Ido-English Dictionary : K

ka(d): Question word, not always translated; in indirect questions: whether if; ka la vetero ne esas bela cadie? is the weather not beautiful to-day? kad il esas hike? is he here? me prizas savar kad il retrovenos? I would like to know whether he will come back? (N.B. whehter . . whether is translated by sive .. sive); vu esas fatigita, ka ne? you are tired, aren't you? vu ne esas fatigita, ka yes? you aren't tired, are you? (cf. Complete Manual, p. 26) il komencis dubar kad il devas promulgar sua doktrino: he commenced to doubt whether he should promulgate his doctrine. — Sanscrit.
kab-o: (geog.) cape; preter-irar -o: (naut.) to double a cape. — DeFIRS
kabal-o: (rabbinical) cabala. — DEFIRS
kaban-o: cabin, hut; -eto: (as for rabbits) hutch; -o mont-ala: chalet. — EF
kabin-o: (nav.) cabin; -eto: small cabin, closed-like room, (nav.) state-room; (fig., furniture) cabinet (as for curiosities). — DEFIRS
kabl-o: (of rope) cable, hawser (cf. kord-ego); (of wire, also elec.) cable, -eto: small cable, mooring-rope, painter; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to make a c. (out of) (ulo); -e telegrafar: to c.; -o-telegramo: cablegram. — DEFIRS
kabr-ar: (intr., of animals) to rear, prance; (cf. kurbetar); -igar: to make (a horse, etc.) rear; -etar: to stand on the hind legs. Kabretar = Sideskar sur la dopa gambi, elevante la avana; VI-76. — FS
kabriolet-o: cabriolet: two-wheeled, one horse cab. — DEFRS
kachu-o: catechu, cashoo. — DEFIR
kad: see ka(d).
kadastr-o: cadastre: register of real estate for taxing purposes; -izar: to make a c. of: to survey and value (lands). — DeFIRS
kadavr-o: cadaver, corpse, dead body; -atra: cadaverous; -o march-anta: (fig.) a walking ghost; bestio- -o: carcass, carrion (of animals). — DEFIS
kadenc-ar: (tr.) to cadence; (cf ritmizar). — DEFIRS
kadet-o: (milit.) cadet. — DEFIRS
kadmi-o*: (chem.) cadmium. — DEFIRS
kadr-o: frame (of a picture, looking-glass, etc.; cf. framo); (milit.) cadre: sekeleton, staff (of a regiment), complement or list of officers (commissioned and non-commissioned); (fig.) outline, plan, arrangement of work, -izar: to frame (a picture, etc.). — eFS
kaduce-o: caduceus, Mercury's staff or wand. — DEFIRS
kaduk-a: caducous: decaying, falling, crumbling tumble-down (of houses, etc.); decrepit, frail, worn-out (of persons, animals, health, etc.); (bot.) falling off early. Ant.: forta, yuna, robusta, vigor-oza, en bona stando. — eFIS
kafe-o: coffee; -iero: c. tree; -taso: c. cup; -kuliero: teaspoon; -kultiv-isto: c. planter; -plantac-erio: c. plantation; tas(ed)o (de) kafeo: cup of c. — DEFIRS
kafein-o*: (chem., pharm.) caffeine. — DEFIS
Kafr-a, -o*: Kafir, Kaffir, Caffre.
kaftan-o: caftan: a Turkish garment.. — DEFIRS
kagul-o: a kind of monk's cloak with cowl. Def.: Sen-manika mantelo di monakulo kun kapuco. Kapuco perforita per okulo-trui. — FS
kait-o: kite. — E
kaj-o: cage. — EFI
kak-ar: (intr.) to defecate, void excrement, empty the bowels, shite. — DEFIS
kaka-o: (beans and drink) cocoa; -iero: cacao-tree (Theobroma cacao); -butro: c. butter. — DeFIRS
kakatu-o: (orni.) cockatoo (subfamily: Plictolophus). — DEFIRS
kakexi-o:* (med.) cachexy. — DEFS
kakofoni-o: cacophony. Def.: Desagreabla kunligo di soni, sive en parolo, sive en muziko; III—138. — DEFIS
kaktus-o: (bot.) cactus. — DEFIRS
kal-o, -ajo: (also bot.) callus, callosity; (on foot) corn; -oza, -atra: callous. — eFIS
kalam-o*: (ant.) a reed pen used in the East. — DFIS
kalamin-o: (min.) calamine. — DEFIS
kalamit-o: calamite: a gum-resin; a fossil plant. Def.: Speco de gumo (Styrax calamita); fosila planto. — DEFIS
kalamitat-o: calamity. Ex.: La famino, la milito esas kalamitati. — DEFIS
kalandr-ar: (tr.) to calender (paper, cloth); to mangle (household linen). — DEFS
kalcedon-o: (min.) chalcedony. — DEFIRS
kalci-o*: (chem.) calcium. — DEFIS
kalcin-ar: (tr.) to calcine: to oxidize (as by heat); to roast (ores). — DEFIS
kaldier-o: boiler (steam generator); copper: large boiler for brewing, washing, etc. Def.: Klozita vazo (apartenanta generale a vapor-mashino), en qua on boliigas aquo e konservas la vaporo sub preso; III—494. — FIS
kaldron-o: caldron: kettle for cooking. Def.: Apertita vazo uzata en koqueyo; III—494. — EFIS
kalefakt-(ad)o: (tech.) calefaction: warming. — DEFIS
kalembur-o: pun, play on words; -isto: punster. Def.: Speco di vortoludo, en qua vorto o serio de vorti prizentas du senci; III—525 -6. — DFR
kalend-i: kalends, calends. — DEFIRS
kalendari-o: calendar. — DEFIRS
kalendul-o: (bot.) marigold (Calendula). — ISL
kalentur-o: (med.) calenture: a tropical fever attributed to heat — DeFIS
kalesh-o: calash, open barouche, open buggy. V. exp.: Kalesho, karoso: La du esas veturi kun quar roli e quar plasi, ma kalesho esas apertita, karoso esas klozita (kun plafono). Pluse, karoso esas generale suspendita per specala modo (per rimeni); II—646. — DeFIR
kalfat-ar: (tr., nav.) to calk (a deck, etc.). — DFIS
kali-o*: (chem.) potassium; -bromo: bromide of p.; -permanganato: permanganate of p.; -nitrato: niter, p. nitrate (cf. salpetro). — D
kalibr-o: caliber, bore (of a gun, etc.); -kompaso: callipers; -kompasagar: (tr.) to calibrate. — DEFIRS
kalic-o: chalice, communion-cup; (bot.) calyx. Def.: Granda kupo, uzata precipue en religiala ceremonii; II—645. — EFIS
kalidoskop-o: kaleidoscope. — DEFIRS
kalif-o: calif, caliph. — DEFIRS
kaligraf-ar: (tr.) to put (ulo) into fine handwriting; -(ad)o: caligraphy. — DEFS
kalik-o: (fabric) calico — DEFIRS
kalk-o: lime; (chem.) calx; -oza: calcareus; -igar: to calcify; -izar: to cover with l.; -forno: lime kiln; -forn-isto: l. burner; -o kaustika: quicklime. — DeFIS
kalkane-o*: (anat.) calcaneum: the great bone of the heel. — EF
kalkol-o: (med.) calculus: stone in bladder, kidneys, gall-ducts. — EFIS
kalkul-ar: (tr., math.) to calculate, reckon, compute; -o: calculation; (higher math.) calculus; -eroro: error in c.; -libro: ready reckoner (book). — DEFIRS
kalm-a: (of objects, fig. or persons) calm, unagitated, quiet, still, placid; serene (of the elements, passions, etc.); unruffled, composed, sedate (in manner and deportment); -igar: to calm; -ig-iva, -ivo: anodyne, sedative; -esko, kalma intervalo: lull. V. exp.: Kalma signifikas tote pasiva e materiala stando di kozi, qua ne movas: aero, aquo, maro kalma (t.e. ne agitata da la vento). Tranquila havas senco samtempe material e mentala, ma prefere aktiva: qui ne agitas su, ne movas su sen utileso o skopo; on dicas ad infanto: restez tranquila! on parolas pri vicini tranquila (qui ne lacas bruiso). Quieta expresas stando mentala, qua plu klare definesas per lua kontreajo, desquieta; I-713. — EFIS
kalmar-o: calamar, calamary, cuttlefish, squid, (genus: Loligo vulgaris). Def.: Genero di molusko cefalopoda kun dek brakii; V-420. — DeFIRS
kalomel-o: (med.) calomel. — DEFIRS
kalor-a: (tech., physical quantity) heat; -ala, -iz-iva, -anta, -if-anta: caloric, thermic, calorific; -izar: to heat (by an apparatus); (cf. varm-igar); -iz-ilo: heat producer; (fig.) hot-air stove or pipe); -areo: heating surface. — eFIS
kalori-o: (thermal unit) calory. Def.: Unajo di kalor-quanto. On distingas la granda kalorio, qua korespondas ad un kilogramo de aquo, e la mikra kalorio, qua korespondas ad un gramo; V-420. — DEFIRS
kalorik-o: (hist.) caloric. Def.: Historiala koncepto di la kaloro, kom material substanco. — EFIS
kalorimetr-o*: calorimeter. — DEFIS
kalorimetri-o*: calorimetry. — DEFIS
kalot-o: callotte; (soldier's) rimless cap; (eccl.) skull-cap; (math.) segment of a sphere divided by a plane. — DeFI
kalpak-o*: calpac(k), busby. — DE
kalqu-ar: (tr.) to counter-draw: to trace (a design through transparent paper); -o-papero: tracing-paper. Def.: Kopiar desegno tra diafana papero per kontinua streki; VI-116. — DFIS
kalson-o: (pair of) drawers. — FRS
kalumni-ar: (tr.) to calumniate; (cf. difamar, maldicensar, denigrar). Def.: Dicar mala neveraji pri ulu. — EFIS
kalv-a: bald: having but little hair. V. exp.: Kalveso ne esas kompleta senhareso; III-201. — DFIS
kalvari-o: Mount Calvary; a calvary: hill with a cross on top; (fig.) punishment, expiation. — DEFIS
Kalvin-ana: Calvinistic; -ano: Calvinist; -an-ismo: Calvinism. — DEFIRS
kalz-o: stocking, hose; -eto: sock; -ego: tights (as of a ballet girl); -ifar: to make s.; -umo: a socklike shoe (without heels); -o-lig-ilo: stocking suspender; lengthwise garter (cf. gartero). — FIS
kam: (adv.) than, as, to (in comparison, degree); (cf. tam); plu . . kam: more . . than; tam . . kam: as . . as; min . kam: less . . than; ne tam . . kam: not so . . as; me preferas ico kam ito: I prefer this to that; same . . kam: same as, in the same manner as. Ex.: El esas plu afabla kam vu. Altru kam me. Me donos a vi la sama rekompenso kam a li. Venez tam rapide kam posible. — FSL
kam-o: (tech.) cam; -arboro: camshaft. — DEFIS
kamali-o*: (ancient armor) camail: chain mail guard for neck; a hooded cloak or mantle (esp. worn by bishops). — DeF
kamarad-o: comrade, mate; -eso: comradeship. — DEFIRS
kamarili-o*: camarilla (clique). — DEFIS
kambi-ar: (tr.) to exchange (money, goods), to barter (ulo por ulo); -o, -eyo, -erio: money or goods exchange; -isto: (money) exchanger; -ebla: exchangeable, convertible; -e: in exchange; -o-letro: letter of e.; -o libera od, liber-kambio: free-trade. V. exp.: Kambiar esas esence komercal ago, per qua on donas ulo por recevar altro. Omna kompro e vendo esas definitiva kambio di la kozo komprata o vendata po ula sumo de pekunio. Kambio sempre implikas du kozi e du personi; VII 203. Ex.: On kambias bankobilieti po moneti. La sovaji kambias la produkturi di lia lando po vitra perli, flitraji o brilanta stofi. — IS
kambr-ar: (tr.) to camber: make slightly convex (a piece of wood, a road, a ship's deck, etc.); to throw out one's chest. — eF
kame-o: cameo. — DEFIRS
kamel-o: camel. — DEFIS
kameleon-o: (zool. and fig.) chameleon. — DEFIRS
kameli-o: (bot.) camelia (Camellia). — DEFIRS
kamen-o: chimney; -tubo: c. flue; korpo di -o: c. stack; -mantelo: c. piece; -sharp-ero: -isto: c. sweep. — DFIRS
kamer-o: (photog., tech.) camera; -ob-sckura: camera obscura.. — DEFR
karmerling-o: camerlingo (papal officer). — DEFIRS
kamfor-o: camphor; -iz-ita: camphorated; -iero: c.tree. — DEFIRS
kamil-o: litter, stretchyer, hand-barrow; -isto: stretcher-bearer. — S
kamion-o: dray, truck, lorry: long sideless four-wheeled, goods vehicle; -eto: small dray; two wheeled hand truck. Def.: Kargo-veturo konstitucita ek platformo sur qua on pozas la vari; IV—291. — FIS
kamiz-o: (for men) shirt; (for women) chemise; -if-isto: s. maker; nokto- -o: night s. — FIRS
kamizol-o: camisole: (woman's) negligee jacket; koakto- -o: straight-jacket. — DeFIRS
kamlot-o: (fabric) camlet. — DEFIRS
kamomil-o: (bot.) camomile (Matricaria chamomilla). — DEFIS
kamp-ar: (intr.) to camp out, encamp; -eyo: camping place; -o-lito: c. bed; -utensili: c. utensils. V. exp.: vid. bivakar. — DEFIRS
kampani-ar: (intr.) to make a campaign; -(ad)o: campaign(ing). V. exp.: En la milital senco, la vorto signifikas periodo di milital operaci. Ma ol havas anke altra senci, derivata o figurala: on parolas anke pri la (tote pacoza) kampanii di navigado di maristo o  di navo, kampanii di explorado, di peskado, di laborado, di propagado; kampanii «elektala» di la kandidati ad elektala funcioni; kampanii di jurnali por o contre ulu od ulo, e.c.; I—490. — DEFIS 
kampanul-o: (bot.) campanula, bellflower, (genus: Campanula). — DEFIRS
kampesh-ligno: Campeachy wood, logwood. — DeFIRS
kan-o: (bot.) cane, reed; -fluto: reed-pipe. — EFIS
kanab-o: hemp; -o-semino: hemp seed. — FIS
kanabin-o: (orni.) linnet (Acanthis cannabina). — L
kanal-o: canal; -eto: channel, gutter, small trench; -igar: to canalize: make like a c.; -izar: to canalize: to provide with c.s (a field); -batelo: c. boat. — DEFIRS
kanali-a, -ala: of the lowest class of people, rascally; -(ul)o: rascal, scoundrel, scamp; -aro: rabble, canaille, riff-raff, roughs; -eso, -ajo: blackgardism, rascality. — DeFIRS
kanape-o: sofa; lit- -o: sofa-couch. V. exp.: vid. divano. — DFIRS
kanari-o: (orni.) canary(-bird). — DEFIRS
kanceler-o: chancellor. (N.B. not a secretary); granda -o: High C. — DEFIRS
kancer-o: (med.) cancer (cf. karcinomo). — EFIS
kande: (adv., conj.) when; de kande: since when? how long since? quik kande: immediately when, as soon as; kande: until when? igre kande: no matter when. Ex.: Kande vu pagos vua debaji? Irge kande me audas la uceli kantar. De kande vu lojas hike? Quik kande il envenis, ni omna levis ni polite. — FIS
kandel-o: candle; -iero: candlestick; -festo: Candlemas. — EFIRS
kandelabr-o: candelabrum. — DEFIRS
kandi-o: (sugar-) candy. — DEFIS
kandid-a: candid, frank, ingenuous; -eso: candor. Def.: (kandid-eso) Sincereso e naiveso di persono senkulpa, bonvoloza, qua ne konocas la vicio; III—9. Ant.: Disimul-ema, tromp-ema. — EFIS
kandidat-o: candidate; -esar: to be a c. (por, pri). — DEFIRS
kanel-o, -aro, -iz-uro: channel(ing), slot, fluting, groove (usually in form of half-circle: cf. ranuroand VI—97). — DEFI
kanetili-o: purl: a spiral of gold or silver wire used in lace work; silver wire (to cover violin strings, etc.); (milin.) wire-ribbon. — DFIRS
kanguru-o: (zool.) kangaroo. — DEFR
kanibal-a, -(ul)o: cannibal, man-eater; -eso, -ismo: cannibalism, anthropophagy. — DEFIRS
kanikul-o: the dog days (22nd July to 23rd Aug.); (astron.) Canicula: the Dog Star; -ala: canicular. — eFIS
kanin-a: (dento): canine (tooth). — EFIS
kankr-o: crawfish, crayfish (family Astacidae); (astron.) Cancer, The Crab.
