Ido-English Dictionary : I

iamb-o: iambic, iambus. — DEFIRS
ibe: (adv.) there; ad-ibe: (with motion) thence; tra ibe: through there, that way; hike ed ibe: here and there; ibe fore: there at a distance; ibe infre: down there. Ex.: Ibe esas ube me lojas. Haltez ibe. — L
ibis-o: (orni.) ibis (subfamily: Ibidinæ). — DEFIRS
ic-a: see ca.
ide-o: idea; -ala: ideal; -alo: an ideal; -al-ismo: idealism; -al-igar: to idealize; -al-ist-a, -o: idealistic (person). — DEFIRS
ident-a: identical, the (self-) same; -eso: identity, sameness; -igar: to identify, to make identical (N.B. not used for persons: ri-konocar ulu kom ulu). Ex.: Me prestis a B. la sama libro kam ad A. (t.e. libro tote identa, un libro). La du propozicioni esas identa l'una a l'altra. — DEFIRS
ideografi-o: ideography; -ajo: idiom-graph, idiogram. — DEFIRS
ideologi-o: ideology. — DEFIRS
idili-o: (also fig.) idyl; -ala, -atra: idyllic. — DEFIRS
idiom-o: idiom, language of a people, tribe, etc.; (cf. idiotismo); -ala: idiomatic, vernacular, relative to a particular language; provincala (o lokala, o rurala) idiomo: patois (cf. dialekto, jargono, slango); la Franca idiomo: the French language. Def.: La linguo propra di ula naciono o regiono. — DEFIRS
idiot-a: idiotic, devoid of understanding; -(ul)o: idiot, natural fool; (for scientific discussion of meaning, cf. VI-243); -ajo: an idiotic act. — DEFIRS
idiotism-o: idiotism, idiom, an expression peculiar to itself in grammatical construction; an expression the meaning of which as a whole cannot be derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements; (cf. idiomo); -ala: idiomatic, relating to the grammatical construction of a sentence; (cf. idiom-ala). Dei.: Frazo ne komprenebla per logikal analizo; VI-192. Ex.: "How do you do" esas Angla idiotismo. — DEFIRS
idol-o: (also fig.) idol; -isto: idolater; -igar: to idolize; -kulto, -ismo: idolatry; -ista, -kult-ala: idolatrous. — DEFIRS
ig-ar: (tr.) to make, cause, render (= suffix -ig- used as an independent verb). Ex.: Igar B. dicar ulo ad A. Igar ulu savar ulo = savigar ulo da ulu. Igar ulu facar ulo = facigar ulo da ulu. Lu igis sua flechi (esar) venenoza. La rejo igis la generalo arestar la policestro.
ignor-ar: (tr.) to ignore, to refuse to notice; disregard wilfully; to overlook (ulu, ulo) intentionally. Def.: Ne volar savar; simular nesavar; VI-165. Ex.: Me savas ke altra faktori existas en la problemo, ma me ignoras li. Ignorar la prczenteso di ulu. — DEFIRS
iguan-o: (zool.) iguana (genus: Iguana). — DEFIRS
ikneumon-o: (ent.) ichneumon fly. — EFIS
ikon-o: (rel.) icon. — EFIRS
ikonogen-o*: (photog.) eikonogen. — DE
ikonografi-o: iconography. — DEFIRS
ikonoklast-o: iconoclast, image breaker; (fig.) one who attacks cherished beliefs as shams; a determined enemy of image worship. — DEFIRS
ikonometr-o*: (photog.) iconometer. — DEFIS
ikosaedr-o*: (geom.) icosahedron. — DEFIS
ikter-o: (med.) icterus: jaundice; -ika, -iko: (person) suffering from j. — DEFIS
iktiokol-o: ichthyocol(la), fish-glue, isinglass, a glue prepared from the sounds of fish. — DEFI
iktiosaur-o: (paleon.) ichthyosaur. — DEFIRS
il: (abbr. of ilu; accus. ilun) he; -i: they (masc.); ilua: his; ilia: their (masc.). Note: In order to show gender, il is sometimes prefixed to demonstrative and interrogative pronouns: ilca, ilta, ilqua, ilci, ilti, ilqui. Ex.: il veis kun ilua kuzi. Ili venis kun ilia kuzi. Pro quo vu prenas ilua libri? Lektez la vui e lasez la ilui (plu.) — FS
ileon-o: (anat.) ileum. — EFIS
ilex-o: holly; -iero: h. tree (Ilex aquifolium). — L
iliak-o*: hip-bone, pelvic-bone, coxa; -a, -ala: iliac(al). — EFIS
ilion-o*: (anat.) ilium. — EFISL
iliterat-a, -o: illiterate, unlettered (person). Def.: Qua savas nek lektar, nek skribar; VI-486. — EFIS
ilumin-ar: (tr.) to illuminate, decorate with festal lights or bonfires (cf. lumizar); (fig.) to enlighten the mind of (ulu); pregar Deo -ar vu: to pray to God to illuminate your mind; -(ad)o: illumination (as at a festival); -ismo: the principles of the illuminati; la -ati: the illuminati. — DEFIRS
ilustr-ar: (tr.) to illustrate, to provide or adorn (as a book with pictures); (cf. enluminar, klarigar, explikar); -uro: illustration (in a book, paper). — DEFIRS
iluzion-ar: (intr.) (cf. trompar), to be laboring under an illusion, delusion; -oza: full of delusions; -a: illusory (truly so); -ig-anta, -iva: delusive, illusive: which makes a delusion; -igar: to delude, deceive (ulu,su, pri ulo); bastono en aquo aspektas quale ruptita; co esas iluziono: a stick in water looks as if it were broken: it is an illusion. Def.: (iluziono) Eroro di la sensi o di la mento, qua igas konfundar la versimilajo por la realajo. — DEFIRS
imagin-ar: (tr.) to imagine, to form a notion, a mental image; -ajo: that which one imagines, fancy, conceit; -iva, -ema: imaginative. Ex.: On ne povas imaginar ulo plu extraordinara. Il havas vivaca imaginado. Mento imaginema. V. Exp.: vid. fantaziar. — EFIS
imaginar-a*: (math.) imaginary, impossible (quantity or expression). — DEFIRS
imaj-o: image, a visible representation of something; statue, effigy, picture, idol, etc.; a picture produced by reflection, refraction, etc.; a natural resemblance, likeness; a mental or printed picture. Ex.: La ikonoklasti kombatis kontre la kulto di imaji. Vidar sua imajo en l’aquo. Deo kreis la homo segun sua imajo (E. likeness); Esas bela imaji (E. pictures) en ca libro. — EFIS
iman-ar: (intr., philos.) to be immanent, to indwell; -anta: immanent, inherent. Ant.: (iman-anta) trancendanta. — DEFIS
imbast-ar: (tr., of tailors, seamstresses) to baste, to run or tack together (the different parts of a garment, cloth). Def.: Sutar per longa steburi e (ordinare) blanka filo, por pose probar; IV-167. — eFI
imbecil-a: imbecile, weak-minded. (For discussion of scientific meaning of this and related word, cf. VI-243. — DEFIS
imbib-ar: (tr.) to imbue, to permeate, soak in, drench (speaking of liquids); La pluvo imbibas la tero: the rain has soaked the ground; -ar sponjo per aquo: to soak a sponge (with water); (fig.) –ar la mento per opinioni eroroza: to imbue the mind with erroneous opinions. — DeFIS
imbrik-ar: (tr.) to imbricate, to overlap (ulo, per ulo); -o, -uro: imbricating, overlapping (as scales, tiles, shingles). — EFIS
imens-a: immense, immeasureable, vast. — E
