med.) formication. — FIS
formul-o: formula; -aro, -libro: formulary; -igar, -izar: to formulate, draw up in due form; -igo, -izo: formulation. — DEFIRS
forn-o: (bake-)oven; (tech.) kiln; (cf. furnelo); -ego: furnace, blast f.; -edo: a baking, ovenful, batch; -eyo: baking place, bake-house; -o-pago: charge for baking. Def.: Kesto klozita, en qua on pozas kozi koquenda o varmigenda; IV-135. — FI
fornik-ar: (intr.) to fornicate. — EFIS
foronomi-o*: phoronomics: geometry of kinematics. Def.: Geometrio di la movo, o cinematiko geometriala; III-263. — DeFIRS
for-port-ar: (tr.) to carry away, bear off.
fors-ar: (tr.) to force, break open (a door, a lock), to compel (by mechanical means or power) ; (cf. koaktar). — DEF
forsan: (adv.) perhaps, may be, perchance. Ex.: Forsan il kredas lo. Forsan il venos, forsan no. Me ne savas precize quanta komizi laboras en ica kontoro; forsan tri o quar. — IL
fort-a: (also fig.) strong, stout; -e: strongly; (mus.) forte; -ulo: a s. man; -eso: strength; -igar: to strengthen; -eskar: to get s.; (of wind) to freshen; -ig-anta, -iva: strengthening, invigorating; -ig-ivo: strengthener, tonic. Ant.: febla, debila, frajila. — eFIRS
fortifik-ar: (tr., milit.) to fortify; -(ad)o: fortification, (act); -uro: fortification (object). — DEFIRS
fortres-o: fortress, a large fort holding a garrison.; (fig.) a stronghold. — EFIRS
for-tran-ar: (tr.) to draw, drag away; (fig.) to sweep away, carry off (by passion).
fortun-o: good fortune, good luck; (myth.) Fortuna; -oza: fortunate, lucky; (cf. hazard-oza). Def.: Bona chanco; V-492. Ant.: des-fortuno, des-felic-eso. — DEFIS
forum-o: forum. — DEFIRS
fos-o: hole, pit, cavity; -eto: small hole; (of face or body) dimple; -ifar: to dig or make a pit. Def.: Kavajo o exkavajo plu o min larja e profunda (en tero). — FIS
fosat-o: ditch, trench; (milit.) moat. Def.: Foso longa o plu juste linea, qua formacas limito od obstaklo; IV — 166. — FI
fosf-o*: (chem.) phosphorus; -ala, -oza: phosphoric. — DEFIRS
fosfat-o*: (chem.) phosphate; -acido: phosphoric acid. — DEF
fosfen-o*: (phsysiol.) phosphene. — DEF
fosforec-ar: (intr.) to be phosphores-cent; -(ad)o: phosphorescence — DEFIRS
fosil-a, -o: fossil; -igar: to fossilize; -eskar: to become fossilized. — DEFIS
fost-o: post, a piece or timber set upright; stake (cf. paliso); jamb (of a door); indiko- -o: way-post, guide-post, signpost. — D
fotofobio*: (med.) photophobia, aversion to light. — DEFIRS
fotofon-o: photophone, radiophone. — DEFIRS
fotograb-ar*: (tr.) to photo-engrave; -uro: photogravure. — DEFIRS
fotograf-ar: (tr.) to photograph; -ilo: camera; -ajo, -ato: object, person photographed; -uro: a photograph. — DEFIRS
fotokemi-o*: photochemistry. — DEF
fotolitograf-ar*: (tr.) to photo-lithograph.