kankroid-o: cancroid.— DEFIRS
kano-o: (wooden) canoe: light and shallow boat shart at both ends (as used for pleasure). Def. : Pirogatra kanoto kun pintatra extremaji, facita ek dina ligno, movanta ordinare per pagayi. — DEFIS
kanon-o: (milit.) cannon; (eccl.) canon, rules; -aro: (milit.) artillery; -agar, -pafar: (tr.) to cannonade; -pafo: c. shot; -obuso: c. ball, shell; -isto: gunner; -yur-isto: (eccl.) canonist; -al-eso: canonicity; -batelo: gun-boat, -vish-ilo: (artil.) sponge, wiper; -acend-ilo: quick-match. — DEFIRS
kanonik-(ul)o: canon, prebend (of a cathedral); -aro: chapter. — DeFIRS
kanoniz-ar*: (tr.) to canonize (as a saint). — DEFIS
kanot-o: punt, skiff, yawl, wherry; -o granda: long-boat, barge, cutter; (cf. barko, kanoo, pirogo); -agar: to go boating. Def.: Mikra batelo senlerdeka, movata per remili, segli, motori, e ordinare uzata en maral aqui. — FIS
kanson-o: song: ballad, ditly, carol, glee; (cf. kanto). — FIS
kant-ar: (tr.) to sing, carol, (of birds) to warble, (of a cock) to crow; (as in churches) to chant; -etar: to hum (a tune); -era ucelo: songster (of birds). — DeFIS
kantabil-o*: cantabile: an easy, flowing melody. — DeFIS
kantarel-o: (bot.) chanterelle: an edible mushroom (Cantharellus cibarius).. — DeFSL
kantarid-o: (ent.) cantharis, Spanish-fly, blister-beetle (Cantharis vesicatoria); -i: (also pharm.) cantharides. — DEFIRS
kantat-o: (mus.) cantata. — DEFIRS
kantik-o: (mus.) canticle. — DEFIS
kantilen-o: cantilena: a simple sentimental melody. Def. Speco di kansono, anciena o lamentema; V—339. — DeFIRS
kantin-o: canteen: refreshment place for soldiers, workers, etc. — DEFIS
kanton-o: canton: a district, as in Switzerland. — DEFIRS
kantor-o: cantor: a chorister, chanter, singer; esp. the leader of a church choir; a porcentor. — DeFIRS
kanul-o: (surg.) canula, drainage tube (for wounds), enema-pipe; (in gen.) pipe or nozzle (of a syringe). — DEFIS
kanvas-o: canvas. — DEFIRS
kaolin-o: kaolin: porcelain clay. — DEFIRS
kaos-o: (pr. and fig.) chaos. — DEFIRS
kap-o: (anat. and fig.) head; -ala: relating to h., cephalic; -o avane: headlong, headforemost; -nuda: bareheaded; -doloro: headache; -kuseno: pillow; -turn(ad)o: giddiness; -lejer-a, -o: light-headed (person); -rupto: headbreaking; -vesto: head-gear; -o sen-cerebra: a brainless head; sen- -a: head-less; kap-kaulo: headed cabbage (Brassica oleracea capitata); -tuko: kerchief; -tranch-ar: (tr.) to behead. — ISL
kapabl-a: able (to do, to execute), capable; (cf. kompetenta, apta, suffix -iv-); V. exp.: vid. habila. Ant.: ne-povanta, ne-potenta, ne-kapabla. — DEFIS
kapac-a: able (to contain, to hold); -(es-oz)a: capacious, spacious; -eso: capacity; krugo kapaca de lu litri (o, krugo kun kapaceso de du litri): a mug of two litres capacity; tre kapac(esoz)a navo: a very capacious ship. — DEFIS
kape-ar: (intr., nav.) to lie to. — FIS
kapel-o: chapel; -isto, -estro: chaplain. — DEFIS
kapelin-o: sun-bonnet: hood to shade head and neck from sun. — FIRS
kaper-o: (bud) caper; -iero: caper (-shrub) (genus: Capparis); -sauco: c. sauce. — DEFIRS
kapilar-a: (phys.) capillary; -eso: capillarity; -ag(ad)-o: c. action; -a tubo, vaskulo a c. — DEFIRS
kapistr-o: (surg.) head bandage for fracture of lower jaw. — DFIS
kapital-o: (fin.) capital; -isto, -iero: capitalist; -ala, -ista, -ism -ala: capital, capitalistic; -ismo: capitalism; -igar: to capitalize. — DEFIRS
kapitan-o: (milit., naval) captain; -eso: (dignity, position) captaincy, captainship. — DEFIRS
kapitel-o: (arch.) capital. — DEFIRS
kapitul-o*: (anat., bot.) capitulum; (rel.) «capitule:» a short prayer. — DeF
kapitulac-ar: (intr., milit.) to capitulate. — DEFIRS
kapon-o: capon. — DEFIRS
kaponier-o: (fort.) caponiere, caponiere. — DeFIRS
kaporal-o: (milit.) corporal: squad leader. — DEFIR
kapot-o: overcoat: storm or heavy coat (as worn by soldiers: cf. gabano, surtuto) (nav.) hood: a cover for a companion hatch, engine, etc.; (engine) bonnet; (auto.) hood. — DeFIRS
kapr-o, -ulo, -ino: goat; -o-gard-isto: g. herd; yun- -ala ganti: kid gloves; -o-salto: leap-frog. Def.: (Kapro-salto) Salto per qua unu saltas super la dorso di altru plu o min inklinita; VII—279. — FIS
kapreol-o, -ulo, -ino: roe-deer (Cervus capreolus). — IL
kapric-o: caprice, whim; -oza, -ema: capricious; me havis kaprico por ta muliero: I had a fancy, a caprice for that woman; la kaprici di la modo: the caprices of fashion. — DEFIRS
kaprifoli-o: (bot.) honeysuckle (genus: Lonicera). — DIR
kaprikorn-o: (astron.) Capricorn. — EFIS
kaprimulg-o: (orni.) goatsucker (Caprimulgus europaeus). — IL
kapriol-ar: (intr.) to caper, cut capers; (cf. kabrar); -o: capriole: a leap, caper (as in dancing), a leap that a horse makes with all fours without advancing. — DeFIRS
kapstan-o: (tech.) capstan. — DEFS
kapsul-o: (bot., anat., pharm., tech.) capsule; (fire-arms) percussion-cap. — DEFIRS
kapt-ar: (tr.) to capture: catch hold of, gripe, snatch; (cf. sizar, prenar); -ajo: prize, prey, booty; -at(ul)o: captive, prisoner; -it-eso: captivity, bondage; -ilo: trap, snare; -ar ye la kolumo; to collar (ulu). — EFIS
kaptac-ar: (tr.) to inveigle: to obtain by underhand manoeuvers or bribery or ruse, to captivate (in an ill sense); testamento obtenita per kaptaco: will obtained by intrigue or undue influence; -o-laco, -slingo:snare. Ex.: Kaptaca la fido, la heredajo di ulu. — FS
kapuc-o: (person's) hood, cowl; -izar: to hood, put cowl on. — DFIRS
kapucin-(ul)o: a Capuchin (friar monk); -alajo: (fig.) a dull sermon. — DEFIRS
kar-a, -o, -ulo, -ino: dear (affection: cf. chera). — FIS
karab-o: (ent.) carabus, carabid (genus: Carabidae). — EFIS
karabin-o: carbine: short rifle; -iero: carbineer; -hoko: c. hook, snap-hook, swivel-hook. — DEFIRS 
karaf-o: carafe, decanter (for wine, water, etc. at table). — DeFIS
karakal-o: (zool.) caracal (Lynx caracal). — DEFIRS
karakol-ar: (intr.) to caracole. — DEFIS
karakter-o: (distinctive quality of a person or thing) character; -izar: to characterize; -iz-iva, -iz-ivo, -uro: characteristic, specification. Ex.: il esas homo di alte etikal karaktero. Ol havas la karaktero distingiva di la vereso (E. it has the distinctive character (characteristic or stamp) of truth; Tala ago bone karakterizas mea amiko. La karakterizivi di morbo. Karakteriziva signo. — DEFIRS
karakteristik-o*: (math., logarithms) characteristic. — DEFIS
karambol-ar: (intr.) to make a cannon (at billiards). — DFIRS
karamel-o: caramel, burnt sugar (confection). — DEFRS
karasin-o*: crucian, a carplike fish (Carassius vulgaris); -orea: goldfish (Carassius auratus). — L
karat-o: carat: part or weight of precious stones or gold. — DEFIRS
karavan-o: caravan. — DEFIRS
karavanseray-o: caravansary, inn. — DEFIRS
karavel-o: (naut. hist.) caravel. — DEFIRS
karb-o: (chem.) carbon; -ala, -oza: carbonaceous, carbonic; -ido: carbide; -ato: carbonate; -o-bioxo, -at-acido: carbondioxide, carbonic acid. V. exp.: L'Akademio adoptis karbono en la vulgara senco e karbo por la kemial elemento; IV—130. — DEFIS
karbon-o: coal (cf. karbo); -oza: full of c., carboniferous; -igar: to make into or change to coal; -izar: to cover with c.; (fig.) to besmut; ter-, min- -o: pit-coal; ligno- -o: charcoal; -fairo: c. fire; -fumo: c. smoke: -gaso: c. gas; -min-eyo, -erio: c. mine; -pulvero: c. dust; -vend-isto: c. dealer; -ifar, -eskar: to be charred, smolder (of wicks). — EFIS
karbonar-o*: (Ital. hist.) carbonaro. — DEFIRS
karbonari-o: (ich.) coal-fish, pollack, (Gadus, carbonarius, Pollachius carbonarius). — L
karbunkl-o: (gem and ulcer) carbuncle. — DEFIRS
karbur-ar*: (tr.) to carburet, carburize, carbonize.
karburator-o*: (autom.) carburetor.
karcer-o: prison, gaol, jail; -ano: prisoner; -gard-isto: prison guard, warden; -o stat-ala: state's p.; -o-celul-o (sub-tera): dungeon; (milit.) black-hole. — DeFIRS 
karcinom-o: (med.) carcinoma, cancer (cf. kancero). — DEFIS
kard-ar: (tr.) to card (wool). — DEFIRS
karkamin-o: (bot.) cardamine: bittercress, land-cress; -o prat-ala: lady's smock, cuckoo flower: the common buttercress. — DEFIS
kardamom-o: (bot.) cardamon (Eletaria cardamomum, an species of Amomum). — DEFIRS
kradan-o: Cardan joint, universal joint. — DEFIRS
kardel-o: (orni.) goldfinch (Carduelis elegans, C. fringella). — FIL
kardinal-a: (math. and fig.) cardinal; -a nombro: c. number; -a punto: c. point; -vertuo: c. virtue. — DEFIS
kardinal-o: (prelate) cardinal; -ea: c. colored; -eso: cardinalate; -bireto: cardinal's cap; -chapelo: c. hat. — DEFIRS
kardioid-o*: (math.) cardioid. — DE
kardon-o: (bot.) thistle; sen- -igar: to clear of thistles. — DFIS
kare-ar: (tr.) to do without (involuntarily), to dispense with (from necessity); to make shift without; -ebla: dispensible: wanted but not needed; -ajo: something wanted but which one has not or cannot have now. V. exp.: Me indijas ulo = to mankas a me, e me bezonas ol; me kareas ulo = to mankas a me, e me ne bezonas ol: me povas esar (agar, vivar) sen ol. Me facile kareas krinkar kande me kelke durstas. Me ne povas karear fairo en vintro. Me ne povas karear dormo. En voyajo on devas karear multa kozi III—422. (kp. abstenar). — L
karel-o: (square) slab, tile, plaque, plate; (in cards) diamond; -izar: to pave (a surface with tiles, bricks, etc.); -atra, -oza: tesselated. — FI
karen-o: lower hull, ship's bottom (part under water). V. exp.: Kareno signifikas ne nur la kilio, ma la tota surfaco di navo, qua esas imersita; IV—200. — FIS
karesm-o: Lent; mez- -o: Mid-Lent; praktikar la -o: to keep L.  — FIS
karez-ar: to caress: fondle with affection; -achar: to fawn upon, cajole, wheedle. Ex.: Karezar infanto. La zefiro karezas la flori. Karezachar oldulo por igar il facar sua testamento. — EFIS
krag-ar: (tr.) to load (goods; N.B. not to load a vehicle): -ajo: load, cargo, freight, burden; -o-batelo: ligher, barge; -o-kavalo: parck-horse; -o-letro: way-bill, bill of lading; -o-selo: pack-saddle; -o-vertur-isto: drayman. Ex.: Kargar vari sur veturo. Kargajo di navo. V. exp.: vid. chargar.  — EFIS
kari-ar: (intr., med.) to have caries, to have decay or rot of teeth; (of wheat) to be smutly; -inta dento: a decayed tooth; -inta arboro: rotten tree. — DEFIS
kariatid-o: (arch.) caryatide. Def.: Hominala figuro, qua servas kom suportilo: (cf. atlanto). — DEFIS
karibu-o*: (zool.) caribou; (cf. rentiro). — DEF
karic-o: (bot.) carex (carices): sedge. — eFIS
karier-o: (profession, trade) career; la -o di militisto: the military c., profession of arms; leg-ala -o: legal c. or profession. — DEFIRS
karik-o: box-coat; coat with long cape or serveral short ones. — DF
karikat-ar: (tr.) to caricature; -uro: a c. — DEFIS
kariofil-o: (bot.) clove. — L
karitat-o: charity: spiritual benevolence (N.B. not alms; cf. almono). — EFIS
karlin-o: (bot.) carline thistle (genus Carlina).  — EFISL
karmelit-(ul)o*: Carmelite friar. — DEFIRS
karmezin-a, -o: crimson. — DeFIRS
karmenin-o: carmine; -ea, -reda, -atra: c. colored. — DEFIRS
karn-o: flesh, meat; -ea: f. colored, rosy; -ajo: a fleshy object, a piece of meat; -ala: of the flesh; carnal; -vend-eyo: butcher's establ.; -oza: fleshy, brawny; -o-manj-ant-a, -o; -o-avida: flesh-eat-ing; -er; fond of meat; (cf. karnivora); -ifar,  -igar: (intr., tr.) to produce, to make flesh (on); -eskar: to become fleshy; -o-fum-iz-ado: smoke-drying beef; -o-reda: blood-red, carnation (color); -o-vermo: maggot. — DeFIS
karnacion-o: carnation: flesh-tint, complexion. Ex.: Ica koloro ne konvenas a mea karnaciono. La karnacioni en ica pikturo (protreto) esas tre natural. — DeFIS
karnaval-o: carnival. — DEFIRS
karnivor-a, -o: carnivorous (animal). — DEFIS
karonad-o: (artil.) carronade. Def.: Speco di navala kanono (anciena); VI—74. — DEFIRS
karos-o: coach: a large closed carriage; ornamental coach (for state occasions). V. exp.: vid. kalesho. — DFIS
karot-o: (bot.) carrot (plant and root). — DEFI
karotid-a, -o: carotid (artery). — DEFIS
karp-o: (anat.) carpus: wrist; (ich.) carp (Cyprinus carpio); -ala: (anat.) carpal. — DEF
karpent-ar: (tr.) to work timber, do carpenter work. V. exp.: La karpentisto facas nur grosa laboruri ek ligno, generale por domi e konstrukturi. La menuzisto facas plu mikra laboruri, konseque plu preciza e delikata, exemple por mobli, parqueti, eskaleri, e.c. La ebenisto juste plakizas ebono(-plaki) sur mobli, tabli, e.c., ma per extenso on povas uzar ica vorto por plak-laboristo en altra ligno kam ebeno, en senco simila a menuzisto; IV—599. — EFIS
krapin-o: (bot.) hornbeam(-tree), (genus: Carpinus). — ISL
kart-o: a card; -uyo: c. case: intermixar la -i: to shuffle the c.s; pozar la -i: to lay down the c.s. — DEFIRS
kartam-o: (bot.) safflower (Carthamus tinctorius). — FISL
kartamin-o:*: (chem.) carthamin(e): red-coloring matter from safflower. — DE
kartav-ar: (intr.) to pronounce one's r's gutterally; -o: (Northumbrian) burr. — R
kartel-o: cartel: letter of defiance or challenge, as to a duel. — DeFS
karter-o: (autom.) crank-case, motorcover; (bicycle) chain-case. — FIRS
kartezian-a*: Cartesian; -diablo, plunjanto: (phys.) C. Devil or diver, bottle-imp; (cf. ludiono). — DEFIS
kartilag-o: (anat.) cartilage, gristle. — EFIS
kartoch-o: cartridge; -uyo: c. holder, -box: -if-erio: c. making establ. — DeFIRS
kartografi-o: cartography. — DEFS
kartomanci-o*: cartomancy; -isto: fortuneteller (by cards). Def.: Speco di divinado, predicado per ludkarti; V—339. — DEFIS
karton-o: cardboard, pasteboard; -buxo, -kesto: carton (box); -izar, -bindar, -kovrar: to put up in cartons (ulo), to bind in boards (books). — DEFIRS
kartush-o: (arch.) cartouch(e): a scroll shaped ornament. — DEFIRS
kartuzi-o: Carthusian convent, -li-quoro: chartreuse; -ano: C. Friar. — DEFIRS
karub-o: (bot.) carob-bean; -iero: c. tree (Ceratonia siliqua). — DEFIS
karunkt-o: (med., bot.) caruncle. — DEFIS
karusel-o: carrousel: tilting tournament. — DEFIS
kas-o: coffer, till, cash-box, treasury; -isto, -ero: cashier, paymaster, treasurer; -erio: treasury (establ.); kontar sua kaso: to make up the cash account.: -o-stando, en-kasa sumo: cash in hand. — DeFIRS
kasac-ar: (tr.) to quash, annul, reverse, to declare null and void, to invalidate; korto di -o: (in France) court of cassation (the supreme court of appeal); -ar testamento: to quash a will; -ar mariajo: to annul a marriage. — DeFIRS
kashalot-o: cachalot: sperm whale. — DEFIRS
kashmir-o: (fabric) cashmere; -shalo: c. shawl. — DEFIRS
kasi-o: (fruit) cassia; -iero: c. tree. — DEFIS
kasis-o: (fruit) black currant; -iero: b.c. bush or tree; -liquoro: b.c. cordial. — FIS
kask-o: helmet, casque. — eFIRS
kaskad-o: (pr. and fig.) cascade. — DEFIRS
kason-o: caisson: under-water cofferdam; cradle to lift ships from the water; (cf. municiono-furgono). — DEFI
kasquet-o: (for men or boys) cap with visor (as golf-cap, naval officer's cap, etc.). — F
kasrol-o: saucepan, stewpan, skillet; (chem.) casserole. — DeFIRS
kast-o: caste: class of society. — DEFIRS
kastan-o: chestnut (edible nut); -iero: c. tree (genus: Castanea); kaval- -iero: horse-c. (Aesculus hippocastanum); -ea, -bruna: c. colored cf. marono). — DFIRSL
kastanyet-o, -i: (mus.) castanet(s). — DEFIS
kastel-o: castle; avana -o: (nav.) forecaste; dopa -o: (nav.) poop. — DEFIRS
kaston-o: bezel (of a ring). — FI
kastor-o: (zool.) castor: a beaver (genus: Castor); -chapelo: a beaver-hat; -drapo: beaver-cloth. — eFIS
kastr-ar: (tr.) to castrate, geld. — DEFIRS
kat-o, -ulo, -ino: cat, -eto, -yuno: small cat, kitten; genit-uro di katino: litter of kittens. — DEFIS
katafalk-o: catafalque. — DEFIRS
kataklism-o: cataclysm. Def.: Irga subverso di la teral surfaco per granda fenomeno: inundo, tertremo, erupto; IV—67. — DEFIS
katakomb-o: catacomb. — DEFIRS
katakrez-o*: (rhet.) catachresis. — DEFIS
katalepsi-o: catalepsy; -ika, -iko: cataleptic (person). — DEFIRS
kataliz-ar*: (tr., chem.) to catalyse; -o: catalysis; -ivo: catalytic. — DEF
katalog-o: catalogue; -izar: to c. V. exp.: vid. avizo. — DEFIRS
katalp-o: (bot.) catalpa(-tree) (genus: Catalpa). — DEFIS
kataplasm-o: (med.) cataplasm: a poultice. — DEFIRS
katapult-o: catapult. — DEFIRS
katar-o: (med.) catarrh; -eto: a cold; -ala, -oza, -ika, -iko: catarrhal; donar katar(et)o ad (ulu): to give a cold to; kapt-esar da katar(et)o: to catch cold. — DEFIRS
katarakt-o: cataract (blindness and waterfall). — DEFIRS
katastrof-o: catastrophy (cf. kalamitato, kataklismo). Ex. L'erupto di Vesuvius esis granda katastrofo. — DEFIRS
katedr-o: desk (of a professor); pulpit (in a church); ek (la) katedro: (fig.) ex cathedra (L.), openly; avowedly, professedly. — DFIRS
katedral-o: cathedral. — DEFIRS