imers-ar: (tr.) to immerge, immerse, to dip, plunge (ulo) into (a liquid); -o-quanto: (nav.) (ship’s) draught. V. exp.: Submersar esas plunjigar komlete en (sub) l’aquo; diferas do de imersar, qua esas plunjigar nur parte; on imersas omna navi kande on lansas oli, ma nur poka e specala navi esas submersebla; altri (salvo-bateli) esas kontree nesubmersebla; IV-231. — DEFIS
imit-ar: (tr.) to imitate, endeavor to copy or resemble (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o, -uro: imitating, imitation; -ajo: the model or object which is imitated; -achar: to ape, mimic. Ex.: Imitar la signaturo, la manieri, la agi di ulu. Juveli imitita (E. imitation jewels) (cf. kontrafaktar). — DEFIRS
imobl-o, -i: (jur.) immovables, realty, real estate, chattels real, (permanent) fixtures. Def. : Nemovebla havaji (domi, agri, e.c.); II-75. — DeFIS
imol-ar*: (tr.) to immolaite, offer or kill as a sacrificial victim. Ex.: Agamemmon imolis sua filiino por la interesto generala di la Greki. — EFI
imortel-o: (plant, flower) immortelle, everlasting flower. — DEFR
imped-ar: (tr.) to impede, hinder, prevent; -o, -ivo: hindrance, hitch, impediment; (elec.) impedance; -ili, -ivi: impedimenta; sen- -a: unimpeded. Ex. Impedar ulu faca ulo. Impedar l'enemiko transirar la rivero. Impedo a l'exekuto du ula projecto. Impedivo en sua parolado. — EFIS
impera-ar: (tr.) to order, direct, enjoin, bid, command (N.B. not military); (fig.) to rule, have sway (cf. dominacar, guvernar, regnar); -ema: imperious; -vorto: word of command; Ex.: La patrulo imperis a sua filio departar. Devos imperas a me. V. exp.: vid. komandar. — eFIS
imperativ-o: (gram. philos.) imperative. — DEFIS
imperator-o: (Rom. hist.) imperator. Def. : Komandanto di antiqua Romana armeo; VI-213. — DEFIRS
imperfekt-o: (gram.) imperfect (tense). — DEFIS
imperi-o: empire, slate ruled by an emperor; -ala: imperial, relating to an e.; -al-ismo: imperialism; -al-ist-a, -o: imperialist(ic); -estro: emperor; -estr-ino: empress; -estr-ata: imperial, relating to an emperor. — DEFIRS
impertinent-a: impertinent, saucy, pert. V. exp.: Impertinenta esas nepolita o senrespekta. Insolenta esas, pluse, insulentema od ofensema. kun nuanco du superbeso; II-647. — DEFIS
impetu-o: (of things) violence, fury; -em-eso: (of persons) impetuous, vehemence, boisterousness; -oza, -ema: impetuous, headlong, violent; la -o di la tempesto: the violence of the tempest; -em-eso di yuneso: impetuosness of youth; -oza deziri: vehement desires: iraco -oza: violent anger. — EFIS
implicit-a: implicit, implied, tacitly comprised; to esas kontenata en la kontrato en maniero implicita: this is implied in the contract; libera volo esas la kondiciono implicita di responsiveso elikala: free-will is an implicit condition of moral reponsibility. — DEFIS
implik-ar: (tr. log..) to imply, to involve by inference; -o, -ajo: implication, inference; -ar kontre-dico: to imply or involve a contradiction: l'ideo di la homo implikas l'idei di inteligenteso ed arbitrio: the idea of a man implies ideas of intelligence and free will.. — EFIRS
implora-ar: (tr.) to implore. V. exp. : Suplikar esas pregegar humile. Implorar adjuntas a suplikar l'ideo di emociganta moyeni, aparte (segun l'etimologio) di la ploro; II-646. — EFIS
import-ar: (intr.) to have import, be of importance or consequence; to matter, signify, concern; -as: (impersonal) it is necessary; -o: import, importance, consequence; -anta: important; -anto: person of importance; -ajo: important thing or matter; to nemulte (o poke) importas a me: that is of little consequence; sen- -a: insignificant; importas irar: it is necessary to go; ne -as ube me esas: no matter where i am; l'importo di l'afero: the importance of an affair; -anta okaziono, persono: important occasion, person. — EFIRS
importac-ar: (tr., com.) to import (goods). Ant.: exportacar. — DEFIRS
impost-ar: (tr.) to tax (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o, -uro: taxation; impost, excise, duty; -o-kolekt-isto: t.-gatherer, -collector; -o person-ala: personal t., poll-tax; sal- -o: duty on salt. V. exp.: Taxar esas kalkular quanto de imposto pagenda; impostar esas igar taxito pagar ica sumo. Taxuro ed imposturo havas la sama senco. Ex.: La guvernerio taxas ula importacajo ye procento di 20 po cento, la dogan-kolektisto direte impostas ica 20 po cento. — DEFI
impotent-a: (med. and fig.) impotent. — DEFIRS
impoz-ar: (tr.) to impose (ulo ad ulu); -ar su: to obtrude oneself; -esar to be incumbent (ad); -ar ulo a su: to impose something on one self; -anta, -iva: imposing, commanding, striking. Ex.: La vinkinto impozas severa kondicioni a la vinkiti. Impozar puniso, taco, respekto. Ceremonio impozanta. — DEFIS
impregn-ar: (tr.) to impregnate, to fecundate; (fig.) to imbue. — DEFIS
imprek-ar: (intr.) to imprecate, to invoke evil on a person, to curse (kontre ulu); (cf. maledikar). EFIS
impres-ar: (tr., materially and morally) to impress, make an impression on (ulo), to move, affect (ulu); (cf. imprimar); -o, -uro: impression, imprint; -ata: (bone, male) impressed. — DEFIS
impresari-o: (theat.) impresario. — DEFIRS
impresion-o: (paint., lit.) an impressionist work; -ismo: impressionism; -isto: impressionist. Def.: Artala verko, qua tendencas expresar o reprezentar l'impresi recevita da l'artisto de la naturo o de la temo; VI-323. — DEFIR
imprim-ar: (tr.) to print (a book, paper, etc.); -o, -uro: printing; (im)print: -ala: typographical; -erio: printing establ.; -eyo: printing office; -mashino: printing press; -proburo: proof (-sheet). — eFIS
improviz-ar: (tr.) to improvise, to compose, recite, sing, etc., extemporaneously; to extemporize; to make, do, or provide offhand; -e; -ata, -ita: extemporized, impromptu. — DEFIRS
impuls-ar: (tr., phys. and moral) to give impetus to, to impel; -o: impetus, impulse; -anta, -iva: impelling, impulsive; kuglo -ita da pulvero: bullet impelled by powder; cedar a l'impulso dil volo di stranjero: to yield to the influence of a stranger's will. — DEFIRS
imput-ar: (tr.) to impute, ascribe; (cf. akuzar, atributar); ne imputez mea taco ad ulo ecepte a manko di tempo: do not impute (attribute) my silence to anything except lack of time; me ne imputas mea desfortuno a vu: I do not impute my misfortunes to you; imputo kalumnioza: a caluminous imputation. — DEFIS
imun-a: immune (de); -igar: to render i. — DEFIRS
inanicion-o: inanition. Del.: Febleso efektigita da manko de nutrivi. DEFIS
inat-a: innate, inborn, inbred; -a idei: innate ideas. — EFIS
inaugur-ar: (tr., all senses) to inaugurate. DEFIRS
incendi-ar: (tr.) to set fire to; to burn down (maliciously); -anto, -ero: incendiary (person); -o pre-medit-ita: arson.
