Ido-English Dictionary : T

ta: (pl. ti) abbreviation of ita, iti.
tabak-o: tobacco; -uyo, -buxo, -sako, -poto: t. holder; -vend-eyo: t. dealer; sniflar -o: to take snuff; sniflo- -o: snuff; tobako-snifl-edo, -ajo: a pinch of snuff. — DEFIRS
taban-o: (ent.) ox-fly, gad-fly, breeze (Tabanus). — IL
tabel-o: a flat surface for writing, painting, drawing, etc., hence that which is thereon: table (of contents), list; -o di konten-ajo: table of contents; -o logaritm-ala: logarithmic table; kronologi-ala -o: chronological table; nigra -o: blackboard; -o vakua: «tabula rasa»: a blank tablet; la lego- -i: tables of the law; honor- -o: roll of hono(u)r; -eto: tablet, V. exp.: Tabelo esas omna plata surfaco, qua expozesas a la vido e montras ulo; ne nur la tabelo di materii di libro, ma omna kadro, en qua on expozas nomi od irgaspeca objekti; la nigra tabelo, sur qua la matematikisti skribas; do anke la pikturi, segun quante li esas movebla (ne adheranta a muro, ma pendita e kadrizita). Tabulo esas surfaco plana e horizontala, qua dividas armoro, biblioteko, e.c. e servas por suportar kozi. Ol esas generala ek ligno; ma quale sempre, lua skopo multe plu importas kam lua materio. Tablo anke esas plano horizontala, ma suportata da la sulo, kontre ke tabulo esas parto di moblo, e generale diplasebla vertikale; VI-604. — DEFIRS
tabernakl-o: (Hebrew hist.) tabernacle, tent for ark of covenant (R.C. rel.) receptacle of the consecrated vessels; (fig.) holy place; -o-festo: feast of the tabernacles. — DEFIS
tabl-o: (furniture) table; -o-tuko: t. cloth; garnisar la -o: to lay, set the t.; sidar an -o: to sit or be at the t.; labor- -o: work t.; ludo- -o: play-(card-) t.; komuna (od, gasto-) -o: «table d’hôte». V. exp.: vid. tabelo. — EFI
tabler-o*: dashboard, dash (of motor car). — FS
«tabu»: taboo, tabu.
tabul-o: shelf (for books, etc.); -aro: shelving; marmora-o: marble slab; -eto de chokolado: cake (slab) of chocolate, V.exp: vid. tabelo. — FIS
taburet-o: stool: small seat without back (cf stulo); -o plan-ala: music s.; pedo- -o: foot s. — DFRS
tac-ar: (tr., of persons) to say nothing about, pass (ulo) over in silence, not to say (ulo); (intr.) to be silent: not to speak, to hold one’s tongue; -igar: to silence, hush (ulu), to reduce (ulu) to silence; -o: silence, hush; -ata, -ita: tacit, implied; -era: taciturn, silent (person); -er-eso: taciturnity; tac-ez: be silent; hush! Ex.: Uli parolis, uli tacis. Tacigar la pueri. Lu tacis (pri) lua aferi. Tacar la vereso (E.: to preserve silence concerning the (whole) truth, the full facts). V. exp.: vid. silencar. — eFIS
taft-o: (fabric) taffeta; gum- -o: adhesive (sticking) plaster. — DeFIRS
tag-o: tag: a metallic point at the end of string; tag (of lace); -izar: to tag (lace, etc.) i.e. fit with a point; -o-kordono: aiguilette (as worn by the military, on livery of servants).
tak-o: (nav.) cleat. Def.: korpo T-forma, fixigita per la bazo di la T: ol utilesas ex. por ligar la navi per kordo (amari); VI-603 — FI
takigenez-o*: (biol.) tachygenesis. — DEFIS
takigraf-ar*: (tr.) to tachygraph: write in shorthand; -o: tachygraphy: stenography (especially of the ancient Greeks and Romans). — DEFIS
takimetr-o*: tachymeter, tachometer: instrument for measuring velocity, speed-indicator, -meter. — DEFIRS
takimetri-o*: tachymetry. — DEFIRS
takt-o: (phys.) sense of touch, feeling; (fig.) tact: nice discernment of what is fit, proper; -oza: tactful. — DEFIRS
taktik-o: tactics, generalship; -ala: tactical; -isto: tactician. — DEFIRS
(biol.) influence exerted by certain substances upon development of unicellular organisms. — DEFIS
tal-a: such, like: of that kind; -e: so, in such a manner; e ke: (conj.) so that, in such a way that; -maniere: thus, so, in such a way; -a quala: such as; quala patro, tala filio: like father, like child; il esas tala, quala il esas olim: he is as he always was; e tale pluse: and so on; metar la shui tala quala li esis: to put on the shoes (in the condition) as they were (then). Ex.: Tala konduto esas netolerebla. Viro tala kam me. Lu parolis tal-maniere ke me kredis lu. — FIS
tal-o*: (bot.) thallus. — DEFIS
talent-o: talent; -oz-a, -(ul)o: talented (person). — DEFIRS
tali-ar: (tr.) to cut (out), carve, trim, prune (so as to give a certain form to), to shape (cloth, wood, metal, ivory, etc.); -(ad)o, -uro: shaping, cut. Def.: Donar ad objekto specala, defiinita formo segun ula reguli o por ula skopo; III-11. — eFIS
tali-o*: (chem.) thallium. — DEFIRS
talion-o*: (jur.) retaliation (cf. reprez-alo); lego di -o: law of retaliation (lex talionis).
talior-o: tailor; -o por mulieri: a woman’s t.; -ino: tailoress. — EFI
talisman-o: talisman; lucky piece; -persono: mascot (person). — DEFIRS
talk-o: (min.) talc. — DEFIRS
talon-o: heel (of foot, of shoe); (fig.) anything heel-shaped; as, heel of a keel, of a pipe, etc.; -alo: h.-piece; -ecitar: to urge (a horse) with the h.s. — DFIS
talp-o: (zool.) mole (genus: Talpa); -chas-isto: m.catcher; -tumul-eto: m.-hill. — FISL
a slope, declivity; (of R.R.) embankment; (fort.) talus; -a, -e: sloping, shelving; -igar: to slope (ulo): -a rivo: steep bank, bluff. — DeFS
talveg-o*: (physiog.) thalweg: a line following the lowest part of a valley, whether underwater or not; a line of continuous maximum descent from any point on a land surface, or that cutting all contours at right angles (Webster), (gen.) river bed. — DEFI
tam: (adv.) as (much, etc.; comparative sense; followed by adjective, adverb, or kam); tam…kam: as….as; tam richa kam: as rich as; tam longe kam: as long as (followed by a verb); tam ofte kam: as often as (followed by verb). Ex.: Lu havas tam multa libri kam vu; Me savas to tam bone kam vu. Li esas tam simila kam du pizi. Tam longe kam il vivas. Tam fore kam on povas vidar. — L
tamarind-o: (fruit) tamarind; -iero: t. tree (genus: Tamarindus indica). — DEFIRS
tamarisk-o: (bot.) tamarisk (genus: Tamarix). — DEFIRS
tambur-o: drum; -ego: a big d.; -agar, -plear: (tr., intr.) to d., beat the drum; -(ag)isto: drummer; -estro: drum-major; mi- -o: tambourine: shallow drum with bells (cf. tamburino). — eFIRS
tamburin-o: tambour: a small and long snare drum. V. exp.: mi-tamburo.
tamen: (conj.) yet, however, nevertheless, still. Ex.: Lu ne esas bona, tamen me helpos lu. Quankam la pueri ne esas sempre jentila, tamen omna bon-kordia homo esas atraktata a li. — L
tamp-ar: (tr.) to tamp (as with a hammer), to ram (as with a pile-driver, rammer). — E
tampon-o: stopper, tampon: plug of cotton, wood, metal, etc.; (artil.) tampion; (cf. stop-ilo); -izar: to plug (ulo) with a tampon, to stopper. — DeFIR
tamtam-o: tam-tam, tom-tom; gong. — DeFIR
tan-o: tan: tanner’s bark; -agar: (tr.) to tan; -ag-erio: tannery. — EF
tandem-e: in tandem: in single line (not abreast): -veturo: carriage with horses in tandem; -biciklo: tandem bicycle. — DEFI
tang-ar: (intr., nav.) to heave, pitch: rising and falling of bow and stern of ship or boat; -(ad)o: pitch(ing). — F
tangent-a: (geom.) tangential; -o: tangent (line); -eso: tangency (cf. kontakto-punto). — DEFIRS
tanin-o: (chem.) tannin, tannic acid. — DEFIRS
tank-o: tank; (fig., milit.) tank. Def.: Vazo metala klozita o klozebla hermetike (ne kuvo qua esas apertita a l’aero); III-491. — DEFS
tanta, -e: so (great, much, good, etc.); indicates an indefinite or great quantity, degree, number; pl: so many; (cf. quanta, tam); -e ke: (conj.) so much that (N.B. Note the use of ke, not kam after tante); -esma: proportional; -imo: proportional part; tanto po persono: so much per head, per person); -e plu bone ke: all the better because; -e ofte: so often; -e multa soldati: so many soldiers; -e longe ke: so long that; -e ofte ke: so often that; -e plu…ke: the more so as; -e plu…quante plu: so much more as; me esas tante malada ke: I am so sick that; -e min…quante min…: so much less than. (kp. VII-153, 291, 474). Ex.: Nultempe me vidis tanta homi. Tanta galanteso, tanta esprito esas bona signi. Me tante amis el ke…Ne kurez tante rapide. Ube vu restis tante longe hiere vespere? — FIS
tantal-o*: (chem.) tantalum. — DEFIRS
Tantal-vazo: Tantalus cup.