kategori-o: category. — DEFIRS
kategorik-a: categorical. — DEFIRS
katekism-o: (book) catechism; -ero: catechist (cf. katekiz-ero). — DEFIRS
katekiz-ar: (tr.) to catechize; -ero: catechist. Def.: Docar la katekismo; instruktar ulu per questioni et respondi pri la precipua punti di (Kristana) religio. — DEFIS
katekumen-o: catechumen. — DEFIRS
katen-o: (pr. and fig.) chain; -izar: to c. up (ulu, ulo); -igar: to link together, connect; -if-isto: c.maker; -kurvo: (arch.) catenary arch; -ringo: c. link; -masho: c. mesh; -o di la eventi: c. of events; -igo: concatenation. — eIS
katet-o*: (geom.) cathetus. — DeFS
kateter-o*: (surg.) catheter. — DEFS
katgut-o: (surg.) catgut. — DEFIRS
kation-o*: (chem.) cation. — DEFIRS
katis-ar: (tr.) to give a gloss, a luster to (cloth, by hot or cold pressing). — DF
katod-o*: (elec.) cathode. — DEFIRS
katolik-a, -(ul)o: Catholic; -aro: Catholics (collect.); -eso: Catholicity; -ismo: Catholicism. — DEFIRS
katoptrik-o: (opt.) catoptrics; (cf. dioptriko). Def.: Teorio di la speguli (omnaspeca) ed optikal instrumenti kompozita ek speguli; IV—292. — DEFIRS
kauchuk-a, -o: caoutchouc: India-rubber. — DeFIRS
kaucion-o: (jur.) surety, bail, security, caution; -sumo:  s. money; -izar: to stand bail or go surety for (ulu); (cf. garantiar); liber-igar ulu per -o: to liberate on bail. — DeFIRS
kaud-o: (also fig.) tail; train (of a gown); -ala: caudal; -agar, -agitar: to wag or switch the tail; sen- -a: tailless; -port-ero: train-bearer. — eFIS
kaul-o: cabbage (Brassica oleracea); -rapo: kohlrabi (B. o. caulorapa); -o-supo: c. soup. — D
kaustik-a*: caustic; (chem.) burning, corrosive; (fig.) biting, stinging, satirical (language, etc.); -a kalko: c. lime, quick-lime; -o: (math.) caustic curve; -ajo: a c. substance. — DEFIS
kauter-o: (surg.) cautery; -izar: to cauterize. — DEFIS
kauz-o: cause: that which produces an effect; -ala, -ig-anta: causal, causative; -eso: causality; nula efekto sen kauzo: no effect without a c.; prima -o: primary c. Ant.: efekto rezult-ajo, konsequant(aj)o. — DEFIS
kav-a: hollow, sunken; -o, -ajo: (natural) hollow, cavity, -igar: to h. out, scoop out (by natural causes cf. exkavar); arboro -a: a h. tree, dento -a: h. tooth; -a okuli, vangi: h. eyes; sunken cheeks; la pluvi kavigis la tero: the rains hollowed out the ground. — eFIS
kaval-o: horse, steed; (at chess) knight; -ala: equine; -ulo: stallion; -ino: mare; -acho: hack; -isto: horse-man; -eyo, -stablo: stable; -(eduk)erio: stud; -fako: h.stall, box; -feko: h.dung; -fer-isto: farrrier, h.shoer; -karno: h. meat; -krino: h. hair; -o bankard-ala: wheeler; -pedo: foot of a h.; -povo: (mechan.) h. power; -raso: h. family; -serv-isto, -sorg-isto: groom, ostler; -stulo: pannier -leg-ilo, -reto: covering for a h.: -vend-isto: h. dealer. — DeFIRS
kavalier-o: knight; -ala, -atra: chivalrous, knighthly; -eso, -aro: knighthood, chivalry. — DEFIRS
kavalk-ar: (tr.) to ride (as on a horse); -ant-aro: cavalcade; -ero, -isto: horseman, equerry; -ala: equestrian; -o-doc-isto: riding master; -e: astride; -bloko: h. block. Ex.: Kavalkar kavalo, asno. La sorcistini kavalkas bastoni. Sidar kavalke (E. astride) sur benko. — eFIRS
kavalri-o: (milit.) cavalry; -ano: cavalryman. — DEFIRS
kavatin-o: (mus.) cavatina. — DEFIRS
kavern-o: cavern, cave; -ano: inhabitant of a c. (cf. troglodito); -ala, -oza: cavernous (of caves); -atra: cavernous, hollow (of sounds). — EFIRS
kaviar-o: caviare. — DEFIRS
kay-o: quay; (R.R.) platform. Def.: Rivo masonita et vertikal (alonge rivero, lago et metafore la senco fervoyala), qua posibligas l'embarko o desembarko di personi, vari, o por charjar e descharjar navi; VI—485 . — DEF
kayer-o: blank-book: a few sheets of paper stiched together and covered with a wrapper. — F
kaz-o: (jur., gram., med. and general) case (N.B. not casing); -e ke: (conj.) in case (that); -o (o, questiono) di koncienco: a case of conscience; -o di pendigo: a hanging matter; segun la -o: according to the case; omna-kaze (o, -supoze): in any case; ta-kaze: in that case; nul-kaze: in no case; en omna kazo: in any case, in any event; ni prenos nia parapluvi, kaze ke pluvo rikomencus: we will take our umbrellas in case it may rain; preparez la chambro por la kazo ke il venus: prepare a room in case he should come; en la kazo ke il venoz, enduktez il: in case he comes, show him in. — DEFIRS
kazak-o: cassock: a large sleeved coat formely worn by soldiers; (woman's) long jacket (for outdoor wear); -eto: (woman's) short jacket; (cf. sutano). — DFIRS
kaze-o: (o, krem-kazeo): cream cheese (cf. fromajo); -altra: caseous; -ifar: to make c.. — DeFIRS
kazein-o: casein. — DEFIRS
kazemat-o: (fort.) casemate. — DEFIRS
kazern-o: barrack (for soldiers); en-kazern-igar: to quater troops in b.s. — DFIRS
kazimir-o: (fabric) cassimere, kerseymere. — DEFIRS
kazin-o: casino: assembly room for cardplaying, etc. — DEFIRS
kazual-a: contingent, casual, fortuitous, precarious; -o: a contingent thing (as, a prequisite, extra salary, etc.); -a ofico: office held during pleasure; -a revenui: incidental revenues; la kazuali di la paroko: the casual income or fees of the vicar. Def.: Hazard-ala, acident-ala acesora. — DEFIS
kazuar-o: (orni.) cassowary (genus: Casuaris). — DEFIRSL
kazuist-o: casuist (in case of conscience). — DEFIRS
kazuistik-o: casuistry: science or doctrine of right and wrong; -acha: sophistical. — DEFIRS
ke: (conj.) that (where it unites a clause with the principal sentence; it is often united with prepositions to form subordinating conjunctions): pro ke: because; por ke: in order that (followed by imperative); dum ke: while, during the time that; pos ke: after; til ke: until; de ke: because, from (with participle); depos ke, de kande ke: since; kontre ke: while (contrast); malgre ke: notwithstanding that; per ke: thru the fact that; segun ke: accoding to whether; sen ke: without (with participle); ultre ke: besides that; vice ke: instead that: (ke is likewise joinded with adverbs); tale ke: so that, in such a way that; tante ke: so much that; tante longe ke: so long that; tante ofte ke: so often that; tante all the more so as; kase ke: in case (that); kondicione ke: on condition (that); unfoye ke: once (that).; omnafoye ke: everytime that; supoze ke: supposing that; time ke: for fear that; (cf. Talmey's Text Book, p. 92). — FIS
kegl-o: skittle; ninepin; -aro: a set of skittles or ninepins; -eyo, -sulo: bowling-alley, s. ground; ludar per -i: to play s.s. — DFR
kel-o: (tech.) (wedge-) key, peg, cotter-pin, linch-pin, gib; -agar, -izar: to fasten with a pin. — D
keler-o: cellar. — DEF
kelk-a, -i: some, a few, a little: indicates an indeterminate but not large number, quantity or degree; (cf poka); -o: someting; -u: somebody, someone; -eto: a little bit; -a-foye: sometime; -a-tempe: sometimes; -a-loke: somewhere, in some parts or, or some place; me esas kelke fatigita: I am somewhat tired; donez a me kelka pano: give me some bread; lu esas kelke maladeta: he is somewhat sick; me vartis ilu dom kelka tempo: I waited some time for him. Def: Nedeterminita (tamen negranda) nombro, o quanto, o grado. V. exp.: Kelka, poka: On povas uzar kelka por indikar plu granda nombro (o, quanteso) kam poka. Ex.: La mediko dicas a sua kuracato: «Vu drinkas tro multa biro. (1) Vu darfas drinkar kelka (t.e. negranda quanto, forasn tri o quar glasi singladie). (2) Vu darfas drinkar poka (t.e. mikra quanto, forsan nur un glaso de biro).» La signifiki di la sama radiki kelkafoye (pokafoye) tote diferas en la Angla de la Franca (en ca frazo, kelkafoye signifikas preske ofte, relative ofte; pokafoye signifikus preske nultempe, relative des-ofte (E. rarely). — F
kemi-o: chemistry; -ala: chemical; -isto: chemist (N.B. not a druggist). — DEFIRS
kenel-o: (cook.) quenelle: a forcemeat ball. — eF
kepi-o: kepi: milit. cap worn by French soldiers. — DeFIRS
keratin-o*: ceratin(e), keratin.
kerl-o: fellow, chap, (N.B. this word carries no proper moral valuation and is not used as an insult; cf. II—709). — D
kermes-o, -i: (ent.) kermes; (genus: Kermes). — DEFIRS
kern-o: kernel, stone (of fruits); core (of statutes, etc.); -eto: pip; -oza: full of kernels. — De
kerosen-o*: kerosene (cf. nafto, petrolo).
kerub-o: cherub. — DEFIRS
kest-o: packing-case, box, chest (of tea, soap, etc.); case (of wine, etc.); (cf. kofro, buxo); -eto: small case; (fig.) (small) casket.
«khan»: khan: (title and caravansary).
«khedive»: khedive.
kik-ar: (intr.) to kick (out behind, of horses, and other animals); (cf. pedo-frapar); -ema, -era: kicker (tendency). — E
kili-o: (ship's, boat's) keel. — DEFIS
kilogram-o: kilogram (2.2 lbs). — DEFIRS
kilogramo-metro: kilogrammeter (unit of energy or work). — DEFIRS
kilolitr-o: kiloliter (220 galls). — DEFIRS
kilometr-o: kilometer (0.62 mile). — DEFIRS
kilson-o: (nav.) keelson. — DER
kimer-o: (pr. and fig.) chimera; -a, -ala, -atra, -ema: chimerical, fanciful, visionary. — DEFIRS
«kimono»: (garment) kimono.
kin: five (for derivations, cf. du); -a-dek-yar-a, -o: (person) 50 years old; -yar-ala: quinquennial: which takes place every five years; -yar-a, -opa: quinquennial: which lasts five years; -franka peco: a five-franc piece. — L
kiosk-o: kiosk; (fig.) news stand. — DEFIRS
kiragr-o: chiragra. Def.: Goto en la manui. — DEFIRS
kirk-o: (building) church; (cf. eklezio). — DE
kiromanci-ar: (tr.) to read the hand of; -o: chiromancy, palmistry. — DEFIRS
kiropter-o: chiropter: bat (order: Chiroptera). — eFIL
kirsh-o: kirsh (-wasser). — DEFIRS
kirurgi-o: chirurgery; surgery; -ala: surgical, -isto: surgeon. — DeFIRS
kis-ar: (tr.) to kiss; -egar: to give a hearty kiss to. — DE
«kismet»: kismet.
kist-o: (med.) cyst. — EFIRS
kizelgur-o*: kieselguhr. — DEFIRS
klad-o: first (or rough) draft (of a writing); -ifar: to make a rough draft. — D
klak-ar: (intr.) to clap (per) (as with the hands), to clack, smack (as the lips, the tongue against the palate), to chatter (as teeth from cold); -igar: to clap, to crack (the fingers, a whip, etc.); -o-planko: clapper; klak! smack! pop! V. exp.: Ta vorto indikas altra bruiso kam karkar; klako esas bruiso di shoko (momentala) di du surfaci plu or min plata; krako esas bruiso (qua povas durar) di ulo qua ruptesas frakasesas; III—202. — eF
klam-ar: (tr.) to shout, exclaim, vociferate, cry aloud (words); -(ad)o: shout(ing), clamor: outcry; -ala: exclamative; -isto: public crier; -achar: to bawl, squall; -o-punto: exclamation point. V. exp.: On vokas sempre ulu: on klamas olu. On povas sempre ulu; on klamas ulo. On povas vokar sen klamar (per signalo, sonilo); on povas klamar sen vokar; IV—236; La krio esas voco neartikulita (komuna ad homi e bestii); korntree, on klamas nur vorti; II—80. — EFI
klamid-o: chlamys: ancient mantle. — DEFIRS
klan-o: clan. — DEFIRS
klap-o: any flat piece turning on a axis; as: flapvalve; leaf (of a folding door); flap (of a pocket or envelope or table); -sid-ilo: flap-seat, folding-seat; kameno-klapo : damper. Def.: Omna plana peco, qua povas turnar cirkum axo en sua plano; V—222. Ex.: On uzez la klapo di la kameno por regular la fairo. La klapo di posho kovras la posho. La klapi di ula tabli (per qui on prolongas li).— DF
klar-a: clear: free from all dims, blurs, obscures, obstructs; (fig.) plain, evident; -eso: clearness, light, plainness; -igar: to clarify, make clear, elucidate; -eskar: to become clear; -obskuro: chiaroscuro; -vid-(ad)o: clear sightedness, clairvoyance; -a aquo: clear water; -a koloro: light color; klar-blua okuli: clear (or light) blue eyes; -a mento: clear mind; -a voco: clear voice; la defino ne esas -a: the definition is not clear; klar-igar la signifiko: to elucidate the meaning; -igar la voyo: to clear the road; -irgar afero: to clear up a business. Ant.: obskura, ne-limpida, konfuza. — DEFIRS
klarinet-o: (mus.) clarinet. — DEFIRS
klarion-o: clarion: military bugle; (cf. buglo, trumpeto). Def.: Speco di trumpeto kun sono akuta e penetranta, uzata da soldati e milit-navisti. — DeFIS
klas-o: (all senses) class; -o laborist-ala: laboring cl.; -o-lukto: c. struggle; ca verko ne konvenas ad omna klasi di lektanti: this work does not suit all classes (all kinds) of readers; artisto di la unesma klaso: a first class artist; bilieto di la duesma kalso: a second class ticket; dividar la lernanti en du klasi: to divide the learners into two classes; klaso di maniferi: class of mammals. — DEFIRS
klasifik-ar: (tr.) to classify. — DEFIS
klasik-a: classical; -o: a classic; -ano: a classicist. — DEFIRS
klaudik-ar: (intr.) to be lame, to hall, limp, hobble, (in walking); -igar: to cause (ulu) to limp, to make lame (in legs): -ar en la du pedi: to be lame, to limp with both feet. — F
kauwn-o: clown. — DEFIRS
klauz-o: clause, stipulation, article (in a contract, will, etc.; N.B. not in sentence; cf. membro di frazo). — DEFIS
klav-o: key (of a key-board); (cf. klefo); -aro: keys (collect.), key-board. Def. La extramjo di levero quan on presas por produktar ula efekto (en piano, orgeno, telegrafilo, tiposkribilo, e.c.); VI—28. — DeFRS
kalvikord-o: harpsichord, klavichord. — DEFIS
klavikul-o: (antat.) clavicle, collarbone. — EFIS
klef-o: key (to locks, also fig.); -agar, -e-klosar: (tr.) to lock (ulu); -isto: (karcer-ala): turnkey; -ringo: k. ring; chefa -o: master-key; -o di cienci: k. to the sciences. Def.: Utensilo usata por apelar seruri, generale per rotaco cirkum lua axo: VI-28. — F
(tr.) to press closely together, squeeze, tighten, clench; -ar la lig-ili: to tighten the bonds; -ar la ligili di amikeso: (fig.) to tighten the bonds of friendship. Ex.: Klemar skrubo, freno, nodo, junturo, manuo. — D
(bot.) clematis (genus: Clematis). — EFIS
clement, merciful, lenient. Def.: Indulgema e pardonema (anke teologiala senco); III593. Ant. severa, ne-pardon-ema. — EFIS
clepsydra: water-clock. — DEFIS
cleric, clergyman; -ala: clerical; -aro: clergy (collect.); -ana; ano, -isto: clericalist, partisan of clericalism; -eso: ministry, holy orders; -ismo: clericalism. — DEFIRS
(office) clerk (of a notary, lawyer); -eso: clerkship; chef- -o: chief c.; (cf. komizo). — EF
client (of a lawyer); patient (of a physician); cutomer (of a tradesman); -aro: clientele, clients (collect.); -izar: to get costumers for (a shop, etc); -izo: custom: patronage; (fig.) good-will. — DEFIRS
cliff. — E
pawl, (spring-)catch; -izar: to cog with a catch; -o-roto: ratchet-wheel. Def.: Movebla levero-brakio qua, ingranante roto-denti, povas impedar la movo dil rotoen movo en sinso kontrea. — DF
(intr.) to clank, click, clack, clash, clatter: to make a sudden, sharp noise by striking; -(ad)o: clang(ing), clank (of armour, of chains); -eto: click, jingle (as of classes); -ili: snappers, bones. — DeF
(tr., intr.) to climb (up), clamber (over), mount, ascend (by hand or foot or tendrils). Ex.: Klimar (sur) arboro, monto. La planto klimas til la duesma etajo. — DF
climate. — DEFIRS
climatology. — DEFS
(tr., intr.) to overlap, to cover partially, to clinkerbuild. Def.: Superpozar la bordi di la folii di tolo o la planki qui kompozas la kareno di batelo, e.c.; IV—353. V. exp.: Butar: La but-sistemo konsistas en apud-pozar la bordi tale ke li kontaktas segun sua lota dikeso (same la duvi di barelo). — F
(med.) clinic. — DEFIRS
latch (of doors, etc.). — DF
clinometer. — DEFRS
(nav.) clipper(-ship): fast sailing ship. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to take a stereotype of something to be printed; -uro: stereotype; (photog.) negative, cliche; (cf. stereotipar). — DEFIRS
clyster: enema; -izar: to give an enema to (ulu); -tubo, -pump-ilo, -izilo, injekt-ilo, -siringo: instrument for giving an enema. — DeFIRS
(anat.) clitoris. — DEFIS
(tr.) to cleave (crystal, a diamond). — DEF
(antiq.) cloaca; (gen.) a sewer; (anat.) cloaca. — DEFIRS
o'clock; of (by) the clock; esas un kloko: it is one o'clock; esas du kloki: it is two o'clock; tri kloki dek (minuti): ten minutes past three; quar kloki e quarimo: quarter past four; kin kloki e duimo: half past five; sis kloki e tri quarimi: a quater to seven; sep kloki kinadek (minuti): ten minutes to eight; ok kloki kinadek e kin (minuti): five minutes to nine; ante tri kloki matine: before three o'clock in the morning; pos ok kloki e duimo verspere: after half past eight in the evening. (Note: «What time is it?» is translated «Qua tempo esas?». In some countries in Europe the hours are counted continuously from midnight to midnight, therfore: duadek kloki: (twenty o'clock) eight o'clock in the evening. klok-libro (di la fer-voyo): railway guide.