incens-o: incense, frankincense; -iz-ilo: censer. — EFIS
incest-ar: (intr.) to commit incest. — DEFIRS
«inch»: inch: 2.54 cm.
incid-ar: (tr. phys. and gen.) to impinge upon, fall upon or affect; -ala angulo: angle of incidence. Ex. Radio incidanta. L'incido di l'imposto. — EFIS
incident-a: incidental, causal; -o: incident, occurence; -a fraz-eto: a sub-ordinate, a parenthetic clause. — DEFIS
incit-ar: (tr) to incite, to spur or urge on (ulu, ad ulo); (cf. instigar); -etar: to plague, pester; -o: incitement, incentive; (med.) stimulus. Ex.: Incitar la populo revoltar. Ica pensi incitis il a la venjo. — DEFIS
inciz-ar: (tr.) to incise, to cut in or into (cf. tranchar); -o, -uro: incision, gash, cut, slash; -iva: (also fig.) incisive; -ivo, -iva dento: incisor (tooth). — EFIS
indemn-o: indemnity, recompense; -izar: to indemnify, compensate, recoup. Def.: Kompensal pekunio donita pro domajo, e.c.; II-75 — DEFIS
index-o: index, table of contents of a book; hand of a dial, etc.: (R.C. church) forbidden books; (of Bible) concordance; (cf. indik-fingro). — DEFIS
indic-o: indication, sign, token, mark, clue; -i tromp-anta: deceitful tokens; maligna parolado esas -o di mala kordio: an evil tongue is a sign of a bad heart; (math.) -o di radik-alo: index of a root; -o di refrakto: (opt.) index of refraction. Del. Fakto donanta la certeso o probableso di altra fakto. — DeFIS
indicion-o* : indiction, cycle of 15 years. — DEFIS
indien-o: (fabric) cotton print, printed calico, chintz. — DFS
indiferent-a: indifferent, unconcerned, immaterial; (of persons) cold, unmindful, insensible. Ex.: Sive ni selektas ca voyo sive l'altra, to esas indiferent a me. Il esas indiferent a la laudo ed a la kritiko. Indiferenteso pri temi religiala. — DEFIS
indig-o: (dye and color) indigo; -iero, -o-planto: i.plant. — DEFIRS
indign-ar: (intr.) to be indignant; -igar: to rouse the indignation of; -ig-anta: revolting, shoking; -o-klamo: out-cry, hue and cry. Ex.: Il indignas pro la deyusteso di homi. Desyusteso indignigas il. Eruptar pro indigno. — DEFIRS
indij-ar: (tr) to be destitute and in need of (ulo); -o, -eso, -ego; indigence, poverty, penury, want, -anto: necessitous, person; pauper. Def.: Indijo esas la stando di homo indiganta la maxim necesa kozi. (fig.) Indijo di idei. (cf. karear). Ant. : (indijanta) richa. — EFIS
indik-ar: to indicate, to show or point out, denote, designate (ulo ad ulu); -o, -ajo: indication (cf. indico; -fingro: index finger, forefinger.) — EFIS
indikativ-o: (gram.) indicative (mood). — DEFIS
indikator-o: (tech. chem.) indicator, gauge. — DEFIS
individu-o: individual, single person, animal or thing; -ala: individual; -eso: individuality, character peculiar to an individual; -al-eso: individuality, sum of characteristic traits; -ale: individually, in an i. or distinct manner, (cf. single); -al-igar: to individualize, render i.; -al-ismo: individualism; -isto: individualist.— DEFIRS
indolent-a: indolent, slothful, sluggish, lazy, nonchalant; -igar: to render i. Def.: Expresas nelaboremeso qua venas de la mental karaktero, de speco di moleso o deskurajo, II-19. Ant. : ag-iva, -ema; vivaca, impetuoza, diligenta. — DEFIS
indukt-ar: (tr., log.) to induce, to reach (a general conclusion) by inference from a number of individual cases; (phys.) to induce, to influence without direct contact; (phys. log.) induction, inference. — DEFIRS
induktor-o*: (elec.) inductor. — DEFIRS
indulg-ar: (tr.) to be indulgent to, make allowance for, forbear to inflict, spare; (cf. komplezar, absolvar); -anta, -ema: indulgent, lenient. Def.: Dispenar de puniso meritita; IV-562. Ant.: (esar) severa. —EFIS
induljenc-o*: (eccl.) indulgence —DEFIS
indult-o*: (eccl.) indult, dispensation granted by the Pope. —DEFIS
industri-o: industry: business employing much capital and labor. —DEFIRS
indut-ar: (tr.) to coat, to over with, (be)daub, smear, to paint (with one color); -o, -uro: coat(ing), a soft or liquid covering; -ar muro per gipsajo: to coat a wall with plaster; -ar per gudro: to tar (cf. gudr-izar); la puero indutis sua kayero per inko: the child blotted (bedaubed) his blank book with ink. —F
inert-a: (phys., mental) inert, sluggish; -eso: inertia; -a maso: an i. mass; -a mento: a dull mind. —EFIRS
infalibl-a: infallible, not liable to fail, decieve, or disappoint, unfailing, certain; (cf. ne fali-iva, ne-eror-iva); lua ruino esas -a: his ruin is certain; remediilo -a: i remedy; -a evidentajo, suceso: i. evidence. success. (N.B. not to be used for «infallible»: not capabable of erring). —DEFIS
infam-a: infamous; -ig-anta: degrating. Ant.: honor-iz-anta, glori-oza. —DEFIS
infant-o: infant; young child up to seven years of age; -eto: baby; -acho: brat; -ala, -atra: infantile, childlike; -eso: infancy, childhood; -eskar: to become childish; -alajo: childish act: -eso du-esma: dotage (cf. radotar); -ocido: infanticide. —EFIS
«infallible»: infanta, infante. Def.: Rej-ido en Hispania e Portugal.