fotometr-o: (phys.) photometer. — DEFIRS
fotometri-o: photometry. — DEFIRS
fotosfer-o: (astron.) photosphere. — DEFIRS
fototerapi-o*: (med.) phototherapy. — DEF
fototipi-o*: phototypy. — DEF
fox-o: fox; -eyo: f.hole, -burrow; -chas-isto, -ero: f.hunter. — DE
foy-o: time (in counting); occasion (repetition); turn (in series); singla-foye, omna-foye: evey time (that), all the time, whenever; multa-foye: many times, often (when), repeatedly; quanta-foye: how many times; kelka-foye: sometimes; esas mea foyo: it is my turn; a singlu lua foyo: to each a turn, every one in turn; me vidas il du-foye en la monato: I see him twice a month. F
foyer-o: (theat.) foyer, lobby; (of the actors) green-room. — DEFIRS
fracion-o: (arith.) fraction; -igar: to divide into f.s. — DEFIRS
frag-o: strawberry; -iero: s.plant (genus: Fragaria); -ier-eyo, -ier-bedo: s. bed. — FISL
fragment-o: fragment, broken piece, scrap; -igar: to make into or reduce to f.s. — DEFIS
frajil-a: (also fig.) fragile, brittle, easily broken or destroyed, not durable; hom - ala- -eso: (fig.) man's frailty; la -eso dil fortuno: (fig.) the instability of fortune. V. exp.: Ne omna objekto ruptebla esas frajila; bastono esas ruptebla, vitro dina esas frajila; III—200. Ant.: solida, dur-iva. — DEFIS
frak-o: (evening) dress coat, swallow-tailed coat. — DFRS
frakas-ar: (tr.) to break to pieces, shatter, smash; -bruiso: crash (sound). (cf. ruptar). Ex.: Frakasar porcelana taso. Omna osti en lua korpo esis frakasata. — FI
fram-o: (tech.) frame (work) (of a machine, wagon, etc.); chassis (of autom.); sash (of a window, etc.) N.B. not frame of picture; cf. kadro. — E
framason-o: a freemason; -ala: masonic. — EFIRS
framb-o: rasberry; -iero: r. bush (genus: Rubus); -izar: to cover with r.s; (fig.) to give a r. flavor to. — FS
Franc-a: French; -o, -ulo, -ino; Franci-ano: a F. person; -ia: France; -igar: to frenchify, gallicize; -eskar: to become F.; -ig-(ad)o: gallicizing; -amanta; -amiko: francophil; -odi-anto; -enemiko: enemy of the F.; francophobe; la Franca (linguo): the French (language); -atre, segun la Franca modo: in the F. fashion.
francisk-o: (French) battle-axe. Def.: Armo di l'antiqua Franki: hakilo kun du tranchivi; V — 87.  — DFS
franciskan-o*: a Franciscan monk, gray friar. — DEFIRS
frangul-o: (bot.) black alder tree, alder buckthorn Frangula (Rhamnus). — IL
franj-o: fringe, border of loose threads; -izar: to f. (ulo): adorn, trim with a f.; -igar; -eskar: to fray out, become f.ed. — DEFIS
franjipan-o: frangipane, jasmine perfume, also a liquor. — DeFIS
frank-o: franc: F.coin; $0.193; 9.52 pence.