tap-ar: (tr., tech.) to (screw-) tap (for insertion of screw or making thread for putting on a nut), to worm; -ilo: tap-borer, screw-tap. — E
tapet-o: tapestry: woven hangings for walls; -izar: to hang (ulo) with t.; -ifar: to make t.; -papero: t. paper; -ledro: leather t. — DeFIS
tapioka-o: tapioca. — DEFIS
tapir-o: (zool.) tapir (genus: Tapirus). — DEFIRS
tapis-o: carpet; cover for billiard table; -eto: small c.; rug; cloth for table, etc.; -isto: upholsterer; tablo- -o: (fancy) table-cover (cf. tablo-tuko); lito- -o: bedspread; -izar: to c. — DFIS
tapot-ar: (tr., tech., med.) to percuss (as in massage); (gen. sense) to tap. — eF
tar-o: (com.) tare: an allowance made for the weight of the container of goods; -mezurar: (tr.) to tare: ascertain the amount of tare in (ulo); sen- -a, -e: net (weight). — DEFIRS
tarantel-o: (Italian dance) tarantella. — DeFIRS
tarantul-o: (ent.) tarantula (genus: Tarantula). — DEFIRS
tarda, -e: late, tardy, belated, behindhand; -esma: (tendency) tardy; -esar: to be late, be behindhand; -igar: to retard, delay, put off, protract, spin out; -eskar: to become belated; get behindhand; -esk-inta: in arrears; plu tard-a, -e: later; -igar horlojo: to put back a clock; Ex.: Plu bona tarde kam nultempe. Tardesma frukto. La puero esis tarda. Me venos plu tarde. La horlojo tardesas (per kin minuti). Me kushas me tre tarde. La treno esas tardigita. Tardigar la pago (E. to get in arrears). Ant.: frua. — EFIS
tardigrad-a, -o*: tardigrade (animal): slow pacing. (Tardigrada).
tarif-o: tariff; customs duty; -izar: to put a t. on (ulo). — DEFIRS
tarin-o: (orni.) tarin: siskin, aberdevine (genus: Fringilla spinus).
tarj-o: targe(t): species of shield or buckler. — DEFIRS
tarlatan-o: (fabric) tarlatan. — DEFIRS
tarok-o: (card game) taroc, tarot. — DEFR
tars-o: (anat., zool.) tarsus; -ala: tarsal. — EFIS
tart-o: (cook.) tart (cf. torto); krem- -o: cream t. Def.: Ronda, plata kukajo kovrita per kremo o frukto; IV- 642. — DEFIRS
tartan-navo: tartan.
tartan-stofo: (fabric) tartan, plaid (as worn by the Scots).
Tartar-o: (myth.) Tartarus.
tartar-o: (chem.) tartar; tarter (of teeth); -acido: tartaric acid. — EFIS
Tartuf-(ul)o: Tartuffe, a hypocritcal priest in Moliere’s «Tartuffe»; a hypocrite; -eso: hypocrisy; -ajo: a hypocritical act.
tas-o: cup; -edo de kafeo: cup(ful) of coffee; kafe-taso: coffee-cup. — DFIS
task-o: task, job; -o-labor-isto: jobber: worker by the job; laborar segun tasko: to work by the job, by the piece. — EF
tast-ar: (intr.) to feel one’s way, grope, fumble; -(ad)o: groping; -e, -ante: gropingly, tentatively. Ex.: On tastas en l’obskureso. Ciencisto qua tastas, en sua explori. — DFI
tatu-ar: (tr.) to tattoo (the skin). — DEFIR
taumaturg-o: thaumaturgist. — DEFIS
taumaturgi-o: thaumaturgy. — DEFIS
taur-o: (also atron.) bull; -o-kombato: b.fight. — FIS
tautokron-a*: tautochronous; (cf. izokrona); -o: täutochrone.
tautologi-o: tautology. Def.: Ne simpla repeto, ma vana repeto di la sama ideo sub diversa formi; V-90. — DEFIRS
tavern-o: tavern, public-house, wine-shop, pot-house, bar; -estro: t.-keeper, publican. — EFIS
tax-ar: (tr.) to tax; assess (ulu, ulo); -(ad)o, -uro: tax(ation), toll, rate, assessment; -anto, -isto: assessor. Def.: Fixigar la quanto de imposto o kontributo quan on debas pri ulo; V-221. Ex.: Taxar lux-objekti. On evaluas la revenuo di ta sioro a 10,000 franki; ed on taxas ol a 400 franki, segun la proporciono di 4 po 100. V. exp.: vid. impostar, evaluar. — DEFR
taximetr-o: taximeter. — DEFIS
taxus-o: (bot.) yew(-tree) (genus: Taxus). — DL
tay-o: waist: trunk of the body above the hips; -o tenua: slender w. — FIS
te-o: (leaves and infusion) tea; -iero: t. bush; -uyo: t. holder, t. caddy; -krucho: t.pot; -asemblo, -partio: t. party. — DEFIS
teatr-o: theater; theatre; -ala: theatrical; -ajo: play (at t.); -o-stroko: unforseen event (in a play); (fig.) striking event. — DEFIRS
tebaid-o: desert, lonely solitude. V. exp.: Nomo (Thebaid) propra (geografiala) diveninta komuna per metaforo. — DFIS
ted-ar: (tr.) to bore; (fig.) tire, weary (the spirit); -anto, -ero: tedious person, bore. Def.: Esar desagreabla ad ulu per neoportuna o tro longa agado od asisto (vizitanto tedis me); fatigar per repeto o per neinteresanta kozo (la koncerto, la spektaklo tedis me). (On povas esar jenanta e mem tedanta nevole e nekoncie); III-35. — EIS
teg-ar: (tr.) to cover (a bed, a piece of furniture, etc.); to caparison; -ilo: cover (for bed, etc.), horse-cloth, caparison; -telo: cloth cover; tarpaulin. — L
tegul-o: (roof-) tile; -izar: to cover (ulo) with t.s. — IL
tegument-o: (anat., bot., and gen.) (in) tegument. — DEFIS
teism-o: theism. — DEFIRS
theist. — DEFIRS
tek-o: (bot.) teak-tree (genus: Tectona); -ligno: t. wood. — DEFIRS
teknik-o: technic(s); -ala: technical. Ex.: La tekniko di la pikt-arto. Teknikala termini. — DEFIRS
teknologi-o: technology. — DEFIRS
tekt-o: roof; (of carriages, autom.) top; -ajo, -ero: roofing; -izar: to roof (a house, etc.); -o-kanalo: (eaves-) gutter. — FIS
tel-o: linen cloth or fabric; -a tuko: linen sheet(ing); -izar: to mount, paste, sew, put (ulo) on cloth; gudro- -o: tarpaulin; metal- -o: wire-gauze; araneo- -o: spiderweb.
telefon-ar: (tr.) to telephone (ulo ad ulu); (cf. telegrafar). — DEFIRS
telegoni-o*: (biol.) telegony. — DEFIS
telegraf-ar: (tr.) to telegraph; (ulo ad ulu): (cf. radio-telegrafar); -(ad)o: telegraphing; -uro: (= telegramo) a telegram; -ilo: telegraph; -eyo, -kontoro: t. office; -ala: telegraphic; -isto: telegrapher. — DEFIRS
telegram: telegraphic message (cf. telegraf-uro). — DEFIRS
teleologi-o: (philos.) teleology. — DEFIRS
telepati-o: telepathy. — DEFIRS
teleskop-o: telescope; -ala: telescopic; -umar: to drive together trains, etc., so that one or both slides over the other. — DEFIRS
telur-o*: (chem.) tellurium.