infantri-o: (milit.) infantry; -ano: infantryman. —DEFIRS
infarkt-o: (med.) infract. —DEFIS
infekt-ar: (tr. med. and fig.) to infect, taint; -iva: infectious. —DEFIRS
infer-ar: (tr.) to infer, deduce, conclude (ulo de). —EFIS
inferior-a: (sociol., econ.) inferior; lower in station or rank in life (ex.: -klaso di socio); lower in excellence and value; less good (ex.: komercaji di qualeso -a); subordonate, secondary; of less importance (ex. tribunalo -a; ofico -a). V. exp. vid. alta. Ant.: superiora.  —DEFIS
infern-o: (lit. and fig.) hell; -ala, -altra; infernal (regions,noise, etc.). —EFIS
infiltr-ar: (tr. intr.) to infiltrate, percolate: to enter by penetrating the interstices of a substance; (fig.) to creep in, insinuate, penetrate. —DEFIS
infinit-a: (philos., math., and fig.) infinite. —DEFIS
infinitezim-a: infinitesimal, inmmeasurably small; -ala: infinitesimal, relative to an i. quantity; -a kalkulo: i. calculus, transcendental analysis
infinitiv-o: (gram.) infinitive (mood). —DEFIS
infirm-a: infirm, lacking full use of a limb, having disablement of body; -ajo: infirmily; Def.: Qua ne povas uzar (libere, normale) irga membro od organo: V-95. V. exp. vid kripla. —EFIS
infix-o: (gram.) infix. —DEFIRS
inflar: (tr.) to inflate, pull up or out, swell, bloat; (cf. bufar). Ex.: Inflar balono. Lua korpo esas inflita (E. swollen). (fig.) Esar inflita da superbeso. Stilo inflita (E. turgid style). —EFIS
inflam-ar: (tr., med.) to inflame; (tech. sense) to set fire to (ulo); -ala, -altra: inflammatory; -ebla: inflammable, combustible; -o-punto: burning-point. Def.: Igar tre varmega; bruligar kun flamo; V-492. Ex.: Organo inflamesas, t.e. ol esas en la morbala stando nomizita inflameso. On havas instrumento por determinar l'inflamo-punto (temperaturo) di diversa liquidi. — DEFIS
(tr., gram.) to inflect; -o: (gram., geom.) inflection, inflexion; (cl. flexiono, modulacar). — EFIS
infloresenc-o: (bot.) inflorescence. — EFIS
influ-ar: (tr., mental., phys.) to influence, sway ,bias; -anta, -iva: influential(person, force, etc.). — DEFIRS
infleunz-o: (med.) influenza. — DEFIRS
influx-o: (biol.) influx: act of flowing in; -o nerv-ala: (physial.) innervation. — DEFIS
inform-ar: (tr.) to inform, apprise, (ulu, pri ulo); -o: informing, news, information (given); -eso: information (received); -esar: to be informed (pri); serchar informi, inform-igar su: to make inquiries, (cf. Inquestar). V. exp.: vid. sav-igar. — DEFIRS
infr-e: down (as opp. to supre); below, at the bottom (point in space; cl. sube); -a: lowermost, bottom; inferior: lower in space, degree of importance. quality (cl. suba, inferiora); -ajo: lowermost part, bottom part;-ega, maxim -a: lowermost, most inferior; ad-infre: (with motion) downmard; -e di: at the bottom or foot of; -a labio-barbo: tuft of hair on lower lip, an imperial; videz infre: look below. V. exp.: videz alta. Ant.: supre. — L
infuz-ar: (tr.) to infuse: to steep (without boiling); (surg.) to introduce a liquid into veins; (fig.) to instil, inculcate (principles, etc.). — DEFIS
infuzori-o, -i: (nat, hist., zool.) infusoria. — DEFIRS
ingest-ar: (tr. physiol.) to ingest. — DEFI
inglob-ar: (tr., chiefly medic., pharm.) to bland together, put together, (in spherical form). Def.: Ne simple unionar, ma mixar en un sola substanco (globo, quale indikas l'etimologio); anke inkluzar ula substanco (farmaciala) en altra (di altra naturo e saporo), qua envelopas e celas olu; VI-244 — FIS
ingran-ar: (tr., intr., mechan.) to put in (or throw into) gear, to engage; (cf. embragar, kuplar). Ex. Un roto ingranas (kun) altra, kande ol movas (turnigas) ica per sua propra movo, per denti qui pulsas la denti di l'altra; III-87. — FIS
ingredient-o: ingredient. — DEFIS
inguin-o: (anat.) groin; -ala: inguinal. — eFIS
inhal-ar: (tr.) to inhale. — DEFIS
inher-ar (intr.) to inhere; -anta: inherent; -o, -ant-eso: (qual.) inherency. Ex.: Graveso inheras en (esas inheranta ad) materio. — DEFIS
inhib-ar: (tr.) to inhibit: to check, restran (the activity of); (jur.) to phohibit, interdict. — DEFIS
inici-ar: (tr.) to initiate: to introduce by a first act, take the initiative in; to instruct in the rudiments or pronciples; to introduce into a society, club, etc. by formal rites; -(ad)o: initiating (ac); -em-eso: initiative (tendency); -ala: initial: beginning; -anto, -into, -ero: initiator, promotor; -alo: person initiated; -ar a la misterii: to initiate into the mysterios. Def.: Igar komencar, igar departar, igar debutar; III-696. Ex.: On inicias homo a doktrino. On inicias afero, entraprezo. — DEFIRS
injekt-ar: (tr.) to inject (a fluid or other substance into something); -izar: to inject (a person or thing with an injection); -ajo: (liquid) injection; okuli -iz-ita: (fig.) bloodshot eyes. — DEFIRS
injeni-ar: (tr.) to exercise one's wits, to set one's wits to work; to contrive (tax one's ingenuity); -oza, -ema: (of persons) ingenious, clever; -ita: (of things) ingenious; showing ingenuity; la justa konstrukto di ca mashino injeniesis da me: the right construction of this machine was constrived by me. — EFIS
injenior-o: engineer (civil, military, mining, etc.); (cf. mashin-isto). — DEFIRS
ink-o: ink; -uyo: ink-holder, -stand, -pot; -izar: to (cover with) ink; -iz-ilo: ink-pad; any inking instrument; -o-makulo: ink blog.   — EFI
inkandec-ar: (intr.) to be incandescent. — EFIS
inkarnac-ar, eskar*: (intr., theol.) to be, become incarnate; -o: incarnation. — DEFIS
inkas-ar: (tr., fin. and fig.) to collect, call in, receive something which is due, chiefly commercial sense of money but lig. of applause, compliments, flowers, etc; (kp. IV-527) -ero, -isto: collector; -ar checko: to cash a check. — DFI
inkastr-ar: (tr., tech.) to lit in, set in, lit together; (fig.) to enshrine; to set (a stone in bezel); to set (a bone). — FIS
inklin-ar: (tr., intr., phys., mental) to incline, lean, slope; to be disposed;  -o: inclination, incline, gradient, bow; -eso: inclination, favorable, disposition, proclivity (for); -ita kapo: bowed head; -anta, -ita: inclined, sloped; prone, disposed (cf. tendencanta). Ex.: Ca muro inklinas. La vinko inklinas a lia favoro. Il inklinesas a severeso. Inklino vicioza. — EFIS
inkluz-ar: (tr.)  to include, inclose, shut up (in), insert, pen in or up; -o, -eso, -ajo: including, inclosure; -anta, -iva: inclosing, inclusive; -e, -ite, -ive: inclusively; hike inkluz-ita: herewith inclosed, sent herewith; -ito: a person shut in, recluse. — DEFIRS