klonus-o: (med.) clonic spasm. — DEFIRS
klor-o: chlorine (gas); -acido: hydro-chloric (or,, muriatic) acid; -ato: chlorate; -at-acido: chloric acid. — DEFIRS
klorofil-o*: chlorophyll. — DEFS
kloroform-o: chloroform; -agar, -izar: to c. (ulu). — DEFIRS
kloros-o: (med.) chlorosis, green sickness; -ika, iko: chlorotic (person). — DEFIRS
klosh-o: a bell; anything in the form of a b.: -eto: little b., hand b.; -aro: collections of b.s; chimes: -turmo: b. steeple, belfry; -ario, muziko: (the music of) chimes; -(aro)-plear: (intr.); -son-igar: (tr.) to play chimes, to ring the bells; -ple-isto, -ero: chimer; -son-ig-isto, -ero: b. ringer. — F 
klostr-o: cloiter: coverered arcade, especially around a monastic building. — DEFIS
klov-o: (metal) nail; -agar: (tr.) to nail (ulo); -izar: to stud with n.s; -ifar: to make n.s.; -o-stop-ar: to spike (a gun). — FIS
kloz-ar: (tr.) to close, shut (up) (a door, a window, a room, a way, the eyes, a wound, etc.); -eyo: inclosed place, close; -ajo: someting inclosed, an inclosure; -ilo: fence barrier; -agrafo, -o-buklo: clasp, buckle, snap; klef-klozar: to lock; -etar la okuli: to blink the eyes; mi-kloz-ita: half-closed; -o-petro: keystone; -punisar: to keep in (for punishment), to restrict liberty (mililt.). — EFI
klub-o: (social) club; -ano: clubman. — DEFIRS
kluk-ar: (intr.) to cluck, cackle (of poultry). — DEFRS
kluz-o: (nav.) hawse-hole. — DR
knik-ar: (tr.) to bend a thing so as to occasion a flaw in it (yet no entirely to break it), to crack, flaw; (cf. krakar, flexar, fendar). Def.: Strenar korpo relative longa, ex. stango, per preso en la longesal directiono sur la du extremaji . — D
knut-o: knout. — DEFIRS
koadjutor-o: coadjutor. — DEFIRS
koagul-ar: (tr., intr.) to coagulate, curdle, clot, curd. — DEFIS
koakt-ar: (tr.) to constrain, coerce, oblige, compel, force (N.B. this refers espacially to moral; social, intellectual compulsion, rather than physical force; cf. forco, forsar); respekto, gratitudo, autoritato koaktas me silencar: respect, gratitude, authority compel me to be silent; ne koatkez il: do not use compulsion with him; vivo esas perpeuta koakto: life is a perpetual constraint; -anta, -iva povo: coactive, coercive power; koakto-kamizolo: strait-jacket. — F
koalis-ar: (intr.) to form a coalition (kun); -o, -uro: coalition: union of persons, parties or states. — DEFIRS
koaltar-o*: coal tar: tar made from coal. — EF
kobalt-o: (min.) cobalt. — DEFIRS
kobay-o: (zool.) guinea-pig (Cavia cobaya). — FS
kobe-o: (bot.) cobaea (Cobaea). — DEFIRS
kobold-o: koblod: imp, hobglobin, familiar spirit or brownie, puck, sprite. — DeF
kochenil-o: (insect and dye) cochineal. — DEFIRS
kocig-o*: (anat.) coccyx.
kocinel-o: (ent.) coccinella: ladybird, ladybug. — eFIS
kodex-o: (legal, signal, etc.) code, codex; -o farmaci-ala: pharmacopoeia, dispensatory; -igar: to codify. — DEFIRS
kodicil-o: (jur.) codicil. — DEFIRS
koeficient-o: (alg.) coefficient. — DEFIRS
kofi-o: bonnet, cap, coil (such as worn only by country women). — eFS
kofr-o: trunk, coffer, chest; (cf. kesto); -eto: small trunk, portemanteau. — DeFIRS
koher-ar: (intr.) to cohere, be coherent; -anta, -ema, -iva: coherent, cohesive, consistent; -ero: coherer (radio). — DEFIS
kohort-o: (hist.) cohort. — DEFIRS
koincid-ar: (intr.) to coincide (kun) (in form, in time). — DEFIS
koit-ar*: (tr.) to perform the sexual act (cf. kopulac-ar).
kok-o: coke. — DEFIS
koka-o: (bot.) coca (Erythroxylum coca). — DEFIRS
kokain-o: cocaine. — DEFIRS
kokard-o: cockade. — DEFIRS
koket-a: coquettish; -ino: coquette; -ulo: coxcomb, beau; -esar: to be c.; -igar: to coquet with, flirt with. — DEFIRS
kokle-o: (anat.) cochlea. — EFIS
koklush-o: (med.) whooping-cough. — FR
kokon-o: cocoon; -ifar: to spin, form c.s. — DEFR
kokos-o: cocoa-nut; -iero: c.n. tree; -lakto: c.n. milk. — DEFIRS
kol-o: (anat. and fig.) neck; -ala: relating to n., cervical; -umo: collar of shirt or garment); -umo rigida: stiff c.; -umo stac-anta: standing c.; -umo jac-anta: turn-down collar; -o-peco: neck-piece (butchery); -o-parto: neck part (of clothes); -lig-ilo: tie; -luko: neck-cloth, neckerchief; -o di veziko: n. of the bladder; -o di botelo: n. of a bootle. — FIS
kolacion-ar: (tr.) to collate: compare two writings; to assemble and verify the sheets of a book for binding. — DEFI
kola-nuc-o: kola nut; -iero: k. tree (Cola acuminata). — DEFI
kolaret-o: collarret (of cambric, lace, etc, for women and children). — DEFI
kolateral-a, -o: (geneal., jur.) colateral; -a parenti: c. relations. — DEFIS
kolchik-o : (bot.) colchicum (genus: Colchicum). — EFIS
kold-a: (pr. and fig.) cold, frigid, cool: -eso: coldness; -igar: to make cold, to cool; -a balno: c. bath; la supo koldeskas: the soup is becoming c.; homo di kolda karaktero: (fig.) a man of phlegmatic, or cold character; -a mento: a cool mind; traktar amiko kolde: to treat a friend coldly. Ant.: varma — DE
koldkrem-o: coldcream. — DEFIRS
koleg-o: colleague. — DEFIRS
kolegl-o: (all senses) college; -ano: collegian. — DEFIRS
kolekt-ar: (tr.) to collect (books, plants, etc.); to gather (of persons, objects, matter, into a mass); -ala, -iva: collective. — DEFIRS
kolektiv-ismo: (sociol.) collectivism; -isto: collectivist. — DEFIS
koleopter-o: (ent. genus) coleopter, beetle. — DeFISL
koler-o: (med.) cholera; -ika, -iko: c. (patient). — DEFIRS
kolerin-o*: (med.) cholerine. — DEFS
koli-ar: (tr.) to gather, cull, pluck, pick off (fruits, flowers, etc.).; -ajo: crop (of fruit), object picked. — FIS
koliar-o: necklace, neck-badge, collar (as on dogs or horses); (natural marking of birds, and other animals) collar; perlo- -o: pearl necklace; (fig.) ring, hoop (as on a mast, on engine). — DeFIS
kolibiri-o: (orni.) humming-bird (family: Trochilidae). — DFIRS
(intr.) to have severe pain in the bowels; -o: colic, griping, stomach-ache. — DEFIRS
kolimator-o*: (opt. instr.) collimator. — DEF
kolimb-o: (orni.) diver (family Colymbidae). — L
kolin-o: hill; -eto: hillock, knoll, ridge. Ex.: Roma esis konstruktata sur sep kolini. — FIS
koliri-o*: (pharm.) colyrium: eye-slave, wash. — EF
kolizion-ar: (intr.) to collide (kun); -o: collision: mutual striking of two bodies; (fig.) conflict, encounter. — DEFIRS
kolkotar-o: (chem.) colcothar. — DEFS
kolm-o: highest part, top (of a building or any elevation); ridge (of a roof); -o-trabo: ridge-piece, -pole; -o-tegulo: ridge-tile.
kolodion-o: collodion. — DEFIRS
kolofon-o: colophony: rosin. — DeFIRS
koloid-a, -o: colloid. — DEF
kolok-ar: (tr., fin.) to invest (money, funds); -ajo: money invested. — IS
kolomb-o: dove, pigeon (family: Columbidae); -ea: dove-colored; -yuno: young pigeon; -eyo, -o-turmo: dove-cot, pigeon-house (tower). — FIRSL
kolon-o: (anat.) colon; (arch., fig. in anat.) column, pillar; (of  troops) column; vertebrala -o (spino): verterbral column; densa -o di trupi: close column of troops; -bolto: tie-bolt. — DEFIRS
kolonel-o: (milit.) colonel. — DEFIS
koloni-o: colony; -ala: colonial, -isto: colonist: one who colonizes; -ano: colonist: member of a c.; -igar, -izar: to colonize. — DEFIRS
koloquint-o: (bot.) colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis). — DEFIRS
kolor-o: color (N.B. not pigment); -ajo: something colored; -materio: coloring material; -izar: to color: -aro, izo, -iz-eso: iz-uro: coloring, coloration; -iz-anta: coloring; sen- -igar: to discolor: deprive of it's proper color; des- -izar: to discolor: stain; -o-chanjo: color-change, play of colors; -fairo: colored fire, Bengal lights. — DEFIS
kolorit-o: color(ing), hue, shade: effect which results from the mixture or use of colors; (fig.) brilliancy of style; Raphael montris profunda kompreno di kolorito: Raphael showed a deep understanding of color (of the manner of applying colors to produce a desired effect); la kolorito di ca pikturo ne esas bona: the coloring of this painting is not good; persiko kun bela kolorito: a peach of a beautiful color. — DFIRS
kolos-o: colossus. — DEFIRS
kolport-ar: (tr.) to hawk about, peddle: carry about wares for sale. — DeF
kolubr-o: (genus) coluber: a common non-poisonous snake, ring or grass snake. — eFSL
kolum-o: see kolo.
kolumbari-o*: (antiq.) columbarium, columbaria. — DEFIS
kolumn-o: column (of a page); pagino de tri kolumni: three columned page. — DE
kolur-o*: (astron., geog.) colure. — DEFIS
kolute-o: bladder-nut tree (Colutea arborescens). — IL
koluzion-ar: (intr., jur.) to collude: to conspire in a fraud; -o: collusion. Def.: (koluziono): Interkonsento sekreta por facar kune ula fraudo o nelegalajo; V—88. — DEFIRS
kolz-o: colza, rape seed (Brassica Napus oleifera); -oleo: c. oil; -o-kaulo: cole (Brassica campestris). — EFIRS
kom: as (being), being, to be, in the capacity, character, role, quality of; egardar ulo kum ne-evitebla: to regard something as (being) inevitable; kom exemplo: as (being) an example; me judikas kom mea devo raportar: I judge it as (being) my duty to report; me konsideras il kom honesta: I consider him to be honest; konsiderar la texto kom autentika: to consider the text to be authentic; judikar la vino kom bona: to judge that wine to be good; me agas kom sekretario: I act as (in the capacity of) secretary; il skribis ad me kom elua tutelanto: he wrote (in the capacity) as her guardian; aktoro X . . aparis kom Hamlet: actoro X.. appeared as (assumed the role of) Hamlet; kom la maxim olda, li elektis ku dom delegito: as (being) the oldest, they elected him as (to be) delegate. V. exp.: Quale, kom: On devas uzar kom (e ne quale) en omna kazi, en qui kom povas remplasesar da ula formo di la verbo esar: esar, esante, e.c. Quale signifikas, ke on komparas un kozo ad altra; ol implikas sempre, ke on pensas ad-minime du kozi samtempe. Kom expresas atribuo o qualifiko: ol unionas du nomi (o epiteti, atributi) di un sola kozo (ulo esas atributo kande on atribuas ol ad ula nomo, t.e. kande on asertas explicite od implicite, ke tala qualeso apartenas a l'objekto). Ex.: Il agis kom prezidanto (esante prezidanto ed en ta qualeso). Il agis quale prezidanto (quale il esus prezidanto, ma il ne esis). Me amas il kom mea fatron (il esas mea frato). Me amas il quale mea fraton (il ne esas mea frato). Kom (esante) delegito di la granda republiko, il esis aceptata quale (E. like) rejo; (kp. IV — 88, 648; Talmey's Text Book, p. 74-5; MONDO, agosto, 1920, p 98-9). — FIS
kom-o: (print.) coma (,); -o-punto: semicolon (;). — DEF
koma-o*: (mus.) comma: a minute interval or difference in pitch. — DE
komand-ar: (tr. milit, nav, tech) to command (an army, a ship), to give word of command to (ulu); -ala, -anta, -ema, -atra (voco, tono): commanding (voice, tone); -ita kliko: catch having positive motion; V. exp.: Imperar, komandar: Komandar aplikesas a l'imperado militala o navala, do extreme severa ed absoluta, qua supresas omna responsiveso che l'imperati; IV—162. — DEFIRS
komandit-ar: (tr.) to finance a commercial undertaking, to become a sleeping partner in: -ala societo: a (French) limited, joint-stock company (in which some of te partners take no active part); -anto, -ero: sleeping-, dormant-partner; -o: (assuming) limited liability; -eso: (assumed) limited liability. — DFIS
komandor-o: (knight-) commander: an ordrer of knighthood. — DEFIRS
komat-o: (med.) coma; -atra: comatose; -ego: carus. — DeFIRS
kombat-ar: (tr., intr.) to fight, combat, make war on: -ema: combative, pugnacious, quarrelsome; -eskar: to start a fight: (milit.) to go into action; -esko, -eto: (milit.) engagement; li kombatis senespera kobambato: the fought a hopeless fight. — EFIS
kombin-ar: (tr.) to combine: -o, uro: combination. Ex.: On povas kombinar la quar literi a, b, c, d, en duadek e quar manieri diferanta. Kombinuro di kolori, di soni. — DEFIRS
kombinatorik-o*: (math, philos.) theory of combination(s). — DEFIRS
kombust-ar: (tr.) to burn (esp. in chemistery); -(ad)o: combustion, ignition: combination of a substance with oxygen, or the like usually generating heat and light. V. exp.: vid. brular. — EFIS
komedi-o: comedy; -isto: comedian. — DEFIRS
komedon-o*: (med.) comedo (pl. comedones); face-worm, blackhead.