tem-o: topic, subject, theme (treated of); traktar -o: to treat a subject; -o Latina: Latin exercise or theme; kompozar -o: to write a theme; temo de la konverso: subject of the conversation. — DEFIRS
temat-o: (gram., mus.) theme; -ala: thematic. — DEFIRS
temerar-a, -(ul)o: rash, reckless, foolhardy (person); -eso: temerity; -ajo: rash, venturesome act. — eFIS
temp-o: time: part of duration (cf. foyo); (gram.) tense (of a verb); (mus.) tempo, time; -e: for the time, temporarily; -ala: temporal, temporary, transient; -ope: from time to time, now and then, at times; ta-tempe: at that time; nun-tempe: meanwhile; justa-tempe: at the proper time; on time; sam-tempe: at the same time, at once; irga-tempe: at any time (whatever); kelke-tempe: sometimes; nul-tempe: never; pasar la tempo oci-ante: to kill time; signo di tempo: sign of the times; qua tempo esas? what time is it? (cf. kloko). Ex.: Havar tempo (libera) por facar ulo. Selektar oportuna tempo. Pasar gaye la tempo. En la anciena tempo. Esar nun-tempa (od, moderna). — eFIS
temper-ar: (tr., also mus.) to temper: moderate, allay, mollify; (cf. hard-igar); -eskar: to become temperate, moderate; -o: tempering, moderating; -em-eso: temperance, moderation. Ex.: La kolda aero temperas la varmeso. Temperar la acideso per sukro. Temperar (E. cool) la sango, la pasioni. Temperar la legi segun la tempo. — DEFIS
temperament-o: (of persons) temperament; -o partikulara, singulara: idiosyncrasy. Def.: Stando fiziologiala, konstitucionala partikulare di la korpo. — DEFIRS
temperatur-o: temperatureL degree of heat. — DEFIRS
tempest-ar: (intr. of weather and fig.) to storm: blow with violence, blow a gale; (fig.) to make a great noise, rage, bluster (cf. furiar, bruisar); -o: tempest, gale, violent storm (with noise of elements) (cf. sturmo, uragano); -oza: tempestuous; (fig.) boisterous. Ex.: La vento tempestas. (fig.) Lu tempestis pri la konduto di sua pueri. Navo batita da la tempesto. Tempesti di pasiono. V. ex.: vid. sturmo. — EFIS
templ-o: temple; -ano: member of a t.; (fig.) knight templar. — DEFIS
tempor-ar: (anat.) temple; -ala osto, -alo: temporal bone. — eFIS
temporis-ar: (intr.) to temporize; -ema, -era; -emo, -ero: procrastinating, temporizing (person). V. exp.: La senco ne esas simple ajornar o vartar, ma plu komplexa: ajornar o tardigar ago, vartante okaziono oportuna. La tipo di temporisero esas Fabius Cunctator; V-676. — DEFIS
tempr-ar: (tr.) to (paint in) distemper. — DeFIS
ten-ar: (tr.) to hold, have hold of, hold on; to keep in a given situation or position; -ilo: handle; -ar ulu per la manuo: to hold someone by the hand; -ar ulu ye la brakio: to hold someone by (at) the shoulder; -ar libro en la manuo: to hold a book in the hand; -ar ridante sua la kosti: to hold one’s sides laughing; -ar su per la pasamano: to hold (support) oneself by the railing; -ar su rekta: to hold oneself erect, stand straight; su-teno: bearing, carriage, appearance (of a person). — FIS
tenac-a: (tech.) tenacious: strongly adhering or cohering; tough; (cf. persist-ema); -eso: toughness, tenacity. Ex.: Pecho, metalo, e.c. esas tenaca. — EFIS
tenali-o: (hinged) pincers, pliers, nippers; -agar: (tr.) to use p. on (ulo); to hold (ulo) with p. V. exp.: vid. pinco. — FIS
tenar-o: (anat.) thenar: ball of hand or foot. — eFIS
tench-o: (ich.) tench (genus: Tinca vulgaris). — EFIS
tend-o: tent; (of carriage) hood; -eto: small tent, awning, canopy, screen; erektar, establisar, stac-igar -o: to put up, pitch a tent; -aro: (collect.) camp. — eFIS
tendenc-ar: (intr.) to tend: be directed to an object or purpose; be inclined, lead to; (cf. vizar); -o: (of motion) tendency; (mental) leaning, inclination; -anta, -oza, -ema: tending, inclined, biassed, prone, disposed. Ex.: La fairo tendencas adsupre, la stono adinfre. Ca malado tendencas a morto. Tendenco ad egoismo. — DEFIRS
tendin-o: (anat.) tendon, sinew; (cf. ligamento); Akil- -o: t. of Achilles. — EFIS
tendr-o: tender (of a locomotive). — DEFIRS
tenebr-o: darkness, gloom: (pl., R.C. rel.) tenebræ; -oza: tenebrous: dark, gloomy; -o-epoko: dark ages. Def.: Manko di lumo; obskureso profunda; (fig.) nul-savo, nul-certeso. Ex.: tenebro di la nokto. Tenebro di nulsavo. Princo di tenebro. — eFIS
tener-a: tender, susceptible to love or kindness, loving (person, heart); -eso: tenderness (of heart). — eFIS
teni-o: tænia: tapeworm. — eFIS
tenis-o: (lawn-) tennis; -(lud)ero, -isto: t. player; ludar -o: to play t. — DEFIS
tenon-o: (carp.) tenon. Def.: Extremajo di peco ek ligno, metalo, e.c., qua eniras mortezo. — EF
tenor-o: (voice and person) tenor. — DEFIRS
tens-ar: (tr.) to stretch: draw in length; to strain, tense; (a gun) to cock; -ar su: to strain, stiffen oneself; -o, -eso: (act, state) stretching, strain, tension, tenseness (physical, mental, social); -ata: -ita: tense, strained; -anto: one who stretches; (anat.) tensor (muscle); -ilo: stretching instrument. Ex.: Tensar kordo, la fingri. Tenso di la muskuli, di la mento. Elektrala tenso. (fig.) To tensas la situeso. — EFIS
tensor-o*: (math.) tensor. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to tempt, entice; -esar: to be tempted (facar, da); -o, -eso: temptation; -anta, -iva: tempting; -anto, -ero: temptor; -ant-ino: temptress. Ex.: Deo tentis Abraham. Me lasis me tentesar da glorio. Rezistar tento. Tenteso ridar. — eFIS
tentakul-o: (zool.) feeler (of insects), tentacle. — EFIS
tenu-a: tenuous, thin, spare, fine: thin and long; -eso: tenuity; -igar: to thin, make spare (cf. min-gros-igar); -igo: attenuation. Def.: Desgrosa; qua havas mikra periferio; qua havas nur la du dimensioni: dina e longa. Ex.: Tenua filo, vaporo, kolono, gambi, voco. V. exp.: vid. dika. Ant.: grosa. — eFIS
teodice-o: (philos.) theodicy. — DEFIRS
teodolit-o: (measuring instrument) theodolite. — DEFIR
teogoni-o: theogony. — DEFIRS
teokrat-o: theocrat. V. exp.: Ne partisano di la teokratio, ma chefo di teokratio; (cf. teokratio); IV-643. — DEFS
teokrati-o: theocracy; -ala: theocratic. — DEFIRS
teologal-a: divine (virtue). Ex.: Fido, espero, karitato esas la tri teologala vertui. — FIS
teologi-o: theology, divinity (doctrine); (cf. de-igo); -ala: theological: -isto: theologian, divine. — DEFIRS
teorb-o: (mus.) theorbo, archlute. — DEFIRS
teorem-o: theorem. — DEFIRS
theory; (cf. spekular); -a, -ala: theoretic(al); -e: theoretically; -isto: theorist; -emo: (tendency) theorizer. — DEFIRS
teozofi-o: theosophy; -isto: theosophist. — DEFIRS
tepal-o*: (bot.) tepal.
tepid-a: tepid, lukewarm; (fig.) indifferent; -ajo: something t. (as a tepid drink); -eso: lukewarmness; -eskar: to become t. V. Exp.: La radiko tepida esas necesa por indikar to quo ne esas kolda: varm-eta e kold-eta esas nejusta od neklara. La metaforal uzado di la vorti esas utila en etiko teologio; II-712. — EFI
(for plants) hothouse, greenhouse conservatory. — R
ter-o: earth (as a planet and as ground; cf. sulo, tereno); -a vazo: earthen vessel; -ala: earthly, terrestrial; -globo: terrestrial globe; -oza: earthy; -ajo, amaso: piece of e., object made from e., earhtwork; -aj-isto, -laboristo: e. worker; -ano: inhabitant of e.; (fig.) landholder; -izar, -plenigar: to cover, to fill (ulo) with e.; -plen-ajo: (fort.) terreplein; -ocilo, -tremo: e. shake, earthquake (cf. sismo); -truo: burrow; -etajo: ground floor (of a house); -pomo: potato; -hav-ajo: real estate; en-ter-igar: to inter, put in the e.; -venar: to (come to) land. — eFIS.
terakot-o: terra-cotta: baked clay; -ajo: a piece of earthenware. — DEFIRS
terapi-o: (med.) therapeutics, therapy. — DEFIRS
terari-o*: terrarium. — EF
teras-o: terrace: raised bank; -tekto: flat roof (of a house); -igar, -izar: to t., to arrange in t.s. — DEF
teratogenez-o*(med.) teratogeny. — DEFIS
terc-o: (astron., math.) 1/60 of a second; (mus., cards, fencing) tierce. — DEFIRS
teratologi-o: teratology. — DEF
tercet-o: mus., poetry) terzetto, trio; terza-rima. — DeFIR
tercian-a (febro): tertain (fever). — DEFIS
terciar-a: (geol., med.) tertiary. — DEFIS
(bot.) terebinth, turpentine tree (genus: Pistacia Terebinthus). — DEFIRS
teren-o: terrain: small piece of ground, viewed as to its fitness for some purpose, as for a building, a battle, etc. — DEFIS
teriak-o: (pharm.) theriac(a). Def.: Anciena medikamento kontre veneno. — DEFIRS
terier-o: terrier (dog). — DEF
terin-o: deep, earthen dish, tureen. — DeFI
teritori-o: territory; -al-ano: (fig.) territorial: militiaman. — DEFIRS
term-o, -i: thermal (or, hot) spring or spa; -ala: thermal; -al-eso:quality, character of thermal waters. — DEFIS
termin-o: (gram., math., log.) term (cf. periodo); boundary), boundary mark, landmark; (of R.R.) terminus; (gen.) the farthermost point; -aro: terminology; bounds (to which one may go); -ala: terminal; -izar: to bound, set bounds, set landmarks; komparo- -i: terms of comparison. Ex.: Teknikala, ciencala termini. Expresar su per justa termini. Esas interdikta forprenar la termini di ula domeno. Pagar debajo ante la termino. V. exp.: Termino ne esas limito (o frontiero), ma ulo (stono, stango, e.c.) qua indikas la limito. Ol ne esas extremajo, nam la termini esas sur omna lateri, e ne nur ye l’extremaji. La primitiva senco di la vorto esas la L. terminus, de qua venas la cetera, metafora senci (gramatikal, logikal, matematikal termino). L’antiqui deigis la Termini, e pro to la vorto restis en arkitekturo, por indikar mi-korpa statuo sur pilastro. Fine, la vorto terminus esas EF for indikar extremaji di fervoyal lineo; II-712. — DeFIStermit-o: (ent.) termite, white-ant (Thermes). — DEFRS
termodinamik-o*: thermodynamics. — DEFIRS
termoelektr-o*: thermoelectricity. — DEFIRS
termograf-o: thermograph. — DEIR
termokemi-o*: thermochemistry. — DEFIRS
termologi-o*: thermology: science or theory of heat. — DEFIS
termometr-o: thermometer. — DEFIRS
termometri-o*: thermometry. — DEFIRS
termoskop-o*: thermoscope. — DEFIS
termotaktism-o*: thermotaxis. — DEFIS
termoterapi-o*: thermotherapy. — DEFIS
termotropism-o*: thermotropism. — DEFIS
ternar-a*: (math.) ternary. — DEFIS
ternion-o*: (math.) ternion, ternary: a form having three variables. — DEFIS
teror-ar: (intr.) to be terrified, be frightened (cf. trepidar); -o: terror, fright; -igar: to terrify, scare, terrorize, dismay; -igo: terrorizing; -ig-anta, -iva: terrible, dreadful, awful, terrifying; -ismo: terrorism; -isto: terrorist. V.exp.: vid. pavorar. — DEFIS
terpentin-o*: abietine (resin); -oleo: oil of turpentine; (cf. terebinto). — DE
ter-pom-o: potato; -o en shelo: p. with jacket on.