member of a former German people. — DEFIRS
frankolin-o: (orni.) francolin: a species of partridge (genus: Pternistes). — DEFIRS
frap-ar: (tr.) to strike, knock, hit, slap, rap; (fig.) to make an impression on (ulu); -etar: to pat, tap lightly, strum; -(ad)o: strike, clapping (of hands, rapping); (cf. stroko); frap-anta verajo: a striking truth; vento- -o: gust of wind; pugno- -o: blow of the fist; manu- -o: clap (of hand); pedo- ar: to knick (cf. kikar); ondo- -o: beat of wave; -ar pike e tranche: to cut and thrust. V. exp.: vid. batar. — F
frat-o: (also relig.) brother or sister; -ulo: brother; -ino: sister; ge- -i: brothers and sisters; -aro, -eso: brother- or -sisterhood; -ala, atra: fraternal, sisterly, brotherly; -eskar: to fraternize (kun); armo- -ulo: brother-in-arms; lakto- -ulo: foster brother; -ocido: fratricide (act.) — EFIS
fraud-ar: (tr., intr.) to defraud; cheat (in play); -a, -oza: fraudulent; -anto, -ero: defrauder, cheat; -e sustraktar: to embezzle; -ar parole: to equivocate; -ar sua kredit-anti: to defraud one's creditors; -ar en exameno: to cheat in an examination. V. exp. furtar. — DEFIS
fraxin-o: (bot.) ash-tree (genus: Fraxinus). — FISL
fray-o: spawn, eggs of fish and also of frogs; -ifar: to s. — FIS
frazar: (gram., mus.) phrase, sentence; -ifar: to phrase, form sentences; -o-formo: a form of sentence; a ready-made sentence, commonplace; idiotismala frazo: idiomatic sentence; membro de -o: clause (cf. klauzo). — DEFIRS
frazeologi-o: phraseology. — DEFIRS
fregat-o: (nav.) frigate. — DEFIRS
fregat-ucelo: (orni.) frigate-bird (genus: Techypetes)
fremis-ar: (intr.) to shudder, quiver, tremble (from passion; cf. tremar); -igar: to cause to shudder. Ex.: On fremisas de (pro) hororo, iraco, de multa pasioni. — FS
fren-o: (tech.) brake; -(ag)isto: brakeman; -agar: (intr.) to apply the b.s.; par- -agar: to put the b. full on; — FIS
frenezi-o: frenzy, madness; -oza, -ika: furious, frantic, frenzied, raving; aceso de frenezio: a fit of f.; -oza homo: frantic person. Def.: Furioza deliro; (fig.) eceso en ula pasiono. — DEFIS
frenologi-o: phrenology; -isto: phrenologist. — DEFIS
frequ-a: frequent; -ala: (gram.) frequentative. V. exp.vid. ofta. Ant. rara, ecept-a, -ala, unika. — DEFIS
frequent-ar: (tr.) to frequent, visit often, haunt; attend (a school); -ata: frequented (road, etc.); nur la Angli frequentas ta regioni: only the English frequent these parts. V. exp.: Frequentar implikas  (etimologie) l'ideo di frequeso, do di plura o multa asisti. On frequentas skolo, kurso, ma on ne frequentas diskurso (unfoye facita): on asistas ol; V. — 743. — DEFIS
fresh-a: fresh, recently made, gathered, done, obtained; not stale; sound, not impaired by time; -igar: to freshen, refresh; -ig-anta: refreshing. Ex.: Fresha ovo (jus pozita). Fresha aquo, karno, linjo. Freshe bakita, razita. La fresheso di la rozo. La pluvo freshigas l'aero, la vejetantaro. Drinkajo freshiganta. — DEFIRS
fresk-o: fresco; -e piktar: to paint in f. — DEFIRS
fret-ar: (tr., nav.) to charter (a vessel); -anto, -ero: charterer; -o-pago, -preco: freight-, charter-cost; -o-kontrato: charter-party. Def.: Lokacar navo por transporto di vari; II — 75. — DeFS
frez-ar: (tr., tech.) to countersink; to widen, chamfer the upper part of a hole; -ilo: a c. — DFIRS
friabl-a: friable. Def.: Qua esas facile reduktebla a pulvero. — EFIS
friand-a: (of objects) dainty, nice, toothsome, savory; -ajo: titbit, dainty morsel, sweetmeat, table delicacy; -a disho; a dainty dish. F
fricion-ar: (tr., mechan., med.) to rub; -o: rubbing, friction. V. exp. vid. frotar. — DEFIS
frigoro: (tech.) cold: (cf. kold-eso); -izar: (tr.) to refrigerate, preserve bt cooling, -iz-(ad)o: refrigeration; -iz-ivo, -ilo: cooling, refrigerating apparatus; -if-anta, -iva: frigorific: producing cold; -if-anta fasko: refrigerating coil, fresh-aqu-ala frigor-iz-ilo: fresh mater cooler.