(tr., intr.) to begin, commence; -e, -ante: in the beginning, at first; -ala: initial, first; -o-litero: initial. — EFIS
komend-ar: (tr., com.) to order (goods, a dinner, etc.); -aj-o, -i: goods bespoken. — F
koment-ar: (tr.) to comment on (by speaking or by annotation); -o, -uro, -aro: comment, commentary. Ex. Komentar temo, Virgilius. La komentaro di Caesar. — DEFIRS
komerc-ar: (intr.) to trade, traffic, deal (pri ulo, kun ulu); -o: commerce, trade; -ala, -oza, -era: commercial, mercantile; -ajo: good(s), article of commerce, mechandise; -anta: trading; -anto, -ero, -isto: trader, business man, mechant; -ist-ach-ala: profiteering; -o engrosa: wholesale trade; -o endetala: retail trade. — DEFIRS
komet-o: (astron.) comet. — DEFIRS
komfort-o: comfort; -ala, -oza: comfortable; -igar: to make comfortable; (cf. konsolacar). — DEFIRS
komic-o: comitia. Def.: Specala nomo di popul-asemblo (pricipue antiqua Romana). — DeFIRS
komik-a: comic, ludicrous, funny, laughable (cf. rid-inda). — DEFIRS
komis-ar: (tr.) to commission: to charge, empower (ulu facar ulo), to appoint (ulu por ulo); -o: charge instruction, mandate; -anto: one who orders, employer, principal; -ato: person commissioned: commissioner, representative; (cf. prokuraco): -it-aro: commission: body of commissioners, board. Ex.: Komisar ula komision-firmo komprar o vendar acioni por su, por ulu. Komisar komisitaro studiar temo. Ca oficiro ne ja recevis sua komiso. Komisar milit-navo. Komisitaro pri la budgeto. Facar la komisi: (E. to carry out the instructions; (fig.) do the errands). — DEFIS
komisari-o: commissary (di polico, di provizuro): -eso: (function) commissaryship; -eyo: c. office. — DEFIRS
komision-o: (com.) commission: order by which a person buys or sells goods for another: -isto, -ero: c; merchant, c. agent; -gelto, -pago: commission-money: allowance for transacting business. — DEFIRS
komisur-o: (anat.) commissure, suture. — DEFIS
komitat-o: commitee, board; (cf. komis-it-aro). — DEFIRS
komiz-o: clerk; writer, copyist in an office or counting-house; salesman in a store or shop . — DFI
komocion-ar: (tr., med. psychol.) to affect strongly, unnerve, unstring, cause to shake; la violentoza pafado -is la trupi: the hot fire unnerved the troops; san-eso konocion-ita: shattered health. — DEFIS
komod-a: (of things) convenient, commodious: adapted to its use or purpose, suitable; affording convenience, conductive to comfort; utensilo -a: a convenient utensil; ca loko ne esas -a a ni: this place is not convenient for us; ca domo ne havas komodaji: this house has no conveniences. — DEFIS
komod-o: (furniture) commode, chest of drawers, bureau. — DEFIS
komodor-o: (nav.) commodore. — DEFIS
komon-o: commune (in France); parish, township (the political division); -estro: mayor; -estr-eso: mayorality; -domo: community-house, town-hall; -ano: an inhabitant, a member of the commune or parish. — DeFIRS
kompakt-a: compact; (cf. densa); maso-a: a c. mass. — DEFIRS
kompan-o, -ulo, -ino: companion, mate, one who keeps company with another person, one associated with another in an employement; -eso: companionship; joy-oza kompanulo: a good fellow, boon companion; voyajo- -o: fellow-traveller: fidela -o: faithful c.. — EFR
kompani-o: (indust., com, milit.) company. — DEFIRS
kompar-ar: (tr.) to compare (ulo, ad ulo); -ebla, -inda: comparable; (ad) -e: comparatively, in comparaison (ad, kun); -anta gramatiko: comparative grammar; -ar la originalo kun la tradukuro: to compare the original with the translation . — EFIS
komparativ-o: (gram.) comparative. — DEFIS
kompas-o: (a pair of) compass(es); -agar: to measure with c.; trasar per -o: to line out with c. — EFIRS
kompat-ar: (tr., intr.) to pity, have compassion, be compassionate, commiserate, have mercy on: (cf. simpatiar); -anta, -ema, -oza: compassionate; -inda: worthy of compassion, pitiable, miserable, piteous; sen- -a: merciless, pitiless; pro -o: for mercy's sake. — EFIS
kompendi-o: compendium. — DEFIRS
kompens-ar: (tr.) to compensate: to be equivalent to, to counterbalance, to make amends for, to make up for; (com.) to offset. — DEFIRS
kompetent-a: competent (pri), capable, having (legal) power. Ex.: Kompetenta autoritato. Vu ne esas kompententa facar to. Kemiisto kompetenta. — DEFIRS
kompil-ar: (tr.) to compile (a literary work). — DEFIRS
komplement-o: complement: that which it is necessary to add to make a thing complete; (trig.) the difference between an angle and 90°; (gram.) object, the added word to complete a predication; -a, -ala: complementary, completing, supplying a deficiency. — DEFIRS
komplet-a: complete; -igar: to c. (ulo, per); -ig-iva kazo: completive case, objective case. Ex.: Vestaro kompleta. Kompleta floro. Ruino kompleta. Komplet-igar sumo, laboro. — DEFIS
Kompletori-o*: (cath. lit.) complin(e), completory.
komplex-a: complex: not simple, consisting of many parts; complicated intricate. Ex.: Temo, ideo komplexa. Komplexa nombro, questiono. Ant.: simpla.— DEFIRS
komplexion-o: (med.) complexion: constitution, natural disposition of body; (cf. konstituciono); (N.B. not color of skin).
komplez-ar: (intr.) to please, gratify, humor; to be complaisant, obliging (ad ulu); -o, -em-eso: complaisance, disposition to oblige; readiness to serve; -ach-ema: obsequious; -ez: have the goodness, kindness; ne-komplez-anta: disobliging. Def. Konformigar su a la sentimenti, a la humoro di altru. Ex.: Esas elua studio komplezar ad sua spozulo. Montrar su komplezema ad ulu. Me facis to nur por ke me komplezez il. Mis-uzar la komplezemeso di ulu. V. exp. vid. voluntar. — eFIS
komplic-a: (jur.) party (to), privy (to); accessory (to); -(ul)o: accomplice (in a crime, in an ill-design); -eso: complicity. V. exp.: Indikas la neegaleso (etikal e legala) la precipua kulpanto e di lua komplico o complici.III-264 — DEFIS
komplik-ar: (tr.) to complicate: render complex, make intricate; ca afero komplik-at-eskas: this affair is getting complicated. — DEFIS
kompliment-ar: (tr.) to compliment: to address with expressions of civility: (cf. gratular). Ex.: La generalo komplimentis la soldato pri lua kurajo. Il sendis la donacajo kun sua komplimenti. — DEFIRS
komplot-ar: (tr.) to complot: to plot (ulo, kontre ulu). V. exp.: Komploto esas plu generala; konspiro esas komploto politikala, kontre la stato o statestri, por revoluciono o por atento; II-646. — DeFRS
kompost-ar: (tr.) to set up in type; -isto: (print.) compositor; -ilo: composing - stick; -eroro: printer's error, wrong letter; -mashino: composing machine. — EFIS
kompot-o: compote: stewed fruit; -uyo: comport, dish for compote. — DeFS
kompoz-ar: (tr.) to compose: to compound; to form (by uniting two or more things; N.B. not to set up in type; cf. kompostar); to constitute; to invent and set in order; to fashion, adjust; -uro, -ajo: component, compound, ingredient; -isto, -ero: composer (as of music); -ita: composite, composed (da); -ito: compound; -achar: to scribble; Ex.: Omna parti qui kompozas ca mashino. La vorti esas kompozata da literi. Kompozar libro, diskurso, opero. Kompozita vizajo. — DEFIS
kompr-ar: (tr.) to buy, purchase. — IS
kompren-ar: (tr.) to comprehend: to understand, apprehend by the senses; (cf. intelektar, konceptar, konocar, savar; kontenar, inkluzar); -ebla, -iva: comprehensible, intelligible, conceivable; -ende: of course; mis- -ar: to misunderstand. — EFIS
kompres-ar: (tr.) to compress: press or squeeze together. — DEFIRS
kompromis-ar: (tr.) to compromise: to imperil or injure (the reputation, credit, etc. of a person); -anta, -iva: compromising. — DEFIRS
kompuncion-o*: compunction: reproach of conscience; contrition, remorse. — EFIS
kompund-a* (mashino): compound (-engine).
komt-(ul)o: (on continent) count; (England) earl. — EFIS
komun-a: common: pertaining to, connected with, or participated in by two or more persons or things; joint, general; -eso: community (of goods, of interests, etc.); -igar: to communize; -ismo: communism; -isto: communist; -a raciono: common sense; -a eskalero: a c. staircase; interesti -a: co-interests; -a uzo: c. use; -a nomo: a common name; (gram.) a common noun; -igar la havaji di richi: to communize the property of the rich. — DEFIRS
komuni-ar: (intr., rel.) to communicate: to receive the sacrament; -igar: to administer the sacrament to (ulu). — DEFIS
komunik-ar: (intr.) to communicate; have communication (by intercourse), be connected by passage; (tr.) to communicate; impart, transmit, acquaint with; -o, -ajo: communication; -igar: to put (uli) into communication; to make a connection between (buildings, etc.); -ema: (tendency) communicative; -o-pordo: communicating door; inter- -ar: to be in mutual communication. Ex.: Komunikar kun altra personi. Ca pordo komunikas a koridoro. La magneto-petro komunikigas sua qualeso a la fero. Li komunikigas sua projeto a me. — DEFIS
komunion-o: communion: religious fellowship; a denomination. Def.: Uniono en komuna kredo (religiala); III-605. Ex.: La protestanta komunioni. — EFIS
komut-ar: (tr., elec., math.) to commute, commutate (a current); -ilo: commutator. — DEFIS
kon-o: (geom., bot., and fig.) cone; -a, -ala, -atra: conical; -o-trunko: frustum of a c., truncated c.; lum- -o: (opt.) cone of rays. — DEFIRS
koncentr-ar: (tr.) to concentrate: to draw or converge to or toward a common center (troops, rays of light, the mind, the affections, etc.); (chem.) to concentrate: free from extraneous matter; (cf. pludens-igar). — DEFIRS
koncept-ar: (tr. physiol. and psychol.) to conceive (a child, an idea); (cf. gravid-eskar); -(ad)o, -uro: comceiving, conception, concept; -ebla: conceivable. — DEFIRS
koncerna-ar: (tr.) to concern: relate or belong to (ulu, ulo); -o: concern: affair: -ant-a, -e: concerning, relating to, regarding, (jur.) appertaining to (cf. aparten-ante); me parolas pri to quo -as vu: I am speaking about that which concerns you; to ne -as vu: that is not your business. — EFIS
koncert-ar: (intr., mus.) to give a concert; -o: concert; -o-peco: concerto. — DEFIRS
konces-ar: (tr.) to concede (a point in argument). Def.: Grantar ulo por obtenar konkordo; III-168. — DEFIRS
koncesion-ar: (tr., intr.) to grant a (public) concession to, to enter into (public) contract (with); -ario: grantee; -o perpetua: concession in perpetuity. V. exp.: Koncesiono esas specala kontrato por l'exekuto di publika labori. Ol esas karakterizita per ke l'entraprezisto esas pagata ne da la koncesionanto (stato, urbo, e.c.) ma da l'uzanti dum tempo determinita. Exemple: ula urbo deziras posedar elektrala fili por la lumizado di la stradi e di la privata domi. Ol povas procedar per koncesiono, t.e. l'entraprezisto konstruktros la reto, e recevos su pago, de l'aboni dum X yari e pos tempo donos l'instaluro a la koncesioninto. Simila afero eventas pri fervoyi, pri ponti, pri distributi di gaso, aquo, e.c.; IV—168. — DEFIS
konci-ar: (tr.) to be conscious of (ulo); -o: consciousness: the knowlegde or perception of what passes in one's own mind. — EFIS
koncienc-o: conscience; -oze: conscientiously. — EFIS
koncil-o: council (of the church); (cf. konsilo). — DEFIRS
koncili-ar: (tr.) to concilliate: bring to a state of friendship, gain, win by moral influence; to reconcile: make consistent or suitable; (cf. ri-konciliar); -ebla: reconcilable, consistent, accommodable, compatible; -ema: conciliatory, accommodating, compliant, easy to get along, tractable; la multeso di nia reciproka intersiti devas konciliar ni: the great number of mutual interests should overcome any feeling of hostility; elua dolca manieri konciliis la favoro di elua nova familio: her gentle manners gained the affection of her new family; ne esas facila konciliar la historio profana e la historio sakra: it is not easy to reconcile (make consistent) profane history with sacred history. — DEFIRS
konciz-a: concise, succinct (style, etc.). — DEFIS
kondanm-ar: (tr.) to condemn: to sentence, doom; to censure; to judge to be unfit for service. Ex.: Kondamnar ulu a morto. Kondamnar libro. Il kondamnis ca entraprezaji: (E. he has condemned (censured) these undertakings). Kondamnar navo, furnisaji. Ant. : absolvar. — EFIS
kondens-ar: (tr., phys.) to condense; -ilo: condenser. Ex.: Koldeso kondensas la aquo-vaporo. Ant.: vapor-igar. — DEFIS
kondensator-o*: (elec.) condenser. — DEFIRS
kondicion-ar: (tr.) to stipulate, make conditions about; (cf. stipular); -o: condition, stipulation, limitation, restriction; -ala, -ita: conditioned: subject to conditions; -izar: to place conditions, restrictions on; -alo: (gram.) conditional, -e ke: on condition that, provinding that; sen- -a, ne- -ala: unconditioned. — EFIS
kondil-o*: (anat.) the head of humerus (upper arm).
kondiment-o: condiment; -izar: to season, flavor; (fig.) to give a relish to; (cf. saporar). V. exp.: Kondimento havas senco tre generala, plu larja kam spici, pikli, e.c. Omno quo servas por kondimentizar; III-264 — DEFIS
kondol-ar: (tr.) to condole with (ulu): to express or feel sympathetic sorrow; -o-letro: letter of c.. — DEFS
kondomini-o: condominium: joint dominion or sovereignty; (Rom. law) joint ownership; -ar: to have c. Def.: Kunposedar e komune dominacar.
kondor-o: (orni.) condor (Sarcorhamphus gryphus).— DEFIRS
kondukt-ar: (tr., phys.) to conduct, transmit, convey (by tubes, wires, etc.) gas, electricity, heat, etc.; -ivo, -ilo: conductor, conduit, transmitter; -iv-eso: conductibility; gas -ilo: gas-conduit, tube. — eFIRS
konduktor-o: (on trains, trams, omnibuses, etc.) (Europe) guard; (U.S.) conductor. — DEFRS
kondut-ar: (intr.) to conduct onself, behave, demean oneself; ca muliero sempre kondutas bone: this women always conducts herself well. — EFIS
konekt-ar: (tr.) to connect (ulo kun ulo). Def.: Juntar du organi qui servas por transmiso di energio, sive elektrala, sive mekanikal (la energio esas una); III-417. — DEFIRS
konestabl-o: constable: a former title of commander-in-chief of French armies. — DeFIS
konfection-ar: (tr.) to make, manufacture clothing (for); -uro: clothing (ready made). — DF
konfekt-o: confection, sugar-plum. Def.: Diversa-speca sukraji generale mola; V-722. — DEIS
konfer-ar: (intr.) to confer: discourse with any one on some subject; (cf. grantar). — DEFIRS
konferv-o: (bot.) conferva: any of the threadlike green algae that form in scum in ponds and ditches. — DEFISL
konfes-ar: (tr.) to confess, own up, avow (ulo); -igar: to receive the confesion of (ulu); -o: confession; -anto: one who c.; -ig-anto, -ero, -ario: (father) confessor; -eyo: confessional (cabinet): irar por -ar: to go to confession; arachar -o: to extort a confession. Ex.: On konfesas kulpo od irga fakto celita, sekreta e desfavoroza. — EFIS
konfesion-o: (theol.) confession: a formulary of articles of a religious creed, profession of faith; creed; -o di Augsburg: Augsburg Confession. — DEFIS
«konfetti»: confetti. — DEFIRS
konfid-ar: (tr.) to confide: instrust, commit, to the care of; (cf. fidar, konfidencar). Def.: Livrar ula kozo (su, ulu, ulo) a la sorgo, a la fideleso, a la habileso o la kapableso di ulu, di ulo. Ex.: Me konfidas a vu la maxim kara e maxim precosa kozi quin me posedas. — EFIS
konfidenc-ar: (tr.) to tell in confidence (ulo, ad ulu); -o: disclosure; -ajo: that which is confided: the information; -a, -ala: confidential; -e: in c. — DEFIRS
konfirm-ar: (tr.) to confirm: assure by added proof, corroborate, verify; add firmness to, to strenghten; (jur.) to ratify, sanction; (rel.) to receive into the church by confirmation; l'experienco -as ke . .: esperience corroborates that; recenta informi -as me en mea opiniono: recent information confirms my opinion; la korto -is la verdikto: the court has confirmed the sentence; la sakramento di -o: the sacrament of confirmation; -anta, -iva evidentajo: confirmatory, corroborative evidence . — DEFIRS
(tr.) to confiscate (ulo, de ulu). — DEFIRS
konfit-ar: (tr.) to preserve (fruits, in sugar); -ajo: jam, preserve, conserve. — DFIS
konflikt-ar: (intr.) to (be in) conflict (kun). Ex.: Nia interesti konfliktas. Konflikto di armei. — DEFIRS
konform-a: conformable: that conforms, like, similar; -e: in conformity; -igar: to (make) conform (ulo, su, ad ulo). Ex.: Kopiuro konforma a la originalo. Vua interesti konform-esas a nii. Konformeso a la volo di altru. Konform-igar su a la manieri di vua tempo. — DEFIS
konfront-ar: (tr.) to confront. Ex.: Konfrontar la testo ad akuzato. — DEFIS
konfund-ar: (tr.) to confound: to make a muddle of serveral things in not distinguishing them properly (with kun); to confuse the indentity of something with something else (with ad). V. exp.: Kunfundar kun ..., kunfundar ad ..: Se ek plura kozi on facas pelmelo per mala o nesuficanta dsitingo mentala, qua mixas iti kun ici, lore la prepoziciono uzenda esas kun. Ex. : «Nun il konfundas omno en sua odio, la kulpozi kun l'inoncenti, la boni kun la mali». Se la spirito transportas erore la qualesi od individueso di ulu od ulo ad altra, lore la prepoziciono uzenda esas ad. Ex.: «Vu konfundis manekino ad homo. - Ne konfundez lampiro a lanterno». En l'unesma kazo (kun) la konfundo esas reciproka; en la duesma, ol ne esas reciproka; VI-513-4; also Talmey's Test Book, p.90) Ant.: dicernar.  — DEFIS
konfuz-a: (physical and mental) confused: jumbled together, indistinct. Ex.: Bruiso konfuza. Nepreciza e konfuza idei. La multa intrucioni konfizigas mea mento. La konfuzeso di la tempo. Ant. klara, preciza. — DEFIRS
konglomerat-o: (geol.) conglomerate; pudding-stone. — DEFIRS
kongr-o: (ich.) conger-eel (Conger). — EFIS
kongregacion-o: (rel.) congregation: -ano: member of a c. — DEFIRS
kongres-ar: (intr.) to hold a congress; -ano, -anto, -ero: congressman, member of a c. — DEFIRS
kongru-ar: (intr.) to be congruous: -eso: congruity; -anta: congruous, congruent, proper. — DEFIS
koni-o: wedge, quoin (arch. print.); -agar: to wedge; -umar*: to shape like (or, form into) an angle. — F
konifer-a, -o: (bot.) conifer(ous). — DEFIS
konik-o: (math.) conic section. — DEFIRS
konivenc-ar: (intr.) ton connive (kun): to feign ignorranc; (fam.) to wink at — DEFIRS