test-o: a witness; la testo donis sua atesto: the witness gave his testimony; prenar ulu kom testo: to take a person to (or, call a person as) witness; -esar: to be a witness (cf. atestar). — IS
testac-a: testaceous: covered with hard shell; -o: t. animal. — DEFIS
testament-ar: (intr.) to make one’s will; -o: testament, will; -ala: testamentary; -anto, -into: testator; -ala exekut-ero: executor of a will; mortar sen- -e: to die intestate (cf. intestata). V. exp.: vid. legacar. — DEFIS
testier-o*: head-stall (of a bridle).
testikul-o: (anat.) testicle. — EFIS
tetan-ar: (intr., med.) to have tetanus, lockjaw; -o: tetanus; (cf. trismo). — DEFIS
tetraedr-o: (geom.) tetrahedron. — DEFIS
tetragon-a*, -o: (geom.) tetragon(al). — DEFIS
tetralogi-o: tetralogy. — DEFIRS
tetrark-o: tetrarch; -io: (domain) tetrarchy; -eso: (office) tetrarchate. — DEFIRS
tetras-o: (orni.) grouse (Tetrao tetrix).
teurgi-o: theurgy. — DEFIRS
tex-ar: (tr.) to weave (cotton, wool, etc.); -(ad)o: weaving; -uro: texture; -uro lana: wool fabric; -isto: weaver; -ala: textile; -ilo, mashino: loom. — eFIS
text-o: text; -ala, segun texta: textual, word for word; segun texte: verbatim; (cf. vort-ope). — DEFIRS
tez-o: thesis; proposition, theme supported by argument; undergraduate’s essay. — DeFIRS
tiar-o: tiara. — DEFIRS
tibi-o: (anat.) tibia, shin-bone. — EFIS
tif-o: (med.) typhus (fever); -ala: t. (relating to the disease); -ika, -iko: (person) sick with t. — DeFIRS
tifoid-o, tifoida febro: typhoid, enteric fever. — DEFIS
tigr-(ul)o: tiger (Felis tigris); -ino: tigress. — DEFIRS
tik-ar: (intr.) to have a local and habitual convulsive movement of the muscles (especially the facial muscles); (fig.) to have a bad habit, an ugly knack; (of a horse) to be vicious; -o: wry motion; bad habit. Ex.: Il tikas (od, havas la tiko) rodar sua ungli. — F
tiktak-ar: (intr.) to go tic-tac, to tick (as a clock); -(ad)o: tick(ing). — DEFS
til: (prep.) (of time) till, until; (in space) (un) to, as far as; til nun: until now; til-nuna: hitherto prevailing; til la fino: unto the end; til nova od, altra) imperi: until further (or, other) orders; til ke: (conj.) until (followed by verb); til la rivido: au revoir, until we meet again, goodbye for the present; il iris til Paris: he went as far as Paris (N.B. Il iris a Paris: might signify that he went in the direction toward Paris). Ex.: De la matino til la nokto. Til la fino di januaro. Me restos til ke vu retrovenos. Til nun la vetero esis sempre bela. Lu lektis til la fino di la libro. Lu akompanis me til la proxima strado. Siori X e Y intencas irar vers la sudo (od ad-sude). Sioro X iros til Paris e Sioro Y a (od, til) Rom(a). V. exp.: Til indikas fakto, qua duras kontinue ante la momento koncernata ed ankore en ta momento. Ex.: «Il promisis venor ante dimezo, do me vartos il til dimezo.» Til (en la tempo same kam en la spaco) indikas, ke on atingas la limit-punto indikata. Pro to: «me iris ad Paris» diferas de «me iras til Paris;» IV-525. — E
«tilburi»: (carriage) tilbury.
tili-o: (bot.) lime(-tree), linden(-tree) (genus: Tilia). — FISL
tim-ar: (tr.) to fear (or, to be afraid that) (or, lest) something may happen; to dread, be apprehensive; -igar: to cause to dread, make afraid; -o: fear, apprehension, misgiving, dread, awe; -e ke: for fear that; -anta, -oza: timid, timorous, fearful, apprehensive, cowardly; -inda, -enda: to be feared, dangerous, redoubtable, formidable; -ante ke: for fear that, lest; sen-tima: with assurance, confidence; la timo a la puniso: the dread of punishment; pro timo ad: for fear of; me pavoris pro timo ad morto: I was frightened by the fear of death. V. exp.: vid. pavorar. — eFIS
timbal-o: timbal, kettledrum. — EFIS
timbr-o: (of a clock) clock-bell; a hand bell (such as used on tables, without a loose clapper but struck by a hammer as in a clock). — FS
timian-o: (bot.) thyme (genus: Thymus). — DeFIS
timid-a: timid: not bold; bashful, shy; -eso: timidity; -igar: intimidate. Ex.: Timida mulieri, infanto. Ant.: audac-oza, brava. — EFIS
timon-o: (single) pole, shaft (of a cart). V. exp.: vid. brankardo. — FIS
timpan-o: (anat.) tympanum: drum of ear; (arch.) tympanum; (mus.) dulcimer. — EFIRS
timus-o: (anat.) thymus (gland); -bov(yun)o: (calf’s sweet-bread). — DEFIS
tin-o: tub, water-cask; firkin (for butter). Def.: Speco de vazo konstruktita quale barelo, ma apertita; IV-643. — DFIS
tindr-o: tinder, punk, amadou; -fungo: agaric, touch-wood. — DE
tine-o: (ent.) moth (family Tinea). — FISL
tini-o: (med) ringworm, especially of the scalp; scald-head; favus; tinea capitis. — FISL
tinkl-ar: (intr.) -igar: (tr.) (lente) to toll: sound a bell slowly; -etar, tinklar dolce: to tinke, jingle, clink (as small bells, money); to patter (as feet, sleet against the window, etc.). — eFI
tinlaur-o: (bot.) laurestine (Viburnum tinus).
tint-ar: (tr.) to dye; (fig.) tint, tinge, stain (cf. kolor-izar); -(ad)o: dying; -uro: dye, colo(u)ring, tint; -ivo: (substance) dye; -isto: dyer; ne-tint-ita: untinted, of natural colo(u)r. Tintar rede la tuko. La cielo tintas blua la maro. Tintar la manui per sango. — DEFIS
tip-o: (print., med., nat. hist.) type; (of measures, weights) standard, model; symbol; -a, -ala, -atra: typical. Ex.: Lu esas homo segun la Angla tipo. La paskala agnelo esas la tipo di Jesu Kristo. La tipala traiti di la flava raso. — DEFIRS
tipul-o: (ent.) tipula: crane-fly, daddy-long-legs (genus: Tipula). — eFISL
tir-ar: (tr.) to draw, pull, tug; (of chimneys) to draw; (cf. tranar, haular, vindar, tensar, cherpar, extraktar); -etar: to twitch; -(ad)o: pulling, drawing, towing; draught (of chimneys); -esforco: drawing power, traction; -kordon-o: draw-string; -kordo: tow-rope; -kesto: drawer; -kest-aro: chest of drawers; ek-tirar: to put out, pluck out; tir-kavalo: draught horse: kork-tir-ilo: corkscrew. Ex.: Kavali tiras veturi. Ektirar l’espado, sua horlojeto. — FIS
tirad-o: (lit. and fig.) tirade. Def.: Teknikal termino di teatro: longa peco (generale brilanta od eloquenta), quan un persono dicas sen interrupto; III-268. — DEFS
tirali-ar*: (intr.) to engage in desolutory firing; to bang away; to skirmish fire; -ero: ( tirailleur; a soldier placed so as to harass the enemy; sharpshooter. — DF
tiran-(ul)o: (also fig.) tyrant. — DEFIRS
tiritan-o: (fabric) linsey-woolsey. — DFS
(glando, kartilago): thyroid. — EFIS
tirs-o: (bot. and antiq.) thyrsus. — DEFIRS
tisu-o*: (anat., biol.) tissue. — EFI
titan-o: (myth.) Titan; (-metalo) (chem.) titanium. — DEFIS
titil-ar: (tr.) to tickle, titillate; -eso: t. sensation; -sent-ema: ticklish. — EFIS
titr-ar*: (tr., chem.) to titrate: determine the standard, the dosage of (a solution, a substance); -uro: standard of fineness (of coins, etc.). — DEF
titul-o: title (of a book, article, person); -izar: to entitle: give a title to (cf. nomizar); -ier-a, -o: titular; nobeleso- -o: t. of nobility; -pagino: t. page; li titulizis il kom profesoro: they gave him the t. of profesor. V. exp.: vid. rubriko. — DEFIRS
tizan-o: (med.) tisane: diet-drink, infusion, decoction (of herbs). — DeFIRS
to: (abbr. for ito) that.
tof-o: (min.) tufa, tuff. — DeFIRS
tog-o: toga. — DEFIRS
«toise»: (an ancient F. measure) 6.39 ft.
tok-o: toque: a flat cap; a close fitting bonnet; -o velura: velvet t.; chas- -o: hunting cap, jockey cap. — EFIS
tol-o: sheet-metal; -if-isto: sheet-metal worker; fer- -o: sheet-iron; stal- -o: sheet-steel. — FIS
toler-ar: (tr.) to tolerate, put up with, suffer, allow, bear, endure (ulo, de ulu); -ebla: tolerable, supportable; middling, passable (cf. pasabla); -ema: tolerant. — DEFIS
«tolle»: outcry, hue and cry.