inkoativ-a: (gram.) inchoate. Def.: Qualifikas la vorti (generale verbi), qui signifikas ula komenco; V-279. Ex.: La sufixo -esk- esas inkoativa. — DEFIS
inkognit-a, -o: incognito; -ino: ingognita. — DEFIRS
inkombr-ar: (tr) to encumber, obstruct, block, crowd, hinder in passing. Def. : Embarasar, impedar per l'amaso de objekti. Ex.: La multa veturi inkombras la strado. V. exp.: Tablo, chambro, inkombrita, ne povas dicesar obstruktita. III-326. — EFIS
inkrust-ar: (tr.) to incrust: cover with a crust; to inlay (thin slices of fine wood, marble, etc.). — DEFIRS
inkub-o: nightmare; (imaginary demon) incubus.— DeFIS
inkubac-ar: (intr. med.) to be in a state of incubation (speaking of a disease). (N.B. not used for «to hatch»; cf. kovar). — DeFIS
inkulk-ar: (tr.) to inculcate; impress on the mind by frequent repetitions, to instil, implant (a truth, a doctrine). V. exp.: Inkulkar kredo, bona mori, esas penetrigar li profunde e dureme en la mento e kustumo; IV-136. — EFIS
inkunabl-o, -i: incunabula.— DEFIS
inkurs-ar: (tr.) to make a incursion: enter into a territory with hostile intent, to raid. — EFIRS
inocent-a: innocent, guileless, artless(cf sen-kulpa). Def.: Qua tote ne konocas la malajo; IV-79. — EFIS
inokul-ar: (tr., med) to inoculate (virus); (fig.) to propagate. — DEFIRS
inquest-ar: (tr., adminis., parl., jur.) to make inquiry (into), make inquest, inquisition, investigate; -anta judiciisto: examining magistrate; komitato di -o: commitee of inquiry. V. exp.: On devas ne uzar (Quale la ??? tentesas facar) inquesto vice questiono, kande on parolas pri simpla questiono, Inquesto esas ensemblo de questioni, de explori, de serchi, qua facesas exemple (e precipue) da policisto o judikisto (qua en ta kazo nomizesas inquestito). Pro to ta vorto havas impliko judiciala, qua riskas esar neagreabla o nepolita, kande on parolas pri questiono, quan privato directas a privato; V-223. — EFIS
inquizicion-o: (hist.) inquisition. — DEFIRS
inquizitor-o: (hist.) inquisitor: an officier of the inquisition; (cf. inquestanto, -ero). — DEFIRS
insekt-o: insect; -aro: insects (collect.), vermin; -o-ocid-ivo, -ilo: insecticide; -o-manj-anta: insectivorous. — DEFIRS insektivor-a*: insectivorous. — DEFIRS
insert-ar: (tr.) to insert, put in, set in; -ajo: what is inserted; -uro: (result.) insertion. — DEFIS
insidi-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to set a trap for, to lay snare for (ulu); -ema: (of persons) insidious, sly, crafty, wily; -oza: (of things) full of snares. — EFIS
insign-o: badge; (of a shop) sign (-board); -i, -aro: insignia. — DEFIS
insinu-ar: (tr.) to insinuate; to introduce gently, wind into, worm into; to hint, intimate, suggested indirectly; -ajo: insinuation, innuendo; -ar la fingro aden vunduro: to insinuate a finger in a wound; -ar bona sentimenti: to instil good sentiments; l'aquo -as su tra la pori: the water insinuates itself into the pores; perfida -o: a ferfidious insinuation. — EFIRS
insipid-a: (lit. and fig.) insipid, tasteless (cf. sen-sapora); -ajo: a tasteless thing; (saying) platitude; III 604. — DEFIS
insist-ar: (intr.) to insist: to urge or press earnestly, to lay stress (en, pri, sur); (N.B. Not "to demand", cf postular); -anta, -ema: insistant, urgent, earnest; -e: insistently, earnestly. Def. : Perservar demandar. V. exp. On insistas en demando prego. On persistas en stando (mem pure materiala). On obstinas en volo, deziro od opiniono; II-648. — EFIS
insolent-a: insolent. V. exp.: vid impertinenta. — DEFIRS
inspekt-ar: (tr.) to inspect: examine, oversee, survey. — DEFIRS
inspir-ar: (tr.) to inspire (by devine instruction, poetic spirit, ideas); -ajo: that which inspires; -eso: inspiration (received). V. Exp. vid. entuziasmo. — DEFIS
instal-ar: (tr.) to instal; induct a person into an office; (mechan.) to setup or lix in position for use or service. Ex.: Instalar episkopo. Instalo di mashino. — DEFIS
instanc-o: (jur.) instance: process of a suit; korto di unesma -o: court of first instance. — DEFIRS
instant-o: instant, moment; -ala: instantaneous: -ale: instantly, momentarily; -al-eso: instantaneousness; -al-ajo: an instantaneous object (as in photog.), omna-instante: every instant; ca- -e: this instant. — DEFIRS
instig-ar: (tr.) to instigate, incite (ulu, ad; ordinarily in bad sense); -ata da: instigate by (ulu); (cf. incitar). Def.: Penar por  persuadar ulu facar ulo; III-417. Ex. Vu instiguis il facar ta krimino. Instigar ulu laborar, (a) revolto. Instigo di la diablo. — EFIS
instil-ar*: (tr.) to instil: (pharm. med.) to infuse by drops; (fig.) to infuse slowly into the mind. — DEFI
instint-o: instinct; -ala, -atra: instinctive; -e: instinctively. Def.: Impulso naturala. — DEFIRS
instituc-ar: (tr.) to institute: to establish or set up, to found; to appoint to office; -ar su: to appoint oneself; -uro: institution. Ex.: Jesu Kristo dicesas institucir la sep sakramenti Instituco (E. appointment) di judiciisto.— DEFIRS
institut-o: institute: a literary, scientific or philosophical society. — DEFIRS
instrucion-o: (practical) instruction(s), direction(s) (how to do or use someting). V. exp.:vid. sav-igar. — DEFIRS
instrukt-ar: (tr.) to instruct: to impart knowledge to; to teach, educate; -(ad) o: instruction (given); -eso: instruction (received); -iva: instructive; -ar rejido guvernar: to teach a prince how to govern; -ar per exempli: to teach by examples. V. exp.:vid.sav-igar, edukar. — DEFIRS
instrument-o: instrument, tool, implement; -ala: instrumental: relating to i.s. (as in. i. music); conducive to some end, helpful; -alo: (Anglo-Saxon and Russian grammar) instrumental case; -izar: (music) le set (ulo) to instrumental music; -izo: (music) instrumentation; (cf. orkestr-izar).— DEFIRS
insul-o: isle, island; -ano: islander. — DEFIS
insult-ar: (tr.) to insult: treat with abuse, insolence or contempt, by word or action, to affront, taunt, call names, abuse rail at. — DEFIS
intali-o: (engr.) intaglio. Def.: Gemo grabita kave (inverse di kameo); VI-528. — DEFI
integr-a: all parts properly united and present, whole, entire, complete, intact, integral; -a nombro, (od, integro): (arith.) integer; -eso: integrity (entirely); -e: in full, bodily. Def.: Ne-tushita, ne-lezita, havanta omna sua parti e membri; V-744. — EFIRS
integral-o: (math.), integral; -kalkulo: i. calculus; -igar: to integrate.