konjed-ar: (tr.) to give leave or holiday to; to furlough. Def. : Donar tempala libreso: IV-67. — FI
konjekt-ar: (tr.) to conjecture: to surmise, presume, guess, suppose; (cf. divinar). — DEFIRS
konjel-ar: (tr., intr.) to congeal; to freeze; (cf. koagular, glaci-igar, forst-igar). Def.: Transformar liquido a solido per la ago di koldeso. Ex.: Temperaturo di 130°K konjelas alkoholo. V. exp.: Frosto povas aplikesar nur a vetero, a la meteorologiala stando, di qua konjelo di l'aquo esas nur elemento o signo; III-330. — EFIS
konjestion-ar: (tr., med.) to congest; -o: congestion. Def.: Akumulo morbala di sango en parto limitizita di la korpo. — DEFIS
konjug-ar: (tr., gram.) to conjugate: to inflect (a verb). — DEFIRS
konjuncion-o: (gram.) conjunction; -a expresuro: conjunctive phrase. — DEFIRS
konjuntiv-o*: (anat.) conjunctiva. — DEFIS
konjuntivit-o*: (med.) conjunctivitis. — DEFIS
kunjuntur-o: concurrence, combination of events and circumstantces, conjuncture. Ex.: Me nultempe trovis plus desfortunoca konjunturo. — DeFIRS
konjur-ar: (tr.) to conjure, raise, call up (spirits). — EFIRS
konk-o: conch, sea-shell (of a mollusc). — EFIRS
konkav-a: concave; -eso: concaveness; -ajo, -ig-uro: concavity; -igar: to make c., scoop or hollow out. — DEFIS
konklav-o: conclave: assembly of cardinals. — DEFIS
konkluz-ar: (tr.) to conclude: to bring to a conclusion, settle, to come to a decision about; (cf. inferar); -iva: conclusive, final, decisive; (cf. pruv-iva); -e: in conclusion. Ex.: Konkluzar kontrato, pakto, mariajo, diskurso. La konkluzo di la kontrato prizentis poka desfacilaji. Konlkuziva pruvo. Konkluze me volas dicar. — EFIRS
konkoid-o: (geom.) conchoid. — DEFIS
konkologi-o: conchology. — EFIS
konkord-ar: (intr.) to agree, be in harmony, concord, concordance, (kun); -igar: to bring into concord, to reconcile; -o kordiala: cordial agreeement (F. entente); ne- -anta: (moral) discordant, disagreeing. Def.: Havar sama opiniono kam altru; (ol expresas stando duriva, (eventuale) permananta); VII-97; tendencar a sama skopo; harmoniar; (kp. akordar, konsentar). Ex.: La konkordo di du gespozi. La konkordo regnas en ica familio. Lia atesturi ne konkordas. — DEFIRS
konkordat-o: (rel.) concordat; (com.) bankrupt's certificate; -ala: certified (of bankrupts); -ario: certified bankrupt. Def.: (Kormercala) Konkordo di faliinto kun sua kreditanti por pago di sua debi; II-76. — DeFIRS
konkrecion-o: (med.) concretion: calculus (cf. kalkolo). — DEFIS
konkret-a: concrete (number, term). Ant.: abstrakta-a, ala. — DEFIRS
konkub-ino: concubine; -ulo: man who lives in concubinage. — DEFIS
konkubinat-o*: (legal) concubinage (applies to men and women). — DEFIS
konkupicenc-o*: concupiscence. Def.: Inklineso juar la bonaji di la mondo, particulare la kozi sensual. — DEFIS
konkurenc-ar: (tr.) to compete (in business, for personal profit); (cf. emul-esar); -(ad)o: competition, natural rivalry, common striving for the same object. V. exp.: Konkurenco esas la naturala, spontana e konstanta rivaleso, qua existas inter praktikanti di la sama profesiono, komerco, industrio, qui penas ecelar por sua personal profito e prospero. Konkurso esas quaze lukto institucata da autoritato, en definita kondicionni tempala ed altra, por ganar premii od adminime recevar rangi atribuata da judikanti. Konkurso similesas do samtempe exameno e judiko. La sama komercisti od industriisti, qui konkurencas sur la nacional e mondala merkato, konkursas exemple en l'universala expozi, en qui on distributas a li premii de diversa rangi. Li konkursas anke por obtenar ula lur niso, prizentante specimeni (kun inkiko di preco), quin ula experti specale komisita examenas, komparas e rangizas; III-348. — DFIRS
konkurs-ar: (intr.) to go into a competition, match (for prizes); -anto, -kandidato: competitor. V. exp.: vid. konkurencar. — DFIRS
konkusion-ar: (intr., jur.) to peculate, practice extortion, graft. Def.: (konkusiono): Prevariko o pekuniala extorso facita da publika funcionero. — DFIS
konoc-ar: (tr.) to know: be aware of, be acquainted with; (through the senses); -igar: to make known (ulo da ulu); -(ad)o: acquaintance, knowing, cognition, cognizance; -eskar: to become acquainted; -ato: acquaintance; -ebla: cognizable; -ala, -iva: (philos.) cognitive; ri-konocar: to recognize: know again; (cf. agnoskar). Ex.: Konocar ulu per la nomo, per la reputo, per la vido. Me ne konocas lua skribado. Me bone konocas omna parti di ca edifico. Me ne konocas la nomo di la strado. La autoro ne esas konocata. Konocar lo bona de lo mala. La hundo bone konocas sua mastro. Il atingis la evo di konoco (E. discretion). Havar bona konoco di aferi. La konoco di krimino. V. exp.: vid. savar. — FIS
konoid-o: (geom.) conoid. — DEFIRS
konosment-o: (com., nav.) bill lading. Def.: Dokumento signatata da kapitano o navestro, deklaranta la naturo e quanto di la vari transportata e la kondicioni di transporto; II-76. — DFRS
konquas-ar: (med.) concussion (brain, etc.). — DEFIRS
konsakr-ar: (tr.) to dedicate, consecrate (a church, one's life, etc.); (cf. sakr-igar). — EFIS
konsekrac-ar*: (tr., Cath. lit.) to consecrate: to convert the bread and wine into the proper substance of Christ. — DEFIS
konsent-ar: (intr.) to consent, give consent, accede, agree, acquiesce; agar konsente kun: to act in concert with; inter-konsente: by mutual agreement; ne- -ar: to dissent. Def.: Adherar a l'opiniono, propozo di altru; implikas chanjo, mental ago e quaze movo; VII-98. Ex.: Kad vu venos kun ni? Me konsentas (t.e. me volas la samo kam vi, o me voluntas sequar vi; ico dependas nur de la volado, ne de l'intelekto). Lua gepatri ne konsentus a lua mariajo. V. exp.: vid. asentar. — DEFIRS
konsequ-ar: (intr.) to follow, result, ensue (de ulo); -o: (relation) consequence; -ant-ajo: consequent (event, thing, issue), consequence; -e: consistently, consequently; therefore; -anta: consequent; -ema: consistent; to ne konsequas de: that does not follow from; ica kozi esas di granda konsequo: these things are of great consequence; la konsequentajo di ilua ago: the consequence of his act; il ne esas konsequema en lua aserti: he is not consistent in his statements. — DEFIRS
konserv-ar: (tr.) to conserve: keep in a safe and sound state; (of fruits, etc.) to preserve; -o: conservation, preservation; -ajo: thing conserved; preserve; -ema, -emo: (also polit.) conservative (person); -em-eso: conservatism; -ar sua saneso: to c. one's health; instinto di (su-) konserv-(ad)o: the instinct of self-preservation. — DEFIRS
konservatori-o*: (institution) conservatory (of music). — DEFIS
(tr.) to consider; (cf. egardar, regardar, atencar, pensar, judikar, evaluar, reflektar, deliberar, meditar); la soldati konsideris il quale patrulo: the soldiers looked upon him a father; ol esas projeto bone konsiderita: it is a well-considered plan; ol meritas konsidero: it merits consideration; il agas ne-konsider-ante: he acts inconsiderately; konsider-ante vua laborado: in consideration (or, out of consideration) of your work; esas temo konsider-inda: it is a subject worthy of consideration. — DEFIS
(tr.) to consign (goods); -ajo, -o di komercaji, di vari: consignment; -ario: consignee. Def.: Sendar vari por vendo segun posibleso; II-76. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to advise, offer counsel to (ulo ad ulu); -ant-aro, -ist-aro: council (cf. koncilo). — EFIRS
(intr.) to consist: have as its foundation, essence, be composed, be made up of. Ex.: Feliceso konsistas en moderemeso e vertuo. Ca armeo konsistas ek infantrio ed ek kavalrio (kp. kompozar). — EFIS
(rel.) consistory. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to conscript: to enlist by compulsion; -ito: a conscript. — DEFIRS
(arch., furnit.) console. — DEF
(tr.) to console: comfort (a person) in grief. — EFIS
(bot.) comfrey, consound (genus: Symphytum).
(tr., fin.) to fund; -ito: consol. — DeFIRS
(soup, broth) consommé. — DeFIRS
(intr.) to be agreeable or uniform in sound; -o: consonance, accord (of sounds). — DEFIRS
(gram.) consonant. — DEFIRS
(jur.) consort, associate, partner. — DEFIRS
(intr.) to conspire: to hatch a treason against a government; li -is kontre la rejo: they conspired against the king; pulvero- -o: gunpowder plot (Eng. Hist.). V.exp.: vid. komplotar. — DEFIS
(tr.) to treat (publically) most contemptuously, scorn, spurn, flout (cf. mok-egar). V. exp.: To esas nek desestimar, nek abominar, ma expresar extere, per paroli, gesti, agi, la desestimo od abomino (etimologie: kovrar per sputaji); III-203. — F
(all senses) constant; (cf. sen-cesa, perman-anta, persist-anta); -o: (math. phys.) a constant (quantity); -eso: constancy; -e: constantly. Ex.: Job esis konstanta (E., steadfast) (od, ferma) en desfortuno. Konstanta en amikeso. (math.) Konstanta quanto (od, konstanto). Konstanta (od, sen-cesa) venti. Konstante bona. Konstanteso di valoro. — DEFIS
(tr.) to establish, substantiate (for oneself by observation or experiment), to attest, state (after investigation, to other people). (Note: This word applies to serious even scientific observation and proof, rather than to the perceptions of everyday life). La mediko konstatis la prezenteso di…: the physician observed (verified, proved, established) the prescence of…; -o: establishing, authentication, verification; postular, donar, recevar (oficala) konstato: to demand, give, receive an (official) acknowledgement (or, certificate) (pri ulo); -ebla: ascertainable, able to be verified or determined. Def.: Certeskar pri la vereso di ula fakto, generale per percepto, observo; VII-207. Vidar tote certe, explorar tale, ke la fakto esez por vu tote nedubebla. Mondo, XII, 226. Ex.: Fakto konstatita (E. established fact). Me verifikis la fakti per exameno di la konstati (E. statements) en la protokolo (od, me konstatis la fakti per exameno di la protokolo). — DF
(tr.) to dismay, to strike with, or throw into consternation; ni esis konstern-ata da ilua vorti: we were dismayed by his words. — DEFIS
(tr.) to constipate; render costive, bind (the intestines). — EFIRS
(tr.) to constitute: to form, compose, make a thing what it is, make up; -o, -eso: (also polit.) constitution; -anta, -iva: constituting: component, composing, constituent (N.B. not elector; cf. elektanto); -ala: (polit.) constitutional (cf. konstitutionala); -al-eso: constitutionality. Ex.: La psiko e la korpo konstitucas la homo. Ca agi ne konstitucas delikto. La konstitucanti (E. elements) di ulo. La parti konstituc-anta, -iva di korpo. — DEFIRS
(physiol.) constitution; -ala morbo: constitutional disease. Def.: Generala stando di l’organismo rezultanta del anatomiala stando e de la funcionado di omna organi; VI-210. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to constrict; to draw together, bind, cramp. Def.: (Konstrikto) La diminuto di ampleso di kavajo (stomako) o truo (ex. La natural aperturi di la korpo esas cirkondita da muskuli konstriktiva); II-645. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to construct: to put the parts of anything together in their proper order, to build. — DEFIRS
(Roman, modern) consul; -ala: consular; -eso: (function, time) consulate; -eyo: (residence) consulate. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to consult (ulu, ulo, pri ulo); (cf. konferar, deliberar); -(ad)o: consultation (also med.). Ex.: Konsultar advokato, vortaro, historio, sua interesti. Konsultanta mediko. Havar konsultanta voco (E. to have the right of discussion without the right of voting). — DEFIRS
(tr.) to consume, destroy, use up, wear out, expend. Ex.: La rusto konsumas la fero. La fairo konsumas la domo (kombustante ol). Maladeso konsumas la energio. On konsumas vino, karno, korbono, petrolo, papero, aquo, e energio en la vapor-mashini e mem la mashini ipsa, uzante li. kp. IV-397. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to count, reckon (money, trees, people, hours, etc.); to take a census; (cf. kalkular, enumerar); -o: account, reckoning; havar privata konto:to have a private account (at a merchant’s, etc.); kalular la konto (di ulu): to make up the account; kontado di la habit-ant-aro: census of the inhabitants; -isto: accountant; verifikar la kontado: to verify the accounts, the book-keeping; -o kuranta: current account; -ar dekeduope: to count by the dozens; -ilo: counter (machine); (tech.) meter; -o-marko: counter (as in play); -o-yaro: financial year. — DEFIRS
(tr., lit. and fig.) to communicate a contageous disease to (ulu); -o: contagion, pestilence. Def.: Transmisar morbo per kontakto mediata od nemediata kun ulu; (fig.) transmisar etikala malajo per frequento, per imitado nevolata. Ex.: La kontagio di morbo, di vicio. Rido kontagiiva. — DEFIS
(intr.) to be in touch, have contact (kun); -eskar: to come into c.; -igar: to place in c. (ulo, kun ulo); -o-punto: point of c.; -e kun: in c. with; -o ne-mediata: direct contact. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to contaminate, defile; (cf. polutar, koruptar, sordid-igar). — DEFIS
(of money) ready; (of payments) cash; -o: ready cash or money; -a pago: cash payment; -a kompro: buying for cash. — DEFIS
(tr.) to contemplate. Def.: Regardar longe, ma aktive, kun reflekto o fervoro por studiar o admirar l’objekto; V-35. Ex.: Kontemplar la belaji di naturo. Kontemplado di la boneso di Deo. — EFIS
(tr.) to contain, hold; -o, -eso: containing, capacity; -ajo: content(s); (log.) content; -ant-ajo, -ilo: container; -ema, -oza, -iva: comprehensive. Ex.: Ca tanko kontenas duacent litri. La kontenajo di libro. Donar kontenoza deskripto di ula afero. — EFIS
content(ed), satisfied; -igar: to content, satisfy. Ex.: Kontenta mieno. Havar kontenteso esas plu bona kam havar richaji. V. exp.: vid. saci-ar. — EFIS
(tr.) to contest, dispute, call into question. Ex. Kontestar la yuro di ulu. Kontestar debajo, heredajo. Il havas ne-kontestebla yuro facar to. — EFIS
contiguous, adjoining; meeting at the surface or border, touching; -a chambro: adjoining room; (cf. apuda). — DEFIS
(intr.) to be continent; -o: continence: forbearance of lawful pleasure, restraint of passion for sexual enjoyment. — EFIS
(geog.) continent. — DEFIRS
(philos.) contingent: happening by chance, casual, accidental; -o: (milit., fin.) contingent, share, quota; -eso, -ajo: (philos.) contingency. Ex.: Kontingent evento; Singlu de la federiti furnisos sua kontingento de trupi e pekunio. Ni agos segun la kontingentajo. — DEFIRS
continuous: uninterrupted, unbroken, which goes on without intermittance or break; joined without intervening space; -o, -ajo: (philos.) that which is indivisible (matter, body, space); (cf. sen-cesa, perpetua, dur-anta; prolong-uro, sequ-ant-ajo); -a proporciono: (math.) c. proportion; -a febro: continuous, uninterrupted fever; la lego di -o: the law of continuity. Ant.: intermit-anta, ces-anta, ne-dur-anta. — DEFIS
counting-house, (business) office, (administrative) bureau; -isto: office clerk, -ist-aro: office force. — DeFR
(tr.) to smuggle (in); -ajo: a contraband article. — DEFIRS
contrabasso: the largest kind of bass-viol, violone, double-bass. — DEFIRS
contradance, country dance, old fashioned quadrille. — DEFIS
(tr.) to counterfeit (money), to forge (a signature); -uro: counterfeit, forgery (made). — FI
(arch.) counterfort: a buttress, spur or pillar serving to support a wall. — EFIRS
(tr., phys., anat., gram.) to contract: to draw into a smaller compass, draw together or nearer; to shrink (together); (cf. konstriktar, astriktar, plu-kurt-igar). Def.: Diminuto di longeso, di larjeso o di volumino; II-645. Ex.: La maxim multa korpi kontraktesas da la frigoro; muskolo aganta kontraktesas. — DEFIS
(med.) rigidity, stiffness of muscles. Def.: Rigideso duranta, ma nevolita, di muskolo. Ex.: Tetano efektigas grandega kontrakt-uro. — DF
(voice or person) contralto, counter-tenor. — DEFIRS
(tr., log.) to contrapose. — DEFR
(mus.) counterpoint. — DEFS
(intr.) to contrast: stand, be in contrast; -igar: to (put in) contrast (ulo, ad ulo). Ex.: Kontrastigar to quon on facas a to quon on intencas facar. Kontrasto di ombro e di lumo. — DEFIRS
(tr., intr.) to make a contract (kun); -o: contract: agreement or covenant between two or more persons; bargain; (cf. paktar). Ex.: Kontratar facar ulo. Kontratar kun la stato facar ulo laboro. Donar vendo-kontrato (E. to give a deed of sale). — DEFIRS
(tr., intr.) to contravene: transgress, infringe on (regulations, orders, the law, etc.). Ex.: Kontravencar la dekalogo. V. exp.: vid. krimino. — DEFIS
(prep.) against: in opposition to, with; in contradiction to, contrary to; in an opposite direction; opposite; (law term) versus; -mea volo: opposite my wish; marchar – la enemiko: to march against the enemy; luktar – des-fortuno: to struggle with adversity; irit-igar - : be exasperated with; agar - sua koncienco: to act against one’s conscience; irar – la fluo: to go against the current; -e: by way of compensation, as a set off, per contra; on the contrary, on the other hand; -ajo: the contrary, opposite (object); -esar: to be opposed (ad); -(ul)o: adversary; -eso: opposition; - ke: (conj.) while (in contrast). In composition kontre has the sense of: counter, contra; (cf. anti-). — DEFIRS
(tr.) to act contrary or in opposition to (ulu, ulo), to thwart; -ag-anta, -ema: opposing (fig.) provoking; -ag-em-eso: spirit of contrariety.
(tr.) to insure against.
(tr.) to counter-question.
(tr.) to gainsay, contradict; inter-kontre-dic-anta: mutually contradictory; su-kontre-dic-anta: self-contradictory.
counter-flow, -current.
kontre-frapo, -shoko:
contra-indication (chiefly med.).
anti-Semitic; -o: anti-Semite.
anticlerical; -ismo: anticlericalism.
to counter-march.
(tr.) to countermine.
(tr.) to speak against, rejoin to.
counter-poise, -balance, -weight.
counter-plea, opposition speech.
antiseptic: preventing putrefaction; (cf. asepta).
to recriminate.
contrary sense, meaning.
to countersign; -o, -uro: countersign(ing).
in the opposite direction, backwards.