tom-o: volume, tome; (cf. libro); -o-numer-izar: to number (into volumes); -o-numero: number of a volume. — EFIRS
tomat-o: (fruit) tomato; -iero: t. plant; -sauco: t. sauce. — DEFRS
tomb-o: tomb, grave, sepulcher (sepulchre); -ala: sepulchral; -ala petro: tombstone; familio- -o: family tomb or vault; -eyo: place of burial; graveyard, cemetry; -isto: grave-digger, sexton; -o mason-ita: vault (for dead). — EFS
tombak-o: (metal.) tombac. — DEFIRS
tombol-o: tombola: a kind of lottery. — DeFIR
ton-o: tone, pitch (of voice) (mus.) tone; degree, pitch of sound; (med.) tone: condition of an organ; -ala: tonal; (mus.) tonic; -ala noto: (mus.) key-note; -izar: (med.) to give tone to; (photog.) to tone: bring as a print, to a required color (colour); -iz-ivo: (med.) tonic; (photog.) toning solution or reagent. Ex.: Altigar, basigar, chanjar la tono. Tono kordiala, iracoza. Ica medikamento agas kom tonizivo por la stomako, o donas tono a la stomako. On dicas, ke ula melodio, o muzik-peco esas skribita o kompozita en ca o ta tono. On kustumas indikar singla tono per lua fundamental sono. V. exp.: Muzikal tono ne esas un sono, ma esemblo de soni qui kompozas o povas kompozar melodio; IV-467. — DEFIRS
tond-ar: (tr.) to shear: clip from surface with shears, etc. (cf. rekortar); -(ad)o: shearing, clipping; -ajo: shearings, clipping(s), flock; -o-tempo: shearing time; -ero, -isto: shearer; -ilo: clipper, shears. — FI
tondr-ar: (intr.) to thunder; (fig.) to inveigh (against); (cf. sturmo); -as: (impers.) it thunders; -o-strok-o: clap, peal of t. — DEFI
tonik-a (acento): (gram.) tonic (accent); -o: (mus.) tonic: keynote. — DEFIS
«tonneau»: (autom.) tonneau: rear seat.
tonoplast-o*: (biol.) tonoplast. — DEFIS
tonsil-o: (anat.) tonsil. — DEFIS
tonsilit-o*: (med.) tonsilitis.
tonsur-o: tonsure; -izar: to give the t. to (ulu). — DEFIRS
tontin-o: tontine. Def.: Sistemo di mutuala asekuro, inventita da Tonti (1653); IV-643. — DEFIRS
top-o: (nav.) top; -o granda: main. t.; -masto: t.mast; -seglo: t.sail; -isto: topman. — E
topaz-o: (min.) topaz. — DEFIRS
topik-a, -o: (medicine or treatment) applied to, or used for, a particular spot; (rhet., log.) general head; argument drawn from the several circumstances and places of a fact. Ex.: Remedio topika. Topiki da Aristoteles. — DeFIRS
topinambur-o: (bot.) Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus). — DF
topografi-o: topography. — DEFIRS
topologi-o*: (geom.) topology. — DEFIS
tor-o: (arch., geom.) tore, torus. — DEFIS
torak-o*: (anat.) thorax: the chest; -ala: thoracic. — DEFIS
torch-o: torch, link. — EFIS
tord-ar: (tr.) to twist, wring, contort; (med.) to strain, sprain; (of wood) to warp; -(ad)o: twisting, wringing, torsion, sprain; -ita: twisted, wry, crooked; -ita gesto, posturo: contortion; -ar sua pedo: to sprain one’s foot, or, to twist one’s foot. — eFIS
toreador-o: toreador; bull-fighter. — DEFIRS
torefakt-ar: (tr.) to torrefy: to dry, parch, roast (by exposure to heat). Ex.: Torefaktar la kafeo-grani. — eFIS
torent-o: torrent: rushing stream (of water, words, people, etc.); -ala, atra: torrential; lakrim- -o: flood of tears. — EFIS
torf-o: turf; peat; -eyo: peat-bog. — DEFIRS
tori-o*: (chem.) thorium. — DEFIRS
torid-a: (geog.) torrid; (cf. tropik-ala, varm-ega). Ex.: Torida zono. — EFIS
torment-ar: (tr. also fig.) to torment: torture. — EFIS
tormentil-o*: (bot.) tormentil (Potentilla tormentilla).
torn-ar: (tr.) to turn (in a lathe); -ilo: lathe. — FIS
tornasol-a: (bot.) turnsole -papero: litmus paper. — EFS
toron-o: (nav.) strand (of a rope); (cf. brino). Def.: Una de la kordi, qui kuntordita kompozas plu grosa kordo; V-157. — FI
torped-o: (explosive) torpedo; (ich.) cramp-fish, electric ray, torpedo(-fish); -agar: to t. (ulo); -navo: t.-boat; — DEFIRS
torpor-ar: (intr.) to be benumbed, or in a state of torpor (as from cold); -o: torpidity, numbness; (fig.) dullness, inaction; (cf. letargio); -igar: to make (ulu) t. — EFIS
tors-o: torso: trunk, chest, bust (of a person or statue). — DEFIR
torsad-o: twisted fringe or cord; bullion (as of epaulets). — DF
tort-o: pie (English sense) (cf. tarto); -uyo: p. dish; kolombo- -o: pigeon p. Def.: Alta, cilindrata kukajo plenigita per diversa (karnatra) manjaji kun sauco; IV-642. — DFIRS
tortikol-o: (med.) torticollis: rheumatic pain causing wry-neck; (fig.) stiff-neck, crick in the neck. — DeFIS
tortug-o: tortoise, turtle (Chelonia); -skalio: — eFI
tost-ar: (intr.) to give a toast (ad ulu), to drink a friend’s health; -o: toast(ing): drinking (ad ulu) the health, the prosperity. — DEFR
tot-a: entire; whole (of one thing; cf. omna); -e: wholly, entirely; -o, -eso: totality, entirety, whole; -ajo: (objective) entity, entire thing; en-tote: on the whole, in the main; dum la tota nokto: during the whole night, throughout the night; me es tote vua: I am totally yours; tote sola: entirely alone; la toto esas plu granda kam una de la parti: the whole is larger than one of its parts; plura totaji tote distingata la una de la altra: several entire things quite distinct from one another; ne tote: not entirely (not quite); tote ne: not at all. — eFI
toxik-a: (med.) toxic, poisonous; -o: a poison (cf. veneno); -eso: poisonousness. — DEFIRS
toxikoligi-o: toxicology. — DEFIS
toxin-o*: toxin(e). — DEFIS
tra: (adv. tra-e): through, across (noting passage or motion in crossing); irar tra la urbo, tra la pordo: to go through the city, through the door. V. exp.: tra, trans, trans-versa: Trans-irante la urbo, ni tra-iris turbo di la habitanti ante ke ni povis tra-irar la urbo-pordo qua jacis quale barilo transversa a ni voyo. E.: Crossing (to the other side of )the city, we had to pass through a crowd of the inhabitants before we could get through the gate of the city which lay like a barrier across our path. — FS
trab-o: beam, girder; (-eto) joist, rafter; -izar: to line (ulo) with b.s; -apogar: to shore, to prop up; -aro: framework (of a building, ship). — ISL
tra-bor-ar: (tr.) to bore through (as with a gimlet).
trac-o: trace: mark left by foot of man or beast; track; footprint; (hunt.) trail; sequar (ulu) per la traci: to follow by the track; hike esas lua pedo-traci: here are his footprints. — EFI
tracion-o*: (R.R.) traction: locomotive power. — DEFIS
tradicion-ar: (tr.) to transmit, hand down (ulo) by tradition; -o: tradition; -ala, ata, -ita: traditional; -al-ismo: traditionalism; -al-isto: traditionalist; -ar ula fakti: to hand down certain facts. Ex.: Ci esas la fakti traditionat a ni. Legi tradicionita. Tradicionala expozado di la santa skriburo. — DEFIRS
traduk-ar: (tr.) to translate (ulo,; -o, -uro: (act, result) translation; -anto, -into, -ero, -isto: translator; -ebla: translatable; -endo: article, exercise to be translated; mis- -ar: to translate wrongly. Ex.: Tradukar artiklo de la Angla a la Franca. — FIS
tra-dukt-ar: (tr.) to lead across, through; (an animal, a person).
trafik-o: traffic: movement of persons, goods, etc. Def.: Movado o cirkulado en komunikilo (voyo, telegrafala lineo, e.c.); III-328. Ex.: La trafiko ye ca strad-angulo esas tre densa. — EFIS
tragakant-o: (bot.) tragacanth (Astragalus); (cf. adraganto). — DEFR
tragedi-o: (dramatic and fig.) tragedy; -ala, -atra: tragic; -isto: tragedian; tro tragedi-atre konsiderar ulo: to take a thing too seriously. Ex.: La tragedii da Cornielle. La milito esis tragedio. — DEFIRS
tragikomedi-o: tragi-comedy. — DEFIRS
trahiz-ar: (tr.) to betray, be false to; -o: betraying, treason; -anto, -into, -ero, -emo: betrayer, traitor; -ema: treacherous, perfidious; -ajo: act of treason; stato- -o: high treason; -e, -ante: treacherously. Ex.: Trahizar sua patrio, la fido di ulu. — eFS
train-o*: train (of army). — DEFIS
tra-ir-ar: (tr.) to go, travel through (cf. trans-irar). Ex.: Trairar torento, lando, urbo, pordo.
feature (of the face), lineament; trait, characteristic; el havas mikra traiti: she has small features; to esas la traito karakteriziva di ta epoko: that was a characteristic (trait) of that age. — EFI
trajektori-o: (ballistics) trajectory. — DEFIRS
tra-jet-ar: (tr.) to traject (light); to throw (ulo) through or across.
trak-ar: (tr.)(hunt.) to drive game, to beat up (a wood); (fig.) to ferret out, close in on; hem in; cut off on all sides; -o: hunting out; -anto, -ero: a game driver, a beater; -ar la furteri: to hunt out, or close in on the thieves. V. exp.: Trakar indikas specala modo di chaso: on ne nur cirkondas e forpulsas la vildo, ma on kontinue diminutas la cirklo en qua ol esas enklozita, tale ke ol ne povas eskapar. Ica vorto esas tre expresiva ed energioza en mataforal uzo; IV-512. — F
trake-o: (anat.) trachea, windpipe. — DEFIRS
trakeit-o*: (med.) trachitis. — DEFIRS
(surg.) tracheotomy. — DEFIRS
trakit-o: trachyte: a volcanic rock. — DEFIRS
trakt-ar: (tr.) to treat: behave to, or toward (ulu); deal with; handle, discourse on (a subject); (chem.) to subject (ulo) to the action of; (N.B. not medical; cf. kuracar); -(ad)o: treatment: manner of acting; handling. Ex.: Traktar ulu quale o kom amiko. Trakto di problemo. — eFIRS
traktat-o*: treatise; -o pri kemio: t. on chemistry.