intelekt-ar: (tr., philos. and general) to understand, comprehend, or know (ulo) by the intellect alone (opposite of to know by sensation, feeling); -o: intellection, cognition, comprehension, intellect, intelligence (cf. kompreno, inteligent-eso); -ala: intellectual: relating to process of thought; -oza: intellectual: gifted with reasoning power; -ebla: intelligible: that can be known by intellection, opp. to sensible. Ex.: On parolas pri la mondo «intelektebla» opozata a la mondo "sentebla". Do on devas dicar «intelektebla» (qua povas esar objecto dil intelekto). intelekto esas l'ago intelektar; IV-231-2. V.exp.: Me intelektas problemo. Me komprenas vua sentivesopri la morto di vua patro. — DEFIRS
inteligent-a: intelligent: mentally acute; -eso: intelligence (cf. intelekto, konoco, savo). Ex.: Il esas tre inteligenta employato. Puero di mikra inteligenteso. — DEFIRS
intenc-ar: (tr.) to intend, purpose; have in view, in mind (cf projectar); -o: intent(ion), purpose; -ala: intentional; -ata, -ita: intended; -anta: intentioned, disposed (bone o male); -e, kun -o: intentionally, on purpose. Ex.: Me facis lo kun bona intenco. Il esas homo bone intencanta. me intencas irar morge. — EFIS
intendanc-o*: (milit.) commissariat. — DFIRS
intendant-o: intendant: one who has charge of some public business: a superintendent (of public building), colonial or district administrator or treasurer, or the like; as intendant of marine; intendant of finance; -eso, -evo, -io: intendancy. — DeFIRS
intens-a: intense; -eso: intensity; -igar: to intensify; -ig-anta, -iva: inttensifying, intensive. Ant.: febla. — DEFIRS
inter: (prep.) between, betwixt (of time and space); among (of persons and things; cf. meze); inter nokto e matino: between night and morning; inter la nacioni: among the nations; Sirius esas la maxim lumoza inter la fixa steli: Sirius is the brightest among the fixed stars; (denoting reciprocity, exchange, division among): la pueri ludas inter su: the children play with each other: li kambiis sua redingoti inter su: they exchanged coats (between themselves); la havajo esis dividata inter la parenti: the property was divided among the relations; (cf. Talmey's Text Book, p.87, 110). — EFRS
inter-akt-o: interlude, act between acts; interval between acts.
intercept-ar: (tr.) to intercept. V. exp.: On interceptas letri, telegrafaji, telefonaji. Per to on ne necese haltigas oli nek impedas atingar la skopo; III-604. — EFIS
interces-ar: (intr.) to intercede, plead (with or for); put in a good word (for). — DEFIRS
interdikt-ar: (tr.) to interdict, prohibit, forbid; -ata, -ita; forbidden, illicit. — DEFIRS
interes-ar: (tr.) to interest (ulu, pri, ad): (indicates excitement of feeling accompanying special attention to some object); -ar su, havar -o: to i. one-self, have an i. in, be concerned; -o en (o, pri) botaniko: i. in botany; questioni di -o: questions of interest; -anta, -oza, -iva: interesting (book, news, person, etc.); ca libro esas ne-interesanta: this book is without interest; (cf. interesto). — DEFIRS
interest-o: interest (objective interest, pecuniary, financial); -oza: advantageaous, profitable; -o kompoz-ita: compound interest; -ifar: to bear i.; sen -a: disinterested; (cf. interesar) (Note: It is necessary to distinguish clearly between interesar and interesto. Intereso indicates, loosely, lively sympathy or curiosity; a book or a subject interesas. Interesto relates to proprietary right or share; it is used in such sentences as: «it is to my interest to do it»; «to promote one's interest»; «money bears interest»; etc. — DEFIRS
inter-event-ar: (intr., of things, events) to happen, occur (in between); (cf. inter-venar); plura decidi (inter-)eventis en la proceso: serveral judgments were pronounced in the course of the lawsuit; multa kozi (inter)eventis dum la negociado: many things happened during the negotiations.
interfer-ar: (intr., physical), to interfere (kun). (N.B. for «to interfere», when speaking of persons; cf. mixar su, inter-venar). — DEFIRS
inter-ferdek-o: a deck between, lower deck, space between decks.
inter-foli-izar: to interleave.
interim-o: interim: time intervening; -e: for the time being, ad interim, in the mean time; -ala presidentato: provisional, temporary president. — DEFIS
inter-jac-ar: (intr.) te lie in between; -anta: interjacent.
interjecion-o: (gram.) interjection. — DEFIS
inter-komun-a: party: belonging in common to several persons; as, havajo -a: common property.
inter-konsent-o: mutual agreement, understanding (F. entente); -o kordi-ala: entente coardiale.
inter-konsult-ar: (it. intr.) to hold a consultation, deliberate together.
inter-kost-a: (anat.) intercostal.
inter-kuranta (-venanta): intercurrent: intervening, coming in between.
inter-line-o: a line between; space between (lines); -izar: to interline; (print.) to lead; -a: interlinear; -ajo, -iz-o, -iz-uro: interlineation.
intermez-o: (theat.) intermezzo, interlude. — DEFIRS
inter-milit-ant-a, -o: belligerent.
intermit-ar: (intr.) to be intermittent: cease at intervals. — DEFIS
intern-a: internal, inward, interior; -ajo: the interior, inside; -e: inwardly, internally, -eso: inwardness; -(ul)o: (fig.) boarder (in school); interne (in hospital); -erio: (fig.) boarding or private school; ministro di l'interna aferi: Minister of the Interior, Home Secretary; il esas en l'internajo di la domo: he is inside the house; de interne ad extere: form within outwards, inside out. — DEFIRS
inter-nacion-a: international; -eso, -is-mo: internationality, internationalism (doctrine); -igar: to internationalize.