(fort.) counterscarp. — DEFIS
kontre-skorbut-a: anti-scorbitic, scurvy.
kontre-soci-a: anti-social.
kontre-spasm-a: anti-spasmodic.
torpedoboat destroyer.
kontre-venen-o: counter-poison, antidote.
kontre-verm-a, -o: vermifuge.
kontre-vol-a: reluctant, -e: unwillingly.
kontribut-ar: (tr., intr.) to contribute (ulo, ad ulo). Ex.: Kontributar duimo di la sumo. Kontributajo a la suceso di la afero. To esos kontributiva a vua feliceso (E. that will be conducive to your happiness). — DEFIRS
kontric-ar*: (intr., rel.) to feel deep sorrow for sin; -o: contrition, remorse, repentance; -anta: contrite. — DEFIS
kontrol-ar: (tr.) to control by checking, verification, entering into a counter-register or counter-roll; -o: checking, verification; -isto: controller, comptroller; -eyo: comptroller’s office; -o-libro: register kept to correct another register; (milit.) muster-roll; -o-marko: check-mark; hall-mark; -mark-izar: to counter-check, mark; -o-bilieto: (theat. -) check; -expertizo: counter-survey; -inquesto: counter-inquiry; -voko: second roll-call, check-roll-call. — DeFIRS
kontrovers-ar: (tr.) to controvert, dispute, discuss. Def.: (kontroverso) Debato pri questiono, opiniono, e.c., precipue pri temi religiala, filozofiala. — DEFIS
kontumac-a: (jur.) contumacious: disobedient to a lawful summons; non-appearing; defaulting; -(ul)o: a c. person; -eso: contumacy, default; judiciar kom -o: to default, declare to be contumacious. — DEFIS
kontur-o: contour, outline: the line that bounds a figure; -izar: to outline, give proper contour. — DEFIRS
kontuz-ar: (tr., med.) to contuse, bruise (by blow or fall). — DEFIRS
konvalec-ar: (intr.) to be convalescent. — DEFIS
konvekt-ar: (tr., phys.) to transfer (heat, electricity) by means of currents in liquids or gases; -o: convection. Def.: Modo di transporto di la koloro, dil elektro; III-139. — DEFIRS
konven-ar: (intr.) to suit: be suitable, be fitting, be congruous, be proper, fit in, match; (cf. decar); (impers.) to be expedient, be advisable, be convenient; -o: fitness, suitableness, pertinence; (pl.) good manners, decorum, proprieties; -anta: suitable, proper, expedient, pertinent, convenient; ne- -ajo: inconvenience; ca loko konvenas bone ad il: this place will well suit him; tala laudo ne konvenas a me: such praise does not suit me; konvenas facar: it is advisable to be silent; ne konvenas a me dicar: it does not beseem me to say; obediar la konveni: to observe the rules of decorum; la konveno di mariajo: the suitableness of marriage; domo kun multa nekonvenaji: a house with many inconveniences. — eFIS
konvencion-ar: (intr.) to make an agreement, come to a (written) understanding; -o: agreement, covenant, convention, pact; -ala: conventional: stipulated; tacitly understood, arising out of custom; -ala linguo (od, parolado): conventional language; parola -o: verbal agreement; skribita -o: written agreement; la historiisti ne -as pri la dato: the historians do not agree as to the date; la testi konvencionis dicar: the witnesses agreed to say. — DEFIRS
konvent-o: convention, assembly; conventicle: assembly, usually secret, as of freemasons; nacionala -o: national convention. — DeFIS
konverg-ar: (intr.) to converge: tend to a point. Ant.: divergar. — DEFIS
konvers-ar: (intr.) to converse (kun); -etar: to chat. — DEFIRS
konversion-o: (milit.) a change of front, wheeling.
konvert-ar: (tr., rel., fin.) to convert; -ar pagani, pek-anti: to convert heathen, sinners (cf. transformar). — DEFIRS
konvex-a: convex. Ant.: konkava. — DEFIRS
konvink-ar: (tr.) to convince (ulu, pri ulo); me konvinkesas ke il mentias: I am convinced that he is lying; -anta, -iva pruvo: convincing proof. — EFIS
konvolvul-o: (bot.) convolvulus, bind-weed, morning-glory (genus: Convolvulus). — EFIS
konvoy-ar: (tr.) to convoy: transport, convey troops, munitions, etc. (usually under armed escort); -o: convoy(ing), transport(ing); -o-navo: transport (ship); -al eskort-navo: escort ship to a convoy. Def.: Transportar soldati, municioni, e.c. per serio de veturi o navi. V. exp.: Konvoyo esas la transporto e, per extenso, la serio de veturi (o navi) ipsa. Konvoyar ne esas sinomimo di akompanar, eskortizar: on eskortizas konvoyo; IV-12. — DEFIS
konvuls-ar: (intr.) to have a violent and involuntary contraction of the muscles; -igar: to convulse; -o: convulsion, fit; -ala, -atra: convulsive. V. exp.: Konvulso (konvulsi) esas general e duranta kontrakti di la muskuli, ne volita, ma pro nerval influo. Spasmo esas kontrakto lokala (di un muskulo aparta), generale bruska e neduranta. Krampo esas kontrakto partala e doloroza di un muskulo (ex. En la suro); II-646. — DEFIRS
konyak-o: cognac (French) brandy. — DEFIRS
kooper-ar: (intr.) to cooperate ( in a co-operative institution); (cf. kunlaborar, kontributar (ad); -ala, -anta societo: cooperative society. — DEFIRS
koopt-ar: (tr.) to co-opt: to choose or elect a fellow member. Def.: Adjuntar a su membro per interna elekto. Ex.: La elektita komisitaro havis la yuro di koopto, e kooptis Sro. X. pro la specala autoritato; IV-105. — DEF
koordin-ar: (tr.) to co-ordinate: dispose, adjust; -iti: (geom.) coordinates. Def.: Kombinar en la ordino asignita da la formo o la naturo id l’elementi. Ex.: Koordinodi la muskuli. — DEFIRS
kopaiv-o: copaiba, copaiva (balsam); -iero: c. tree (genus: Copaiba). — DEFISL
kopal-o: copal, a resin. — DEFIRS
kopi-ar: (tr.) to copy: write, print, engrave, or paint, alter an original; (cf. imitar); -o: copying; -uro: a copy; -anto, -ero, -isto: copyist; -o-pres-ilo: copying-press; -o-registro: copying register (for letters, etc.); -o atestita: a certified copy; -inko: copying ink; -uro korektigita, emendita: corrected copy; -o neta: a clean copy. — DEFIRS
koprolit-o*: (paleon.) coprolite. — DEF
kops-o: copse, coppice. — E
kopul-o: copula. — DEFIS
kopulac-ar: (intr.) to copulate: unite in sexual intercourse (kun); -igar: to pair (animals for breeding). — DEFIS
koquar: (tr.) to cook (food) by baking, boiling, broiling, roasting, etc.; (cf. bakar, stufar, boli-igar, grilar, rostar); -ajo: something cooked; -isto: cook; -art-ala: culinary; -il-aro: cooking utensils; -ey-estro: chief cook. — EFIRS
kor-o, -kant-aro: choir, quire, chorus (the singers); -ala: choral; -kanto: chorus (song); -ano, -(kant)isto: chorister; -ista puero: choir boy; -estro: choir leader; kantar kor-e, -atre: to sing in chorus. — DEFIRS
korali-o: coral; -ala, -atra: coralline, coralline-like. — DEFIRS
koram: (prep.) in the presence of; -me: in my presence; -la rejo: in the presence of the king. — L
koran-o: Koran. — DEFIRS
korb-o: basket; -o-botelo: demi-john, carboy; (cf. damijano). — DF
korbel-o: (arch.) corbel. — EF
kord-o: line, cord, rope; (geom.) chord; (of an arch.) span, chord; -ego: large rope, hawser (cf. kablo); -aro: cordage; -eto: small rope, string, twine; -igar: to twist, twine (like a rope); -ifar: to make ropes; -if-eyo, -erio: rope-walk; -(et) izar, -ligar: to cord, bind; -o-dans-isto: rope-dancer; -o-skalo: rope-ladder. — EFIS
kordi-o: (anat., fig. of affections and cards) heart; -ala: cardiac; (fig.) cordial; -al-eso: cordiality; -ika, -iko: heart-diseased (person); -o-lacer-anta: poignant; heart-rending, harrowing. — DEFIS
kordon-o: a short cord or ribbon; as: klosh-(et)- -o: bell-cord, -pull; tir- -o: check-string for doors, carriages, etc.); zon- -o: girdle (as of monks); shu- -o: shoe-string, lachet; chapel- -o: hat-band, -string; umbilik-ala -o: umbilical cord, navel string; (honor-) -o: cord or ribbon worn as a decoration; milit-ala, epidemi-ala -o: (fig.) military, sanitary cordon: a line of sentinels, guards. — eFIRS
kore-o*: (med.) chorea, St. Vitus’s dance. — DEFS
korekt-a: correct: conforming to the rules or the conventional standard, accurate, exact, right, faultless; -igar: to correct (cf. emendar, punisar); -ig-uro: (result) correction; -ig-ebla: corrigible. Ex. Korekta frazo, konduto. Korektigar la mori di ula naciono. V.exp.: vid. emendar. — DEFIRS
korelat-ar: (intr.) to be in correlation; -anta, -iva: -ivo: correlative: standing in reciprocal relation; -iva termini: correlative terms. — DEFIRS
korespond-ar: (intr.) to correspond: to hold communication by letters, (kun ulu); to answer in character, function, etc., be adequate (ad ulo); (cf. konform-esar, konkordar). — DEFIRS
koriandr-o: (bot.) coriander (Coriandrum sativum). — DEFIS
koribant-o: (antiq.) Corybant: a priest of Cybele. — DEFIRS
koridor-o: corridor, passage-way. — DEFIRS
korife-o: (antiq.) coryphæus (ballet) coryphee; (fig.) one distinguished in his profession or in a society. — DeFIRS
korimb-o: (bot.) corymb. — EFIS
korint-o, -i: (dried or shop) currant(s). — DFRS
korion-o: chorion, the outside membrane of the foetus. — DEFIS
kork-o: cork(-bark); -o-querko: c. tree; -izar: to cork (a bottle), to lay c. on (a floor, etc.); -o-flotac-ero: c. float; c. belt; -o-tir-ilo: corkscrew. — DE
kormoran-o: (orni.) cormorant (genus: Phalacrocorax). — DEFI
korn-o: horn (of animals, as material or as used in wind instrument); -a, -oza, -atra: corneous, horned, horny; -izar: to put horns on; -agar: to horn, gore; -eskar: to become h.; -isto, -ero: horn-blower; -e anuncar, proklamar: to blare out, trumpet; -o-plear: to blow or wind the h.; -o-brancho: antler; abundo- -o: horn of plenty, cornucopia; tri-korna chapelo: three cornered hat; -o-kofio: cornet: head-dress worn by sisters of charity. — eFIS
(med.) to be short of breath. — DEFIRS
(min.) cornelian, carnelian. — DEFIS
cornac: elephant driver, mahout. — DeFIS
bagpipe; -o-plear: (intr.) to play the bagpipe. — FIS
(anat.) cornea. — DEFIS
(bot.) cornel-berry, dog-berry; -iero: cornel (genus:Cornus). — DEFIRS
(instr.) horn, kind of trumpet; papera -o: paper cone (as for holding candy); valvo- -o: cornet: cornet-a-pistons; (valvo-) -isto: cornetist. — DeFIS
(arch.) cornice. — EFIRS
(orni.) crow; (cf. korvo, frugilego). — FIS
(tr.) to corrode; -anta, -iva: corrosive. Ex.: La rusto korodas la fero. — DEFIS
(anat.) choroid coat of the eye.
(bot.) corolla. — DEFIS
(log., math.) corollary. — DEFIRS
body: total organised substance of a person, animal or plant; the principal part of anything; (milit.) corps; -ala: corporal, corporeal, bodily; -eskar: to become body, materialize; -exerc-(ad)o: bodily exercise; -o-gard-isto: bodyguard. — DeFIRS
corporation (cf. gildo). — DEFIRS
(Cath. lit.) corporal: communion cloth. — DEFIS
corpulent, stout (cf. obeza, repleta). Def.: Ta qua havas la tota korpo (anke la membri) grosa, dika; lu esas muskuloza, do generale forta e sana; VI-601. — DEFIS
corpuscle. — DEFIS
public-drive, -walk. Def.: Speco di promeneyo en urbo; III-203. — DFI
corsage, bodice. — EF
corsair: privateer; (fig.) pirate; (cf. pirato); -navo: privateer. — DEFIRS
corset, stays; -izar: to corset (ulu); -kovr-ilo: corset cover. — DEFRS
(of justice, of sovereign) court: (of a house) court(-yard); -ana: courtly (person); -ano: courtier, member of a court; -an-eso: courtliness; -o supera, eceptala: highest court, court of appeals. — EFIS
(also anat.) cortex: bark (of trees); sen-kortic-igar: to strip trees of bark. — EFIS
(min.) corundum. — DEFIRS
(tr., phys., moral) to corrupt: taint, spoil; deprave, demoralize. Ex.: La kaloro balde koruptas karno en la somero. Koruptar linguo, texto, judiciisto, la mori di ulu. — DEFIRS
(orni.) raven (Corvus corax); (astron.) Corvus. — L
(intr.) to do corvee; to do compulsory (or, statute-) labo(u)r (on highways, etc.); (milit.) to do fatigue duty. — eF
(nav.) corvette; sloop of war. — DeFIRS
(geom.) cosecant.
(geom.) cosine.
cosmos, -ala: cosmic. — DEFIRS
(art of using) cosmetics; -ajo: cosmetic article; -ala: cosmetic. — DEFIRS
cosmogony. — DEFIRS
crescent; (fig., cook.) a crescent-shaped roll. — EFIS
(tr.) to believe (ulu, ulo); me tote ne -as to: I do not believe it at all; -ar historio: to believe (in) history; -ar ulu kom richa: to believe someone to be rich; kred-igar ulo da ulu (igar ulu kredar ulo): to cause someone to believe something; -o: faith, belief, believing; -end-ajo, -formulo, -artiklo, -i: creed; -ema: credulous; -ebla, -inda: credible; -o-deklaro: declaration of faith; -ar rumoro: to credit a rumo(u)r. — EFIRS
(in church) credence (-table); (in house) sideboard, buffet. — DEFIS
(tr., com.) to credit: to enter upon the credit side of an account; to give trust or credit to (ulu) (cf. kredar); -o: credit: reputation for solvency; delay in payment (cf. estimo); -ajo: a c. entry; -anto, -ero: creditor; -o-letro: letter of c.; -o-konto: a c. account; -e vendar: to sell on c.; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to discredit; to deprive of (commercial) c.; (fig.) to bring into disrepute; (cf. kredar). Ant.: debet-igar. — DEFIRS
cream; (fig.) the best part of anything; -ea, -eo: cream-color(ed); -uyo: c. holder, c. jug; -o quirlita: whipped-c.; -jeleo: blancmange. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to cremate; -eyo, -forno: crematorium. — EFIS
window-fastening (vertical, as in car windows). Def.: Stango qua restas vertikala, e qua, sive rotacante cirkum sua axo, sive per shovo-movo (komandata per maneto) engajas su (o sua hoki) en trui supre ed infre en la fenestro; IV-448; (kp. spanyoleto). — F
crenelle: loop-hole, embrasure (in a battlement); -izo, -iz-uro: crenellation, indentation; (coins) milling. — eF
-o, -ulo, -ino: creole. — DEFIRS
(chem.) creosote. — DEFIRS
(crepe) crape; -izar: to cover with crape. — DEFR
(tr.) to rough-cast, rough-coat, parget, give a coat of plaster to (a wall). — F
(intr.) to crepitate; to make a crackling sound (also surg. of noise of fractured bones). — DEFIS
(fabris) crepon: a thick crape. — DEFIRS
crepuscule: twilight (in evening or morning). — eFIS
(bot.) (water-)cress. — DEFIR
(intr.) to grow (esp. of living things; cf. augmentar, plu-grand-igar, divenar); -igar: to cause (ulo, ulu) to grow; -eskar: to start growing; -ante: (mus.) crescendo. Ex.: Herbi, hari, homi kreskas. La pluvo kreskigas la frumento. — FIS
pancake. — F
(all senses) crest, top, ridge; han(ul)o- -o: cock’s comb; monto- -o: top of a mountain; -o di ondo: crest of a wave; -o di suceso: crest of success. — EFIS
chrestomathy: select passages to be used in learning a language. — DEFIRS
chalk; -oza, -atra: chalky, cretaceous; -krayono: chalk-crayon. — DeFIS
kretin-o, -ulo, -ino:
cretin. — DEFIRS
(fabric) cretonne. — DEFRS
(tr., intr.) to burst, break suddenly, fly open. Ex.: Se vu tro plenigus la sako, ol krevos. La abceso krevis. Krevar pro rido. — FI
shrimp (Crangon vulgaris). — F
(tr., intr.) to crack, chap, chink (surface only, as in china, hands). V. exp.: Expresas surfacala fendeto, qua eventas ex. en la sulo, en la muri, en la glacio, en la pelo, e.c. To esas altro kam fendeto: nam ex. vazo krevisita nule esas fendita; III-203. — EFI
(intr.) to scream, cry out: make inarticulate noise (men and animals); -etar: to whine, whimper; -achar: to bawl (cf. plor-achar). V. exp.: vid. klamar.— EFIRS
screen: a coarse sieve for separating stones from earth, dust from coals, etc.; (cf. sivo); -o-reziduo: siftings. — FIS
lifting-jack, screw-jack, hand-screw. — FIS
(game) cricket; -bat-ilo: cricket bat; -agro, -eyo: cricket ground; -lud-anto, -ero, -isto: cricketer. — DEFIRS
(onom.) crick-crack.