frikas-ar: (tr., cook.) to fricassee; -ajo, -uro: a f. — DEFIRS
frip-o, -i: worn-out, old clothes or apparel, frippery, trumpery; -eyo: old clothes place, rag-fair; -isto: old clothes dealer; second hand dealer. — eF
fripon-a: knavish, rascally; -(ul)o: knave, rogue, rascal; (cf. raskalo); -ajo, -eso: rascality, knavishness. F
fris-o: (arch.) frieze. — DEFIRS
frisk-ar: (intr.) to frisk, w(r)iggle, fidget; -ema: frisky, nimble, fidgety; ca fisho ankore friskas: this fish is still wriggling; ta puero esas -ema: that child is fricky (or, fidgety); el esas sempre -anta per sua pedi: she is always fidgeting with her feet. Def.: Agitar (su) per movi vivaca e kurta. — E
frist-o: (jur.) fixed space of time; (legal) term; respite, delay, postponement. Def.: Tempo - quanto grantenda o grantita por efektigar ulo; VI—384. Ex.: On grantas a vu fristo de tri monati por pagar vua debaji. — D
frit-ar: (tr., intr.) to fry; -ajp: thing fried, a fritter, fry; -ita buio (de): croquette; -o -graso: fat for frying. — EFIS
frivol-a: (of persons) frivolous, light-minded; (of things, acts) trifling, futile, petty; -(ul)o: f. person; -ajo: frivolity (act); a futility; -a yuno: a gay young person; dicar -aji: to talk nonsense, fiddle-faddle. Ant.: serioza, grava. — DEFIRS
friz-ar: (tr., intr.) to curl, frizzle (the hair of the head, beard, mustache, etc.); -eso: curliness; -ajo, -loklo: a curl; -isto: hair-curler, -dresser; -fero: curling iron; papero: curl-paper. — DEFS
frog-o: frog: coarse braid or gallon crossing the breasts of a coat. (Not amphib. cf. rano). — E
frok-o: (monk's) cowl, hood (cf. kapuco); (in an extensive sense) (monk's) frock, gown; -izar: to enfrock; abandonar la -o: (fig.) to cease to be a monk. — eF
frol-ar: to graze, touch slightly in passing, brush past. Ex.: La kuglo frolis mea kapo. — F
fromaj-o: cheese. — FI
frond-o: a sling ( as for throwing stones); (surg.) a sling (as used for arm) (cf. sharpo); -agar: (tr.) to throw (ulo) with a s. — FI
front-o: (anat.) forehead; (fig.) the fore part of anything; -ala: frontal (anat.); front (fig.); -alo: frontal-bone; sam- -e: abreast; -o-lineo: (milit.) front-line; -o larja: a wide forehead; a broad front; atakar la enemiko sur la fronto: to attack the enemy on its front; frontal atako: a front attack; la -o di vesto: the front of a garment. — DeFIRS
frontier-o: frontier. Def.: Limito inter du landi; II—75. — EFIS
frontispic-o: (book) frontispiece. Def.: Ilustruro qua opozesas (E. faces) a titul-pagino di libro e libro-parto; IV—451. — DEFIS
fronton-o: (arch.) fronton, pediment; -eto: a little pediment over a door or window. Def.: Arkitektural ornivo triangula o mi-cirkla super la enireyo di edifico. — FIRS
frost-ar: (intr.) to freeze (cf. glacieskar); -igar: to f. (ulo); (cf. frigor-izar; konjelar; pruinar); -etar: to chill, benumb; forta -o: a hard freeze; -o-pluvo: a freezing rain; -o-fend-ita: split, cracked by frost; des- -ar: to thaw. — DE