inter-nunci-o: (papal) internucio.
interogativ-a, -o*: (gram.) interrogative. Def.: La questionala partikli (adjectivi, pronomi ed adverbi); V-279. — DEFIS
inter-ost-a: (anat.) interosseal, interosseous.
inter-parlo-ar: (intr.) to converse.
interpel-ar: (tr., parlm.) to interpellate: to question formally for explanation, put a question to. — DEFIRS
interpol-ar: (tr.) to interpolate: to insert, as a spurious of foreign word or passage); (math.) to interpolate; -ajo: interpolation (word, passage), spurious passage. — DEFIRS
inter-pozar: (tr.) to place (ulo) between, insert interpose, intercalate (a day); (cf. inter-venar, mediacar). interpret-ar: (tr.) to interpret; to explain what is obscure and ambiguous in a writing, construe (cf. tradukar); mis--ar: to misinterpret, misconstrue. — DEFIS
inter-prim-a (nombri): prime to one another: numbers without any common divisor.
inter-regn-o: interregnum.
inter-rim-ilar: to rhyme together.
inter-rupt-ar: (tr.) to interrupt: destroy the continuity of, break off, stop.
inter-sek-ar: (tr.) to intersect.
inter-sequ-ar (su): to follow, succeed each other; -o: sequence; -e: consecutively, in succession; -anta: consecutive, successive.
inter-shok-ar: to strike against one another, to run foul of each other.
inter-spac-o: interspace, a space between places, intermediate distance.
interstic-o: interstice. — EFIS
inter-temp-o: meantime, interval, lapse (of time); -e: meanwhile (cf. dume).
inter-tropik-a: intertropical: situated between the tropics.
interval-o: (esp. mus.) interval; (cf. inter-tempo, inter-spaco). — DEFIRS
inter-ven-ar: (intr., of persons) to intervene, interpose, interfere; (cf. inter-eventar); -o: intervention, interference, interposition; des-, ne-inter-veno: non-intervention. Ex.: Intervenar en konflikto, en disputo. Armizita interveno.
inter-vid-o: mutual sight or view; (fig.) interview: meeting for conference; (cf. interviuvo).
interviuv-ar: (tr.) to interview (ulu) — DEF
intestat-a: intestate; -a hered-anto: (jur.) abintestate heir(ess). Def.: Ta qua heredis sen testamento. V-279. — DEFI
intestin-o: intestine, gut; -ala: intestinal; -i: intestines, entrails, bowels: -o tenua: small intestine. — EFIRS
intim-a: intimate: inmost, inward; near, close; close in friendship, familiar, bosom; -(ul)o: i. person, close friend; -eso: intimacy, -ajo: inward part, heart (of a subject); la naturo intima di kozi: the inward nature of things; la sentimenti maxim intima: the most secret sentiments; relati intima: close relations: amiko intima: intimate friend. — DEFIRS
inton-ar: (tr., mus.) to intone; -(ad)o: (mus. and voice expression) intonation (cf. modulaco). — DEFIS
intoxik-ar: (tr.) to poison, drug, envenom; (N.B. not E. to intoxicate with liquor; cf. ebri-igar); V. exp.: Intoxikar expresas ido plu general kam venen-izar. On povas drinkar veneno sen esar intoxikita; IV-517. — DeFIRS
intrados-o: (arch.) intrados: interior curve of an arch. — DEFS
intrig-ar: (intr.)to intrigue: to contrive by secret artifice; make plots; scheme; -izar: to complicate, entangle by intrigues. — DEFIRS
intrik-ar: (tr.) to tangle, entangle, embroil, implicate (ulu, en ulo); to make (ulo) intricate. — EI
intrinsek-a: intrinsic. Ant.: extrinseka. — EFIS
introdukt-ar: (tr.) to introduce (ulu), to bring (ulo) into notice; to preface; (cf. en-duktar, prizent-ar); -o, -uro: introducing, introduction, preamble (cf. prefaco); -ala: preliminary. Ex.: Me volas introduktar il che vu. Donar introdukto-letro ad ulu. Ca libro servos kom introdukto a la temo. III-71. — DEFIRS
«introitus»: (R. C. Church) introit.
intruz-ar: (tr.) to intrude, obtrude, (su en ulo); to interfere, meddle; (geol.) to enter, or cause to enter, by force. — EFIS
intumec-ar: (intr.) to intumesce: to swell. — DEFIS
intusucepcion-o: (med., biol.) intussusception. — DEFIS
inul-o*: (bot.) elecampane (Inula). — IFL
inund-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to inundate, overflow, flood, swamp. Ex.: Nil inundas la planajo. La inundo di la Romana imperio da la barbari. — EFIS
invad-ar: (tr.) to invade. Ex.: La armeo invadis la teritorio di sua enemiki. Mala herbi invadas la gardeno. — DEFIS
invagin-ar: (tr.) to invaginate. — DEFIS
invalid-a: invalid: infirm, disabled; of no legal force, void, null; -(ul)o: an i.; (milit.) a soldier disabled for active service; -erio: establ. for disabled persons. — DEFIRS
invektiv-ar: (tr.) to inveigh against; -o: invective. V.exp.: Invektivo esas nek reprimando, nek insulto, ma atako per parolo ; ol povas esar decanta ed eloquenta. La Quousque tandem esas invektivo da Cicero a Catilina; IV-513-514. — DEFIS
invent-ar: (tr.) to invent: find out something new (a process, a machine); -uro: an invention. — EFIRS
inventari-ar: (tr.) to take an inventory of : to inventory; (com.) to take stock (of). — DEFIRS
invers-a: inverse, inverted; -o, -ajo: the reverse, the contrary, opposite; (cf. reverso); -igar: to invert, reverse, to put upside down; -igo, -igeso: inversion; -e: vice-versa; raporto inversa: inverse ratio; -igar la natural ordino dil vorti en frazo; to invert the natural order of words in a sentence. — EFIS
invest-ar: (tr.) to invest (with authority, office; cf kolokar). Def.: Provizar per ofico o titulo; IV-167. — DEFIS
invit-ar: (tr.) to invite; ask to go to some place or to do something; V. exp.: Invito esas polita prego por asistar kunveno, repasto, balo, festo, e.c.; III-417. — EFIS
involucion-o: (math.) involution; (bot.) state of being rolled spirally inward. — DEFIRS
involukr-o: (bot.) involucre. — DEFIS
inyam-o: (plant and rhizome) yam (genus: Dioscorea). — DeFIRS
iod-o: (chem.) iodine; -ido: iodide. — DEFIRS
ion-o: (phys.) ion. — DEF
ioni-o*: (chem.) ionium. — DEFIRS
Ioni-ala: Ionic: relating to Ionia; -ano: an Ionian.