(intr.) to commit a crime; -o: crime (such as treason, murder, arson, etc.); -ala: criminal (law, etc.); -anta, -inta, -oza: criminal (person); -anto: criminal, malefactor, -al-igar: to make a criminal out of (ulu); -al-isto: criminal law specialist; -oz-eso: criminality; -o morte punis-ebla: a capital crime. V.exp.: Segun la Franca yuro, la ofensi kontre la lego, segun la grado di graveso, esas: krimino (E. crime), delikto (E. misdemeano(u)r), kontravenco (E. trespass). — DEFIRS
hair (of animal’s mane or tail); -aro: (horse’s) mane; kaval- -o: horse-hair; -kamiz-eto: hair-shirt. — FIS
(fabric or dress) crinoline. — DEFIRS
(phys.) cryophorus. — DEFIS
cryometer. — DEFIS
cryoscope. — DFIS
(phys., med.) cryoscopy. — DEFIS
crib: manger, feeding-trough; (cf. bers-ilo). — DEFI
maimed, crippled; (cf. infirma); -igar: to cripple, maim. Def.: Qua perdis membro, o lua uzebleso per deformo; V-157. V. exp.: On povas esar infirma sen esar kripla: multa oldi esas infirma (blinda, surda, nekapabla marchar, e.c.) nam li ankore konservas omna sua membri e korpala integreso, sen esar kripla. Ed on povas esar kripla sen esar infirma (ex. ulu a qua mankas nur un fingro o falango esas kripla, ma ne remarkeble infirma: segun la legala termino, lua labor-kapableso ne diminutesis); V-95. — DE.
crypt. — DEFIRS
kriptogam-o, -a:
(bot.) cryptogam(ous). — DEFIS
(tr.) to write (ulo) in cryptogram (secret characters). — DEFIRS
(Cath. and Gr. lit.) chrism, holy-oil. — DEFIS
(of hair) crisp: woolly (as on negroes). — EL
Christ; -ana, -ano: Christian; -an-aro, -mondo: Christendom; -an-eso: Christianity (quality); -an-ismo: Christianity (doctrine); -o-teologio: Christology; ante Kristo (a K.): before Christ (B.C.); pos kristo (p. K.): after Christ, anno domini (A.D.); -o-nask-o, -ala: Christmas. — DEFIRS
crystal; -igar, -eskar: to crystallize; -a glaso: cut glass; (cf. quarco). — DEFIRS
(anat.) crystalline lens (of the eye). — DEFIRS
crystallography. — DEFIRS
(chem.) crystalloid.
criterion. — DEFIRS
critical philosophy: the metaphysical system of Kant.
(tr.) to criticise (ulu, ulo); to examine and judge critically; (cf. blamar); -achar: to make unjust criticism of, to carp at. — DEFIRS
crisis, decisive moment, critical time, turning point; -ala: critical: relating to a crisis. — DEFIRS
(ent.) chrysalis, nymph, pupa, grub. — DEFIS
(bot.) chrysanthemum (genus: Chrysanthemum). — DEFIRSL
pinch-beck: an alloy of copper and zinc resembling gold. — DFIS
(intr.) (of crows) to caw; (of frogs) to croak. — F
(tr.) to crochet. — EFR
(tr.) to craunch, crunch (with the teeth and fig.). Def.: Mastikar ulo harda qua ruptesas bruise; IV-137. — F
(game) croquet. — DEFIRS
crocodile. — DEFIRS
chrome, chromium. — DEFIRS
(mus., opt.) chromatic. — DEFIS
(intr.) to make chromolithographs. — DEFIRS
(biol.) chromosome.
(tr.) to chromotype: print in colo(u)rs. — DEFR
to print in chromotypography.
crown (also fig. as of teeth); -izar: to crown; -izo: crowning, coronation; (fig.) crowning (as of a career); -iz-uro: (arch.) crown-piece, coping; sen- -igar, des- -izar: to uncrown. — DEFIRS
crown glass. — DEFIRS
(med.) chronic: of long duration; -eso: chronic state; -eskar: to become chronic. — DEFIRS
chronicle; -isto: chronicler. — DEFIRS
chronology. — DEFIRS
chronometer. — DEFIRS
chronometry: the art of measuring time. — DEFIRS
(of birds) crop; -umo: dewlap (as of oxen). — DE
(gen.) any long object with a hook-like end; (of bishop) crozier, pastoral staff; (in hockey) hockey-bat; (of a pistol or musket) butt-end. Def.: Senco generala: kurvigita extremajo; VI-116. — F
(zool.) rattlesnake (genus: Crotalus). — FISL
(bot.) croton (genus: Croton). — DEFIRS
(intr., nav.) to cruise; -navo: cruiser. — DEFIRS
cross; -e: crossways; -umar: (tr.) to c. (roads, etc.); -igar: to make a c. of (ulo); -forma: cruciform; -voyo: cross-way, cross-road; -sign-izar su: to c. oneself; facar kruco-signo: to make the sign of the c.; -agar: to crucify (ulu); -ag-ito: crucified person; -eto di fenestro: sash-bar; -o-kapo: cross-head (of a piston); -o-milito: crusade; -o-milit-anto: crusader; -o-port-isto: cross-bearer. — DEFIRS
pitcher, jug; -edo: pitcherful. Def.: Tera o porcelana vazo kun larja ventro e streta kolo, kun anso e kun varsilo. — DFR
krucifer-o, -a:
(bot.) crucifer(ous). — DEFIS
crucifix. — DEFIRS
crude: not changed from its natural state; (of foods) uncooked; unwrought; (fig.) lacking finish, polish; -a petro: rough ashlar, rough building stone; -a karno: raw, uncooked meat; -a ledro: crust leather; -a silko: raw silk; -a metalo: crude metal, unwrought metal; (fig.) -a penso: crude thought; -a koloro: crude colo(u)r. — EFIS
cruel (tyrant, law, war, etc.); -eg-ajo: an atrocity. — EFIS
(wooden or metal) mug, pot (as used for carrying or measuring liquids). — D
(intr.) to fall in, collapse, tumble down (in pieces with noise); (fig.) to sink in ruin; la domo -a: the house is falling; (fig.) la tota sistemo -as: the whole system is sinking into ruin. V. exp.: To ne esas simple falar, ma falar kun bruiso, rupteskante e dispeceskante; anke rulante sur inklineso; III-326. — FI
soft part of bread; (cf. pano-pec-eto). Def.: Parto interna e mola di pano; VI-140. — DE
(tr.) to rumple, crumple, (rough) crease. Ex.: Krumplar robo, papero. — DE.
(med.) croup. — DEFIRS
croupier (at gaming table). — DEFI
thigh; -ala: crural, femoral. — DeFIS
crust (of bread, of earth, etc.); (of a sore) scab; -izar: to encrust (ulo); -o-peco: crouton, piece of crust. — DEFIS
crustacean. — DEFIS
crucible: melting-pot; -agar: (tr.) to assay, refine (with a crucible). — eFIS
(tr.) to dress the hair of (ulu); -isto: hair-dresser, coiffeur. Def.: Aranjar la hararo di ulu. — DeF
(geom., arith.) cube; -igar: to c.; radiko: c. root; metro- -o: cubic meter (metre). — DEFIRS
cubeb (-pepper). — DEFIRS
(anat.) cubitus: ulna (bone). — eFIS
(anat.) cuboid. — EF
elbow, knee; -igar, -izar: to make an e. out of (ulo); (fig.) to bend (ulo) in the form of an e.; -pulsar: (od, shokar, frapar per la kudi): to elbow, jostle (with elbows); -mezuro: cubit (-measure); -apogar: to lean on the e., -apog-ilo: e. rest; inter-tushar la kudi: to be e. to e. — FIS
bullet, musket-ball; -ego: cannon-ball; -eto: (small-) shot; -espruva: bullet-proof. V. exp.: vid. balono. — D
cake; -ajo: a pastry; -(if)isto: pastry-cook; -vend-erio: a pastry-selling establishment. — De
cucumber. — DEFS
(orni.) cuckoo (genus: Cuculus); -horlojo: cuckoo clock. — DEFIRS
(bot.) pumpkin; (chem.) cucurbit. — eFIS
cucurbitaceous plant (as cucumber, melon, squash, pumpkin, gourd). — EFIS
bottom (of objects); arse, buttocks (of persons); -o di botelo, di lampo: bottom of a bottle, a lamp. V. exp.: vid. sedo. — FIS
breech (of a cannon, musket, etc.); -izar: to cover the breech of. — FIS
(intr.) -igar: (tr.) to somersault, turn upside down; (nav.) to capsize; -e: head over heels; (cf. renversar). — F
(ent.) gnat, midge (Culex).
(ancient cannon) culverin. — eFIS
coolie, cooly: cheap laborer in the Orient.
spoon; -ego: ladle; -edo: spoonful; kafe- -o: teaspoon. — F
coulisse: (tech.) a groove in which something glides; (theat.) side scene, wing; (finan.) outside stock-exchange, or «curb market»; -isto: stock-jobber, outside-broker; green-room frequenter (theat.). — DeFR
(intr.) culminate: to reach its highest altitude or meridian; to reach the highest point, as of rank, number, size, glory, power, etc. — DEFIRS
(intr.) to commit a fault, to err; -o: fault, blunder: deviation from duty, propriety through human weakness; deviation from rule through indolence or ignorance; (cf. pekar); -anta, -inta, -oza: culpable; sen- -a: faultless, (fig.) guiltless; -eto: petty fault, peccadillo. — eFIS
(tr.) to worship; -o: cult; worship. — DeFIRS
knife; -ego: large knife; cutlass. — FI
(tr.) to cultivate: till (land); raise, as plant or crop, by tillage; (of arts, letters, the mind, etc.) to improve and develop by study and training; (of friendship, acquaintance, etc.) to pay assiduous attention to, to foster; -(ad)o, -eso: cultivation, tillage, husbandry; -ebla: cultivable, arable. Ex.: Kultivar agro, viti, flori. Kultivar sua spirito, sua memoro, mem sua korpo (on parolas pri korpala kultivado). Instruktisto, edukisto, anke kultivas la spirito di sua dicipuli, lia atenciveso, lia kurajo, ed altra fakultati e vertui. Individui o populi povas kultivar ca or ta cienco, arto, mestiero; ed on povas anke dicar, pri individuo o populo, ke ol esas plu o min «kultivita»; (IV-349-350). Vu devas kultivar amikeso kun ta bona homulo. — DEFIRS
culture; -ala, -ema: cultural; -oza: cultured. Def.: Etikala, intelektala e sociala parto di civilizeso (kontraste a progreso en la cienci, l’arti: la civilizo). Ex.: On povus dicar, ke Rusia esis kulturlando, pro ke tanta rusa autori, muzikisti, e.c. pruvis la alta stando di la maxim progresinta Rusi, ma ke Rusia esis apene civilizita, quale aparas per la sistemo di guverno e per la nesavo di la amasi; III-561. — DEFIRS
(bot.) cumin; caraway.
kumiss, koumiss: a fermented (or distilled) liquor made from milk.
(surg.) compress. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to hold a plurality of (offices). V. exp: Kumular havas specala, quaze teknikal senco: to esas akumular sur su (akaparar) plura ofici, funcioni . . . e salarii; II-645. — F
(prep.) with, in company with, in connection with; -e: together (with); both; (cf. Talmey’s Text Book, p. 108). Ex.: La matro arivis kun la filiino. Lu drinkas teo kun lakto. Me kompris ca domo kun la gardeno. La matro e la filiino arivas kune. La infanti dormas kune en la lito. El esas kune (E. both) bela e bona. Ant.: sen. — ISL
kun-akuz-ato, -ito:
kun-aquir-anto, -into:
joint-obtainer, co-purchaser.
cuneiform (writing); (anat.) cuneate (bones in the foot). — DEFIS
(intr.) to co-exist.
(tr.) to confederate; -ito: an ally.
(intr.) to be confluent.
colleague, brother-member.
to blend, fuse together.
kun-habit-ar, -viv-ar:
(intr.) to live together; (quale spozulo e spoz-ino): to cohabit; (cf. koitar).
(intr.) to inherit conjointly; -anto: co-heir.
rabbit. — ISL
(intr.) to work together, to co-operate (kun ulu; kp. kooperar).
(tr.) to tie together.
(math.) commensurable.
(intr.) to be seated together; to hold a sitting (meeting); -o: meeting; (fig.) recital; klozar la kun-sido: to close the meeting. V. exp.: vid. sesiono.
kun-tara (pezo):
gross (weight).
collusion (cheating).
kun-tutel-anto, -ero:
(intr.) to meet, come together; -o: meeting, reunion.
one who lives with another; chum.
(tr.) to summon (together), convoke, convene.
(tr.) to roll together.
(wine-)glass, vase (as for prize). Def.: Vazo antiqua e ceremoniala, kun pedo, e plura larja kam profunda (on drinkas ex. champano en kupi); II-645. — EFIS
(carriage) coupe, brougham. — DeFIRS
(chem., tech.) cupel: a small dish made of bone earth used in assaying. — DEFIRS
(med.) rosy-drop, pimple, grog-blossom; -ika: blotched and pimpled. Def.: Specala dermatoso di la nazala regiono; V-675. — FIS
(tr., mechan.) to couple, link together. V. exp.: Kuplar implikas fixa, konstanta ligo di la peci, exemple per skrubi, per kelo, per stango artikizita, e.c. tale ke li nultempe povas movar nedependante (tam longe kam on ne desmuntas la mashino). Ex.: on parolas pri lokomotivi kun 2 o 3 axi «kuplita»; e l’organo di la kuplo esas «kuplo-stango»; III-88. — DEFI
couplet, stave, stanza (in song). Def.: Strofo di kansono; III-605. — EFIRS
(arch.) cupola, dome. — DEFIRS
coupon, dividend, warrant. — DEFIRS
kupr-a, -o:
copper; -oza: coppery: full of c.; -ea: c. colo(u)red; -izar: to cover with c.; (fig) to copper-plate; -a moneto: a copper (money); -o-oxo: copper acetate, verdigris (cf. verdigriso); -o-kloro: cupreous chloride; -i-kloro: cupric chloride. — DEFIS
(bot.) cupule, cup (of acorn). — DEFIS
(intr.) to run, to race; (cf. fluar, vehar); -agro, -eyo: running ground, race-course; -e (od, per kuro): by the run; -ajila: swift-running; -kavalo: race-horse; for- -ar: to run away. — FIS
(tr.) to treat (a patient); (cf. ri-san-igar, remediar); -iva, -ivo: curative; -ato: a patient; -arto: therapeutics; -isto: healer (whether by medicine or not; cf. mediko). — DeFIRS
(liquor) curaçoa. — DEFIRS
(intr.) to be courageous, have courage; -igar: to encourage (ulu); -e: courageously; (interj.) buck up! — DEFIRS
curare: arrow poison. — DEFIS
cuirass: breastplate; (ships) armo(u)r-plate; (turtles) carapace; -izar: to put armo(u)r-plate on; to put a breast-plate on; -iero: cuirassier; -navo: armo(u)red ship, iron-clad. — DEFIRS
(jur.) guardianship over an orphan, minor, etc.); trusteeship (of a property); -anto, -ero, -isto: curator: trustee; (cf. tutel-anto). — DeFIRS
(intr.) to over-fatigue, become stiff all over, be knocked up; (vet.) to founder. Def.: Indikas la specala doloro quan on sentas en la muskuli pro granda fatigeso; III-266. — F
(intr., of horses) to curvet; (cf. kabrar). Def.: (kurbeto) Galopo per kurta salti en qua la kavalo levas la avana pedi e preske samtempe kontraktas la dopa gambi; VI-76. — DEFIRS
kure-ar: (tr., hunt. and fig.) to set (on): to precipitate in a mass on something (as dogs on a quarry); to grab one’s part while quarreling or fighting; -ajo: quarry; the part of the beast given to the hounds (to encourage them). Def.: Precipitar su amase sur ulo por arachar, raptar sua parto interlukante e disputante, de qua derivos «kureo» kom ago di la chashundi, o, metafore, di homi os altra animali; VI-162-3. — F
curia: papal court. — DEFIRS
courier, (express) messenger. — DEFIRS
(of persons) inquisitive, curious; (cf. vid-inda, stranja, rara, remark-inda); -acha: prying; -eso: inquisitiveness; (cf. IV-322). — DEFIRS
(ent.) weevil (family Curculionidae). — ISL
(bot.) curcuma, tumeric (genus: Curcuma). — DEFIRS
(orni.) curlew (genus: Numenius). — EFIS
course (of lessons, of lectures, of study, etc.); (fin.) rate (of exchange), current price, market price, ruling price; -o-listo: price-list (commercial exchange); la kursi falis: prices have gone down; kurso di kambio: rate of exchange; komprar ye, segun la kurso: to buy at the market price; lasta kurso: closing price; (cf. koto; III-13, 14). — DEFIRS
(skribado): cursive, running (writing or hand). — DEFIS
(instr.) cursor; (tech.) slide-weight (on scale). Def.: Indikas irga peco shovebla segun lineo, e quan on povas fixigar en ula punti (ex. Sur vekto di balanco); IV-579. — eFIS
short; -igar: to shorten; -e: in short, briefly. Ex.: Kurta homo, kolo, tempo, vivo, parolado. Ant.: longa. — DeFIS
(intr.) to carry on the business of a broker; -o: brokers’ business; -isto, -ero: broker; -taxo: pecentage paid to a broker. — FRS
curtain (as of a window, a bed); (fig.) screen (as of trees); (fort.) rideau. — EFIS
(tr.) to pay court to (a king, etc.), to woo (a woman); -anto: suitor, wooer, lover; -isto, -ero: courtier. — DeFIS
curved, bent, crooked, arched; -o: curve; -eso: (condition) curvature; -o-linea: curvilineal; -a-gamba: bandy-, bow-legged. — DEFIS
curvimeter. — DEFIS
cushion, pillow; -eto: pad. Def.: Stofo mola quan on pozas sur lito, divano, irga sidilo; II-647. — EFIS
(tr.) to put (ulu) to bed; (su) to go to bed; to lie (su) down on (the ground, etc., to sleep); (cf. jacar, sternar). — F
(bot.) dodder (genus: Cuscuta). — FISL
(geom.) point of retrogression (of a curve).
(tr.) to cost, to be bought for (nulo, cher-ege, e.c.); -o: cost, expense, charge (cf. preco); -oza: costly, expensive (cf. chera); -o-preco: cost-price; co kustas 10 fr.: this costs 10 francs; quante to kustis de vu: how much did that cost— to kustis de lu la vivo: that cost his life. — DEFIS
(intr.) to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to be wont to (followed by infinitive); -o: custom, habit; -ala: customary, habitual; -ata: accustomed (kozo, e.c.); -igar: to accustom (su, ulu); -ale: customarily. — EFIS
long coat of a peasant; mash-kuto: coat of mail. — DF
(fabric) ticking (as for a bed), drilling, duck (as for tents, trousers). — FS
(anat., bot.) cuticle; (cf. epidermo).
(nav.) cutter: small armed vessel with one mast. — DeFIS
tub; -ego: vat. V. exp.: vid. tanko. — FS
convent. — eFIS
(letter-) envelope. — DR
kuz-o, -ulo, -ino:
cousin; -eso: (relation) cousinship; -o primara: first cousin, -o sekundara: second cousin. — DEFIR