traktor-o: tractor. — DEFIRS
traktric-o: (geom.) tractrix. — DEFIS
tram-o: tram-, street-car-rail; -voyo: tramway, street railway; -veturo: tramcar, street-car. — DEFIS
trampl-ar: (intr.) to stamp (the feet); (of horses) to paw (the ground). Def.: Frapar la sulo per la pedi, sen avancar; VI-115. Agitar la pedi pro nervozeso od altra sentimento: nepacienteso, iraco, e.c.; IV-587. — DE
trampolin-o: spring-, leaping-board. — DFIRS
tran-ar: (tr.) to draw, drag along, trail (ulo, dop su); su: to creep along, crawl; -ajo: anything which drags; trail, train (of a dress); -ata voco: (fig.) dragging voice. Ex.: Elua robo tranesas. Du kavali tranis la glit-veturo. Tranado di la pedi. La chasero tranis su alonge la sulo por proximigar su ad la vildo. — eF
(intr., hypnotic, epilep.) to be in a trance or in a hypnotic state; -eskar: to go into a t. Def.: Esar en stando nekoncianta dum epilepsio, hipnoto, e.c.— DEFIRS
transcendent; -ala: (philos.) transcendental; -eso: transcendency. Ant.: iman-anta. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to cut (completely) through, cut off, carve (meat); (cf. de-tranchar); -(ad)o: cut(ting); -iva, -ema: tranchant; cutting, decisive (tone); -ilo: a cutting instrument, as a knife, etc.; -il-vendisto: edged-tool seller; -ant-ajo: edge of a knife, etc.; -ar la pako: (at play) to cut the cards; -ar la ligno, la pano: to cut wood, bread. V. exp.: Tranchar esas tra-sekar, separar en du o plura peci. Sekar esas agar per kultelo o simila instrumento, plu o min profunde; esas granda difero inter: me sekis….e me tranchis mea lingro. Incizar esas facar mikra e nur surfacala seko (precipio kirurgiala). Skarifikar (teknikal vorto) esas incizar la pelo por l’apliko di ventuzi; II-646. — eFIS
(milit., tech.) trench; (drain-) ditch. — DEFR
(physical and mental) tranquil, quiet, still, not in motion; -eso: tranquility; -igar: to (make) still. Def.: Qua esas sen agitado. Ex.: Tranquila vicino, strado, infanto. Restez tranquila. V. exp. vid. kalma. — EFIS
(prep.) on the other side of, beyond, across, over (with or without motion); (cf. tra); -e: beyond; -a: which is on the other side; -ajo: object beyond or on other side; the hereafter; trans la rivero, la monto, la muro: on the other side of the river, the mountain, the wall; trans-oceana lando: land across the ocean; ni irez trans la rivero: let us go to the other side of the river. Ant.: cis. — L
(intr.) to come to terms, to compound, compromise (kun ulu, pri ulo); -o: compromise, adjustment; -ema: inclined to compromise. Def.: Konciliar deskonkordo per reciproka konceso. Ex.: Esas plu bona transaktar kam procesar. On devas ne transaktar kun sua honoro. — eFIS
(tr., nav.) to transship; -o, -ajo: (act, object) transshipment. Def.: (Trans-)portar personi od kozi de un navo (od, altra moyeni di transporto) ad altra. — FS
(arch.) transept. — DEFR
(tr.) to transfer (ulo ad ulu); (cf. transportar). Transfero di ula yuro ad altru. — DEFIS
(tr., esp. rel.) to transfigure (cf. transformar). — EFIS
(math.) transfinite.
(tr.) to transform (ulo ad ulo): to change the form of; -esar: to be transformed; -(ad)o, -eso: (act, state) transformation; -ismo: (biol.) transformism. — DEFIS
(elec.) transformer, converter. — DEFIRS
(intr.) to desert (to the enemy); -anto, -into: deserter, turncoat, transfuge.
(tr., intr.) to go across (to the other side), to traverse (cf. tra-irar); -ar rivero: to cross a river; streta voyo transiras la foresto: a narrow path lies across (or, crosses) the forest.
(intr.) to be or pass in transit; -o: transit(ion); -ala: transient: relating to transit (cf. provizora, tempala); -iva: (gram.) transitive. Ex.: Komercaji transitas de una urbo ad altra. La transito de monarkio a republiko. Transitala komercajo. Verbo transitiva. — DEFIRS
translac-ar: (tr., intr., mechan. and fig.) to move, shift (ulo) from one place to another; -o: translation: (mechan.) motion in which all points of the moving body have at any instant the same velocity and direction of motion. (Webster).
(tr., intr.) to move (from one house or apartment to another).
translucid-a: translucent: transmitting light imperfectly, semi-transparent. Ex.: Vitro despolisita esas translucida. Ant.: opaka. — DEFIS
trans-migr-ar: (intr.) to transmigrate: migrate from one country to another; (of souls) to undergo transmigration: the passing of a soul into another body.
transmis-ar: (tr.) to transmit. Ex.: la nervi transmisas la impresi. Transmisar impero. Transmiso di lua vertui a lua filii. — DEFIS
transmut-ar: (tr.) to transmute (ulo ad ulo). Ex.: L’alkemiisti probis transmutar matali ad oro. — EFIS
trans-ocean-a: transoceanic.
transpar-ar: (intr.) to shine (through), glimmer, be visible (tra, sub ulo); (cf. lumar); -anta: transparent; (cf. diafana). Ex.: Brilanta objekti transparas tra la vitro. Sun-radii transparas tra l’aquo. Roki sub l’aquo esas transparanta per la sun-radii (pro ke l’aquo esas diafana). — DeFIS
transparent-o: (picture) transparency. — DEFIRS
trans-pas-ar: (tr.) to go by or beyond (a place); to exceed (one’s strength, etc.).
transpir-ar: (intr.) to transude, transpire, ooze out, exhale; (cf. exudar, sudor-ifar); (fig. of news) to transpire: be divulged, become known, leak out. Ex.: La humori transpiras tra la pelo. Gasi transpiras de korpi mortinta. Pos la recevo di ta telegramo, nula informo nova transpiris.— DEFIS
trans-plantac-ar: (tr.) to transplant.
transport-ar: (tr.) to transport, convey; -navo: t. ship; -ar su: to betake oneself , to proceed, repair (to a place). Def.: Portar komercaji, e.c. de un loko ad altra. — DEFIRS
trans-poz-ar: (tr.) to put (ulo) in another place (further on), to displace; (mus.) to transpose.
trans-send-ar: (tr.) to send (ulo) across, to forward (cf. transmisar). Ex.: transsendar letro de Francia ad Usa.
trans-skrib-ar: (tr.) to rewrite (otherwise), to transcribe (as, from shorthand to longhand); (mus.) to write out; -o, -uro: (act, result) transcription.
transubstanci-ar*: (tr.) to transubstantiate; change into another substance; -o: transubstantiation (as, elements in the Eucharist). — DEFIS
trans-vars-ar: (tr.) to decant: pour from one vessel to another; to pour off: (surg.) to transfuse (blood). V. exp.: vid. rakar.
transvers-a: transverse; -al: athwart, running or lying across; -e: crosswise; -o: transversal (line, object), breadth; -a kuseno: bolster, long round pillow. Ex.: Transversa lineo, arterio, strado. — DEFIS
trans-viv-ar: (tr.) to survive, outlive (ulu, ulo).
trap-o: trap-door; (of gallows) drop; pitfall. — eFIS
trapez-o: (gymnastics) trapeze; (geom.) trapezium; -ala osto: trapezium; -ala muskulo: trapezius. — DEFIRS
trapezoedr-o*: trapezohedron. — DEFIS
trapezoid-o*: (geom., anat.) trapezoid. — DEFIS
tra-pik-ar: (tr.) to pierce, run through (as with a sword; cf. traborar). Ex.: La tunelo trapikas la monto. La pluvo ne povas trapikar la nepermeebla vesto.
tras-ar: (tr.) to trace, draw: mark out, delineate, chalk out; -o, -uro: (act, result) tracing; laying out (of grounds, etc.); outline, sketch.
trat-ar: (tr., com.) to draw (a bill of exchange) on; -o: draft, bill; -anto; drawer; -ato: drawee; alonjo- -o: allonge: rider to a bill of exchange; ni tratos vi per bilieto pos tri monati diskontenda da la diskontisti: we will draw on you a three months’ bill to be discounted by the bill-brokers. — DFIRS
(surg.) traumatism. — DEFIRS
traur-ar: (intr.) to be in mourning; -o: mourning (cf. chagreno); -ala vesto: m. dress; portar granda trauro: to be in full or deep m.; portar trauro pri ulu: to be (dressed) in m. for a person. — DR
trav-o: trave: a frame to confine an unruly horse or ox while shoeing. — EFIS
tra-vad-ar: (tr.) to ford, wade across.
trave-o: truss (of a bridge); (arch.) bay (of joists); (of a church) triforium. Def.: Intervalo di du trabi, fosti, koloni, pilasti. (N.B. ne esas sempre apertita quale pordo o fenestro); IV-644. — F
cross-bar, -piece, -beam, girder; (R.R.) sleeper; (fort.) traverse; -eto: bracket. V. exp.: Travers-eto esas stango horizontala, qua suportas tabuli di armoro, di biblioteko, e.c.; IV-644. — eFIS
travesti-ar: (tr.) to disguise (by assuming the dress of a person of another sex or condition in life); (fig. burleske) to travesty; -ita, -ito: disguised (person); (cf. maskar, deformar, pariodar). Travestiar viro quale muliero, ula soldati quale rurano. — DeFI
tra-vid-ar: (tr.) to see, look through at; -ebla: visible through (N.B. not transparent: diafana). Ex.: Me travidas la stoni di fundo, en l’aquo = me vidas la stoni di la fundo tra l’aquo.