ionik-a: (arch.) ionic. — DEFIS
«iota»: (Gr. alphabet) iota; (fig.) jot, little.
ips-a: self (-same); -e: (by) self; -o: the same thing. Note: Ispa is ordinarily used in connection with a personal pronoun; as: me ipsa: I myself; li ipsa: they themselves; but can be used with substantives; as: la rejo ipsa: the king himself; la kozo ipsa: the thing itself; de la botelo ipsa: from the selfsame bottle; it sould always be placed next to the word it modifies. Ex: La mastro inspektis ipse la domo. La mastro ipsa inspektis la domo. Il ipsa volas parolar kun me. Il pozas su ipsa avan la pordo. — L
ir-ar: (intr., tr.) to go, be going; -o: going; passage. Note: Irar is often compounded, as: ek-irar, mis-irar, ped-irar, etc. It sometimes takes a direct object, as: li iris penigiva voyo: they went a wearisome way. Def.: Diplasar su de un loko ad altra per irga moyeno; IV-464. Ex.: On iras de Paris a London, parte per fervoyo, parte per navo. — FIS
irac-ar: (intr.) to be angry, cross (kontre); -o: anger, irritation, ire, wraith; -anta, -ema, -oza: angry, irascible, choleric, testy, cross, peevish; -igar: to anger, incense, exasperate, irritate (ulu); -eskar: to become angry, get in a temper; -emeso: irascibility; -ig-ania, -iva: exasperating, vexing. — eFIS
«irade»: irade: decree of Sultan.
iradi-ar: (tr.) to irradiate. Def.: Optikal fenomeno per qua la parti plu lumoza o lumizita invadas la parti min lumoza e restriktas oli; IV-200. — DEFIS
any (whatever): relating to something or someone indefinite (cf. ula); -o: anything (whatever); -u: anyone (no matter who); -u qua (od, igre qua): whoever, whosoever; -e quale, irge maniere: anyhow, at any rate, no matter how; -a-loke, irg-ube: anywhere (whatever), wherever; -e-kande: no matter when, whenever; -a-tempe: at any time; -e-quant-a, -e: in any quantity; irga qua motivin vu havas por plendar: whatever reasons you may have to complain; igre quanto kurajon il manifestis: however much courage he manifested; irege quala esos la vetero: no matter what the weather is; irge quanta pekunion il havas: no matter how much money he has; irge quan lu renkontris: whomsover he met: irge quante mikra la donacajo: however small the gift. — D
irid-o: (bot.) iris, orris, (genus: Iris). — DEFIRSL
iridi-o*: (chem.) iridium. 
irigac-ar: (tr., agri.) to irrigate. V. exp.: Irigaco esas brancho di agrokultivado. Ol aquizas tota agri, formayi, distrikti per fluigar aquo de riveri, lagi, e.c. en artivicala kanali a la kultivoloko: IV-459-460. — EFI
iris-o: (anat.) iris; (fig.) colors of the rainbow (cf ciel-arko); -izar: to give the hues of the rainbow, become iridescent; -oza, -iz-ita: iridescent. — DEFIRS
irisit-o: (med.) iritis.
irit-ar: (tr. physiol.) to irritate, inflame, fret; (fig.) to annoy, exasperate.— DEFIS
ironi-o: irony; -a, -ala, -oza, -ema: ironic(al). — DEFIRS
irupt-ar: (intr.) to invade (with great power, with large numbers); to burst (in), rush in (as enemies, or like enemies). Ex. : La barbari iruptis en la Romana imperio. Ta turbo iruptis (E. burst) en la chambro. — EFIS
islam-o: Islam: the Mohammedan world, (cf Mohamed-ismo).
istm-o: (geog.) isthmus. — DEFIS
(i)t-a: that, those (or "this, these" where the nearness or remoteness of an object pointed out is irrelevant; -o (obj. ton): that (thing); -i: those; ta soldato e lua kamarado tre konkordas pri omno: that (or this) soldier and his comrade much agree about everything; ta qua: he, she, who; to quo: that which; ti qui: those who: ta qua volas vivar felice, devas esar vertuoza: who whould live (he, she, who will live) happily should be virtuous; to quo plezas a vu maxim ofte plezaz a me: what (that which) pleases you generally (most often) pleases me; after two mouns already used in pointing out objects, ita refers to the first (cf. ca); ka tu preferas ica od ita kavalo ? Ita esas plu forta, ma ica plu bela; do you prefer this or that horse ? that (one) is (the) stronger, but this (one) is (the) more handsome; nek ica ita flori plezas a me: neither these nor those flowers please me; when it is desirable to indicate the gender of the object pointed at, the forms: ilta ,ilti; elta, elti; olta, olti are used; ilti qui konocas me: those (masc.) who are acquainted with me; elta quan me amas ne amas me: she whom i love does not love me; kande olca (ol) esis trovita: when it had been found; where euphony permits the «i» is omitted; as: ta, to, ti.
iter-ar: (tr.) to iterate, reiterate, repeat; to do two or more times what one has arleady done before; (N.B. refers to all acts, not merely words); -ala: (manner) iterative, repetitious; -e: again anew, once more, over again. V. exp. vid. repetar. — EFIS
itinerari-o: itinerary, route. Def. Voyo sequanta, sequita o sequota da ula voyajero; V-280.. — DEFIS
ivor-o, -a, -ala: ivory. — EFI
izabel-a: isabel(la) colored: a brownish yellow or light buff color; (of horses) light-bay. — DeFIS izobar-o: (phys., geog.) isobar. — DEFIRS
izocel-a*: (geom.) isosceles (triangle, etc.). — EFIS
izodinam-a: isodiynamic. — DEFIS
izogam-a: (biol.) isogamous. — DEFIS
izogon-a*: (geom.) isogonic. — DEFIS
izografik-o*: isography: the imititation of handwriting. — DEFIS
izoklin-a*: (geol. magnetism) isoclin-al, -ic. — DEFIS
izokron-a: isochron-al, -ous. — DEFIS
izol-ar: (tr.) to isolate: place apart from its environment; (elec., etc.) to insulate; -ilo, -ivo: (phys.) insulator; -ita: isolated, alone; insulated. Ex.: La domo esas en izolita loko en foresto. Egoismo izolas homo. Metal-filo izolila. — DEFIRS
izomer-a: (chem.) isomeric. — DEFIS
izometr-a*: (geom.) isometric. — DEFIRS
izomorf-a: isomorphic. — DEFIRS
izoperimetr-a*: isoperimetrical. — DEFIRS
izopler-o: isoplere. — DEFIRS
izoterm-o: isotherm. — DEFIRS
izotrop-a*: isotropic.
Izrael-id-o: Israelite. V.exp.: On povas divenar Judo (prozelito) exemple adoptante la religio dil Judi, ma on ne povas divenar Izraelido, nam, la Izraelida stat ne plus existas, cesinte per la politikal destruckto di Ierusalem; V-429.— DEFIRS