frot-ar: (tr., household term) to rub, scrub, shine up; polish (ulo) by rubbing; wax and polish (a floor, furniture) (cf. polisar). V. exp.: Frotar esas ekonomiala ago: on frotas parqueto, mobli, etc. Fricionar havas teknikala senco, sive en medicino, sive en mekaniko; II—647. — DFS
fru-a, -e: (adj. adv.) early; -lev-anta, -anto: rising early; early riser; tro frue: too early; plu frue: earlier; maxim frue posible: as early as possible. — D
frugal-a: frugal; (cf. spar-ema) Ex.: Frugala homo. Frugaleso di repasto. — DEFIS
frugileg-o:(orni.) rook (Corvus frugilegus); -eyo: rookery. — L
frukt-o: (pr. and fig.) fruit; -ifar: to fructify, bear fruit; -oza, -if-anta: fruitful, prolific; -arboro: f. tree; -o-gardeno, -arbor-eyo: f. garden; -o-vend-isto: f. seller; -o-manj-anta: frugivorous. — DeFIRS
frument-o: wheat; -a, -ala, -atra: frumentaceous; -izar: to sow (ulo) with w., cover with w. — eFIfruns-ar: (tr.) to wrinkle, pucker, purse (the lips), knit (the brows), to gather (in needle work); -(ad)o: wrinkling, puckering; -uro, -aro: gathering, puckers; -ar la brovi: to frown. V. exp.: Frunsar esas facar nereguloza falduro; plisar esas facar reguloza falduro. — FS
frust-a: worn out, defaced, corroded (of coins), weather-beaten (of statues); -a medalio: a defaced medal; konko -a: a worn shell. V. exp.: Frusta esas vorto mi-teknikala, utila in mikra faki, ex. pri arto (skulptado, numismatiko); IV—516.— FIS
frustr-ar: (tr.) to deprive unjustly (ulu, de ulo), to defraud; (N.B. not E. frustrate; cf. deceptar, fali-igar, van-igar). Def.: Privacar neyuste o neloyale; III—673. Ex.: Frustrar asociito de lua parto de pfofito.— FIS
ftizi-o: (med.) phthisis, consumption; -ika, -iko: consumptive. — DEFIS
fudro: ton, large cask. Def.: Tre granda barelo (de 800 litri e plu multo); V—418. — DF
fug-ar: (tr., intr.) to flee (from), run away; -eskar: to take flight; -igar: to put (ulu) to flight, drive away, rout; -o: running away, flight, rout; (mus.) fugue; -anta, -inta, -ema: fugitive, fleeting, transient; -anto, -ero: fugitive, runaway. Ex.: Ni fugas de la enemiko. Ni fugigas la enemiko. Tempo fugas. La fugo ad Egiptia. Fuganta sklavo. Ca vivo esas fuganta (E. transient). — FIR
fuin-o: (zool.) common (or beech-) marten (Mustela Foina). — FISL
fuk-o: (bot.) fucus, sea-weed, kelp. Def.: Ordinara genero di algo. — eFIS
ful-ar: (tr.) to tread (grapes), trample on (ulo); to full (cloth) (cf. tramplar). Def.: Pedo-presar (ulo) o marchar sur (ulo); (fig.) specala maniero traktar drapi; VI-114. Ex.: Fular la vitberi. La kavali fulis la gazono e la flori. — eFI
fulard-o: (fabric) foulard; (fig.) a silk handkerchief. — DEFR
fulgur-ar: (intr.) to fulgurate, flash as or like lightning (cf. fulminar); -pulvero: (photog.) flash-light powder.