(tr.) to live through (a period, events); to live to see (something happen).
(adv.) very; tre multa: very many, very much; tre granda: very great or large; tre forta: very strong. Ex.: Ca lando esas tre agreabla. To eventas tre rare. — F
tref-o: (at cards) club(s). — DFR
trek-o: trail: footpath, unfinished road; (of race-course) track; -o-jiro: winding of a trail.
trelich-o: coarse sacking, sackcloth; denim, dungaree cloth. Def.: Speco de grosa tolo, qua uzesas nur por facar saki, ma anke (laborala) vesti; IV-644. — DFI
trelis-o: trellis-, lattice-work (of wood or metal) plaited wire-work; -igar, -izar: to trellis, to lattice. — EF
trem-(ad)ar: (intr.) to tremble, shake, shiver, quake (de, pro); (of wings) to flutter; (cf. fremisar, trepidar); -et-ar: to quiver, shiver; (of music) to quaver; (of light) to flicker; -(ad)o: trembling, trepidation, tremor; -igar: to cause (ulu, ulo) to tremble; ter- -o: earth tremor (cf. ter-ocilo, sismo). Ex.: La tero trem(ad)is dufoye. Me trem(et)adis pro koldeso. Tremado di la manui, di la nervi. — EFI
trema-o: diæresis. — DFS
tremol-o: (mus.) tremolo. — DEFIRS
tremp-ar: (tr.) to soak, steep, drench, wet (thoroughly) (ulo en ulo). Ex.: Trempar la pano en la vino. Trempar la linjaro. Trempado di la sulo per la pluvo. — F
tremul-o: (bot.) aspen-tree, trembling poplar (Populus tremula). — FL
treno: (R.R.) train. — EFIS
trepan-o: (surg., instr.) trepan; (gen.) any boring instrument; –agar: to trepan; to bore; ligno- -o: auger; sul- -o: soil-borer. Def.: Omna instrumenti por borar o perforar (partkulare kirurgiala); III-165. — DEFIRS
trepid-ar: (intr.) to shake, quiver, tremble; (cf. tremar). Ex.: La trepidado di korpo-membri, di la nervi. Vapornavo trepidadas pro la movado di sua mashinaro e la ondi. — eFIRS
tres-o: tress, braid, twist; -igar: to braid, plait (cf. plektar); har-treso: tress of hair. — DEFIRS
tresay-ar: (intr.) to give a start, be startled, (feel a) thrill (de, pro); -o: thrill, tremor, start; -ar pro joyo: to feel a thrill of joy. Ex.: La tondro-stroko donis tresayo a me. — FI
trest-o: trestle, wooden horse: a horizontal piece with four legs serving as a support; easel; ponto- -o: trestlework bridge. — eF
trezor-o: treasure; -eyo: treasury: place where t. is found; (R.C. rel.) place for relics and ornaments: (cf. kas-erio); -ifar (intr.), -igar (tr.) to treasure up, hoard up. Ex.: La trezori di la tero. Ca infanto esas trezoro. — DEFIS
tri: three (for derivatives cf. du); -o: any three things or persons united; trio, triade, triplet, trey; -a-dek: thirty; tri-edro: (tri-edra-angulo): (geom.) trihedral; -yara: triennial; -esma lasta: antepenultimate; -uno, uneso: trinity; -opla krono: triple crown; -seko: trisection; tri-angul-o: (geom., mus.) triangle; tri-angul-iz-o, -uro: triangulation. — DEFIRS
trias-o*: (geol.) Trias, Triassic period.
tribon-o: tribune: a Roman magistrate. Ex.: La tribono acensis sur la tribuno. — DEFIRS
tribu-o: tribe.— DEFIS
tribul-ar: (tr.) to cause tribulation to, to distress, afflict. Ta tempo tribulas nia psiki. La tribuli di autoro. — DEFIS
tribun-o: (rostrum); grandstand (at races, etc.); orgeno- -o: organ loft. — DeFIRS
tribunal-o: tribunal, court (of justice), bench, judgement seat; -o kriminala: criminal court, assize court. — DEFIRS
tribut-ar: (intr.) to pay tribute (ad ulu); -o: t.; -anta (ad), -anto, -ero: tributary. Ex.: Tributar a Caesar. Ta lando esas tributanta ad Anglia. — DEFIS
triceps-o*: (anat.) triceps. — DEFS
tricikl-o: tricycle. — EFIS
tri-dent-o: trident: a three-pronged fork.
«triduum»: (R.C. rel.) prayers continuing for three days.
trifoli-o: (bot.) trefoil, clover, shamrock. — DEFIS
triftong-o: (gram.) triphthong. Def.: Grupo di tri vokali formacanta un silabo; V-486. — DEIRS
triglif-o: (arch.) triglyph. — DEFIRS
trigonometri-o: trigonometry. — DEFIRS
trigram-o: trigram, trigraph. Def.: Grupo di tri literi reprezentanta un sono; V-487.
trikin-o: trichina, thread-worm (Trichinella spiralis). — DEFIRS
trikinos-o: (med.) thrichinosis. — DEFIRS
triklin-a: (cryst.) triclinic. — DEFIS
trikogin-o*: (bot.) trichogyne. — DEFIS
tri-kolor-a: tricolo(u)red.
tri-korn-a: three-horned; three-cornered; -a chapelo: (od, trikorno); three-cornered hat, shovel-hat.
trikot-ar: (tr.) to knit (a fabric) (cf. krochar); -ilo: knitting needle or machine. — F
triktrak-o: tricktrac: a kind of backgammon, — DEFI
tril-ar: (tr., mus.) to trill. — DEFIS
tri-later-a, -o: trilateral.
trilem-o*: (log.) trilemma. — DEFIS
trilion-o: trillion (1,000,000³). — DEFIRS
trilobit-o*: (biol.) trilobite. — DEFIS
tri-lingu-a: trilingual.
trilogi-o: trilogy. — DEFIRS
tri-mast-o (od tri-masta navo): (nav.) a three-master (ship).
tri-mestr-o: trimester: three months’ period; (cf. semestro). — DEFIRS
tri-nomi-o*: (math.) trinomial. — DEFIRS
triolet-o: (poet.) triolet; (mus.) triplet.
trip-o, -i: tripe(s); -vend-eyo: tripeshop; -sociso: chitterling (of pigs); -kordo: catgut. — EFIRS
tri-ped-o: tripod, trivet.
triplik-o*: (jur.) sub-rejoinder.
triplikat-o: triplicate: a third copy. — DEFIS
tripoli-o: tripoli, rotten-stone (for polishing metals). — DEFIS
(paint.) triptych. — DEFIS
trirem-o: (antiq.) trireme. — DEFIRS
tri-silab-a: trisyllabic; -o: trisyllable.
trism-o*: (med.) trismus: lockjaw; (cf. tetanar).
trist-a: (of persons or things) sad, sorrowful, mournful, cheerless, dispirited, doleful, gloomy; -ega: lugubrious; -eso: sadness, dreariness; -igar: to sadden, throw gloom over. Ex.: Trista informo, vizajo, adio. La morto di mia amiko tristigas me. Ant.: Gaya, joy-oza, kontenta. — FIS
triton-o: (myth.) Triton; (mollusc) triton. — DEFIRS
tritur-ar: (tr.) to triturate (cf. pistar). — EFIS
triumf-ar: (intr.) to triumph, be triumphant (pri); -e: in t.; -ala procesiono: triumphant procession; persono -anta: triumphant person; -arko: arch of t.; -ar pri sua enemiki: to t. over one’s enemies. — DEFIRS
triumvir-o: triumvir; -aro, -eso: (collect., office) triumvirate. — DEFIRS
tri-un-o, -eso: (also theol.) trinity.
trivial-a: trivial, trite, commonplace, stale; -eso: triteness; -ajo: triviality, banality; -a verajo: truism; -igar: to make banal. Ex.: Trivial expresuro, stilo. — DEFIRS
tro(e): (adv.) too, too much (Note: Tro may be used by itself before verbs, adjectives and adverbs, but with substantives, multa etc. is added: el tro amas il; tro multa homi); -multa, granda, plena, frua: too many, great, full, early; il drinkas troe: he drinks too much; lu tro (multa) mentias: he lies too much; -a: too, over-great, excessive; troa bruiso, od, tro granda bruiso: too much noise; un glaso troa (od, tro multe): one glass too much. — FI
trofe-o: trophy. — DEFIRS
trough (as for animals); hod, tray (as for carrying mortar); (cf. vazo), -o-roto: bucket (of a water-wheel); -edo: hodful, troughful. — De
troglodit-o: (man or animal) troglodyte: cave dweller. — DEFIS
«troika»: (Russian) troika.
trokanter-o*: (anat., zool., ent.) trochanter. — EF
trokar-o: (surg.) trocar. — DEFIS
troke-o: (poet.) trochee. — DEFIR
trokoid-o*: (math.) trochoid. — DEFIS
trole-o: trolley; -roto: t. wheel; -veturo: t. car. — DEFS
tromb-o: (phys.) water-spout. — DFIS
trombon-o: (mus.) trombone. — DEFIRS
tromp-ar: (tr.) to deceive, impose upon, delude (denotes intention; cf. eror-igar, deceptar, dup-igar); -(ad)o: deception, imposition, cheating; -uro: imposture; -anta, -iva, ema: deceitful; -iva: fallacious. Ex.: Trompar la fido di ulu per ulo. — F
tron-o: throne; -sidar: to sit enthroned; (fig.) to lord it over; diskurso de la -o: speech from the t.; en-tron-igar: to enthrone. — DEFIRS
trop-o: (rhet.) trope: word(s) used figuratively. — DEFIRS
tropik-o: tropics, torrid-zone. — DEFIRS
tropism-o*: (biol.) tropism. — DEFIS
(intr.) to trot (along); -et-ar: to go at a jog-trot; (of children) to toddle; -eskar: to fall into a trot; -igar: to cause to trot, to trot (a horse). — DEFIS
sidewalk, pavement: footway of stone, asphalt, etc. — DFR
(tr., intr.) to use to excess, abuse.