fulgurit-o: (geol.) fulgurite. — DEFIRS
fuligin-o: soot; -oza, -atra: sooty, fuliginous; -ea: s. colored. — eFIS
fulk-o: (orni.) (bald) coot (genus: Fulica). — FISL
fulmin-ar: (tr., intr.) to fulminate, to lighten; to thunder and lighten; to flash; to blast (ulu); (fig.) to thunder forth (menaces, excommunication, etc. kontre ulu); -(ad)o: lightning, flash, fulmination; -stroko: thunderbolt, lightning stroke; -o-silenc-oza: heat-lightning; -anta: fulminating; para- -o: lightning-rod. — EFIS
fum-ar: (tr., intr.) to smoke; -izar: to cover with s.; to s. dry; -agar: (tr.) to fumigate; to s. out (ulu); -ag-ilo: fumigating apparatus; -oza; -if-anta: smoky; smoke-producing; -anto, -ero: smoker; -fend-uro: smoke fissure (cf. fumarolo); -karbono: smoking-coal, smoky bit of charcoal; -konsum-anta: s. consuming; -o-nigro: lamp-black. — eFIS
fumario: (bot.) fumitory (genus: Fumaria). — EFIS
fumarol-o: (volcanic) fumarole, smoke fissure (cf. fum-fend-uro). — DEFIS
funcion-ar: (intr.) to function (all senses): to function, act (kom), to perform the duties, fill an office, to work properly (of machinery, etc.); (cf. agar, laborar); -igar: to make work, set going, put in play; -(ad)o: function(ing): execution, performance; discharge (of duty); office, duty; (physiol., math.) function; -ala: functional; -ero: functionary; -er-ismo: officalism, administrative system, founded on the existence of a great number of functionaries. — DEF
fund-o: bottom, lowest part of something hollow, as b. of a vase, a well; that which stands at the bottom, as a liquid at the bottom of bottles; ground, solid substance under water, as of sandy b.; (fig.) basis, essential part; -e: at bottom, in the main, in reality; -izar: to bottom (a chair, etc.); sen- -a: bottomless; en la fundo di la holdo: in the b. of the hold; -o di lito: b. of a bed; -o di la maro: b. of the ocean; tushar -o: to touch b.; (fig.) la -o di pikturo: the background of a painting; veluro kun oratra -o: velvet with a gold(like) background; de l'fundo til la tekto: from the bottom to the roof; (fig.) wholly, from top to bottom; -o di spegulo: back of a mirror. — FIS
fundament-o: (pr. and fig.) that on which anything rests; foundation, groundwork, underpinning; (fig.) basis, ground; (cf. fond-uro, basamento); -ala: fundamental; -izar: to lay the f.s of (ulo). Ex.: La fundamento di edifico. La fundamenti di la universo, di la homala vivo, di la arti; Lua sistemo esas fundamentale nejusta. — DEFIRS
funel-o: funnel; -agar: (tr.) to pour (ulo) through a f.; -ego: (mill-)hopper; -fusilo: (firearm) blunderbuss. — E
funer-o: (ceremony) funeral, obsequies; -ala: funeral, funereal, mortuary; -isto: undertaker. — DEFIS
funest-a: baleful, disastrous, distressing, pernicious, malign. Def.: Expresas ideo plu forta kam nociva, ma ne esas exakte nek sempre mortigiva; signifikas kauzo od okaziono di nefeliceso; IV-267. Ex.: Funesta evento, novajo, pasiono, milito. Ant.: favoroza. — FIS
fung-o: (also med.) (bot.) fungus, mushroom, (edible or poisonous as toadstool); -o manj-ebla: edible (or common) m.; -ajo: (med., bot.) f. growth; -oza: fungous; -atra, -o-forma: f. like; f. shaped; -o-kultiv-eyo: f. bed. — EIL
funikular-a: funicular, dependent upon the tension of a cord, cable; -a fervoyo: f. railroad. — DeFIS
fuort-o: fort, fortified point, stronghold; (cf. fortreso). — DEFIRS
fur-o: fur (of animals; cf. felo); -oza, -iz-ita: furry, lined with fur; -izar: to line, cover with fur; -isto: furrier; -vesto, -ajo: fur garment, fur object. — EFS
furet-o: (zool.) ferret; (Putorius Furo); (fig.) ferret(er), inquisitive person; -agar: (intr.) to hunt with a f.; -umar: (tr.) to ferret out, pry into (ulo); -um-anto: a Paul Pry, searcher. — eFI
furgon-o: closed van or goods wagon (cf. kamiono); (milit.) baggage cart, ammunition wagon. Def.: Kargoveturo qua esas konstitucita ek kestego klozita en qua on inkluzas la vari; IV-291. — F
furi-ar: (intr.) to be in a state of extreme anger, momentary madness, immoderate passion; -igar: to infuriate (ulu); -o: rage; (myth.) Fury; -oza: furious, enraged. — DEFIRS
furier-o: (milit.) quartermaster (sergeant) (cf. quartermastro). - DFIS
furnaz-o*: (also fig.) furnace; ardor-oza-o: fiery furnace.