(tr.) to find, discover, come across; -ajo: thing found; (treasure-) trove; (fig.) godsend, windfall. Ex.: Trovar trezoro, kulpo, voyo, amiko. — FI
hole, gap (cf. apert-uro, kavo, brecho); -ifar: to produce holes; -oza: full of holes; -izar: to cover (ulo) with holes; -iz-ita: bored with holes; mus- -o: mousehole; hom- -o: manhole; -ifilo, -izilo: punch, hole-punching press; -seg-ilo: (key-)hole saw. — F
troubadour. V. exp.: Trubaduri apartenas a Suda Francia, e truvero a Norda Francia (e vicina landi); IV-645. — DEFIRS
(tr.) to trouble, disturb, muddle: throw into disorder; (of liquids) to make turbid or muddy; (cf. konfuz-igar, perturbar); -ar l’aquo: to disturb or muddy the water; -ar la vino: to make the wine turbid; -ar la digestado: to disorder or disturb the digestion; -ar la raciono (di ulu): to disorder or disturb the reason; mento trublita: disordered, disturbed mind. — EF
(bot.) truffle (genus: Tuber); -izar: to stuff, or cover with t.s. — DEFRS
truism. Def.: Verajo evidenta, triviala, di aqua l’enunco esas neutila, do ridinda; V-487. — EFR
(R.R.) flat-car (cf. var-vagono). Def.: Fervoyala, platformatra var-vagono neklozita. — DeF
trowel. — eFS
trump (at cards); ludar- -o: to play, or lead with a t. — DE
trumpet: large, keyless bugle (cf. klariono); -agar, plear: to play the t.; (fig.) to t. forth, spread abroad; son-igar la -o: to sound the t. — DEFIS
(also geom.) trunk of a tree; -igar: (geom.) to truncate; -a kono: truncate a cone. — EFIS
(tech.) shell ring (of a boiler).
troop, band: company of persons having same occupation; (theat.) company, troop; (of animals) band, herd, flock; -acho: gang; -ala, -atra, -ema: gregarious; navo- -o: ship’s crew; trupo-navo: t. ship; kavalrio- -o: cavalry t.; muton- -o: flock of sheep; trupe marchar: to walk in a group. — DEF
(tr.) to tuck up, put a tuck in; turn up, pin up, tie up. V. exp.: Trusar esas nek levar, nek faldar: on trusas robo, mantelo, maniki, pantalono, bordi di chapelo, mustacho; mem figurale nazo esas trusita; III-471. — F
(com.) trust. — DEFIS
(icth.) trout. — EFIS
trouvère, trouveur. V. exp.: vid. trubaduro. — DeFIS
(acc.: tun; pl.: tui ) thou: familiar form of 2nd person singular: you; used in speaking to a child or an intimate friend; -a: your; thy, thine; tu-ajo e me-ajo: thine and mine; tu-dicar: to say thee and thou (ad ulu). Ex.: Tu ne sat respektas tua olda patrulo. — DEFIRS
(intr.) to make one’s toilet: wash and dress; careful adjustment of dress, etc.; -o: toilet; -eyo: dressing room; -tablo: dressing table; -tuko: towel. — DEFIRS
tube, pipe (of lead, iron, etc.); -izar, -agar: to tube, pipe: put tubes in (ulo); -ala, -atra, -oza: tubular; vitra –o: glass t.; kamen- -o: chimney-flue, shaft. — DEFIS
(anat., bot.) tuberosity; node; (of wood) knot; -oza: tuberous, nodose; knotty, gnarled; (cf. tuberkulo). — EFIS
tuberklos-o: (med.) tuberculosis, consumption; -ala, -oza: tubercular, tuberculous: relating to the disease; -ika, -ik(ul)o: tubercular person). — DEFIRS
tuberkul-o: (bot.) tubercle; (physiol.) a small tumor (tumour), or tumorlike elevation; (cf. tubero). — DEFIRS
tuberos-o: (bot.) tuberose (Polyanthes tuberosa). — DEFIRS
tubul-o: (chem.) tubule (as of a retort). — DEFS
tuert-a, -(ul)o: one-eyed (person): blind in one eye. — S
tuf-o: tuft, bunch, cluster, clump, wisp (of straw: assemblage of things of the same nature: threads, feathers, hair, etc. (cf. penacho); har- -o: tuft of hair; arbor- -o: clump of trees; herbo- -o: bunch of herbs; tuf-nodo: knot (of ribbons), favor (favour); pudro- -o: powder-puff; -izar, -ifar: to form into t.s. — eF
tuk-o: (a piece of) cloth; (cf. drapo, stofo); naz- -o: handkerchief: vish- -o: (dish-) wiper, duster (of cloth). — D
tukan-o: (orni.) toucan (genus: Rhamphastus). — DEFIS
tul-o: (fabric) tulle. — DEFIRS
tulip-o: (plant, flower) tulip; -arboro: t. tree, whitewood, white poplar: liriodendron (Liriodendron Tulipifera). — DEFIRS
tumefakt-ar: (tr., med.) to tumefy, cause to swell; -o, -uro: tumefaction. — EFIS
tumor-o: tumor (tumour): morbid swelling. — DEFIS
tumul-o: (antiq.) tumulus, barrow, cairn, burial mound. — EFIS
tumult-ar: (intr.) to raise a tumult, disturbance, uproar, hubbub, to (cause a) row, a riot; -o: tumult, riot; -eto: row, squabble, brawl; bustle; -e: disorderly and noisy, tumultuously; -ala, -oza, -ema, -atra: tumultuous, turbulent, riotous. — DEFIS
tun-o: ton: 1000kg.; about 2205 lbs, avd.; -aro, -konteno: (nav.) tonnage. — DEFIRS
«tundra»: (Russian) tundra.
tunel-o: tunnel; (city R.R.) tube, subeway. — DEFIRS
tunik-o: (coat of soldiers, pupils) tunic, an antique undergarment; (anat.) coat, film, tunic (of the eye); wall (of the stomach); (bot.) coat, integument; -iero: (zool.) tunicate. — DEFIRS
tupi-o: (spinning-, peg-) top; ludar per -i: to spin tops. — F
tur-o: tour; -isto: tourist; mondo- -o: world tour; inspekto- -o: tour, round of inspection. Ex.: Facar turo di la mondo, di urbo, di lando, di domeno. — DEFR
turb-o: (of persons) crowd, throng, multitude; -acho: mob; -e: in crowds. — FIS
turban-o: turban. — DEFIRS
turbin-o: (mechan.) turbine; -navo: t. ship; vapor- -o: steam t. — DEFIRS
turbot-o: (ich.) turbot (Rhombus maximus). — DEFR
«turco»: turco: Algerian soldier.
turd-o: (orni.) thrush (genus: Turdus).
turgec-ar: (intr., med.) to be turgescent. — DEFIS
turkez-o: (min.) turquoise; -blua: t. blue. — DEFIS
turm-o: tower; (at chess) castle; (nav.) turret; Babel- -o: tower of Babel; -o-navo: turret-ship. — D
turmalin-o: (min.) t(o)urmaline. — DEFIRS
turn-ar: (tr., intr.) to turn (from right to left), turn around, to (cause to) move circularly), twist, whirl, wheel around; (cf. jirar, rotacar, renversar, volvar, tornar); -o: turn; -ar la kapo, la klefo: to turn the head, the key; roto- -o: a turn of a wheel; klef-klozar du-turne (od, per di turni) la pordo: to double lock the door; mi-turno: half turn; ri-turn-o: turn about, face about, change of side; turn-anta dervisho: whirling dervish; turno-plako, -tablo: turntable; turn-orgeno: hand-organ; turno-hoko: swivel; turno-kesto: revolving box (as for foundlings in a convent); turno-pordo, -bar-ilo: turnstile; turno-kruco, -bar-ilo: tourniquet; turno-morbo: (vet.) staggers; skrub-turn-ilo: turn-screw; screwdriver; turno-kont-ilo: revolution counter (on an engine). V. exp.: vid. jirar. — EFS
turnir-ar: (intr.) to hold a tournament, to joust, to take part in a tourney. — DeFIRS
turt-o: oil-cake (for feed of beasts); lin- -o: linseed. — F
turtur-o: (orni.) turtle-dove (genus: Turtur). — DFIS
tus-ar: (intr.) to cough; -etar: to cough: clear one’s throat, to hem; -aceso: fit of coughing. — FIS
tush-ar: (tr., intr.) to touch, be in contact with.. (N.B. not concern); to put one’s hand, foot, etc. (on); (cf. palpar, kontaktar, kontigua); -o-senso: sense of touch; -ala, iva: tactile; -ebla: tangible (cf. palp-ebla). Ex.: Tushar ulo per la fingri. Lua pedi tushis la sulo. Regardez ol, ma ne tushez. — eFIS
tusilaj-o: (bot.) coltsfoot (genus: Tusilago). — FSL
tutel-ar: (tr.) to be guardian of (ulu) -esar da ulu: to be under the guardianship of someone; -igar, ulu: to place someone under the guardianship (of another person); -(ad)o, -eso: (act, state) guardianship, tutelage; -anto, -ero: guradian; -anta: tutelary, protecting, guardian; -ato: ward. — eFIS
tuv-ar: (tr., nav.) to warp: move a ship or boat by a rope or cable attached to some fixed object; -o-kablo: stream-line, warping-hawser. V. exp.: Tuvar ne esas sinonima di remorkar. Navo tuvas (su ed altri) per kateno fixa en rivero o kanalo; IV-645. — F
tuy-o: (bot.) thuja (-tree), arbor vitæ (genus: Thuja). — DeFIS
tuyer-o*: tuyere: a nozzle through which the air blast is delivered to a forge, blast furnace, etc. — F