furnel-o: stove (for heating or cooking); kitchen-range; -ego: furnace; -if-isto: stove-maker; fuzo- -o: smelting-furnace. Def.: Aparato en qua on facas fairo; ol povas kontenar forno; IV-135. — FIS
furnis-ar: (tr.) to furnish, supply (ulo ad ulu); -ajo: thing supplied; -anto, -ero, -isto: furnisher, purveyor; (theat.) property-man. Ex.: Furnisar pano, mobli, informo. V. exp.: On provizas ulu per ulo; on furnisas ulo ad ulu; kp. livrar. — EFI
furt-ar: (tr.) to steal, rob, purloin; -et-ar: to pilfer; -o: theft, larceny; -ajo: thing stolen; -o-mani-o, -iko: kleptomani-a, -ac; enirar -eme; to steal in, sneak in. V. exp.: Furtar esas prenar per ruzo la proprajo di altru (generale kun nesavo di ica); raptar esas prenar ol per violento sen celo; fraudar korespondas a furtar (implikas deshonesta ruzo); II-647. — ISL
furte-chas-ar: (intr.) to poach, steal game.
furto-cel-o: the hiding or receiving of stolen goods: -ero, -isto: receiver of stolen goods; (colloq.) fence.
furunkl-o: (med.) furuncle, boil. — DeFIS
fush-ar: (tr.) to bungle, botch, scamp (work); -(ad)o: botching; (fig.) sabotage; -ajo: botch-work, shoddy; -fabrikar: to make worthless merchandise, shoddy goods. — D
fusil-o: musket, gun, rifle; -iero: fusilier; -agar: (tr.) to shoot (down) (ulu); -pafar: (intr.) to shoot (ad ulo); -ag-ado: firing, fusillade; -pafo: musket-shot; chas- -o: hunting gun, fowling-piece; duopla -o: double-barreled gun; glata -o: shotgun; iter-anta -o: a repeating or magazine rifle. — FIRS
fust-o: (arch.) fust: shaft of a column; (of a cannon) chase. — eFIS
fusten-o: (fabric) fustian. — EFIS
futer-o: lining (of clothes, etc.); -izar: to line (ulo). — DIRS
futur-a, -o: (also gram.) future; predicar la -o: to foretell the f. - DEF
fuxi-o: (bot.) fuchsia (genus: Fuchsia). — DeFIRS
fuxin-o: (chem.) fuchsine. — DEFIRS
fuz-ar: (tr.) to melt, fuze, smelt; -o, -eso: melting, fusion, blend; -anta, -iva, -ema: melting, dissolving; -erio: foundry, smelting establ.; -kaldrono: melting-pot; -arto: art of smelting; -temperaturo: melting point; -ebla: fusible; kun- - ar: to melt together, amalgamate, blend. — EFIS
fuze-o: rocket (as in fireworks); fuse (to a bomb, etc.); signal- -o: sky-, signal-rocket. — F
fuzel-o: (geom.) spindle: a solid generated by the revolution of a curved line about its base; a fusiform figure; — F
fuzen-o: (bot.) prickwood, spindle tree, (genus: Evonymus); -karbono, -krayono: charcoal pencil; -desegnuro, -uro: charcoal sketch. — FIS
fyord-o: fiord, rocky bay. — DEFIRS